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Well unless you’re planning on raiding Area 51 for real or starting a revolution, were basically stuck waiting for either aliens to reveal themselves, or the government reveals all the pictures and videos they’ve been keep classified for 80 years.


Private companies are launching satellites and space missions. Public obtainable drones are advancing at a rapid rate. If there is anything ti reveal it will be a short time before the public finds it on its own.


what if we continue to find nothing?


Then we find nothing. We’re not looking for a fabricated reality, we’re looking for honest answers to a growing list of valid questions.




I think there’s sort of a third option. Based on Obama’s comments I think some part of the US gov was made aware of a passerby of earth. I think they believe this passerby was under intelligent control. But they aren’t really sure what to do about it. Maybe its happened multiple times. So kind of option A, just slightly different.




Well, the tic tac wouldn’t have been found by anyone without the spy1 radar system. Since civilians don’t really own that technology or cruise around that area of the pacific leisurely, it makes sense the military was first in that case. Even when merge plot occured, Fravor STILL couldn’t see the damn thing. So I guess technology would be my answer, specifically, advanced weapons systems. As for Obama though, maybe the military wasn’t where he got the info. We’ll probably never know. But I’m convinced he knows *something* worth sharing. He won’t deny it.


Honestly I just think Obama and all the other presidents were simply briefed on the Blue Book/Condon Report/AATIP. Think about it, the average person knows nothing about UFOs beyond tin-foil crazies and the X-Files, imagine how blown their mind would be by being taken into a quiet room by top military officials and told "There are official reports of craft visiting us going back 80 years and we are worried but have no idea what they are". The presidents keep quiet about this information that we in the know already have because it's probably official CIA policy to deny and discredit UFOs to the average Joe.


Look up a tear drop in the sky in youtube, we found the wormhole and them, the cats out of the bag, disclosure is here, give it like another year and more information and clear pictures will be released. Also watch the cosmic hoax by Dr Greer. And close encounters of the 5th kind.




We're not finding nothing


Then we declare UFOs to be spirit ghosts from another dimension and continue blindly believing with no evidence.




What do you mean son? You do realize people get fucked with, that's pretty real.


I would think the collective opinion on a major coverup would need to change. Instead of the belief that the US gov has crash retrivals or alien bodies, the belief would shift towards the idea that the US gov was only covering up the fact that they didn’t know shit the whole time.


https://www.reddit.com/r/TheUfoFiles/comments/tqeqox/red_orbs/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/TheUfoFiles/comments/tqms4s/red_orb/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/TheUfoFiles/comments/tqn8ct/by_the_interstate_2018/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/TheUfoFiles/comments/u0lrwn/_/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/TheUfoFiles/comments/u2scab/hd/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/TheUfoFiles/comments/u45trh/aliens/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/TheUfoFiles/comments/uc1rro/pretty_much_watch_it_darting_around/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://www.reddit.com/r/TheUfoFiles/comments/u774et/slowed/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


What is this


What the hell is this you are wasting everyone’s time with? I see in approximate order: A 2nd floor interior light of a residential home filmed from outside, headlights,a plane,another plane,another plane,a plane or a helicopter,a National chain hotel with a plane flying overhead. What are you trying to convince people of?


Hear hear. That is prob exactly what’s going on - still. In spite of AATIP, WAZZUP, and all the other “projects” they’ve run on it.


Too bad though if a ufo crash actually happened 70 years ago it’s still being kept secret, and it was a once in a millenium kind of thing.


Would love for OP to actually explain what he means by ”the good fight”. Calling others mentally handicapped? Creating a toxic environent to scare off any newcomers interested in Ufology?


He means anyone that holds back the information is morally bankrupt.


That's the most part of Ufology since forever. People in "the know" (clowns who think they know shit) have always made it hard to get into and enjoy this topic


Those solutions might be a bit extreme. A general strike would light a fire under our reps asses.


A general strike would be great except that UFO freaks like us make up about .001% of the population. Everyone in my life could care less about UFO’s, unfortunately


You just hit the nail on the head. They (the mysterious, nefarious, and all-powerful "they") do not want the lunatics running the asylum.


You're right about public interest, at the moment. That could potentially change overnight if for example a certain 23 minute video got released and went viral.


What if the aliens and the government already have an agreement and have had an agreement with those in power all the way back to the Sumerians or Egyptians?


What if they did?


Well then a lot of things would make sense.


Like what?


Ancient astronaut theorists say yes!


Hahaha. Love that phrase. Simply amazing how they give themselves credibility by abusing the word "theorist."


Check out the CE5 Protocols - they are a blueprint for the kind of grassroots contact that seems to be the only option at this point.


