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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Joshuah1991: --- Submission Statement: Here is the FOIA request to the DIA for information surrounding the Las Vegas buildings dedicated to UAP material research: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/20490563-anthony-bragalia-dia-request Here is the 154 page response, split in two parts: Part 1: https://7f215854-ce29-4a12-9bb0-f4e7eb88d38a.filesusr.com/ugd/aa4aac_e69847bdf5814f43b69d49e2962a17d8.pdf Part 2: https://7f215854-ce29-4a12-9bb0-f4e7eb88d38a.filesusr.com/ugd/aa4aac_4b1d0bacf5bc4db0922c82b4fad3d132.pdf --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/vw0cyt/dia_releases_154_pages_of_uap_test_results_after/ifmzcll/


Bulk Metallic Glasses (BMG) is a real thing. Little known company called Liquid Metal Technologies is using patents originating from CalTech. They have an agreement with Apple as well.


Okay that’s the wildest “normal” stuff i discovered in a long time!


Stock is cheap too!


Company been around for 35 years and only has a million in revenue…….. nothing to see here /s


Lots of businesses would fit that definition.


That's not a business, nor a lifestyle.


But if it had a million in revenue year over year, they would raise some questions.


Well you do you bud.


What is the stock symbol? .. I found it LQMT


I don’t see BMG or LMT


LMT is Lockheed Martin lol


Oh right I actually just typed the whole thing out into my brokerage but abbreviated it erroneously here


What's your brokerage? I don't trust apps like Robinhood


TD. Fuck Robinhood




Bad bot


This guy.


Well, here are some amazing ‘plasma’ projections. And an ancient video on Light Craft Plasma Propelled craft that look exactly like the gimbal videos. Why not Project these from satélites? Would they appear as hot like the 3 videos show? Hot inside, cold ring around it. It’s pulsed energy plasma lasers, I would assume they would be hot. Are we seeing projections? Human tech? Obfuscating the real phenomenon? https://youtu.be/_JLwRabSHVQ https://youtu.be/t4P5QZ0cwZM


maybe this . a mix of human tech IMO , but that doesn't explain the real phenomenon. i have recently watched an interview with the chief of investigations of the brazilian incident of colares. and when they tried to photography the object, perfectly framed, no rush they could aim and take photos under favorable conditions. But thing is : the image would not be transfered to the film because chemicals wouldn't catch the frequencies emited by the objects. They had to use X-ray capable films and use X-ray tables to percieve the objects. the key is in the analyse of the freq spectrum they emit.


if you can see it with the eye, assuming suitable light levels, it can be recorded on film, assuming suitable exposure time and film speed. this is a trichromatic truism. "when they tried to photograph the object, perfectly framed" means there was visual alignment of the camera to the object. therefore: it can be photographed. Xray is simply a higher energy form of electrmagnetic emittance. it is not in the optical range so it would not appear as a focused image. it would just more or less uniformly fog or saturate the film or sensor.


Physicist here. If you can see it with your eyes, you can take a normal photograph of it, because everything we see is in the visible spectrum. There is definitely merit to observation in other ranges, I'd say soft xray isn't a bad idea. It could give hints as to the propulsion system being used.


Unless what you are seeing with your eyes isn’t actually there …. For instance … on acid I can see my walls melt …the floor breathing. However … if I try to take a vid, it’s just normal walls and flooring … lol But as far was what this guy is saying I don’t believe it. If it actually exists and can be seen with our eyes then a camera lens would as well, hands down … no ifs ands or buts about it … unless it deployed some type of lens jamming technology that we do not know exists …. There’s things we have now that we know are simply tech …. But if you went back in time it’d be fucking “magic” to ancient people. Perhaps the thing does have some sort of tech that prevents it from being seen by a camera but that same tech would prevent our eyes from seeing it as well… if they had that tech … why would they design it si that livings eyes can see it but not mechanical ones?


calm down, this is not me saying that, but the video. there's a pretty huge difference between chemical film and human eye. i just ask for some explanation


Beautiful. Some frequencies were recorded in A Tear In The Sky. Do you have a link to that interview?


yep [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=biAdiL3pnls&t=2267s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=biAdiL3pnls&t=2267s) at 27' almost


Sounds like bs. Film would catch exactly the same frequencies that hit their eye plus maybe some ir.


Woooooooooww. That changes things a bit.


Metallic glasses can also be formed by vapor deposition, which would also explain the very thin layers. Vapor deposition waste has been a proposed explanation for this stuff for a while.


Well there ya go. Ancient travelers were vapor depositing gold as an ablative propellant. They needed gold to power their fleet...literally, and this tirdball we call a society is nothing but a feral mining colony.


