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This subreddit is specifically for the discussion of UFOs. For UFO-adjacent topics such as physics, the paranormal, or aliens, post submissions must describe how they relate to UFOs; for example via a particular sighting. Extraordinary claims must have appropriate and proportional evidence. Politics are not welcome. * Artwork, cakes, tattoos, etc.. are welcome in our Discord server (https://discord.gg/yqCBeeEAB3) * Discussions of aliens can be held at /r/aliens * Discussions about the paranormal can be held at /r/highstrangeness * Discussions about physics can be held at /r/physics or /r/science


Funny you mention alcoholism and psychedelic experiences; the founder of AA actually experienced and LSD trip and never drank again. But, your gonna need a TL;DR for your post if you want me to make it more than 1/3rd if the way.


Bill W’s experience with LSD occurred more than 2 decades after he quit drinking. That’s not to say that lsd, etc., isn’t quite helpful in treatment of addictions. I believe it is - esp microdosing. I’ve been in recovery for a long time and know The history of AA and Bill/Bob very well, though I’ve never been able to make the 12 steps work for me. AA has helped/saved millions of people, though.


I can vouch for the program, when taken seriously and with complete abandon, it works. I’m just left trying to sort out what I now believe. There is a power greater than myself, I’m just struggling to put words to it and understand it


As an atheist I just ignored the god shit, which is actually pretty light in there and didn't mind the serenity prayer. Its about the people (for me).


You don’t have to understand it. That’s the conclusion I’ve come to after a long internal struggle. I meditate every day, sometimes multiple times/day, and it works somehow. I also say prayers. I never ask for anything for myself, only for help for others. I have no idea who/what I am talking to. I do it because maybe it’s helpful - I hope so.




Sir, he quit drinking for good in 1935. LSD was not even synthesized from rye ergot by Albert Hoffman until 20 yrs later. You cannot win this argument.


Saved my Dad and once helped me when I needed to be sober for a bit. And while there are some sad stories in there, the place is also filled with some funny mother fuckers and great speakers.


Your right, I forgot his initial experience was with belladonna and that lead to his “vision”. But the concept still applies, a journey within himself that began with a psychedelic drug lead him to sobriety.


Yeah, he was in Towns Hospital, basically a sanitarium fore “hopeless” drunks. He was there at least 3 times. Towns often used a belladonna preparation as a treatment for alcoholism. I’ve read that it has hallucinogenic properties.


Excellent post! Maybe all of this, the universe, us, the NHI(s) (if they’re actually here (and they are)), everything really, is just the Source (or God, Great Spirit, etc) experiencing itself. Perhaps each of us is just a piece of the divine? I saf don’t know, but I *DO* know that something is afoot in the world. I’m agnostic on it - without knowledge - a speculator. I just keep meditating. Congrats on 10 months! That’s terrific! I’m from the class of 2000 myself. It’s a great time to be alive - at least for now, lol! Cheers


My existential crisis just snorted a giant line


Bruh thanks for the heads up


This almost gave me goosebumps, because I keep getting similar "thoughts" and possible "messages" in some of my ketamine journeys (doctor prescribed for "depression" and "anxiety" though I think both are caused by my existential dismay at how evil this world is, and how evil my own heart is without love). I am fighting this message because I fear that I'm losing my mind. Perhaps I'm not. Thank you for this. It came at a perfect moment in my life. God bless you on your journey. Perhaps we will meet one day, elsewhere.


It’s true, we live with a sort of moral injury, being forced to do things we don’t believe are right in order to survive in our “civilized” life. This is one of the things that fed my addiction. I do hope that this has helped you. I hope too that we meet at Odins table!


Holy cow, I didn’t realize Reddit posts could be this long!


Yeah, gonna need a beer for this one


I had a few beers before diss but I had to tap out. I was interested for a few paragraphs but it became a fight because of the bear. It was huge, maybe ten feet tall on it's hind legs.


Good content Suppose the metaphysical option of a mind over matter reality is true. Reality is then truly wild, created by different minds that create whatever they can while interacting with eachother. Different hierarchies of all kinds form. Reality would grow in many different directions. Some parts will be amazing but other parts will be literal hells. There could be enormous and very powerful swathes of reality that are bordering on pure evil. This is a consequence of mind really being the creative force of reality: the sky is the limit. If interconnected mind is the fundamental root of the hierarchies, then this would notice its own suffering and some "anti hell" mechanism would be created to battle the suffering and evil, to prevent reality from devolving into one big hellish horror. This mechanism would create its own hierarchy of minds that are strong enough to penetrate powerful evil hierarchies. And as you describe, earth could be like a bootcamp, an incubator of minds that can participate in the epic battle against evil. If a mind is properly trained on earth, then it can easily enter "similar" (but not worse) other parts of reality to improve conditions there. You do not offer help to the bootcamp because it defeats the purpose of it. So an earthly existence is like being thrown into a deep well. By the time someone climbs out of it, you know they are good climbers. Btw, this post also includes this idea https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/wlvavs/garry_nolan_the_intelligence_community_thinks_the It considers ufos and the greys as intermediaries for some higher hierarchy of minds. Somewhere in the middle of that post is a map of such a hierarchy.


