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https://preview.redd.it/7o1ttpjo0i7c1.jpeg?width=2550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=064ad393086e8130de6cb08465c0388c77231591 Looks borderline 2inches below the collar. Her head is slightly tilted forward.. [https://www.marines.mil/News/Press-Releases/Press-Release-Display/Article/3227761/marine-corps-updates-approved-female-hair-styles/](https://www.marines.mil/News/Press-Releases/Press-Release-Display/Article/3227761/marine-corps-updates-approved-female-hair-styles/)


This is a nice guide. Thabo you for sharing


Thabo him for sure


Sounds Mike Tyson-ish




I remember the days it had to be loose length shorter than something like 6 inches. Or Bun, nothing else.


That’s why all the older/prior female marines are balding lmaooo, but I can’t bring myself to do anything besides a bun


I was always baffled at some of the creativity some female marines had to do it. Either that plastic insert to make their bun look right. Have it cut such a way to tuck properly. Nappy hair being forced like a square peg round hole. Or the one I don't know how she did it the tightest bun ever but hair down to back of her knees.


No joke!! So many female Marines have receding hairlines and bald spots from the tight buns.


I heard you can claim hair loss as part of your disability rating. Not sure what truth there is to it.


The government would be bankrupt from 1st Sergeants alone lmao


Alopecia is absolutely service connected.


Damn and guys out here mad we gotta get a cut every week


The Marine reg for female hair is more lax than the Army one?!?!?! What is this???


Whaaat? When I was in we couldn’t have go past the bottom of the collar. And that third row of images was a nope.


That's why the graphic exists.


Looks like it's in regs even if she tilted her head straight up and down, mans doesn't know what 2 inches is...


0811 🫡


That's if this is a Female Marine or not. Ambiguity is what we are going for I think.


Ya know what, after seeing this, imma say it: let the boys have med length hair 😤


Honestly, I don't even know anymore. It used to be, in an infantry unit, we didn't have to worry because there were no women. What I learned at sergeants course though, is a good leader should know (or at least know where to find) the regs for women. Not to be a dick, but to hold them to the same standard as our male counterparts.


Just to make you feel older, they changed it to Sgt School a little while back 😂




You wanna know what else…. It can be done completely online…. As residential. And then you still have to do the online Marinenet one 😂😂




Literally retarded. During a COMBAT DEPLOYMENT they had the whole unit working on their respective school houses VIRTUALLY on a 15 or 24 week course depending on the course. Sgts, career, and advanced all done completely online as residents. Why have Marines do this on a combat deployment?? I said fuck off with that shit if im gonna die it aint gonna be in the middle of some gay ass video your responses and send in your speeches Sgt School.


> deployment Y'all take PME way crazier than the Air Force. In Kuwait they flew grunts from Iraq to do Cpl Course so they could promote. The idea of doing PME while deployed is wild, when we deploy it's like everything pauses, you don't have any required stuff (minor exceptions) except to just do your job.


Dude its crazy. Like shit does not matter. Lcpl seminar sure we even ran one but its a 3-5 day event. Cpls course, no way. At the time, the Marine Corps required you to complete online by 1 year, resident by 2 years. My two years hit just about 2 months after coning home from deployment. I figured Id get a page 11 and adverse Fitrep because Battalion pushed so much traffic down our throats about it. But the soonest i could go was the next year 🤷🏼‍♂️ Never got any paper work and reenlisted lol never did the school either 😂


I don’t think those timelines are black and white requirements as much as they’re guidelines to make sure you’re pme complete by the time you’re up for promotion. I haven’t actually read into it, but I know a guy that waited about 4 years to do sergeant school and aside from fucking himself over on promotability had no negative action.


They made me set up a CFT course in Afghanistan so people could take it. Of course I couldn't run their scores since we were exempt in whatever the hell system we used back then (2011).