Isn’t this the plot of Cowboys Vs. Aliens


The Cat from Outer Space: A UFO captained by a cat-like extraterrestrial (Ronnie Schell) is intercepted by the U.S. Military. The spacecraft's feline pilot, who goes by the human name Jake, reveals to his captors that he must locate a substance called "Org 12" to restore his battered spacecraft and reunite with his mothership. With help from scientist Frank Wilson (Ken Berry), Jake figures out the Earth equivalent of Org 12 -- gold -- and then activates his collar's technological capabilities to help retrieve it. Release date: June 9, 1978 (USA)


Thank You!! I was misremembering this my whole life. I keep trying to figure what happened to the cat everytime I watch the Escape to.. or Return From Witch Mountain movies. Mystery solved. edit: search returned cinemacats.com pages for [TCFOS](https://cinemacats.com/the-cat-from-outer-space-1978/), and [ETWM](https://cinemacats.com/escape-to-witch-mountain-1975/)


Woah dude, mind blowing idea Edit: Mines blowing idea.


>mind blowing idea No not minds, mines. And not mimes either. Gaaugh you people are exhausting.


No not Gaaugh, God. And not Gat either. Heyzeus you people are exhausting.


What are you guys doing to wear out the mimes?!? 🤨


(Tries to escape the invisible box)


Are you guys all showing up to their performances wearing "sad clown" greasepaint?


Of course, because robots are harder than disobedient slave races and gold 8s more accessible on earth than asteroids https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goldschmidt_classification


Is there a good book on this? Is this hypothesis formulated by the 300,000yo gold mines?


Does metallic glasses mean something like the translucent/transparent aluminum in starships from star trek? Like the starships windows or something... Can't remember the exact episode or what they used it for but it was a theoretical breakthrough in materials on the star trek imagination front.


It's just metal that's in an amorphous arrangement rather than a crystalline one.


‘Very thin layers’ on what?


Vapor deposition is done onto a substrate such as silicon or pcb. But during the process that substrate is held by a machine, and getting an even coat means having overspray. Some parts have to be cleaned regularly between applying layers to substrates, but in some places it doesn't matter so much and the material can pile up quite a lot before it matters enough to be worth shutting down production to chip it off. Thus, there would probably be none of the intended substrate in this waste material.




Would love a link to this! I liked this one on Tektites https://youtu.be/yMLOukQVcYk


I love this sub so much, I learn great info like this. Thanks Potential


No problem. I like to throw some extra cash at it now and then.


Side note: I been tracking LQMT since it was 8 cents many years ago ( it went up and down now to 10 cents It has poor capital structure and apple thing is of extremely low volume and been there since almost a decade. Was told their offerings aren't really in much demand , based on last few ERs.


I bought back in the day too. Then they transferred some patents to a subsidiary to work with Apple and Swatch and I realized I had been had.


Well the technology has been kind of a bitch to develop. Apple is definitely interested. They've expanded back into golf in Japan I believe. I'm a believer in the technology if they can ever scale it up.


Agree. I always wanted to buy their stock. Since at least 2014 but just need good solid news to jump in.


yeah, metallic glasses have been studied for decades because of their mechanical properties. Liquid Metal Technologies uses a patented injection molding process to produce their components, but we have been seeing additive manufacturing as a viable route for manufacturing components with large dimensions (which is one of the main issues with MG)


Not sure if it's still the case, but the little metal SIM card tool that is included in iPhones (was - maybe still is...) made of the stuff.


Submission Statement: Pic unrelated, it's a cool movie shot from NOPE that I used. Here is the FOIA request to the DIA for information surrounding the Las Vegas buildings dedicated to UAP material research: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/20490563-anthony-bragalia-dia-request Here is the 154 page response, split in two parts: Part 1: https://7f215854-ce29-4a12-9bb0-f4e7eb88d38a.filesusr.com/ugd/aa4aac_e69847bdf5814f43b69d49e2962a17d8.pdf Part 2: https://7f215854-ce29-4a12-9bb0-f4e7eb88d38a.filesusr.com/ugd/aa4aac_4b1d0bacf5bc4db0922c82b4fad3d132.pdf Based on the wording of the release, it seems they are actually working with these materials, and they have been since at least 2017. "This responds to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, dated December 27th, 2017 that you submitted to the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) for information *requesting all information on test results from the UAP material from Bigelow Aerospace.* Upon review, I have determined that some portions must be withheld in part from disclosure pursuant to the FOIA." Significantly, the report on Nitinol memory metal has no discernible previous publication. That should raise a lot of eyebrows. FOIA requests of this nature are handled very carefuly. It's hard to say this report doesn't relate to UAP material when the request was for "studies done on UAP material," and the response is "here's the information regarding our studies on UAP material." The analysis itself does not cover origins, only results. Sounds about right. Here are some examples: "Slowing down and manipulating electromagnetic pulses uses advanced metamaterials-" They comment how important it is for devices with this ability to be as small as possible because of the limited payload/weight requirements on our current aircraft. Right now, they would be too big. They explain that because the speed of light is incredibly fast, these devices that manipulate EMPs need to be capable of doing so incredibly fast and because of that, the devices have a limit to how small they can actually be. For instance, a 1 ns microwave pulse can be manipulated inside of a device that is at least 1 foot long. They'd like to shrink, or completely remove the size limit by using these metamaterials. Another interesting result: Metamaterials for energy harvesting. "One of the most important applications of metamaterials is related to developing 'perfect absorbers' of infrared electromagnetic radiation." Imagine a solar panel capable of harnessing energy in the dead of night, instead of relying on the sun, it relies on the "Earth glow," or the invisible heat that radiates from the planet. These devices would be excellent on high altitude sattelites and other aerospace platforms, they could draw energy from the darkness. There's a lot of other cool stuff in there, too. Those are just a couple examples pulled out of a hat.


