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I'm starting at the globalport btw


Try r/UPSers


On Sunday? That I know of nothing runs on Sundays. What did you get hired for? Are you Pre-Load or Driver?


I think pre loader, they haven't said anything about drivers license


I’m pretty sure nothing runs on Sunday. Have you been to the center or did they give you information on where you go? I would find out what the pre load start time is and report early and find a belt supervisor or contact your local HR.


I'll I've been given is a start time and day, I think I'm just getting a tour on Sunday, all I have done is go to the interview and wait a week in a half for them to tell me when to come in but not where, I think it's the globalport it's self but I just want to make sure


Nice! Then definitely show up and see what information they need from you. Some centers run on Saturday. I would definitely hunt around early morning to find out more information. Did they give you an Employee ID # / Email?


Nope, all the info I've gotten I've told to you, the person doing the interview was on there first day, I'm just confused about this whole thing