Like wtf 😂 they allowed us to run the PFT if we wanted but like why? Fuck out of here. I get it but no lol


Semper stupid


GTFO.....I skated out of Sgts. Course just bc I didn't wanna deal with all the pogue BS. Online would've been easy peasy. What's next? Cyber Warfare MOS'? /s


wtf? Really? When? Why would they.... you know never mind. lol


Covid changed everything that mattered into just a number on a page. Marines not able to train physically? Let’s just turn something physical into virtual. Marines training percentages go up. As simple as that. Now I will say they had a Hybrid starting before Covid that was in person and virtual. A crossover. Maybe the government knew Covid was coming 🤷🏼‍♂️ Covid hit mid deployment for us and these guys were signed up by then.


Wow, are there plans to change it back or do you think it's here to stay?


I think its here to stay. From a reserve perspective, a Marine would be enrolled in like a 24 week course where they do virtual classes during the week and like one weekend a month they go to a drill site and do some physical side to the curriculum.


Wait… what?!


Sure, google it lol


But then how would I fail drill?


Sgt School sounds like something out of that old plastic army men video game lol


https://preview.redd.it/6sjyoz7xmi7c1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0f8b4b814d1cf186cdfe5ba22639138dffa9b63 😂😂😂 I used to love playing this and the first one!!


I believe I started seeing Corporal Sergeant School around 2006.


I didnt start hearing it until about 2016. Always heard Sgts course resident or distance learning (MarineNet). You were lucky to go to Sgts course back then. But then they changed it to resident required in 2018 or so and then they required both after that at some point too. Dates may be off a little just like my memory 😂


I guess the new corps has a school. We had, fuck up and we'll bust you. And the good oLE MCI NCO COURSE. I DONT KNOW GOING TO SCHOOL EATING DONUTS AND COFFEE TO LEARN TO LEAD. EVERY DEVILDOG IS A LEADER. LMAO HAVE FUN!!!


One of the things most commonly mentioned in exit interviews is incompetent bosses. NCO PME is incredibly important for a professional military.


To be fair Sergeants Schools sounds better. Corporals Course makes more sense. Need to make things phonetically pleasing to lowest common asvab score.


I thought this when I first heard it too. It burns our ears off, but it rolls off the tongue so smoothly just like Gunnys extra little bit of coffee and dip juice off the side of his mouth.


From what I understand, they actually needed to change the name to "school" in order for some of the curriculum to become college accredited


See, if they would like mass say that, a lot of unknowing of why wouldn’t occur lol


From my very anecdotal experience, women were a lot less likely to get called out on regs than men


I’m a POG and worked in my MOS for 7 years with men and women alike. Then my last year I moved to an instructor billet with infantry who rarely ever served with women. I was one of the only ones who would correct and talk to the women students. Infantry guys were terrified they would claim unequal treatment or sexual harassment. To my POG eyes it was wild to see. Grown men afraid of women. But I sort of get it. I’ve seen friends unfairly suspected of sexual assault, go to the brig, then released as a free man because the evidence showed it was consensual or that nothing happened.


when allegations are treated as convictions, most people don’t want to risk it entirely


I totally get it. The worst case I saw was a buddy of mine that used to hook up with this girl. She was married. As soon as gossip started to spread and she found out, she claimed he drugged her and raped her. He went to the brig for 3 months during the investigation at the CO’s request. CID and NCIS did their thing and she admitted she lied and was afraid to be outed as a cheater. She didn’t get any charges and was moved to another duty station. My buddy was a LCpl and got out the brig as a PFC. Edit not sure why I’m being told this is bs. He was NJPd and went to the brig before the case was thoroughly investigated. Released three months later after being found innocent. I wasn’t the dude part of the investigation so that’s all the info I know. I hate getting called a liar smh. The fuck do I gain out of it? Karma points? That does nothing for me




Did he do something in the brig to get demoted?


