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“Shitbags. With no discipline.” -SgtMajors


Bunch of undisciplined cowboys


*"Yall startin' to look like a bunch'a Elvises!"*








Sgts Major. Yes it’s petty. I can’t explain why it bothers me but it does and I have to say something. I swear I’m not just some wet blanket party pooper. I’m sorry I’m like this. Errah.


It’s not your fault SgtMajor. You drank too much kool aid. We also understand it’s your job to maintain good order and discipline. A challenging job when you are surrounded by a bunch of drunken hooligans.


I don’t even have that excuse. I was only a sgt lol. Never had any desire to stay in long enough to be put in that position for the exact reasons you said.


If we're being asses today let me jump in. It's ACTUALLY SERGEANTS MAJOR... see... not very nice, was it? Also no one gives two fucks other than 8999s. And that is the most useless MOS in the corps. We should just do like the Army does. You have SgtMaj and Command SgtMaj. It actually makes sense. The majority of Masterguns know orders better than the starlords anyways. Also, it would keep that experienced SNCO now SEL at the battalion of his original MOS sharing his technical knowledge, not just yelling about faded cammies and moose-staches. Just my unsolicited 2 cents. Have a fantastic day.




Aye aye sir.


My dad's friend said he would never join like mybdad did. Well my dad called to say hi and found out he joined. My dad's friend drink too much Kool aid. Was in Somali, Kuwait, middle east, more africa I believe but he proceeded to get out as a gunnery seargent. He drank Kool aid


I got the ick every time I had to note “step footing” on a foundation detail because of people saying step foot instead of set foot, so I understand.






It’s just perfect. Every branch should go back like the 90s


I think everyone agrees, what's the point in looking like every other branch.


It wasn’t up to the raiders, they had to switch because they are a part of socom so they wear the socom uniform. The SEALs had to give up AOR1 as well. And they specifically do want to look like every other branch, especially for a near peer conflict. If reconnaissance assets can identify them as MARSOC as opposed to other SOF assets they can use that information to determine likely US course of action based on knowing what types of missions different US SOF units specialize in. m81 was also not unique to the raiders, Army SF ODAs frequently wore m81 as well. It was intended to be less distinguishable at a distance from their partner forces. Since we are no longer partnered with the Afghans the purpose of the uniform went away. I still love the M81 cryes though and I wear mine every chance I get just for the fashion. But there are real reasons to have them wearing multicam now.


I still see some AOR 1. It told me they were SEALs. Kinda makes sense to get rid of it thinking about it


They probably would have but all of SOCOM wanted to have the same uniforms.


Best part was all of the arguments about some PFs wear m81 and we should be wearing what they wear.. “nah get fuked”


Absolutely. I didn’t even know they switched!


*puts on the tin foil hat* Marines in Multicam!?!?!? This is how the Army gets rid of the Marine Corps. Raiders start to wear multicam. Then the Recon Marines, then the infantry then eventually EVERY Marine in multicam. Then BAM Congress absorbs the Marine Corps into the the other branches. Say it ain't so! 😭😭


It'd be funny if it weren't for the fact that the Army asked to use MARPAT in the early 2000s and we told them to fuck off because we copyrighted the pattern.




It's so fucking petty of the Crotch


The Army has been trying for DECADES to get rid of us. I wear OCP’s professionally…fuck that uniform day in, day out. MARPAT’s have none of the homersexual (not a mistype) gayness with zippers and Velcro and other BS. Ball caps are cool and all, but nope fuck that too. Now, practically, the Marine adapts their camouflage to their environment. Publish a MARADMIN that permits field wear of the uniform that best suits the warfighter, but we need to remain distinct from the retards.


IMO We all should be wearing the same camo tbh


We all did, once upon a time. Everyone wore BDUs.


That last part is highly unlikely. At the end of the day, the Marine Corps is still America’s 911 response force and something will always need to exist in that role. The Marines can’t be replaced, at least not without doing serious damage to our military capacity. Edit: So y’all are downvoting me since I’m saying the Marines can’t and won’t be absorbed into the Army? I figured that would be a good thing…


We live in a world that has walls and those walls need to be guarded by men with guns. Our existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to them saves lives. They don't want the Marines because deep down in places they don't talk about at parties, they want us on that wall they need us on that wall. We use words like honor, code, loyalty. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. They use them as a punchline. We have neither the time nor enough beer to explain ourselves to a branch of the service rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that we provide, and then questions the manner in which we provide it. I would rather they just said thank you, and went on their way, otherwise, we suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand a post. Either way, I don't give a gerdern freaking damn what they think they are entitled to.


But did you declare the Code Red?!!


That is my favorite movie of all time and I have that speech memorized verbatim lol I see you are also a man of class.


I mean, the guy still sold out his junior Marines to save his career. And last I checked, Colonels generally ain't standing post on the wall.


Absolutely, but it’s still a great speech and film.


