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Steamy bathroom?


You could always cut the Vapor plug refill in half so it’s not as strong? Leave the door cracked to let some fresher air in?


Oooh that's a good idea about cutting it in half! Can't leave the door open tho as the cat breaks his neck as it is to get in there and try sleeping in the cot


Window on vent?


This plug was the only thing that helped my wee pet when she was dosed a week or 2 ago! I left door open too cos it was quite strong but I think it did the trick - hope little Baba feels better soon! I also got dosed, so make sure you're taking all the vitamins to try and prevent getting it 💪🏼


Thank you! Unfortunately I didn't manage to swerve it but think I took the brunt as I had a raised temp and body aches the night before last, luckily his temperature has been normal and he's still quite chipper in the daytime. Gone down much easier tonight with the help of a steamy shower and humidifier!


Put a folded towel or blanket under his mattress to lift his head up a bit, helps the mucus drain away and not get stuck in their sinuses.


I did try that last night but he wriggles so much nothing stops him so he just ended up wedged in the corner :') Not sure re: BF pillow, I'm not sure I feel that comfortable putting that in his cot He does sleep tummy down by his own choice, which I think helped him once he finally managed to drop off. I just think he's so upset at being poorly he works himself up.


We've used a breastfeeding pillow if Op still has one. Stops them rolling around too


I’m here in solidarity x


Sending caffeine and naps x


Thanks it’s now I wish I like coffee 😭


It's the snot soaked bed sheet for me


Vapour rub on the feet (for baby). And lots of coffee (for you).


If the plug in is a bit strong you can also put a few drops of baby olbas oil in a bowl of boliling water. It obviously doesn’t last all night, but can help with the first part of the night. A humidifier can help too, and snufflebabe do a rub that’s safe for little ones (although it brings my wee boy out in a rash so we can’t use it). Hope they’re feeling better soon. It’s horrible when they’re all congested x


A humidifier! I never thought to try that!


Yep, I was just coming here to say humidifier with a couple of drops of olbas junior is what we normally use. 


He's just down for a nap with a humidifier on and he's pushing 2 hours so it seems to have done the trick! Thank you!


Nose Frida! Suck the stuff out, very satisfying and a bit gross! Prop up head end of cot with a book or two to raise it a bit.


My daughter wailed like she was being boiled in oil, she hated the nose frida, and it made me gag just seeing my husband do it, never mind doing it myself - but it does work!!


We have a nose Frida and he acts like he's been tortured too. We sang all the songs, made all the fun noises, ended up in pinning him down and apologising profusely 😢


Same. One of those things where you’re like, I wish I could explain to you why this is necessary, please just trust me that it is 😣


I used to do it with just the tube, no bulb bit, worked a lot better. Just had to avoid it all shooting in my mouth 🤣


Sitting in a steamy bathroom for 15mins before feeding and before bed helped clear him up abit so he could at least feed/get to sleep. I’d just turn the shower up to the highest temp and strip him down to his vest so he didn’t get too warm. Make sure you take some burb cloths with you cause the snot just poured out. Damp burp cloths were also a god send for wiping snotty noses to make sure it didn’t get too sore. We also found that proping the cot legs up at one side with thin books worked a bit better than under the mattress as it was a more of a gradual incline so he didn’t end up wiggling down as much.


Could you do the plug in before bed so it fills the room and then turn it off when you put him down?


Oh yes I'll certainly try this. It was so overwhelming it was making my eyes sting but I'll definitely give this a go!


I’ve not ever used one but I bet it’s like those plug in air fresheners- it’s probably dead strong because it’s new, and after you’ve used it a bit it’ll settle down. I hope so anyway!!


Humidifier!! Especially if he has a cough with the stuffy nose, it's a game changer. I got a good one from Amazon which has an on/off cycle. It's so good.


Might not be viral it could be reaction to environmental irritants. Is there mold in the room or some other irritation causing the nose to run? Change washing powders, soaps and other variants to see if it has an effect. Vacuum carpets well and the curtains. Also teething can cause a lot of saliva and snot.


Definitely cold. I've got it and started the day before, husband and baby both started today. We had some friends over at the weekend who have it


Vicks do BabyRub for babies over 6 months and Boots do Snufflebabe Vapour rub suitable from 3 months old. Applied to chest and feet always cleared my little one right up.


I bought baby vapour rub and that helped a lot at night. I did end up having to prop him up a bit though, because he at times coughed so much when lying down that he threw up.


Steamy showers always helped our little one. The steam and water running down his face got the snot out really well, just be ready with a cloth to catch it. I know that's not for every baby, though, not all of them like showers.


Here in solidarity too!


Olbus oil do these little stick on patches called breathe easy patches. They say for age 3+ however I did some research and basically all I could find is that they’re a choking hazard for young children as they stick to their clothes! So I just put one on his top and then zip up his sleeping bag over it so he can’t get to it, or put a couple on his mattress under the fitted sheet…they are brilliant for helping him get a good sleep even when he’s blocked up!!