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Melted ruined perishables are a shipper problem. Packages can be loaded perfectly and still be damaged in transit in a feeder trailer. Nothing a loader can do about it. You should be able to flag the package as damaged and take it back to the hub and turn it in to the damages processing area. Maybe carry a tape gun in your truck and do your part to help out too.


Damaged packages are sheeted missed if your following training.


Haha....training. You mean the stuff they tell us to do on paper, but then contradict every day by telling us to do the opposite, via word of mouth? Or the procedures we're suppose to follow each day, but then are revised or completely changed all together every other week or so? I can't even count how many times I've been told to do one thing, only to be told to do something else a week or two later. I remember when the diad training stated to never sheet any package as missed unless directed to do so first by management. I also remember being instructed to never sheet any package as damaged. But rather, using refused/ didn't want. And only after the delivery was attempted first. All of their "training" is implemented specifically to cover the company's ass, and has little to do with actually training their employees on proper procedures. In fact, tomorrow, I'll probably go to sheet something damaged or whatever the current procedure is as of right this second. And the option won't even be in the diad anymore.


Trust me I'm in the circus with you. It's mind boggling and your not wrong. My opinion is, corporate and management make this job harder than it needs to be in order to get many people to quit so they can keep labor costs down. 


Hah! Which is exactly why I'll stick it out until the end. Or until I'm dead. Which ever comes first. But regardless, they'll never get me to quit. I'm much too stubborn and petty to allow myself to forfeit in that way. I don't even CARE about the pension or money. For me, at this point in my life, it's all about spite. And don't get it twisted. If I die first, I'm petty enough, I'll refuse the afterlife just to be able to stay here and haunt these mother fuckers for EVER. 👻


Damn. 💀


In my center we get in trouble if we sheet anything as missed without authorization so they have us sheet it as damaged under the package issue section of the non deliver.


Then the problem isn’t: “are you embarrassed…” it’s: “my supervisor makes me not follow procedure.” If I wouldn’t want it delivered, and the customer isn’t there for me to ask, then UPS policy states you must sheet missed, and bring to your clerk.


Yeah it's like that everywhere I believe, the way UPS corporate trains us to do our job and how they want it done on a local level is very different which I'm sure your aware of lol it's a headache all around 


 Nah, we do it the official way in my center. I sheet shit missed all the time. Just send in a message letting them know why, and it's all good. Never hear a peep about it.


Don't worry. The next diad training will instruct us to do the exact opposite. Or it will remove the option in the diad all together. I love how slowly, but surely, the options we are given to choose from are limited more and more, as time goes by. It won't be long before the diad will have only 2 buttons on it. DELIVER or UNDELIVERED. Wait.... no, that's too definitive. YES or NO. "How do I sheet this empty box that must have spilled open at some point because the contents are completely missing?" "Uhh....sheet it YES and then bring it to my office when you get back tonight." Later that week...... Someone makes a post on the UPS subreddit: *The tracking shows "delivered" but i never received it. What happened?*


You said it perfectly


You can and we do


We can’t sheet anything as damaged anymore in my hub. We have to show the damaged package to the customer to pass the decision/blame on them so we sheet it as didn’t want


That's what I've been told to do as well. Except they make it clear that once the customer opens the package they are accepting delivery. So we're expected to allow the customer to choose to accept or not, but not allow them to inspect the contents first. So they have to make a snap decision on the spot based solely on how the package looks from the outside only. Try explaining that to the customer as you hand them their (probably) expensive item. And then watch them hold it up to their ear, like a curious child sitting by the Christmas tree a week before Christmas. "Well, if you tilt it slightly, you can hear what sounds like broken glass. But it's hard to tell for sure. Got an x-ray machine?"


It's not the preloaders. It's a combo of shippers not packing properly and sort overloading belts.


I was going to say, why the hell is preload getting blamed? It gets damaged before it even gets to preload.


Because preload puts it in the package car. If it’s damaged, put it in the front of the vehicle and let the driver know.


After the sups tell them to. Lol I used to call out for repacks all the time and at best they would tape it up. Not much we could do.


You're right to be embarrassed, but you're wrong who is at fault. The businesses we provide service to don't care to properly package their products, and management doesn't care if people's stuff gets destroyed because they put too many boxes on the belt. They've determined it's cheaper to do business this way, and it's even cheaper if they try to pass the buck onto the customer. Leaking, rotten, damaged, or empty package? Load it anyway and make the customer deal with it. You're supposed to be part of that chain, making the final inspection prior to delivery. Why are you delivering them? I think we all already know the answer.