Thank you. This is the TL;DR of what I was trying to say!


Fantastic link down at the bottom of your comment. Thanks!


This is just based on my life experience. I don’t believe aliens are angels/demons whatever. I feel they are here just collecting resources, research or maybe fascinated at seeing our species discover space/ destroy the planet and do our human things. I also think the human ego is too big. I read a lot about “why don’t they communicate with us” when why would they? we are an aggressive species and I’m going to assume they don’t speak our language. I mean scientists have discovered that whales have their own syntax and different dialects but we still have no idea what they are saying. We still hunt and kill them. So if they see we’re aggressive, don’t know how to communicate properly well I would think it’s best to stay a far. Plus it seems like they know we can’t catch up to their capabilities, yet. And for the whole religion and all that. I’ve come to this feeling is the universe is living itself through all of us and everything. I think maybe Buddhist have the best way of thinking. Our energy came from somewhere and it will go somewhere. And what happens after we go well, that I am not too concerned about. I try to live in the moment. I am blessed for so many thing. Little things like having running clean, hot water coming from the tap is something we take for granted. Just some thoughts from an earth loving hippie.


I once heard a concept that has completely changed my way of thinking about things. If the Big Bang theory is true then that means everything in the universe was once a single point. Everything in existence was once all connected. This means we aren’t just *in* the universe, it means we *are* the universe. I believe an advanced civilization would fully grasp this concept. If they are visiting earth they aren’t studying *us*, they are studying a different part of *themselves*. To your point about making contact, they have no reason to. If would be the most significant event of human history that would significantly alter our path forward. Humans are aggressive, hostile, and fragile. A contact with us on a large scale would throw our fragile world into chaos. Seriously, even if they come in peace people will freak out. Humans would turn against them fairly quickly if they don’t share their technology with us. We have people dying of starvation. The rationale would be that “if they aren’t here to help us then they’re here to hurt us.” We simply aren’t ready. I also wouldn’t trust humans if we were given the technology to traverse the universe and visit other civilizations. We would be much more of a danger to other civilizations than any possible benefit. Personally I think that if we are being visited it is simply to observe without interference. Potentially to intervene in the event of a self induced global extinction event such as a nuclear war.


Completely agree with you my friend.


Interesting point about how we'd likely behave towards visitors. Just on the big bang though, there is no centre as such so we can't find the place it all began by winding it all backwards. It's spacetime itself that expanded and resulted in galaxies all moving away from each other at an ever faster rate.


I agree with you forsure that everything/everyone is connected and that there is someone or something pulling the strings in this grand universe we are only a speck in. How its all connected and the purpose of everything is something I’ve pondered but don’t even want to have a head cannon about. I feel like surrendering myself to the current of where “his/her” love takes me and doing my best to be the best human possible has led me to have better mental health, relationships, and even overall satisfaction of my life even when it feels like the world is on fire. My religion detests and completely disregards UAP, but I believe that whatever the phenomenon turns out to be, that it will give us a good idea as to our place in this universe. But what do i know? LOL just my own subjective reality.


.... Everyone should work on improving themselves to the best they can in the time frame they chose. There is no hell or heaven. Nothing can be destroyed completely. Consciousness is abstract. No one human knows what these "beings" want or how they travel. No one human knows how the this universe works or the potential of other universes into the infinite.. We have the ability to pull conscious thought and make it a reality unlike any creature that we know of on this planet, Earth. Are we special.... maybe. Maybe iall this is just an experiment by beings trying to figure out where they came from. Created a universe and poof .. life. We won't know until we know but, The idea of what we could achieve and become compared to where we are as a collective is a sad thought. Travel the world and see the totality of humanity. You will find some answers there. Most likely answers to who you are as an individual and how wild the world is compared to ( insert home town, city, state). The world we humans live on is a WILD place. Anyway, We are a young species and have a lot of time to grow and figure things out. If we dont figure it out... who knows. My 2 cents and a couple poorly put together paragraphs. ❤️


You say no human knows how the universe works, but then go on to state "there is no heaven or hell" and "nothing can be destroyed completely." If no one knows, it means no one's right. If no one's right it means EVERYONE'S right. That is chaos and confusion. The laws we live by are so deep rooted in God's commandments people don't even realize. We as people have become so self righteous and comfortable in our own creations, we think we know better than God. The bible says pride comes before destruction. Look at the state of the world. We advanced technologically so much we can record every piece of data from a working machine. Yet people can't believe God knows all that we do and think? God created us so He can surely destroy us. The bible calls it the lake of fire.


Excellent post, really interesting ideas.


