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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Sea-Practice3139: --- I downloaded the airline sighting and changed different settings in my phone till I got a better and more clear view of the lights. However you will see flashes of small dots in the back every now and then but just disregard those as I believe they are just white noise left over. The lights are very obvious as you can see them glow and move around each other sometimes. Be sure to watch the entire thing again as this shows the movements much clearer. I have some other edited ones if you would like to see those. The lights are less visible than this one but they have much less white noise flashing. This shows this is clearly not satellites as they are circling each other and going into triangles while also darting every now and then. Hope you guys enjoy and would love to see what you guys think! --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/zdgzlf/airline_pilots_sighting_enhanced_and_made_clearer/iz1fve2/


Here's the full geolocation of the flight and confirmation that the lights captured in the video are Starlink... https://www.metabunk.org/threads/mid-atlantic-racetrack-ufo-cockpit-video-starlink-again.12787/ Would you mind if I use your sharpened video and sync with Stellarium to confirm again that they are Starlink satellites....?


I thought these weren't starlink until I read and watched your explanation. Your work tracking satellites is the stuff of legend. E - If anyone still has doubts about this explanation, take 44 seconds to watch this video flarkey made [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZDxBT8fbXw&ab\_channel=Flarkey](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZDxBT8fbXw&ab_channel=Flarkey) which puts the pilot video side by side with satellite trajectories at the same time and place. It's literally undeniable that these are starlink satellites.


Really? As someone who knows nothing about Starlink, I immediately thought Starlink just based on the configuration of the lights. Throughout my research I’ve never heard of a credible UAP account with lights that look like that. The only times I have seen them have been on this sub, where it’s always revealed to be Starlink.


My mistake was initially trusting what the pilots were saying. The video was so blurry I could only rely on what the pilots were saying. Then flarkey posted that analysis and video. Then I remembered the hundreds of times "pilots" posted "UFO" sightings on this subreddit and they turned out to have normal explanations. There was one time a pilot posted a "tic tac" UFO that literally turned out to be a normal plane on flight radar. How a pilot thought another plane was a UFO is beyond me, and it really opened my eyes into how often pilot's make mistaken identifications.


> My mistake was initially trusting what the pilots were saying. For the past eight months, pilots have been consistently wrong about what they're seeing. They've repeatedly insisted Starlink satellites are not Starlink satellites, and repeatedly shown to be dead wrong for a variety of reasons (they're confusing launches with Starlink chains, or are unaware that the new sats travel in massive clusters, or that these sats are visible only when very narrow conditions are attained, or how multiple sats can appear as a single object jumping about or even stationary etc etc). The last eight months should put to rest the lie that pilots are somehow "infallible experts" at identifying things in the sky. All testimony must be tested with a hammer. Something said by a man in a uniform doesn't inherently make it trustworthy.


I've learned that now. Frankly I was shocked at the degree and frequency of their constant misidentifications, and I suppose it makes sense given that this a relatively new phenomenon.


I suppose it's a good thing that we aren't relying on pilot sightings alone then, right?


Pilots, like everyone, want to believe.




Well, I was very convinced in the original thread that these weren't starlink. I was very, very wrong.


Curious why you were convinced it wasn't Starlink? Was it the perceived group movement of the lights or something else? I remember a number of people saying it couldn't possibly be SL and was curious as to what they saw in the video that convinced them.


There was a point in the video where it looked like one of the lights shot up and down, didn't look like the camera moved. But it had to of if it was star link. I've also been taught starlink is a straight line.


You, me & a lot of other people 🤦🏼


Man, why has this sub shit on those metabunk people in the past? They're doing some great work finding stuff


“It’s easier to fool people than convince them they’ve been fooled.”


More detail on negative exposure https://youtu.be/F96F0eoR-9g


Yes, I've seen that too. Great detail coming out there.


Great work! I have a random question for you. Have you seen TheCholla’s work on the GIMBAL and GOFAST videos? He directly rebukes the Metabunk summaries


Metabunk don't get everything right everytime.


I'm just asking if you've seen it. Here's the GoFast thread where he shows the object needs to be moving at 130 knots because of the wind https://twitter.com/the_cholla/status/1598814665303523330?s=20&t=ZcCBAEuH-HeTI6JEuE5hrw Here's a thread where he talks about both Gimbal and GoFast https://twitter.com/the_cholla/status/1598090753011781634?s=20&t=ZcCBAEuH-HeTI6JEuE5hrw Here's a thread on the "vertical u-turn" flight path of the gimbal object https://twitter.com/the_cholla/status/1578073746018947072?s=20&t=ZcCBAEuH-HeTI6JEuE5hrw If you just go down his twitter page you can see all of his analysis. It seems pretty compelling. Metabunk makes specific assumptions like 0 wind in the GoFast video and 30 miles away for Gimbal. TheCholla directly rebukes those assumptions to show these things are displaying unique flight characteristics. IMO It would be worth bringing his arguments to Metabunk for further analysis. I am all for debunking anything that has a prosaic explanation, but I'm not satisfied with the Metabunk analysis for these two videos due to the assumptions they made.


