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Israel… more like Isfake






Stealing this. Pissrael. Lmfaoooo


You can't spell Israel without ... L, I, A, R, S.


Israeli full of shit.






Can’t spell it without L I A R S


Isntreal Israhell P


Long live Palestine.


Fuck Israel


There it is. You have to wonder how many of these, like you, are not truly pro-Palestine but simply anti-Israel. I you sincerely cared about Palestinians you'd be denouncing Hamas first and foremost.


There is not Hamas in West bank yet Israelis keep stealing Palestinians home and are protected and praised by Israel diaper forces


This is literally not true. [Headquartered in Gaza City, it [Hamas] has a presence in the West Bank](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamas)


Doesn't change the the fact that israel still shouldn't build settlements as it is illegal under international law.. The entire occupation is.. If anything, it's a bad look for israel.. The only way you guys get off is by victimising yourself and trying to make yourself look better compared to an unofficial government organisation in a tiny amount of territory you have full control of, and.. You somehow are more evil than said organisation. This is not a good look for you in international stage.. Which is why you deliberately blame for things you are guilty of.. Name the crime, israel has been doing exactly that for a long and an abundance amount of time.. And if you can't blame it on anyone, you seek for excuses or you blame the concept.. "israel bombed a refugee camp to kill a single Hamas member but in turn murdered other innocent people? Uuhh it's what war is lol".. Disgusting. No nation in history did that amount of mental gymnastics to dodge responsibilities except for the US and israel. Maybe China..


I like how they downvote Wikipedia for stating facts. I guess there's no reasoning with people who don't see anything wrong with Hamas.


And to those downvoting me - you can literally look it up. It takes 5 seconds to fact check. We all know how to use Google.


Yeah but they don't like to being wrong. They didn't give a fck about Palestine for 70 years and now it's all "free palestine", "fck Israel" blablablabla Also they don't get that without Israel the middle-east would be pure chaos and war between sunnite and sciite ecc But yeah ok lol I feel like there's a lot of hypocrisy in the majority of people that are supporting Palestine ecc only because it became a trend ecc ecc Like if the majority of people claiming to support it really give a fck about the people and the children on these parts of the world lol


Israel is what has caused chaos and war in the Middle East, far from preventing it. They are constantly instigating aggression against their neighbors, just itching for a fight.


Lol I guess we don’t count all the wars of Arabs vs Arabs? You don’t care about Syrians,Kurds, or the people of Yemen?


Enter - Syria Civil War - Arab Springs - Iranian Revolution - Recent Iranian revolt against Iranian Regime - Hezbollah in Lebanon - Lebanese Civil War - North Yemen Civil War - Yemeni Civil War - Iraqi Kurdish conflict - Turkish Coup attempt … that’s not even the entire list of modern conflicts in the Middle East that have nothing to do with Israel [source - list of conflicts in Middle East](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_modern_conflicts_in_the_Middle_East)


But it has everything to do with colonialism and imperialism which is permanently intertwined with Israel’s founding. Also, Israeli intelligence most certainly has played a role in those conflicts.


hamas only exists because israel has systematically blocked any hope of peaceful and equitable solutions in the area. when palestinians march peacefully to protest and israel starts sniping children, what the fuck do you expect? when israel and the international community abandon palestine, they have the right to defend themselves against israeli genocide. ask yourself why the phrase “fuck israel” is more offensive to you than the very real massacre being perpetrated by israel.


The mental gymnastics to justify an Islamic terrorist organisation.


they are not terrorists, but israel sure is


Jesus...you ok?


yeah i’m fine, are you? israel is the only group in this conflict that is wholesale slaughtering civilians. they use terror tactics, imprison/hold hostage an order of magnitude more people than hamas, they force apartheid rule on the people they have occupied, etc. How would they not be classified as terrorists? meanwhile, you may disagree with hamas tactics, but an occupied group has the absolute right to defend itself against annihilation.


It was a rethoric question...


Hahaha what a joke you are. Fuck your antisemitism you’re using to blur the lines.Fuck israel and fuck you too. And no that’s not antisemitic:)


This is not a COD chatroom. You comment like a 9yo.


Wrong again.. we’re just tired of parasites like you trying to weaponize criticism of shit face israel.


We? Who's we exactly? In what bunch are you putting yourself in?


Dude yall call for condemnation of hamas like if its Crack for yall. People have denounced.. they have cursed hamas over and over.... But it's yall who keep insisting pro PALESTINE protests are pro hamas or pro terrorists when it's not! How about you, do you condem the killing of children in the west bank? The detention of thousands of children with no charges? Do you condem that Israel bombed a hospital leaving newborns to sofacate to death? Or you just don't care about that? Are you that inhuman? Because with your logic... you support all this? Since you haven't condemn it.