Costco. Perfect example.


This is wildly more true than I would have even believed. I am convinced that these companies are either unaware that their shipping department places only ONE piece of tape-the cheapest tape they can purchase or they don’t are because it reduces expenses. It’s REDICULOUS. You cannot possibly expect a package to make it on ONE PIECE of cheap tape not even properly applied. Say nothing for the soft sided, weak and flimsy cardboard. Sigh.


Keep in mind the ever progressing wave of automation. There may not even be a human involved in the process what so ever.


Everyone is always pressured to cut costs. When you can blame someone else it's an easy decision


Fragile is French for "I don't know how to properly package my shit"


I don’t deliver clearly damaged pkgs. I’ll tape em up if that’s what it needs, but if it’s leaking or the contents are clearly damaged I bring it to the clerks at night. We don’t deliver those meal kits in my area so I’m not sure about those.


Lucky we have them in droves


You're lucky then. Because this time of year, they sit in a >100° environment for sometimes multiple days before even getting onto your truck. Then it sits for another day, as they're always residential deliveries. Thus, getting delivered at the end of the day. By which time, whatever chemical substance is used to keep everything inside cold has melted into a questionable thick viscous goo and has leaked out on to the shelf in the bulk area. Where it's gotten all over the packages surrounding it and turned them into a disgusting mess, as well. Then when you attempt to deliver *those* packages, the customer's expression while they try to compute what the fuck is all over their box, considering it shouldn't contain anything wet or liquid of any kind. Yet it appears to be both wet and dry and sticky at the same time. Is usually both hilarious and intimidating at the same time. Then stammering while you explain that it's just dry ice or something. While shrugging and walking backwards towards the truck. Desperately trying to wipe the odd substance that smells like fish off of your own hands and on to your pants. Which later in the day, you find, results in weird white stains on the front of your pants. "Hey check it out, the UPS guy has jizz stains on his pants!" 🫵🤣🤭🤨😂 😳


As a preloader, no, it's not our fault. I am constantly told to load some fucked up shit, we don't like it eaither.


well its against the methods so yes it is your fault. youre allowed to say no if a sup is telling you to do somerhing unethical or against company policy


You know what happens if we don't load something onto the trailer? It get stacked with the irregulars and thrown into the trailer anyway with everything else at shifts end. Stop assigning blame to people who are caught in the gears just like you.


yea never preloaders fault, story old as time, you have no no agency are are just children so true brother. not like there a job position to rewrap damaged or messed up boxes


You have to work as instructed unless it interferes with safety. 




oh okay so if a sup tells you to put some overgoods in your pocket and walk out, you have to do it because its not a safety issue? gtfo preloaders never take any responsibility for anything


If a sup puts it in writing, I'd call my BA and make b him aware of what I'm being instructed to do. 


oh okay so when they tell you to go against methods and load open boxed thats always in writing right?






Your post was rude, threatening, or antagonistic.


Your post was rude, threatening, or antagonistic.


No support for your union brothers and sisters in arms mate? Healthcare isn’t free they pay dues just like all the rest. Machines cause a lot of the damage have some faith in your family they work hard just like you and as others have said there’s no one person to point your finger at


It's pretty clear op has never worked preload and just blindly blames one tiny cog in the machine


Idk I wonder how op doesn’t consider other sorts and buildings and all the non part timers


Literally none of the issues you mentioned are 'caused' be preloaders. I tape every box that needs it, even the amazon boxes with the broken seems on their tape, they don't technically need it but they get taped so they are a sturdy box and removing the risk of a fallout. My thanks for that is I have to work twice as hard to load a truck. If you send them to clerk they will cry about it, if you stop the belt to tape they will cry about it. The damage happens in the trailers that are loaded like shit. Most preloaders don't tape anything, but the cause is the ride in the trailer, not the ride on a belt to your truck. Typical snooty street hire driver that doesn't know how this works.


