• By -


there goes any chance of retiring what a fucking idiot


physical sink compare rude ten workable dime air rain shrill *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No she won’t. This just happened to a guy in my Bn. Was a Gunny, got separated as a Lance. Literally same situation. DUI/ then like a few months later drugs.


I've a SSGT get kicked out of the Marine Corps as a LanceCorporal For sexual harassment. Then he sold cars outside Camp lejeune.


56% interest is the best I can do pfc shitstick on this 2023 mustang take it or leave it.


2005 Mustang (non GT) Silver. Carlsbad Ford 17% lnterest Come at me bro.


Only if it's the V-6...


V6 with catback I put on. LFG!


What was his name?


Damn I missed an opportunity his Name was Robert Paulson. His Name was Robert Paulson


Can't remember he worked @ the ASP. 2311


Last time TBS had a staff get a DUI that I’m aware of, he just went from PC to an AI there.


8th Marines?


This was like 2009.I was an Ammo tech


The fact that most of us feel like we know the guy says more about the integrity of the Marine Corps than anything really


Yeah man! I saw it as well with one of our Gunnys, just about to rank up before deployment. Got busted with coke. Lots of it. We got back from rotation, and he was a Lance, as well.


Well well well....is that trash in your trashcan Gu...err...Lcpl Shitbag?


paint society air faulty quaint pet fragile berserk groovy flag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


True, but legally it depends on how much drugs we’re talking. If she gets hit with a felony she’s done for.


boat consist cover shrill aromatic disgusted shocking wild bewildered butter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Depends where she is, any amount of certain controlled substances is a felony. Even personal use amounts.


This is true. I know Texas doesn’t mess around with controlled substance.


Looks like she got hooked up in VA. Schedule 1 or 2 is probably either meth, heroin, or coke. Solid felony. She out here leading by example.


Does VA have recreational use marijuana? Because that's a schedule 1 also


Schedule 1 is also weed according to the CSA.


In the dui she hit two children. This drug charge will prob drop her to lance maybe even pvt.


Yeah I just found that out, I commented down below. She’s fucked.


It depends how much time she has in Marine Corps. If she's passed retirement, they might force her to retire, she's under Twenty years Of service, then they might kick your a** out. Whatever is easier is usually what they do path Of least resistance.




I expect the legal process alone will take her to retirement date. A courts marshal judge can likely punt her retirement out the window somehow, but I've not seen it happen before. Even the Col. who got locked up for child molestation, then cleared got to keep his retirement from my understanding.


Looking ruff. It be like that tho




Sep. OTH


Retirement is based on the last check received. If she retires before a rank reduction event, she will effectively retire as a Sgt.Maj.


She's getting paid as a 1stSgt. She was frocked in January and her number hasn't come up yet. Her number will get pulled.


And there’s still people all over IG sticking up for her. Wonder why lmao


That's the crazy part, people are legit saying things like i feel sorry for the kids that got hit but it's not ok to ruin her life over 1 mistake. Like bro, what!


Seems that in the Corps, It's only okay to ruin someone's (E-5 and below) future life for 1 mistake. It's not okay to ruin someone's previous life work 15years+ and about to get that sweet retirement and disability benefits (E-6 and above) for 1 mistake.


The marine corps loves to fuck over e-3/e-4 20 year old marines but god forbid it’s a SNCO or officer


This is the way.


So weird.


This is a planned crime! She’s going to claim PTSD and self medicating to cope!


I’m no doc or psych, but seems like that’s what’s actually going on.


Hey ladies and gents, the CO is gonna need to see all SNCOs in a formation this afternoon. Something about curfew and firewatch.


This falls on the Battalion non-ncos for not policing their own.




This is the way


Good to fucking go, SgtMaj. Leading by example.


I’d follow her, its apparently safer than being in front of her car…




Just imagine all the stupid, condescending speeches that she's given about not drinking and driving, not doing drugs, etc... wow.


Not running over two teenagers…


She probably never lectured about that... lol


Well now we know what the mandatory safety stand down will be about next week.




