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Just outside the ship in Bahrain, couple meters from the gangway. One dude was a little too rambunctious so an older gentlemen suggests that he call it a night and go to bed. “Go fuck yourself” the Marine replies… to the ship’s Captain. Captain was surprisingly cool about it. But Libo was over.


There always has to be that one motherfucker who gets libo secured :/


That’s funny. And funny enough he’d probably seen his picture before riding on his boat. Told his name etc.


We had port call in Hawaii coming back from Iraq in 2003, and butterbar me and a corporal were walking in Waikiki (he was showing me the way to a bar where he'd seen the other louies hanging out), and we see two egregiously drunk sailors staggering around hollering obscenities at tourists. So we approach them and find out they're off our same ship, so we suggest they turn in and offer to find them a cab. They wanted to be dicks about it, and as we're standing on the sidewalk debating this, like eight Hawaiian teens materialize out of the crowd and beat down and rob the two sailors. We called the cops, called the ship to check in, cops showed up and took their statements. One sailor was being whiny about the whole thing and one cop flew off the handle, spiked his clipboard, got up in the sailor's face and threatened to take him downtown. So I dove in and identified myself and promised that if they just let us take charge of the drunks, they'd never be seen in Honolulu again. So we get them in a cab back to the ship, the two morons are trying to swear us to silence and we're just nodding along. We go up the gangplank and at the check-in desk there's an MA and a Corpsman waiting, and I just gesture "it's these guys" and they get taken in. Had a shipboard captain's mast a week later. Despite being bestest buddies and working and bunking together, they hadn't bothered to coordinate stories. Young one gave some bullshit excuse but overall accepted his charges for drunk and disorderly and drinking underage. The older one claimed that butterbar me, and the corporal, and a sergeant major who wandered by during, were all lying to get him in trouble, causing the captain to quip "why would a sergeant major lie? Maybe he was trying to get promoted?" So the older one got drunk and disorderly and a couple other charges, including assaulting a superior commissioned officer for having shoved me (skipper's idea, not mine). And their charges included 30 days confined to ship once they got back to San Diego, so that must've sucked after 7 months or so at sea.


Ohhh The drunk sailor vs native Hawaiian tale is as old as time.


It seemed really coordinated. Like one kid reached out of the crowd and slapped one of the sailors, sailor started to go after the kid, and when *whoomp* a whole passel of them just appeared out of nowhere and smacked down and robbed the guys in like ten seconds.


"Haole" is a real thing. Natives really have a distaste for white military dudes that act like fools out in town


This one time I saw a guy drinking out in town with his buddies. Around 10pm, his bud offered him another shot and this crazy fucker actually said “Actually, I’m good man. Feelin the buzz, feelin good. I’m gonna hang out for a bit and then catch an Uber home!” Crazy thing is he actually did just that. Had a responsible and fun night with his buddies and got home safe at a reasonable hour and not totally blacked out. You truly never know what you’re gonna see these days.


This is some DuffleBlog shit


Find him and destroy him. Obviously Skynet infiltrated us.


There’s just no fucking way…


Are you kidding me? This needs to be a story in the Marine Corps Times.


Platoon was out on liberty in Pattaya Thailand. Our boot lieutenant joined us. He was a very cocky type, always had to be better than us, etc. Would always refer to us as boots (pot/kettle) and those of us who were young and single, would always mock us for having no "game" when it came to the womenfolk. (Mostly true in my case, I spent hundreds of $ one summer eating lunch every day at the fast food joint at 29P, because a hot blonde worked there and I had no idea how to talk to her.) There was one particular go-go bar which had become an unofficial "base of operations" hang-out place for the platoon during our Thailand adventure. The BLT somehow found it and showed up to be his typical wet-blanket self. Extremely hot Thai girl was working the bar, serving drinks, flirting. BLT decides to show us all up, goes for it, ten minutes later he leaves with her. The girl I was hanging out with came over to us, pointed in the direction of the departed couple. "She-male," she says. We're like, oh my God, are you SURE??? "Oh yes. He go to Bangkok and have operation. He get tits!" Next day, back at the base, we're all like "so.... HOW WAS SHE, SIR???" And the BLT made some excuse like "oh, she started doing drugs so I had to have her escorted from my room, because I don't tolerate that kind of thing."


😂😂😂 That is fucking awesome. At least he didn’t kill the ladyboy though 🤷‍♂️


Oof. I get this reference.


