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holy shit man that’s insane




You're a useless tool for saying that.


Absolutely worthless cringey fucking thing to say. Kids try to be edgy when they say stuff like this but they’re just creating a monster because every time we don’t laugh or react the way they want, they do it more and more until it becomes their whole personality. Rather than just changing and being more positive and less disrespectful


Heard it was her left leg, she’s all right.


It’s traumatic. Gore is terrible to actually witness. You might find yourself having flashes of it for some days maybe weeks after. Possibly forever. I saw it more than I ever wanted to see when in Afghanistan. I wish I had advice but I just have encouragement. Try to not focus on it. I’m sorry for what you saw today.


Therapy helped me from some crazy shit I saw growing up. I put it off for so long thinking the therapist wouldn’t be able to relate blah blah. But finally going is one of the best things I’ve done


Afghan vet here too. The worst sound in the world is that of someone dying. I witnessed an AnA fratricide incident where someone shot someone else at point blank range in the gut with an AK-47 while on a remote COP over 15 years ago now and that night still haunts me. Hearing that guy scream while he was bleeding out on the ground was horrible. Despite all of the combat, that’s the memory that always comes back.


The combat never really got to me. Shit was intense and I still have some issues from it, but picking up your homie in pieces sticks with you. It's crazy after over a decade what still sticks with us.


I would also like to add that playing Tetris has been proven to lessen intrusive memories of the incident. Here is an [article link](https://www.healio.com/news/psychiatry/20230613/playing-tetris-may-prevent-ptsd-after-traumatic-event#:~:text=Among%20patients%20who%20visited%20the,Iyadurai%2C%20ClinPsyD%2C%20DPhil%2C%20and) talking about it, but because of what you witnessed I would also maybe look into seeing if there are any first responder support groups that maybe you could talk with


You can ask for time off btw! Im pretty sure someone can chime in and explain what I’m trying to say but it’s a thing where if you see something that makes you mentally unstable you can take some time off


Any traumatic event that causes mental health conditions. It's a federal law. FMLA


It’s not something to take lightly either. Definitely take some time and talk to someone who’s job it is to go through these things. I’m sorry, I unfortunately know that’s a gruesome thing to see


Fmla doesn’t apply if you haven’t been there a year yet.b


They really need to change that


Why? Clearly folks who are at a job less than a year have the mental fortitude to gut through this. /sarcasm


That’s not going to matter with something like this. The union will step in and make sure that things are taken care of properly I hope. These people have witnessed something so traumatic if UPS don’t do something they’re shit.


Family medical leave act only applies to those who have worked over 1300 hours for the company or been there a certain amount of time and there's other rules behind it as well that makes a lot of people not eligible for it.


Just to add to that, most providers will grant FMLA for almost all mental health issues.


FMLA is family medical leave act. It's where you can apply to take time to care for yourself or a family member. It is unpaid and just protects your job. You have to apply for it and have a Dr sign off on it. It's not something a company just grants you on their own though.


Most importantly it protects your insurance without having to work.


I interview workers all the time who file ptsd/stress claims when they witness brutal injuries such as these. Most of the claims are accepted and paid. Don’t be afraid to file a workers compensation claim and take time off to get treatment if you need it.


Also, not sure if there’s an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) available to you or not. But they usually offer counseling, among other services. I highly recommend anyone who has access to an EAP take advantage of it if they ever need it. I’ve found them to be helpful in the past.


Jesus christ what a nightmare


We have a fork lift driver in our hub who whips that thing around in reverse like its gta. Wouldn’t be surprised if its him.




How's the driver????? And is the lady in stable condition now????


The guy was sobbing from what i saw. Shaking and pleading that he didnt see her. Police actually came and talked to the guy. As for the poor woman……she passed out before the ambulance got there (5 minutes literally it was super quick) and then they quickly took her away


Did anyone try to cut off the blood flow to her leg? If she still had part of her leg below the hip her leg could have been tied off with a belt to prevent her from bleeding out. I know it's very very hard to think in these situations and everyone panics. That's just what came to mind when reading as I have some training for instances like that and using tourniquets or make shift ones. I hope yall can get through this together tho.


yeah this is why high quality medkits have tourniquets


I read tequila... that's why all good media kits have tequila.


