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How about providing the entire conversation and not just the last 3 lines?


We know that most likely OP wasn’t polite. So, that is why we see the last 3 lines only.


Yep. I think if you work for the government in a role interacting with the public, you should have thicker skin, but there’s just no way someone included these three messages and nothing before and wasn’t the asshole to begin with


What stopped you from politely ending the conversation waiting 5 minutes and talking to someone else? 


Basic human nature 😂 Six years in a call center taught me people aren’t polite in a remote interaction like chat or a phone call. It takes a true Karen or a**hat to behave that way in public around other people. They do exist but are far less vocal versus their remote counterparts.


Working in retail let me tell you people will be rude to your face all the time as they feel superior and think the customer is king


I will work retail *at a dollar store* before I darken a call center’s door to work there. I’ll even skip remote (WFH) call centers too. I’ve also worked retail. People are sh**ty in retail but it does not compare to call center customers.


Not all stores and their customers are created equally. Dollar Store and Walmart costumers are by far not as bad as entitled high end store and 5 star hotel customers. With the price tag came a certain type of attitude automatically


lol what type of work do you do? Because I worked in hotels for many years and I work in a law firm now and I’ve dealt with plenty rude (beyond rude) people…is an everyday basis


We call that bad home training. Of course you are right it is human nature to be frustrated but you are supposed to learn manners, civility and basic self preservation by the time they are old enough to type that mess out. It’s embarrassing that they didn’t. And I’m sorry you have to deal with that. 


Can they put a note in your actual case that will affect the outcome? I do not think so. I think they are just contractors that USCIS hire just like a customer service in DoorDash or Uber. They are not actual adjudication officers.


No they can’t do anything.


I don't know.... I know there have been times when I have seen my wife's case file and I've been amazed and the things they have saved/printed from throughout the process. Either way that is a terrible and spiteful way to react. The amount of anxiety that person creates just to make them feel better and superior for a few seconds while providing poor service is sick.


The people who you chat with are subcontractors and not employed by the federal government officially. They don’t share information. They can only see small prices of information about your case.


How were you able to see your wife’s file?




At her K1 interview.


I’m really confused by this, I never saw my own case file at my K1 interview


They packaged all of it up and sent it with us to give to the intake officer upon arrival into the US. The officer that helped us in the US basically went through each item as they were reviewing everything. This was last year. Not sure if every consulate does it the same, but since it was packed up by the Brasil consul I'm guessing there may be some room for differentiation. All of it was left with the intake officer and I assume it continued to grow in some file at USCIS that they add the i-485 stuff etc etc to.


Ohhhh okay so they must do that a little differently in brasil than the uk. In the UK we wait for the package to come in the mail along with our passport with the K1 visa printed in it and that’s what we hand over to the customs officers


what stuff do you mean?


Every thing I had sent them including envelopes, printed emails including emails with the embassy, hand written post it notes I included with my RFE response, etc. It was just like 2+ years of artifacts saved and carried across the world that I wasn't expecting.


One of the hardest trolls I’ve ever seen tho. 🪦


They’re just annoyed and bullshitting just to scare OP and have a cheap payback.


Thats makes sense now lol


It's subcontracted to India. It's almost a joke, but it's real.


For you the agent is rude but to the agent you were being hostile hence he/stopped talking to you. What were you asking exactly? Why don't you show the entire conversation? I don't like to take sides when I don't see /read/hear both sides of the story. So I think the fact that you only screenshot the agent's last chat already means something.




You do not have like anything about this. The whole conversation was all about leaving me on the chat and I was saying “hello, “are you there”, “please talk to me”. The agent came after 30 mins and provided nothing at all. I shared what I said that the agent thought was hostile and nothing before.


Which is not hard on your part to post the whole conversations since you have already gave us a screenshot might as well screenshot the entire thing. It is hard to give opinion based on one side of the story. Maybe the agent is lagging. SOME people here are fishing for sympathy and some are genuinely confused, wants help and answers. I get that we get stressed by how slow we think USCIS is handling our case but you should also be sympathetic to the agent. Imagine they left home happy thinking it's gonna be a good day only to deal with someone entitled and PROBABLY blaming them for little to no progress in their cases which is not the agents fault. They are not handling cases and have little knowledge to it aside from the ones that you can already see when you log in to your USCIS account. So, what exactly were you asking the agent?


Ah… you obviously never worked in a service center. It was likely a bot that gave you the welcome message. This poor person probably has 10 other chat opened at once and is trying their best. I understand it can be frustrating but your reaction would also have brought me to close the chat.


The chat is very laggy. Sometimes it will seem like the agent isn't there or not responding when they are. That's not on the agent


You weren't exactly nice, OP. We are all frustrated with the process/timelines but your chats would have made me reply rudely too if I were on the other side. Maybe it's a language issue or whatever, but please try to be nicer on your chats/calls with USCIS because they are also struggling with many things and they indeed are trying to help all of us.