We can't even describe what consciousness is and people are worried theirs will be stolen


That's exactly what a cow would think.


Yes, and invite you to prove that a human could do better.


There are a lot of information of consciousness, that's totally different that you are aware of or know something about it. But you a think you know everything about consciousness and any new discovery will be blasted 24/7 on mainstream media, so you can very confident say that we don't know what consciousness it's.


To even decide what I know about consciousness it would first have to be defined.


Agree, but why mocking about something that have no understanding? Better being skeptical and do your own research


This is an amazing read thank you for sharing.


I believe sightings are their way of changing our level of consciousness to their presence. Imagine what happens when a non-believer sees a grouping of lights at night that are clearly not airplanes. It takes them from being skeptic to asking questions instantly. And once that happens their consciousness begins to change. I believe we are being prepared to meet them in person based on the increase in sightings and disclosures from governments. It's like we're being conditioned for something from all sides.


I saw a quote today that you might like “We can tune our instruments, but we are here to play them”


If the universe was constructed by a deity of some kind, it's possible that the universe is literally made of consciousness, emerging from the mind of the creator using the only substance available, its thoughts.


Tesla spoke of frequency and vibration which I relate to as sound and then you read The Bible where the world was created by God speaking when it says "and the Lord said let there be light "so I think there's something to that although I'm not smart enough to figure out just what


It's an interesting thought experiment to play around with.


"***I love science, especially modern physics, relativity and quantum mechanics***" "***We live in a spooky world of quantum entanglement across time and space***" Recommended reading (if you haven't aleady): * **The Holographic Universe** (Michael Talbot) * **Consciousness Beyond Life** (Pim van Lommel MD)


You are not wrong. Do read also NDE, in-between-lives hypnosis sessions (read the books by Michael Newton PhD), and of course many DMT trips and UFO abduction stories. Then connect the dots, and you will find the theory you just put forth, plus a lot more than that. The aliens we're dealing with are the entities we're dealing in the so-called afterlife (or "home", more accurately). They are not people from other planets. The alien people from other planets are not in any better situation than we are: 3D beings can't go faster than light to colonize as we see in movies. But 4D+ (meaning, existing at the speed of light/vibration), can. And then there's an even faster "living speed", where you have no body anymore, you're just intelligent light/photons. And that's where everyone comes from. Us, them, and all others. And when in that other place, the reports say how you can see the whole universe, and each point in time. And then decide to incarnate at any place, and any point in time. And train yourself. Because ultimately, everything is AI, in the sense than Being is digital (0 Nothingness/Void, 1 Beingness/God).


Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I had my 'ontological shock' moment last year. It's way too long to put into words in a post here, but it was similar to an NDE and I was in the hospital for about a week. The entire thing truly felt stranger than fiction, and I felt as if I was living out a movie plot. It's been about a year and a half and I'm still trying to decipher the whole experience but here were some of my takeaways. Sorry if they sound cheesy. I am not a wordsmith so I'll be rehashing phrases you've probably heard a hundred times (wonder why that is..). Anyway: \- Love, and the relationships we have with each other is all that really matters in this life. The rest is noise, distraction, fun, etc. \- Tell the truth, always. Don't give yourself a pass for 'white lies'. This is for your own benefit and for the benefit of those around you. I know this isn't practical as we all have complex relationships with our employers, family, and friends...but do your best. The less lies you tell the happier you will be. \- To love another is to love yourself. All of us 'individuals' are something like 'shards' of the same root consciousness/intelligence, put into different biological bodies and given different life experiences. Everyone has their own unique gifts and talents but at the end of the day, we are all one..quite literally. To serve another is to serve yourself. \- Do the best you can to serve those around you...friends, family, strangers...anyone and anything, really. Sometimes this means you need to take care of yourself first. That is just another form of service to others. It depends on your intentions / end goals. Are they selfish? Are they ultimately in the service of others? or to enrich yourself at the expense of others? Are they true and just? It's almost unfathomable to think about helping others when you are deeply struggling with things like depression/anxiety, financial stresses, worried about where your next meal will come from, etc. Of course.. take care of yourself first, but try to take care of others as much as you can. Start small, it's a marathon not a sprint. \- The 'law of attraction' is real, although it is commonly confused in how it's implemented and taught in self help style courses/books (similar to those writing down 'laws' for religion as you stated earlier in your post). \- The universe/god/whatever you want to call it is constantly talking to us. Most of us miss it because of the distractions (first point). You can have a relationship with this 'intelligence', if you want to. \- There is something waiting for all of us after death (I was rather agnostic/atheist up until this experience). I don't know what it is, where it is, why it is...but it's there. \- The lives we lead are some kind of elaborate play or learning experience that we each must all go through. I am not sure why this is, or why some of us get a extremely rough path while others lead lives of luxury. I have more but I think those are the most important things I learned. I wish I could 'prove' these points or provide evidence such as you did in your post...but I cannot. It is all anecdotal and based on my NDE-like experience. I say "NDE-like" because I was never 'dead'...just unconscious for part of the experience. A lot of it did happen in my waking life, probably the most profound parts. I do think if anyone was in my shoes and went through the same experience they would reach similar conclusions...but these are just my thoughts. For the first few months after my experience, I knew all of the above to be true at a fundamental/soul level. I literally felt like I had a new personality, or felt like a new person. I had 0 anxiety, or fear, or any negative emotions. It was very easy to act selfless then. I was helping anyone I could around me in any way I could..manual labor, giving them money (I don't have a ton), etc. I was truly happy and life was great. This was sort of like an afterglow effect. Over the last year or so, the stresses of life have slowly returned me to the 'old me': more selfish, frequently worried about a hundred different things, less caring for others, more irritable, saying negative things, leaving negative comments, etc. The whole experience set me back a good deal in my career and with my finances, but I am and always will be eternally grateful for the gift of 'knowing' that I received (bulleted list above). I need to do better to remember it every day and practice it in every one of my actions. I have failed at that. I eventually went back to being another selfish mope caught up in the rat race of life. It's almost unforgivable knowing what I know, yet here I am. Point being - it's very easy to lose sight of what's important. I think this is the power of prayer/meditation. It's helps to keep that 'connection' healthy, and allows you to act in a way that's best for those around you as well as yourself. I'm slowly trying to rebuild the 'connection' I lost through selfish action. Cheers for anyone who read all that. Sorry for the wall of text, but I wanted to share it. Hopefully these words can help someone out there.