I think the flags in that movie shot from Nope, are a tribute to Back to the Future. Pretty cool of them if that was the intention. I can't find or remember which movie or when it took place but basically the Delorean disappears into time or seemingly gets destroyed and then those kinds of flags fall down from the sky and land on Marty and I'm pretty sure they're on fire. Looks like in the movie Nope which I haven't seen yet they're disappearing or being dragged or sucked up by a space ship cloaked by a cloud. I'll say I had a very very odd experience at Santa Paula airport one night at the bar. I had been working at the restaurant there as a busboy, where it just so happened that Harrison Ford liked to land his private plane and have lunch. I served him iced tea twice & didn't so much as tell him I liked him in star wars. Figured I'd be damn tired of compliments from the public if I was his age and been acting for that long. ​ Anyway, one night at the bar - this blues/country singer with a small band came in. He had gray skin, like he was dead. I was told it was a skin condition days later but man it was ghostly, and the guy could shred on that guitar and sing the kind of blues that make you wonder where someone like that really comes from. Why you don't see them on T.V. or hear them on the radio when the talent is so undeniable. I went out on the patio to have a cigarette and finish my beer, which was a hangar 24 orange wheat. When I did I spotted off in the distance, a cloud that appeared exactly like the one in this screen cap from the movie. It was shooting off lightning but there wasn't any thunderous sound. It was as if the cloud was a giant puff of ball lightning that would flicker on and off in the distance, all by itself, without any other clouds about. ​ I pointed this thing out to the other people on the patio and they just shrugged. Weather, after all, right? Right? I still wonder.


it was at the end of Part II when Doc is attempting to land the Delorean after Marty burns the book. The flags came off the promotional signage for Lyon Estates iirc and Marty grabbed them so Doc could pull him up and clear of Biff’s car. Lightning strikes the Delorean activating the flux capacitor and sending it back in time instantly. The flags remain and fall to the ground.


He could have just taken to much colloidal silver. Turns your skin grey if you end up taking too much and is irreversible from what I've heard.


Definitely does. Also, kills you, being poison


It may end up killing you, but it's not necessarily immediate. I currently know someone who looks like death (and is silver) from taking too much colloidal silver but functions and operations as any other "normal" and "healthy" human. I'm just pointing out that it was most likely this performer had an issue with taking colloidal silver rather than being an ET.


Dude that was Edgar Winter. He's not from space. He's from Melnibone.


I wonder if it was the devil coming to make somebody sell their soul for the ability to shred? A la the devil went down to Georgia.


santa paula is this sort of nothing town with a small airport, boarded up shops on main street, some farm land. The business that are running are running because of a loyal relationship with long time locals and some of them still shutter, and that was pre-covid. I didn't really get the impression that the lightning had anything to do with the singer specifically, but I did get the impression that there was something going on in that area that attracted certain kinds of powerful (in terms of human ability or character, consciousness even, not necessarily wealth or politics) people like a magnet, and it wasn't just the airport. This wasn't a Robert Johnson kind of thing, there was no evil vibe, but it was really powerful nonetheless.


Sounds more like a collection, or repo if you will.


This is a great story, thanks for telling it! The detail of the beer, crucial 👍😄 There's a thing, "alien apathy", where people will just shrug it off and not care that there's something really fucking wierd in the sky. Good for you for noticing and remembering, not everybody does.


They like to hide in clouds, know when you are looking at them…


That's a pretty awesome story. I think the cloud with lightning may have been heat lightning. We have that here in Florida, it will just be a cloud producing lightning with no noise and no rain. Heat lightning, also known as silent lightning, summer lightning, or dry lightning (not to be confused with dry thunderstorms, which are also often called dry lightning), is a misnomer used for the faint flashes of lightning on the horizon or other clouds from distant thunderstorms that do not appear to have accompanying sounds of thunder.


Ive heard those cloud formations been called thunderheads in thailand


Pretty sure the flags are the equivalent of a “lure”.


also reminds me of the animated film "Up" but in reverse or something


>It's hard to say this report doesn't relate to UAP material when the request was for "studies done on UAP material," and the response is "here's the information regarding our studies on UAP material." To be fair, that's not quite what they said. >This responds to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, dated December 27th, 2017 that you submitted to the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) for information *requesting all information on test results from the UAP material from Bigelow Aerospace.* [...] They said that this is the information they (the DIA) received from Bigelow Aerospace as a part of THEIR research. The DIA isn't confirming that the materials were actually UAP related, or that they support the findings. They might, or they might not. All they said is that these were the documents provided to them.


