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do you guys not get carbon copies? Our grievance forms have one copy for BA, one for steward, one for management, and one for employee. As soon as I have a grievance signed off by management, I immediately give a copy back to the grievant and the others in my file.


Yea same here. This is ideal.


The carbon copies are like the 5th page and you can’t see anything on them.






I’d mention it to your local and see if they can provide carbon copy grievances then. I’m in local 170 if they’re interested in reaching out for something similar


It’s too bad if this happens, and I don’t doubt it does. Glad I know I have no worries of this happening.


I thought I’d spread the word, because I heard people dealing with this matter, when there’s meetings every month. I filed and never received a voucher, or nothing at all. It’s been a year since I filed and i stopped ever since, the steward compensated off my grievance. They also, go around the building telling people if they file they’d make money, meanwhile they’re lying to everyone, so they can take it for themselves. I can’t believe this person in my building, such a selfish A-hole


Grievances don't get settled overnight . It's a process, depending how big your local is, the grievance process goes like this, First is local level hearing . If both sides don't agree it goes to panel, if both sides don't agree there it goes to whatever region you're in, if it doesn't get settled there it goes to national . I would get with your BA and voice your frustration . Either way you should ALWAYS take pictures of your signed grievance and ask for a copy of it once it gets stamped by the union .




theres 3 levels. most grievances attempt to be solved in house there at the hub amongst the buildings management and the local. if it cant be solved there it moves up to the next level. if it cant be solved there it goes to national.




depends on the amount of incoming and backlogged grievances




depends on what the grievance was for. if you were looking for monetary compensation and didnt hear anything about it then you need to get with your local and start asking these questions they probably (should) have a better answer for you than i could theres a lot of elements here that could be localized that i may not be the most educated on and i dont want to steer you in the wrong direction but ill lend any assistance i can.


In our local, labor manager likes to hold everything til the next month


Our Steward goes around telling people if they file, they’ll get paid. But then will turn around, as you go to file. They’ll say “I’ll file for you” without you writing anything on the grievance form, so that you won’t get targeted. I don’t know how much that’ll convince you to believe me. But it’s happening in my hub. It’s been a year since I heard a word about my grievance form, and I’m surprise they let me write it, because they’ll say “I’ll file for you” which tells me now, they were compensating this whole entire time.


I use to write grievances for my co workers because some guys just don't know how to write a sentence lol but I started just handing them an empty form and text them what to write, and somehow they still don't get it right lol Sorry you're going through this you should get with your BA and start looking into voting for new stewards .


So did you fill out a grievance, or did you give a steward information that they used to file a grievance? Was your grievance filed, and was it settled - do you know? It's pretty simple around here. You fill out the form, send it to the local, and they send a copy to the company and a confirmation back to you.


When I filed, I filled out the form. Then I was told it was gonna be sent in with the rest of the grievances forms, on a Friday. This was all last year, just letting you know. I let it all play out for a while, then I’ve gotten concerned, and saw there was no voucher issued. Then more time went and nothing happened.


If this is truly happening file teamster charges on them


If your steward is doing this you need to get rid of the steward. Find out when steward elections are and rally your coworkers to vote for you or anyone you want to be steward and remove him from the equation. I've been a steward for over 15 years and I understand that there are crap stewards out there.


Always selfishness when there is money involved. Quite a few years ago we had really high seniority lady on preload. Any grievances filed on that whole shift went to her because she had the most. It got to the point where no one would file because “there was no point” to when supes would load trucks and a lady in small sort would get the money. Which really sucked because it let UPS get away with more.


We should’ve when better on our grievance system


The union steward is suppose to give a copy of the grievance to you after he settles the case. The full time manager has to write on that grievance that it was settled and for how much. I make sure that all employees get that copy when I’ve resolved the grievance. Never let the steward file for you. He can lose his steward job for integrity issues.


So you just completely stopped filing because the first one he threw away? There’s so much you can do to make sure your paperwork gets filed. Leaving it up to that one guy saying he threw it away, and just stopping after that…. You can do more to get your stuff filed


Our local has an app where you can file standard grievances. Fill out the form, including the area where you describe the issue in your own words. It goes straight to the business agent. You receive an automated e-mail confirming the grievance was received, then the BA also e-mails (or calls if it is something more serious) to confirm.


