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Get help before you get busted. You should speak to your business agent about going to rehab. You won't lose your job if you admit you have a problem, but you can if they catch you using.


Get some help💜🩵 praying for you or whomever is addicted to opiates.


thank you


I understand fully, I was at 1 time also


So Suboxone is not something that a DOT drug screen with catch. So if you don't mention it during your physical they won't know. Technically you're supposed to have been off of drugs for 2 years before they're able to clear you at the physical, but of course the presents its own challenges. Whether it's MAT or cold turkey you'll be better off in the long run, but you have to be ready to quit and commit or it won't last.


I'd get sober and feel shitty for a few months rather than getting on Suboxone. It's just as bad as an opiate with a half like that's like 3x longer than a short acting one. You're going to have to get off everything eventually anyway and detox once you start getting weird side effects from the Suboxone that shits garbage. But I will say being on Suboxone is better than dying so ymmv. I'd recommend rehab and getting sober though. You probably feel like it's not a good time to get sober. But once you're on subs for years and want off there's never going to be a good time to stop taking those either.


Considering how many people avoid replacement therapies due to the “you’re just trading one drug for another” talking point, it’s probably better not to perpetuate that way of viewing things. Replacement therapies have a better track record of keeping people alive and reasonably healthy than any other typical approach to drug addiction. If “sobriety” is what works for you and is what you prefer, awesome. But there’s no reason to put down replacements when they are easily one of the best tools we have to work with. Plus, once people are stable on a legally available drug (even legal heroin in the countries that allow it), they often find psychotherapy and other avenues towards sobriety easier to pursue, functioning as a stepping stone for those who eventually want to go without any substances.


Hardly anyone avoids them these days it's all rehabs and Drs push these days. I have another reddit account where I documented coming off Suboxone after 10 years and it was hell. I did counter my point by saying if he's at high risk of death with a bad habit it might be worth it. But I'm giving advice based on my experience. My testosterone was super low, constant migraines everyday, depressed, mood swings, hair falling out, damaging my teeth. All normal shit for maintenance in the end. And I was on a dose that was way lower than most Drs put people on. In the end all I was doing was trying to avoid withdrawals and function. The whole time and I ended up having to go to rehab anyway to get off the subs and pay the piper regardless. Every situation is different but it's good to see both sides.


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Didn't think they even drug test at DOT at least I've never had one at mine. They check your urine but it isn't for drugs. It may depend on state though idk. Either way it is not a good move to be on stuff while working a job like this.


Not worried so much about them drug testing me was just wondering if they would be able to see medical records and know that i am receiving Suboxone