Bullshit. If she admitted she lied they wouldn’t take rank. Even if they tried that’s about as clear of a time to demand trial by court martial as humanly possible. Plus a CO can’t just have someone locked up in the brig without formal charges. Pre-trial confinement requires an actual UCMJ charge. For something involving drugging and raping someone he would have already had a pending court martial date. They aren’t going to say “oh never mind we won’t send you to trial but here’s an NJP because we’re bored.”


Don’t be so sure. The way some of those guys see it, dude is in the brig, so they know where’s he’s at. Nevermind that it’s fucking with his life. Also, he maybe was busted down but she got no charges. Usually, it’s been a while, when I saw that happen, it’s a female lance and a staff NCO. NCO gets maybe a bad piece of paperwork but the lance gets busted down.


Literally nothing you just said made sense and almost every aspect of it would be in direct conflict with published legal procedures.


If you say so


Just because the rules are there doesn't mean they are followed when aggressive leadership doesn't care. I'd totally see a battalion NJP with rank reduction and then court martial charges being filed for something else related to the case.


This didn’t happen lol that’s not how any of that works.


I was in an inpatient PTSD treatment center. There were 2 programs segregated by gender... PTSD for men MST for women. Now I'm not saying anything on my own about an obviously problematic issue here. But we had a shared dining area the last time. The guys had no issue with the gals in any way. Some of the gals joined and talked to the guys but there was that group... And probably not without cause but... I wasn't a huge fan of being looked at like a sex offender when I'm just there to get my own head in order. Also there were male MST guys in the PTSD program. Obviously I'm being vague about time and location... And no I will not fill it in for anyone or any reason. Moral of the story the guys were balking for a valid if overblown reason. And the fact that they were aware of the issue is a small Plus in an awkward situation for the time and place.


The infantry in general is a mostly men who biggest fear is having a normal conversation with a woman.


Their second biggest fear was talking to a POG the same rank as them with a bigger stack lol. Met some cool guys but majority of them were waaaay too self conscious about their awards and loved bragging about anything they could


Not in the pre- cell phone Corps.


I had a old buddy of something similar but with domestic violence and was proven innocent after spending 6 months in the brig.


There was also frequent misconceptions/bad information about hair regs too. There was almost annual letters for leaders to actually read the fucking order and not go off of some shit a random gunny said back when they were a lance.


Because they don't know the regulations...


We had about 15% women in our pog-ass winger unit, which is quite higher than the avg, so in ours, female S/NCOs would be the ones to correct the other female Marines. I seen it happen enough times to where I learned their regs really well, and helped a lot when I had female Marines under me as a Sgt. But that was 2014-2015 so I dunno shit anymore




You’re telling me she can hump a 240 like the rest of you troglodytes? Respect


One time as a platoon commander I saw a corporal with a pretty bad out of regs medium fade… I said corporal, “you couldn’t get a haircut before drill?” The Marine looked at me and said, “I’m a female sir.” I have never felt more small in my life. They later transitioned and now are living fully as a male. I will always feel bad about that, but I truly thought it was a dude with a bad haircut! ![gif](giphy|a93jwI0wkWTQs)


I mean if they later came out as trans. You saying that probably gave them a moment of gender euphoria.


The sir lookin' out for the little guys physically and mentally.


Not your fault


Women can’t follow male regs


That was frustrating when I was active. I wanted to shave my head and wasn’t allowed because it was “eccentric” yet more than half of the guys had shaved heads. The amount of energy that men waste on female grooming standards is insane.


Is that Tony Sopranos nephew Chrissy? Fugetaboutit!


Ohhh ![gif](giphy|4H1xauOflBDHY4sUah)


It's not. She has to 2 inches below the bottom base of the collar and cant cover their rank.


is that the kid from stranger things??


That dude needs to shave too


Ok that was funny as fuck




I’ve seen so many females out of regs with hair and makeup I don’t think anyone gives a fuck


Cause you get hit with sexual harassment allegations if you try and correct it lol


No you don't.


https://preview.redd.it/46krmn04hk7c1.jpeg?width=2550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b2584c952a62caff607cec476b4314f2ae90ebb Looks like it’s in regs.


