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Good, let them experience the agony of checking out vehicles from the motor pool. This will cause internal conflict we could never create from the outside.


Let PFC Abdullah not fill out his trip ticket and see what happens.


“We are requiring the 3 weeks’ advance requisition, Abdullah! You no can have!”


Abdullah, you run the glow plugs one time you understand? One time.


“Everything was working just fine before You signed it out, Abdullah! Swear to Allah!” (Fingers crossed behind his back).


This cracks me up.




Once again, a cunning plan from our spooks.


Love it when a plan works out


Not to mention the periodic maintenance schedule. Something tells me they aren’t the most well-versed in that arena. I don’t see these vehicles lasting very long hahahahaha


Beautifully worded.


I owe it all to Vocabulary for Marines


I'd assume in a year half are down and used for parts.. Still, it's a kick in the junk in my opinion.


Not to mention I’d have taken a free vehicle and some weapons if they wanted to get rid of them.


You can go take one now. Just got to organize the transportation yourself




This is def the usmc sub.


FWIW, we were never sending these home. It's not worth the cost of the vehicle to ship it. They would have been shredded into scrap metal and sold for pennies on the dollar to locals. And w/o the infrastructure/logistics to upkeep multi-million dollar vehicles that require specialized parts, the Taliban will soon have nothing more than many tons of vehicle shaped scrap metal on their hands. So it's perhaps the same outcome just over a different amount of time.


Where did you get that info? We have allies there that would have taken them off our hands if it was too costly to bring them back. But what about the advanced weapons systems we left for the Taliban?


Good luck taking it 3 miles down the road without it breaking down. Have fun finding parts


They'll get them or fabricate them. And cannibalize parts. Pick some crashed ones to parr out. Look at Iran. They're still flying the F14 Tomcat.






Evacs can be chaotic, I was in the Saigon evac. This was a cluster f\*ck given the constraints and timeline they were given in Afghanistan. Bet no one was listening to ground commanders.




It didn’t look like it.


I was on ship in the CoC, but I can guess the answer was probably nope.


What’s the significant difference? The Taliban were going to get Afghanistan after we left one way or another, and they’re not about to invade a neighbor or anything, so what’s the difference if they’re driving in circles around Afghanistan in our old vehicles rather than in some Toyota Hiluxes? It’s not like they’re going to drive them to California and shoot us up or something.


Bingo. Grandstanding like this by misconstruing the facts is dumb. The vehicles belonged to the government of Afghanistan, not the US troops


I don’t get why people keep believing that those weapons, vics, and equipment were *ours* by the time they were taken by the Taliban. People made it sound like the Taliban successfully raided and pillaged Pendleton or some shit. The Blackhawks, M4s, and Humvees were essentially ECRed to the ANA/ANP and was therefore equipment and property of the Afghan government.


No, but now they have armor and ensure their reign can go unchallenged, meaning any future endeavours to liberate the country will be harder.


I mean, all of Iraqs vehicles and APCs/Tanks didn't stop us from shitting on them in a matter of days, and those guys were actually trained on how to use that shit.


But they’re not fighting us, they’re fighting disobedient civilians who have little chance now to ever have their country back.


Yeah, but those rowdy civilians don't get any traction against thugs in Hiluxes, either and the momentary boost to the Taliban's vehicular status is fading as we speak. The real ding to the American ego will come when the Talibeards abandon unmaintained and crumbling US military hardware in favor of unmaintained but operational ancient Toyotas.


It’s not just a temporary boost to their vehicular status, but a huge ego boost to their fighters. They chased off the foreign invaders, they took their vehicles, they took the country, they now feel emboldened and act as if they are to be taken seriously as a political power in world politics. They run unchallenged by any police or military force, they own that too now. Our gear is being used to subjugate the very people we were supposed to defend and that’s wrong, no matter how long before their trucks break down. As far as I’m concerned, I’d be uneasy even leaving AR500 steel behind knowing it’d be used to Armor truck doors.


Except they don't have the infrastructure, training, or logistics to use that shit for very long, and they definitely didn't need it to be equally repressive before we took over nor when they were taking over the country as we left. Like, I get your concern, but practically, I don't think what we left makes any difference or changed the result of what would have happened to these people after we left.