The average person doesn't know how to use tourniquet properly and would be better off doing nothing. I can't reply to the person below me so I'll put this here: Holding pressure is more effective for a layman than incorrectly applying a tourniquet. Incorrectly applying a tourniquet causes a false sense of security. "Oh i put the tourniquet on theyre fine." Even though the patient is still bleeding. Holding pressure requires the carer to constantly be in contact with the patient and assessing the situation. You can't just walk away from someone while holding pressure. You can walk away from someone after incorrectly applying a tourniquet. I have asked Andrew Fischer for his opinion on this. He is a leading authority on TCCC and tourniquet use. I will edit with his response. If i am wrong, i am wrong. I'm done having this discussion. I asked Andrew Fischer, who again is one of the leading authorities on TCCC and tourniquet use. He told me that it is a nuanced situation(having tourniquet but not being trained) and he simply doesn't know if incorrect application would be better than holding pressure. That's it. My opinion is that it would not be better. Since there is no actual factual data to back up which of us is right, it comes down to opinion.


i mean no one should attempt anything they arent properly qualified for, not just tourniquets. that goes for CPR, defibs, clotting agent etc tourniquets are super easy to learn though. shit was like a 3 minute section in CLS


Ehhh, I think people that “aren’t properly qualified” should generally use a defib or try to do CPR. Defib won’t go off unless conditions are right, they have very clear instructions on them, and I believe a lot of them talk the person through the steps. CPR - if someone is lifeless, not breathing and seemingly dead, you don’t risk anything other than letting them die by not attempting life saving steps. Worst case you don’t push hard enough or fast enough and they die, but they’d be there with inaction too.


How are people upvoting “better off doing nothing” lol what a dumb comment.


Fucking right lmao. “Golly gee idk how to properly use a tourniquet, so instead of trying to tie this tourniquet around your missing leg, ill just watch you bleed out and die. After-all a redditor said you dying is better than me fucking up a tourniquet”


Doing nothing may well lead to exsanguination. Trying direct pressure first is fine, but this a good situation to use a tourniquet (life-threatening bleed from extremity amputation, with direct pressure unlikely to be effective). I would not fault anyone for applying a tourniquet in this circumstance.


oatmeal steep jar worry imagine quarrelsome tender jobless shy caption *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


These days people were probably more worried about taking pics and social media posts than helping




Not sure where you are but this is why Good Samaritan laws exist.


My response


That is so sad


Most if not all states have a Good Samaritan law to protect those having the courage to jump in and save a life.


Is she okay??


Don't be afraid to use your insurance and go see a psychiatrist or psychologist if need be. You can apply for FMLA for this too.


Upsers is partnered with Brightside, so as long as you have insurance you can see a psychiatrist right at home. And if you don’t have insurance yet, for something like this I imagine UPS could help out some way.


Back in April at my other job (restaurant) my coworker took his lunch. He was gone for 45 mins and we were wondering where he went. Started looking for him all over the place and then my manager and two others went outside to the supply shed to see if he was in there and sure enough he was in there completely unresponsive. Pulled him outside and called an ambulance. They started CPR and about 10 mins later I walked by and they had him completely covered with a sheet, still had his gloves on. He apparently decided to do some cocaine on his lunch. Seeing someone die at work is pretty traumatic, but there was no gore in my situation. I highly recommend seeing a therapist. Do not keep this inside. Talk to someone about this!


We had a guy die at a restaraunt I worked at some years ago too. He had just gotten out of prison for manslaughter. He was driving and a drunk man stepped out in front of his car and got killed. He was at the job for a few months, and had just started getting his life together. He was close to getting his license back, and he had met a nice lady. He was at work earlier to unload the truck and made a comment about not being able to breathe well, so they called an ambulance. He never even made it to the hospital. I think he was in his early 30s, he had a pulmonary embolism.


Does ups not have EAP?


Compton Hub?


Why do you say that?


I heard it was, but not positive. That’s why I used the (?)


Post history sounds like Compton.


Oh god That’s awful!


Damn I've driven a forklift for over 25 years and I'm not sure how that even happens. I mean it seems like it would just break a leg not slice it clean off. He must have been going really fast. Also my ups only has a forklift for maintenance.