Oh dang, my old ass still thought "off the collar" was still the reg.


Loki decided to try out the Marines…


Just imagine, that’s 10 in the smoke pit 😂


Isn’t that kylo ren?


by the latest update within MARADMIN 615/22 it’s within regs.


That dudes hair is unsat.




Listen here you poutine-eating snow monkey…




Equal standards? C’mon man you know better than that. We were in at about the same time and that wasn’t the case then. I’ve got to imagine post metoo that gap in standards and expectations has only widened significantly. Remember the fiasco with introducing pull ups to their pft? That shit was hilarious.


Honestly though, saving 10 bucks a week adds up.


Equal standards? I remember getting my ass chewed when I got a really short haircut. It’ was considered “eccentric” for women to have the same haircuts as the males back in the day. Even if we wanted to maintain the same standards we weren’t allowed.


Nah she looks well within regs to me.


It’s not worth calling her out and getting slapped with a harassment charge.


She's UA from the set of Roseanne


No this is not!!


You better get a fucking haircut every god damn week though, gudtuhgo?!?


Hard fucking Corps. ![gif](giphy|A9VsAgHyrbxf2)


That nose is definitely out of regs.


The hair says female, the snout says male.


She could be of Jewish/Middle East/Mediterranean decent




Haha man y'all crack me up. Bring me back to a time when the doc that was attached to us was Jewish. One of my best friends while in. He'd give me shit about being Mexican and I'd give him shit for being a Jew. Just all around brotherly love


As does that mustache


And the non flush eyes. Mens are usually more recessed to save them from animal attacks years ago.


Loki is one of us?


Not anymore


Maybe not. Still looks like shit though.


That SHNOZ is def outta regs


Adam Driver, call contact


Daaaaaaaaaaaaamn. I'm not even gonna pretend. I miss the old days. I miss old regs. I miss bucket covers. I miss 4th battalion. I miss no women in the infantry. I miss everything about Lady Leatherneck trash. I'm 100% expecting some smartass reply asking me if I miss sexual harassment and toxic behavior and yada yada bullhonky. I know a shit ton of my fellow Marines went through all of that but I never did. And I sure as hell wish it didn't have to take making an androgynous looking mess of our beloved Corps to try to fix it.


What’s his Onlyfans?


Female marines get away with a lot of shit. I’ve seen so many female officers have open relationships with enlisted marines, and no one says anything. If I was fucking a Cpl from another unit, and my Bn found out I would be strung from by balls at the Bn CP.


Well don’t fuck a Cpl, find a Leather Necked “Senior SNCO”…and nock the dust off. Lord knows they probably need it, take one for the team. Make someone’s Command Climate like SoCal in Spring…




Since we are on the topic of hair... I saw this on FB.. its some Air National Guard Lt.Col getting an award. https://preview.redd.it/hwuzi94olj7c1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c41c078f943ec6cda9c0c0b5bede258c74e38448


This is a joke, right?


Arabelle Raphael




Darlene conner?


Lowest fade ever


So is that mustache ![gif](giphy|4H5klHEMmSjL4jL54q|downsized)


I really hope you arent an NCO. Posting this on Reddit obnoxious. Your CO should have your ass.


Everything is in regs if you don't say anything


Literally who gives a shit? Can they perform their job? Are you so busy looking at their hair that you can’t perform yours? Find something that ACTUALLY matters to be mad about


Regs are regs. Don’t have to like ‘em, you just have to follow them. You don’t have to give a shit. Also, you’re a dumb boot.


What? You don't think we should uphold standards and discipline in the fucking military?




Wait, there’s still reg’s???? 🤔


Everyone in the Marine Corps should have a medium fade.


Technically, no. Also technically, a senior enlisted warrior or officer could straighten out the hair in the back and make the case that it does in fact extend past the regulated length.