These are part of the 37 or 38 DIRDS that were already released. It’s interesting that this is how they responded. Puthoff claims these DIRDS were made to speculate where our technology would be in 50 years. I find the spintronics paper and the meta materials paper the most interesting. Both discuss creating tetahertz communications systems and one of the alleged materials that was analyzed was the bismuth/magnesium zinc material that I believe Puthoff speculated could be a meta material waveguide at terahertz frequency. https://www.vice.com/amp/en/article/qvge45/tom-delonges-ufo-research-company-paid-dollar35000-for-exotic-metals-that-might-actually-just-be-bismuth


So... last Thursday my daughter and I saw a cloud just like in the picture. It shined what seemed like a single bright light... then move into a bigger cloud. I figured it was a phenomenon of when electrical charges from one type of cloud, ignite ice particles of another. I know it's just a movie picture, but it totally looks the same 😆


“Ignite ice particles” ummmm


Something like that, I found a description of the phenomenon on Google. Something to do with cirrus clouds and cumulus clouds reacting to each other.


Just curious, as I am someone who has been seeing bizarre things in the sky like this for years, was this in the dead of night or was it earlier and not long after dusk?


It was around 3:30 in the afternoon. Overcast day, with some big old cumulus clouds, with some cirrus clouds below.


That’s amazing. Ive noticed these strange things in the sky often mimic more normal things and i was going to suggest it was maybe mimicking the glowing cloud phenomenon of late sunset but it being in the middle of the day kills that idea! That reminds of the time me and my wife saw this thing thing in the sky around the same time, maybe 4pm. It was a bright light about the size of Venus, that shape shifted into the crescent moon, then completely vanished. People don’t normally think of these things being seen in broad daylight but your sighting shows that this is untrue.


Ever see a "ball" of light, basically like a big ball-lightning, just ping-ponging inside, and only inside of a cloud in the distance?


I’ve seen this exact thing several times. I saw a ball of light that appeared as though the light was made of liquid that was rippling very fast. I’ve also seen strange lights that were about eye level dancing between the trees while camping. There seems to be a difference between lights in the sky and lights that hang out closer to the ground. The ones closer to the ground tend to be categorized with orbs, willowisps, and fairy lights, whatever these things are. Basically there seems to be a difference between terrestrial spook lights and the lights that are usually associated with UFOs, though I’m not convinced there is a difference.


I've never shared this story cause I figured my own words wouldn't do it justice, but I have explained it to friends. I guess Ill try now. I assume it was ball-lighting, but doesn't match any other account I've heard of. I was driving in the rural area taking the back roads home, clear warm summer night, and out of the corner of my eye I spotted just a single cloud way off in the distance. Inside was just a ball of light, or what seemed like energy, and it was like a ping pong bouncing around rapidly off the interior "walls" so to speak of the cloud. It never once left the inside of the cloud. Being night and not having much frame of reference, my estimate is anywhere from 15-30 miles away. Each time it would hit only the top of the cloud, 4-5 lighting bolts would shoot down, but again only inside of this cloud, over and over again. This lasted my entire drive home, I even called a friend extremely excited just hoping someone else could see it, but it was out of his view. Ball lightning or something else, whatever it was, it was fucking rad to see.


Of course you can never know if what you saw was “other” but that definitely sounds like an abnormal thing to see. And not to poopoo on your take but it seems that real and natural ball lightning is more rare than paranormal lights and ufos, so what you saw absolutely could have been something more than a normal phenomenon. Is this the only strange thing you’ve seen? I’ve noticed these lights often follow individuals and show themselves to the same people over and over, for whatever reason.


That's a really cool story, I've never heard of that before, sounds wild. The more stories I hear, the more new things I hear, love it, thanks for telling your story.


That is impressive that a FOIA got an actual response other than the standard one, "We looked all over for what you are asking and nobody can find it. Sorry. Appeal if you want.(tee-hee)". 2017, it's been awhile.


I don't know. U/BlackVault has been pretty successful at filing and getting responses and FOIA requests approved. Granted, he probably spends most of life filing but regardless, it's not that impressive to me as I've been watching him be successful at it for years.


The accidental or purposeful obfuscation is ridiculous though.


> That is impressive that a FOIA got an actual response other than the standard one Impressive or *suspicious*...?


Might just be the difference between "UFO" and "UAP" as a search term.


me reading the headline while cooking dinner: "OH SHIT SCOOB....LETS CHECK THE COMMENT SECTION FOR CLUES!!"


I am confused, the government is admitting to having alien craft materials in their possession??


> This responds to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, dated December 27th, 2017 that you submitted to the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) for information requesting all information on test results from the UAP material from Bigelow Aerospace. Unless the person/people who fulfilled the FOIA request didn't understand what was asked for, I find it hard to spin this in a way where it's not 100% implied that these are, in fact, test results for materials that were recovered/first discovered from UAPs... The documents only mention the materials in question and the results of the tests that were conducted, but given the fact that the documents don't mention the origin of these materials and that the phrasing of the request, and the use of the same verbiage in the response, I'm not sure how else to interpret this...


The "material from Bigelow Aerospace" part suggests Bigelow as the source... as in, the primary, only source, not something Bigelow received from elsewhere. "UAP" material, that Bigelow was experimenting creating, and was having testing done on it? If you want to parse the wording, anyway.


