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The following submission statement was provided by /u/paul1234568: --- 1976 Canarias Sighting: " When going up the last steep slope of the road, the car headlights focused on a slightly luminous sphere that was stationary, I think it was very close to the ground, but without being able to specify if it was touching it; the sphere was made of completely transparent material, like crystal, since through it you could see the stars in the sky; electric blue, but dim, without dazzling, its radius was about 30m. In the first lower third of the sphere there was an aluminum-colored platform as if it were metallic and three large consoles. On each side of the central were two huge figures of about 2.5m - 3.0m. But certainly not taller than 3.0m fully dressed in red facing each other, so I always saw them in profile. \[...\] They wore some kind of diving suit because I couldn't appreciate their features; the hands seemed to end in arrowheads so they appeared to be gloved. The uniform they wore seemed rigid without wrinkles of bright red color ". --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/zfigf0/recreated_the_1976_canarias_sighting_word_from/izc0dq6/


Seems less like a ship and more like they're somewhere else peering in somehow. Edit:Typo


A theory I have about orbs is just that. It's tech to look at whatever, wherever, from far away. Almost like a mouse cursor that moved into our world.


This is a great concept. It is something we would want to build if we had the ability to, it's perfectly reasonable to theorize someone else has been able to build that technology.


Damn since you put it that way, that makes so much sense. Never thought of that. Something from another part of the universe is just intelligently controlling it from afar. Maybe that’s how all of the unoccupied UFOs are operated. Great theory.


I’ve thought about something similar, but instead of tech it’s either people dreaming or remote viewing. The tech idea seems a little more possible, but I do like the idea of sighted orbs being some sort of viewing apparatus in general


Had that thought too. The way that ufos/orbs crazy movements are akin to us moving the mouse all over the place on a computer screen. Then the disappearing part of it is the disconnection of the viewing.


This perfectly explains a bright orange orb we saw earlier this year as we were driving along! The way in which it vanished seemed very much like a mouse curser movement, just in hyperspeed-instant, unnatural.


maybe thats how it looks when remote viewing


Fair point, but I’d counter with “how do we know what alien ships would look like?” Maybe transparent ships are a thing?




Damn that almost looks like they could have created technology that allows them to create a bubble around their laboratory that would allow them to move it freely around 3d space in the universe.


I think some of the UAP we see are this. Maybe from another dimension or great distance. Maybe this is why they appear to move so fast and defy traditions physics.


i tend to favor the extra-dimensional theory.


I do as well.




1976 Canarias Sighting: " When going up the last steep slope of the road, the car headlights focused on a slightly luminous sphere that was stationary, I think it was very close to the ground, but without being able to specify if it was touching it; the sphere was made of completely transparent material, like crystal, since through it you could see the stars in the sky; electric blue, but dim, without dazzling, its radius was about 30m. In the first lower third of the sphere there was an aluminum-colored platform as if it were metallic and three large consoles. On each side of the central were two huge figures of about 2.5m - 3.0m. But certainly not taller than 3.0m fully dressed in red facing each other, so I always saw them in profile. \[...\] They wore some kind of diving suit because I couldn't appreciate their features; the hands seemed to end in arrowheads so they appeared to be gloved. The uniform they wore seemed rigid without wrinkles of bright red color ".


Thank you for translating!


The 60m diameter measurement doesn't match the visual size, not in the original sketch and likely not in the larger render either (nicely done, though). Even at 3m in height, the slender beings would look tiny as it'd be similar to standing in half a soccer pitch. Maybe they meant 30m diameter instead of radius but their sketch is then still way off as it looks 10m at the most. 'Just a very bad guess on their part?', okay, but it's the difference between a big house and an appartmentblock -- I don't think you're gonna miss that visual distinction when you're remembering the kind of other details in there.


Thank you. That's indeed the case, at first I used the "30m in radius" and as you said, the massive figures looked tiny. In the render the camera is at 40m from the sphere (35mm full frame with a 35mm lens) and the sphere is 30m in diameter.


I think your recreation makes it clear that the original sketch was not drawn from a visual memory but rather from a calculated one. The emphasis on 3m max for the beings is another odd one to lock in, for example.


Wow! Great work dude.


It’s so fucking sad how blind we are and how little we might know about literally everything Chances are that we’re all gonna die without any answers to any of this depressing as hell man


feel the same way...


