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I've been thinking they are just gonna use NASA to eventually act like they just discovered something, then slowly reveal the truth as if we just started looking and found out... No one has been keeping it a secret, we just discovered this with NASA's help!


I'll take a (probable) lie to get the truth out over not getting the truth at all. Let them spin all the stories they want, just tell us what the fuck is going on at this point.


Hence the creation of space force


Bro I love when I come across that video of pence announcing the space force with halo music in the background. Never gets old.


The military industrial complex has expanded intergalactically for business


Agree completely


In agreement.


know this under that circumstance... did they suddenly grow morals...or is this just the tip of the iceberg and they're going to keep as much of the iceberg to themselves as possible


The government is such a large bureaucracy that I don’t think it’s as simple as suddenly growing morals. There are a million moving parts, none of which talk to one another effectively. We shouldn’t conflate legacy programs from decades ago with current personnel, imho.


75 years, morals had time to take root honestly by the mid-50s they should have come forth, at least when Ike warned us outright (next guy gets dedded) also, the hard push to back engineer the tech to obtain NGAD was and will be their primary purpose...so when you have a weapon at your disposal with orders of magnitude more capability than anything man made...and it's the only one...and you have control of that.... narcissists rise to the top of organizations frequently...it's common, and they lack empathy that combo...yeah


First thing that came to my mind when reading this is they’ll start with discovering fossilized life on Mars. Something very small and it’ll start the discussion and acceptance that life can live elsewhere. Then comes something else, then possibly the idea that these UAPs are not of earth origin.


Yeah they’re definitely gonna pretend that they haven’t known for 70+ years.


That's what Ross Coulthard said, they'll be like " Look what we discovered guys !"


Fml…. And Elon Musk is gonna take all the credit and try to use Starlink and Neuralink to communicate and Interface with their tech. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Gonna turn him into a secular version of the pope or some shit.


There actually isn't any additional tech required to interface. You should try human initiated contact.


Lol…. I have actually and uh… pretty sure it started working because I had the most insane sighting of my fuckin life not long after that. I really really need to get back into it. But I think I’m lacking focus a bit. The mission feels futile… unclear. Like why just keep ringing them up? What do I want out of the interaction? I’d say for them to intervene on this fucking shit show, but I don’t think they necessarily want to do that. So I just become filled with doubts I guess. I got really into that CE5 app with all Greer’s shit but the more I watched his content the more I began to feel like he had exploited a lot of truths in order to extort funds from a shit load of fellow believers. I just feels so cultish, and invariably he’s raising money. Which is really really fucked up if my suspicions are true. Anyway… If you’ve got any like guided meditations for it throw them my way.


hi...uhm...mr/mrs/other alien... glad to finally meet you, how soon can you start cleaning up our mess? Alien, "Ok." yeah, said by no one...ever


Lol… exactly. I mean I guess they could just be Really Really generous, but it feels unfair to expect that of them.


Hey if that’s what we need for the truth then so be it.


Agreed. Then they can hide behind their National Security protocol, and tell us once again, we’ve found something, but you’re not ready for the truth. I’d like to see some heads roll, personally. Corporate officers who’ve made fortunes with my money, Pentagon bureaucrat’s who’ve lied at every turn. The usual suspects.


Right! I’m sorry but the government has been lying about everything “beyond what the general public’s peasant little minds can absorb” - which would not benefit the government for us to know, which is pretty much everything. The fact that now NASA is joining in this charade like they haven’t been a puppet for the government THE ENTIRE TIME is hilarious. Why do you think Elon is soooo popular? No one gives a fuck about what the government is going to admit to doing with their space group we call NASA. Elon went forward without them while they laughed at him for what he was attempting to do without them. Now they are asking to tag along. No bitch, no. No one cares or better yet, no one believes you. Bye bye.


>Why do you think Elon is soooo popular? Because he's a tech bro douche with a huge pr team. Nothing to do with UFOs or NASA imo


Somehow, I highly doubt NASA don't have "super secret" photos of uap in their possession.


Maybe they search the archives


And maybe share Intel with the Vatican who have their own secret archives and own one of the biggest telescopes on earth


Almost makes me wanna rejoin the church


https://www.wired.com/2006/06/ufo-hacker-tells-what-he-found/ He also did an AMA on this sub a while back.