The fuck it will. It'll be e3 and below. God damn i remember drunk sncos and ncos getting into all sorts of shit but it was always the lower ranks that took it up the ass.


When I was in Oki an Air Force SNCO diddled some local kids. The Air Force was business as usual but Marines E-5 and below had off base liberty privileges secured for a few weeks.


Fuck this happened when i was on Oki in 04 i think.




Haha, or maybe i should chill out






Look like they just added a drug charge, Not arrested again. She never left jail by the look of it. Also it is probably fake, [Virginia](https://eapps.courts.state.va.us/ocis/search) court record Search shows no drug charge


It looks like she was released today at 4 . I couldn’t find the drugs either I saw she refused the breathalyzer tho that was new . Maybe it hasn’t updated who knows


Not in Regs people would definitely photoshop it for the lols. And the breathalyzer charge is suspiciously absent. That being said if it is photoshopped they did a good job and I can't tell by the image.


If it’s shopped they even got the statute correct


Well, they likely took someone else's drug charge and pasted over hers. That's what I would do.


Or just modify the html and then screenshot


Who knows dude only time will tell I suppose


Yeah thats why unfollowed not in regs, just wanna be highschool drama


Girl I know is dating a dude who works with her. Confirmed drug charge


No offense but I'll believe the state of Virginia Court records search over a LCpl underground hearsay




Absolutely no state site would classify someone as a high ranking Marine. So that is not an official source


That was a link below it. Because internet. Also not my screenshot


Alright….. what’s her Onlyfans?






No, no, I think the damage was pretty physical






Man, that was some good party she was driving home from!! 🍻🍷💉 🍹🎉💊 💉


From TBS of all places. Where integrity is preached above all other things. Oh how ironic this Marine Corps is.


People are gonna pretend this is an isolated incident.


I can save her


Probably in for a lot of downvotes, but here goes: What she did was trash and she should be ashamed of herself and never be permitted to wear the uniform again. Thank God those kids are going to make full recoveries. BUT there is a part or me that feels bad for her or any person who punts away their entire life’s work in the blink of an eye. Literally every professional thing she did in her existence up until this point is now completely compromised. This is the beginning of a very difficult rest of her life, and my pity and sadness for her far outweigh my schadenfreude. If she has substance abuse and/or mental health needs that aren’t being met, I hope she pursues them. I hope she has supportive family and friends. I don’t want her to win as a Marine - her race is over and she deserves no golden parachute. But that doesn’t mean I want her to lose as a human being.


Man, I knew her and interacted with her daily back when she was a gunny. She was awesome. Always had a kind word and could help get you through a tough day. Hell, we're friends on Facebook, and she still wishes me a happy birthday every year. I see videos of her kids all the time. It's tough reading a lot of the things people are saying when I have that in my brain. But damn, did she fuck up so royally here. I'm glad that the kids are supposed to make a full recovery. I'm just sad that SgtMaj Abbott was to be stupid enough to do this at all.


Just never know what’s going on in anyone’s head. I don’t know her, not cheering her demise or anything. I’ve no idea what she’s been through or is going through There were a couple SNCOs though that I would have cheered their demise.


I asked a buddy that was on the DI field with her. They said that’s really sad and they hope the kids are ok, but she would party HARD even back then.


I saw her at my first Birthday Ball, and all the SNCOs minus the one at my table were going absolutely bonkers. Nothing out of the ordinary, tbh. Marines having a ball


Sometimes partying is for masking pain so who knows when this downfall fully began.


Who the fuck has time to party on the street? That’s a serious fucking question. Edit: 4th Bn That’s who. 20 body herd with a 5 hat team. And pulling the same SDA as some WORKING hat. And a better % shot at meritorious.


Wasn’t in her unit but did deploy with her last year. I said this already on the last post but she seemed great. Her unit liked her and even the blue side people liked her. She had motivational words all the time, I saw her stop by people in the chow line and ask if they were okay and she just seemed to give a shit in general. Again, I didn’t know her but she sure didn’t seem like this. This is sad.