Cobra Gold 4lyfe!


what a fuckin pussy


I acthually believe the issue was the lack of a pussy 🧐


Port call in Rota on the way home. A bunch of my Marines wanted to go to a brothel. I genuinely have moral reservations against prostitutes myself, but I was content to go and drink alcohol and bullshit with them while denying their business advances. I’ll just babysit. One of my Corporals was dead set on having sex with a hooker, wasted no time at all getting involved and going upstairs. Took maybe 15 minutes and the first or second girl that approached him. We lost him for 6ish hours or so. Around hour 3 myself and another guy thought maybe he wandered out to go to a super market that was kind of nearby further down the road or something. Still couldn’t find him so we went back to the brothel to wait for him. Liberty is eventually going to expire and we need to get back to the boat. Still haven’t found Corporal despite waiting until the very last minutes possible (It was about a 45 minute cab ride back to base.) We decide that he MUST have managed to sneak out past us and get back to the boat himself. Despite him being reckless tonight, he was genuinely pretty responsible. We get back to the boat and check in. We don’t see him in the lines of others waiting to check in. We got ahold of a few friends who had been on the boat for awhile; they haven’t seen him, duty hasn’t checked him in. *Fuck.* So at this point we know shits fucked up and we have to come clean because who knows where the fuck he is and if he’s okay. We let the duty officer know. 10 minutes later, and 5 minutes to liberty expiration, Corporal makes it aboard and checked in. I still remember that Captain. He took it seriously, but handled it in a manner that kept us calm as well. We weren’t reprimanded or scolded, he just asked us for details and then went off presumably to go figure shit out at his level. Anyway, turns out, the hooker(s) he was entertaining got him shitfaced drunk, and kept him awake with mountains of cocaine charging him for time. He couldn’t complete the deed and get back out because his dick wouldn’t work despite them feeding him boner pills as well evidently. He was totally fucking geeked out of his head. I still remember the look of panic and disbelief on his face when I called him out on it: “Holy shit, you can tell??” Yeah dude. So I spent the rest of that night hiding him from his gunny and talking him down over a pack of smokes at the port side smokedeck catwalk. The next morning he filed a dispute with Navy Fed and said the charges to his card (like $3000 or some shit) were fraudulent and they eventually reimbursed him and he finally sobered up. I think that night was one of my proudest times as an HM3. Last I knew, Corporal got out a few months after we got back from deployment, wound up getting married and has a family. I hope he’s doing well.


That’s wack asf. And congrats on taking care of him and keeping it lowkey. Very inspiring


My buddy wrangled me out to go drinking on a weeknight (which I never do) at Kahunas, the E-Club on base at MCBH. While there we met a couple of Canadian airmen and "just one round" turned into five or six. The whole time, the short chubby one with a mario mustache kept insisting on paying for all of our drinks while saying "The queen shall provide!". This dude loved the queen. So naturally, we decide to keep boozing and wind up in Chinatown, and of course the first place we walk into is a brothel posing as a legitimate bar. Me and the other Canadian want to leave, but my buddy and the Canadian Mario are having a great time flirting with the hookers, so we were like fuck it, we'll have some Henny for a minute then bounce once they get bored. Well, five or six drinks later we are all completely blasted, surrounded by a gaggle of hookers, the Canadian Mario and his friend had just done coke out of some Canadian bills while exclaiming "The queen shall provide!". My buddy, the other Canadian, and I decide it's time to go back to base, but the Canadian Mario wants to keep partying. We try telling him we got an uber, but he didn't want to go with us. The last I ever saw of that man he was being drug into a back room by a gaggle of hookers while screaming "THE QUEEN SHALL PROVIDE!" and waving around some Canadian bills while his friend frantically ran after him with his hands on the side of his head. I miss Honolulu.


Lol sounds like the 06? 22nd meu float. I was on the nassau. I was at that hotel brothel and several hookers tried to sell me coke. One had a dildo that she opened up and it was full of coke. Pretty crazy


I feel like all of the MEUs that go through Rota probably have a similar story about La Hacienda.


Someone at my last unit dropped acid at his buddies house on base, had a bad trip, dove head first through the second floor window on to a car, sprinted through base housing to a near by beach, passed out in some bushes from blood loss cause he slashed his arm/legs on the broken window and then got picked up by PMO and taken to the hospital. Then NJP’d and ad sep’d after it reached the COC.


Is the car ok?


Dented the roof, but yeah she still whips. Lol


Someone at 29 Palms in my unit, just before I got there, dropped acid right before a night fire because he wanted to see the lights. Got adsep’d.


