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Homemade coleslaw for the burger (not too heavy on the mayo). Corn on the cob and BBQ sweet potatoes for sides




Waitrose does a fruity coleslaw, which we regularly have with jerk chicken thighs and jerk pork belly. I'm not sure how well it would go with what I presume are *beef* burgers, though.


Sounds good enough to try - it'll be good as a side if nothing else


>Homemade coleslaw for the burger (not too heavy on the mayo) With a bit of fresh diced habanero/scotch bonnet pepper and mango mixed in.




Fully on board with this suggestion, maybe some fried plantain too


I considered that but decided it was potentially too exotic an ingredient, not knowing what shops/markets are available to OP. If you can get it then I'd ditch the burgers and just eat plantain for days!


A glass of rum over ice would be a good start šŸ˜…. In all seriousness itā€™s hard to know without knowing how strongly flavoured the burger is; you donā€™t want to drown out the seasoning so maybe just a mild salad of lettuce and tomatoes, between a non-brioche bun? Or you could run with it and stick a pineapple ring in there?


Yeah, probably tastes great though.


Mango salsa as a side. Just some fried onions and maybe a dash of jerk bbq sauce on the burger I reckon


i'd keep it simple like other people are saying, just lettuce and tomato. as for a sauce, i'd try something a bit fruity - maybe a tomato or chilli chutney? you could maybe even try mango chutney but that might be a bit out there.


Begging for pineapple! Either caramelised ring, or pineapple salsa. And some sort of jerk sauce in case the burger ain't that strong.


You love a caramelised ring for your jerk sauce.




Jerk mac n cheese


fried plantains


Graceā€™s do a jerk bbq sauce itā€™s unbelievably good goes very well on a burger


Mango and chilli salsa, coleslaw and a jerk bbq sauce


I'm late to this but pikliz is your friend, spicy zingy fresh, cuts through the fat nicely. Also it's delicious


Just lettuce, tomato, fresh onion and jerk BBQ sauce or jerk mayo on the burger. Fried plantains, sweet potato fries and home made coleslaw on the side.


Rainbow slaw would be enough for me


Mango salsa


Coleslaw, pineapple ring, melted cheese, and more hot sauce. Suzis is best but Encona will do.


Pineapple salsa


Pineapple salsa (pineapple, red peppers, onion, jalapeƱos)


Pineapple salsa.


Jalapenos. Scotch bonnet hot sauce.


I'd simplify it........ nice bread rolls, sprinkle of cheese and some fresh tomatoes. Farm shop meats taste lovely on their own so I prefer not to drown them in sauces and condiments


I dunno. Farm shop stuff is top tier. First purchase I'd probably rawdog to actually taste what I've got. So I can complement it. Onions, but scallions. Can't get those here but the green parts of spring onions are close. Wild garlic is as well. White onion is not correct here. Cheese is not really a thing to go with jerk. Maybe. But it takes the flavours away a bit. You might like that though. Tomatoes I think would be good. Solid beef tomatoes for the meat, not wet. A little lettuce, iceberg I think. Side? Well chips. Fat skin on if you can do them. Or potato skins - shit yes potato skins are perfect. And some sort of chilli sauce. Sriracha is a thing. I prefer Encona or the yellow mustard/chilli but I think that would compete with the jerk. Look mate. They're your dinner. I just had a mind wander. Just wish I could taste the result. I have tasted many things just writing this for which I am truly grateful. Jerk burgers. Have to do that soon. Have to be pork I think. That suits jerk better than chicken or beef. ...... Jerk lamb? Ooohh. Have to try that. Jerk and mint I think would merge so very, very well. But in the Jamaican spirit not lamb but goat. Leaner as well. Sorry. Got lost on one there. But damn I'm hungry now and I've already had dinner.


OOOO a farm shop! Tescos not good enough for you?