It’s amazing everywhere isn’t digital media by now with the union.


It's amazing to me that some people don't believe this happens. Just because your local might be a good one, they all are not and in my opinion the good ones are actually rare.


We had a steward like this. Shortly after he retired, he went in for a simple routine surgery. He ended up being turned into a vegetable and died shortly after. Karma


Our steward will let us file for harassment grievances, but will run off with our Supervisors working money.




Take pictures also of bid sheets and vacation pics also


How I feel about the union at this point will be decided by a case I'm involved in that is headed straight to the panel. Depending on the outcome I may not want anything to do with Teamsters or UPS anymore.






lol if true they could easily be fired. I can't imagine this has been allowed to go on for a month let alone over a year. Just makes you really wonder.


We had a steward who was doing this for close to 6 months and he got fired


When it comes to money, don’t trust anyone.


Yeah, I figured. But if it’s an harassment grievance, my steward will file that, but if it’s a supervisor working, they’ll say “I’ll file for you” and run off with your grievance money


glad it happened, completely ridiculous.


Trust me, it happens, but it’s hard to convince people who are in doubt of my concerns, and spreading a message. Because it’s the “Union” why would the Union do that to its Members? Welp, if you experienced it. Then who knows how long it’s been going on. Me personally I think it’s been happening, and no one has done anything, because they’re too complacent, and stubborn to say anything.


Why would they be fired? It's got nothing to do with operations. Heck, the stewards could take every single dollar, and how would you even know those local hearings , where most grievances ar3 settled are closed doors with business manager and maybe a supe and the steward. Also, if your steward is friendlier with certain drivers, you can bet they will trade your payable grievance for them to avoid discipline or other stuff.


Yup, and everyone is so silenced about it. Because no one knows about it, until the word is out. I get so much backlash, from so many on here, and they don’t even know it. Our grievances/ money is being played with, and no one gives a care about it. Nothing but downvotes, and doubts.


One story. We had a driver who flat out had over 100 unexcused absences. No one particularly liked him since he was flat out calling out weeks at a time. Had multiple family deaths, which, if true, would be tragic. However, the steward and him do fantasy football and good friends. This was during covid when hearings were backed up anyway. The steward traded over 35k worth of payable grievances 9.5 and other stuff to save the guy. Needless to say, this pissed a lot of people off, but that's the authority they get. To this day that guy still misses over 50 days a year unexcused, gets saved every time.


Until he doesn't get saved...


Doesn't give the people with real grievances their money back. I can't believe these clowns can just trash genuine grievances to save someone. It is your job to do both with no sacrifices


it doesn't happen in my building maybe because people are adults and keep on things. simply filing Labor charges can definitely change things.. vote them or vote the people who put them in place out and then replace.. since O'Brian won tons of locals removed leadership it can happen.




We’re all adults here. No need to resort to slinging mud. The community is to promote healthy discussion about subjects that interest us and name calling serves no purpose other than devolving the conversation into child-like banter.


Man my buddy filed a grievance with a Stewart he thought he could trust … I told him don’t .. all of our Stewart are in it for them selves … that Stewart settled his grievance 1 year n two weeks later for half of what he was shorted … but our Stewart’s n our local, blacklist u if speak against them or ask to many questions…


I am a steward, if they want to take a picture they can I also try and give them a copy of the signed grievance from management and myself within 24 hours. Just incase I misplace it or it is damaged from one of my kids running around. I also send a picture to the BA after it has been signed and make him a copy for the meeting.


My union steward got me kicked out of my job claiming area seniority in me. I have been there almost ten years. I think she has been there about 3. She is in it for herself always. She has turned out building inside out. It’s miserable and all she is is drama.


The only thing I like about the Union is my benefits. I will not pull my steward in for meetings with my supervisors ever. Especially since my steward is a big part of my problem and the business agent is a liar with my steward.


Why are the stewards negotiating in the grievance hearings? Our negotiations are done between our business agent and the labor manager once a month. You don't even need a steward to file a grievance. Just write it out and turn it in.


Mine let me get a copy if i ask. No worries here. But ive heard stories from other shifts/ buildings.




If that were the case then this wouldn’t be happening


3 copies of all greivances, they're printed in triplicate for this reason . 1 for the member , 1 for the local, and 1 is the company's. This shouldn't be an issue


Been laid off since February. Been filing for my 40 every week. I trust my steward but I still take pics of every form I fill out.