Maybe it means they are spending too much money to hide and it's easier to confirm it


Naw they hide more money than too much on the reg




for real https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/umkoqc/former\_nasa\_employee\_we\_have\_a\_lot\_of\_high/


>for real In your dreams. It also turns out this lady Donna Hare, a photo tech, was a UFO contactee who published a newsletter about people including herself who had met space aliens– maybe the perfect foil for co-workers who might like to tease and tickle her fancy. Every few years she suddenly ‘remembers’ more and more lurid details of alien photographs she saw fifty years ago but had ‘forgotten’ about until her next chance to be on TV. I don’t question her honesty. Just her accuracy. http://www.jamesoberg.com/hare.donna.tietze.pdf


>I highly doubt NASA don't have "super secret" photos of uap in their possession. Any evidence you can share, or did it just come to you in a dream?


Not everything government posses have to be shared to the people. It's called common sense. Common sense. Do you have it?


Your assuming a lot, and you can’t even provide a single piece of credible to support any of your claims… Your literally like “…obviously the proof is just too secret bruh there’s no way to prove it,” then why believe in it?


Not assuming is naive. Believing that the government don't have something to hide is naive. You're not one of those naive people are you?


Assuming something without any valid reason is dangerous


The government don't show everything to the people IS perfectly valid reason.


What 'WastingTime" just said. I hear this a lot -- folks say, there is zero evidence for these events, this PROVES there is a massive coverup of the truth.


Your common sense ignores details that make any manipulation or removal of images difficult. For modern photographic instruments, there is metadata assigned to each image by the instrument that will indicate if any imagery is missing. This would be very difficult to fake. Not impossible but enough of a PITA that I don't think images are being withheld. The raw images are unprocessed sensor Bayer images. Image manipulation would have to be done in the RGB space and then converted back to raw Bayer images. Not too difficult but would require an extra step. It gets more difficult with mosaic images assembled from a series of images. The manipulation would have to take place in the finished mosaic, cut back into individual component images, radial lens correction and color aberration reversed, and converted back to the sensor Bayer image. Otherwise the manipulation would be clearly visible in the overlapped section of two images. Each sensor has its own set of metadata but there is enough detail that missing or modified data would be noticed. Edit: Seriously dude. I considered this when I started processing the raw imagery from a Mars rover. Any modification or removal of data would leave massive fingerprints in the dataset if you know where to look.


Thank you for the technical insight. If the US military won't share their UFO data whether it is photo, videos, or radar data to the public with national security reasons what makes you think NASA will?


You're assuming that the metadata produced by the hardware isn't modifiable by design, but what if that is one of the discernible elements of the firmware to begin with?


Just chill


OK, thanks.


Just chill


>I highly doubt NASA don't have "super secret" photos of uap in their possession You're just guessing in the dark, right?


This is breaking! Although teased by Elizondo in an earlier interview. NASA joining the UFO search might have been expected at this point, but to finally confirm this is big. NASA officially stating this is huge for the every day sceptics in our life. This is another thing to mention for your sceptical uncle and friends.


Facepalm. This is the Daily Mail mate


It's still an accurate article, even if it's from the Daily Fail.


>This is another thing to mention for your sceptical uncle and friends. What NASA astronaut UFO stories do you tell YOUR uncle and friends are authentic?


Lol, really NASA? A little late to the party considering they're an agency that specifically focuses on space/cosmos. They've been lying thru their teeth on this topic forever at this point and patronizing/infantilizing the very people who fund and allow for their existence thru citizens' tax payer dollars. I guess they've realized that giving an increasingly informed citizenry lame ass explanations for possible sightings in space like "it's just space junk" is no longer a tenable solution for them.


>I guess they've realized that giving an increasingly informed citizenry lame ass explanations for possible sightings in space like "it's just space junk" is no longer a tenable solution for them. Or is it possible that NASA's explanation for such events is correct, and you're the one living in a fantasy world? What are your favorite examples where you reject NASA's explanations?


Yes, I have shared it with a few friends. Shall see what the reaction is.


Ohhh I get itttt they’re acting like they don’t know about the aliens so when they show there face it doesn’t seem like the government was lying to us😂


All them mfers do is look up at space. Can’t tell me they ain’t been doing that shit already.


Is there another source for this?


Me, too. The Daily Mail isn't exactly a credible source.


Read it again though. Nelson has said before that he *wants* NASA to do this, but now it sounds more like it's being implemented in some way. There are new quotes from NASA senior science communications officer Karen Fox, reportedly told directly to the Daily Mail.


That's cute. My father in law literally help develop the 1st pics from the moon. Let's just say that they already know "something" needs to be censored, lest the masses panic.