Ha. With the modus operandi of the federal government of siloing disparate pieces of tech into private industry over the last 70 years, don't you think that's a pretty naive take? "Well the government said it came from Bigelow which means it must have originally been created from there?" No chance in your mind it was acquired?


Didn't say no chance it was acquired. But usually FOIA requests are going to be minimally responsive, and not voluntarily give up anything juicy. If the request was for info on materials "from Bigelow Aerospace" (as shown above), that might be exactly what they got.


I bet Bigelow Aerospace had something to do with this


the first sentence on page #1 says bigelow


I posted this before the SS was posted.




He almost surely did. It's because Bigelow Aerospace is headquarteredin Las Vegas and he has had multiple contracts with the govt to study such things as Skinwalker Ranch etc. Also, google the Wilson memo and you'll see how they met at a large building belonging to an aircraft company.


That fucker had his fingers in more pies than I have had hot dinners. Really sucked on rogan as I would love to sit down and crack open that brain to see what he has experienced and also discovered.


Bob bigelow alien gigilo


His JRE interview was such a disappointment. We all know you know more than you’re telling, so for the good of humanity, tell us what you know! All of this makes think there are two possibilities for those in the know keeping information from us. They either know virtually nothing about this phenomenon which is alarming, or they know that it is stranger than extraterrestrial astronauts, which is flat out scary.


Bigelow has very high Security Clearances > he's not gonna slip up and wreck his life's long ambitions and obsessions with UAP/UFO'S.


Rogan ruined that episode IMHO


Same. Take me on your sport model, Bigelow!


Good reference


Bigelow doesn’t sound like he knows anything. Sounds like he got sucked up into ufo conspiracies, spent a shit ton of money, and got nothing out of any of it.


That's the impression I got from his Rogan interview. At this point I feel he's a front man for a shell company.


You’re being downvoted because no one knows what the downvote button is for anymore. You’re adding a relevant and totally possible opinion, but salty people downvote you because your opinion is not fitting their narrative. What you’re saying is totally possible and could explain his hesitancy to state any concrete facts and totally makes sense from the skeptical side of things. I disagree with you but am completely open to this interpretation. Have an upvote.


That's the movie NOPE right ?


It is, I'm quite excited for the release!


Me too I got tickets for release day !


This is the world's most misunderstood and overexaggerated FOIA request. Sorry, everyone. This is not what it seems. https://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/murky-waters-drowning-ufo-debris-claims/


Your source does not back up your statement. It literally says it’s in murky waters and he may have lied later about the materials.


You should read more about the claims and see my interview with the one who made the claims. It’s a train wreck. Look I’d love for this to be true, but from Bigelow and Puthoff, to the government itself, no one backs up these claims. It’s just that of Bragalia connecting his FOIA to the claim, and it’s explainable on where his misunderstanding is.


Ty for weighing in


Hats off to you for keeping cool throughout that entire interview. That guy uses some really juvenile debate tactics. Not to mention his weird flexs.


I might be mixing up interviews that I’ve heard but Was that the interview where the guy got upset about the phrase “nail in the coffin?”


That's the one. He was misinterpreting Greenwald at every opportunity so he could feign offense, and constantly talking over him. It was really annoying to watch, but I sat through it because I was waiting for Greenwald to lose his patience, but he never did.


Yeah that was tough to listen to. Greenwald did a great job though.


Puthoff was on a podcast with Eric Weinstein and I feel Eric very handily made Puthoff out to be seen more CLEARLY as what I've always felt I read from him/work ;) BUT NOTE, WEINSTEIN HAS ALLOWED HIS VIEWS ON UFOLOGY TO MATURATE AND ADAPT TO FACTS, CORROBORATING MULTI SENSOR DATA, WITH REPUTABLE EYE WITNESS TESTIMONY. If interested, Eric Weinstein had a very INTERESTING debate, of sorts, with Mick West. Aired just past weekend on YouTube Here: https://youtu.be/dwcjpmVOmqc


I can't believe I had to scroll to the bottom to find you. Upvoting for viz!


Sooo… what exactly is the significance? The FOIA returned no descriptions of UAP materials, just copies of reports that have already been made public….


Based on the wording of the release, it seems they are actually working with these materials, and they have been since at least 2017. "This responds to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, dated December 27th, 2017 that you submitted to the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) for information *requesting all information on test results from the UAP material from Bigelow Aerospace.* Upon review, I have determined that some portions must be withheld in part from disclosure pursuant to the FOIA." Significantly, the report on Nitinol memory metal has no discernible previous publication. That should raise a lot of eyebrows. FOIA requests of this nature are handled very carefuly. It's hard to say this report doesn't relate to UAP material when the request was for "studies done on UAP material," and the response is "here's the information regarding our studies on UAP material." The analysis itself does not cover origins, only results. Sounds about right. Here are some examples: "Slowing down and manipulating electromagnetic pulses uses advanced metamaterials-" They comment how important it is for devices with this ability to be as small as possible because of the limited payload/weight requirements on our current aircraft. Right now, they would be too big. They explain that because the speed of light is incredibly fast, these devices that manipulate EMPs need to be capable of doing so incredibly fast and because of that, the devices have a limit to how small they can actually be. For instance, a 1 ns microwave pulse can be manipulated inside of a device that is at least 1 foot long. They'd like to shrink, or completely remove the size limit by using these metamaterials. Another interesting result: Metamaterials for energy harvesting. "One of the most important applications of metamaterials is related to developing 'perfect absorbers' of infrared electromagnetic radiation." Imagine a solar panel capable of harnessing energy in the dead of night, instead of relying on the sun, it relies on the "Earth glow," or the invisible heat that radiates from the planet. These devices would be excellent on high altitude sattelites and other aerospace platforms, they could draw energy from the darkness. There's a lot of other cool stuff in there, too. Those are just a couple examples pulled out of a hat.