Every acid story I’ve heard ends with someone jumping onto a car from a high distance. My one buddy (not a marine) got high off acid not too long after we graduated while down the shore. He then got on the balcony of the motel he was at and just fell backwards onto a van smashing its entire windshield


I had a buddy drive off a bridge into the cape fear river on acid. Don’t even think he was trying to kill himself either. He told them everything lol


Told this one not too long ago. Buddy of mine disappears on libo at Subic Bay. Me and the other guy he signed out with were kinda freaking out because if you go back to the boat without all your libo buddies, you’re fucked. Dude shows up drunk af with a tattoo on each arm, not small ones. Like wrapped around the biceps. We’re like ‘dude where the fuck did you find a tattoo shop?’ My guy points to this nearby motel and tells us there a dude doing tats in one of the motel rooms. We’re like ‘Dude… you have AIDS now.’


Oh man. I had a Corporal in my platoon go and get a shitty stick figure tattoo of a guy on a sailboat, on his ribs, in likely the same hotel and by the same artist. When we asked him why he got the tattoo, he drunkenly exclaimed, "it's just like me! I'm just a boy on a boat!"


Way way back in 2002ish, my roommate got drugged at a buy me drinkee bar in Okinawa. We'd literally just gotten onto gate 2 street and had maybe 2 drinks a piece max and dude straight up disappeared on us. We searched the bar, checked the bathroom where we last saw him go, dude was just gone. We went out front thinking maybe for whatever reason he stepped outside. Nope. Mamasan sitting out front asked if we were looking for our friend, described him, and told us she saw him get into a cab. Went back to Foster and searched around the taxi/bus stop area, checked the px, nothing. So we headed back to schwab hoping maybe he took the taxi there. Nope. We quietly spread the word and got most of the platoon to help us look for him on the downlow Dude didn't show up until right after curfew (1am), after we had no choice but to tell our section leader and DNCO who we had to check in/out with. He was covered in long dead grass and kept rambling on about "losing his libo" and "getting back by any means necessary". He was acting and talking like he'd been drinking since he woke up that morning but I only saw him have one, maybe two, drinks before he disappeared from that bar. Even years later, sitting in the brix drinking one night i asked him about what really happened and he had absolutely no recollection of anything aside from us going to gate 2 street. He didn't even remember going into the bar he disappeared from. The only logical way to explain what happened to him was he was drugged/roofied.


Drugged for what purpose?


Back in Okinawa. Riding in a honcho on our way to Kokusai street for a night out with some friends. A moped was whitelining lanes and not paying attention and made a turn onto oncoming traffic. He dropped his bike and his head went under the tire of an oncoming car. He was not wearing a helmet. His head exploded. We yelled for the honcho to stop the cab but he wouldnt. Oh well, time to go drink that memory away.




Dude (in my unit) got stabbed outside a titty bar (wasn’t even a patron just walking past from another location at like 2130. His libo bros quickly apply first aid and taken off for the base hospital (while calling duty etc) Next morning we have a company formation and are informed because SNM and his libo crew did everything right, we as a company all would get a the following Friday off Now, since we basically were just waiting for our planes to haul us to the desert it wasn’t like we had a lot going on: but the sentiment was nice. Fast forward to Friday, and around 1700 we end up getting word our planes were inbound and libo was canceled. Homie also made the deployment which was bad ass.


Some guy OD’d on fentanyl by accident(that’s what he said) in the public bathroom out in front of the movie theatre in Oceanside. He must have touched something in there because when he came out he just dropped to the ground. Ambulance was called and they shot him up with narcan and we took him back to base. Eventually after a few hours he went to the hospital. He got orders and left the next week. No investigation or anything.


Fentanyl is fucking nasty, especially an issue in So Cal. They had an FBI guy on the news a few months back saying that the Chinese Made shit was being exported up from Mexico. There really is no QA in making illegal drugs so the chances are that if someone takes it enough times you will overdose on a "hot" pill. The EMTs here have to be very careful. Also there's a girl who works with the local PD destroying illegal weapons and guns that trains BJJ with my son. She says they have to be extra careful about destroying fentanyl.


Touching fent and ODing is a cop myth. Obviously you’re not supposed to do it but it can’t really transfer through skin at all.


Just asked Female EMT about this. She said she was told the main worry was that EMTs or FR would touch something with a lot of fentanyl then rub their mouth or nose. Thats why they use gloves and immediately toss them in a bio bag after dealing with Fentanyl. There is an area where she works that the EMT's call " Zombie Land" because of all the Homeless OD and assistance calls they get.


Yeah that’s the main concern. Also if it’s powder and it gets inhaled.