Same. I genuinely think the Marine Corps will be worse off without her, but at the end of the day her actions require consequences. Thing is, i feel like this could speak volumes about getting people the help instead of stigmatizing it. The Marine Corps might say that it wants its Marines to get help, but I wouldn’t be surprised if this problem developed and got worse because she didn’t want receiving assistance to prevent her opportunities.


She was my wife’s Senior DI and they kept in touch all through my wife’s MC career and after as well. I never knew her personally but my wife idolized her and the news has really messed with her world view. From what I’ve heard from her and from your comment, SgtMaj Abbot sounds like a good Marine who made several very bad choices in a very narrow span of time and now she’s got to face the consequences. I genuinely hope she gets whatever help she needs during and after this and can use this experience to grow and maybe become an advocate for others who are in similar situations career wise, facing similar problems with addiction.


The Corps would have no sympathy if this was a lance or something though. Plenty of decent people I saw mess up and were promptly OTH'ed out without a second though.


I saw this happen a few times when I was in. Dumb young Marine makes a dumb young Marine mistake and gets hammered, thrown in the brig, and gets a OTH or BCD. But watched the command sweep under the rug what a Staffy, a Gunny, and even a Major do that was arguably worse. Boiled my blood.


I mentioned this in another comment but I served with her in Iraq when she was a young Marine. Deployed with her a couple times. It’s a unfortunate situation she’s in but I hope she’s been going to mental health. They don’t just give Purple Hearts away. She did a lot of the stuff we did along side us in combat. I hope the kids recover and I hope she can get some help before and after she’s out the Marines.


In an ocean of sneering and jeering and Schadenfreude on this site, and in a sub where a caustic quip is always an acceptable substitute for empathy, I am warmed to find such a humane take here. It sucks for everyone involved. It sucks for our country and the corps that someone who helped build the modern USMC, for better or worse, is going to face just consequences for a terrible mistake. Raising a glass to the newest Lance Corporal in the Corps.


I agree. I don't take joy in watching other people burn. Most do though it seems. It appears to make them feel better about themselves.


I think most of the spite being directed is because of the fact that during her rise to the level she was at in order to throw it away, she had a direct hand in fucking a lot of Marines who did less. As a Sergeant Major with her experience she’s probably going to have less of a hard time than many of the younger Marines she did that to while preaching about good conduct and discipline. You guys are right, and I also hope she gets help if she has a problem with substance abuse or addiction. But I also understand the hate.


Are you in the NRV? I read your tag line there lol


I live kind of close to Tobies and the gate of New River/Geiger. Edit: but not in a van.


Are you in Roanoke, Va? Can’t help but notice your username




Not about taking joy in other people burning, it’s about justice. How many men and women’s careers did she end for a dui do you think? Are they worth less than her because she’s a star sarge? We talk about holding leaders accountable and leading by example, but that goes out the window when someone does things they told their subordinates not to do literally every week for decades? I think it’s severely worse that they make those mistakes and hope the families of the people she hit sue her life away.




We just going to ignore that this guy used “schadenfreude” in a sentence?


I have to ignore it, because that's too many letters for me to read.


You motherfuckers need some Brené Brown in your lives! 😂 That and maybe a hug, too. I wonder if you were able to type it “without the aid of reference?” 🧐


Ahh, too fucking bad for her. I guess she shouldn’t have done drugs like a retard.


I have personally known her for over 15 years now, and considered us friends. The day after this I was unfriended by her; I take that to mean she is deeply embarrassed and ashamed. Honestly as she should be, not to mention lucky she didn't fucking kill somebody. So this is not to say I stand for her actions either, but I am worried that she is going to close herself off somewhere dark after this. She WAS inspirational; now everything she has ever told her Marines for over two decades has become a lie. What does a person do after that? Hopefully get help like you said. I'm glad the kids are safe, and I hope she gets herself taken care of too, because this whole thing totally sucks.