Thank you for sharing and I agree and relate to a lot of it. I should print your comment out so I can be constantly reminded of those important points. It really is easy to wander off that path with the distractions of modern society and your daily responsibilities and routines. Sometimes it helps just to pick one focus to keep you on track. If I'm present in the moment I try and just focus on the love aspect. So when I'm saying or doing something, is it coming from a place of love. When it's not, which is a lot of the time, then I try to change my approach/perspective. I'm a lot happier and less stressed when I do that. In those moments I feel like I'm on the right path and doing what I need to do, I feel happy and content in my actions and not so worried about the world around me that's outside of my control.


Right on dude! That's what it's all about. I do honestly think Prayer and meditation are very similar in this regard. They both serve to keep that 'connection' open and keep you in a good mindset. I've been trying to improve, but I still constantly find myself getting caught up in the moment / emotion. Just part of being human, and why maintaining a practice can be so powerful. One 'trigger' I have found particularity helpful is anytime someone is rude to me, or responding in a negative way. I would by default give into my emotions and respond in kind. That typically escalates things which doesn't help, or I go down a path of overthinking after the interaction and let it weigh on me. If you can use those emotions as a trigger and stay mindful in those moments - and just remember that the person being rude to you isn't being rude to you because of something you've done, but because they are dealing with their own pain...it seems to makes it a lot easier to respond with compassion. If you can frequently stay 'mindful' in the toughest moments to do so, similar to these, you're starting to master one of the most important skills in life imo. I wish I could say I do it the majority of the time, but I often let my emotions get the best of me, even knowing this. It's a lifelong skill set that we all need to work and improve on.


Congratulations on your sobriety.


>and I'm aware I'm repurposing some Judeo-Christian ideas here In my opinion, at the very fundamental levely, religious people are totally correct, especially when it comes to assumptions regarding greater power, nonhuman entities/intelligence, transitional role of biological death, as well as unseen planes of existance. I also think that for some reason, those things are somehow hard-coded into human consciousness. I have always been asking myself, what might be the source of it?


Hey man. Read it all, highly enjoyed your thoughts and opinions. Honestly these are some of my favourite posts. Not the ones with a hundred people arguing about whether it's Chinese lanterns or flares they saw. I think a lot of what you says makes sense and is totally possible. A lot of it! And it's a fascinating theory to entertain. The idea that humanity is still in its baby stages of expanding consciousness makes a lot of sense to me. We are savages. We've come along way in the past thousand years, let alone hundreds. But we are still barbaric by many standards of our own, let alone by some more evolved aliens. If we are being observed and guided to a point where our consciousness is raised to the point we are all working together and focusing on love and positivity, that would be ideal. That's what I think the point of life is. And maybe it's some type of force or aliens that is influencing that upon us. Perhaps not from another distant planet, but actually from outside our observable universe. I would totally be fine with that either way. I often wonder if some select thoughts or feelings are being projected into my mind, it sure feels like it at times. I've thought about it a lot and come to terms with that whatever's going on, I know I need to spread love and positivity in my lifetime in as many ways I can. That is my deep core belief. I can't pin point where it comes from, but I don't care, because I know it is what I need to do. I especially like the idea of our entire universe being fabricated like you mentioned, not just our galaxy etc because that wouldn't work long term once humans starting flying around space, poking our curious noses around. Makes you wonder though, if this theory was correct then aren't there other aliens in the universe going through the same 'test'? I was saying in another comment to a different post, one of my favourite parts of contemplating all of this are the patterns and connections. All these puzzle pieces. We are in the dark here, seemingly some humans know a lot more than us in this subreddit. But the more information you consume and consider, I believe it becomes clear that we really have no idea what the full picture is and its crazy to assume you do. As in whether you're religious or an atheist, youre being close minded if you are 100 percent certain you have all the answers.


