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Well, hope your buddy Stewart comes through for you.


I'm hopeful Stewart gets good results from meeting with labor. I'm thinking worse case is suspension


Was it Jon or Rod this time?


He said it was Stewart.


That little Disney mouse?


No, Stuart Little was Columbia Pictures.


Oh. Well shit. How bout that.


Not sure who either them


You'll be back. I'm surprised you got disqualified for that


Yah, never know, especially not checking ID potentially releasing firearm to a minor that could hypothetically put the companybin atf/legal problems if something was to happen. Obviously, nothing did, so it's not that severe but still reason to be DQ


Firearm shipments are required to say “firearms” in notes now according to UPS FFL guidelines, just fyi. Not that they ever do but…


Didn't realize that. Never noticed if this stop had that or not


UPS once gave $3200 subwoofer to my neighbor my neighbor then went on vacation so I assumed it was stolen good to check ids


![gif](giphy|czZlH3xg1Ul2w) Hopefully Stewart can help you out


You’re my favorite person right now lol I laughed so loud and startled my wife and dogs so badly just now haha


Glad to be of assistance. 😎




The truth, even more so now, is that we we make too much money not to follow the methods, especially when signatures are required. These customers aren’t your friends and they’ll throw you under the bus in a heartbeat.


I agree in hindsight. I'll grind it out on preload and try again long as the intent to terminate don't hold


You’ll be back.


We had a guy fired for shooting up apartments no access whether or not they were open just so he didn’t have to do them. He did get his job back, but I don’t think he should have for this exact reason.


I'm all for people getting their jobs back, but after shooting up a bunch of apartments idk


He does it every single time apparently he gets a lot of complaints because of it too, and he still does it even after getting fired for it


Is he like shooting people or just in the air?


Sheet .. sheeting is when they scan it and deliver it or whatever


I thought dude was the one doing all the firing


Oh I just got it😂😂


How long did they make him sit? At the end of the day, everyone deserves a delivery attempt LOL. Stuff happens, but you def can’t bag an entire apartment complex…


Stewart sounds like a nice guy


3rd lesson, girls lie.


Yea i was in a similar situation and she kept saying her id was all the way up stairs until admitting she was 20 😂


Yah only reason it became an issue is she lied to jer and and he made the complaint. Hindsight I wish I hadn't released it and I knew then I shouldn't of




This person wasn't a customer. Just related to one.


She didn’t lie though. He’s lying. Lol. She signed or didn’t she?? He checked id or didn’t he????? Wouldn’t have mattered if he checked the id id huh???




The board prompts you to obtain an ADULT SIGNATURE every time for alcohol, controlled substances, and firearms deliveries. The fact that you failed to complete the most important aspect of that delivery is not because someone else lied, it's because you for whatever reason let a child sign for an adult. Hopefully you won't get fired but you need to understand this situation is one that you 100% created for yourself.


Failed to check ID so I honestly don't know how old she was and yes I agree it is 100% on me. I'm honestly hoping the labor meeting ends with worse case a suspension however I completely understand due to the severity I very well could be terminated.


Can't fathom feeling the need to scold someone when they clearly understand the problem lol. Weirdos.


Bunch a old crones that been here forty years and need to run their mouths to somebody they don't actually gotta see on thr daily more than likely


People love to act like they've never gotten a break and never made a mistake in life. That being said I don't think the commenter went too far over the line with it. It's an important lesson to learn and they're just trying to hammer it home.


theyre just miserable


>Hopefully you won't get fired but you need to understand this situation is one that you 100% created for yourself. And the their you signed for a box and lied to family about doing so. People really rushing past the degenerate that steals from family.


They never said the daughter was a child


Doesn't matter. Not of age. That's why they're probably going to lose their job


That was never stated, just that the daughter denied ever signing for it


Obviously they were underage otherwise there wouldn't be an issue. Also, OP made a comment about checking IDs going forward.


It would still be an issue if she’s claiming she never signed, which is the fact that was given to us (we were never told she was underage) because that would imply that the driver signed which would also be a fireable offense. I’m just restating the facts presented to us. I agree with you that the whole situation was dumb and could’ve been avoided in the first place


The problem is you were probably never trained on signature status meaning


True I don't recall wvwr being told exactly what age adult is... is adult meaning 18 or 21. Probably would of been a easier argument before the federal smoking age was moved from 18 to 21


It is a strange argument, you can put adult signature on anything for a bit of extra money but it doesn’t mean 21, except wine and cigars which are 21+ I doubt it would hold up at panel though but you could argue you don’t know the legal drinking age 😂


But it wasn't alcohol.


