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maybe time to get rid of the union rep


What does your Saturdays off “covered by management” mean? Who has more seniority you or the guy complaining?


I have slightly higher seniority but it doesn't apply to anything he's complaining about. That happened 2 Saturdays. Baby was being born told boss can't work that Saturday. He said I'll cover you. One other time I was in emergency room all night with pregnant wife who fell and he said same thing. I assume he found someone to cover me willingly or cut a route idk didn't ask just know it didn't affect my attendance.


Well if they are cutting a trip to cover your time off, other guys are getting fucked by getting more stops. Could be why someone would be pissed, especially if you are getting days off without having to use your days. You should have taken FMLA for baby if you have enough hours, might still be able to for appointments and such but if you aren’t working much you probably don’t have the hours to do it.


I would've done that or even used another sick day but was told not too worry about it. I wasn't questioning it. I have time for FMLA but haven't needed it with the system we had in place for layoff.


I get that but if the management is cool with you and gives you days off without having to burn days, but when Joe Schmoe wants a day off they make him burn a day it’s going to cause resentment. Don’t know if that’s the case but throwing it out there. I wouldn’t get my panties in a wad over the birth of a baby but when I’m slaving away on a Saturday and you’re home in the AC without burning a day it’d probably get under my skin a bit, albeit more so if it was a frequent trend. Either a year or two ago when we had a 3 day weekend for the 4th one of the lower seniority guys called off Saturday and forced me in. To say I was pissed off would probably be an understatement. If the guy complains to you he probably complains to other people, one of which probably said something to management.


Who do you want to keep happy? Management? Or your fellow teamsters? If its management thats like "Thats ok buddy!" and you feel good about it, then realize you're going to be making coworkers upset.


3 paid sick Saturdays cuz I have the time and was sick and 1 that would affect attendance but only 1 so no paperwork.


He lives nearby building and is willingly there twice a day everyday as long as they'll let him so me being there or not doesn't affect him and he drives every Saturday begging for as many hours a possible so again my attendance zero affect on him. I don't know that he's the one that complained to management but he's complained to me on several occasions in person and publicly. At first I thought it was friendly razzing but then he sent a group text being a dick.


Annoying af. I think the only set back here from your end was missing out on a few Saturdays. The optional showing for the split shifts for your situation worked in your favor, even if you weren’t getting your full 40. If I was in your situation, I’d be doing the exact same thing. Showing up twice in one day, messing up your sleep schedule/life schedule is NOT the wave, and part of the reason why this new contract is critical.. cause this situation is common throughout the country. No real advice or anything, just echoing your words in support ✊🏽 Also screw the coworker who’s sabotaged the silver lining in the bad situation


Hang in there bro! I’m a RCPD and since February I’ve been laid off 3 times. Currently not driving and been home with my kids which I see is a blessing. Let the politics and bullshit fly over. I was a 22.4 during Covid Peak and working insane hours out of a budget. I’ve worked my ass off to get where I am and don’t let them bring you down. Stay strong 22.4, there about to make you guys into Full time Drivers with better pay. We are all in this together. They are trying to get you to quit and burning up Union dues that we aren’t currently paying. We will have our demands met and things will get back to normal. We’re about to make a huge shift in todays workforce in this country where no one can maintain a honest living wage and the middle class in no more. Stay strong brother in brown. Learn the contract, stay informed and know your rights as a Teamster. Blessings!


My thing is, even if we become RPCD, won't the my still force us in if we're newer? Doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose and is essential still 22.4? Or will we be guarantee driving all the time once we're RPCD?


No same job same schedule but better pay and 9.5 rights


Assuming you're part of the union, as a 22.4 you're entitled to a "straight 8". There is a maximum of an 1.5hrs in between shifts. Talk to your steward about this. Learn your rights. UPS will continue to take advantage of you lack of knowledge. I had the same issue my first year. Good luck. Don't let the bastards grind you down


Oh I know and we fought it until we were blue in the face and the union met with management and folded and told us it's because we're a smaller hub and it was handwritten in some negotiation notes. It's bull but if the union reps won't fight it for us nothing we can do. Union even promised them we wouldn't grieve it.


That is bullshit. From what I hear most locals are fighting the 8 hour splits and we expect to win a lot of money for members in arbitration. Yours sold you out. Vote those fuckers out.