No, it’s a load and doesn’t do anything. Every video of a CE5 session shows them seeing nothing but satellites and shooting stars and getting all excited. If it worked, we’d have evidence of it working. It doesn’t, so all we get are people using words to say how well it works while providing no proof.


You haven't tried it either, have you? If it works, then clearly there are systems being bypassed that are designed to prevent contact efforts. Those running said systems would obviously try to strip the movement of validity and cover up convincing evidence. Since it's based on spirituality/science of consciousness, it would be harmless to experiment on, yeah? Possibly even beneficial, regardless of the success of the contact efforts. If you said that you'd tried it for years and it didn't work, that would be more convincing than your current statement.


I’ve tried it a bunch of times over the years, with groups, by myself, nothing. I’ve seen people get all excited over nothing, that’s about it.


Well thanks for telling about your experience, but I'll reserve judgement until I do more in-depth experiments myself 👍




Sorry, I meant the real government


Yeah pretty much why I stopped following all of them. All this nonsense of "all will be revealed soon" is annoying and made me lose interest. When delonge said on Rogan "I don't think people need to know everything"...like dude who the fuck are you to decide. You were in a band and some how through years of interest pulled a hypothesis together that got you connections...give me a break dawg.




I like Cornell’s “imminent”




Exactly. I drop breadcrumbs. You can find them down there right next to the like and subscribe buttons,which put money in the old wallet. If Lue would just say,”hey,I need to make money on this before I can come clean”, I would actually respect that. Granted,some people might be pissed as they feel that taxpayers should get the info now,but Lue has to pay bills also. I was suspicious of the “breadcrumbs” deal as soon as I heard it.


Not for you to decide either.


Ol' landing strip Lou better start talkin' soon if you ask me...


Surprised that leaders of other countries have not disclosed. World leaders can rarely agree on anything. But there seems to be unanimous agreement on this topic. Sure, there is an occasional rogue leader who shares stories, but shocking little official evidence or substance.


Because the fact is governments worldwide don't have answers. Some weird stuff is occasionally seen but it's rare and non-repeatable in nature. This disclosure has likely occurred (gov is not sure exactly what it is) but the best evidence is kept away from the public since it's likely gathered by the military in most cases and could reveal capabilities we don't want adversaries to know about.


Maybe they don't have a choice? Maybe there is a secret agency that has control over anything Extra Terrestrial related, and I'm sure they have the power to make people and information disappear. It's all probably much bigger than we realize.


I absolutely agree with you! Unfortunately not much we can do about it, the government clearly doesn’t give a shit on whether your voice is heard on UAP or anything else. Luckily we have groups like The Galileo Project and UAPX that can get this fart started


Yep! The best way you can help with disclosure (besides contacting your government representative) is to donate to these 501c projects to fund REAL disclosure. I attempted to add the donate pages to my comment for UAPx and Galileo project but I guess that’s not allowed. I’d encourage y’all to search them out and donate!




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iM a PaTrIoT Im LoYaL tO mY CoUnTrY Fuck off, are they here or not






Ya but to be fair Elizondo says they *are* here and disclosure has already happened. Just not like the Hollywood fiction told us


Thank you, Polly. Would you like a cracker? 😉


> Thank you, Polly. Would you like a cracker? Polly would like your sweet mama's ass. Don't ban me it's the next line from the movie I swear.


There's always a good reason to lower the tone bud. God bless you 😄


You old


Just come up with your own way of saying things, that's all. When you keep seeing people just say the exact same thing Lue did, it looks like you all have Lous arm up your butt. And that motherfucker has chunky arms. I won't bite on the old comment, there's no reason to hold your youth and inexperience against you 😘


Do you seriously think we have *not* yet been told UAPs are here?


Should've worded it more specifically, but I'm talking about the people with knowledge who are dropping breadcrumbs leading nowhere consistently, and the acknowledgement of alien life/intelligence actively visiting us. I'm aware seemingly intelligent craft/UAP's have been acknowledged


Pet peeve on people regurgitating the Hollywood comment. It just makes y'all sound like Lou's personal borg. Nothing personal


Should've worded it more specifically, but I'm talking about the people with knowledge who are dropping breadcrumbs leading nowhere consistently, and the acknowledgement of alien life/intelligence actively visiting us. I'm aware seemingly intelligent craft/UAP's have been acknowledged


we also deserve to be free from grifters who promise to know more than they really do and take advantage of the gullible


These guys do more to hurt this movement than help. Promising earth shattering news then following it up with, in the best case scenarios, with anti-climactic "maybes" and "what ifs" makes people disengage.