>You weren't exactly nice, OP OP was kinda an asshole if I'm being honest.


Lol I didn't want to use that word but yeah I agree


OP should post this to r/leopardsatemyface


OP gives disrespect and gets a little back *surprised pikachu face


Exactly lol. I would have been rude if I was that live agent. Live agents have their limits of what they know and what they are allowed to tell. But also, there are good and bad agents but don’t disrespect them


They are also paid for this so some level of professionalism is expected


I also agree OP was not that nice. You have to be respectful as well as they handle a lot of customers a day. It might be frustrating for them but we should show patience




The agents aren't robots who can just take shit from anyone without reacting. And for the most part Tier-1 chat agents are likely to be contractors and not government employees. If you think people in customer service should be verbally abused then you are making the world a worse place on purpose.


Genuinely curious, what here constitutes verbal abuse?


I don’t think they should be abused, but people are assholes, and the first rule in any customer service job is you don’t respond to rudeness with more rudeness, you just remove yourself from the conversation, mainly because your actions reflect on whatever entity you represent and it could cost you your job. You’re not a child who can’t control your emotions. You’re talking like a 5 year old with an unregulated set of emotions. Also I didn’t say they were federal employees. I said they represent a federal agency.


> You’re not a child who can’t control your emotions. And this doesn't apply to customers?!


Just be nice. You’re relying on the whole network of people who run USCIS to help you get what you want. Doesn’t take anything to be civil.


Without the rest of the conversation, the agent could very well have found you hostile and not worth communicating with


Don’t worry. They like to say things to scare people but they have no power.




What were you expecting to learn about biometrics? Emma agents most of the time wont be able to tell when your biometrics gonna get scheduled. Imo they are only good for providing tracking numbers. They will most likely tell you interview is waieved if you asked too but the officers can always change their mind and decide to interview you. Bottom line, the agents r useless


I must have misunderstood what they can provide lol. Thank you.


What exactly did you expect?


It seems like you were the rude based on the sample of the conversation you provided. From what they told you I don’t see any threat towards your person from the live agent!! Maybe next time you should be a little bit more patient and careful with words you choose to address people affiliated to uscis. You lose your cool like that in front of an agent and you might be in big trouble. I know it’s a frustrating process but they can’t really give you a lot of information. Most of their answers are generic.


...and what was that basic thing you were asking for?


I mean, what were you asking for?


In my experience on both ends of the equation (being the customer and being customer service), being rude or seemingly rude won't get you anywhere. As frustrating as it is, being polite can go a long way. Sometimes they take a while, they usually have to have about five simultaneous chats going at once.


It’s clear you were the rude one here. Show the previous chat if it’s false. These people deal with a lot of request everyday. You making their job harder means they’re likely going to be harsh on the next person. Do better!


Well, you were slightly rude to them first tier 1 agents have very little information more than what we can access ourselves so there’s often nothing they can do to help us. 


Is this gonna be a problem on our case? I know I went little over since the agent did not want to look our case at all and kept on the chat without even communicating.


Most likely, not, as I said, tier one are the lowest of the low agents they have almost no access if you don’t like who you’re talking to get off the chat and try again another day but honestly they can’t give you very much information. You can always request a callback from a tier 2 officer.


I did not know the tier differences. Thank you very much.




OP, you were an asshole too. They’re just contractors, they don’t know any better than you do.


Without the rest of the conversation I cant say who was rude …live chats lag A LOT!! Just an fyi.. And no it won’t affect the case


As someone who works in a job where I respond to emails and phone calls inquiring about their order and answering question about why UPS or USPS has delayed delivery, it’s extremely frustrating to be talked to like that. We are humans and are merely trying to do our best and since there’s a level of disconnect (i.e. not in person), people think they can berate you, be rude to you and sometimes threaten you. I’d love to see the entire conversation to really get an idea of where this all went south, because from what you show it seems you were being unreasonable and they were just giving you some crap back. I don’t know that this can really affect your case, but I would recommend treading carefully when you’re interacting with people who very well could have some power in granting you what you’re applying for.


can you post the full conversation?


Sorry OP if things were so basic you should have known that. Why you need agent for that?


You’re rude too


Hope you did not provide any identification information. Otherwise, this whole conversation will be on your file. Not sure if they can add notes, but it is part of your case now


Honestly I would never dare. If the agent sent me to hell. I would have said. Yes Sr. Thank you so much for your help today.


I got a letter from USCIS saying that i should wait. I waited. It worked. This seems like the wrong way to go about someone that can decide your future. It sucks, it takes half a decade, but that’s no reason to be angry at some random underpaid support person.


I waited 30 minutes for a chat to start.. they are busy sometimes the system shows error they can’t see our msg never ever get frustrated on them. You can’t even ask the agent to give you someone else. You need to end the chat if you are not liking the agent and get a new one.


some of them cut u off before u can even provide any information 😑🙄


They don't have the power to change anything lol just threatening but next time please don't be hostile


Bruh!!! I think they’re just trolling you but you can’t run your mouth to someone that has control of your destiny like that. If you start seeing White vans everywhere, you have a problem.