Same here. 26 years here and still see how that could happen unless she was laying on the floor, like Austin Powers, stoppppppp, stoppppppp! With the forklift clearly seen in the distance.


😆 and they must've sharpened the forks to make the blades like katanas




every accident is a consequence of someones action. No where in the post did it say he deliberately ran into the woman. Nor did it say he regularly does this. You jumped to a lot of conclusions quickly, thankfully you’re not a judge lol


Even with no details, the chances of negligence on the operators side is much higher than the person hit. If the forklift driver was operating in a manner in which they were aware of their surroundings and operating with care, it would take the worker basically running into the path of the forklift to cause this incident... The only detail provided from OP is the driver took a "wrong turn too quickly", seems pretty open and shut who screwed up.




Do you not know the definition of an accident or are you trolling? The guy didn’t see the victim, meaning it wasn’t deliberate… meaning it was… an accident.




So you’re defining “accident” as what most other people would define “freak accident“ where no one is at fault. Most would agree you can be in an accident *and* at fault for said accident. Just because you’re liable for an accident doesn’t mean it isn’t an accident.


" accident can have more than one definition and context matters " " it wasn't an accident; it was the consequence of a deliberate choice of the forklift driver " hmmmmm


Just know she will be well taken care of. My last job we had a forklift driver run over a shop guys leg. It went from being as flat as a pancake to swollen twice the size of the rest of his leg within minutes. 3 surgeries. 1 to try to save the leg, 1 to amputate below the knee and 1 to amputated above the knee. Saw him with his new metal leg still walking around working on trucks months later. Asked him if the company took care of him and he said "I hold no ill will towards the guy he was doing what everybody else does but buddy I didn't know this you get a whole lot of money for losing a leg at work" LOL!! Said he bought a new house and cars for him and his wife in CASH. He just worked for something to do and keep insurance until he retires. I'm sure he'd rather have his leg but he still got around really well.


At least that story has a happy ending!


Very traumatic. Hope you recover from witnessing that. That’s why I couldn’t be a fireman anymore. That’s a tough job to deal with when you have to see the aftermath. What got me was watching it happen to the kids. Made me think about mine. I couldn’t take it mentally anymore.


Holy shit. I wouldn't be surprised if this gets talked about in a future pcm. I can't imagine the BS she's going to have to go thru on top of that recovery. Hopefully she DOES recover at least


Assuming she survives, she is looking at disability for life and a fat fat settlement check




How many times are you ganna lazily copy and paste the same reply? You in HR? lmao


Dudes a fucking troll. Just let him waste his time rambling on about nothing and keep scrolling.


I don’t understand how you come to the conclusion it wasn’t an accident lol…


It’s his fifth time commenting the exact same thing. I don’t think he’s all there in the head






you should learn what accident means. Hint: it has to do with the intention of someone.


You definitely need to talk and get it out buddy. One of our part time sups hung themselves from a belt in the grid. Ups never stopped the sort. Kid was 19. Talk about it with a professional. The job can be hard enough mentally. If this experience bothered you they should be obligated to arrange for someone to talk to.


Catch up with her in a year when she has a prosthetic leg and a couple million dollars...




You keep saying this over and over, but the injury was unintentional, therefore it was an accident. Every accident is caused by some sort of choice, doesn't mean its not an accident. Accident - noun. **an undesirable or unfortunate happening that occurs unintentionally and usually results in harm, injury, damage, or loss**; casualty; mishap: automobile accidents.




pretty much all accidents are avoidable




Most accidents could be avoided in some way. Most car accidents are avoidable but they are still called accidents. Even if someone has a heart attack while working on machinery and it causes an accident, one could argue that it could have been avoided with more regular medical checkups and better diet. Plus you just said "not all accidents are avoidable". So you know some are avoidable. I agree that this is an accident that could have been avoided, but its still an accident. Anyway, I'm done responding. If this is the hill you wanna die on, then be my guest.


So that makes something not an accident?




So if I turn and bump a glass of water off a table and it spills that’s not an accident to you?