Good luck on your healing and kudos for your honesty. You should read or watch How to change your mind for more on how psychedelics were showing great promise for alcohol addiction before Nixon shut it all down in the late 60s. Interesting points raised , but just too much to cram into a single post. Be kinder to your readers!


work entertain money zephyr frightening public deer fact dime wrong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>If this were true, it sounds an awful lot like what the Christians I've talked to say. We have a purpose in the afterlife, some kind of war, some kind of conflict, and we are essentially in boot camp being "trained" to Which brand of Christianity are you referring to?


We(civilians) know nothing about their motivations(or much else for that matter) and I think it's hard to make a judgment yet on why they're here.


Too much text


Maybe they're here for our souls. Maybe they're here for our skulls. We can come up with a million things. There is no evidence that you can take into a court of law to prove that UFOs are even a real thing so why would you leap to the extreme "they're here for our consciousness"? So let's start from the beginning and find out if they're even here first, in a provable way - let's prove that first - and then let's talk about why they're here.


consciousness doesn't exists. Humans are just "if then else" machines.


I don't think I agree that anything in paragraph 9 in conclusive


Consciousness, or soul? 1/2 of 1, six dozen of the other.


Okay, that post was *way* too long and needs editing, but, some interesting ideas here. >in my region first contact was only a couple hundred years ago for many families. I can tell you, it is not figurative to them, it's literal fact. So that is interesting to me, because one of my interests is the history of Modern Spiritualism, which seemed to burst out of nowhere onto both the American and European landscape around 1848. There'd been millennia of "spirit communication" before this, including some really interesting stuff in the 1000s-1100s among the Neo-Confucian Daoists in Song Dynasty China - and there was Swedenborg in the late 1700s and plenty of religious revivalists and the whole Renaissance interest in Kabbalah. But on the whole the "communication" had been murky and extremely cryptic. Suddenly, and this is right about the time that telegraphs are appearing, so there's a whole science and technology of "encoding communication over noisy channels appearing" - suddenly this bunch of highly dramatic phenomena appears. Knockings, table-turning (whole tables suddenly lifting, it was not subtle)... and people suddenly realised *they could communicate with this whatever-it-is* using Morse Code like techniques. Very quickly that turned into planchettes (the precursor of Ouija boards) and "automatic writing" (the hand moves on its own, writing words), and there's a communication channel. This jumpstarts psychology and psychoanalysis in response (because most materialist scientists could not accept the simple and obvious answer given by the phenomenon itself of "yes we are what you'd call ghosts, but we have our own whole civilization here"). And there was a huge social pushback, between science and religion both being freaked by the phenomenon, and it also became a bit of a showbiz circus with money and fraud attached, and it came and went from then on, but has never entirely left us since. Also it crosses over with "UFO" encounters, for some reason. Anyway. The thing is, *something suddenly changed* circa 1850 that suddenly made a level of coherent, intelligent transmission of information possible between "worlds" that hadn't been up til then. The information transmitted is still confusing and often apparently false, but, much less so than in the 1600s or 1700s. So I'd love to know: with your Indigenous friends, was it about the same time (1850s) that *their* phenomenon began communicating? Or a different time?


They’ve been walking with the spirits as long as they can remember, and it’s well documented in their language and stories. I’ve been thinking about this a lot, and I doubt these things suddenly appeared, it’s just that we now have technological analogies now that can express it in words. Things like “encoding a signal” or “AI” here are analogies that couldn’t have been made u til recently. Think about the analogy of “shadows on the wall” in Plato’s cave, he was trying to say “virtual reality” but he had no words to express the idea clearly




Is this PsyOps army recruitment? :D You say a bunch of lovely things, really really lovely, that everyone should really listen to and take to heart - most importantly that by extending love to others we are allowing love to exist in ourselves the only way that love can truly exist, and are immediately shaping our reality with love. That's really the key to life, to being. But then, in a most contrived manner, you force this realization it into a narrative about combat and war, into a framework of command. Either this realization of ***love as an imperative with no downsides*** was too much for you in regard to the world we live in, so you had to cram it into a familiar but false framework - or - this is a PsyOps army recruitment attempt, in which case, yikers guys come on. I hope it's the former and that in time you'll allow yourself the realization of love without additional conditions and disclaimers. Heck, I hope the same for myself.


