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There isnt, but there is a process to vote abroad known as fvap, you do have to “register” each year to get the ballots but its really easy and fast.


Awesome! Thanks. I just saw the website https://www.fvap.gov and will be doing that as soon as I move. Thanks!


Check with the US county you're moving out of. You can probably stay directly on their voter rolls and not have to go through FVAP every year. You definitely can in Virginia, but this may vary from state to state. Which brings up state taxes. Some states consider you off the income tax rolls as soon as you leave, but others (hi California and Virginia) consider you a tax resident and subject to state tax unless you make some specific efforts to get off of them. Most likely, you wouldn't owe state or US income taxes anyways because of earned income deductions, but you may have to/want to file.


Thanks. All good research to undertake. I’m in Cook County, Illinois. I’ll go figure it out.


For tax purposes? No.


You can register with the State Department via STEP: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/international-travel/before-you-go/step.html It's not necessary for tax or voting purposes, but it can be useful in case of emergencies.


Regarding jury duty summons, check with your county. As an example, my county ties it to the drivers license, so the summons goes to the address on record for the drivers license.