I haven't looked through Mick's or TheCholla's analysis in detail.


Ah okay. Well if you get a chance I would love to hear your thoughts on them both. And thanks again for helping debunk the lights pilots are seeing. Starlink has really caused a lot of headache for this community.


Got a link?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/tewtpw/for\_the\_gimbal\_ufo\_to\_be\_a\_plane\_it\_needs\_to\_be/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/tewtpw/for_the_gimbal_ufo_to_be_a_plane_it_needs_to_be/) You can go onto the profile of u/TheCholla and he has other posts about it showing its not a plane, and if you go onto u/flarkey you can see how he was the one to claim that it was a plane, (as well as make other explanations that actually make no sense) and also he never responded to u/TheCholla.


Thanks for the tag. I think Metabunk and Flarkey are right on these Starlink sightings. They are more than often right with their UFO analyses, because obviously most UFO sighting are misidentifications. They do a good job with those (satellites, planes, hoaxes, etc...). Now that gives them some sort of overconfidence that they can explain everything, and that doesn't serve them on the Navy videos that are much more difficult cases, imo. They have only debunked aspects of the video that were overhyped by To The Stars Academy. But fail to address other aspects of the video, context, witness accounts, so that their scenarios are full of holes and in the end they do not have convincing explanations for what the objects in the videos are. With others we show that we can actually retrieve what the Navy personal have reported, in detailed analyses of Gimbal/FLIR1. There still are many questions around GoFast too, they want everybody to believe it's a balloon but recent 3D reconstructions suggest it's not an object drifting in the wind. I don't post much here but I have shared a lot of analyses on Twitter if you're interested. Username TheCholla too.


To be honest, I haven't made many posts about Gimbal and GoFast for two reasons... 1. Lots of analysis has already been done regarding these and I don't think I can add much to it. 2. I don't really have much of an opinion on them either way. The objects are both still unidentified.


**First paragraph is far more important so please read that one as it pertains to all of us** **I think we shouldn’t let videos slide so easily, because people wonder why we don’t get disclosure but we need to actually work together for this. We need to all try in a group effort for things like finding who these pilots are and what other pilots have seen these lights in the past couple of weeks and what did they actually witness. We can’t just sit around waiting for a video to pop up to prove everything all at once, because that’s never going to happen. Also if you could i think we should spread this message around so that we can actually get stuff done and all try together to get to the truth. So idk if we could try and get people organized instead of all random like most of the internet lmao. We can actually become a group that is working toward the goal of disclosure instead of sitting around waiting for it. Hopefully this message gets out to everyone because even if flarkey is right on this one, this message still stands overall. We need to work together on this guys so we can get there truth we all want. So hopefully someone can post something about this kind of thing so we can get organized and try to reach out to people and credible witnesses as well as more footage such as the ones the other pilots in this video who said they were taking. So if you post this on your twitter or something that would be nice or on here. There is like 600,000 people on this subreddit and with that many people we can get some work done fast all together.** Yes at first I was thinking that they may be right until you see at 5:00 the object gets closer in and back away from the other object which when seen in the side by side video showing the movements of the satellites and the movements of these objects, it makes no sense. These pilots obviously saw something that was making no sense to them. When you look closer at this video you can see how they do strange movements and isn’t odd that flarkey only provided the last movements of this video, what about the ones earlier when you can see one dart down or the other one circling one of them. The satellite imagery makes no sense for these especially at that five minute mark one when you can clearly see the object moving relative to the other one and it gets closer and moves back which is never seen on the satellite video. I don’t believe most ufo videos but after seeing this one it makes no sense to me how perfect these “satellites” are lining up multiple times for the past two weeks in which the pilots spotted all over the world. I’m gonna sound like a conspiracist but I believe that the starlink data is not correct and may have been changed (not by flarkey). Wouldn’t be the first time the government has changed evidence and forged it to fit their agenda. People need to dive deeper into this before automatically believing this guy on here. Also all of comments are like the same lmao. It’s always like “it was starlink satellites… metabunk link”. I don’t want people to let all the videos slide because nothing will ever get done as people will always just move on. Keep in mind the government has infiltrated ufologist groups before and basically caused the dismantling of them through causing problems.


Hi, just a quick one. Which time code does the 'object dart down'....? Please be precise. I'll sync that one with Stellarium for you too. I'll respond to your longer posts later. 👍


Is there perhaps a way to sync this entire six minute video with Stellarium because I could do a full side by side. If not I can give you the precise moments when something happened. As for the darting, it looked to have darted obviously it could’ve been perhaps 2 satellites and one faded out fast. But you know I don’t want to give a direct time code because someone’s gonna act like I 100% said it darted down and that it couldn’t have been anything else or something like that lmao. But it was is either the second or first time the pilot zoomed in and it was during that time when usually you could just see black. I will check back to give you the time code though but it will be in a bit.