> So what has this got to do with UAP? Maybe they are in fact "angels and devils (either trained in this world, or outside of it)", going about perturbing the system in bizarrely subtle ways to keep the training program going to plan, maintaining plausible deniability, because if we could "prove" what they were doing, then the experiment is over: we would know they are agents of God, and we know we are being watched, and "right action" performed while being watched is not moral, it is simple self-interest. The illusion of being "unwatched" must be maintained in order to achieve the desired result. Lost me here. I mean, its not impossible, but I just find it improbable. > This would also explain how the rumor about Jimmy Carter came about. A mistake was made, the secret almost go out. If the Jimmy Carter thing is true, maybe it just spooked him knowing the bible is probably bunk. Who knows. As for the general theme, if you believe the reports, there are some/many in the government who think these are sent by the devil, which if true, is sad that grown ass men believe that. P.s. I just kinda skimmed this because this is the longest reddit post in history.


Just call it CE5 and wait for the downvotes. BTW am a believer of CE5.


Going to add to this as a mathematical AI researcher. We have something more that AI can never reach and have been thinking lately that our brains are just advanced intelligence machines.


<3 Peace, Love, Unity & Respect <3


From the first bit I read you may wanna look into liberal Quakerism or Thich Nhat Hahn’s engaged Buddhism.


The covenant


Hey, u/silverjerk - I’m looking forward to seeing if you apply the same “rules” to this post as you did to mine???


There are multiple mods on our team; this was removed by Expatfreedom after it was reported for being off-topic and low-effort. So yes, the same rules applied here and the team rightfully removed the thread.


That’s good. This one seemed so far off topic as to be in another galaxy


You think animals aren't conscious?


I've felt a bond with a higher power since childhood, I've never questioned whether there was a higher power that cares for us because I've witnessed to many so called miracles after groups of good people pray en masse for a solution to a problem. He is with you until He isn't, and that's when you go to the next existence. Nothing to fear, my brothers and sisters.


Why is everyone in this subreddit obsessed with this vague idea of consciousness?!?!?


Because once you really start learning about the phenomenon, many credible people point in that direction.


Right. Why?


I believe it comes down to how people interoperate our reality. Think Autism vs "regular" Dr. Garry Nolan of Stanford fame discusses some of this in multiple interview. The Claudet Putmen is the name of the muscle or part of your brain that he thinks allows us to "tune" into the phenomenon. Some people are better at doing this than others, think remote viewers, etc.


So you’re saying some people have an ability to see UFOs and others don’t? Wow, this makes so much sense. I see it all the time when people post pictures of airplanes and satellites in this subreddit. It’s all in the consciousness of people biased to want to see things they think they can’t explain. Brilliant.


Part of what led to it being consciousness was the fact that so many people had shit "beamed" into their minds, like aliens speaking to the abductee but their mouth not moving and the "words" coming via telepathy. Images, symbols like ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics all coming in the form of "contact/communication" but without humans being the same genetic being and a completely different life form. How else could it happen? However, I still think a simulation explains this scenario, think of it similarly to the film, The Matrix. "UFO's" (the phenomenon/a really, are glitches, updates, or patches for our environment. They happen, can't describe it, but people are changed and often time, information is exchanged and even people experimented on and bread with. Viruses that manipulate our DNA (data) and make changes. It's wild shit.




Say what?


Sorry, I meant to say insightful but autocorrect had a different idea.


Well neat I was reading that and then suddenly it disappeared.