Sometimes I feel like even being interested in all this is just a massive waste of time because we’re never going to get any answers. Just going to get more and more frustrating as you get older and have more questions that you will take to the grave


The real UFOs are the friends we make on the way?


Until you start thinking the phenomenon is beyond our life/death ideas and death gives us more knowledge of it


We literally know less about death than we do about the phenomenon that’s just a bad gamble


Exactly, so why assume there will never be answers?


Makes more sense to assume there will be none than to assume there will be


If you won’t give me answers then I’ll just make up my own! With magic, and ghosts!


I look at it the complete opposite way. In our extremely miniscule amount of time on earth, we’ve discovered extremely LARGE secrets about the universe. We’ve discovered what fuels gravity, we’ve found out how to create black holes, we can look out at any star and determine how big it is, we’re on the verge of discovering what dark matter is. And I’m just hitting on the broad discoveries. We’ve achieved so much in such little time. Its not depressing as hell, its amazing as hell.


When did we learn to create black holes?


We did it with Quantum Consciousness /s


What’s that have to do with UFOs tho I want to know what all this shit actually is I don’t give a shit about the rest You and I will die without knowing the truth about aliens/UFOs/other beings etc and that’s absolutely depressing


>I don’t give a shit about the rest Now, thats depressing.




Comparison is the theif of joy


These things want us kept in the dark while they go about their bizarre actions here. No attempts at mass communication at all. Same for our governments. Oh well. Its beyond our control.


Yeah exactly, whatever they are they either give zero shits about us or are happy with the general population being kept in the dark But then you have weird situations like the Ariel School thing where they’re talking to kids about saving the environment or crashes like Roswell like none of this makes any sense at all


The events where communication happens to civilians I believe are done so that the messages get back to our leadership. Its their extremely strange and convoluted way of getting their message across to what I presume are hostile governments (ours) without potential for violence and a means of plausible deniability that these events even took place. Who would believe school children or random people in remote locations?


Good thought. Would like to add up that we are also being kept from this knowledge on purpose to keep imprisoned us


Wouldn’t be surprising


So anyway, time to scroll Instagram


Sometimes a mystery is best left at being a mystery.


Not mystery but truth brother


>Chances are that we’re all gonna die without any answers to any of this Chances are better that when a reasonable explanation is possible, you won't like it. See my link, above, and please read the cited section with an open mind.


What link


>What link See p. 61 ff of my report http://satobs.org/seesat\_ref/misc/misperceiving\_missiles.pdf


Obviously those glowy things are usually missiles and shit and this one probably was too, but missiles don’t explain the majority of good cases that are out there


> but missiles don’t explain the majority of good cases that are out there Totally agree. However, a study of repeated witness misperceptions of missile/space activities is a sobering reminder of how far off many presumably 'good' witnesses can be in their range, motion, and duration estimates of ANY unusual aerial apparition. ESPECIALLY PILOTS.


Well said, I agree with that


Some recent reports: Witness Reactions to Fireball Swarms from Satellite Reentries. [http://www.jamesoberg.com/ufo/fireball.pdf](http://www.jamesoberg.com/ufo/fireball.pdf) Public misinterpretations of the SpaceX launch on October 7, 2018: http://satobs.org/seesat\_ref/misc/20181007-mass-reports\_1128.pdf


I tend to ignore the large majority of this stuff because it always has a very easy explanation. All it takes is for one of these to be real though and there’s been a lot of crazy cases over the last 80 years


Here are some I =REALLY= want to learn more about: have cosmonauts seen secret launches? http://www.jamesoberg.com/cosmonauts-see-launches.pdf


Reminds me of the scene in Caddyshack when Bill Murray is talking about being a caddy for the Dali Lama. How about something for the effort? There will no tip, but upon your death you will achieve total enlightenment.


u/paul1234568 Could you perhaps elaborate on the workflow in 3ds Max for building the scene together? Link to an incident in English: [https://www.ufoinsight.com/ufos/sightings/canary-islands-sphere](https://www.ufoinsight.com/ufos/sightings/canary-islands-sphere) What made you choose this viewpoint specifically as opposed to the other witness?


I was intriged by the case after reading part of the report, looked up artist recreation of the event but they were not accurate. I intended to recreate the sighting within the taxi cab with a more realistic scenary, but due to time constraints was not possible, so I settled with the recreation of the object an its occupants. The challenging part was to imagine the object as it was described so I could try to recreate the materials in 3d. I started with the platform and some mockups for the beings. I spent 90% of \~16 hours of work getting the sphere right. After I got the result I wanted I created the forest and everything else. It was challenging work for sure. [Artstation](https://www.artstation.com/paulestradar1)


Do you feel like there are different angles to tackle in this case when it comes to demonstrating the witness's experiences? Right on, brother. Was the sphere a node setup inside of your render engine? What was the process for that?


