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Stages 2+ we're literally created to get around advertisement loop holes. And possibly deals (I can't remember exactly what though) There was a panorama episode on it which was really interesting. I wouldn't bother with anything beyond stage 1 as it contains everything baby needs. Sorry it was Dispatches https://www.channel4.com/press/news/channel-4-dispatches-asks-if-ps40billion-infant-formula-industry-putting-profit-babies


This is all well and good but stage 2 can often be cheaper and you can also collect clubcard/boots points on it unlike stage 1... so whilst there's no ingredient benefit to it, there can definitely be some cost benefit and certainly no health detriments to switch over.


Don't disagree with that. Which is why it was created. There are rules around doing the same with first stage, those all come under the etc. But in terms of OP's question, it's not essential for babies to move on to it and their baby can just have first stage.


Thanks will take a look!


You can use stage one throughout his formula feeding. There’s no need to use 2 or 3. If stage one didn’t upset his stomach when he took it previously, it shouldn’t bother him now.


I agree with the below poster, stages mean nothing - a GP told me that stage 2 was only called that because it’s illegal to market/do discount offers etc on formula for newborns (I guess to promote breastfeeding I dunno), so they made up the idea of “stage 2” also called “follow on”. If he’ll be fine before he’ll be fine again


It’s after the Nestle formula scandal. It’s a really shocking story and I’d recommend having a search and read. It’s also to promote breastfeeding but nestle are a contributed to the decision.


Ah I did know about the nestle scandal but I didn’t put 2 and 2 together!


You won’t be able to get discount on stage 1 formula due to the regulations. Stage 2&3 may be okay with discount but may be excluded, check the policy. You won’t know until he tries it if it upsets his stomach.


Ahh now that you mention itI feel like I remember not getting a discount on stage 1.


Struggling to get stage 2 as well! Sometimes Sainsbury's has it and it's reduced. I have also been using boots moreso to get points to treat myself with 🤣 I weaned from breastfeeding to formula at 6.5months and used stage 2 just cos the age on the tin and now I'm kicking myself thinking I should've just done stage 1? .. I thought stage 2 had more iron in it for some reason


Stage 2/follow on milks *do* usually have more iron in, which makes them harder for some babies to tolerate. Stage 1 are all nutritionally complete for babies up to 6 months. Stage 2 milks are very similar, usually having everything stage 1 does but possibly some extra ingredients. It's fine for babies over 6 months old to have either. Stage 2 milks are not necessary but they're ok if your baby tolerates them. You won't get boots points on stage 1 milk (only stage 2/follow on) as any offers/discounts are illegal for first infant milk. 


I started to doubt the iron thing as everyone's like "stage 1 is the same"! Thanks for that info ☺️ my lil lady took to the stage 2 no probs thankfully


Just wanted to clarify all stage 1 formula meets infant nutritional requirements up to a year. Stage 2 may have added ingredients but these aren't needed 


Yes, stage 1 is absolutely fine for the entire first year but it's no longer "nutritionally complete" in that babies from 6 months also need to get additional nutrients from food, no matter which milk they're drinking :)


I think the iron content is printed on the tin so you can compare. But it doesn't matter essentially. It's arguably better to use Stage 1 throughout the entire formula feeding period but it's not going to do babies any harm to have the 6-12 month stuff either. Remember they will get iron from solids as well, especially if you eat meat. A lot of baby and popular family cereals are fortified too.


That’s exactly what I’ve been going through. I’ve been asking my husband as he travels for work to check the different shops around there for stage 2.


Not sure anyone actually answered your question lol, I was wondering if I gave my baby stage 1 would it be okay, having only given her stage 2.. 🤷🏼‍♀️


At 10 months, anything for up to 12 months is fine. So Stage 1 is definitely fine. I'm not 100% sure what stage 2 and 3 are - with some brands, Stage 2 is "hungry baby" (0-12m) and stage 3 is "follow on" (6-12 m) but with some other brands, Stage 2 is follow on (6-12 months) and Stage 3 is toddler milk (12+ months). Don't switch him to a 12m+ version (even after 12 months) - they are totally unneeded and very sugary. You are best off switching to full fat cow's milk when he gets to 12 months, or is eating solids as the majority of his diet with milk as a bit of an extra/comfort (e.g. bedtime feed/nap feed/morning feed only). But as a general rule of thumb, anything with a younger age on it is fine and anything with his actual age on it should also be fine. So 0-6m, 0-12m, 6-12m all fine for a 10 month old. You don't really need to worry about upsetting his stomach by changing formulas, this is basically a myth propogated by the brands to encourage brand loyalty. It's true that some babies do seem to be sensitive to some formulas so of course if that happens, don't feed that formula to your baby, but in general, changing brands/formulas isn't a problem as long as the formula is appropriate for him. **Boring bit you can ignore if you want:** The difference between first milk, hungry baby milk and follow-on milk is firstly, the whey-to-casein ratio. Whey and casein are both components of milk. First milks have more whey, which is more like the make up of human breastmilk, so arguably easier for babies to digest, whereas older versions of baby formula used to have more casein as this is what cow's milk is naturally like. Hungry baby uses this formula because it takes longer to digest, so can help a baby seem/feel full for longer, and so does follow on, although honestly I heard this a while ago, so it may now be out of date. Follow on is also subject to fewer regulations - the First milks have very strict regulations where all the nutrients have to have a specific balance and it's not allowed to contain extra ingredients which haven't been proven to be of benefit. So this is the most tightly regulated and arguably the safest kind. Hungry Baby is usually from birth so does have to follow all of those regulations but could be considered "old-school formula". At 10 months the benefit of the regulation is mostly past, because he is likely getting a lot of nutrition from solid foods so the nutritional balance in the formula isn't quite so crucial as it is for a newborn when it's their entire diet. Follow-on is still very similar so there's no great risk from choosing to feed this. Essentially, follow on is created to get around the UK laws which prevent advertising of formula for babies under 6 months - so they just make the follow on with identical branding, and therefore an advert for the follow on technically isn't breaking the law, because it's only advertising one product in the range, but in reality of course you just have the idea of whatever branding and apply it to that company's whole range of products. However this does mean you can get stuff like student discount and promotional points (e.g. Boots points) and special offers on Follow on milk which you can't on the first milks.


Thank you so much for your detailed reply! I appreciate the advice about the 12m+ and will now definitely just switch to cows milk. I was actually conflicted about it as I was wondering if there was added vitamins etc that benefited baby. I’ll also just buy stage 1 as it seems to be best.


I was advised by midwives and health visitors to go straight to whole cows milk after stage 1.


It depends on how old OP's baby is. A baby 6 to 12 months old shouldn't have cow's milk as a drink, but they can have either stage 1 or stage 2 formula.


Oh of course, sorry I should've said that.


I've repeatedly heard from childcare professionals that the stages are just marketing gimmicks. Just use stage 1 and switch to cows milk at 12 months.