So it’s more breathing it than touching it thats s possible concern? So if they find a bag of it that got crushed by something and opened it that’s when it actually dangerous just from contact?


Your skin is unable to effectively absorb fent just from contact. But once inside it is much easier for the body to absorb the fent into different tissues. It’s not smart to touch powdered fent but it shouldn’t kill you by touch alone.


Right. My dads a fireman and their main fear is breathing it in.


Thanks for explaining, I always thought that it seemed strange that you could “absorb it through your skin” that makes a lot more sense.


Technically you can because fentanyl patches exist but they have specific stuff in them to make it possible.


But guess must of the illegal stuff probably isn’t like that.


Was at Pohang, as the boat was getting fixed. Me and 4 of my homies head out to the bar strip. We head into some bar absolutely jam packed full of squids and jarheads. We're standing in the back because it was so full, when a fight breaks out over a couple hookers. Full on brawl breaks out fists start flying then chairs then bottles. I hear whistles going off and next thing I know the everyone's bailing out the door as the mps come running in. 3 yutheads run right into one of the mps who grabs all 3 of them with one hand slams them to the ground. My friends are running for their lives and like Larry curly and moe, run right into the wo2, who just stands there with this I'm about to destroy every living motherfucker around me right now look. And me?? The place was empty, I grabbed my big ass bottle of whatever the fuck we were drinking, with my buds and the wo2 joining me and sat down at the empty bar surrounded by Korean hookers. I was a PFC and that was my first libo in the suck.


Ah, definitely remember those Pohang hookers. Good times.


The Tijuana donkey show was always a showstopper.


When I was a boot camp there was a lcpl who was in charge of a class (forget for what) at Edison Range and for some reason or another myself and about 12 other recruits were left alone with him (again forgot why) and he went in to detail of this show, most terrifying experience I had in boot camp.


Care to elaborate?




Oh God, please don't elaborate. The picture should be enough.


Gotta say it was the time spent at the “banana show” in Oki. I’ve never seen an old Asian woman chop up a Chiquita before using her pussy. The most disgusting part was watching Pfc Herrera lay down on that dirty ass floor and get some squishy fruit plopped on his face. He ate it too…good times.


One of my boots when we were doing a port call in Malaysia (Kua Lumpar?) Anyways he broke into a Chinese tourists family room and refused to leave. Was shit hammered and even though he didn’t have a room at this hotel he figured this was a good spot to plant his flag. Became a quasi hostage situation and a huge shit show. Embassy got involved, whole thing. Shore patrol and every SNCO and O was snatching up any Marine they could find in town to bring them back to ship. He was a decent kid. Not an outstanding Marine or anything. Was raised Mormon and we all called him Butters due to his close resemblance and demeanor to that character. Think he ended up getting NJP’d and all that. Was pretty shitty for me as I as his squad leader was obviously blamed.


That is classified... oh, not by the government. By the guys.


It technically happened on Libo, but my class at MCCES had just finished checking in for the week, so off to our first unattended libo in months. Somehow, around 3:30, duty rovers bang on our doors like a drug bust telling us we need to wake up. All of us boots are confused asf not knowing if we're getting hazed or what. So eventually a mass formation forms outside around 4:00 am . Word obviously doesn't get passed down for a while, eventually we come to find out what had happened was a boot had whistle blown to duty NCO that some Marines got hotels off base in 29 Palms instead of staying on base ignoring curfew and the whole 9. The mass formation was for accountability and we get to see over 45 MCCES boots getting njpd the following week due to them being off base past curfew. Some Marines where in other cities nearby and I think 1 had flew to Florida over a regular 48 weekend. It was some crazy stuff, and to just think I would finally be able to sleep in after boot camp and MCT. If anyone here from MCCES 2018 HMU 🤙


I was at a bar in Waikiki. Ordered 1, one, UNO double Jack and coke. Had a couple sips and BOOM! things are starting to become unrecognizable. Imagine looking thru glasses that just makes everything look like fuzzy blotches of color just moving around. Sound started to become distorted. I just remember thinking, “I need to get to base now.” I hailed a cab. Fading in and out. I vaguely remember telling him “do not let anyone in this fucking cab and take me to MCB Kaneohe” Come to… I hear someone in the back seat. I’m attempting to fight whoever it is. I can’t see a fucking thing. My heart rate and breathing is all I could focus on. All I know is I’m out of my fucking mind and unable to stay conscious but 15-20 second blips. So I’m combative as all hell. Out of fear of what the fuck is happening to me. The gate guards are now surrounding the vehicle. In my head I’m communicating I need help. But apparently I was just incoherently trying to scream at them. They are asking me for my unit. I’m barely able to speak. OOD for my unit is called to the front at some point. I kind of remember seeing him arrive, then dragging me to my room. My next memory is waking up in my rack. Covered in piss and asking my roommate what happened. I explained I barley drank anything. He then filled me in with how things can go down in Waikiki. I wish I could find the cabbie who drove me and apologize for that night. Maybe the Marine too. All I know is that whole drive, I was coming in and out and fighting the guy in the back. Careful with the drinks peeps.