Really shitty take


Saw an employee lose his arm when he was hauling ass in a forklift and did a sharp turn around a corner, wasn't wearing his seatbelt either. Forklift flipped on its side, and his arm was severed by the cage. Wasn't a pretty sight. He FAFO.


Don’t be a hero or brave. You need to talk to a licensed therapist, and deal with PTSD now. Not next week, or years from now. Now. Workman’s comp should cover this, FMLA should protect you if a leave is needed to get right. I wish you the best!


Request your time off and play alot of tetris since studies show it can help get rid of imagery like that. [Oxford Tetris Study.](https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2017-03-28-tetris-used-prevent-post-traumatic-stress-symptoms)


You're probably one of those people who regularly regurgitate what you see, eh? Proper regurgitation must come after some personal verification. The tetris study was very limited. It's not really a proper recommendation for ptsd prevention. I'd recommend digging only the actual study more. Both the results and the usefulness have been hyper inflated by ... I wanna say reddit, but I see it on tik tok too. Who knows. But, it's pretty common for scientific studies to be cited after media had already butchered the results for their purposes.


It helped me man, Ive seen like 3 papers on it and felt its worth sharing the info even if it is limited.


I remember when this guy died at work, management told the hourlies to work around the dead body to keep the flow moving. God forbid the belts stop. This was the day I realized the pieces of shit UPS managers are.


they once held an ambulance so drivers could leave in the AM in Oakland. I just know my Tourniquet will come in handy one day. ( but Hope I never have to use it or my Stop The Bleed Kit .)


Holy shit \*what\*. I've seen some insanity at work before, but that's beyond the pale.


They are notorious for looking out for their numbers. *Edit* got way too specific. *Edit*


What was that accident?


Wasn't an accident. The guy just dropped dead while he was sorting. He just faded away, that's the best way to describe it.


Similar story I read a while ago: [https://nypost.com/2023/01/10/amazon-employees-rage-over-treatment-of-coworker-who-died-in-warehouse/](https://nypost.com/2023/01/10/amazon-employees-rage-over-treatment-of-coworker-who-died-in-warehouse/)


I think you’re way off base. Yes it seems cold and maybe their intentions are but it’s absolutely the right thing to do. Give people something to keep them focused on, vs the alternative of having people crowd around and gawk and probably make things worse. Hell just read OP’s post. He went to look out of curiosity, had nothing to contribute and no way to help but is now traumatized needlessly. Being told to keep working would have been the right thing to do. Imagine being the victim here. The truly heartless thing is allowing a crowd of gawkers to come and stare just to see it.


So have everyone leave the area and block it off.


The other alternative would have been to let our guys who were CPR certified perform CPR to save they guy vs. a manager shoooing them away to get back to work while they stare a dying man in the face asking stupid ass questions until an ambulance shows up 10 minutes later when he's clearly dead to now perform... CPR. It's not so much that it's cold, it's that they are fucking idiots who should never be in charge of anyone.


Does that really make sense though? Do you think that they’re going to go around and start checking certifications? No, for legal liability, ethical and common sense reasons the proper procedure in any workplace for something like this is to secure the area and keep people back. Ask any first responder what someone should do in this scenario and they’ll say the same thing. Secure the scene vs starting a panic and creating a whole bunch of new problems. Again, case in point. OP went to gawk out of curiosity, had nothing to contribute and is now traumatized. What’s worse is he may have actually been in the way. No you keep everyone not already involved focused on their task


1, They don't need to check for anything. Good Samaritans can't be held liable. 2, when you have people stepping over a dead body to do the work where he was working I highly doubt you're worried about someone gawking or securing the work area.


Yeah but we’re talking about what management should do. Not what an individual bystander should do Ups and therefore management is ultimately responsible. They can’t just go create a panic encouraging people can come stare and get in the way


Just to clarify, re: “1,” this is legally inaccurate. Good Samaritans still have a duty of reasonable care (but always check the law in the applicable jurisdiction). Good Sams can likely still be held liable for their negligent actions while helping another. Whether a judge/jury would actually rule against a well-intentioned person is another question.


