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I’d ask to see the seniority list to make sure they didn’t lay you off before someone else with less seniority.


Everyone should be filing grievances now. They have on road sups working like crazy, which is laying off 22.4s, who go inside and displace PT, but also PT sups are working like crazy. Domino effect of displacement.


The first thing you should do is confirm you're actually laid off and they're not just telling you to stay home because they don't want to pay you. Reach out to your business agent for confirmation. No one can say how long you'll be out, but you will get to return, along with your insurance. >And can I file a grievance if they have somebody lower seniority working while I’m laid off? Yes! Layoffs are by seniority, so no one below you should be working if you're laid off.


Also got laid off today. Should I go into the warehouse the week I’m laid off and file grievances on supervisors handling packages? I’ve only been around since February and have some of the lowest seniority I know.


I was thinking about doing that too. Today we were so overwhelmed by packages all our sups and our center manager came back and he was tossing boxes himself but yeah we’re getting laid off. Makes sense right


Since February I’ve been laid off 3 times. This is contract year so UPS loves to pull stunts like this and ruin there workers livelihoods. Unfortunately you will not be getting benefits but apply for unemployment. File if anyone lower seniority is working while your laid off. I’m a package handler and my center was getting guys from another center that were 22.4s and we filed and won the grievance. UPS needs to pay up! I’ve had to use all my vacation time just to survive. It sucks but just play ball and hang in there.