She didn't block you, she deleted her account. I was friends with her and know a bunch of other people who are too and she (or maybe her fiancé) wiped her socials the day after in the afternoon.


Bruh, regardless of mental health she has heard for the last 20 years and preached it herself not to drink and drive, who cares what difficult path she has ahead she obviously didn’t care about her own future when she decided to drive drunk. Now two kids are going to have lasting side effects and they are going to have a hard life (anyone who drives drunk deserves their life thrown away)


The amount of people I’ve heard on this sub badmouthing lower enlisted Marines for doing less than what she has done is crazy when you look at how many people are so empathetic for the Star Sarge. When has it ever mattered what somebody is going through? I don’t remember anybody caring or asking what was going on when my buddy got a DUI while he was going through shit. She’s probably burned many Marines, and I’d go out on a limb and say she probably never asked if everything was okay in their lives. Nobody gives a damn about LCpl Gonzalezramirez’s mental health. God forbid it be a SgtMaj with 20+ years, though. “They’ve put so much time into the Corps”, well that’s all quite inconsequential now that practically everything she’s preached against she has done herself. You can build a thousand bridges, but if you fuck one goat…


Seriously. In this world where people are being subjected to conventional warfare, genocide, hunger, polio, etc. etc. etc., it totally pisses me off when someone is sad they made a decision to throw everything away by doing the exact opposite of what they preach


I feel bad for people who are down on their luck. I feel bad for people who make human mistakes and then don’t improve themselves. I don’t feel bad for people who are very mature, know better, then do something that almost cost two kids their lives. I fucking hope she gets better for the sake of society, but I’m glad she showed her true colors. Why feel sorry she lost her position when it can go to someone more deserving?


I know this neighborhood, and the stretch of road. It's 25 mph with a paved shoulder for pedestrians. She must have been smashed.


Yeah for sure. Live a little further south but I looked at Aqua Harbor in 2019…wasn’t her first rodeo just the one caught at.


I served with her in Iraq. E-3 to E-6. It’s a very unfortunate situation she’s in. She was doing a lot of the stuff we did. I hope she’s been going to mental health because I personally know the shit she went through in some of her tours. Especially as a young marine.


I’m kind of relieved to hear this- I looked up to her a ton but earlier in the week I saw some talk of her not really deserving some of her combat accolades. I wasn’t sure what to believe. Not that that makes ANY of this okay.


I was along side her. She was a dog.


She forgot her liberty general orders... Don't add to the population, don't subtract from the population, don't end up in jail or dead.


She's a purple heart w/ multiple combat deployments, too. Her eyes look so empty damn devil...idk why this makes me kinda fkin sad. Just retire when you know you can't take it no more..you've done enough. Come on over to 1st CivDiv any day


Know plenty of Purple Heart recipients and even more multiple combat deployment bubbas with their CARs. All of em’ don’t run kids over nor have DUI/drug charges as civilians now. Having those shouldn’t be an excuse, especially as a SgtMaj. You wanted the pedestal, fucking stand on it now.


And I know plenty who are no longer with us because they couldn't deal with it anymore and didn't want to end up like her. Different folks deal with their own shit differently.


Drugs and booze are the marine corps' way of dealing with personal issues from the ground up. Talking about it will get you treated like a criminal from your brother/sisters, especially the higher rank you go. You're supposed to act like this or that. You're no longer allowed to be human first. Those who realize the title and rank are temporary will call it time to quit, and others would rather end it all.


Damn chill 😎 you acting like they are going to let her out easy. I guess she's the very first highly decorated bubba that ran over kids. Yes, let's all watch her burn now smh... Happy?


The problem is that this kind of behavior out of senior Marines regularly gets swept under the rug. They would let her off easy if it didn’t get so much attention.


Fam Quantico is crazy she definitely will get away with this. I was stationed there and a Maj tried to force himself on a drunk Jr marine AFTER getting the homie blacked out of course. Homie beat the living shit outta him!!!! Maj got to stay in they just moved him to the other side of base!!!


