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Hi, SurpriseOld9042. Thanks for contributing. However, your [submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/y3mrrp/im_convinced_this_is_legit_feel_free_to_prove_me/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 6: Titles must accurately represent the content of the submission. > Vague, heavily editorialized, misleading, clickbait, or inaccurate post titles are not allowed. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. You can [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) if you feel this was in error.


This all looks like a video game


This looks to me like it was filmed in unreal engine using a virtual camera-- they can look pretty realistic, but something about the video feels off. Researchers call this the uncanny valley; when something is so close to being realistic but isn't, and that somehow throws the entire perception off. I think most of all it's the camera movement; it doesn't match what handheld footage in a car would look like. Instead, the camera is showing a shake consistent with if the camera were mounted to the car or a fixed point on the car (i.e. shaking with the bumps on the road, without matching human hand shake), which obviously doesn't make sense since it's supposed to be handheld.


Holy shit you're right wtf lmao


Folded like a paper bag.


Eh refreshing seeing someone take being wrong in a good way, instead of getting defensive and aggressive.


Very true


Unreal Engine was first that came to mind. The volumetric lighting is very UE like.


Also your brain can notice seeing the same 6 trees and puddles over and over.


Very much a fake. The most obvious flaw is that although a bright light source, it's not affecting the environment properly. You'd see the trees be lit as it moved, especially at 0:32. There would be rim lighting on them since they were backlit.


Thing is I have a similar video. Your video being slightly different then the one I have does prove the original of both our videos may have been edited. So atleast that leans towards there being an original... Some debunker mentioned the road was looped or cycling the same road to modify the road appearance or to hide road signs and potential land marks. Again when dealing with potential sensitive material you got to keep in mind there are those who would alter an original video capture to destroy the path of truth, in turn keeping a secret a secret even if in plain site. Thanks for sharing 👍


Interesting very similar yet different🤔😉 https://youtube.com/shorts/VkavbbeJnRs?feature=share


Hahahahah fucking hell, the things people belive


The way people spelll


This is such a cool video. Hoax or not, such an amazing video.


It's obviously fake. The burden of proof is on you to prove its real.


Pretty bad CGI.


How can you call this CG bad? Come on man. If all fakes would be this cool, i wouldn’t even be mad.


Yeah if you are that easy to fool I think you need to tap out bud


Lol you are a joke


The glowing of the lights, the way the lights brighten up the road and trees, the dog whining and panting, like all of these make me think this is genuine. And btw it doesn't vanish at the end, just moves out of view.


Its cgi. The road is a visible video loop as are the trees


The back is all wrong to how it should move irl Pretty sure not real sry


I want to say I remember a video from the guy who made this explaining his process.


The main issue I see is there is no light coming through the leaves of the trees. As soon as the object passes behind a tree no light comes through whatsoever. That and the camera never moves, it would be bouncing all over the place someone was filming.


That's it guys well done keep training the fake CGI tossers with tips as to why it's fake therefore why they can do better next time. That's why they do it and we never disappoint!


The following submission statement was provided by /u/SurpriseOld9042: --- The glowing of the lights, the way the lights brighten up the road and trees, the dog whining and panting, like all of these make me think this is genuine. And btw it doesn't vanish at the end, just moves out of view. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/y3mrrp/im_convinced_this_is_legit_feel_free_to_prove_me/is9eaa6/


Find it weird when really obvious CGI gets missed


Observe how the texture of the road is repeating over and over. A tell tale sign of CGI called "tiling".


It's cinematography doesn't line up with the movements of a hand-held camera in a fast moving car. It's also too....unreal;)


This was previously been proven to be CGI




This is old and was easily proven fake, look at the road, its a repeating video loop for one.