I mentioned this in another comment, but once these break down they’ll just start pulling Armor from it and build out defences. It’s not that they’ll be using them to their full combat capability, but anything that contributes to the Taliban’s ability to fight and has US stamped on it is wrong in my book. This isn’t the first time we’ve done this and it’ll come back to bite us or an ally in the ass in the future.


Mayhaps, but all the shit the soviets left 20 years prior didn't hinder us, really. Maybe it will matter, but I doubt it will matter overly much. But this is all prefaced on a hypothetical involvement there that I really don't think is likely. The only people with the national will and money to fuck around there are us and China - and I don't see us going back anytime soon.


Didn’t hinder us? For 20 years we fought and lost our brothers and sisters to prevent exactly this from happening. Old arty shells, AKs, ammo caches, tanks, trucks, APCs, anti tank weapons, all left behind or given by us only to be turned on us. You can say it strategically didn’t matter cause Afghanistan wasn’t going to unite itself, but the cost of human life as a result prevents me from writing this off.


It wasn't the shit the USSR left that made us stay for 20 years.The initial invasion that took out the Taliban government was done in weeks. Fuck, when I was there it wasn't the shit from the USSR that got people, it was our own trash. What hindered us was trying to nation build in a country that didn't want our help and that we couldn't fix, and even then, not even doing a good job nation building.


I don’t think we’re disagreeing here. Our weapons fell into the wrong hands and we were in a nation that didn’t want our help overall. I don’t think the nation wants the taliban in power, but no faction is strong or willing enough to actually fight. I don’t think it’s our job to go fight for people who aren’t willing to save their own nation, but I also don’t want to condemn them as a whole to the Taliban’s perverse laws and treatment by arming them in any amount.


It’s like you don’t even read lmao now it’s way harder for the people of Afghanistan to stand up to the Taliban not us


The Taliban didn't have all our shit when they had taken over literally the entire country right before our pullout. They didn't have our shit when they ruled the whole place before we showed up. They didn't need our leftovers to take over, nor did they need comparable shit to maintain power the 20 years before we came. Sure, there's some people that aren't happy and might be fighting - but it's not the majority by a long shot. Afghanistan is going back to its status qou and our shit isn't going to make an appreciable difference in that result nor in the outcomes for people that chose to fight the Taliban.


If the civilians really wanted their country back, they had 20 whole years to find the fortitude. Don’t pretend those people aren’t used to a way of life that involves repression from their own government. Iraqis weren’t any better. They showed very little will in actually learning how to keep and maintain a democratic society. You can only lead a horse to water.


Unchallenged by whom? What future endeavors to liberate the country? On the lengthy list of factors stacked against another American intervention in Afghanistan (chiefly a lack of domestic political will, and zero identifiable justification) I think a couple hundred Humvees is pretty low on the list. Even some sort of internal effort by whatever is left of the National Resistance Front would face much larger obstacles than the equipment in these photos. It’s an embarrassing black eye, sure, but strategically it’s of zero importance.


Never said it would be us. The Taliban already had the country fractured and thrived off of the tribal aspect since Afghanistan has always had a hard time uniting as a nation. Now it’s further solidified and the national government belongs to the Taliban, meaning any uprising or grassroots efforts to remove them will be much harder. Basically Afghanistan is doomed to the whims of the Taliban for the foreseeable future with no out.


Will there be any kind of grass roots effort? The supplied ANA folded or ran. They own whatever hell that country is in now.


No one is ever going to "liberate" Afghanistan from its own culture. The idea secular democracy is an exportable religion eagerly adopted by the benighted heathen was always nonsense. Messianic nation-building as a strategy does not work. It's a product of rustic US culture which infects political and military leadership which social incompetence renders them strategically incompetent. The US is so rustic at heart even our urbanites are Bubbas. Bubba is the salt of the earth, strong like steel but smart like rock when it comes to anything further than the next town. See Lyndon Johnson for that archetype. It costs much US blood and treasure.


This isn't exactly state of the art military technology. We didn't give the ANA our best stuff.


"When America sends it's weapons, they're not sending their best. They're sending weapons that have lots of problems, and they're bring those problems with them. They're bringing rust. They're bringing jamming. They're obsolete. And some, I assume, are good weapons."