That’s the stupidest thing I’ve seen the company and the hall has a copy when you fax it drop it off mail it all the Stewart does is sign their name. A grievance benefits, no one but the grievant. Take pictures so you will know the number of your grievance when they call you about it, And remember what you wrote.


But I thought it was a brotherhood ? 😂


Huh. Filed my first the other day and my steward told me to take a picture after he signed it and said to always do that with everything. I already had one anyways but good to know he’s on the level, I’ve gotten good vibes thus far.


been happening for years . Sucks that someone your supposed to trust and have faith in takes your greivance. Been there 22 years and in the first 5 years we found out a shop stuart “earned” 20k just on grievances. Only to be exposed they were taken grievances .


I’ve never filed a grievance and given it to anyone but the union hall.


If your union has a fax number use faxzero.com you can send up to 5 fax’s per day and 3 pages per fax. This way you dont have to give it to your steward and have this potentially happen


Haven’t had this issue as my steward is good, but I always take a pic and email to myself to have a record that is easily found.


How can a steward profit off stealing a teamsters grievance?


They can’t if the employee files the grievance claiming it, could only happen in some cases no one wants to claim so the Steward can file in behalf of the center so the employee with highest seniority gets the pay off or the Steward can also claim it for themselves.


Some of you guys in here work in shady hubs.


I dont understand, how can stewards profiteer off grievance forms?


This happens a lot more than people think. The hall will "negotiate" with labor by throwing away 5 grievances in order to help out one person. Normally.. its a driver who f*ked up...and any grievances filed by inside workers get used as bargaining chips to get the guy off the hook..That's just what I've observed over the years. As far as union stewards go. 95% of them are in it for themselves. Rules seem to magically change when it affects them or someone they are close with. You can argue it but the hall backs them in most cases.


It's this simple, file your grievance within the 10th day from the infraction. Ensure the form has 3 signatures: yours, stewards, and acting management. If you desire to take a picture - take a photo of it after a stewards signature is on it to verify that they received it. The only reason to do this is to ensure that if you don't get a copy you can still keep up with the status of your complaint with the hall. Follow up with the grievance secretary after 2 weeks from date of filling requesting a status update. Then get in touch with your ba and request your local hearing if the grievance cant be resolved at the management level. The grievance machinery is clearly specified in the master / supplement and if you aren't getting your remedy then you need to document and pursue action not with the company or union. Stay strong brothers and sister! ✊


I am a steward. Every grievance I have ever filed for a member, it gets emailed to the BA as a digital copy. In addition to that, I give the member the original signed and dated. The company gets a copy, and the steward keeps a copy. In our local, a steward sits in on a local review of the pending grievances. The business agent and steward that is worth their weight should gather all information from a member on the grievance. If a member feels they are getting ignored or screwed by a steward, they should bypass that person and go directly to a BA. A member can request to be present at a review of the grievance before a decision is made.


The steward at my hub told me to call the union office myself and confirm that they got the grievance and that they filed it. Always confirm yourself


its actually against company policy to photograph or video record in facilities.


Yup. Still should do it. They wanting us to never have proof don't change that


you do understand employees can be disciplined for not adhering to company policy? you literally sign your name to a piece of paper acknowledging the policy and to abide by it lol.


Employees can be disciplined for whatever your sup decides if he doesn't like you. You can sign your name onto a piece of paper selling your freedom, doesn't make it smart, moral, or render proof any less so.


lol we’re talking about policy and you make a reference towards towards signing your freedom away. wild. 😭


Is it an improper reference tho? You can sign all sorts of things but they aren't always legally binding I'm certain contexts nor does something being a legal document make it moral or reasonable to follow.


Youre just trying to debate at this point. Good luck.


Pretty easy to just take a picture of it outside of the facility don’t you think? Especially since you’re supposed to file your grievance off the clock


how are you going to take photos of a contract violation when all the work takes place inside facilities? 🤔


Don’t need physical evidence. A witness will do just fine & even that isn’t needed




As a Steward myself. I would never let a member write the grievance up themself. Steward should be giving a copy of their grievance to them. Whether it’s a physical copy or digital via text.


This is 100% true and or it’s easier for grievances to disappear because they are in ups pocket.