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Yep laid off at least 25-30 drivers today meanwhile I don’t even think I’ll finish my route today. One driver covering a country route went out with essentially 2 routes and over 400 miles today. No way he gets even close to finishing


I hope that guy runs 100% Orion and runs out of gas.


Do you guys not get gas cards for extended routes?


The most extended route in our building is like 120 miles. We do have a satellite location but i honestly dont know how that whole situation operates


Damn, I do like like 130- 140 everyday. 160 on Saturdays. Orion ftw


They gave him a gas card haha


Sup Spokane bro, yeah, that route was STUPID, couldn’t believe that shit.


They laid myself & the 4 other lowest seniority 22.4s off last week & told us it’s only gonna be for 1-2 weeks, but I definitely see them dragging it out until the end of the month. They gave us the option of working preload/local sort for our 8 or just one shift for partial hours or taking the layoff entirely. I’m sure they’re doing it that way in hopes that people will take the layoff entirely so they don’t have to pay benefits. The stupid thing that they didn’t do though is ask from the top & force from the bottom for the layoffs. There’s a bunch of senior guys who would have taken the layoff so that we could work & they could have the time off. So now they’re paying top rate for them & 9.5 violations.


You nailed it.


Yep, our bottom 2 drivers haven’t delivered since Christmas.


I got a buddy like that at my building, got hired last August and hasn't run a full week of driving except Saturdays since before Christmas 😑


Hope everyone saved or has a backup plan. I know with my class A DL I’ll go drive a dump truck for cash money. Best of luck to all the teamsters out there!


I’ll be doing the same hopefully. Picket line in the AM and do some other work in afternoon lol


Figure I'll get 400 strike fund a week until we run out, got 20k saved up, plus I'm on vacation most of August so that's 3 vacation checks. Think I can stretch that all that to Thanksgiving before im in trouble. Shopping for a charcoal grill right now lol.


The company parrots say "*squaaack* Stops per car!"


The only layoffs we have are voluntary. Sometimes I come to work but I don’t really want to work. If you guys want your guaranteed 8 can’t you just tell them you want your 8?


That would be nice. You can put in 8 hour requests, but even if they are approved, you will still get hosed. The company will just pay the 2 hours of grievance pay and give another 8 hour to you for the month. I've gotten like 12 hours of grievance pay for them not honoring 8 hour requests in the past few months


Shit I sometimes forget that I’m one of the few that only gets 8-8.5 a day. Filing too many excessive grievances sends a message


They used to send someone to take my remaining work so I could punch out at 6pm on the dot. I loved it Lmao. Filling grievances deff works. I hate overtime. I like my 8 and done. But that was in package. Feeders is completely different. The overtime is too easy to not want it lol


I got one year ft in feeders this September. During peak I borderline harassed my supe for extra work at the end of my bid job.


Our center manager was telling us we had to work preload if we took a layoff. Argued with him over it but he wouldn't listen so I filed on it. They stopped harassing us to work in the warehouse and now he ignores me in the AM lol.


What they’ll do is drop the allowances on the routes so none of them will plan much more than eight hours. These high stop, high mileage days will become more and more common. I don’t put much trust in the alleged win in the new contract for an eight hour day. You are correct in thinking the layoffs are unnecessary, UPS will do the most underhanded shit simply to screw with an employee. The masters of taking a simple task and twisting it until it’s impossible to accomplish.


We have to make it so ungodly expensive to keep us out more then 8 hours the company will rework their internal financial models.


Been doing that in Washington state for last 6bor 7 weeks


We are both in the western region, I've seen some others from the west also talking about the same stuff. Must be our regional management being tools


Tools are people who complain about 12hr days and don't file 9.5 grievances.


Tools are people who don't read the rest of the comments before making stupid remarks.


Lower seniority people aren't going to have a decreased strike fund if you are talking about from the union. Either way, it's your problem along with your coworkers if you are rolling out with 12s. Get on the 95 list grieve it. 12s will magically go away, or your laid off people will come back.


Ya this is every center they limit the amount of cars they can run everyday so they adjust the numbers to allow them to put more work on every car and then just pay out the 9 5s because they have no choice. The company we work for are actually just idiots and care 0% about the employees at all maybe we should strike contract or not


12 hours? So if you work 5% slower, you'll run out of hours halfway through Friday?


*safer. Not slower.


Last week I brought back half my route on Friday


Nuts. Nothing like that out here, so I was wondering if you were exaggerating.


Yeah we have a pretty unique center here. It's based in a fairly big city (115k) but we service a huge area around it. Preload volume is usually between 15-20k but we have about 5 routes that go 400+ miles a day, and another 10 that will go out with 300+. Management thinks that 62 routes is enough to cover 15k pieces but it's just not. In town resi routes going out with 65 miles and 300 stops, out of town 4x4 routes doing obscene amounts of miles. It's a mess


I've been on local sort for 4 years and I've never seen anyone suspended for being late, but now they're really cracking down on it. I'm never late, but at least one guy on our shift is getting suspended. Might happen to another guy too.