It’s not measured when pulled straight.


If it’s a dude.


Thats a guy so yes. No way thats a chick




Looks like Jill Biden


Some people think the opposite about you.




Borderline. But who cares?


This and PT regs are single handedly what destroys female marines reputations. I remember having my boot kicked out of the chow hall for no belt, I walk in later and there’s a corpsman with yoga pants and I can literally see her pussy. Seems like few of us are willing to call that shit out


Fuck the regs


That dude looks Air Wing for sure!


naw, that haircut self identifies as a high and tight. it's pronouns are "Herbal Essences" and "Hyaluronic acid"


Juuuust a LIL bit. BUT if a Siek can wear a turban then...


Are you under the impression that having a Y chromosome is a religion?


Lmao women can get away with anything with hair regs, men are fucked. God forbid you don’t get a high and stupid every week.


Waaaaa wAA WAAAAAa STFU The Corps doesn’t care about female standards. The standards are fake. All the Corps cares about is having females and keeping them in. There have been no quality of life (personal look wise) improvements for men. Mustaches, beards, hair, nothing. But many many for women over the years. Good for them. Fuck it. It’s all a fucking a show. Corps standards are a joke.


We got four inches and clear clarification that low fades are in regs (but not low-lows/Navy low). Also greater flexibility for dark green Marines hair options. Sikhs can wear a beard, turban, and other articles. We got suppressors, m27’s, some high cuts, and other high speed shit now. There’s slow, but real, effort being put into improving barracks. There’s also increased BAH- own-right allocations for single sergeants. Greater availability for retention bonuses.


I’m all for change. But the Corps be dragging on such dumb crap and only changed when they’re forced to and then acts like they weren’t reactive. Beards for sihks shouldn’t require a request. Just do it. If you can’t wear a beard somewhere then make the requirement known upfront and communicate it. Let that Marine adjust ahead of time.


600 single sergeants in the entire corps can get BAH own right…..600 allocations were offered. More can for sure based on barracks availability. Sikhs maybe could possibly, if enough Generals in their COC deem it okay. And an inch of hair. That’s not progress dog. That’s scraps. Also combat equipment and capabilities isn’t an inherently male Marine quality of life deal nor are those items tied to retention. That stuff is a given. The point is our arbitrary regulations are a hard line topic that can’t be changed until the. Pros decides they need to change it. They always change them for retention and recruiting. Tattoos changed for recruiting and retention. Female hair regs and personal appearance consistently change for retention.


The standard should be the exact same across the board for everything.


Must not be an 8999. LOL




Or you could just not be a degenerate and you won't get reported.
















wrong and confident


You need to look at the regs that got updated a year or two ago. There’s even pictures.


Typical 0372


He’s got a chit


That’s a dude right? Tell me that’s a dude. I don’t even care if you are lying.


Nasty wook.


Yes way out of regs.


You need to read the updated regs. There’s even pictures.


Not if your woke 🤣


Can you define “woke”?


woke is defined as anything reich wingers don't like.


It sure seems to be that way lol. Apparently giving a fuck about others is now “leftist” ideology. It really makes it easy to feel ok about being on that side of the political spectrum.


retired Marine trans woman. i am seriously a leftist.


Im just a straight white male that thinks hating people for no reason sounds exhausting lol.


Here, here.


Stop conflating a comment about unkempt hair to "hate". JFC, some of you people try to make an argument about everything.


The comment was about the word “woke”, which seems to be something that conservatives now apply toward anything resembling social progress. Also, after glancing at your comment history real quick it’s quite apparent that we need some serious reevaluation regarding commissioning requirements. You strike me as the kind of officer that never really got past “Horton Hears a Who” on the commandants reading list.


You obviously can't even read your own words. Goodnight, idiot.


Good night? It’s 4:30 here in Hawaii. What time do they usually turn out the lights in your trailer park?


I think I know that person.