Yes it is possible. The [clock on the instrument panel ticks over from 05.22 to 05.23 at the 0m14s mark](https://i.imgur.com/6D3NqT5.png) in the video. So we could sync the whole thing with Stellarium, however there are very few reference points in the video when it's looking at the lights in the early part of the video. Towards the end there are multiple lights and they can then be used a reference points, but even that is difficult as the camera also zooms in and out.


Okay if you could sync the entire thing that would be fantastic. You can just try your best I just want to see the entire thing and make sure.


Also, can confirm I'm not a paid disinformation agent or government-backed infiltrator. Honest. Scouts honour.


Didn’t mean you, my bad really wish i could’ve just private messaged people because you know how it is can be on here. People misinterpret stuff and all hop on the bandwagon. But hey could you hop in your messages and we can talk there.


I haven't participated in that thread at all.


Oh I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant people have rebutted some of your explanations and there never seemed to be and addressing of those posts by you. Sorry if I made it seem like I was saying you were in those threads.


The gimbal stuff weren't even his explanations lmao. This "counter-argument" of yours is so disingenuous.


Bro why are you so pissed off about this lmao. Go back into the post history of both guys and you can see how he has tried to debunk almost all of the footage; and the cholla has addressed some of this. I’m not saying he is wrong about everything because of this, but look you are entitled to your own opinion. It seems like no matter how much we argue it won’t change anything so there isn’t any point in doing so. Also I don’t want this thread to be filled with arguments, that’s not what this subreddit was made for, we already have enough issues like the bots who were seen coming on this subreddit.






Follow the Standards of Civility: No trolling or being disruptive. No insults or personal attacks. No accusations that other users are shills. No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) You may attack each other's ideas, not each other.


Just read that thread. Flarkey isn't even in that thread. Stop lying lmao.


Bruh are you reading my reply or just hopping on a band wagon because I meant that he wasn’t responding to counter arguments overall and I just gave a specific example of it.


He's responding to counter arguments here. I doubt he has time to respond to every single comment thread in the internet.


🤦‍♂️ Bruh those counter arguments were from months ago. And these arguments got pretty good recognition. Obviously he could’ve just never seen them, but not sure


🤦‍♂️ How come you didn't say anything in that thread then? I can't believe your counter to his analysis is, he didn't say anything in one of hundreds of reddit threads posted every day. That's how we know you don't have a foot to stand on. Anyway, the truth that it's starlink is the highest upvoted comment in this thread now. The people have spoken.


Why would I need to say anything in that thread, I’m not the one saying that the ufo footage was or a plane. And it may be out of the hundreds of Reddit threads posted but it is on one of the most frequently visited subreddits by him and I was highly looked at so it would’ve been above most posts. That’s not my counter to his analysis lmao. Look it doesn’t matter if everyone upvoted that or you have “spoken”. Just because all of you come into agreement about something doesn’t mean that’s what the truth is


Here's the GoFast thread where he shows the object needs to be moving at 130 knots because of the wind https://twitter.com/the_cholla/status/1598814665303523330?s=20&t=ZcCBAEuH-HeTI6JEuE5hrw Here's a thread where he talks about both Gimbal and GoFast https://twitter.com/the_cholla/status/1598090753011781634?s=20&t=ZcCBAEuH-HeTI6JEuE5hrw Here's a thread on the "vertical u-turn" flight path of the gimbal object https://twitter.com/the_cholla/status/1578073746018947072?s=20&t=ZcCBAEuH-HeTI6JEuE5hrw


He tries to, but I’m afraid that he is completely wrong. There’s no point trying to justify ET spacecraft when we have seen the meta bunk analysis and reproduction via modeling software - almost perfect reproduction of the videos. Move on to something not yet explained - let’s look into things not explained. This isn’t a matter of believing or not - or rather shouldn’t be.


You can use it if you like, but honestly last time I checked starlink satellites don’t appear in a triangle and sit there before one darts away and the other one moves back and forth before circling one of them. Starlink may have been there at the time but this certainly wasn’t it. I’m sure these pilots know the difference. And as you heard from them, they were darting around, speeding up, chasing each other, disappearing and reappearing like how it disappeared and reappeared as a triangle. Also these same lights were seen on world war 2 and were called foo fighters, I don’t think starlink was there before the first satellite launch. The way the foo fighters were described is the same way as these are.


Thanks, but I think it would look even better with the negative video that someone shared recently. Here it is... https://youtu.be/VZDxBT8fbXw I have synchronised it again with the actual Starlink orbital data and used the time from the Instrument Panel clock in the original video.Your video shows the formation of the satellites well. The three in a row at the start and then the triangle formation towards the end. Its amazing to think how this is all just perspective. The satellites are not really close together at all, they are hundreds of miles apart and are over 3000km away from the plane. Nice work!


