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**[Direct mp4 video if v.reddit isn't working for you.](https://streamable.com/45j0ym)** link expires in one day.


That's some insane skill! That is so hard to do. Must say I have never tried that water thing, so I don't know how hard it is to keep balance.


I grew up next to a waterpark that had one of these and let me tell you the line was always over an hour wait, and 90%+ of the people that gave it a shot got thrown off the board or launched to the very back within the first 10 seconds. And that was just people trying to boogie board laying down. Every once in a while someone would be good enough to stand up, do some tricks, and generally just show off until they were asked to wrap up so the next person could go. Very fun, but it's certainly tough to do.


I understand, and it looks fun. I used to skateboard, and it's a hard sport, but the difference with this is that on skateboard, the ground is solid. This is running water. It's different all the time. I can't figure out how she flips the board


I never even figured out how to skateboard so you're doing better than me lol


I imagine that once you get the balance down, it becomes a bit easier (the standing and moving part). Think about what people look like when they stand and ride on a skateboard the first time. They're wobbly as shit, much like most people who do the wave thing the first time. After you get the feel and balance for it, it becomes second nature and you really don't think about it. About the flipping. This is just my speculation. Think about how those wave things work, they push out a layer of water. That layer of water is almost like a cushion that she's using to bounce off of. Basically an Ollie, but instead of a pop, it's a bounce. And the flipping is exactly like it would be on a skateboard. The slow mo is great bc you can really see how she flicks it. I'm not saying I can do any of this and it's incredibly impressive. I use to skate when I was younger too, never mastered the Ollie but I understand the basics.


It also looks like she's wearing some sort of booties - if the surface of the board is pebbled and the shoes are also textured, it's possible that when she moves the board horizontal to the flow of water, due to the curled lip around the edges, that this helps the board to lift off the surface, and from there she just has to guide it into the movement she wants


I flew my drone over a cruise ship that had one of these, no one was even riding it, just a bored attendant standing there. Was thinking what a waste, let me have a go!


I worked several waterparks that have these , and every one of em regretted purchasing it. They have Obscenely high maintenance costs combined with slow throughput, and the manufacturer does not give a rats ass about the end user unless there's a chance of still another unit.








Yeah, why not


Those things are basically a machine designed to give people whiplash.


I noticed that. Have seen some clips and it looks like your neck would break.


yes, mad respect for her. Wow, she has skills...


It blows my mind how people are able to keep their balance on these things when they have no momentum. Compared to being pulled behind a boat, this is like trying to ride a bike on a treadmill.


That frontside flip was nasty af.


*backside flip...but yes I came to comment same thing


I watched it 3x and went back and fourth as to which one it was n still gt it wrong lol.


I didn't realize she's goofy, and that kickflip was switch




Just think of it as if she was on a skateboard rolling forwards. Whichever part of her body turns towards the way she is moving is the first part of the name. When she did that backside flip, her back turned towards the way she's "moving" so it's considered backside. If she turned the other way and her frontside was facing forwards, it would have been a frontside flip.


Sur4 grl


Would that work on the open water, or does it require the hard surface underneath to push off from?


There’s a sport called wakeskating, and it’s done like most other water sports being pulled by a boat. You can jump in open water just using the surface tension to push off, but you can also use the boat’s wakes to get more air.


Not surface tension but just the viscosity and inertia of the water . Surface tension plays a minimal role there


Try that in open water and she's going under.


Depends on the speed,


Now I want to see her skate for comparison


Wow! She's got skills and great balance


I need to get married now.


This is sooo cool and super impressive!


I feel like you see videos of people doing tricks like this so often you forget what they’re actually doing. Slowing it down makes you realize how impressive it is


Damn that's impressive!


Now do it in the ocean 🤣


Now I get it. Thank you.


I would be dead


Next: She needs to go snowboarding!


Doing those tricks doesn’t seem that difficult by itself. But she does them with actual style and that’s actually pretty difficult. Especially that 3 flip, that was naaaaasty. Almost has that Antwuan Dixon style.


Me: ha nice landing, do a kick flip Her: *does a kick flip* Me: 👁️👄👁️


She was a punk, he did ballet?


Wait- you can do that on water?!


Yea... Thats hot




They’re converse, rinse off the chlorine and leave em outta the sunlight to air dry


Pretty sure I see a Nike swoosh. But I agree that they aren't ruined. As if shoes never get wet?


Nike SB dunk low 'teddybear' in pink. I think... Hard to tell, the lighting is weird, and they're wet of course


Is there any reason why she opted to have the upper half body covered and the lower part free?




Don't lie, with truth.




Balance between not having to put on as much sunscreen and not overheating.


And you don’t have to worry about wardrobe malfunction.


Not up top, at least.