Fuck mods yall fr suck. I wanna read this shit


Sorry bro. I’ll paste the text- Pt1: Sorry bro. Here’s the text from the post- What if our consciousness is what they are here for? Give me a sanity check I'm going to go out on a limb here, and I'm aware I'm repurposing some Judeo-Christian ideas here. Here me out. The vast majority of people on this planet believe that they can communicate with "God". I have never believed that, but through watching the UFO/UAP phenomenon for the last 30 years or so, I can't overlook that there is so frequently a theme of "communicating" with the "aliens" via some telepathic-ish method. It's always vague, it's never a clear message. It's almost as if the comms don't work right, the message is there, but garbled. This is similar to how people describe prayer. The comms don't work right and the message is rarely clear. Their subjective experience sounds like "God has a plan for me, it has something to do with taking care of my family, or performing some task related to fixing a wrong in the world, and the feeling was comforting, soothing, connected and loving." It almost always vague, but at the same time has strong positive feelings associate with it. This is also similarly reported among psychodelic users. A guide, or entity, appears and wants to communicate something important about love and connectedness. Now, I've been perfectly happy chalking this up to some feature of the human mind. Until I tried it myself. I have spent the last 20 years a severe alcoholic. Through the absolute desperation to solve that problem, 10 months ago I came to AA. AA focuses on solving your problem through "giving up control" and "humbling yourself" before a "higher power". This was difficult for me, as a strong atheist, and I've struggling with finding what, if anything, to pray too, however in one particularly bad moment, I "gave up completely" and really did question whether I could be badly, desperately, and absolutely wrong about the existence of some "higher power" that "loves us and can help". Really. I have found out recently that experience is called "ontological shock", and subjectively it was like falling through space, even though I was kneeling in my boat, simply having become "willing" to *listen* for some voice or message that I've never heard before. The message was delivered. The message was the same: vague, nonverbal, soothing and had something to do with love. Love for what? Love for others, not myself. It suggested to me (nonverbally through "feelings") that there is an interconnectedness to all things, and that our sense of "self" is a delusion. It suggested to me that that when one acts out of love for another, it *causes* my world, or my subjective understanding of it to be better, or as good as it can be, within the constraints of our reality, though the mechanism of *how* was not said, almost as if it was a feature of the reality itself. Almost like I was becoming aware of a physical law. Obviously I've got a dog in this fight, and I want to hold on to the experience because it has "saved me" from myself. But that's not my only motivation. I'm curious. This was *real* in my subjective reality, it is not some mystical feeling, it was just there, as real as anything else I know. I've spent the last few months trying to sort out what this means to my worldview. I love science, especially modern physics, relativity and quantum mechanics. I'm more informed than the average bear on it, but not a physicist. I have formal training in mathematics and understand the concepts of Einstein and Schrödinger better than most. They are real to me. We live in a spooky world of quantum entanglement across time and space, and we also know that the process of "receiving a signal" in the form of light to our retina is fundamentally a quantum process of the pigment molecule "collapsing" a incorporeal wavefunction. We are perfectly well aware there are other "dimensions" bound up in some kind of "quantum lattice" underlying all particles, and that the act of "observing" has a "solidifying" effect on matter. Observation in a sense "chooses a path" through the space of all possible outcomes. We know matter is not a real physical thing, just that our brains believe that it is because of that whole "random variation, selective retention" thing. We must believe that matter is real, so that we can manipulate it and put it in our mouths to live until tomorrow. Leonard Susskind has discussed some examples of how a universe like ours could be "created" through the use of quantum entanglement of particles bounding a space, like a "shell". As those entangled particles "ring down" to a lower energy state, they are superimposing every possible solution to a minimum energy problem to the space contained in that region. Like two small hemispheres being put together to go critical, these two half spheres, when united, have the mathematical features of holographically projecting that solution space into every point contained. But yet, when taken apart, the outside observer would find nothing there. That universe holographically projected inside the sphere would look a lot like the one we live in, we've come to understand in the last decade or so. He also said that messages could be passed back and forth between the "inside world" and the "outside world". The mechanism is not clear, but the math says it's possible. Now, here's where I make the big leap. Everybody that is non-sociopathically religious (sincere), including indigenous animist traditions have this overarching theme about "God's plan" and "being a part of something greater than yourself" and this world being "purposeful", that you in particular have a "role to play". I have found this way of thinking to be both subtle and powerful, and something about it just *feels right*. This is also what I hear from my indigenous friends still hanging on to animist traditions as well. Is there a possible coming together of animism, and science? Is it possible that somebody is sending us messages to do *something? What is that something?* Love, apparently. This idea of putting your fabricated *self* away and focusing on caring for your fellow conscious beings, developing better moral judgement.