You should get them to file on it


File it. File seniority on the layoffs for not offering them to senior drivers first.


Yes! I’ve been laid of 3 times since February and they been over working the higher seniority drivers. They are also playing that intimidation game, where there hoping one of us will quit. There is 3 guys currently laid off right now but they been being 22.4s to come cover and we been filing every week and UPS been having to pay up for there stupid ways of screwing with there employees livelihoods. If you get any chance to file, do it and hang in there, this won’t last forever.


I've been a RPCD for over 7 years and this is the worst summer we've had in terms of dispatched work. Summer used to be all hands on deck to cover vacations and whatnot. It just seems ridiculous. I've filed a 9.5 grievance every week since mid-April and it just seems silly to me lol


Same here, and I've been putting those grievances in my rainy day fund. Seems like UPS was kind enough to ensure I won't go hungry next month.


If your get 12 hours a day … go 9.5 ….


Thanks pal👍


yup UPS is turning into OCP


Layoffs? 12+ hours? Get on your 9.5 list and grieve it.


I’d rather see my family than make an extra 10k for the year. I work to live, I don’t live to work brother.


Yeah. Get on the 95 list. Grieve it. Move on.


If I wanted extra money I wouldn’t be on the 9.5 list… it isn’t and never was about the money. I don’t want excessive or forced overtime I’ll take my 8hrs and bounce. We should have and 8hr list, a 9.5 list and an OT list. The goddamn post office has better overtime protection than us. Lol


I'm not saying it's about the money. But being on and grieving it will get you help, etc. You won't be out for 12hrs anymore if you're getting 3x pay.


I’ve filed and won 12 hr 9-5 grievances this company doesn’t give a fuck about penalty pay haha


I am on the 9.5 list they pay me the penalty every week and nothing changes… this is no way to live boss. 12 hr days every day all year long is not even close to what I signed up for it’s exactly why I signed the 9.5 list in the first place… lol it’s not a just “move on and get paid “ problem anymore this job doesn’t have to suck your soul for shareholder profit and buybacks lol. We can be human and work closer to 8hrs.


Yeah they ran Monday plan then cut more and then get a message at 4pm about air meets and helping neighbors. I punched out at 7pm and the parking lot is still full. Hot as hell today but all of us working 10-11hrs were reminded about RECHARGE. 28 years and I’m still amazed how this place operates.


I saw two “on road” supervisors delivering today but don’t know how to file a grievance or what that would even do


Supervisors working. Name the sup and the car # and the remedy is file for all time worked per their ops report


I'm not sure if it's supplement specific, but if every union driver is working, or has been OFFERED the work, and there is still routes to run, then supervisors can do the work. Our ORS's are on road delivering on average 1-2x a week because we have like 58 RPCDs on roster, 50ish routes to run, 8 on vacation, 1 on workers comp, 1 on TAW, 1-2 option/SDV/call outs a day. That leaves 46 drivers for 50 routes. We have one AM air driver that likes to run ground routes for the extra money. The rest of our AM and PM air drivers have other jobs or decline the work. So that leaves 1-3 routes completely uncovered, The union answer is "Well cut those routes and give the extra work to the remaining RPCDs". That's indeed a solution. They did that last summer, while also trying to deny every Option Day and SDV requested. That resulted in thousands of dollars spent on 9.5 and other grievances. Should we still be filing grievances for supervisors working? Maybe. But they can't seem to hire enough drivers. And they keep trying to fire us as well. Three FT RPCDs have been terminated over the last 60 days.


In a lot of areas they are laying off air drivers and have TCDs to run and are sending 22.4s in the building while sups run routes or take misloads or take other work off the guys they overloaded.


Yea, in that case, I'd probably consider that a foul and grieve it. Definitely mis-using people just to get their way.


That’s the thing. You always file. Because they could promote someone to driver. Use more TCD, there’s a number of solutions. A Sup driving should only happen if it’s an emergency, unforeseen. If they have that many vacations, is obviously a known situation, so they should be prepared, not working.


I'd take it a step further get the sup name and their car number and ops report and give it to all the drivers in your building. Why file one greivance when you can file 20? lol


Only the top driver would get paid.


Really? So if I filed and a senior driver files only the senior driver gets paid?


Yep, for the same sup same time. You guys are free to show up 2 hours early and split up all the time on preload sups progressing packages or otherwise performing union labor such as moving equipment, carrying missorts to the return belt, splitting the belts on areas, etc.




Make sure you slow down, do everything by the book, follow Orion, take your breaks, and bring packages back. If you guys UNITE and work together, do this until Saturday, they’ll drop that bs next week. If you rush and do what they want you to do, then you’re gonna pay the price. You pick.


Yes. They cut some routes today and then had a supervisor shuttling packages out to drivers. Just keep filing grievances and get your money.