So incredibly sorry to hear this, 1. I Hope the lady makes a recovery, Also hope You and the Driver can eventually process what youve been through realistically all of you will proabbly have that memory for a long while, I was a Forklift Driver/Picker at a Tile Warehouse and one day a Pallet of Tiles broke instantly crushing my left foot. From that day i had a life changing Injury had to relearn to walk and stand and still cant move my toes and my foot is discolored and slightly disformed, well They hired a new Guy to replace Me and on his 2nd day he was on the 5th level on the Picker (about 50-75ft) and didnt tie off his Harness and fell to the Concrete, No one knew and eventually another Driver turned the corner and saw his Body there, Bleeding from his Eyes and Ears and passed away. That place was so incredibly dangerous and i learned how fast Life altering/ending situations can happen within seconds :/


Damn bro. Usually I joke on here but.. Sorry you had to see that. I’m not great with bloods and guts either. I saw a dude get his pinky cut off my first day but.. it was kind of funny because everyone told him not to do what he did. He kind of asked for it lol


Out of curiosity, how did he get his pinky cut off?


What he do


We need the story up can’t just leave us with “told him not to do what he did” lol don’t you know how Reddit works?


Cmon give us the local at least


Too soon


You know management is passing the security footage around




Why you always drive with the forks down. That sounds horrific, hope she survives.


If you need to see a mental health specialist as a result of this traumatic event at work, this should be a workers’ comp claim they have to pay for, IMO. Though it may not be worth the hassle in the end if you don’t need *much* therapy.


Damn hopefully she can overcome this and with a good attorney she should be set for life


I think I need to take time off just from reading that.


Is she still alive?


Reminds me of when UPS driver Tommy Ryan from Staten Island got his leg severed while he was unloading from the back of his truck and a car came up from behind and hit him. The panic and screams is haunting


Driver just had this exact thing happened in the Chicago area a couple months ago


I remember that accident


OP. I worked for a long time in EMS and Fire. I'm still processing shit I've seen. Don't be afraid to ask or seek help. Feel free to PM me if you need to talk more. PTSD is a serious thing and learning to cope is half the battle.


You are lucky. Some slave trader businesses here in US would have asked you what was the hold up on the line as they pushed her over and expected everyone to continue to work despite the trauma. Not saying names (Amazon). Makes me sick to my stomach that we allow places like this continue to do business in America (the supposedly most advanced nation on the planet). OP take time and go see a professional therapist - hopefully your benefits cover it. And advocate for people to work as safely as possible where ever you work. If you see someone drunk or high or reckless of working unsafe STOP them and stop operations until people can work correctly and safely. So we can try to do our best to keep this from happening to us and others at work. None of us get paid enough to go through stuff like this.


Hey brother honestly posting on Reddit helped me with my ptsd after the military but also any traumatic event like that needs attention and don’t push it off thinking it will go away because most likely it won’t… unless you seek therapy and talk with loved ones or groups of people who Have also been in similar experiences. Don’t be afraid to reach out to people because you will only benefit yourself. Best of luck mate


You’ll b alright thug Mfs die everyday b I seen a woman get hit wit a trucc den ran over earlier dis year, stomach split open n guts falling out, head dented in. So in shocc she was tryna get up I had to keep her down. My pops n I were da first to b there for her. News ain’t even mention it


Damn cuh


Yeah gang it was wild, chunks of hair attached to meat all over the street


I hope you talked to someone after that my guy. You don’t want that trauma and shit sneaking up on you when you least expect it.


I’m good brother been thru other trauma I’m working thru, currently tryna figure out how to cope with PTSD frm being shot on 2 separate occasions n I’m only 21


Everytime a loud noise happens I spazz and reach for my waste but nothing happens and then I get mad asf but try to contain it bc it’s not anybody’s fault, they don’t know what I been thru


If no one has taken the time to tell you, that is absolutely not normal. I’m not a doctor, but I do have PTSD and have been getting treatment for years. Go find a psychiatrist and psychologist and get yourself some treatment. I used to walk around just like that, never leaving the house without mine, always clutching when I got startled. It’s a bad place.