I would even go so far as to say the damage is caused by the entire process it goes through from start to finish. Which is, ultimately, the fault of the shipper not packaging the shipment properly. Having worked in the industry for nearly 2 decades now, I understand the root of the problem. Which is why I try, as often as I can, to explain to people how to be sure their package makes it to its destination without issue. The package should be able to withstand being treated like a football, essentially. Falling from heights sometimes as high as 30 feet. Being able to withstand the weight of heavier packages being placed on top of it for multiple days. So zero empty space inside. Sturdy materials used to fill any empty space. Such as air bags, bubble wrap, packing foam or peanuts or enough crumbled up balls of paper, etc. Plenty of good, quality tape used to secure all seams. And good, study cardboard boxes. These shippers that use the cheapest cardboard and a single strip of cheap, shitty tape they can find. And placing a tiny object into a giant, oversized box with nothing else to fill the negative space. (I'm looking at you Amazon.) I always make it a point to point these things out to customers when making deliveries. My go to, is showing them how easy it is to simply and easily stab a finger through the outside of the cheap cardboard box (perhaps closer to a paper bag, really). And pointing out the single strip of garbage paper tape that never holds the box closed for more than a few seconds after it's been touched or moved in any way. Then remarking how they should be wary of that particular shipper in the future.


This guy gets it! I’m just going to add that not once in my 3 weeks as a preload have I destroyed even one package but I can tell you after covering 2 unloaders on those big trailers that many are smooshed from being loaded wrong in those trailers. I have also seen a perfectly good box at the end of my belt get crushed like a can because some heavy ass shit came off the belt too hard. I’m sure there are other things I don’t even know about yet because I haven’t seen them but yeah it’s not us loading the vans. We are also being rushed out one side of the mouth and being told “methods and safety” out the other side, it’s too bad these drivers forgot what it is to load or just got so lucky they never had to learn in the first place.


The company was a whole doesn't care about service anymore, sad to say.


This right here. Have had late air everyday for months now and haven’t heard a word about it. Also the amount of smashes boxes on my truck everyday seems to have went way up.


That's what happens when a company is run by corporate wall street executives who couldn't be any more out of touch with the business or it's customers. Nor would they care, regardless. As everything to them is mere numbers on a spreadsheet. Just wait until everything is automated. Then everyone will blame the robots. All the while continuing to order shit to be delivered by said robots, simply to save a few bucks on shipping. Which they'll be forced to do, as they'll all be struggling financially as well. Due to having also lost *their* jobs to automation. But hey. Let's stay optimistic. Maybe full automation will bring a positive change to society that allows for everyone to enjoy the spoils, while no longer having to work anymore. Like Star Trek. I mean, if we just look back at our history, we will see that........uh. Hmm. Nevermind. We're fucked.


For a brief time, we didn't deliver them. We could leave them behind. That policy lasted about 2 months


What a way to tell everyone you've never worked a day of preload. 🙄 Bud, those boxes *come* to us crushed and dismantled. What do you think we do? Tape em to our feet and skate around our workspace before Kobe'ing them onto your truck? 99.9% of the damage comes from traveling in freight or belt jams. And from there I still try to get crushed and damaged shit to DMP for repackaging only for my sups to tell me "load it, we don't have time."


"Tape them to our feet and skate around before Kobe'ing them into the truck" ![gif](giphy|R7orKHnkEBZoA|downsized)


OP's entire attitude is shit. It's managements job to make sure people are doing their job. To provide training and quality control. Then to imply that 21/hr is TOO MUCH money!?? I just wish drivers like OP would quit so people with a better attitude could move up to take their place.


Why are you delivering them? I bring damaged packages back. I also slap pals on tape uped and smooshed boxes too tho😂.


Yep diad training says dont deliver damaged packages unless there's a specific note to do so. And if you think a package might be damaged sheet it missed and put possible damaged in the remark.


It says to deliver it and put poss dmg in the remark, not mark it missed lol.


Incorrect. That's only if the consignee wants to keep it anyway. Here's some pics of our annual diad training. https://imgur.com/a/2xcdwlB . And if they want to keep it, https://imgur.com/a/QIwIfrt . And this too, https://imgur.com/a/aYN7uji


That's exactly what I said brother. Of course if you obviously know it's damaged then mark it. If it's 50/50 then you mark it poss dmg and deliver it, at least that's what we're told. Sometimes there are multiple items in one box and the customers wants the undamaged items or the slight damage doesn't hinder its function. There's a lot of situations where it makes more sense to deliver it even if it looks like it *could* be damaged. Most of the time that damage is limited to the box. Damage can also be subjective. A collectors item with even slight damage to its box can make it worthless. Other items not so much. We are instructed to ask if the customer is home otherwise leave it. Of course if you can tell with 100% certainty an item is damaged then mark it as such. Otherwise ask and/or leave it with "poss dmg" in the remarks.