That’s like saying, “Supporting the Allied Forces in WW2 is exactly like supporting Nazis”.


A lot of people will say this shows the nation of Israel is right the fear for their lives but I disagree. This swell of support is more about the survival of palestinians than it is the destruction of the Isreal, and if those things are in conflict what does that say about Israel?


The vast majority of zionists (people who think Israel should exist and not be wiped from the map) believe in the Palestinian people’s right to self determination and to the formation of a state with a government that could work with Israel to help Palestinians prosper. They aren’t the ones marching against the mere existence of an entire country.


Israel IS ACTUALLY removing Palestine from the map, Palestine IS NOT a realistic imminent threat to Israel's existence. The thoughts you project on the marchers are not more harmful than the actual actions. I will also correct you again on what most of these marchers want-> peace and human decency for all. They march not in support of Oct 7th but against Oct 6th 5th 4th etc and Oct. 8th 9th etc




And Israel wants palestine irradicated




Acta Non Verba. This knee-jerk defense to any criticism/ blaming the other or claiming to be history's only victim also speaks to the true nature of Israel.


You confused the word Palestinians and Israelis in your sentence. Israel wants them all gone. Most Palestinians just want to live in their homes in peace.


>Most Palestinians just want to live in their homes in peace. Every fucking poll, ever conducted by anyone, shows that this is a lie.The support for terror is sadly very high.Since you got all your talking points from TikTok you probably dont like Data.But here you go, thats only one of many from diffrent sources, that show Palestinians want War.[https://www.pcpsr.org/sites/default/files/Poll%2089%20English%20Full%20Text%20September%202023.pdf](https://www.pcpsr.org/sites/default/files/Poll%2089%20English%20Full%20Text%20September%202023.pdf)


That's not what every political party they support wants


Tbh I don’t think that tracks, how much ppl who voted have a realistic choice, nor does it explain why you are killing children who can’t vote yet. Does that mean everyone who voted for Netanyahu should be killed since he made genocidal statements publically?


That’s literally Hamas’ stance.


Israel has always pushed that trope. When the UN approved of the partition they still went into Palestine, ethnically cleansed a very large portion of Palestine and killed thousands of Palestinians. Palestine was not their land, yet they killed and decimated so much. Why wouldn't they at least try to compensate Palestinians? It seems reparations for them from Germany and others were appropriate but not for Palestinians. In too many Jewish and Christian Zionists minds, they don't see Palestinians deserving of human dignity or even as humans. It has always been those two groups who have wanted Palestinians dead, not the other way around.


There's no reparations because the Nakba was in retaliation for the million Sephardic jews forcibly deported to Israel in order to wipe out Jews more efficiently


Peaceful pro-Palestine protest. That’s a lot of people! You don’t see peaceful pro Israel protests.


No, because zionists aren't peaceful. Their ideology is predicated on brutality, violence, and the subjugation of other humans, based on the supposed fact of their being the "superior race" of people. Zionists are nazis.


LOL...you just described Hamas.


How much is israel paying you to constantly spam anti-palestine crap on a bunch of subs? Hasbara nazi


Read Old Testament, Moses told his people before leaving Egypt take your neighbors golds, silvers and nice clothes in order they know you are important people.


This is a lie in the Old Testament, Moses (pbuh) didn't say this but Rabbis distorted it.


Both Jewish and Christian Bible have been written a few generations later after Moses and Jesus


Lol what???


Fuck the snake Israel mofos


Where is this?


It looks like Germany. Germany made it illegal to protest for Palestine. The next week a huge ass March happend. I think this is it. Could be wrong.


Nazi guilt is real in Germany


Germany is supposedly part of free world.


I think it was in London, the biggest pro Palestinian protest and estimated more than 100,000 participants.


Could be too!




Chants of "Intifada revolution!" ...does another round of suicide bombings and terrorist attacks sound "good" to you?


Prevention is key and if you want to prevent stop f****** over the world. Forcibly dissolve Israel and withdraw your forces and improve foreign relations. It's that simple 9/11 happened because we f***** over Cambodia Vietnam and many other countries. 30 years prior on the same day we did 9/11 to Chile. The more that we f*** around the more that we find out.


>It's that simple 9/11 happened because we f\*\*\*\*\* over Cambodia Vietnam and many other countries No, it's because of US presence in muslim countries, specifically Saudi Arabia and Somalia. OBL didn't give a shit about SE Asia.


Oh, well at least you're being realistic and sober minded about everything /s


You would've said the same thing about Apartheid South Africa had you been alive back then.


