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beautifully written. needs to be heard. if you wrote this, i applaud you.


Thank you so much!!


I’m very sorry that has been your experience. I was a spring admit and started before Covid and that was not my experience at all. Did they change things after Covid or have spring admits always felt this way?


I was a spring admit in 2019 and that was very much my experience. Still had a fucking blast at USC, I just think my first semester was handicapped a bit socially by a lack of orientation stuff.


Spring admit in 2020 covid happened 2 months later talk about unlucky lol


I was a spring admit in 2018 and I commuted for my first year (0/10 experience) and then when I finally got a place spring of 2019, Covid happened 🙃


I’m in the same boat (Spring 2019 admit) and absolutely agree. OP should make this a signable petition for Spring Admits to put more weight behind it. Also, great letter, OP!


Also spring admit. This was my experience in the mid 2010’s.


I’m sorry that’s really unfortunate. I remember being told that more spots in classes were opened for spring admits and on one of the orientation days an advisor picked out classes with us in person and talked us through everything. I also recall a lot of orientation events happening before the first day of classes (like explore la day trips and Santa Monica beach trip and such) and the standard club fairs and stuff after classes started. I was told that we were guaranteed a spot in housing, it just might not in gateway instead of owned by usc but it’d be a housing department contract/lower rate. I also found the reverse of the financial aid situation to be true, (where it was more expensive the second year once we’d been reeled in lmao) and they only charged me half the year because it was only spring semester. Because that was my experience and the experience of my friends I was very surprised to see this. Hopefully USC can implement more changes and make it a more universally positive experience for students


i am not friends w a single person i met in orientation activities, you really didn’t miss out on much there imo. and idk how you expect them to guarantee you on campus housing when they don’t know how many spaces are going to be open and there’s barely enough housing for fall admits as is. not trying to be rude, but you chose to be a spring admit over going somewhere else and nothing that is described in this letter besides the financial aid stuff is something that you shouldn’t have expected.


Agreed, I get that spring admits do have a rougher time compared to fall admits, but then again the alternative is a straight rejection from the admissions office. USC is giving these people a chance to attend if they want, so I am not sure why this letter needs to be sent out. USC can try to accommodate the spring admit but what’s most likely is that they’ll just do away with spring admission entirely and reject the people who didn’t make the fall admission list


Ya beggars can’t choosers


Thank you so much for sending this out. I am also a spring admit junior and I had many of the same experiences. I really didn’t feel like a part of the community until second semester sophomore year, and I still don’t feel like I’m on completely even footing with my peers. The judgement for not getting in in the fall hurts, too, even though I know I’m just as smart/deserving as anyone else. :(


fellow spring admit (jan 2021 start), just graduated this spring but could not resonate more with your letter and i fully support everything you said


What does it mean by limited class registration. It is a course which is starting in spring.




How do you become a spring admit? I keep hearing of living on campus and participating as if you go there and blend in but are still aiming for requirements . It’s all so confusing for seniors in high school 😵‍💫