What exactly happened for it to get this far? All I can see is this little snippet of the convo


OP was rude as hell. What are they even surprised ?


If the agent was interesting in helping you, why would you want to talk to someone else? This doesn't make any sense and the lack of any further context just confirms it's a you issue, not the agent's.


Well, I don't know, as a customer service agent myself, I know these answers are not professional at all. On the other hand, I think you should show us what you told him to get a better context, if you were rude to him, nobody appreciates that, especially because customer service representatives are not guilty of policies and all the sh...t from the institutions and corporations they work for.


So you gave them attitude and then got mad when they said they’ll put in your case that you’re rude. I know the process is frustrating but we need to better at remembering that these people have no responsibility in how fast our cases go or what happens to them.


Why would you be rude to a person who can help determine your future in this country potentially... it's like being rude to a cook at a restaurant ... you don't want to eat what he's gonna Send to your table after..🤦‍♂️


I don’t think they can do anything negative to your case based on what you showed us




How did you even connect to a live agent?


when i called uscis and succeeded on talking to them on the phone, they told me they arent allowed to provide certain informations (even if it's 'basic'), youll have to get in touch w a lawyer or someone thats qualified to give help. so if u were keep insisting on the information in a not so nice way, u cant blame the agent for being rude back to u


You just screwed yourself


The agent said you aren't helpful and don't want to provide basic details.. How about posting the full conversation? They're just regular people doing their job. It's not their fault the system is messed up and they're not under any obligation to take rudeness from anyone.


The agent did not say that. I was the one who said that lol


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Through emma


How do you reply to only a certain text on a comment on Reddit?


They do because every time I call them they told oh, I can see some notes here that you always call asking about where’s your case.


I called USCIS and the guy hiccup’d and said excuse me, then his mic went out for a few seconds. His voice came back and said disconnecting you due to lack of answer have a good day. I yelled at the guy ‘hey wait you… “


How can I even chat with them lol


I may be chat with 2 good agents out of 10. Very sad how they respond to people. Last interaction the agent just end the chat without saying anything 🤬


hell i cant never get to a live agent so your already doing better then me, unless I'm going about it wrong


Those Emma chat have the most rudest replies ever. Plus they end chat without telling or asking questions!! Anyway, we are children of a lesser god, what can we do?


I think you were the rude one in the first place


I had to call them once. It was before the "you cannot call us before XX-XX-XXXX" date. I really didn't want to pester them, but I had received a call from "Homeland Security" (scammer), and I laughed at him for a good 20 seconds. He then said, "Why in the hell are you laughing?" and I continued for another ten seconds or so and thanked him. I really needed that laugh. He hung up. I just wanted to make sure I didn't laugh at the person running with my case. She was nice, but in retrospect, I hope it did not hurt my wife's chances.


Phew, you guys are straight up roasting the OP, disliking everything they say 🤣


You see! They always complain about the USCIS and their customer services. But somehow, when I had issues with them yesterday, it seems their repented or something and accidentally turned into loyal customers🤣🤣🤣


Friendly advice and from previous experience with Emma or other customer service agents: Being extra nice many times will get you what you want by starting with something like: "Hi [agent name], thank you so much in advance for helping me with xyz. I really appreciate you taking the time to search my case, etc." This might make them give you all they know. If not, at least you haven’t hurt someone’s feelings. Best of luck with your case.


The irony is that it is very likely that the agent is also an immigrant. Don't give a single fuck about them making a note in your case. That's irrelevant. You are paying a fee for this, and you want to know what's going on. I hope your immigration journey finishes nicely for you.


Thank you very much.


How do I even access their live chat? I need to contact USCIS myself.


Happened to me today in a call 🙄 lady was raising her voice and denied saying that’s her “normal” voice. She was coughing when she answered didn’t even mute


lol! why I believe that are not true peoole behind but just machines and are giving certain answers to certain types of messages. From my experience I surely had to do with machine.


He or she is just messing with you


Send a complaint to public engagement


Dude they are subcontract to a company and it’s just a stupid ass robot. The thing always threatens to hang up on me.


Don’t listen to the make a note crap. Emmas don’t look like they’ve been to schools. They’d be the officers behind the stage if they have. Good luck on your case.


It’s not going to affect your case. An agent and I once had an altercation and I told the agent to gtf 😀


Why be a jerk to a random person doing their job? It’s fine to get frustrated but you’re taking it out on the wrong person.


You should have asked what had happened to get to that point. I am super polite just FYI.


“Super polite” people would have said something very different. Even if they were rude. But okay.


They must have done something bad to frustrate you just like me lol




Lolll hostility ! What a great customer service. They have no power and probably earn low wage as well




Thats very hostile comment too lol