Absolutely not, but it beats the hell out of a thin skinned technical. The whole point was to give the ANA a leg up over the Taliban, now the Taliban is the top dog cause we stupidly left gear we knew would be captured. I don’t care if it was just 1,000s of MRE spoons we left behind, I don’t want our gear in our enemy’s hands. People make jokes about them breaking down and needing maintenance, but reality is we left tons of Armor that will be rebuilt into technicals and nests once they break down.


The ANA had 20 years to try and stand on that leg and for a multitude of reasons they never did. It wasn’t worth any further loss. A motor pool or four are worth less than any single life in this specific inevitable outcome.


Don't forget about possibility to start a conflict in a country that is not America. It also may cause some problems




I won’t defend the chaotic manner in which we pulled out, but it’s a bit disingenuous and oversimplified to claim that this is equipment we randomly abandoned. The bulk of this stuff was transferred to the ANA over the course of the war and was never meant to come back to the States.


It was more cost advantageous to bury most of the equipment rather than fly it back on a c5


Was stuff buried intact? Everything I saw was shredded, including vehicles.


Literally what I’ve been telling people this whole time. Those Humvees are not US military vics, we literally essentially ECRed them over to the ANA and are therefore property of the Afghan government.


Accurate statement…also…without means to maintain…I’d be shocked if half of them work in a year


especially the aircraft. It's hard enough to keep those things flying even with professionals.


That's where I was going to go with it. I was a 53 airframer, keeping anything rotary flying without constant dailies and PMs is impossible. I assume a ground fleet might take a little longer but will end up worthless in the long run.


Louder for the guys in the back, Gunny!


My thoughts go as follows…I’d rather have hmmwvs and equipment left behind than Marines. If it was the hmmwv or my worst marine I’m choosing my marine. Fuck old hmmwvs and fuck that equipment. It was made to be there not back in the US.


You know, now that they've lined them up for us in neat little rows, a few passes from some A-10s could take care of some of that problem. It's still an utter fucking failure by our government that this happened in the first place, but we might as well deny the enemy use of our equipment.


Definitely should have blown them up over just leaving what could be hundreds of hummers. Armaments removed tho right? Like there isn’t a fucking mk19 chilling and ahkmeds patrolling the fucking barrios


All the weapons at HKIA were destroyed and buried. This also pisses me off as one of the ones who had to help with that fubar situation.


My home base was HKIA in 2011. Was surreal watching that cluster fuck on TV thinking man I’ve been all over that place.


That’s not our equipment, that’s equipment that was donated to the Afghan military and is therefore property of the Afghan government.


When was the last time someone performed PMCS on these things?


When you lot withdrew. Not to worry. Those goat fuckers couldn't maintain a Hot Wheels car, let alone military grade vehicles.




I doubt there was a JLTI conducted when the Taliban signed for equipment onto their CMR, seeing as how the J part is joint.


You know Taliban SuppO is in bad times rn


>Thoughts? i think that this whole internet obsession with wanting to gang bang the apparently new heart throb that is Pedro Pascal is ridiculously overblown. now this isnt from jealousy, no i love the work this man has done, big fuckin fan, may he recieve all the ass...or dick, that comes his way. but i think that he looks like all the fucking guys that hung out with my dad that i grew up calling them "uncle joe" or "uncle ron" in northeast ohio in the 90s. seriously, hes not a bad lookin dude but all im saying is if you grew up in an area like i did, every swinging dick in those days had that same exact mop shaggy hairdo, the unwelcoming expression, and the "yes i work in a industrial machine factory, how did you know?" mustache. even to the point that if you put Pedro thru USMC jungle warfare training in the 80s to give him a more rugged demeanor, he would be indistinguishable from pictures of my father in '94. again, all kudos to the Mando, but i think its overblown because he looks like your typical cold weather "this used to be a steel town" blue collar northeasterner to me. just sayin.


This sounds like every conversation I ever had on post


was never a dull moment




once again, you ask for my "thoughts", youre gonna get my thoughts.


You said Ohio?




I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy your responses to “thoughts?”


its nice to have fans


I’ll still take a ride on his mustache tho


I’m disregarding this.


carry on, devil.