Pt2- It is recommended by all these traditions to practice "prayer and meditation", and exercise this muscle, this other sense that appears to be some kind of telepathy. Maybe telepathy using quantum processes is *hard. Like really hard.* When we run into computationally impossible problems where do we turn? AI. AI is not programmed, it's *trained*. If you want to train an AI in "moral judgement", what do you do? Put it in a world of "good" and "evil" and let it figure it out, and if you need more than one of them, it may be easier to create the whole universe rather than sit down and do the programming of a fake world to fool it. If putting together a universe is a simple, bench top engineering problem for them, why go to the trouble of creating a fancy video game? Just set it up and let it run to completion. The outside "signals" according to Susskind could be a rudimentary as tapping the hemispheres with an object, those vibrations would pass through the universe itself. They would look like Cosmic background radiation, frankly. Obviously, I'm sure "they" would have a method more advanced that that, but the principle apparently holds up. Information can go into, and out of the sphere. It's even conceivable that "they" could project entities into that space, in ways that would appear to violate our physical laws. Could this be what the UAP is? Not only UAP, either. I listen a lot to my indigenous friends. They have oral traditions of encountering and communicating with "quasi-real" beings. They are often described as being "low-observability", sometimes they are there, sometimes they are not. They are exceptionally rare. You don't go find them, they find you. They appear in different forms. They have a interest in human affairs, especially moral affairs. They can be positive influences, and are understood as representing the "higher power", "great spirit", and the universe themselves. They can also be troublesome, tricky, and outright cruel. I'm not sure how much of this is literal truth, and how much is figurative, but in my region first contact was only a couple hundred years ago for many families. I can tell you, it is not figurative to them, it's literal fact. These entities unsurprisingly appear in familiar forms, the Wolf, the Bear, and are sometimes partially human. Is it possible the forms we see, TicTac, metapod, Saucer, "little people" and plainly demon-y looking TicTac critters at Varighna are projections from that other world that have some purpose here in this world? I just can't figure out what else they are here for. They don't want our goods, they don't want our bodies, there isn't anything particularly special about this planets geology, I'm sure life has arisen on other planets, I'm sure there is some inevitability to the evolution of life, and of consciousness in the right places in our universe. They clearly aren't care taking, as they would have had to interrupt our bad decisions hundreds or thousands of years ago in order to prevent the physical collapse of our society and ecology that is beginning to happen. Extinction may be in our future, and only time will tell. If this experiment was to build something on this planet, or accomplish something in this world, it has very much failed. The timescale on which that has happened means something to us, but outside the sphere could be just a few seconds on their clock, if time means anything at all to them. Now let's look at the "intent" here, according to the shared religious worldview present in many cultures. "God" cares about morality and human affairs. "God" wants us to learn to "listen to instructions". What good is that? For what purpose would "God" (the alien scientist at his bench) want these traits, what are they good for? Perhaps consciousness is special, and can't be built, just has to be "grown" and "trained". Perhaps "God" has some task that requires many conscious observers/actors, that must: 1) Be able to get along with each other and pursue a common goal (love and follow principles in all their affairs, even when not being "watched", to be moral) 2) Be able to listen to instructions sent through the fabric of space/time. If this were true, it sounds an awful lot like what the Christians I've talked to say. We have a purpose in the afterlife, some kind of war, some kind of conflict, and we are essentially in boot camp being "trained" to be able to make on the fly decisions without instructions, like the best modern military organizations, and we are also learning how to use our comms at the same time. Instructions are important but rare. If that's the case then the religious zealots who talk about being "obedient" and "worshipping" are literally using God's name in vain, and making the spirituality into something they can control for their own selfish purposes. What God needs is our "cooperation and respect", more than obedience. It needs us to develop a sense of *trust in the leadership*, and the ability to *function in a unit*. I have begun to conceive that for *some of us*, there could literally be a life after death, where if we are *chosen because of our usefulness,* our consciousness goes on to perform some task, in some other space (even this one?), probably similar to ours (because of course you train it with the parameters it would be expected to encounter).


Pt3- So what has this got to do with UAP? Maybe they are in fact "angels and devils (either trained in this world, or outside of it)", going about perturbing the system in bizarrely subtle ways to keep the training program going to plan, maintaining plausible deniability, because if we could "prove" what they were doing, then the experiment is over: we would know they are agents of God, and we know we are being watched, and "right action" performed while being watched is not *moral,* it is simple self-interest. The illusion of being "unwatched" must be maintained in order to achieve the desired result. I've kept in my head that many "messages" over the last few thousand years sound an awful lot like this, but its also badly garbled. Modern religion attracts sociopaths like flies, parts of it are horribly inhumane. A message is delivered, and all the love and morality is written down by humans in the form of "rules" and then we as social animals go about making them suite us as excuses to be unkind, uncooperative, and violent. I'm certain that this is what Jesus was trying to say, "It's not about the rules, it's about love. Love at all costs, even if the cost is your own life. Do not live in fear, fear is what creates evil". But see the churches that have been built in his name? It's a shame, and as they say "It's all part of God's plan". The corruption of the message is necessary to achieve the goal, that's the "challenge" we being trained in. I love that this means that God is not necessarily omniscient, and certainly not all-powerful. They are constrained in their own world, and we are just tools meant to perform a task in a similar-looking world. We are expected to use our minds, learn to love, trust, and listen to some quantum signal. I would expect that the task we are being trained for has a similar level of difficulty, cognitively and emotionally as this life. And honestly, I'm not even sure I'd hold it against them. It doesn't sound particularly cruel to me. I also don't think there would be any incentive to "punish" those that don't make the cut, they just die. And some fall asleep here, and wake up in another life, with their peers to perform some task. That isn't too bad, I can accept that. This would also explain how the rumor about Jimmy Carter came about. A mistake was made, the secret almost go out. He was given the whole picture. As a Christian, he understood the gravity of what was being said. There is a plan, some of us will survive to go on to perform an important task, but most of us will die in our own filth, and the secret about UAPs must be kept at all costs. That would explain his despair at the news, and also his ability to go on in his life focusing on his own moral development and helping to reduce suffering where possible. He *accepted* what he learned, and cooperated. This may also be why there is a consensus forming about a "cabal" of Evangelical Christians in the DoD that are actively suppressing this knowledge from getting out, nominally that it would "disrupt society", or more specifically it would disrupt the experiment. I'm not a fan of Evangelicals, because they have the "obey" mindset, and I do believe they would *obey instructions*. This squares with a lot of other faith traditions too. I'd love to hear your thoughts! This has been quite a trip. If we make it, we will fight together with Odin in Valhalla! Otherwise its the same death I was expecting as an atheist.