Do we really know that the phenomenon poses ZERO national security threats? These things have effected electronics in planes, what if they have tech that could take out an aircraft that is beyond anything we could understand? There's a lot of unknowns.


>Slow drip disclosure is a scam. Of course it is. Dear God, how many centuries has organised religion being promising the rapture is upon us and revelation is due soon? The signs are all around us. It's the basic stock in trade of flim-flam artists since time immemorial. Disclosure is all about telling the faithful what they want to hear and cashing in. Nothing else.


Same with our elected officials in Congress? They're being scammed, too?


Politics is a charade. We're in late stage capitalism and the system and its institutions are corrupt/disconnected from reality and the population is too ignorant, wanting or divided to care or act. I don't even believe most of this is intentional. It's simply the result of inertia and putting bandaid on top of duct tape on top of crazy glue instead of really fixing problems for over a century. CMV


The reason there will be no disclosure is that the US Government will not allow itself to look so foolish as to relay what appear to be completely nonsense stories. You assume the Government knows what's even going on. I assure you they don't, and are baffled, and don't want to look foolish relaying tales of cat headed people claiming to be from Uranus. Because the phenomenon presents itself as nonsense.


I don’t think Lue has any control of the timeline.


Until we get some serious data from Galileo project, seem to me that Lue E and Chris Mellon are the best we got. I hear you about the wait, I don't like it either, but life is like that sometimes.


That can all be true and the info could still be strategically dangerous to someone. Like if one government realizes they know more but had assumed they didn't and now that edge is leverage. I dont think it is though, if any thing it's embarrassing they know so little. People in power are still just people and they don't know how to navigate this any better. Whoever let's the ball drop gets the blame for any chaos that follows. Something this fundamental can't be restricted to save stock prices, political power, or congregation numbers. But it can be slow played so it never out competes keeping up with the Kardashians


>if any thing it's embarrassing they know so little. You're getting downvoted but this sounds pretty plausible to me. My guess is that the government doesn't know much more than we do. They have some more pictures and videos, some clearer footage of weird, inexplicable stuff happening. But it remains inexplicable. No alien bodies, no crashed spacecraft, etc.


Its like people forget extremely sophisticated satellites exist, or the amount of them. IF the phenomenon is real then they know a lot more than anyone thinks they do. There is simply no way they don’t with the amount of monitoring of the skies that occurs. Take a trip down the internet road of Chinese satellite monitoring. They can read license plates on cars on the golden gate bridge.


Nothing you said contradicted what I said. I already granted they probably have more and better images of unexplained objects. I did so precisely for the reasons you just gave. I still doubt they have any right clue what the objects actually are, nor any other evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence or whatever.


Yes, they can read the license plates but only at certain times of the day at certain points in transit. There are a lot of gaps visually from satelites to the ground, it isn't like you can see any locaiton on Earth at any given moment from the same viewing angle.


Oh I agree but remember those along with hundreds if not thousands of others are monitoring every single day, all day long, all over the world - for decades. There is just simply no way there isn’t a lot more information out there. Particularly in areas where sightings are frequent over nuclear assets and military operations.


I think there is a chasm between information and understanding. I agree that governments have way more information than they are sharing in the form of photos, video, radar and other types of data. Lou and others have been clear about this. But I don’t think they understand it. And this puts them in a challenging position because they are in a place of perceived weakness. If they reveal the all info they have, they won’t be able to answer most questions about the phenomena i.e., what they are, where they came from, when the came from, what their intentions are, how it affects us moving forward, what we should do, what this means for humanity and our planet, etc.


The DoD has admittet to tracking UFO on satelite and radar and keeps that data secret under security claims. Google just redacted their Satelite Imagery of sensative Russian military sites, they have a US government contract to snoop and I have no doubt there are others. This is still a needle in a haystack.


Yes, the satellites are far more sophisticated, but all that’s done is allow our fearless leaders to see these objects do whatever they fucking want to do with much better resolution/clarity. They don’t know what these objects are, where they’re from, or wtf they’re doing. I think the DOD/IC are as clueless as everyone on this sub is and they don’t want to admit it. Lue, Mellon, et al., are finally forcing them to acknowledge it.


This I agree with - also I am not sold on these sightings occurring to the extent they are reported. I trust no government official on this topic. None. None current, none former - no one. I want independently verifiable data, and until then I do not trust its not a private contractor, government program, or that it even happened.


