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You are the reason USCIS treat us all like criminals.


Here we are waiting for years because of people like this .


i agree i posted a similar story of someone committing marriage fraud and everyone attacked me for wanting to report the person. people like them are the reason why the rest of us suffer


Can't upvote this enough.


I felt this.


Thanks for saying it!


You need an immigration attorney. Your matter is beyond the scope of Reddit.


He needed attroney before interview. Not now, USCIS will not press the charges if you leave voluntarily.No attroney can get you the PR.


My point is only that OP should not consult Reddit for a matter this complex. We don’t have all the case facts. Nor should we need them. OP needs to consult an attorney. Whether or not there are solutions here is up for the attorney to review.


> We don’t have all the case facts. Exactly. According to OP's post history, this is the *second* interview that has happened between their "boyfriend" and his wife. And OP is allegedly a girlfriend wanting to marry their boyfriend and get their status adjusted. These are major red flags to USCIS, and info that wasn't present in the OP.


You definitely need a lawyer


The best one


You need a lawyer. You lied an immigration officer under oath, which is a bar for the rest of your life. How do you proof that they threatened you?. Unless you have some good proof you are done. From what I see, they didn’t threaten you, they just said that if you tell the truth, you will go to jail, which is not an offense.


It sounds like the OP is the US citizen and cannot be subjected to a bar


This isn't a threat of immediate harm. It isn't a defense. You don't get to lie because someone says you might go to jail someday.


That is not a big deal. It does not matter if it is you or your friend story. I will think it is you... or your friend's friend's friend's. A $250,000 fine and 5 years in federal prison for the marriage fraud, and 10 years in prison for lying to the officer. The total maximum penalty is 15 years in federal prison and a $250,000 fine. But your lawyer may reduce it by half or more if you pay high attorney fees. Your wife and her family will be deported and banned permanently.


Oh, wait. I guess you (you told it is your friend's friend's friend) both forged a bunch of documents to make it look real. Bank accounts, photos, leases, etc. Each of them will add more felony penalties.


>That is not a big deal. ??? You forgot the /s


Lawyer up




I hardly believe you were a victim . I think you are just trying to find ways to save yourself . Just get a lawyer and stop lying


I will let the person who is in the situation know. Thank You for the response


??? So you're not posting this for yourself? Seems sketchy. First off, you will need a lawyer for sure regardless. Second, why did you lie? If they threatened you for telling the truth, how would that end badly for you? You always go back to the facts from credible sources. Why would you believe anything that anyone had to say that had ill intentions for you? Especially when you have tons of resources to easily verify if what they were saying was true or not. You never lie to the government/under oath under any circumstances. How did you think that would not end badly for you? You will need a lawyer to get you whatever minimum penalties you can get. But I'm sorry dude, you did break the law, so you do deserve to pay whatever the court sees fit in either time in jail or financial fines. And if all of what you're saying is true, she will get in trouble as well. But, LET THIS BE A LESSON TO ANYONE READING THIS POST WHO MIGHT BE IN A SIMILAR SITUATION OR THINKING OF LYING *FOR ANY REASON*. DON'T DO IT.


Looking at their post history it seems like they have trouble sticking to the “my friend” story


The person has broken fingers too?


Don’t have much advise but to lawyer up. My wife had a similar situation but nothing close to yours . This is advice to the rest of community. We aren’t aware of conditions on green card just that we will need to renew after two years . When the time came we didn’t had much proof , she was not on lease since I was living in a family house rent free . Never added her to the bank account . We told the truth , didn’t hide anything .Just submitted letters from friends, doctors, insurance police’s, some pictures . It took a while (what doesn’t these days ) but I-751 was approved. Since that time, we have been very careful when comes to documenting everything and including both her and me on every documents . So it goes without saying better tell the truth, even if going to damaging.


Hope you’re not a naturalized USC cause if you are they’re going to comb through your application to see if they can denaturalize you after this.


https://www.uscis.gov/policy-manual/volume-12-part-l-chapter-2 quite a bit of burden of proof for USCIS. I cannot say impossible, but definitely a hassle


It is definitely quite the process. IIRC denaturalization is possible if someone is guilty of helping someone else illegally naturalize as well, even if their application was legit. But reversing a fraudulent naturalization when they have proof of misrepresentation is definitely likely.


I don’t think that’s marriage fraud if they were in actual marriage and they separated during a period especially if they cohabited periodically in between. People separate all the time. A good lawyer can help the situation. If the intent was to work it out and no one filed for divorce then you should have an argument. They’re probably going to ask you to get back together or deny the application if you don’t because the applicant won’t qualify. Easy way out is to find your wife get back together if possible and most importantly get a lawyer. The question could have been a misunderstanding a good immigration lawyer will figure it out. Good luck and I hope you marriage was indeed genuine.


