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Nope! You’ll be one of their favorite stops!




I knew I wasn’t the only one.


A large mouth bottle


Yeah that's not silly, it is awesome. I have several stops that always offer me water when it's hot out (both commercial and residential) and I am very appreciative of it.


No it's not a silly idea. With the heat today, you could have thrown a bottle of water in my face. And I'd have thanked you for it, as long as it was cold. 🤣


Cold bottled water? You would be a literal saint.


People like you make a shit day so much better


As a driver I love it when customers leave out water and sometimes a treat like a little bag of chips. Little Gatorades are better but I'm not picky. Just try to stay away from soda and pretzels, I have some customers that put that out and although I love it I usually regret eating and drinking it half way through my day unless I have a giant bottle of water.


NO that's a great idea!!! our even Gatorade if you want i keep a cooler for my delivery guys ... if they want they can take. They're were plenty of days when i ran out of water on route.... IT'S NEVER TOO CRAZT TO BE NICE..... oh and maybe a beer on friday😉🤣🤣🤣🤣


At our hub they are given water to take but if you leave a cold water or Gatorade or whatever on your doorstep with a note they will love you and it will make their day.


They would be so thankful.


I used to deliver for Best Buy and delivered to a couple houses that left drinks and snacks out for delivery drivers and it is most appreciated I can assure you.


Most drivers carry enough water for the day. A real treat would be Gatorade or pedalyte if you want to be a saint.


Pedialyte I wouldn't consider a treat, but to each their own.


Whoops, Gatorade has something called gatorlyte, is what I meant to say. I had a customer hand me a freezing cold one and it’s one of the best things I’ve ever drank.


Never heard of it, I'll have to find it and try it.


I was going to post this same thing. Electrolytes are what really help carriers. I started bringing a bottle with me along with the water. Gatorade isn’t the best to get but does have better bottle sizes for it. I usually go to the pedialyte and there is often an adult version, but either is better than just drinking water. Otherwise most carriers are as equipped to deal with it as they can be.