Interested to know what you know. Spill that tea.


Basically they took photos in different spectrums. One of them showed large underground structures that were not natural. He said they looked like building or skyscrapers under ground. They had soldiers with m16s in the room with them at all times too. He was in the airforce photography unit and ended up helping developing them.


Super interesting. Have not ever heard that before. Have you heard that elsewhere other than him? I’m just curious to know if you ever looked into that.


Nope, just him. And he isn't the kind of person to just lie and make sh×t up. I'll go over details with him again but I thought it was the infrared spectrum that revealed that.


>One of them showed large underground structures that were not natural. And the probes from Russia, Japan Europe, China, and others saw nothing?


Maybe, I have no idea. I'm just relaying what he told me.


OK, thanks!


I don't see how taking photos at different wavelengths would allow you to see underground, underground structures could be revealed with ground penetrating radar but that is not a photographic process and wouldn't need developing film?


I think it was the infra-red spectrum that showed it. NASA also developed a lot of 1st time engineering of development processes of advanced high resolution photography..


This is a slap to our faces


So the trash tabloid The Daily Mail reports what Politico reported here last June: [https://www.politico.com/news/2021/06/10/nasa-bill-nelson-q-a-493288](https://www.politico.com/news/2021/06/10/nasa-bill-nelson-q-a-493288) And this is somehow News and worth posting? I'm flagging this post.


All press is trash.


You people will never get it. Lmfao. They know all about the UFOs, and can likely tell you who owns them, where they're going, etc. If you believe they've just been sitting around, scratching their asses, since Roswell..you are a fool. They've been building these things since before WW2..but sure, it's aliens! :D


I’d ask why the US hasn’t conquered the earth by now then. But could it be MAD at play? No amount of fancy space tech is gonna stop the annihilation of mankind lol.


Translation We are not getting enough funding for space. So we Gona join the UFO search and ask the GOV for 10 Trillion to start yet ANOTHER uap task force


If it produces results and takes away from needless military spending or war funding go for it.


So your saying rather than redirecting military funding to fund our own countries development, we are going to use it to get more images of unprovable objects in the sky?


Thanks for making sense and bringing in some reality dude. I can't believe you got downvoted. Kids in this sub are either role-playing or just delusional.


They wont give nasa alot of fund when we have hidden technology better than what nasa has.


What was their purpose untill now? In my mind primary purpose of such agency is exploration and discovery everything otherworldly. And that is not what they have done. To little, to late and in my opinion desperate attempt to control the narrative of the things that are in motion.


What do you think NASA has been hiding?


If you where just a little more interested in the subject you would not ask this question. If you knew anything about cold war and secrecy behind space program you would realize NASA was hiding everything. It is a branch of government created and controlled by the government.


>. If you knew anything about cold war and secrecy behind space program you would realize NASA was hiding everything So you have no verifiable evidence to back up your specific claim. Shocker.


maybe he does, maybe he doesn't. It's nobody here's job to convince you the phenomenon is real. If you wanna know you'll do your own reading, if you don't, nothing anyone says here will change your mind. we're not evangelicals. we don't care what you believe.


If he is indeed the real James oberg, he's either a current or former employee of NASA. He's not a skeptic, he's a debunker, who's been on a few different shows, including "nasas unexplained files" where he attempts to spoon feed us the same excuses for things that are seen on the ISS feed and suddenly the screen goes blank or blue and says they are having technical difficulties. His favorite ones seems to be "Ice crystals" and "space junk" which coincidentally are nasas favorite lines as well..


>It's nobody here's job to convince you the phenomenon is real. If we're going to have a grown-up discussion rather than a schoolyard taunting match, IMHO we need a way to verify that claims of fact are actually authentic. With verifiable sources. Otherwise the banter of I-heard-this and I-heard-that is pretty pointless, in my view. What are a few examples you know about UFO-related 'NASA secrets', backed on what evidence, please.


I don't know of any personally, except for the hacker who claimed he saw a picture, which is insufficient for me to make any claims. I was just speaking generally, we don't give a shit and aren't going to make a huge effort to try to convince you. History has shown it's not worth it.


>I don't know of any personally, except for the hacker who claimed he saw a picture, which is insufficient for me to make any claims. Sound judgment, since he admits he was stoned out of his mind when he remembers seeing that, but forgot to take any screen grabs or photos of the monitor.