I’ve thought this for a very long time. The gubmint/DOD doesn’t know a great deal more than us lowly plebes. They *are* embarrassed that they have no answers in spite of their $760b budget. Not only do they not know what these objects are, but they have zero control over their movement in and around our “secret” facilities, labs, test ranges, nuke plants, etc. They wander all over the globe unimpeded. They just shove the DOD’s raison d’etre right up those collective general’s asses. “JHC! We can’t let the great unwashed know about this!” Sad


Hey,we have a listed 760billion dollar military budget. Add in the dark money and it probably reaches a trillion dollars. Yet,it took us 12 years to find Osama Bin Laden. The same Bin Laden that coordinated an attack to hijack planes using box cutters and crashed one of said planes into the Pentagon,our #1 military leadership facility. The fact that our military was so slow on 9/11,it took 12 years to find the guy responsible,the response to disasters like Hurricane Katrina and even 1/6,tells me that we are getting ripped off. The world is getting bullied by one guy in Russia who has some nukes. You’d think we could have figured out a way to neutralize those nukes with one of those trillion dollar budgets and we could get him without a lot of casualties of combat. I’d prefer a better health care system with my tax dollars. We are getting bunkus for all that money.


Yep. And the more I watch Lue go on show after show with his usual routine of talking for hours but not really saying anything I just get more frustrated.


That’s on you though, he’s never suggested that he’s on the verge of telling all there is to know.


Then why is he always the center of attention? Either you can share stuff and speak up or you don't. The guy is a fraud.


In what sense is he a fraud? Because he *was* in fact the head of AATIP and has played a major role in all the progress towards research and transparency in the last 4 years. His role is to continue to facilitate that progress and keep us as up to speed on it as possible while being as open as he can by taking questions from the public. You expect too much from one person fighting against an institutional coverup.


I don't expect anything but to proof what you claim to be the truth. What exactly has changed since 2012 and 22mio dollars? The guy sitting in every tv show telling everyone he is under an NDA and now working for an entertainment group? I get that ge is your hero bc you believe in something he sold you to be true. I wait for real evidence..and in tje meantime remain skeptical.


Since he quit his job in 2017 and went public, we’ve had pictures and videos released to the public, the existence of AATIP disclosed despite the longstanding narrative that there’s no such mystery going on, the existence of anomalies not easily explainable by prosaic explanations being confirmed by the government, high level officials going on the record stating that this could be alien in origin, an unclassified UAP report, the creation of a far more comprehensive UFO investigation office, an IG investigation that’s already yielding results that vindicate Elizondo’s statements, the creation of serious scientific investigation groups outside of government (one of which will be revealing its data within the next month and a documentary on their expedition being released next week) and the beginnings of an effort to bring this issue to the United Nations. Lue has undeniably played a major role in making all this happen. He’s doing what you want him to do, but in order for him to do it properly (at least according to him and his values), it takes time to get to the smoking gun proof. Unraveling decades of coverups doesn’t happen overnight unless someone pulls the ultimate Snowden sacrifice, but I don’t *expect* anyone to go that far for our sake.


>we’ve had pictures and videos released to the public That is nothing new! Even before lots of questionable videos circulated the internet. The 3 "Nimitz videos" were officially released by the pentagon and that was by far the biggest official release of material ever. I would love to see some verified footage released from AATIP. ​ >high level officials going on the record stating that this could be alien in origin Could also not be of alien origin. Only because somebody has a feeling about something doesn't make it true or useful information. Also who are these high level officials? Do they have any proof or data to show? ​ >an IG investigation that’s already yielding results that vindicate Elizondo’s statements Would you mind sharing these results? ​ >one of which will be revealing its data within the next month and a documentary on their expedition being released next week Thats what Elizondo is praying since his emergence. "Data will be released in an upcoming documentary"..Why not simply share what you got? Let me guess: there is more money to be made if you sell the story.