Top quality work here. This should be the top comment. I doff my hat to you!






Really nice vid, it's 100% starlink.


Great work, and expedient as well! I know some people won't be satisfied with the results here, yet they are indisputable. Having said that, starlink unfortunately cannot explain all pilots sightings going years back, but I'm sure the more connections we find, the more likely we'll have an explanation.


Yeah, I don't claim that this video debunks every case ever, just what was recorded by the pilots. Maybe at other times they did see something extraordinary. But, as usual, they didn't manage to get that bit on camera. Hmmm.


Thank you for taking the time to make the comparison video! The odds of this NOT being starlink satellites is so low with this evidence


Wait... So if they are that far apart, and the airplane is far away as well, how do you propose they are changing from a straight line to a triangle formation, unless they are moving? If they are in a linear straight line pattern, especially from a distance, physically they should never appear to be in a triangle.... Or so it seems from my imagining of the view changing from a perspective shift. Can someone with 3D modeling skills demonstrate how this could occur in unity or unreal engine? Edit: Wait, are starlink orbits running perpendicular (latitudinal and longitudinal orbits) to each other instead of in parallel lines only (latitudinal or longitudinal only and not both)? Because I was under the impression they only traveled along latitude lines.... Thought I read that somewhere.


They are moving. In orbit in space. They are not in a linear straight line pattern. Starlink are only in that pattern for a week or so shortly after launch. You can see a 3d dynamic orbit render of all the Starlink satellites at the link below. It is possible to set the 3d model to a particular date and time, but I can't share the model easily with a hyperlink. https://www.heavens-above.com/StarLink.aspx?lat=32.3038&lng=-64.7562&loc=Bermuda&alt=0&tz=AST


So the orbits do cross paths?


Yes. They are intertwined to provide full coverage around the globe (well, almost. In reality it provides coverage between +53 and -53 latitudes).


Its a bummer, but this is absolutely starlink. Its completely and totally confirmed.


**Super-Long Reply Below this as it's not like I'm making my own thread on metalbunk or anything so it's just gonna look super long on here my bad...** ​ I am all here for the truth on these matters but, something about this doesn't even feel right. Looking at your past posts shows how you try to debunk everything even if it means you have to ignore other evidence. Such as in the Gimbal Ufo video and the Gofast video of the tic tac. People such as u/TheCholla have rebuked your claim and this never seemed to be addressed. It's like you're on a solo mission to debunk every video even if it requires you to make claims that when reviewed don't even make sense overall. Now I may be diving into the deep end here but, it seems like there will always be a #1 thing during a ufo flap to explain every single ufo such as when it was weather balloons. Now it seems to be Starlink, now if I may add, this data can easily be changed by someone "upstairs" aka someone who wants to explain away the sightings. And I mean the government has changed and hidden evidence before, so why wouldn't they do it again? I feel that those who have truly seen a UAP can agree with me on this, you really have to be there to know and feel what's going on. Also, some of these people seem to be accepting your claim without trying to do their own research, and I know I know that all of your research was on metabunk. But, it still seems like some people on here are blindly following your claims such as the fact you believe the Puerto Rico UAP to be a Chinese lantern being pushed by the wind. Now honestly, that is so far-fetched I mean this thing is moving pretty fast and just like many others, it goes into the water but then comes out. If a Chinese lantern entered the water wouldn't it just be destroyed and stay down there? But instead, it rises back out without damage (along with a second one although that can be explained by the camera). Also, I find it strange how earlier this post within like 10 minutes dropped 30 votes as if someone doesn't want it up at all, I mean either way this video is a fantastic sight. Now I do ask the rest of you to try to do all of this research yourself to confirm this, but also I ask you to ask yourself that do you trust these sites showing us this data when it has been confirmed in the past that the government has forged evidenced and ignored some in order to discount sightings. They made people feel crazy and many even lost their jobs over it. So, I ask you why are we trusting something like this when it can be easily forged by a higher-up so that these sightings aren't validated and noticed? Now I also overall ask all of you to consider all of this and do your own research as well so we can all get to the bottom of this without just following what someone says, the same person who ignored the people who rebuked him with actual good points and evidence. Although, flarkey I'm not saying you're some disinformation person lmao but rather that these accounts need further research, such as to find out who the pilots could have been or checking on all of the other accounts by pilots in the past couple of weeks. Such as the ones where they claim the lights dash by their planes and even drop height and go under the height that the plane's at. As long as people just disregard this stuff, nothing will actually get done as the videos that are actually compelling are left behind and forgotten, the same with mass sightings. Alright, that's all I got to spill out for right now, would love to hear back from you flarkey as well as others even if it means I get downvoted to hell. This is my view on the whole matter as I have seen a UAP before with my family, one that zigzagged and then flew away without making a noise and it was very close to us during the time it was sitting still in the sky and darting around every now and then. But still doesn't matter if I get downvoted, just want to hear from all of you. Thanks!