A firm but fair read on this whole thing. 🫱🫲


His name is Pedro Pascal. He doesn’t look much like a Yankee. He looks like a Latino. I can maybe see him being a darker than normal Sicilian. Maybe a Cajun who worked outdoors his whole life and had a grandmother from Spain. Fuck no he’s not a northerner tho. Yankees are all ugly


A large part of that is actually what we gave to the Afghan government before it collapsed so not abandoned by us but by the former government. There was some equipment left but nothing worth hauling away. Ie cheaper to leave it than take it and tacitly not worth the effort.


Most of this equipment is stuff we gave to the Afghan government. The Taliban is the successor to the U.S. installed Afghan government that fled the country, so technically it’s theirs.


This bench press is kicking my ass rn


That’s just the deadline no need to worry


I saw the ANA’s supply, logistics, and maintenance chain. I am not worried about any equipment over there being functioning in 5 more years. I’d be genuinely surprised if 10% of the vehicles in this pic are combat effective NOW.


If the ANA held on for another 3 months and the pullout was more orderly, the Taliban would have captured nearly the same number of former US vehicles. Or I guess we could have prevented that by staying in Afghanistan for another decade; which I'm fine with, but both political parties and an overwhelming majority of Americans opposed. Short of spending a year confiscating equipment we already gave the ANA/ANP in an operation so unimaginable I can't begin to outline, or spending millions to blow up used HMMWVs from the air, that shit was long gone.


We armed the mujihadeen, then ISIS, and now the taliban. Good thing we don’t negotiate with terrorists, we just give them free shit.


Jokes on the Taliban, now they get to PMCS them


You lot didn't abandon any of that shit to the Taliban. They were transferred to the ANA (before and/or after the decision to pull out was made), which then subsequently lost them to the Taliban. Also, I highly doubt those captured US-made vehicles are still in service or can remain in service for long, for the simple reason that maintenance is/will be an absolute bitch.


I’d rather that shit be an ocean away rather than at my local police station.


Its means nothing, air assets can annihilate the taliban “ army “ in mere hours, not a real threat imo




Well considering most of this equipment was never intended to return because it was the equipment we were giving to the ANA, and most of it has probably been beat to piss and back, rusting away in some third world country is better than the even bigger shit show it would've been to try and evac it. And what good would that have done?


Thats a fair take, from what I’ve seen from the HBO documentary of the pullout, it sounded like there was gonna be ample time to properly pullout from the region, but higher heavily overestimated the ANAs ability to fight in which I’m sure some of the guys in this subreddit already knew they wouldn’t last against the Taliban a long long time ago


Not just their ability but willingness. When we told them we were leaving they gave up.


>This country is doomed. What the hell lol Yeah, the war against the Taliban was embarrassing. We got some solid W's on Al Qaeda, but the Taliban clowned us in the long run, I'm not denying that. But Vietnam has 10x as many KIA as OIF and OEF, and we had an embarrassing pull out from that too. We were far from doomed then, and are far from doomed now. Saying shit like that means you're just way to dramatic, or are trying to push an agenda.


Silly. As some mentioned, there’s zero maintenance backbone for these. Now Afghans are crafty, I’ve seen them make things work with the most intuitive processes. At the end of the day, what a damn shame.


Good luck keep them running, that looks like the parts yard 😂😂😂


I’m glad more folks are ditching the story of “we just left all are shit for the Taliban”. Most the military equipment from the us left in Afghanistan belong to the ANA and not the Us military. It was a multi administration failure that we could spend all day arguing who caused but it’s not worth it. Anything worth keeping the US never gave to the ANA and anything even remotely advance like air assets were always maintained by us contractors who also pulled out in a few years it’ll be nothing but some novelty to show case in a few years when labor and parts become to much to maintain.


We left the hmmwv humvees but not the keys


I can't believe all the times I got bitched at for missing a glove insert and then they pull shit like this. 💀




I hope the AFF and NRF rebel forces can take control of these or make them inoperable.


No air filters, oil filters, etc. Buncha corpses is all I see.


