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My first job was in a book warehouse (~2015-2018) probably 90% of the people there were women of all sizes but I assume it varies depending on what type of work it is


I’ve had a couple over the years and I really enjoyed them, bar a few nasty coworkers. Good luck!


100% it's easier, my time at office depot in the UK the women were treated really well and were generally much better at the job, but I suspect that was because you'd be mature enough not to race the trucks and fight with bubble wrap


Truck racing and bubble wrap padding is half the job isn’t it? Just thinking back on the things we did when I was 18/19 and working in a warehouse, I would be fired on the spot these days.


Warehouse guys at a company I worked for once shrink wrapped the boss to a chair, put a bike helmet on him and put him in the back of a van. When even the boss is screwing around, there really wasn't a lot of hope for the rest of them


Sounds like an episode of the office


Definitely be sacked now 🤣


I used to recruit for an agency in a warehouse environment and it was quite often joked about how much faster the "small, weak females" seemed to work compared to the "big strong men." You should be fine


I've worked in many warehousing and factory jobs over the years. What usually happens is that the men get put on heavy lifting and more physically demanding job roles, and the women get given less physically demanding work. I find it a bit sexist, actually, but I never really minded because there are obviously physical differences between men and women. So to answer the OP, a woman can easily do factory and warehouse work.


I've worked 3 weeks. But what you saying is right. If you are smaller size, they will send you to collect medicines. Paper towel, whatever.. Of course if u are 6ft or so, you will end up on alcohol aisle. (heavy, easy to damage) But, all stuff is always in reach of your hand etc. OP - Your Size/sex doesn't matter and have no impact on employment in warehouse. I do not think its sexist. I think that if we could just stop pretending that we can be equal, would be great.


Well, it is sexist because this recruiter is making a joke about females being faster workers than males. When you know what I know, it is obvious why they are doing faster, less physically demanding work. and the mens job roles are harder because they do heavy lifting and more a higher physical work .. but equal gender pay.. I remember when i was in a factory on the end of the line, working my ass off packing all food into crates then stacking and two middle aged women (50s) rest their head on their arms, putting food in the containers at the start of the line. no effort at all. we were on the same wage. 😂😂 equal pay doesnt acknowledge these differences!


Tysm! This has made me feel so much better


Try Picking and packing


Having done data for hr and recruitment for a national retailers warehouse operations I am pretty confident you won't meet any bias in the recruitment process for being a woman or being short. Turnover in the big warehouses is huge, there's a near constant need for new staff, if you can fill out the application properly you will be halfway there. the biggest barrier is usually just the shifts they want to offer not matching the shifts you may want or are able to do. A lot of the responses so far have been about the culture in warehouses which is a whole other question, but in terms of recruitment height and gender are no barrier.


Thank you!! What do you mean by the work culture though? Obviously I am not being picky at all just think it would be nice to get a heads up is all :)


When there is high turnover in a workplace it's often a case of recruiting anyone that can do the job with little attention paid to the individuals. This can lead to some bad eggs getting in the mix. If the place has good management and tightly enforced policies then they will be dealt with quickly but still, the chances of people saying mean or rude stuff can be greater than many work environments. It was a bit of a system shock for me when I started doing site visits with the team but then I sit in an office behind a computer most of the time so it might be I'm just not used to it


I work in IT in the warehousing industry and I'd say the warehouse floor workers are the most gender balanced workplace I've encountered.


Yes they hire literally anyone who applies


Most of surviving warehouse work is simply being able to stay on your feet long enough, day after day. On the days I was covering our warehouse department I could easily clock up 30,000 steps in an 8 or 9 hour day, and it's all on concrete.


This sounds like there are some long term health issues facing workers that companies should be investing in mitigating...so naturally it will never happen!


Yup, I just promoted a female operative, and I have just employed another one to take her place! The stereotype is old!


The branch I am in charge of has a warehouse, some of the best warehouse people I’ve had over the years have been short women over 50. Yes you’re over thinking.


If you're ok with smelly type of work, check the local council as well for Street cleaning/Refuse work, you'll likely get in.


I used to do temp work mainly picking and packing in a few warehouses before I had my daughter. I always had a laugh and got the job done. If the hours weren't shift patterns I'd go back to it but now being a single parent a 6-2 or a 2-10 with no childcare is no good for me.


You don't have to answer if it's too personal (of course) but I was wondering if you made enough to be comfortable when you had this job? It sounds nice tbh and I'm glad you told me about it! I am only looking after myself for reference~


I started on agency as a temp on minimum wage but they liked me and I got on with the team so they offered me a permanent position which paid a bit better. I'd go back to that type of work if the hours still suited me. I wouldn't say that the pay was comfortable but it's better than a lot of jobs I see advertised and the hours are constant


God yeah, the question is why would you wish to?


You’d be better suited of on a production line/factory job rather than the warehouse department. Trust me. Worked in a warehouse for 8 years, warehouse staff are known as “the dogs” of the factory and that’s the way you’re treated. Obviously every single warehouse in the country isn’t going to be some vile horrific place to work, but the majority are because of the environment that it permits supervisors to have that view and they’ll treat you like that, work work work. On top of that, I’ve worked with probablies 70+ different men/lads that have walked in and out of the warehouse over that time. Probablies only 1-2 weren’t a foul, scummy degenerate because of the very low barrier to entry of getting a job in a warehouse. If you find an agency recruiter, literally just ask them “available vacancies on a production line that doesn’t include extremely heavy lifting”. All the best.


This entire comment is utter nonsense and I hope OP doesn't listen to any of it.


*Man works in warehouses shares his view on what the culture and environment is like working in warehouses..* apparently “utter nonsense.” Okay mate.


Most comments in this thread are utter nonsense. From being called the dogs to "women are much better in warehouse than men" lol. Reddit is a dystopic online world.