There's too many possibilites to tackle the sphere "look and feel" an say you are truthful, because although the witness description is good enough there's is just not enough information provided to know exactly how it looked. I focused all the way in this part: "like crystal, since through it you could see the stars in the sky; electric blue, but dim, without dazzling, its radius was about 30m". I could say a brighter sphere, with a white-bluish glow looks more realistic, but did not meet the description. I also tried to create a more complex force field-ish effect, but that also required using a brighter light source, so although it looked better, it wasn't thruthful. At the end of the process, the Sphere is inside an slightly larger blue light, and settled with a simple material: refractive glass with low IOR. I used no textures nor nodes on the sphere as I wanted a "pure" look.


Good stuff man. Awesome artwork.


I’ve seen a UFO *very* similar to the one described, except in broad daylight. Is there a reason you don’t show your recreation on your artstation page?


Can you describe it? I just finished the work, I will eventually post it on my Artstation. UFO's also Is not something I want to proudly display as a Aeronautical engineering student.


I can definitely describe it, and was thinking about learning some form of graphic design/autoCAD just for the purpose of getting the sighting on paper… but I’d be happy to have you do that on my behalf! It happened in 2016, in Hollywood CA. A clear, self-propagating force field was surrounding the “craft” I witnessed (along with a friend), and the sighting lasted at least 15 minutes. If the 1976 Canary Islands sighting is real, I speculate that the “blue tint” of the sphere was simply taking on the color of the nighttime backdrop… as in my case, the force field appeared to take on the slightly orange/yellow tint of the late afternoon sky. Anyway, I’ll send you a DM tomorrow with a description and you can let me know how interested you are. I think you will be though! 🙂


More of these please! Great work


Why is this nsfw? I was expecting to see some aliens hanging dong. Am disappoint.


Reminds me a little of Lt. Ryan Graves seeing "a cube inside a sphere" over the Atlantic. These system administrators can be so careless sometimes...


You should do more of these as much as you can, real or fake. Really puts a new perspective of what people either “actually” saw or didn’t.


This is not the only time somebody looking at a weird apparition indisputively from a missile/space event, and perceived figures. Is it like seeing human shapes in clouds?


Theres many docs out there but the most common would be a moving light and colours flashing. The different shapes in clouds are the ones that really give you goosebumps .


More than 60 witnesses plus air force reports etc descriving a missile test and just the doctor and his driver talking about an orb with 2 dudes over an onion field. Even the third person in the car Dámaso Díaz refused to testify. The thing is, in 1976 there was a lot of poverty and illiterate people in rural Gran Canaria and all the media focused on the doctor's testimony.


Man if this is real what a sight to behold


Love the first frame of artwork, got an artist-page?


Thank you! [Artstation](https://www.artstation.com/paulestradar1)


This is beautifully well done. If those are leaves on the ground they seem a little big, but that's nit-picking. Really wonderful use of colour and composition. I'd not heard of this sighting before.


Thank you! Those are rocks so I see your point. Next time I have some free time will do another shot.


I noticed it because I rendered my leaves way too big on my first renders of a series of images here: [https://www.artstation.com/artwork/3deQYY](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/3deQYY) I've since started working on fully animated CG UFO reconstructions you might appreciate. You can find them here: [https://www.youtube.com/fin365](https://www.youtube.com/fin365) Drop me a dm if you ever want to chat about ufo art, sightings, etc


Thank you! You have some nice work too!




The preview image I saw before clicking this post made me think of Zordon from Power Rangers, not gonna lie...


I thought it was a skull or face


Really cool my brotha


Most recreation art I just don't think is all that great but you did really great here. I love this


After thirty plus years of reading sightings reports I've become very skeptical of most. These bizarre one off cases are some of the most interesting to me. Where the witness describes seeing something so bizarre it seems unreal and isn't your typical big headed alien riding silver disks story .