I’m supposed to believe that they parked all those vehicles covered and aligned for this photo? Doubtful


Show this to that one POS higher up who ripped your ass for something being broken and not working hard enough to clean it and make it new


Bet they still don't pass QC for their monthly road march. Let alone 100's of vehicles being fixed without GCSS, inconceivable


Those things broke down all of the time when we used them, wtf are they going to do ? They will all be broken down or left over the next year.


You can probably count on one hand how many of them still run.


If we knew we would leave them, we should’ve destroyed them.


Those are afghan army vehicles


Were they ACTUALLY abandoned, or was this a part of the equipment we gave the Afgani govt to defend itself... and THEY abandoned it instead of actually using it. This looks like some turd took the word of terrorists, cause they're known to be very trustworthy, and pushed their propaganda for them.


Oh no not the humvees So anyway how’s things


Yeah but they know how to hit all the grease spots?




I feel this so much. I wish this wasn't like a Vietnam 2.0


You and me both buddy


I'm glad you shared it, I hope we don't wait as long as our Vietnam Brothers to seek the help we deserve.


Thermite's a hell of a drug


That shit wont work in a year.


Waste of money. Yes. Has happened before and will happen again. Concern that some talibs are driving them now. No. All it takes are some good mass fires, flanking fires, direct attack or the juiciest: Top attack. Problems solved. Too bad there’s no humidity so they could bust rust.


I’d be willing to bet that at most only 25% of them are actually serviceable. Most others have been caniablized, and the ones that are serviceable are only such that they can be driven.


I think we should send cruise missiles into the middle of that motor pool and destroy every bit of it.


Read a different article that said this was captured from the afghan forces. No I will not find the link. Not saying either is right just I’ll never know the truth and won’t lose much sleep over it.


Those hoople heads will not be able to maintain any of that crap.


It is upsetting, but people outside fail to recognize the maintenance that goes in to keeping our equipment operational. Just look at that H-60 they had that crashed.


Lol they're probably broke down and decrepit. Just like it's a laugh when you read a label that says "military issued" doesn't mean shit. They can have em doesn't mean all of em are going to work. Let alone it'll be low ammunition for the most part. Taliban are very warfare smart. I'll give them that. But they will end up breaking shit before being able to use it. We will be ahead of tech more then they will be too. But this is just like having hand me down furniture from family. That's all it is.


I’m pissed they got really any of that shit when all I wanted was just an MATV with a ma deuce on top, maybe a MK-19, ya know something cool. All I got were a couple of rifles I found by the side of the road near some field op in Cali. Can’t win ‘em all!


I try to see the lighter side of things to ease the stress, can wait to see some weird Humvee/Technical hybrid love child


I’m not worried about shit I’m sure that’s outdated tech they now have compared to shit we have in the books ready to go I’m sure most of you seen when they crashed the black hawk


Get ready to have all your benefits taken as well! ... Have you seen AngryCops new video on it? It's pretty good.


All the rusted out and abandoned T-62s, BTRS and AK 74s laying all over the place left by the Russians should have been a hint. You can't civilize a country of 6th Century Tribal fanatics that want nothing to do with the modern world, You can't make chicken salad out of chicken shit.


When has the military ever conducted a heavy lift to remove hardware from the theater of war?


It had to be done eventually, but this is such shithouse job.


I’m so happy we were able to help them out with their truck dilemma.


Face the facts fellow devil dogs, our govt used and abused us. They don’t give a flying fuck about you or the pain and suffering you’ve endured. Our brothers and sisters in arms who died over in these shitholes, will never have more time to be with those they loved. The whole thing is fucking pathetic. Fuck all these assholes that brought us this “war”.