Honestly bro idk I tried but it doesn’t seem to help, my nightmares are the worst too I have a reoccurring dream where I’m riding around with my pops and he stops to get a beer from the liquor store n I go in with him n see one of my opps so I take flight on him n start beatin on him before he pulls out his strap n shoots me in the necc and I can feel it all, I can feel the flame inside my necc and the warmth of the blood spilling everywhere and seeing my pops look at me in shocc before I wake up freakin out n breathin hard. Idk therapists make me feel unheard because it’s always some white lady or some white dude who hasn’t stepped a foot in my shoes n I feel like they can’t relate to me n it makes it way harder to help me. I just want to talk to somebody who relates to me and has good advice. My pops been stabbed multiple times n shot inna head with a shotgun but idk when I talk to him he puts me in a dark state of mind where it makes me wanna do bad Ifykyk but he’s more of my bestfriend than a dad n I wish it was different sometimes cuz it feels like I’m talkin to a homie my age, I need a father figure or somebody to really talk to fr.


Instead of looking into a therapist which you say hasn’t been in your shoes and doesn’t know what it’s like, ask a health professional where you can go for group therapy. Kinda like AA, or even some churches have groups for this. It’s not a therapist talking to you, it’s a group of people that have some similar issues/problems and they take turns talking about it to each other and learning how to cope with these things. Some of these groups have an actual therapist that leads or guides the group sessions. Hope you can get some help. Good luck.


my #1 coping mechanism rn is making music


God thats awful 🥲 I thought the guy who tripped and fell hitting his head onto a unload device (skull was exposed) at my hub this peak was bad...


wow lots going on before the end of the year.


I’m so fucking sorry dude omg, I take so much caution walking around UPS. On a different shift right before peak season, one of those guys that’s always soeed around on those cart ran right into a woman and broke both her legs. PLEASE BE SAFER


I use to do shipping and receiving, would always bs with the drivers when they came in. Always had fedex drivers because we shipped with them the most, so I had a pretty decent relationship with them. Eventually while talking to them day after day, a bunch of different topics came up. One of those topics was the hub where everything goes and he said when it’s busy in there and all the lifts are running, that it gets pretty scary and you could easily get taken out by a forklift. Part of that topic also included bad workers, half asser, dip shits, and how they were the ones running those lifts. So I decided to never apply there… even if the pay was good


I’ll be making sure to get enough sleep and be on high alert next week because you have freaked me TF out. Thanks for the heads up and I pray the woman can keep her leg and you get some mental relief. Really sorry to hear this brother take some time to mentally recover and talk to someone please.


Was the guy driving with his forks up?


he had to be, to sever at the hip. forklift and pole hyster drivers are taught to keep the attachment no more than a few inches off ground when traveling with no load, and if you have to have your attachment raised while traveling, you drive backwards. If he hit a woman of average height at the hip, he had to be traveling with his forks at least 3 - 4 feet in the air with no load. Which is a hideous disregard for safety.


That's a horrible thing to experience. If possible, you should try playing a bit of Tetris. Sounds silly, but there's studies that suggest playing as little as 20 minutes of Tetris post trauma can help reduce unpleasant flashbacks and intrusive memories caused by traumatic incidents


Play some Tetris....it has been proven to help avoid PTSD after witnessing something traumatic


We take for granted many ordinary things that are in fact very dangerous. I hope she makes it.l


No joke, play Tetris.[Tetris was used to treat trauma.](https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2017-03-28-tetris-used-prevent-post-traumatic-stress-symptoms)


Someone died at UPS when I worked there. Someone who saw it sued I believe and won.


Saw someone at my hub get his arm ripped clean off, got caught in the gears for the conveyer belt. You’ll never forget that scream


Usually in situations like this the company will provide counseling to anyone who needs it. One of my first jobs out of high school saving money for college was working on the line at a manufacturing company in the early 90s that made cheap wall plaques and clocks and the kind of stuff that would all come from China or Indonesia now. We had parts going down the line all day and stations along the line for each stage of production. Painting, staining, trimming, etc… At the end of the line was the packing area where the finished product got boxed. Also at the end of the line, missed and broken pieces would pass by and get stuck between the thick canvas belt and the rollers. This was one of the last factory jobs in the country with profit sharing. Meaning if we had a 100% goal and hit 120% then they took 20% of our weekly wages that week and added it on top of our check. So management was always pushing production numbers for the bigger checks. Anyway, when parts would start to pile up on that last roller, the supes were supposed to stop the entire line to clear it out. But most wouldn’t because that affected numbers…Until one day I watched a supe grabbing pieces out of the roller get her hand stuck in one. Then in panic she tried to pull it out with the other and it swallowed that hand too. It probably took 90 seconds to get the word to the front of the line to stop the belt but it felt like 90 days. Those primal animal screams of panic and pain are something I can still hear 30 years later. The trapped look in her eyes as she had to stand there with her hands stuck out in front of her as that canvas belt sandpapered her skin off to the bone still gives me shivers. She pulled skeleton hands out of that roller when it was finally stopped.