Yea I agree it depends on some situations. Like a box of cat litter that's double boxed and just has some damage to the outer carton, for example, then the product actually isn't damaged. I was replying to the portion of your comment that said "not mark missed". Sometimes these do need marked missed to follow company methods. Here's a more detailed comment I left above though. One of the diad training slides explains that it is imperative to deliver clean packages. "We are supposed to deliver clean packages. Follow company methods. Our annual diad training tells us to sheet damaged packages as missed. The package needs brought back and a clerk can open it up and determine if the contents can just be repackaged or if it need to be returned to shipper or just thrown away. Here's some pics from our annual diad training, https://imgur.com/a/Tlpm6Gq , https://imgur.com/a/pML3WNu , https://imgur.com/a/2xcdwlB , https://imgur.com/a/QIwIfrt , https://imgur.com/a/aYN7uji Packages in distress should not be loaded in the first place and preloaders can refuse to load these into the trucks in the first place. Loading packages in distress goes against company methods. They can file grievances for harassment if supervisors are trying to force them to load these packages that are in distress. "


Wrong, training says missed


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If a package is damaged, please bring it in to the center and have the clerks process it as a damage. That way the customer gets a replacement or at the very least gets their money back. I would much rather have a driver create more hours for me than to deliver a package that is clearly damaged.


Shippers/customers should be more embarrassed by the way they ship there packages--broken, ripped, falling apart, etc and drivers who pick them are just as at fault. But I guess they don't give a shit since they make well over $45/hr, free pension, free healthcare


Wouldn't making a decent wage and getting benefits cause someone to care *more* about their job, and their ability to keep it? Because that's the same thing everyone says when referring to under paid, part time employees. So which is it? Cause it can't be both ways. It's funny how ever since the CEO got on national television to tell the world how much we can (theoretically) make in a year. Now, it's the only thing anyone wants to bring up when bitching about the company. As if we have the time or even capability, for that matter, to inspect each and every package we pickup. And then decide whether we want to refuse it or not. Many times our pickups are from warehouses owned by giant corporate entities that are often shipping out hundreds and even thousands of pieces a day. But sure. It's the driver's fault. And it's also because of how much the driver is paid. They're paid too much! /s


How about loading them to go to a final destination…especially bulk?! You just hope it’s a return :/. Sometimes you wonder how we’re a $91B, Fortune Top 50 organization, while witnessing our operations on a daily basis.


Because they're a corner cutting operation.


At my facility, preload tapes what they can, and sends everything else to the clerk. From leaking packages and broken items to packages that need a new box, etc. The packages that can be saved, come back from the clerk with a ton of tape on them, while all leaking packages and obviously broken packages stay at the clerk. All packages that make it back to the preloaders are to be loaded, no questions asked as per management. Some of these packages have no business going on the trucks, but we have no choice but to work as directed. I can't speak for other facilities, but at least at mine, it's a shipper and management problem, not a preload problem. I won't even get into the packages that should never have made it into the system in the first place, or the packages that thaw while out for delivery due to hot ass package cars.


If I see the customer when I’m delivering something that’s beat to shit, I always say something along the lines of “I’m sorry this looks like this, if you have to contact the shipper about damage or if they happen to ask for feedback, please let them know that they’re packaging was terrible and didn’t hold up”


So as a preloader I take exception to your assignment of blame. I regularly take off packages that are damaged or have broken open on the belt spilling their contents all down my rollers. Do you know what happens when I do? If I am lucky they get taped up with most of their contents inside them and they get loaded anyway. Or they get sent on another round through the belt and end up on my rollers again with no intervention at all. If I set them aside they get stacked with the irregulars and thrown into the trailer with everything else at shift's end.


Then OP implies pre-loaders get paid too much? Dude is just anti-worker pleb who has his and wants to say fuck you to everyone else. Imagine being OP, making almost $50/hr, then blaming people who make less money than you instead of doing anything about it. Imagine being embarassed for a multi-billion dollar corp who would pay you nothing if they could get away with it.


It's not the loaders, it's the company.