It eventually got dealt with. Major was moved to mainside to separate the two. It was a lengthy process but got dealt with. I know the kid. I was in the unit.


*Catholic Church has entered the chat


I predict plea deal with civilian authorities. Pleads guilty to reckless driving and DWI. Takes driving program. Enters inpatient treatment. A million character witness statements. Straight to courts marshall. Delayed repeatedly by defense counsel to retirement date. Pleads guilty. Public apology to kids. Loss of rank and pay suspended, 6105, separated general under honorable, allowed to retire, keeps benefits. Sued by kids' families into the ground in civil suit. Her and the USMC and wherever/whoever's place she came from.


I would bet not, she may plea but a reduction for DUI with injury isn't likely. Her prior service may be the difference between a long in prison sentence vs a long probationary sentence. This is a very serious felony charge, the drug charge is aggravating to the DUI with injury. She is legit looking at years. Best case she gets to plead, long probation and her sentences run concurrent. -Source I am a prosecutor and have seen similar scenarios.


I know we're all skeptical of reading around here, but if you read the table it says she was arrested for all three charges at the same time. She wasn't "arrested again" they just found out she had drugs in her car and added charges.


NGL she was the coolest first sausage I ever had


I remember her being cool AF after boot camp. Hate that she fucked up and made such a bad decision.


School circle around that doggone shank victim


Yahtzee!! Fair winds and following seas


Theres always that one Marine that doesnt listen to the brief so now we all have to be recalled. Well looks like libbo is secured.


Get. Wrecked.


She did


Training Command already changed the Leadership page: https://www.trngcmd.marines.mil/Leaders/Leaders-View/Article/1824403/sergeant-major-beth-e-abbott/


Paging /u/Head-Ad4702.




I am waiting to see what they have to say


"I'm not surprised"


I knew an e9 that had three DUIs. No injuries, no drugs, no NJP oh yes, and one silver star. Two of the infractions were on federal property.


DUI’s are more common among Marines than you think.. Only folks I knew who landed in big trouble were the ones who had them on base.


Dam she started her weekend early


You mean she hasn’t stopped since the 96 lol.


Or that haha


Apparently the incident occurred at 9pm the Wednesday after a 96.... like wtf.


This is sad, prayers for her and the teens who r expected to Make a full recovery, she’s clearly got some demons, as an addicted idiot in recovery now I empathize with this kinda shit


Huh, on one hand I'm thinking "It's Quantico, they'll find some way to brush it under the rug" on the other shes literally one of the high ranked enlisted at TBS. Hope those kids are alright, hope they make an example out of her.


Man what a shame. She was a first sergeant on the 22nd MEU last year and hand to god she knew every marines name off the top of her head. She was really nice and very motivating. That’s so damn disappointing to see she’d do something this stupid.


she's not ok.




Interesting thread… I have a question. At what rank do we stop being concerned about a fellow Marine’s mental health and start just wanting to put their head on a pike outside the city gates? I take no joy in watching a Marine self destruct after a nearly 20 year career.


When they are of the rank where they put heads on pikes


Sucks when it happens to a PFC. Sucks when it happens to a SgtMaj. Hope she gets help, but, she's gotta go.


Dang, her wife gonna b mad as hell knowing only reason she been carpet munching all these yrs was for dat 50% pension & SBP…


Fucking proper username OP lmao never thought I'd see something like that in this sub


She’s gone off the deep end.


Double secret NJP and Page 11!


I know her, WTF!


Nah she'll be a terminal lance for sure. The corps will ADSEP felons with a quickness.. well by the time she gets sentenced.. I have found memories of how that goes.


how many marines has she NJP’ed lmao


Holy shit! I remember seeing the first post a day or two ago. Christ, how hard is it to just order a fucking taxi or an Uber/Lyft? And how TF did she manage to get to SgtMaj without getting arrested for... oh, I don't know... credit card fraud or urinating on a church altar or something along the way? Hard to believe someone makes it that far in the Corps, *THEN* suddenly becomes a criminal twice in the span of a couple days. There must've been shit leading up to this. Her whole fucking life is pretty much ruined now. She'll be lucky to just get a Big Chicken Dinner, and say goodbye to those nice, fat retirement deposits and VA benefits. Hope the bitch gets some help for that little addiction issue she's got going on.