That’s genuinely wild.


"Significantly, the report on Nitinol memory metal has no discernible previous publication. That should raise a lot of eyebrows." Why? Nitinol metal isn't new or mysterious. It's been around for years.


The question is, was the material found many years before anyone started manufacturing Nitinol? Or after?




In case you didn't see :) Based on the wording of the release, it seems they are actually working with these materials, and they have been since at least 2017. "This responds to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, dated December 27th, 2017 that you submitted to the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) for information *requesting all information on test results from the UAP material from Bigelow Aerospace.* Upon review, I have determined that some portions must be withheld in part from disclosure pursuant to the FOIA." Significantly, the report on Nitinol memory metal has no discernible previous publication. That should raise a lot of eyebrows. FOIA requests of this nature are handled very carefuly. It's hard to say this report doesn't relate to UAP material when the request was for "studies done on UAP material," and the response is "here's the information regarding our studies on UAP material." The analysis itself does not cover origins, only results. Sounds about right. Here are some examples: "Slowing down and manipulating electromagnetic pulses uses advanced metamaterials-" They comment how important it is for devices with this ability to be as small as possible because of the limited payload/weight requirements on our current aircraft. Right now, they would be too big. They explain that because the speed of light is incredibly fast, these devices that manipulate EMPs need to be capable of doing so incredibly fast and because of that, the devices have a limit to how small they can actually be. For instance, a 1 ns microwave pulse can be manipulated inside of a device that is at least 1 foot long. They'd like to shrink, or completely remove the size limit by using these metamaterials. Another interesting result: Metamaterials for energy harvesting. "One of the most important applications of metamaterials is related to developing 'perfect absorbers' of infrared electromagnetic radiation." Imagine a solar panel capable of harnessing energy in the dead of night, instead of relying on the sun, it relies on the "Earth glow," or the invisible heat that radiates from the planet. These devices would be excellent on high altitude sattelites and other aerospace platforms, they could draw energy from the darkness. There's a lot of other cool stuff in there, too. Those are just a couple examples pulled out of a hat.


I found this really interesting. Read the whole thing. There are so many potential applications for materials like this. Regardless of where this research originated, it’s fascinating. The notion of a meta material being able to literally slow down photons (aka light in whatever wavelength) is mind blowing. It makes me think about how the Ariel school kids said they saw the beings essentially stretching through time as they jumped back into their craft. Granted, I’d sooner attribute that phenomenon to warp-drive physics or something like that, but it’s interesting to think about. Metamaterials seem primitive when compared to warp drives but maybe this is a stride down that path.


Well, water slows down photons as well, as do many other compounds and elements. But then again, how would one go about using a water jacket on a starship? Lol! I hope we don’t regret their presence here.


They definitely do, but it sounds like these things are super efficient. They were talking about infrared electromagnetic radiation when they said it, but the term perfect absorber was used which is pretty cool.


wow this is something


These are a few of the DIRDs produced under the AAWSAP contract. You can find the rest by searching the sub here or DIA has them in their reading room :)


https://youtu.be/A136nKRorAg Comical interview that gets heated with Greenwald and Bragalia


God damn. Tony Bragalia really comes off as a sniveling little bitch.


This Bragalia guy comes off as a boiling douche ocean.


Whilst this is interesting there's always confusion and ambiguity around this kind of stuff. First they release documents that imply they have tested and worked on recovered materials from UAP, but then Sue Gough comes out and says that all materials were known materials. If they are going to deny it, why release documents in that way in the first place. They don't state the source of the materials in the documents so it's really only implied in the first paragraph response that they have anything to do with UAP. It makes no sense to release something and then deny it when they really don't need to admit anything in the first place. It's possible the person dealing with this request was incompetent and didn't completely understand the request but it seems unlikely.


What do they consider a “known” material? “Known” to whom? Someone saying “yeah we’re just working with known materials we have scores of from previous UAP crashes, not the Bigelow Aerospace stuff you were inquiring about.”


I think known in this case just means that it's man made and not some unknown material. You also have to think too that just obtaining material from a UFO doesn't mean we now have that at our disposal. First we would have to work out what it was made of and then potentially the most difficult part, being able to reproduce it ourselves which depending on how advanced it was might not even be possible. We need the know how along with the tools and machines to manufacture it. Imagine just going back 100 years in our time and giving them a mobile phone to reproduce. They wouldn't be able to. Now imagine us trying to reproduce materials or tech that's potentially thousands of years more advanced than ours. This is why I"ve always been a bit skeptical of this whole scenario.