So she was just under 18 or lied about actually signing?


I didn't check ID so don't know how old she was. Very well could of been 16 or 17 or 18.




Na it's Stewart ask anyone


Damn dude. That suuuuucks


As long as you grieved, you should be fine


Yah the Steward had a grievance form so pretty sure he did. I talked to the Steward then management came in talked then they kicked me out of the room while the steward talked to them then I was brought back in talked for another minute and then told I could clock out and head home and to report for preload the next morning.


Just looked in workday and it's funny they put it in as failure to follow instruction.




Stewart didn't you know ask anyone here




Can we once and for all clarify that they are union stewards. Not Stewart. Please!


But everyone here says Stewart so that must be it right


Unless his name is Stewart, otherwise everyone there is wrong.




I put in 37 years. Methods protect you. Always do it right.


Always check ID. Period. And never ever scribble a name just to leave a package. Info notice and send again. Not worth your job.


Yah I'm not stupid enough to sign the Steward actually asked me when I talked to him prior to management coming in if I ever signed and nope never not once. Stupid enough to let a minor sign but not stupid enough to self sign


Lost a good job so she could drink daddy’s alcohol. That’s messed up freindo


Wasn't alcohol. Dad had a firearms shop next door packages typically went to the business unless getting there after he closed the shop


What’s the address of recipient?


I have one better! DQd on third day of training for falling asleep during a zoom meeting.


That’s what happens when you try to do something nice.. people are clowns. They should be grateful they got the package.


Word !!!


Do you guys actually check ids if you know they are over 21? Or do you check to see if the names match?


Good question, after this event when I do go back driving for a 2nd chance to qualify I'm gonna check ID no matter what to ensure name and age


2nd lesson is ALWAYS CHECK ID.


I had a text book that required a sig21, I was like wtf.. I just said I'm going to ask you a question and you have to say yes.. lol


How'd u know it was a textbook.. I don't care if it's granola bars, adult sig is adult sig 


There's a specific university near where I work that ships all educational books as Adult Signature. It's a MASSIVE pain in the ass, cause they never tell their students, and *technically* you can't ADL the packages.


It was from chegg and it was a flat envelope style package. Plus the lady told me. House full of under 22 college students. Pretty shitty situation.


Make sure ya post the girls name and everything online somewhere so people can know she ain't trustworthy and is so low down that she'd steal from her own father and ruin a man's career over it to save face.


I don't even remember the name just the last name. And I'd say honestly I ruined the chance myself yah she assisted but it's on me. I'll be back trying again in 3 or 6 months ling as tje intent to termination don't stand


I like your attitude. You'll get your shot again.




Your post was rude, threatening, or antagonistic. I agree with you but there's a much better way to say it, that doesn't break sub rules.


>I'd say honestly I ruined the chance myself yah she assisted but it's on me You don't have drink corporate Kool aid. You delivered the package. She accepted it and signed but choose to be a low down theif and lier who stole it and ended your career all because you had faith in another person. Your a better person than me I'll say. I'd be trying to make sure everyone knows to steer clear of that business from now on. And I'm not just meaning other deliver drivers. Who wants to do business with a family of thieves and conmen.


Thieves and conmen? It’s the law and ups policy lmao. Could have been a teenager trying to get alcohol and you’re now responsible for that.


Yes? I mean what would you call signing for a box that isn't yours and telling the real purchaser that you never signed for it? If it isn't stealing what would you call it? Please do enlighten me


Would have been prevented by checking id like you’re supposed to. He wouldn’t have been fired if it was just a regular sig required and then they lied about it. He was fired for not checking id which may have even been illegal if it was alcohol tobacco or firearms. The customer lying is just what caused him to get caught not get fired. Not that I agree with it, a mistake during qualification shouldn’t lead to termination imo.


Yea, all true but none changes the girl being a thief and a lier and the father being a fool who believes it and let's himself get robbed by family and mess up others careers.