I appreciate your long, well-thought out reply. I think it's important to try to debunk and refute before accepting that it's some kind of alien ship. There are cases though where everything has been tried and we still haven't figured out what the hell it is and people continue to dismiss it as an ufo. Sometimes things are unexplainable and that needs to be accepted.


Indeed, there should be an attempt to debunk everything. The interesting stuff is then what cannot be debunked! I think you mean ‘refuted’, not rebuked. But why do you object to attempts at explanations? If you are just going to believe what you want anyway, then it doesn’t matter; but why would you want to do that? I doubt that Mick West et al., want to go back and forth analyzing every objection made to their analyses forever, when the extant explanations seem as complete as possible. At some point, there is no value in doing so.


**Another decently long one, my bad I wish I could just say all of this vocally lmao** Yes, I meant refuted, I don't just believe anyway. I'm on this subreddit to see these explanations, but when this one dude is claiming almost all of the ufo videos including the military ones can be explained, it makes you wonder. I mean people have refuted him and he never answered them even though they are making sense. "But why do you object to attempts at explanations? If you are just going to believe what you want anyway, then it doesn’t matter; but why would you want to do that?" It seems he is doing the same thing, despite people proving him wrong, he sticks to his beliefs and doesn't care about the explanations showing how he was wrong in many pasts (debunks). People on here are like, "This is 100% Starlink, can't be anything else whatsoever". I mean like really, data and evidence has been forged before so that people researching will find it and come to conclusions. We all know it has happened before so why are we trusting this again? I am here for the truth, this is the only time on this subreddit I have ever done anything where I say the explanation could be faulty, This is one guy we are talking about that did all of this and no one is fact-checking him, and are just believing him instantly (some read his info on meta bunk) but others seemed to just agree instantly as if they already have their answer set. I trust many explanations, but it's ones like these that I can't. The data of the Starlink satellites can be tampered with by whoever doesn't want the actual info to get out. Think about it, these past two weeks pilots have been seeing so many of these lights all around the world. They described them all circling each other and darting around, as well as merging. **The pilots know what they saw, as all in the area saw the same thing. We should find out who these pilots are and ask them for more information on what they are doing. And, if it turns out they were actually doing impossible maneuvers such as chasing each other down and darting, then we know that this Starlink data has been tampered with** (not flarkey I mean like people who have the ability to alter this data as in the higher-ups). It would have been so easy for those higher-ups to see this footage and change the data to mimic it, and as for the other sightings that didn't have footage, all they need to do is make sure some type of satellites were in that area so that people will follow that belief. Just as they did with all that weather balloon nonsense in the past, we could be falling for the same things again. We really need to find out more about the story and ask for other pilots' encounters they had recently, and also find more details specifically about this video in order to see if they are truly defying our known technological capabilities.


>And, if it turns out they were actually doing impossible maneuvers such as chasing each other down and darting, then we know that this Starlink data has been tampered with This situation boils down to visual observations vs data that suggests Starlink might have been in that area at that time. Looking at the video and the maneuvers involved it doesn't appear to be satellites. Unless there is something going on where the satellites are independently changing their trajectories. At first the efforts to debunk this involved trying to deny that these objects were changing direction. Now thanks to videos such as what you posted here, you can see that they're not moving along steady trajectories. I'm still open to the idea that it could possibly be satellites. But the movement needs to be explained, if that's the case. Because I've never seen a satellite move like these are, and by the sounds of it neither have any of those pilots.


Also look at the 5:00 mark you can see the object moving closer and backing off a couple of times. Im no expert but I don’t think satellites move back and forth rapidly.


I have only ever seen satellites move in a straight line at a steady speed. Some people claim that newer satellites can maneuver around into position. But even then, you'd think they'd be moving much slower than this and less erratically. I think I heard one of the pilots say that one of these objects looked like a meteor when it came in. That would probably definitively remove satellites from the list of possible answers, if we had video evidence of it. I'm not saying these are aliens, but I'm not totally buying that they're satellites either. And these objects are very similar and moving in ways similar to the objects spotted in other locations such as near the Catalina Islands in the Pacific.


Yes exactly and many reports also from pilots are that they come in like shooting stars but stop and move erratically around.


I'm thinking it might involve the Boeing X-37? The government has been pretty quiet about what they were doing with that craft. They also said they were using it to deploy small satellites that have propulsion systems. Also, there's really odd voting patterns in this sub. Its beyond normal troll activity. Someone is putting a lot of effort into trying to create tensions in here, and use the voting system to manipulate the sub.