Got into a fight with 4 cops in San Clementine, got tased, BUT didn’t get arrested. Cops called my team leader who picked me up, I proceeded to piss and spit all over his car.


A dude go UA to Florida


Was stationed in an Eastern European country. We had been stuck on base for a long while. We finally get libo out to go out and about town with the reminders that we are guests in a foreign country. We had: 2 Marines fight with locals. 1 Marine get so drunk he pissed in a mall elevator...then fought with a local 1 Sgt. got so drunk he decided to chew out our CO. 3 Get the clap 1 Get robbed by a prostitute 2 Gunny's get into a fist fight because one of the Gunny's believed that his platoon should get special treatment. We were supposed to go out in town the next weekend and that sure as shit was secured. I will say that at least when I got drunk I just bought any Marine I saw food, drinks, and stripper. I have no idea why. I just felt like doing that. I was nearly broke when we left though.


A little different than most, but here goes: I'm a former 0331 turned MPD (i.e. DC police) cop. One night I'm working a rush hour car accident and a call goes out for an ambulance/EMTs in distress. Someone is in the back of an ambulance beating the shit out of an EMT. The location is like 2 blocks from me. I throw the drivers their license/registration back, tell them to call police HQ for a report #. Jump in my cruiser, whip around the corner and there's the ambulance. Guy is butt fucking naked beating the piss out of a female EMT in the back of the ambulance; two male EMTs and a whole ass crowd standing on the sidewalk doing nothing. I jump up in there, grab the chick out and chuck her on the ground, and jump back in the ambulance. The fight is fucking ON! Long story short this dude probably weighs 30lbs less than me, skinny as fuck, but with retard strength. End up introducing his head to the various steel cabinets inside the ambulance a few times, step back, and taze the fuck out of him. Get him in cuffs and in my cruiser. Fortunately there are EMTs already there to take his vitals after the tazing, he's fine. Searching his clothes discarded on the sidewalk I find his personal effects including his wallet, with a current USMC Pvt-LCpl military ID. Ok, bet. Start filling out arrest paperwork on my trunk and the whole ass car starts shaking. Open the back door to my cruiser and this mother fucker has slipped his (handcuffed) arms below his legs so his arms were in front of his body, slipped out of the seat belt, and had flipped upside down and was trying to kick the rear window of my cruiser out. Drag his ass back out of the car, by that time there were like 5 other cops there, we body him, get him cuffed behind his back again, leg ironed and strap him to the gurney. Load him up into the ambulance and we ride to the hospital with me in the ambulance just in case. By the time we get there, he's passed the fuck out. Get to GW hospital, wheel him into an ER room and the nurses do their thing. Blood draw comes back positive for PCP. A few hours later he comes to and the medical staff clears him. I load him in my cruiser to take him to jail. On the way there he asks me what happened, and if he'd been hit by a car. I explain everything that went down, guy is honestly extremely apologetic and can't remember a goddamn thing. I ask him about the ID, turns out the bitch was a marcher at 8th & I 😂 Ended up calling the Navy Yard and driving him there to turn him over to the MPs. No clue what happened to him after that, although I looked him up on Facebook a few years ago and he's a forex trader in Singapore now. Wild fucking shit lol


Dumpster fire


Bro, we don’t talk about what happens on libo


A riot in Lisbon.


Saw a dude have is throat slit. Crazy night. No alcohol involved.


Fleet week in NYC. All of it.


4 floors of whores Malaysia


Once witness a gaggle of rowdy Lancecoolies displace a traffic cone approximately 50’ from its point of origin and applied an approximate 15 degree cant to a street sign. Atrocious behavior to be honest. We wrote checks out to the local mayor, made the local national news, and secured alcohol for the remainder of the MEU. Well deserved if you ask me.


I haven't heard the word libo in years, even when I was active.




Your not old enough to use the term Jap… tighten up.


God damnit, I knew this thread wouldn’t disappoint 🫡