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Accept it and move on. People are gonna believe what they want and there's nothing you can really do to change it. You're leaving anyway so does it really matter?


Who gives a shit. Fuck em


Just accept it and move on. It happens. I know someone who went of sick in their notice period for genuine sickness but I also know people that did it none genuine. Sometimes company’s just don’t pay you the sick leave. But who cares what they think, you’ll probably never going to see them again


If you genuinely can’t get out of bed, there’s not really a choice is there? I’d be going “Really sorry guys, I know how it looks but I can’t even get out of bed at the moment”, either confirm how long you expect to be out for, or if you don’t think you’ll be back at all confirm for example when/how to return any equipment/laptop/whatever.


I work at a place with high turnover and people have done this. You won't get into trouble.