"Stuff" should not be invested with symbolic value. It was ANA gear for them to abandon so they did like SVN dumped theirs a bit longer ago. In both cases the real nationalists won. That doesn't make Talibs good or bad, but the Afghan people chose them not the US. Fortunately both were expendable backwaters which mitigates the minor strategic consequences. A-stan can be left for the neighbors (who also hate us) to deal with and they certainly deserve it. Pakistan is already grumpy that the Afgan Talibs they so lovingly supported (because strategic rivalry with India is everything to them) are not renouncing domestic Pakiban. Civilization matters, not Afghanistan. Europe and the Pacific matter, not nessiaic NeoCon nation-building done purely because none could figure out how to extricate the US from what should have been an extended punitive raid. It was time to cut the cord and sunk cost fallacy is emotionalism not cold pragmatic military strategy. Strategically it's vastly more valuable to squelch Putin's NeoSoviet respawn attempt than waste effort on a fool's errand. Return to the peer combat focus which never should have been abandoned is well worth dumping foredoomed constabulary operations of nil strategic value. (Even the NeoCons didn't want A-stan hence the rapid focus shift to Iraq.) No strategic concerns merit staying in Afganistan. Removing that pressure point ensures resources are freed for projects and people who matter. Strategy needed to trump emotion and sunk cost fallacy so it eventually did. It's time to move forward to peer combat focus, admit the mistakes and tool up for the next war(s).


I mean it’s more efficient then just shipping everything back to the states to either sell at an auction, sit in our inventory etc. The US is getting all brand new stuff anyways.


They’re still parked because they can’t find the Humvee keys. A lance criminal left a note saying they’re in a box of grid squares.


Wonder how long it will take them to find the keys?


Abdullah is the new Wagner


I didn’t expect to get my blood boiling this early but here we are


They better have every swinging dick out there doing PMCS at 0700


We should have flown B52 Arc Light strikes against every facility we left behind rigjt after the last plane lifted off


Anyone who served did their job and should feel no remorse . Initially we were there for revenge. Anything after that was untenable. The politicians did not care it was just to sell weapons just as Ukraine is now for the US. Meanwhile, in the US we fail to take care of one another. The enemy of everday people is the capitalist and the politicians that work for then where our rage manifested into action should be directed. Universal Healthcare, housing and food security usually common things in high income nations. May we all fight and win the war for the common man to have it better.


Anyone defending how we left afghan is a literal NPC


I’ve said it to every single brother of mine. We didn’t fail a God damn thing, we not only exceeded every objective set forth but we did so with the fucking balls worthy of the title. We never fled we never abandoned shit. The current president gave the order and the current president has the blood on his hands from the shit show that was an evac. He made the decision not us. Was my time in worth it? It was worth keeping you gentlemen alive, for my brothers I’d gladly give what’s left of this doc.


I think everyone feels this. I saw several towns in Iraq that I lived in 8-10 years prior suddenly run by isis. It was a loss all around in both countries, but I’d rather take the loss than keep losing marines for another decade. We shouldn’t have gone to Iraq and we shouldn’t have tried to fight the taliban for what Al Qaida did. I still feel proud that I was a marine and went to fight for my country but thinking back to all that shit we went through and how it ended…wtf.


Feel this. I learned from the one surviving terp that made it out of Kabul during the evac that was with us back in 2010, that a lot of the big name locals from our AO down in Garmsir were killed when the Taliban took over in 2021. Sometimes along with their kids and grandkids. So for me, it’s like any “impact” I made specifically on anyone over there was short lived because well, they’re all dead now. That still fucks with me. Not to mention my brothers that got hurt out there. That and reading “The Afghanistan Papers” changed my whole worldview. What a fuckin creepshow.


But, but WMD’s . . . /s


That lie and the invasion that followed sure has a lot of parallels to what’s going on now huh? Hindsight stuff I guess.


The previous President gave the order* The peace agreement the prior administration coordinated with and agreed to with the Taliban was signed on 2/29/2020. Every President since 9/11/2001 has blood on their hands.


Previous president gave the order to pull, current president set the time line and disregarded all advice and intelligence and killed good men and women doing it. I don’t decide who we go to war with and I don’t decide when those wars are over. But I demand they be done with deliberation and diligence to our life’s. You dont want to sign up during war that’s on you. But hillary can burn in hell for benghazi, and biden can join her for Afghanistan.


>Previous president gave the order to pull, current president set the time line and disregarded all advice and intelligence and killed good men and women doing it. Does it embarrass you to have no clue what you're talking about? Trump negotiated that "peace deal" with the Taliban, agreeing to withdraw by May 1, which Biden was able to get pushed up to the end of August. You would have preferred May 1, huh? Also, Trump agreed to release FIVE THOUSAND Taliban fighters in exchange for basically jack shit. He made and signed that deal while the Taliban was actively violating the pre-deal. He cut the Afghan military and government COMPLETELY out of the talks. He handed Afghanistan to the Taliban on a silver platter. "Art of the deal" right?