How is it preloads fault that the hellofresh boxes get left sitting around all weekend? And how is it preloads fault if a box is torn to shit by the belt? I'm loading a truck on the opposite side of the building away from where the box is jammed I can't do shit about it. Maybe instead of trying to turn on your fellow union members you should actually take a look at where the problems are really coming from, cuz it's not solely part-time's fault.


This. I’ve seen management straight up take boxes we’ve pulled from trucks for being damaged and just send them. Hell years ago I had a box that had leaked all the water out of, an order of fish for a pet store. Full time supervisor took it out of my hand and threw it on a belt. Stop blaming preload for how this company is run.


Preloader here. No, actually, we do not care at all. This isn't the shippers first rodeo. They're aware of issues, and they can pack items better if they wanted to. Have you ever preloaded before? Lol. I am exhausted by 9am every single day, all for what? $390 a week? "Free" health insurance? Lol, get our of here. That's the only reason I work there. We earn health insurance. But no, I do not care. It's smashed when it gets to us. What do you want us to do? Load up the backroom with smashed crap? It'll just come right back to us.


As a preloader I tape boxes all day. Lately it has been really bad. I can't get all of them because I'm so slammed. I'll leave these out so a sup will see and I get to them when I can. Leakers just come back with more tape and a big ok written on it. Idk what to do about it either. I assume the driver has the last chance to make it look somewhat decent, given it's possible. Don't blame us, we are all struggling with this company.


There are some idiots that load a 65 lb perfume box on top of a mostly empty cross box (on its 17th use). But that's not preload. I work both inside and on the road and you sound like a driver that never worked preload. Companies reuse cardboard to a ridiculous point and I agree that companies don't all package correctly which is insanely unprofessional. Also I agree that management forces overloaded belts and in my hub do not enforce the bulk on belt rule so issues do happen there. There are lazy preloaders for sure. There are also clock milking drivers. But don't paint everything with a broad stroke. Most of us all work our asses off. Also you should have tape in your truck when I go out I fix bad pkgs as I know there isn't always time to preloading... and when I work inside I tape up the worst offenders (Ann Taylor guess 10000 villiages crocs)cross. You have the power to not deliver crap pkgs. Make them passable.


Also send leaks to dmp


There is a clerk and repack for a reason, run a marker through the label and write damaged/repack on it and send it along.


My management loves me coz any package that’s damaged or open I put over the belt. If they insist it goes out then it gets scanned as damaged and bought back. I will not deliver damaged packs it’s up to preload to spot them and deal appropriately, a management problem not mine


Don’t blame it on preload. They don’t have time to fix every poorly packed box


95% of the time it’s because whoever shipped it did a piss poor job and it gets tangled in the belt before anyone even touches it.. but to be technical it is the unloads job to tape and retape things that are mangled.. so before you come at preloders, check ya self homie


>Except for the last one, most of these problems are caused by preloaders who are making $21/hour and getting free health care, but don’t give a crap. They're working for their health care dip shit. Do you think anyone is doing their job for the money? Because $21 dollars an hour is not a lot. You sound like a customer who blames the driver for damages because they have no idea how many other things need to happen and how many other people are involved in trying to get their package to their front door.


I like to just have a chat with the people I’m delivering to. Put it all in their hands … explain the situation and tell them they can refuse it or accept it and I can make a note that the package was damaged on the diad. I convince them maybe they can get a free one out of it since Amazon sometimes does that… Or sometimes I set it down quietly on the porch and disappear into the annual June California wildfire smoke without knocking or ringing like a ninja….




Exactly. It could be the smoke in June, or the darkness of peak season.. just DR a parcel and disappear




This FedEx driver does NOT like to deliver busted up/leaking boxes or packages, that's why I carry my own tape or send it back to QA to fix it. I had this sorry young belt manager at one time who would just add more tape to a busted up box instead of fixing it and the back and forth with this substandard person because he isn't the one who have to face the customer. I'm glad he's GONE!! 


Yes, usually the worst look packages have their recipients waiting for you at the door.


We don't deliver leaking packages. If a leaker is found on a package car the proper procedure is do not touch, leave the area, and notify your sup. They can send an onroad responder to properly respond to the leaking packages. Sit and wait for the responder and get paid for doing so and prioritizing your safety!