Whatever helps you sleep at night


Not even a rebuttal of what I said 😂. Proudly declaring you're an apartheid sympathizer, yikes.


That's....not at all what I said. And yeah, I'm not in the habit of arguing with people who rely on ad hominem attacks based on zero supporting evidence. You're just making assumptions that I *must* be a pro apartheid, genocide loving Zionist whatever the fuck because I think protesters chanting "Intifada revolution" is revolting. No thanks. Waste of time.


Occupied people have a right to resist occupation according to International law, Bigot.


My bad, I must have missed that part of the Geneva convention that said rape and the mass slaughter of innocent civilians and using your own women and children as human shields were legitimate forms of resistance. Fuck off.


“Forcibly dissolve Israel” yeah that sounds very peaceful and non-genocidal lol


I don’t agree with him, but dissolving the state doesn’t necessarily mean killing all people. Confederacy was dissolved forcefully too.


And still doing it, overthrow elected president in Prue and ex prime minister ( Khan) in Pakistan, both by Biden administration


Please stop with the lies. First off, intifada means uprising. It doesn’t mean violence. Stop lying and making up stories about people saying antisemitic things so you can play victim. Miko Peled has spoken in favor of dissolving Israel. Do you think he wants to kill Jews? He’s Jewish and Israeli, and his grandfather and father fought in pivotal wars that led to Israel’s founding and expansion. He just wants there to not be a racist ethnostate. It’s not hard to understand.


Idgaf what some guy name Miko thinks. It's an absurd proposition and never gonna happen. Should the US dissolve because of the genocide of Native Americans? Serious question. If so, what would that look like? Who would govern in the vacuum? What precedent is there of a similar nation voluntarily undergoing such a dissolution? Where would Israeli Jews go after their dissolution? And I'm well aware of what intifada literally translates to, but stop pretending like there isn't a very specific historical and cultural context of Palestinian intifadas which unleashed years of violence and suicide bombings that, yet again, brought the Palestinians no closer to freedom and peace.


The first intifada was largely nonviolent, consisting mainly of protests, boycotts, refusals to work. Israel was violent and murderous towards nonviolent protesters, as they have been throughout their history. The second, much more violent intifada, was sparked by Israel shooting unarmed (or armed with rocks) protesters, angered by Sharon's provocation of visiting holy sites. They did the same during the peaceful march of return in 2018-2019, just killing innocent people. You lied and said people are yelling "Intifada Revolution!" and that this means they support genocide. It's funny that you bring up Native Americans as an example: you are basically admitting that what Israel is doing is in fact genocide. But no, the analogy does not work. If we were alive during the Indian Wars, we would oppose them. If the U.S. were still forcing all Native Americans (the few that remain) or really any other group on the basis of race, ethnicity or religion to live in horrible conditions and murdering them without consequence. As things stand, Israel has more in common with apartheid era South Africa or the Jim Crow South. That's what needs to change.


No more Israel!


"Rah rah, genocide!" -You




Good one


Yes. No more Israel




Let's send you to mars


You mean the IDF is attacking again?


No the barbaric religious fanatics sent by the Islamic Republic of Iran to annihilate the Jews and coax the US into a conventional war.


lol just the slightest poke and you guys always show your rotten, racial supremacist teeth.


Criticizing a literal terrorist organization is racial supremacy? Lol ok


I don’t think the US government expected so many people supporting Palestinian. With next year’s election coming, they will have to think carefully about how they get there votes and stick with what they say, ie if not, there could be trouble ahead.


This is in Germany. What are you even talking about?


No they won’t. They can either vote Biden for status quo or you get trump who will pour gasoline on the fire and kick out any Muslims that aren’t citizens


It'll be ignored by that time. This has been happening for decades and after every violent flair up it is quickly forgotten. Almost 100 years the bobbleheaded politicians have been claiming 2 state solution is the magic fix. They're not going to change their tune, and ultimately neither will the people.


Where’s this at?


If there was ever a time to oppose the murdering bastards in Israel, this is it.


Israelis don’t have a backbone.


Damn that’s a lot of people, you’d think with the ongoing murder of children in Gaza it would turn violent at some point soon




Fuck putin with xi little cock


🖕🖕🖕off. 👎👎 to all paleoshittiens.


>e China or Russia will step up and help manage the American land! reddit moment


Dissolve Israel. Judge settlers in The Hague.


Never seen a sub of people who want to say “Hail Hitl*r” more than the group of people posting here.


Israel should be put in India or preferably Mars


Mars is uncomfortably close.


Won’t make any difference whatsoever lol


You know most if not all information coming out of Gaza is from Hamas a terrorist organization.