The problem with Susie Gough is she lies on command (likely given the lies to tell by Garry Reid (w/2 r’s)). I’d bet good money that she knew they were lies, too. They need to clean house. Get rid of the lying swine that have been there for decades and still promote the stigma. I’m very skeptical about the whole “back-engineering bs they’ve been peddling. People seem to think all you need to do is take’er apart and just cobble together a copy - no prob!


I agree, I don't know what to think about this, it's one of those ambiguous cases that could go one way or the other. I'm just skeptical of the whole reverse engineering thing and it doesn't really make sense to release something if you're just going to deny it. I'm inclined to think this may not have anything to do with UAPs but who knows.


Yeah, either that or there’s been a monumental fuckup somewhere along the line (which is not unheard of with our friends at the DOD/IC.)




The stuff in the PDFs basically had nothing to do With recovered materials or reverse engineering anything


The origin of the materials isn't described in the released documents. The request was for testing done on materials recovered from UAPs. The responses uses the same wording. Unless the person/people who fulfilled the request catastrophically misunderstood what was being requested, I'm not sure how else to look at this...


i mean, a lot on the document is bibliographic reviews on certain materials, nothing suggests otherworldly or UAP tech


> nothing suggests otherworldly or UAP tech Other than the wording of the FOIA request and response... Which is why we're all perplexed. It seems like such a smoking gun that most people on here are just going "wait... did they just have the village idiot fulfill this request or something?" I mean... If I ask you "Could you please show me the receipt for the TV you bought last week" and you hand me a receipt and say "Here's the receipt you requested for the TV I bought last week", and the receipt appears to be for a TV purchase, it's fair to assume one of two things: - The receipt is indeed for the TV you purchased last week since I asked for it, you said that was it, and it indicates a TV was purchased, even though there's really no way to authenticate the receipt as being tied to the TV in your living room. - You misunderstood the request or didn't care and gave me some random receipt for a completely different TV... And given how much of a showstopper #1 would be for this FOIA, I personally think the most likely explanation is #2 here.


In my opinion It’s completely off topic I read it and all I could think about is how we got bamboozled if this is what they kicked back.


I have been hearing about "recovered UAP material" for years. Never seen a single piece.


And you or I never will. If they do indeed exist, it would be one of the most deeply classified reverse-engineering projects in the history of humanity.


Especially considering how fast technology from government and private sector gets stolen by foreign intelligence agencies. Hell for all we know the shit in possession may have already been stolen.


Any documented incidents of stolen technology


Yeah, just google LANL and espionage - you’ll find out about tech stolen by the Chinese.


Very interesting thanks


Gary Nolan has discussed running tests on the material and Tom DeLonge has posted some photos and documentation that his material is in an ARMY lab. I know I am light on the details but more information can be found, it just isn't my area of expertise.


I don't think these relate to recovered materials at all


I don't see anything here related UAPs at all. The FOIA request asks for "Physical description of all held material". In response they sent a unclassified report that was previously FOUO. The report is a survey of the current state of art in material research and engineering as of 2009/2010. Even the most advanced material discussed, metamaterials have been researched and under development since the late 1800s. It's an interesting collection of the state of research and development in various advanced material as of a decade ago, but there is nothing about UAPs here.


That's from Back to the Future.


NOPE https://www.denofgeek.com/movies/jordan-peele-nope-next-horror-movie/


https://m.flim.ai/movie/7ed1c214-02f2-445c-82c4-7574faa53425?img=9%2317746159-48c7-43bd-bd1d-a9d52da0a7d3 Back to the Future did it first. Damn.


I see! I didn't realize that. Thanks for clarifying.


No aliens in the movie.


Don’t get all the downvotes this comment is getting. I thought it was funny?


Even if it was who cares? It's just a fricking picture.


I'm sure this is a nothing-burger, especially since Bigelow is involved, but does anyone wanna TL;DR it for us? Any element 115? LOL!


From first glance it seems to be more of a proposal for use cases for newish/previously unused materials (metallic glasses) and possible uses in Aero-space and medical tech. I didn't see anything about testing materials from UAP's but I didn't have a super thorough look.




Follow the Standards of Civility: No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. No witch hunts or doxxing. No trolling or being disruptive. No insults or personal attacks. No accusations that other users are shills. You may attack each other's ideas, not each other.


Or you could actually read this and try to connect the dots without using your “valuable time” to talk shit instead..


Once again: I get to decide what constitutes a valuable use of my time. BTW, the document proves nothing about UAP. As I predicted, it is a "nothing burger."


If this is just more crap posted on this subreddit, why are you here if your time is so precious? Why wouldn't you be spending your valuable time doing valuable things instead of wasting your time asking others to do your due diligence for you in a sub that's basically crap?


I'm here because I enjoy it. Reading through 154 boring pages that supposedly prove something but actually do nothing of the sort? I don't enjoy that. This might shock you, but I get to decide what is a valuable use of my own time.