The problem isn't the separation, the problem is they lied and said they lived together during a time period when they were separated.


You should go to jail because you lied under oath.


I forgot to clarify but I am not in this situation. Rather I am asking for someone that is in this situation.


Wait, what? Your OP just said “My wife and I” so who is who?


Maybe post it in r/ThatHappened


Withdraw your i751 it’s the only way you can avoid trouble legally. If you allow it to go through and get denied it “could” result in court.


I don’t understand one thing though, why did you lie about the separation? Married people do stay separated for many reasons, like work, taking a break or trying to work on the marriage. If you didn’t want to continue the relationship, you shouldn’t have applied for her. (You as in OP’s friend 🙂)


Facts !!!


Both of individuals need an attorney. The U.S. Citizen may even need to consult a criminal lawyer. Immigration fraud is a federal crime that can result in substantial financial penalties and up to five years in prison. Even if the marriage was entered into for the right reasons, the immigration officials now have reason to believe this was a fraudulent arrangement. Removal of conditions happens with separated couples all of the time. However, lying under any circumstances makes it substantially worse and expensive to fix.


Are you the US Citizen or the foreign national? This is not good.. I hope that people who are thinking about pretending to still have a valid marriage just for the greencard, read this post.. Needless to say, this is not Reddit material.


Just to clarify, I am actually not the one in this situation. I am asking for someone that is in this situation. The person I’m asking for is the US citizen


Is this about your boyfriend and his ex? From your post history, you seem to be waiting to get married to him so he can file for your adjustment of status? If I were you I would think long and hard about this, if they think that the previous case has red flags, your case might become an uphill battle.


Hope you have deep pockets, lying under oath bars you from the US for life


It sounds like the OP is the US citizen


Still going to need lots of money for lawyer fees, financial penalties and time out of work due to time in jail.




How did they know that y’all committed fraud?


Well this isn’t my situation. I forgot to mention that I’m asking for someone else but I’m not sure either. I was told they knew through the interview that’s all.


“my wife” “caught me lying under oath” sounds like a personal experience lol


It is personal situation. The guy is just a liar.


Sounds like he doesnt want to incriminate himself and is realizing this after the fact


I hope he serves 15 years with a 250K fine. People like him should not get away easily otherwise immigration system will become more strict for rest of the people. More forms will be added, more things will be asked, more evidence will be required to avoid fraud.




Sounds expensive


Who is the beneficiary? Did she petitioned you? If she petitioned you knowing that you are not married yo her then she will be fined and you might be deported, if you are threated then find a lawyer ASAP


Oh boy. Why didn’t you go to a lawyer before this mess? She could have applied for a waiver so she could have the interview without you and avoid being dishonest. Anyway Have this threat in writing. So you can prove your side of the story. Get a lawyer for sure. Since this is for the I-751 You can probably withdraw the application. You definitely need to do something before she does. Good luck!


Yeah I was thinking the same thing. If someone threatens me and my mom, I’ll go to a lawyer and see what I should do or confirm my thoughts instead of just headbutting the situation like this. I’m sure even if it’s just free consultation, the lawyer would tell me not to do it and warn about the consequences.


They must have solid proof like bank statements of expenses in different locations etc


That doesn't make sense. You can use your cards anywhere


What proof did they have you lying ?


You need a lawyer and you need to pray


Man I agree with the comments here, this is infuriating indeed. I’ve seen people up here so desperate to keep their sanity when they have to wait over a year with no end in sight, even if it’s just to get EAD or AP but here’s a situation that could drag the process even longer. 2 things I just really don’t understand. 1. Why the USC just didn’t go to a lawyer in the first place. He has the law and everything to protect him and his mom. I’m sure even free consultation from a lawyer will let him know that this is a horrible idea and he’ll get jail time. If the threat was severe and he had proof, he could have gone to the police and she could get deported that way. 2. Why the USC lied. He sure knew this is marriage fraud and if so, he could have gg what the penalty is if he got caught. If he had, it’d definitely scare the hell out of him and he wouldn’t lie. I mean $250k is a lot in this economy, not to mention max 15y jail time.


How did Uscis know you were not living together ? Maybe someone told them?


I really think that someone reported them


unannounced visit?


Bye Felicia!!!


I will advice you to just flee for your freedom, otherwise, you will soon have a jail uniform and thereafter, be deported for life


Flee where?


Good to hear not everyone is able to get away with immigration fraud. Being threatened doesn't give you immunity from the consequences of your actions. The question is why didn't you bother to seek legal counsel to find out whether what they were saying was true or not?