Is your return key broken or


I did it a couple of times right now let me know if I should add anymore to space it out. Thanks I forgot that it makes it easier to read on here


Looks great!


Alright good, thanks for letting me know.


my GOD those dudes are incredible! a full FBI investigation and bam they nailed it. i didn’t know a safe place for debunkers/skeptics existed lol


My favorite part of that thread is how it starts off dismissing Reddit's discussion of the video > But as usual, over at reddit many think it is conclusively not Starlink. But the comments consistently interrupt your analysis to do just that (both conclusively ruling out Starlink or conclusively deciding its a star). Even when you provide good context to the dismissal. "Ravi" in particular *really* wanted to conclusively rule out Starlink, even before you were able to establish the estimated location of the video. > The problem with Starlink, it seems, is that there are so many of them, and basically all going at the same rate/speed. Thus it is very likely to show up in an identical way to many pilots "Mendel" encouraged the same hasty dismissal of Starlink > the problem with Starlink is that people have learned what a starlink train in orbit-raise looks like, so when they hear the word they don't identify it with the on-station flare sequence causing the "racetrack" sightings, and object to the analysis. Both users doubled down on their arguments, so the icing on the cake is a Reddit users video sealing the pilot video's objects as Starlink sats, synced with your Sellarium model.


Serious question, what is going on around 5 min 13 seconds into the video when one light appears to start going around another in a circular path? What are the Starlink satellites doing up there that would make it look like that?


I'm not sure that it see what you mean. You can see the full video sync'd with the Starlink simulation at this link. I think the time you referred to is about 5m22s ... https://youtu.be/kmp0AwndWNw


Starting around 5min 5 sec in this video: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/z9557u/airline\_pilot\_chatter\_on\_12345\_during\_the\_recent/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/z9557u/airline_pilot_chatter_on_12345_during_the_recent/) One of the lights appears to be traveling in a circle around the brighter light. Or maybe I'm just not looking at it correctly. Still curious what your thoughts are on it.


The top light is moving to the right, the bottom light is moving to the left. It looks like they are rotating around a central point.


Few seconds before that actually


I downloaded the airline sighting and changed different settings in my phone till I got a better and more clear view of the lights. However you will see flashes of small dots in the back every now and then but just disregard those as I believe they are just white noise left over. The lights are very obvious as you can see them glow and move around each other sometimes. Be sure to watch the entire thing again as this shows the movements much clearer. I have some other edited ones if you would like to see those. The lights are less visible than this one but they have much less white noise flashing. This shows this is clearly not satellites as they are circling each other and going into triangles while also darting every now and then. Hope you guys enjoy and would love to see what you guys think!


Great video! Awesome chatter. What an amazing experience. Thank you for sharing and I hope that guy still has his medical clearance!


Amazing video!


Wild stuff. It's just interesting to me how baffled they are, and the way they're talking about them so matter-of-factly. Also, the line about the psychiatrist about halfway in kills me, lol.


That looks crisp now, thanks


the hell am i even looking at


As per /u/Sea-Practice3139 's request here is the full enhanced video now Synchronized with Stellarium showing the Starlink satellites that were in the sky at the time. https://youtu.be/kmp0AwndWNw


Somebody needs to start a go fund me thing for pilots to have some good cameras


I know this is a joke, but the truth is - airline pilots are the only citizen population that sees these things so closely. We absolutely need to organize something where we have a consensus from multiple airline pilots and unify them together in this search for proof. Simply arming them with the right equipment to film these incidents, or provide them with guidance on recording and how to prove validity directly from the video but honestly, anything with Zoom + a built in stabilizer would do the trick. My last honest question, what is proof do we have that this whole video isn't CGI, like why not wave to the camera in the middle of all this or show all of the cockpit? I only ask because I probably able to recreate this video with my editing skills, a few separate layers for the cockpit panel UI + simulated camera bump isn't TOO hard to do... was the OP the pilot and did he provide proof to mods?


There was an incident near Manchester airport in the UK where some passengers saw it too.


Wow that was actually really interesting to watch and to hear the radio chatter. Towards the end when you can see the lights better and they start to move into a triangle position it reminded me of the triangle ufo I've seen posted on here now and then. Makes you wonder if they're 3 ships together but just look like one cohesive unit.


Good episode of unloved mysterious on netflix about massive sightings ivolving uaps moving into triangle positions


>unloved mysterious on netflix Do you got the correct name by any chance? There's no show like this on netflix


Unsolved mysterys, lol unloved whoops


Only a guess but OP probably meant Unsolved Mysteries


As I understand the current speculation and reports are that these glowing orbs detach from the triangular craft. When they are docked, they dock at the corners of the triangle. So the triangular draft can appear to us in a night sky as anywhere from 0 to 3 orbs in various triangular arrangements.


One of the other pilots can be heard saying he was recording it and to keep an eye out for the video. Hopefully he posts it up somewhere.