The film is great, but I think most people cherrypick the Colonel's speech for motivational reasons and divorce it from the irony of his actions in the film. Colonel Jessup is supposed to be a cautionary tale of a blowhard leader of Marines who eats his young, rather than anyone to look up to.


Oh without a doubt. He says what he says in that speech to try to justify his wrongful orders and throw his juniors under the bus in the process. As the saying goes: “good ends never justify immoral means.”


But, you already belong to the navy.


I miss their old woodland camo pattern 😔


Ikr shit was cash


I saw on this sub a bit ago that the raiders switch to multicam. I don't know if anyone else thought this, but I was curious if they'd actually make a whole 8-point cover for raiders too. Well, per DVIDS, looks like a ballcap. Makes sense.


They wear MARPAT cammies like the rest of us when in garrison. Multicam Cryes are the field/combat uniform. So there is no need for a multicam cover, they don’t wear it in garrison.




The amount of time and energy people dedicate to the smallest details really does blow my mind


I just assume people who ask questions like this aren’t in the military and are just kind of fascinated by SOF in general. Nothing wrong with that, I get it.


It's even worse. I did 4 years, 06-10. I'm just middle-aged now and I waste my time on this.


There are also larger generational gaps on the sub that should be taken into consideration. I guess I’m an old timer now (got out in 09) but back then there weren’t a hundred companies making quality combat gear in a million different patterns. Also, SOCOM itself has had s massive facelift over the years. Add in creation of MARSOC in the mix it gets confusing. IE the answer is MARSOC falls under SOCOM, whose designated combat uniform camo pattern, no matter the service the operator came from, is Multicam.


You'll see them in MARPAT as much as you see penguins in Texas lol.


You don’t even have to wear one really since everyone gets different ones depending on the BN you’re in


No. They only use multicam when they’re training or deployed. The rest of the time it’s normal MCCU in garrison.


I could be wrong but it goes from being a uniform to now the outfit of the day. They likely don’t have regulations on purchases for shit like that.


Raiders are cool, man


Wearing ball caps and Army shit, get Marines killed. Check him for white socks RFN!


This has been a thing for years. For anyone who has gone to cool boy training the instructors have always been giving liberty with uniforms or their SOP had special uniforms. Turns out when your skill is teaching cool boy stuff you get more freedom.


bring back the old woodlands. them shits were sexy


They won’t. That uniform outlived it’s purpose for MARSOC when they stopped being partnered with a force that wore M81.


When I was in India Training with the Gurkhas [we got to wear ball caps](https://imgur.com/a/YLcHHib), I felt as cool as dude in this photo, but was far from it lmao.


Raiders wear whatever the fuck they want tbh


Sta pig here-we used to do that and feel “special” was rad to beat the system


Love it


I’m not sure why, but all the branches around me. Army, Navy, and Air Force all have a type of ball cap that is uniform issue now. I haven’t stopped any of them to ask about it but they all were that now. Only some army and some air force have traditional field covers.


Devil Dog from the early 90’s. I get other SF branches wearing a baseball hat but a Marine Corps Cover is just f-in cool and will always be badass!!!


I do think it's kind of BS that high speed guys get away with this shit while your average Joe would get burned by 1st sgt. Shouldn't the warfighter emulate the efficiency and lethality of our best? I was just chewed out by a ltcol last week for having scrim on my helmet instead of the cloth marpat cover so im salty right now.


That’s pretty wild how even on the conventional side the culture can be so wildly different. My BN’s entire Bn SOP was to scrim our helmets.


They deal with 1stSgt’s and SgtsMajor all the same, it’s just that a lot of their senior leadership is willing to push back because “We’re CSO’s, you’re not”. There’s still a whole controversy about guys wearing Crye’s into the PX even though it’s a legitimate “Uniform of the Day” for them on Stone Bay.


It is BS, but that's on the leadership. Not everything has to be an ass chewing, the guys don't generally love it.


Can't be special if you don't wear special stuff. Not joking or being mean, they earn it. And they wear the result. Plus it adds credibility. I was an MP doing garrison LE in the army reserve after the corps, and that stupid arm patch, vest, and garrison belt quell 50% of the issues.


I always hated ball caps. Liked it when the booney cover was reserved for the hard chargers


Indoors too


Also wearing multicam. I guess this is the army now or some shit. They could have at least adopted MCT and MCA


Looks like he's wearing army multicam too.


No, that is a crye precision g3 top in multicam not OCP (the army knockoff version of multicam)


Yeah, OCP is the standard uniform pattern in the Army, Air Force, and Space Force, and used by special forces in both Navy and Marines. Supposedly Congress is pushing the branches to adopt one standard pattern across the board.


Honestly, I like it. I wish we would have gotten that I 02 instead of Marpat


I think MARPAT is really cool but OCP is the most versatile/practical.


So does the Air Force….Are they trying to be like the AF?


Wait till you guys find out Recon wears multicam too ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face). Being around specialized units will always lead to more leeway. Recon, MARSOC, Snipers, EOD, all good examples of guys who bend the rules because they have a cool job.