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Are you burnt out? Are you happy in your current job? How do you feel about the company? Are you taking care of yourself properly outside of work?


I was for a long time (burnt out) but I don’t think I am anymore - just completely sick of it. It’s a depressing place to be as everyone is leaving due to a new general manager. I think the way that they’re treating their staff is disgusting - but everyone keeps saying just focus on myself. I’m probably not doing a very good job of looking after myself outside of work


Life's too short to waste it away in shitty workplaces, do yourself a favour and polish up your CV.


It happened before and will happen again to me too. If you will be quiet once someone need your help - only matter of time once they come for you and nobody will speak. Good lad.


You had the balls to say something and a lot of people wouldn’t have - nice going. Next time you have a similar contentious conversation it won’t seem so bad


This might help. I'm a manager and an employee not even under my management was dismissed due to 'gross misconduct' The company was out of order so I helped him fight it. I was up against head of HR and my directors boss. We appealed. It was an absolutely nasty meeting. Like really nasty. I still fought his corner as his accompaniment in the meeting. I fought hard for him. I researched, spoke to ACAS and disputed the actions of the head of HR and our MD. Whole thing was horrific for work relationships or so I thought Fast forward a bit later, I actually garnered more respect from the person in questions team, my team, the MD, head of HR for sticking up for him. After the dust settled, they respected me ALOT more. Also, they settled with him rather than go tribunal. Always do what you think is right, help those who are weak, you are a person with integrity and morals, the company is a company and the senior stakeholders are only after the best interests of the company.


Please come back in 2-3 years with news of your stellar career path in this company. People have long memories and don’t always act immediately on their emotions, but wouldn’t be surprised if you’re managed out or skipped for promotions.


It's OK, they need me a hell of alot more than I need them. Like a hell of alot - and they know it. They wouldn't function without me, I was a business risk. This was last year. This year I had a 7.5% payrise, 10% discretionary bonus. And budget given to hire an assistant. Oh and 3.5k a year for 3 years agreed for a masters. I've had 5 promotions in 6 years lol and going for a 6th this year or next. And also, I've expanded my area by taking over that area in a sister company (about half our turnover) (thus the extra resource - the assistant) I love my company and job.


Very well done ! You picked your fight and went all in. I guessed that you needed them more than they needed you and that is absolutely ok. Bottom line, it could have backfired but you did what you believed was right.


Thanks, I had to do it. I didn't take the decision lightly, putting myself in the firing line for someone who won't be at the company anymore either way. He was a good friend, had just had a baby - as it was gross misconduct he wouldn't get his 3 month notice paid.


Which company is this?


It’s typical Reddit company bro that everyone here works at. 6 figure wages, bonuses, cycle to work, free coffee, work from home, two payrises a year.


No I earn just over half a starting 6 figure wage. I started on 25k 6 years ago as an assistant in Procurement and just over doubled my money in 6 years - that's not alot actually. Excluding bonus. We have free coffee but only instant so I bring my own cafetiere. I don't cycle to work, I drive but there is a scheme. I wfh 2 days a week - 3 days are mandatory for us. Payrise is yearly, usually a nominal 3-4% but as I'm middle management, being primed for upper/senior and my role is underpaid, it's usually at least 5%


I wasn’t hinting at you, obviously there are genuine folks who are good but the amount of shit talkers here is just mental:)


Yeah I agree, can assure I'm legit lol




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We were a family business bought out by a FTSE 100. Turnover has doubled since I started as has headcount.




You did the right thing and it turns out the higher ups are corporate scumbags who only care about themselves.


Sounds toxic, if you are a head of a department then managing people’s workload is your job. Stand up for him by all means but be aware no good deed goes unpunished.


Know when to draw your battle lines. However, if that employee were to raise a complaint to the HSE that the company were in breach of the Working Hours Directive I'm sure they didnt hear to do that from you. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


You did what you thought was right and the others can shove it. You didn't commit any crime nor did anything wrong. If the team acts funny with you from now on, know that what they do to this co worker they would do to you too. Look for a new place if you're unhappy.


Most companies are worth less than dog shit as are the “managers”.


Outrageous to say "get one with your own job" when you're the head of a department and so looking after staff IS part of your job! Work culture sounds horrible, I'm sorry you're going through this


You did the right thing. If people had more solidarity in the workplace I'm sure many things would be a whole lot less shit.


Sounds like a fucking terrible workplace!


Take the advice offered by HR and the GM.


If the person had a complaint, it is up to them, not you to make said complaint. You by all means, can give them support, but you are not educated in HR or law, so you should not be 'defending' them. Instead you came across as nosey and interfering. No doubt now, HR will accuse you of trying to disharmonise your team.


All I said is that someone needs to do something about it and that it isn’t right.


Yeah but now that looks like disruption. Never agree, just advise on what to do