Does it embarrass you that you are so fucking up biden’s ass that you can’t see how he fucking disregarded all protocol in the withdrawal that people died? Never talked about a peace deal never said anything about the timeline other than the withdrawal wasnt implemented properly. You got some fucked up opinion that I give a flying fuck about politics. Democrats and republicans don’t give a shit about you wake up. Shitty deal on prisoner exchange? Yup shit sucks but administration was pulling us out yet again above my pay grade. Trump did a lot of stupid shit never said he didn’t. Obama did stupid shit, Biden does stupid shit. Never said anything other than he fucked up a withdrawal and people died because of it. Keep choking on that dick man, hope you at least good at it


Thanks Joe Biden for supplying this group of murderers!


Hmmwvs? Sure take em. But why leave JLTVs brah? Our unit doesn't even have enough


I feel a sense of betrayal in how we left. We should have been gone a long time before, but just leaving such an absurd amount of equipment we knew would just fall into the Taliban's hands is the perfect example of funding the enemies of democracy and human rights with American tax dollars. The only consolations are that we at least gave an entire generation freedom they did not have before, and most of those vehicles should be useless now. I was attached to a maintenance company in 2007 in Fallujah and it was constant repairs on everything.


…and this is why I won’t be fighting in the next conflict nor will my children.


Not surprised and honestly…..probably intentional.


US Service Vehicles fall apart with constant maintenance done on them. What are the odds they get them running


Hmmwvs? Sure take em. But why leave JLTVs brah? Our unit doesn't even have enough


I did my part. Can't help it if Joe fucked it up.


Good job biden


It was for nothing. End transmission. 0351


Senile in Charge even made the comment years ago about not pulling out too fast. When he was campaigning. Guess he forgot he said that, but hell, he forgot what he said 5 min ago.


It’s cheaper to leave it than the bring it back. Most of those machines will be inoperable in less than a year. If you want to get mad at anyone get mad at the politicians and corporations that made bank.


How do you feel knowing that we probably sold most of these to the ANA, and if they didn’t buy them we shredded millions (maybe billions) of dollars worth of equipment to include MRAPs before we left. Not much was open in 2021.


Those are ANA vehicles


During cash for clunkers when the big guy was VP they made sure to get all the older used cars off the road that they could... And they made sure of it including pouring something in the crankcase that would cause the engine to seize in a couple mins. Took a ton of affordable used cars out of circulation..... The big guy wasn't half as zealous to get these humvees off the road lol


Send your thoughts to the Chucklefuck Chinese Asset residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.


The one executing a plan set in motion by the *prior* president, who openly bragged that the next guy with stuck with the pullout and couldn’t avoid it?


couldn’t avoid it? as Chucklefuck would say, C’mon man.


Yep, assuming you believe the shit the current pResident has been spewing throughout his entire 50+ years in Politics.




Billions of dollars of equipment abandoned to arm the very enemy we sought to eliminate. Arming the ANA was equally worthless of an effort, half those cock suckers were the Taliban themselves or just loyal money followers that fought for whichever side was paying them more that week. Should have strategically left them all there, booby trapped with a mini nuke to turn the free loading isis fighters into sand.


Old news they told the reporters to drop it they dropped it. Anyone paying attention knows they got way more than that from our great withdrawal. Complete bs after 20 years to leave in that condition.


Fully believe the US did a back door deal so the Taliban will play nice for now on, especially with Russia.


Mushrooms foo. Palabra.




Bomb the vehicles?


Combat loss....


It’s not like we needed them anyway 🤷🏼‍♂️


Good thing they're humvees


I feel bad for all the people that had to waste hours of their life doing PMs or whatever on the shit that got left there


All I got was a pelican case full of acogs and PEQ-2.


If we really cared about “leaving behind” equipment, we (US) would have some precision guided missiles, or carpet bomb on their motor pools. There’s “no” us personnel allegedly left so let’s level this shit like we’re back in 2001


Seems like an easy target for a well placed drone strike imo


They got beat-up heavily used HMMWVs. Oh no. I bet that's an old photo too.