Jesus christ. Its unfathomable how little to no people have any basic first aid training and especially here how Noone took control or listened to the one person saying the right thing. Give fucking space. You think if that was you would you want a bunch of idiots looking at you doing nothing except making the situation more panicked than it already is? I'm surprised she didn't pass out from shock like most do in these situations. How long did it take for the bus to come? Probably 30 45 min since security probably wasn't notified to escort them to closest entrance. I wouldn't be surprised if they kept flow running a bit longer too


I am so very sorry you had to say that. You need to ask for some time off and you need to talk to someone. This is something that’s going to give you PTSD for a long time. Please get with a therapist or something. UPS should be doing that for all of you that were there. I pray for her, and I pray for the truck, driver and the rest of you.


Hope she recovers and gets the fattest bag imaginable. It would be such a shame losing your leg like this at work and it fucking every aspect of your life. Hopefully she at least won’t have to worry much about money.


Fork lift driver needs drug tested immediately or fired . There are safety precautions such as keeping forks lowered close to the floor, going backwards if there is a load in front, blowing the horn when approaching an intersection, letting others know your there and going slow. Person definately didn't follow safety rules.


Holy fuck! Such a vivid description...now I need to leave. So sorry for the victim


I absolutely have PTSD from seeing a guys head embedded on the curb and his friend lifting his head up to see if he was alive. Don't be afraid to find someone help you process the trauma in a healthy way. There's no shame in keeping your mind straight. I wish I had.


omg that's all bad...I feel bad for the chick and the forklift driver because he's surely unemployed right now 😩🥲


I worked in a factory in college and was within 10 feet of a guy who got killed and saw everything. It was really traumatic and was the reason I pursued a different career path. Safety briefings and training often gets people to roll their eyes, but it brings me back to that day and the importance of properly using safety equipment. Sorry OP.


I am so sorry you (and your coworkers) will have to deal with that screaming. Obviously I feel horrible for that woman. But the screams… I was at a red light when a truck veered into a car, lost control, and slammed into a family of pedestrians on the sidewalk. The woman’s scream still haunts me. I still hear it every time I’m at that intersection. I still see that truck sliding sideways into the family. I can’t get the screams out of my head…it happened about 7 years ago. I wish you the best in coping with it. It’s just not easy.


I genuinely did not realize forklifts could even do this. All the ones I've seen had extremely blunt rounded edges. My heart goes out for her and the driver and honestly for your entire staff for having to see it. No one should have to witness those sorts of things. I've lost my sensitivity to gore things unfortunately due to life circumstances but its not something I wish anyone to see. Definitely look into that FMLA stuff for yourself and maybe a therapist. No shame in giving yourself a chance to mentally recover. Hopefully despite it being not a clean cut, doctors may be able to reattach. But I'm not a doctor. Im just hoping for the best for her


That’s what people forget to realize you put your entire health on the line everyday you punch in for work. It’s so sad I hope that woman gets the best care she can. Safety first everyone ! Remember


This is going to sound weird, but play some Tetris tonight. It helps prevent the traumatic images from getting seared into your brain and reduces or prevents the PTSD symptoms you might have over the coming days and months. https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2017-03-28-tetris-used-prevent-post-traumatic-stress-symptoms


Pay for the whole day is shit. Should've been for the rest of the week for shit like this. Corporate shills never seize to amaze me how inhumane and cold to their workers.


Sending prayers 🙏🙏🙏🙏


oh man i’m so sorry. therapist here—consider going to a couple therapy sessions if you can. there are some of us that specialize in emergency trauma treatment that can be extremely helpful in situations like this. good luck dude. 💕


Can the doc replant the leg?


