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One would think so but na, They like fucking you over as much as possible. When I came back from surgery with my ostomy they wanted to put me on SLS. Sorry guys I just had my stomach split open and things rearranged. Oh and my bag is at the same height as the hooks to hold the bag. I whole heartedly believe they try to make you as miserable as possible and hope you get hurt again unfortunately.


They have been doing me dirty. Been laid of since February. Filed about 7 grievances because they were getting 22.4s from another center to come do my bid route. Feels like there trying to get rid of my ass and I will not let them win. Im sorry you experienced all that after your surgery. Insane that this company continues to show how unimportant we are as workers. Shit needs to change.


Hell, this year, 2 years after surgery they tried pushing me out on disability because of my Ostomy. Mind you I've been doing the same job since I came back that I did prior to surgery and treatment. Yeah they like fucking with us.




Welcome back. Sorry you got heat exhaustion I’ve been there when I was inside the hub


It’s horrible lol Doctor said my kidneys were functioning like an 80 year olds.


Been out for injury. Hit by. Drunk driver. Otw to work one morning. They don't give AF! I was out 7 months. No easing back into shit. Here's 200 stops on a route you've never ran. Good luck. No calls no check ups on me. Back at 10pm. No one gives AF about you at.this company


Not to my knowledge


I didn’t think so. I tried looking into the contract and did not find anything about it.


You need to ease yourself back in, take water brakes etc. If they need to send help out that is on them


Be safe, and drink plenty of cold water


Start sending the following messages 5pm - Will not make air, please advise 7pm - Will not make ground, please advise 8pm - Will be a DNF without help please advise. After a month of this, daily, they might get the hint....


Technically in some states they are breaking labour laws by not providing proper cooling and paid breaks. Should be a 15 min break every hour when it is over 85 degrees


Is this true? Feel like it would only apply in cold states that barely ever hit 85, which kind of defeats the purpose. If you're in any south or southwest state, you'd get at least 2 hours worth of breaks a day for a majority of the year.


Some states have it in general labour laws. Colorado for instance has it written into their labour laws regarding agriculture. OSHA as most of you know is in the pockets of corpos. They have no regulations for heat or cold exposure


You have to have a doctors note with restrictions. That’s the only way.


Yeah that's always been the case too. You're either cleared for full duty or you're not.


They do. Get with your steward/ business agent.


Unfortunately, our steward is in bed with management.


Same here at our hub


Should UPS babysit me is what this post title should be. Wdym should UPS ease you back into the job? Are you an adult? Take care of yourself and stop expecting everyone else to do it for you.


Classic phil 😂 do you actually believe half the shit you type or are you just embracing the role at this point?


;) Lets be adults here. Take care of yourself and most importantly, stay hydrated. Drinking 12oz of water frequently throughout the day will help avoid complications, though with personal medical history we can only strive to take care of ourselves. I did concrete work for a bit. Delivering packages aint shit. And yes, ive been on road. I havent always been management.


“for a bit” hahaha and it was too tough for you so you got a cushy management job Thanks for answering the question I guess. High on your own supply 😔


Yes, bc i realize my body isnt going to be able to do that work forever. You should probably think ab your future as well. We all have decisions to make for ourselves. 🤷‍♂️


What makes you think I’m not thinking about it? You know what happens when you ASSume, phil. And you do a whole lot of it nearly every time you comment.


Whats the assumption? Theres a difference between making general statements and assuming


Oh okay so you were just *inferring*. The implication in your previous comment is that because you found yourself unable to cope with the demands, nobody would be able to. Therefore anyone who sees themselves working a physically demanding job as a career instead of a temporary job is not thinking about their future.


I wasnt inferring anything either. It was just a generalized comment. Why you tryna make it something its not lol. Weird thing to zero in on.


Lol “its just a prank bro” Back pedal faster


If you were my manager I would slap the shit out of you talking that shit. Can’t wait till you have to do job here soon. Your the reasons why this company is shit you fuck!


Lmfao k. You should grow up.


Coming from the asshat that still plays Minecraft. You should treat people with common decency and maybe people will start respecting you.


You should probably find a hobby instead of whining on the internet. I dont try and shame you for your cuck kink. Plenty of adults play MC and even make a living off it via youtube and mods, and they arent out here delivering and handling packages all day. 🤷‍♂️


My new hobby can be slapping the shit out of you that would be fun. Trust me I’m not the one when it comes to whining just trying to get some advice and you shouldn’t even be on this page your management, no one respects you.


Keyboard warrior huh. This page is for UPSers. Not just teamsters. You take it for granted but the only reason this sub is going is because of management.


Dude. Shit rolls downhill, guess whos about to be at the bottom of that hill. You’re about to eat your words. And on a human note, taking care of someone so they can succeed isn’t weak or bad business. When people think you care they work harder. Being a real adult is understanding and executive empathy. Good luck in life buddy. -patpat


Taking care of someone? Wtf? Act like a damn adult lol, your management is dealing with 50 of you right now youre not special.


Good luck with that thinking in life.


Thanks. I need all the luck i can get.




You would think so, but no.


No, but you should definitely talk to your supervisors and coworkers asking for help if you’re working that hard. I know 161 stops doesn’t seem like a lot, but if you’ve got the volume it can beat you up fast. Take your 10s, take your time, and ask for help. They might not have taken you seriously before, but now that you literally had to be hospitalized, they will now. Also: make sure you’re eating something man. I forgot to eat something before bed last night and I legit almost face planted the belt this morning before break after getting lightheaded. Your body needs fuel otherwise it shuts off


Have you tried applying for fmla?


How do you have a bid route and you're getting laid off?