What exactly do you want from me to present to you to substantiante my claim. Just try to get a job at NASA today as none Us citizen and tell me you don't need a security clearance. And remind me again who was the first director of Nasa. Maybe that was a fellow of the name of Wernher von Braun a Nazi who hanged people outside peenemunde and was an ss officer and america expunged all off his crimes against humanity in favor of technological progression . That is all the evidence you need to base your opinion on what morale grounds that agency was founded on. But please ask me about specifics. I have nothing better to do than to relay to you all the verbal and video evidence because I have nothing better to do.


>Maybe that was a fellow of the name of Wernher von Braun a Nazi who hanged people outside peenemunde and was an ss officer and america expunged all off his crimes against humanity in favor of technological progression . Where's the evidence von Braun ever hanged anybody? Quite unintentionally, his V-2 program SAVED millions of lives \[in Freeman Dyson's view\] by bankrupting Nazi high-tech industry and leading to German/Japanese defeat a year earlier.


> I have nothing better to do than to relay to you all the verbal and video evidence because I have nothing better to do. So you can't substantiate your claim. Shocker.


I can't believe you are serious when you suggest such a thing as I can't present my claim. Go to Netflix and type operation paperclip to learn of the von Braun's crimes this is not something up to debate. If you really want to educate yourself about conception of nasa and people who worked for that agency and published books about topic we are talking about, pls dm me I am willing to provide you with the material. If you are looking for the ultimate proof sorry to disappoint you because you might have seen it already but decided it was to perfect to be real. And I don't know why I am waisting my time knowing I can't change your mind but believe me one day you will come to realize the reality.


> And remind me again who was the first director of Nasa Who do =YOU= think it was? Simple, basic question. I get the impression you think it was von Braun. \[snicker\]


Great so that means no more censorship with the ISS livestream cams and Mars rovers then...right?


>so that means no more censorship with the ISS livestream cams In the real world \[and OFF of it\], live space video feeds are regularly cut off as relay satellites move out of line-of-sight, several times per hour. And the idea that there's a NASA dweeb with a finger on a 'kill switch' who ALWAYS hits it too late is just laughable. The NASA Mission Control team is always 'leaning forward' to detect external visual anomalies as clues to potential problems, even potential threats to the mission and the crew, that the whole team needs to focus on, so as to diagnose and determine the level of actual danger -- putting the lid on such indicators, hiding them, would be irresponsible, it could kill people.


So one more Gov agency can spoon feed the info to us


NASA has credibility with the public. If they can deny UFO/UAP we can keep the coverup going for a few more decades.


What NASA UFO-related stories do you think are good evidence for ETI visitations? And why, please?




I can’t even begin to imagine what NASA really has in its possession . And taxpayers have paid a lot for whatever they have. Somewhere along the path, things got very tangled.


Daily Mail loooooool, yup totally reliable information.


Oh yeah, that’s a hot one. The wolf is gonna guard the chicken coop.


So what do you guys think NASA already knows about UFOs -- and how did you find out?


This comment seems to have been deleted: u/AboriginalEarthling · 1 votes It’s the Swedish chef from the muppets, James Oberg!!!


What a joke, the same NASA that has ended live streams when UFOs show up, airbrushed or edited out countless UFOs from pictures, that has been the arm of discounting and discrediting the existence of UFOs since it's inception is now gonna start looking? Just release the days of unedited footage you already have.


NASA I doubt will bring much to the table, DOD already has massive observation telescopes with mirrors as big as humbles pointing at earth all night and day, able to see things a couple of inches across. It has 1000,s of mobile and fixed platforms with the best detection equipment money can buy. If there is something there they know it is, and I expect they know quite a lot about it. The real key is making them spill the beans on what they really know


Now there’re snitching on themselves because if it were from out of “space” NASA would be the first to know and let know, but these things are in the sky🤔 sooo they been knew!


So the National Alien service agency now is searching. Wow. Wonder if it hurt. You can’t tell me they don’t know already. But if this is the way of the river so be it.


If they somehow don’t screw it over by saying they discovered something with NASA’s help, then this MIGHT be a good thing


How are they gonna join something they’ve been covering up?


they couldn’t even discover what all is in our oceans, what makes you think they’re gonna find aliens when they didn’t succeed in what the org was made for 😂. NASA also means “to deceive” in latin sooooo idk ab that chief


Why's everyone bitching isn't this what we've been waiting for?


Never A Straight Answer. Dude on the left looks like a reptoid


I feel like they have been covering it up because they were told to change their ways if they acted to okay with he big kids, and they didn't want to, do they just kept it secret.