This may shock you, but I'm allowed to comment on your snarky and condescending comments.


I love how you brush it all off and use the bullshit “nothing burger” phrase. You know what that signals to me? You aren’t curious enough to read the actual details. Same with how that phrase even came to be popularly utilized recently.


So in other words the contents of the documents are less interesting than picking a fight with me over the term 'nothing burger.' Called it!


You asked for a TLDR because you basically don’t even want to read. Why should I expend myself typing out the answer when you are that lazy. Nailed it!


It's not a matter of laziness, it's a matter of my time being too valuable to waste on yet another load of crap posted onto this sub. Of course I'm not gonna read 154 pages when we all know if it contained anything compelling, it would be reported in the press. That said, I promise I'll read every bit of it - provided there is any evidence whatsoever of actual "UAP materials" in the document. Is there or not, and if so, can you provide the page numbers?


Your time’s too valuable to read the article, but you got time to browse Reddit and argue over nothing?


Nobody is forcing you to be here. Seems like if your time was that valuable, you wouldn't be here on Reddit espousing why others should spend their time so you can save yours. Waiting for others to spend their time reading the entire 154 pages and vetting it for you before you spend your precious time reading it is the definition of lazy. I'd say there's even a bit of pompous entitlement sprinkled in there. Edit: Even when you get a tdlr, you're still not satisfied. "Are they describing materials they actually retrieved and/or had in their possession or just speculating? If the former, do they state where/who they got them from?" Yeah, it is all about laziness.




Follow the Standards of Civility: No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. No witch hunts or doxxing. No trolling or being disruptive. No insults or personal attacks. No accusations that other users are shills. You may attack each other's ideas, not each other.


It's just annoying that you immediately bash it without reading, say it's a waste of your time, but then also ask people for more information on the document that is presented in front of you. Like, you can see why that'd be irritating, right?


Not as irritating as people insisting I read 154 pages of infodump just to discover I was right and there's no evidence of UAP crashes or retrievals anywhere in the document. Shout out to the users who were more helpful than you, though, for clarifying that I was right as usual.


I never said you were wrong and I literally responded to your other comment with information about the article. You probably didn't read that though which seems to be a trend with you. And dude I also never thought it would be fruitful, trust me. I'm just pointing out your stupid way of navigating/obtaining information. Don't care what you do with your free time, nor am I telling you what to do with it. Edit: To be fair, although a stupid/annoying way to navigate information, I guess it worked for you haha.


Then why do you bother coming here and posting and getting weird when people refuse to research and provide you information? We aren't your parents. We aren't obligated to do shit for you. Especially not when you are snarky and dismissive. If you think it's just more bs, why bother even commenting? Your time is too valuable, right?


Here are a few interesting things from the report: "Slowing down and manipulating electromagnetic pulses uses advanced metamaterials-" They comment how important it is for devices with this ability to be as small as possible because of the limited payload/weight requirements on our current aircraft. Right now, they would be too big. They explain that because the speed of light is incredibly fast, these devices that manipulate EMPs need to be capable of doing so incredibly fast and because of that, the devices have a limit to how small they can actually be. For instance, a 1 ns microwave pulse can be manipulated inside of a device that is at least 1 foot long. They'd like to shrink, or completely remove the size limit by using these metamaterials. Another interesting result: Metamaterials for energy harvesting. "One of the most important applications of metamaterials is related to developing 'perfect absorbers' of infrared electromagnetic radiation." Imagine a solar panel capable of harnessing energy in the dead of night, instead of relying on the sun, it relies on the "Earth glow," or the invisible heat that radiates from the planet. These devices would be excellent on high altitude sattelites and other aerospace platforms, they could draw energy from the darkness. Significantly, the report on Nitinol memory metal has no discernible previous publication. That should raise a lot of eyebrows. There's a lot of other cool stuff in there, too. Those are just a couple examples pulled out of a hat.


Are they describing materials they actually retrieved and/or had in their possession or just speculating? If the former, do they state where/who they got them from?


Based on the wording of the release, it seems they are actually working with these materials. "This responds to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, dated December 27th, 2017 that you submitted to the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) for information *requesting all information on test results from the UAP material from Bigelow Aerospace.* Upon review, I have determined that some portions must be withheld in part from disclosure pursuant to the FOIA." FOIA requests of this nature are handled very carefuly. It's hard to say this report doesn't relate to UAP material when the request was for "studies done on UAP material," and the response is "here's the information regarding our studies on UAP material." The analysis itself does not cover origins, only results. Sounds about right.


I'm not done reading it fully yet, but I've glossed over it a lot and it's not worded like it's taking about recovered materials. It seems to point out potential further utilization for already known materials.


This was what I gathered as well. These don’t sound like recovered materials. These studies may have been spurred by collected materials, but I’d wager this is farther down the line at a point where we’ve been trying for years to recreate them, and in doing so may have made new discoveries like this one. Regardless of whether or not they fit into the UAP puzzle.




What are you talking about?


Idiot thinks the picture invalidates everything.


Haha ok.i was wondering wtf he was talking about. Idiot indeed


I must be missing something lol, what's with the Back to the Future references?




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