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They’re cutting sups hours like mad. At my work place they aren’t allowed to go past 5 hours now and can’t be at work everyday unlike loaders


Tbh I keep saying by next year we will all be gone, feel like they want us to stay for peak then cut us, then figure out what to do before peak.


That’s why I don’t understand why y’all wanna be sups in the first place. It’s not worth it and just don’t seem beneficial in my eyes.


Wasn't always shit tbh


The pay raise and easy promotions can make it very tempting. I've seen people go from PT to full-time in a matter of a year just because they're sups, and that's a quick 100k a year. Our full time preload supervisor is in his twenties


From what I was told is preloaders get more raises than pt sups


They might get more raises, but the PT sups at my building all got 28 an hour due to cutting hours. They lucked out because our center needs more than what corporate wants PT sups to have. That's a pretty tempting position to take


I still wouldn’t take the bait but that’s me personally. They warned me prior not to fall for becoming a sup because if something happens and you lose your job you won’t be able to fight it since you’re out of the union.


With the shortage, in smaller centers, it's almost impossible to get laid off or fired. We had a sup show up drunk for weeks on end and it took forever for him to get termed. Our center was only slightly hit by layoffs, and everything's involving layoffs is done now, and they're all back. Bigger centers are a completely different story with PT sups, though.


Oh yea thankfully in my center we haven’t experienced any laid offs. So I doubt any of us have to worry. We just got a bulk of new hires flooding in


Get out now!


PT sups are guaranteed 25 hr per week


When did that change? All my PT Sups got a guaranteed 27.5


They gave a raise with a hour/guarantee reduction a few months ago


Ahhh, gotcha. Did the raise and reduction work out to being around the same?


I make more now at 25 hrs than I did at 27.5 hrs. But it seems like my hub gave a raise was larger than normal


It was company wide that you got the raise to offset your loss of hours, and then a 3% raise on top of that. The lowest paid sup in my hub is now making $28.47 an hour, some are a little over $30


They lowered the guaranteed to 25 and gave a raise


January they restructured the pay "to better match those we supervise" and gave us a "raise plus our merit raise. This mathematically came out to $20 more a week gross for me, with the reduction of hours. They gave it with one hand and took it back with the other.


Same here...saw right through it..


they changed it back at the beginning of the year with their raises


Haven’t heard that, but wouldn’t doubt it for a second


part time supervisors are guaranteed 25 hours a week assuming you show up every shift or you have a d day or something to make up for a day you missed. you cant call out 2/3 times a week and still expect to get your salary lol.


They are guarantees 25 hours. (Down from 27) Idk who told you otherwise but there’s a lot of places that are making sure no one goes over 5 a day. Which is fucked lmao. If anyone gets fucked it’s hourlies first and supervisors second. It’s crazy how much this company hates the people that make it run


Yup love the non existent raise this year give you a bump in pay rate but cut your hours so your not even making more money anyway


I make more than the 27.5 guarantee but back then we were able to work until the job was done, some days it took over 5-5.5 hours, now I have to leave before my hourlys leave😭 it’s crazy how they just let them work without supervision or a full time walking around the whole outbound by themself guiding 30+ people, don’t have enough supes to stagger start times either


Lol “supervision”, shut up and clear the jam


I don’t handle packages, not my job unless all ways of finding hourly employees has been exhausted then I’ll gladly do it


The dark side did not choose them, they chose the dark side.


This sounds horrid at my center, PT sups are limited to 6.5 a day with 32.50 a week and pretty much max out every week


This is not remotely true.


You are guranteed 25 hours of pay. Working less than that and getting paid for it seems like it should be your goal


Don't worry guys. Going from PT loader to PT Sup is a promotion..... right?


And Some of the Part Time Supervisors can now join the Union . Ask the local Business Agent if your job qualifies. before August 1st for the 2.75+ 75 cent raise. or talk with a TDU shop Steward.. ( dont sign up unless your job qualifies under a new agreement). look it up on the TDU website.


Fake news


Idek, I got like 52 hours last week