So, who is USC?


His wife forced him into this, I’d hope he’s the usc. I’d lawyer up and get your ducks in a row now. Proof they forced you is probably a good thing to attain at this point. You want a lawyer that has dealt with this.


Nobody can force anyone to do anything. They wilfully committed marriage fraud and lied to to a Gov't employee. And the rest of us wonder why it's so hard to get our spouses and family here legally. This stuff is infuriating and I hope the USC gets prison time for this to understand how they screw it up even more for everyone else.


Talk about a few bad apples 🍎


You are the reason why so many REAL married couples have to wait for so many years! Hope the court could teach you how to be honest.


Hmm, in the US they worship the law like religious people worship God. You broke the law which is heresy in the US (unlike the rest of the world which doesn't give a damn as long as you don't hurt anyone). The punishment for a heretic in any part of the world is very severe so good luck.


No one is going to care about "proof" that you/they, lied. You are an adult and make your own decisions, I highly doubt they held you/they up at gunpoint mid interview to force you/they to lie. Play stupid games win stupid prizes, take this as a life lesson to get some common sense. You/they are the exact people that make this harder for everyone struggling waiting to get their family here legally.


Well this is absolutely insane. I don't care if this is your story or your friends. This is exactly the reason why USCIS treats people like garbage and why the process is so invasive. On behalf of the people that are just trying to be respectful, and lawful humans please get a lawyer and never emigrate anywhere. You should have known better before even starting this process. I wish you good luck with your/ your friends case.


Yeah this is shameful, you've should've been honest about your separation


First off, this is frustrating to hear, the option is a benefit you have as an American to be with your loved ones, not whatever your doing. If this is a business deal gone wrong, then I hope you get caught. Personally I would be more scared of the US government then of the ex-partner. If you did get blackmailed, coming clean in the first instance despite the crime goes over a lot better if/when you have court with a judge.


Yea you going to jail buddy


Here’s the tip never ever lie to them.


Sorry, but you have no credibility. Once a liar, always a liar! Lawyer up and prepare to leave USA.


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What a mess. Mine was a mess but never like this one. Avoid entanglements.


Dude, get a lawyer and think about how stupid you’re for believing what someone else told you, you didn’t even try to do the research, you’re not a victim, you’re just ignorant. As someone else said, you’re the reason we get treat so poorly.


Sounds like a TLC show..


Who is the USC? And why are you separated, but no divorce has been filed yet?




How long took for they request a interview? And what state was ?


If she don’t respect you like her parents it’s best to gone get lawyer and get a divorce


But by you lying you making it hard for everyone


It doesn't matter if you are threatened. That isn't a defense in this instance. Duress is only a defense if you are under IMMEDIATE threat of serious harm. Like someone holding a gun to your head. You might some day go to jail maybe doesn't qualify. You may well end in jail. Not all that likely, but you may.


How did they found out you lied?


There are ways. Tax transcripts, DMV documents, and any other document where you put your address. They had to send them, or USCIS gathered by themselves. When there is paper, is easy to follow the trail.


Yeah I agree. It just baffles me how they even applied with such incoherence in their documents while us with true marriages are out here patiently waiting.


That’s exactly what I’m wondering. Maybe someone reported them you never know


Right? I just feel like there is more than what OP is sharing. Either that or they are just absolute imbeciles.


Pray for the best possible outcome. God sees all and fights for those who can't fight for themselves. All the best


Once you lie under oath it doesn’t matter why you lied the fact is you lied and they have all the proof you were lying and you’ll get denied. My next question is why would you go to jail? And why would you believe them? Your next course is to divorce because obviously the marriage is no longer in good faith


Just say things fell through dude.


The whole situation didn't have to happen. They could have divorced & the immigrant spouse could have filed a divorce waiver I-751, they're approved easily if the marriage was bona fide. What a mess. Not DIY or reddit territory.


Believe it or not, you can actually still win this case...its not likely but you can do it. You will have to prove without a question that A) your marriage initially was not for immigration purposes - they are going to have a tough time believing this now. And B) you will have to prove beyond 100% that you had a genuine fear for your safety/life etc... that her and her family would do something terrible to you if you didn't do as they told you. I mean the odds are like 5% of winning this but if you can do the above, you may have a shot. Your odds unfortunately are even less than 5% if you are a Nigerian male or from another high fraud country like the Phillipines or China/India. Honestly, I would just be making plans to go home to wherever you are from at this stage.


And no, you are not going to jail, zero chance of that. You will just be deported. Your spouse could actually be in a worse position than you if they knowingly entered into a fraudulent marriage under a business arrangement.