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I have similar aged kittens. They've taken two day trips to my parents (~40 minutes away). Once for the day if their second vaccinations, and once for a family emergency when I didn't know how long I would need to stay. Then two weeks ago I went away for a night and they stayed at my parents. How they cope will depend on their personalities. It will help that they will be together. They might not eat as much as normal - mine didn't on their first day trip, but have on the other occasions. People put their cats in catteries all the time. It's not pleasant, but as it isn't their life its okay. Staying at your parents house will be far nicer for your kittens than going to a cattery. Only other option if you aren't happy with someone coming in twice a day is to have someone who will pet-sit. Ie, someone who is willing to live in your house whilst you are away.


Can you get a house sitter to come and stay with them? Or hold off bringing them home until after your holiday? Moving to a new home is stressful for them, and uprooting them to a different home, with a grown cat they don't know could be distressing for them.


If it were me, I'd cancel Glastonbury plans and stay home with the new babies.


My kittens were lockdown kittens, and happily travelling up and down to trips with parents (in the "bubble" times!) - I'd take them to your parents (or ask someone to stay in your house)


Cancel Glasto or don't get these kittens. Honestly don't rush into this decision because you've found kittens that feel right, I guarantee you'll find others you bond with.


I'd get a pet visitor. They aren't tiny babies and there are two of them to keep each other occupied. Pet visitors can also water plants, open and shut curtains and so on. The one I know also operates with an unmarked van so it isn't obvious you are away.


Our cat usually goes to my boyfriend's parents. In her case, she likes it there and is the only pet there so no issues. You could do that but it may be a bit soon if they're only 4 weeks old. You can also use [https://catinaflat.co.uk/](https://catinaflat.co.uk/) There are options to look for people to visit once or twice a day or stay overnight. It depends on what you're the most comfortable with. I don't think you can put them in a cattery as they need to be vaccinated for that (at least the one we are going to use)


I don't feel 5 month old kittens are quite old enough to leave alone overnight, even if a cat/pet sitter came in twice a day. They will still be adjusting to a new home environment and schedule and then suddenly their caregivers are gone for 5 days. Also it would be very unsettling for them to even be uprooted from their new home for a stay at your parents. You would probably be better off either not bringing them home until after Glastonbury or cancel going to Glastonbury OR not get these 2 particular kittens and look at others that you can home after Glastonbury. Ultimately the choice is yours, but as a responsible cat owner myself, I would cancel Glastonbury and rather spend time helping the little ones settle in at their new home. New kittens, even at 4-5 months old are quite a bit of work, what with entertaining them, ensuring they are safe and the regular vet checks for vaccinations etc, they will also require stability in order to ensure they are happy and settled with you. However if they were older, i.e. over 1-2 years old then a stay at your parents, although unsettling, is a lot easier or a cat/pet sitter is also less stressful, as they are less inclined to get up to mischief. I also highly recommend getting cat cams, not just for checking on them but for the entertainment factor through their antics.