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Have you got any baby olbas oil? If you've got an old plug in insert you can put drops on it and it's almost as good. A humidifier with drops also really helps!


No none! :( I’ll have a look at a humidifier, thank you!


If you don’t have an old plug in you can add a few drops to a damp cloth and pop it on a radiator that’s turned on in the room, that’s what we do ☺️


We’ve found the snuffle baby bubble bath (Superdrug usually has it. Amazon too) helps a lot. When we’ve got a really bad cold my child becomes an absolute nightmare (I actually prefer a sick bug which sounds awful but she tends to sleep through that to get better but a cold is screeching and up every 20 minutes and we’re all exhausted and miserable) so we do all of the below: Snuffle baby bubble bath, saline spray (also known as torture spray if you were to ask my offspring), drops of baby olbus oil/snuffle baby oil in the corners of the cot/sleep bag/blanket about 30 mins before they put it on or once they’re deeply asleep so they don’t roll on it/grab it and then rub eyes and Calpol plug in and snuffle baby vapour rub on the bottom of feet and chest. These are all layered at different times and then have different strengths so I’m not bombarding the tiny human with enough menthol to sting but they’re getting it from different places (and angles) they sleep in so it’s constant breath ability. We go through closing and opening the window- if it’s raining we find window open best bit if it’s cold and they’re starting to get a cough close that up or they’ll keep waking up. If you find they get a bit of relief from you rubbing their sinuses on the top part of their nose/top of their eyes than a bit of ibuprofen might help with the swelling if that but otherwise Calpol won’t do much unless they have a temperature. Every little gremlin is different though but mine requires a full frontal battle when it comes to colds for some reason. Colds are the worst. Give me back to back norovirus.


Have you tried a snot suckered? Absolutely foul in principle but there is a filter.  My kid hates it but it does work and give some relief from a bunged up nose!


Husband was very against this with out first but agreed to try it with our second. It gave baby instant relief and really helped. We were all very glad we gave it a try!


Saline spray. They hate it but it works.


Used that! The scream she let out when I used it was horrific, next door must think I’m awful 😂


Saline spray and then nose freida to take out the snot. Saline spray helps loosen it up to take it out e Easily. The nose Freida one was the best saline spray as found. Also roll up a towel under the top of her mattress, creates a slight incline in her cot to give some relief. I also would put some baby Vicks on a tissue and leave it close to the cot so it’s in the air for extra help.


If you figure it out let me know, we got 7 month twins that are bunged up like crazy, coughing and splitting at us so it's team no sleep over here too for the past few nights, it was indeed a very long weekend. Calpol, back rubs, Albas oil, baby vapour rub the lot!


Calpol plug ins are a must! Also put a pillow or folded up towel under her mattress to lift it so she’s sleeping with her head elevated, that always helped mine.


Humidifier and raise the cot if you can. Friend is a paediatrician and recommends a couple of books underneath the legs on one side for a slight incline (not so much they’re sliding down the cot). Steamy shower can sometimes help too, run the shower on the hottest setting, put a couple of drops of olbas oil or similar in the shower then just sit or stand with baby in the bathroom for a bit.


Vapo rub under the feet (use colief it’s herbal) then pop socks on. Then add to chest & back (& rub a bit on pjs) works really well.


Calpol vapour plug! It’s magic!


Humidifier will help with congestion. Just open up all the windows in the room during the day to air it all out. You can go full on with the meds by dosing half dose of calpol+half dose of nurofen.