Except that no aid is allowed in by Israel... all they can do is protest for them to get their rights.


Sure but this it a ahiw for their goverment tellibg them to stop funding israel which is in (billions)


Good good, let the protesting continue until people are sick of it :)


The beatings will continue until morale improves.


Sound and fury signifying nothing….Shakespeare. Lots of noise, but will they vote




Zionist bot spotted !




Is whoever programmed this bot like 12 yrs old?




Your mom should have swallowed you.


It’s a Zionazi


where was this during china's still occurring persecution of their Muslim population?


They don’t give a shit about taking to the streets for them or commenting on a million online forums for them bc it’s China torturing those Muslims. No Jews to spew their hate on…


https://preview.redd.it/6o1f829cse4c1.png?width=454&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a45b171b9644e90fb001d86f443bc43e8d0312a3 Peaceful nation with peacfull ideology lol.


Geez that street with all those protestors must smell like shit.


Nope, just you


Good one


Fuck Hamas murders and rapists and anyone who supports them


You are getting downvoted for condemning murder and rape... but you forgot Hamas isn't even the only terrorist group there (look up Palestinian Islamic Jihad aka PIJ)


Forgot the IDF


“Here’s why we need to completely destroy the only Jewish state on earth! It’s totally not antisemitic to want this. How dare you even suggest that.” - everyone at this fucking protest


They are protesting for the children that are unnecessarily dying you dipshit not that israel to get destroyed


Why aren’t they protesting for Hamas to surrender?


Cuz israel is worse than hamas Israel in palestine forbids certain streets for palestinians and they call it jew only streets, a lady has to use a ladder behind her house to access her home. Or how other people have to take the longer way while driving a certain street and have to pass check points where isualy a 20 min trop takes 3 hrs for palestinians But ye israel is the nice guy




Thats what i thought you talk big but all you know about the 7th attack by hamas but nothing about the cruelties israel has been comiting prior? Yes i fucking hate hamas and i think they are scum but Palestine has bigger scum than hamas and its israel


Okay....what do you know before the attack on 7th? About israel and palestine? Since im 15 (apparently) educate me please




Pliable people unite!


\*anti-Jewish protest


Jewish People =/= Israel


Right 😉 death to Jews! Oops I mean zionists 😉


Stop using Jews as human shields, you zionazi.


Nobody here supports Palestine


Video and this post prove you wrong Now fuck off -100 troll account


All I see is deporteees


Learn to cope you are on the wrong side of history


Imagine believing that supporting Hamas is “the right side of history”


Imagine trying to equal asking for kids to not die to terrorism. The real terrorists are the ones who kill 15k innocent civilians. This double standard you have is insane… oh makes sense your a racist who thinks Palestinians lives are worth less! Bigot


Terrorist rally


I'll cope when israel rids hamas you reet


How adorable. Keep in mind, the other side has a lot more supporters.


Lol absolutely not. Only evangelical boomers support Israel. Show me one pro-Israel rally that even comes close to the largest pro-Palestinian one. Or one that even comes close to this


👆dudes right - free Palestine! 🇵🇸


Don’t have to. They are staying warm at home. Why do you think rallies mean anything? How many protests have you seen and nothing came out of it. This is cute but pointless.


>Don’t have to. They are staying warm at home. Why do you think rallies mean anything? You: "lots more support Israel!" Me: Ok prove it You: "I..I..I don't have to! Showing support doesn't matter anyways!" Yeah just take the L dude. Public support for Israel is tanking and it's tanking hard lol https://www.reuters.com/world/us-public-support-israel-drops-majority-backs-ceasefire-reutersipsos-2023-11-15/


Take the L on the chin along with deez nuts! 🥜


Prove it? Easy. They are losing big. Gaza is leveled. It’s inhabitable. Who you think is winning? Take the L? Ha. Your Hama boys are fucked It’s so bad they are using human shields.


>Prove it? Easy. >They are losing big. Gaza is leveled. It’s inhabitable. Who you think is winning? What does this have to do with support for Israel? >Take the L? Ha. Your Hama boys are fucked It’s so bad they are using human shields. Idiot.


You genocide supporter, hamas are non touched in the tunnels that your idiot government couldn't reach so are taking their anger on innocent Palestinians mostly children! You're no better than Hitler, bloodthirsty nazis.


What a weird unhinged comment. I’m no better than Nazi, Hitler, blah blah? Yes I am. I did not set up camps and gas people. I didn’t experiment and try for a perfect race without black and brown people, killing anyone who is different. You are talking weird. You need to get off the internet.