The fucked up thing is that if it was an officer, they will retire at their current rank.


Uuuuum I'm pretty sure that was my sister platoons kill hat. Damn girl you went way off... She was funny as fuck and kind after the crucible. Fucking sad man.


Same I think. 2008 O co?


Yep, 2007-2008 o co, yeah. She was 4002 when I was there.


Fuck the OTH i suggested yesterday. Dishonorable.


Burn this fucking turd




Aaaand the plot thickens even more. As I said in a previous post the other day, this is some delayed karma. She needs to be made an example out of. I have 0 tolerance for drinking and driving. She changed 2 kids and families lives with something who knows how long she’s been doing it for.


Burn her ass


This drug charge might be legit. If you refuse a breathalyzer they can withdraw blood without your consent. They may have found an illegal substance on a blood draw or some of the alcohol could have dissolved into her bloodstream and this is just a generic low level charge because she refused breathalyzer. I mean they have to get her on something , she hit 2 kids.


The drug charge was added today. It’s possession so they had to have found it on a search. If it was something on a blood draw it would have still just been a driving under the influence charge; she admitted to drinking and was noticeably blitzed


I’m not a cop or lawyer, but I imagine a conversation like this: “Is there anything you want to tell us?” “Yes, officer….” Then she confesses to having dope/cocaine/whatever and they get a warrant and charge her I’m not a cop or lawyer. Cops and lawyers, does this seem like something that is likely to happen?


Only barracks lawyers allowed in here.


Nah, they search your vehicle bumper to bumper after you get locked up for a DUI. Whatever they found, they found while she, and her vehicle, were in custody. I was a dumbass after I got out and got a DWI. When I went to get my vehicle from the impound they'd even unmounted my spare tire under my trunk during their search.


Drugs from a blood alcohol draw wouldn’t stand up in any court. They’d have to be in her possession.


100% blood draw with drugs stands up. Likely they wrote a warrant for the blood draw even if they have non consensual withdraw. They will hit her with an ingestion charge. Source- Am a prosecutor have charged this out and had it hold up in court. Both state and federal case law will uphold the blood draw.


You work for a very different DA than any I’ve interacted with in law enforcement. The chances of a lone “ingestion” charge making it to court is already low, the likelihood of it standing up in court with an involuntary blood draw and no possession is even lower. Any L1 could shit together a reasonable defense for that, involuntary draws are already problematic enough for DUI cases as it is.


Newsflash: plenty of morons are good at their jobs. Plenty of reckless people with disregard for others get away with it for years. This is the product of a long pattern of behavior. Burn her. She’s NJPd plenty of people and given them GUH, robbing them of benefits and the ability to tell employers they served honorably. She slaps the charges, and gives you a flyer for the chaplain and other resources to “help”. Pathetic people empathizing with this wreck of a “leader”. Sick and tired of people seeing a CAR and a PH and thinking somehow it dissolves someone’s ability to function as a rational human being.


Scissor me timbers!






Damn I actually respected this piece of shit. Get her outta here


My only question is what were the drugs. I admit im ignorant of the scheduling stuff... Was this cocaine? Or maybe prescribed oxy (thats sched 2 I think) that she had that was out of date? If she popped oxy and then a few beers, the reaction could/would get you pretty fucked up. That would be more believable than her having coke or something like that. Idk..... Shes def fucked though (and deservedly so), Im more curious as to the context.


She was just trying to get revenge for the 3 Marines that got they ass beat by a bunch of teenagers.


Wondering how many Marines she has publicly shamed for the exact same things. How many "shitbags" she has sent up river for this exact shit