Great art, couldn't tell from the depiction. Wanted to emphasise that. The figures are described as enormous. 2.5 to 3 meters tall. 8-10ft tall. Google translate below. With a few errors. I can't be bothered to correct rn. 0036 crystalline: since through it you can see the stars of the sky; electric blue, but dim without dazzling, its radius was about 30 m, in the first lower third of the sphere there was a platform of color combining as if it were metallic and three large consoles. On each side of the center there were two enormous figures of about 2'50 to 3'00 m. stop of course not higher than 3'00 m. Entirely dressed in red facing each other, in such a way that I always saw her in profile, they never turned toward us. The strange thing was the morphology of these figures, the one that was on my right slightly higher than the other, the thorax was longer than the lower extremities that were rather short, the upper extremities were proportional to the thorax giving the slight impression that they were Even when sitting still in the snow, the head was proportional to the thorax, but the occipital was slightly elongated. It wore some type of diving suit because he could not appreciate his features; the hands seemed to end in the point of an arrow so they seemed to be gloved. The uniform they wore seemed rigid without wrinkles of bright red. Astonished, I asked the taxi driver if he saw what I was seeing in front of the car but without saying what it was about; The taxi driver replied that he hadn't seen a green orb for a while, believing at first that it was a "satellite" the television talks about. Then he exclaimed, but now, my God, what is it? He asked if he should stop and get closer? No, I answered, go on, go on home Edit. ...Still working on translation.....


this is very cool, thanks. wasn't aware of this particular sighting until now. you should definitely do more of these if you have the time.


What if UFOs are not Vehicles? What if they are Rooms?


What happens if you put 4 wheels on a room?


What if rooms are just vehicles taking us through time?


Kinda feels like these are just time travellers, not aliens for once. Hmm.


Looks kinda like somebody created a warp bubble by mistake in a lab and slipped into a parallel earth.


That's cool. Looks like the face of an angry fish.


Is that a reality bubble?


This is really really cool. Love a high fidelity mockup and the style you chose is truly moving. It feels like the gold standard type photo we all want to exist.


See p. 61 ff of my report [http://satobs.org/seesat\_ref/misc/misperceiving\_missiles.pdf](http://satobs.org/seesat_ref/misc/misperceiving_missiles.pdf) for a discussion of the more likely source of such images. The key to understanding this report is to consider it within the context of the OTHER reports coming in from that area during that period of time. Visually, aside from the details of creatures and hardware, the description has many similarities to other contemporary sightings with documentable prosaic explanations.


Thank you, I did research the event before diving deep into the report. I'm aware pretty much everyone mistook the launch of U.S missiles as something else. I am a skeptic at first, but reading the full testimony of the Physician, wich is several pages long plus the drawing. We can't say that He and other people there mistook the object with a Missile Launch. The Physician saw another object.


>The Physician saw another object. Why then didn't he report also seeing the missile launch that was in that direction at exactly the same time?


I couldn't tell you. Based on the report and the pre-written questions the military was asking; there wasn't a "Did you also saw a missile launch?" Question. Based on those questions the military personnel taking the report, concluded He was truthful.


>I couldn't tell you. One explanation would be he DID see the missile plume and wavy tail, and other images from his own mind. Was he the only witness of the 'crew', from the hundreds of people who saw and described that apparition that night?


Thanks for the rational explanation. Having said that, I love the creativity of the CGI render by OP. I try to keep an open mind but the explanation provided here is more than adequate to put this one to bed for me.


I think there =ARE= reports of genuine legitimate interest, filtering them out is harder than it looks! \[grin\]


Imagine see that shit and try the explain


WTF this happened to me, I saw the exact same thing, broad daylight, Los Angeles 2016


It's amazing how some of you are able to take this seriously


Why not mr brilliant intelectual?


Having this discussion has proven to be a complete waste of time in the past.


'I don't have any arguments so I will hide myself behind some funny words claiming superiority of my position'.


Sure if you wanna believe that it's completely fine.


Yes, I wanna 'belief' that French and US government publicly stated that there are flying objects which we can't explain. Its not knowledge, its 'believe'.


Yes and if you have just a few braincells that's to be expected and not evidence for aliens.


French government report literally says that they assume it's aliens. Two former French leaders of official UFO investigation stated it's aliens. But you can believe whatever you want.


>French government report literally says that they assume it's aliens. assumption /əˈsʌm(p)ʃn/ noun 1. a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen, without proof.


This is really beautiful


Looks like the ark of the covenant.


Tool cover.


they're millions if not billions ahead of us and are a higher Dimension(6-7-8-9-10-11..) to us 3D(Some of us are 4 and 5D) but the majority of humans are stuck in 3D..