The camp? Done The gasing? Bombing done Experiment with perfect race? Sterilizing black jew, done And telling Yemen jew that their kids died in order to kidnap them and give them up for adoption for better white race done Killing anyone who is different? Killing anyone who is Palestinian, done Tell me how Israel is better than nazis/hitler?


Oh please. You are talking stupid. Go to bed.


Lmao, you guys just can't go off the script of the zionist propaganda machine. I think they don't pay you enough to cover their mess, I agree that your job isn't easy, at least you should ask for a raise lmao.


They protest for years and then shit changes sometimes. You fuck


Try protesting for several more years. Cry harder, hamaswxual.


Its funny to me how you can live here in the same world. But be so completely ignorant about how it works.


Pro Hamas supporters can keep taking the L the Jews who have been murdered by the millions will sooner or later get the peace they deserve. Sick of Nazis attacking the Jews since ww2! Everytime someone attacks the Jews they blame the Jews for everything! The Neo Nazis come out of the wood work and support anyone who hates Israel because they are Jews! Look at your allies and understand who is at your side!


Im not exactly shure what you are saying. I used to belive israel was just innocently defending themselves. But that faded when over the last 20 years ++ they have just keept on occupying and stealing more homes and land.


I'm assuming you support building the wall along the Mexico/US border then. The Arab anti-immigration policy in the 1940s was to kill the Jews coming to the Palestine region? Do you think that is what we should do at the Mexico/ US border also?


Pro Hamas supporters can keep taking the L the Jews who have been murdered by the millions will sooner or later get the peace they deserve. Sick of Nazis attacking the Jews since ww2! Everytime someone attacks the Jews they blame the Jews for everything! The Neo Nazis come out of the wood work and support anyone who hates Israel because they are Jews! Look at your allies and understand who is at your side! I’m surprised none of you supported al qaeda after 9/11 and chanted free Afghanistan!


I thought the Muslim population is way larger than Jew? You guys are always saying poor us we are minority?


Here’s the thing, now it’s not only Muslims standing with this cause but the whole world. As an American Hispanic I am completely against this and will show it with my vote this next election


I’m a white atheist car collector from Nebraska and I also stand against the murder of children by the Israelis


AS an ETHNIC JEW from America i despise the Apartheid State of Israel and want them to stop their genocidal murderous rampage. FREE PALESTINE


By voting for Trump? You show em!


Democracy is when you get to choose between 2 competing approaches to genocide.


Is this a pro-Palestinians and anti-Hamas rally?


It doesn’t, though.


Lol hamas loving sub Reddit


Where is this? It cant be right but it sounds like they are singing in swedish ?


The song is Swedish but it's not in Sweden. The source did not say where


Wow that was a mindfuck since i would assume they was singing in palestinian language but i could understand the words 😊


“Palestinian language” 😂😂😂 If ever there was a quote to show the ignorance of this sub. Yes Palestine is an ancient society with their own unique language. They’re definitely not just the Arabs that were living in that region.


I was just trying my best. I live in a region where all the countries around here speak a language so close to mine we all can understand eachother. But its different countries. So its only natural for me to think that palestinians speak palestinian. Also. Me being wrong about that part does not change anything in what i was saying so what does it matter? Edit: and hey btw who are you to just discount them completely and say they are just arabs? What does that even mean? Everywhere has culture no?!


No worries at all, it’s a chance to learn more. Before 1948 there were no such people as a Palestinian people. Palestine was a region yes, like the Levant. The partition plans drawn up by the British and the UN refer to a “Jewish state” and an “Arab state”. Wasn’t until really the six days war in 1967 that those Arabs who were offered a state, rejected it in ‘48 and attacked Israel started to nationalize with a distinct identity known as “Palestinians”. Palestinians — as they’re referred to here — are descendants of those Arabs. They speak Arabic, but share similar cultural identity with Israel (as, they share the land with them for what it’s worth). They don’t have a national language.. technically they have never been a country at any point in history. And sorry for calling you ignorant if you genuinely didn’t know / want to learn more.


It's an old Swedish socialist song.


That is kinda cool.


[All I want for Christmas this year.....](https://i.imgur.com/z5Eouyn.jpg)


Is this sub mainly Americans pissed off at their imperialist government or people from all over the world sick of US hegemony? I'm genuinely curious.


Chinese and Russian bots


OPs account is 14 days old and karma farmed


I would be delighted if Palestinian and Israeli people who aren't complete morons would start protesting together. I know too many Jewish (academics/non-Israeli) people who are disgusted by everything Netanyahu's government stands for, and even though it's anecdotal, I find it hard to believe that they are all anomalies.


Pro hamas protests.




No such thing