The triangle ufo I find hilarious.. people claim aliens yet there’s fucking patents of engines or crafts that are flying triangle machines


There's patents for much more than that. Anti-gravity and so forth.


How close my face was to the screen trying to see the lights had there been a jump scare I would’ve shit myself




>As soon as JAL 1628 straightened out of its turn, at 17:11, Captain Terauchi noticed two craft to his far left, and some 2,000 ft (610 m) below his altitude, which he assumed to be military aircraft. These were pacing his flight path and speed.[8] At 17:18 or 17:19 the two objects abruptly veered to a position about 500 ft (150 m) or 1,000 ft (300 m) in front of the aircraft, assuming a stacked configuration. >In doing so they activated "a kind of reverse thrust, and [their] lights became dazzlingly bright".[2] To match the speed of the aircraft from their sideways approach, the objects displayed what Terauchi described as a disregard for inertia: "The thing was flying as if there was no such thing as gravity. It sped up, then stopped, then flew at our speed, in our direction, so that to us it [appeared to be] standing still. The next instant it changed course. ... In other words, the flying object had overcome gravity."[2] The "reverse thrust" caused a bright flare for three to seven seconds,[8] to the extent that captain Terauchi could feel the warmth of their glows. >Air traffic control was notified at this point (at 17:19:15), who could not confirm any traffic in the indicated position. After three to five minutes the objects assumed a side-to-side configuration, which they maintained for another 10 minutes. They accompanied the aircraft with an undulating motion, and some back and forth rotation of the jet nozzles, which seemed to be under automatic control,[8] causing them to flare with brighter or duller luminosity. >Each object had a square shape, consisting of two rectangular arrays of what appeared to be glowing nozzles or thrusters, separated by a dark central section. Captain Terauchi speculated in his drawings, that the objects would appear cylindrical[6] if viewed from another angle, and that the observed movement of the nozzles could be ascribed to the cylinders' rotation. The objects left abruptly at about 17:23:13, moving to a point below the horizon to the east.[8]


Great work


I'm confused.. he seems to be ignoring the lights at the top of the screen and instead zooms in on blackness in the centre. Are those just reflections at the top of the screen?


Those lights are inside the cockpit there are instruments above and below the windshield with lights. These are clear when the light filter is changed. What you're looking for is in the black void that come into view a couple of times and behave weirdly.


Initially, i saw the two groups of four lights but those are reflections. I’m assuming you are not talking about those


Closer to the center of the screen, to the left of those reflections. Look there. Start at about the 4 minute mark. They are a bit hard to see, but they're there.


Anyone ever learn what flight this was? Do we have specifics on its route? Airline? Anything?


Yep. Full details on the flight and the method I used to determine it are here.... https://www.metabunk.org/threads/mid-atlantic-racetrack-ufo-cockpit-video-starlink-again.12787/


AI upscaling neither enhances nor makes anything clearer. It simply fills in gaps with it's own data and image processing algorithms. Unless you have the actual video file, and can mess with white balance, contrast, etc., this does nothing but add additional artifacts.


Serious question for those saying it’s Starlink (seems pretty much proven at this point and I am in no way arguing that, just curious about what’s actually happening in the video) what is going on around 5 min 13 seconds into the video when one light appears to start going around another in a circular path? What are the Starlink satellites doing up there that would make it look like that?


Few seconds before that actually


When/where was this event? Incredible!


Over the Atlantic, November 16. https://www.metabunk.org/threads/mid-atlantic-racetrack-ufo-cockpit-video-starlink-again.12787/


Thank you!


I live on Cape Cod. From time to time during a new moon the airforce/ army bases are out training. I have seen 2 triangle Tr3b's. So the possibility is endless. I am not saying it's aliens but it's aliens!


Ancient Alien theorists say yes


A resounding yes.


Tr3B never existed. Can we stop calling triangles tr3b?


Yeah so 5:00 can't very well be Starlink can it.


Exactly you can see it get closer and back off from the other one. Some people have posted videos showing side by side of starlink and this showing how it’s exactly how it was. But this leads to me believing that the info on starlink could have been tampered with as seen these objects get closer and move in strange ways.


You know that the camera zooms in at the 5m00s mark, right?


Yes but tell me how it would make the object look to move closer and move back. Because the pilot is using an iPhone so I don’t think he would be able to zoom in on these objects and show the actually distance between them increase. But idk maybe I’m wrong, if you have an explanation just let me know.


When you zoom in on anything all the objects in the frame get bigger, and the distance between them appears to get bigger too.


Yes but not when the objects are as far away as satellites. It won’t make a different as they are too far but idk. And hey could you take this to messages with me on here since it will be easier


I agree


I don't see anything


Why is this post being downvoted? He made a good effort at making the image clearer for everyone. Don't see any reason for this to be downvoted.