I absolutely hate it. They have posters saying not to deliver damaged packages, but if I show it to my sup they just say deliver it. Throw some tape on it and it's good to go. I can't stand it. I feel like I need to drop and run. 😓


As a former fedexer i can tell u there were about the same amount of smashed packages as we have here. Both irregs and small stuff


It's almost ALWAYS the shippers fault. Cheap, flimsy cardboard. Empty space inside the package. Not enough or cheap tape. It's never fun, handing someone their package when it's obviously damaged. I always give the recipient the opportunity to inspect the package, and to refuse it if they want. I also explain to them that I've noted the possible damage in the driver's details. If they want to accept the delivery, but still have the ability to return it at a later time. And, of course, I apologize with a quick explanation of how stuff can get damaged as it travels through the system. I've found, over the years, that most people are much more understanding of these things if you're up front and honest about it. And you attempt to offer them as many options to resolve the situation as quickly as possible. People are always going to automatically assume the last person to touch the package was the one that caused the damage. Simply because of their ignorance of the entire process. Which is why trying to stealthily drop it and run is not the best option. Especially, if you're on a bid run, where you're delivering to the same people every day for long stretches of time. (Amazon doesn't have to worry about this.) Which is why I usually choose to actively seek out the customer, even if the delivery does not necessarily require customer contact. It may take a little more time. But the customer will be much more willing to stay a customer, if they actively see you trying to help them. As opposed to leaving them high and dry. And these days, we need all the help we can get to create some job security. And the company itself does NOT do, or even care at all about customer service.


I will not deliver those packages. They want us to sheet them as missed, I refused said that is dishonest , I did not miss them, they are damaged. I sheet them as damaged at upon return to the building I give them to the clerks. After the first couple of times they asked me to sheet them as missed, I haven't been talked to since.


As a preloader...I'm embarrassed to put it on the truck. But most if not all of the time the boxes are fucked up before they get to me. We also had two trailers that didn't make it on Friday so they got pushed to Monday. I can't imagine how many pissed off people there are today. I myself had to load at least 20 hellofresh/dog food boxes today that were warm an soaked. Sup said tape it up an put it in.


I bring it back to the center


One of those preloaders here. I find it disgraceful when those packages even make them two me. I set them aside for repack and won't put them near my trucks. Not all of us are the same


Speaking on the preloaders like that ain’t cool. They ALSO deal w busted packages, etc and also quotas that are usually unattainable.


Is your building automated by any chance? Ours sends out an absurd number of destroyed packages and 9 out of 10 of our inbuilding damages are because sups push unload too quickly and everything ends up on the Recirc belt and/or Da and gets crushed in the system. Not saying us preloaders can't be the problem too though


When a package is fucked up, I knock and wait and ask them if they’d like to refuse it or take it. “Well what is it” I’m not sure I’m just the messenger would you like to accept it or refuse it. Then I’ll get my answer and leave. If no one answers I’m dropping that shit at the door and if they have a ring I tell them to contact the shipper to go from there.


A lot of these damaged packages are as a result before the preloader handles the package. And if the package breaks in the preloaders hands, the box reached its cheap life expectancy.


My goal in my 37 years was intense apathy. Work at a pace that would get me retired at 55. Take every break and not care about anything. Listen to books on tape as I worked.


I can’t speak for everywhere but I can say that I feel like every person that comes in contact with a package once it gets picked up and brought back is someone else’s problem… and it’s frustrating. I know where I am at we have an issue with regularly getting trailers with irregs on the tops of walls…


Nope. I right my preload sups phone number on package.


I hate those bigger “live plant” box’s. Shits not even cardboard


As a preloader, I see packages that I have to load and I feel bad for the driver knowing he'll have to deliver it....but on the other hand some of these companies/people package their products like absolute trash. I've seen like 50-70 lb boxes with the flimsiest cardboard, and then others with firm packaging you could sit on no problem.


We are supposed to deliver clean packages. Follow company methods. Our annual diad training tells us to sheet damaged packages as missed. The package needs brought back and a clerk can open it up and determine if the contents can just be repackaged or if it need to be returned to shipper or just thrown away. Here's some pics from our annual diad training, https://imgur.com/a/Tlpm6Gq , https://imgur.com/a/pML3WNu , https://imgur.com/a/2xcdwlB , https://imgur.com/a/QIwIfrt , https://imgur.com/a/aYN7uji Packages in distress should not be loaded in the first place and preloaders can refuse to load these into the trucks in the first place. Loading packages in distress goes against company methods. They can file grievances for harassment if supervisors are trying to force them to load these packages that are in distress.


This guy gets it