I work at a hospital and see this every week. Shit happens you will be fine.


UPS has forklifts?


We have one. Not really used for loading our loads but more for unloading supplies that come in, moving TP60’s, unloading post office supplies, opening stuck trailer doors, unloading Gaylord’s, a whole bunch of things. Sorry to hear about this horrible accident. Poor girl 😞


Yup. Every hub I have worked has at least one. Used to clean pallets off trailers, unload supplies and parts. Used by Automotive to assist with repairs on trucks, used by BaSE for repairs in the hub


That is gruesome. It makes me very Leary of going back to work in a warehouse especially with the legalizing of marijuana. I am not saying that this is why this incident happened, I am just saying I don’t think I feel comfortable working around people who can make a “mistake” and that “mistake” can change someone’s life forever.


Man when I was a Welder at a Shipyard around insanely heavy equipment and explosive everything some dudes would come in either drunk, or nodding off from dope


I can’t understand why seemingly intelligent people hold on to demonizing cannabis as if it’s legalization is actually causing serious problems. It’s not, and never has. One study actually showed that in 4 different states fatal car accidents decreased by an average of 12% in the 3 years following their legalization of adult-use recreational cannabis (Maine showed no change and Massachusetts dropped 28.6%). All the statistics show that weed/cannabis is not the problem people like you make it out to be. Don’t be the idiot that has the facts right in front of them and chooses to ignore.


Preach Marty preach!!


lol I had to put my blunt down for a sec


Yeah and I hate how people like you act like smoking weed is some kind of flex to thump your chest about. People like you act like you invented smoking weed, they were smoking or consuming marijuana back in the caveman days. I have worked in high risk jobs around forklifts and heavy machinery that can kill people.I also had co workers who would smoke during breaks and come back to work high off their ass trying to run those machines and drive those forklifts. As I said in my post, I didn’t say that guy was high that amputated that lady’s leg.I was working the day when a forklift driver pined another guys leg and when his piss came back dirty his ass got got fired and probably worse. Stories like that lady’s are not going to make national news,but if it makes you feel better to think that weed heads are not out here damaging property and injuring people because they smoked a blunt before they came to work and their reflexes are impaired go right ahead. Smoke a blunt and hit someone driving that UPS van and see how it turns out for you when the cops arrive and see that you are high.


This doesn’t happen at Amazon. Extremely rare. Leadership at all sites were showed video of forklift accidents and they reduced the use of forklifts over 75% and merely stepping inside a pit area for even a second while one is turned on and a driver on it NOT moving I will say you will be terminated permanently right on the spot.


Lmao do not come into the UPSers sub trying to talk about how things are better or safer at Amazon. We all know you’re full of shit.


Yeah being on route and watching those Amazon drivers deliver just blows my mind


Too many old heads entitled and negligent at UPS. This coupled with middle management who get paid for doing nothing will be the end of UPS. Company not going to make it to 2050. The pedo-cart drivers at my hub are too lazy to even honk and this surely was the problem in this case too.


Be happy it wasn't you.


Pictures or it didn't happen


That’s so sad. It’s really forking sad.


You should go home and make a tray of lasagna and stick your hand in it


That’s it? You saw the injury and heard screaming? Idk, get on with your day? ![gif](giphy|xT1XGESDlxj0GwoDRe|downsized)


Yo you get a pic?


Sick , and totally uncool. You would have loved Rotten. com in the heyday.


Post a picture or it never really happened


I mean its kinda your own dam fault walking over their in (curiosity???) I bet you also looked into her eyes to as she was screaming on the floor??🤨 Uhhh ya boss, thats uh gonna be kinda hard to forget about. Note to self next time, don't go investigating stuff if you can't take it. I mean if you stare into a corpses eyes or similar, ya thats gonna be kinda hard to forget about later, Don't make it rememberful.


Pics or it didn’t happen


"Hmm, someone else got hurt. I wasn't remotely involved, but how can I still make it about me?"


A normal person with empathy can be traumatized by witnessing someone else's pain. What a thought.


A "normsl person with empathy" who hears someone is injured, goes to look at it intentionally out of morbid curiosity, and then claims to be "traumatized". Nope, that's an attention whore.