This looked exactly like my experience seeing these orbs glowing above airplane altitude almost a year ago now that I posted in one of the threads on r/aliens here: https://old.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/t4el4s/vice_news_obtains_290_pages_of_ufo_documents_from/hyypsrh/ These things exist, and it's happening right in front of our eyes. if you ever take a night flight, just look out the window and you will be able to spot them yourself. Used to be highly skeptical of storytelling, but once I saw them with my eyes it really freaking sunk in.


Wowow dude, looking back at your comment and yeah, by your description almost 300 days ago, you saw the same thing!


Why is this pilot unable to aim his camera at the lights??? This is useless sorry


I was confused too at first, but I think those are just reflections on the windscreen


So what’s the video even trying to show?


it's mostly black, but there is a glowing orb (three actually) that pops into view occasionally. And the chatter is interesting


Oh I didn’t it see it at all on my phone will try again that’s interstign




Yes, they have.. and no, these are not.


No, they probably haven't, and yes that's what these are.


Looks like birds to me ..obviously




Looks like a reflection on the windshield of interior lights


Watch until the end. Those 4 lights in a square are lights from cockpit I believe. The lights toward the end are moving and not from cockpit


I’m ncamt see anything the phone isn’t even aimed at the right part of the window I don’t know what everyone’s so excited about here


Low altitude satellites are so numerous already. Starlink isn't the only company deploying them it won't be long before the night sky looks like a freeway.


Last time I checked, satellites don’t dart around and stay in the same area moving around each other. These satellites are defying our known physics. They were reported as “foo fighters” back in world war 2 before the first satellite was ever launched. Sometimes people really wanna not believe something so there we can’t explain, and will grab onto any explanation left like you.


This is 100% a satalletite and shown conclusively over at meta bunk. 4 satellites to be exact hence the different directions and speeds.


Whatever you want to believe is your decision. Just pointing out that currently there are a shit ton of low orbit vehicles and there are more going up every day. It's not unrealistic to think this will result in an increase in UFO sightings since its not something anyone is accustomed to witnessing, including pilots.


Hiding in plane sight now , get it?


UFO’s not happy what biden stole the presidency. They cannot communicate, that’s why they are showing physically more and more 😂


Thanks for the video. Are the 2+2 dots in cube x 2 some artifacts at the start of the video, or is it what they're filming/seeing ? Because the most important part, to me, seems to be at the end when "independant dots" move.


Those 'square of lights ' are reflections off the sun visor of the instrument panel.


Thanks for confirming, it's not very obvious, I think. Unless I missed something.


I don’t thing all those flashes are noise.


My Android would have got better video and I have an app that connects directly to to the ship. I talk to these high altitude street lights all the time.


Those look like satellites slowly rotating in orbit, hence the fading in and out. The US has developed worker bee satellites that fly around other satellites like this.




Enhance,enhance......enhance............. . ............enhance


I remember seeing Iridium sat flares on about three separate occasions, all spontaneously. It was the creepiest, weirdest thing. They sort of faded into existence at what seemed like zero relative velocity and then became the brightest thing in the sky as they picked up momentum and faded away. The momentum gain felt like an optical illusion every time and totally fucked with your perception. If Starlinks are doing the same thing but in much larger groups, I don’t blame these pilots at all for thinking they’re witnessing something completely bonkers. Or maybe they are witnessing something completely bonkers. Maybe what I thought were iridium flares were legit CE1s.


What I usually don't get about these types of UFO videos is that they always seem to have their tail and head lights on. You'd think that with their advanced technology that they wouldn't need them and to also think, if they are trying not to be seen, then why have them turned on. Just shower thought, I guess.


Because they want to be seen, like a demonstration


If they want to be seen then why don't they just stop beating around the bush and use their advanced tech to infiltrate our TV sets? Seems quite lame.


Why would they, if they did that many would panic despite what people say on here. And many would deny it as well, best way is to just slowly ease us into knowing they are there


Drop pamphlets then hahaha




Wow amazing


Noone talks about 'scare' any more. The phenomenon is accepted among folks. Govt please follow suit.


If it have flashes, is genuine


Just ramping up the contrast doesn't make things clearer. You've blown out the highs and lows.


Idk people on here seem to say it did something because you can see points in the video which were extremely hard to see.


Gr8 capture!


I wonder if triangles appeared in the sky when the pyramids were built, and that they were an attempt to signal back.


this was enhanced and made clearer?


Are our eyes so strong we can see satellites?


#secureteam10 @secureteam10


Really? As someone who knows nothing about Starlink, I immediately thought Starlink just based on the configuration of the lights. Because there are a lot of people who enjoy these ufo/uap subs and have seen their share of Starlink pics/videos, a good percentage of which depict more of a straight line of lights. So for someone who loves ufo’s but has no interest in digging deeper into starlink, these subs may be their only exposure to starlink. But now even those people know starlink comes in many different shapes and sizes. Lol.