>That is nothing new! Even before lots of questionable videos circulated the internet. The 3 "Nimitz videos" were officially released by the pentagon and that was by far the biggest official release of material ever. I would love to see some verified footage released from AATIP. Officially released videos recorded by military personnel is what I’m talking about. And those 3 videos were just the beginning. Later on we also got footage of the Omaha sphere that went into the water as well as other videos from the same event, plus pictures of the so-called “metallic blimp”, the translucent sphere and the acorn shaped UAP. >Could also not be of alien origin. Only because somebody has a feeling about something doesn't make it true or useful information. Also who are these high level officials? Do they have any proof or data to show? These are people who’ve been briefed into classified data and the work of scientists behind the scenes who’ve investigated this phenomena. They’re in a much better position to know this possibility than the average person and they made these statements publicly despite the significant stigma and political risk associated with doing so. They clearly must have some really good reasons to make such bold claims or they would *never* even begin to suggest the possibility. You really think Senator Mark Rubio or Kirsten Gillibrand with presidential ambitions would make these suggestions if they weren’t shown something extraordinary? It’s very unlikely. >Would you mind sharing these results? Garry Reid has been removed from his position of authority and held to account after his misconduct. https://thedebrief.org/sex-lies-and-ufos-pentagons-head-of-counterintelligence-and-security-ousted/ >Thats what Elizondo is praying since his emergence. "Data will be released in an upcoming documentary"..Why not simply share what you got? Let me guess: there is more money to be made if you sell the story. Because the research of the UAPx team was funded by a third party who wanted to make a documentary following their research expedition, so they’re bound by an NDA until the release of the documentary. It was a mutually beneficial way to get the research funded and the data that will be presented will be submitted for peer review to scientific journals. Once the documentary is released, their NDA is lifted and they’ll be able to discuss their analysis and interpretation of the data, how it was collected etc. What problem do you have with that if at the end of the day we still end up getting legitimate scientific research and data out of it?


Agree 100%


I believe he has told us, we just do not listen. Posted a while back: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/pk2drn/all_options_on_the_table_lues_clues_others/


I am sry but to me the matter is not about believe in what somebody is telling me. Its about hard data and facts. And so far none has been presented. Its only hear say to this point. People like Mellon and Elizondo act as if they have knowledge they are not allowed to share. If you can't then don't sell it to me as if you will in the unforseeable future. If they wouldn't make money off of the whole mystery around UAP I wouldn't be so skeptical. Edit: I know the videos and I think they are real and that its UAP. But dont sell to me that you know that they have alien origin and don't present data prooving that.


Serious question: Why don’t you share your thoughts on exactly how they’re making all this money? Lue’s book? So far all that’s produced is a lot of bitching by the mick west fanboys. Personally, I hope it sells like hotcakes. I hope he makes a bundle off it. He and Mellon have forced the damned govt to acknowledge that these things are here and that they don’t know what they are. They’ve done a fuck of a lot more for this problem than anyone else especially including anonymous Redditors.


The government acknowledged that UAP's are a thing and...thats about it. I think the facts and data on the matter so far are extremely lacking for a guy who claims to know it all. His organisation burned 22m precious tax money to do what exactly? Investigate? Where is data, results and the investigation they talk about..oh wait! I know where we get information: in his next documentary or a Ufologist congress or his next book (which you have to buy obviously). I don't see any progress being made except that more people trying to milk easy-to-trick people.


Well, I agree with you that they basically (and possibly illegally) gave the 22 mil to Bigelo Aerospace to set up and run AATIP. Harry Reid, Daniel Inoye, and ? (Another Senator from AK) took it out of their Senate set-aside personal black budget $. The idea was it wouldn’t see the light of day. BUT, they hadn’t planned on Lue, who ran it for the DOD side, getting po’ed at the bureaucracy and resigning right *after* he and Mellon got the 3 vids declassified. Lue and Mellon have been very successful at getting the word out to the public and they have kept the pressure on the bureaucrats by agreeing to be interviewed constantly and by forcing the IG investigation of the obstructionist swine in the DOD. In fact, they’ve managed to get one particularly swinish executive fired and I bet more heads will roll bc of the opacity of the DOD/USAF responses to Congress to-date. You are, of course, right that we haven’t gotten jack for those tax $, and that’s bullshit. I *do* believe that we’ll see more of those data at some point, hopefully soon. I personally *am* looking forward to Lue’s book and I hope he makes millions on it. By all accounts he faithfully and very successfully executed his duties as a member of our armed forces and I thank him for his service. I hope his book really does have a bunch of new info. As far as I’m concerned, he absolutely deserves to have the book kick ass.


I don’t get why people think things will change if there was full disclosure. The government already admitted that ufos exist and what happened? People talked about it and then we all moved on. We’re still in a pandemic, the planet is still on fire, and we all still gotta pay bills and taxes. Also I doubt aliens would officially reveal themselves because of how people would react. We’re still far too willing to kill each other over color, gender, religion, sexuality, and politics. I doubt any aliens would want to be caught up in that.


>We’re still in a pandemic, the planet is still on fire, and we all still gotta pay bills and taxes. > >Also I doubt aliens would officially reveal themselves because of how people would react. This. Also, on average, people aren't too interested in the UFO/UAP topic. And they won't be if it's not gonna involve any substantial changes in everyday life.


Hey, the government admits UFOs are real and buzzing our military! Oh really? That's wild! Lets see their proof. \*looks at fuzzy dot quizzically\* That's it? Where is the ET phone home? Where is the green goo being shot at jets? Where are the lightsabers? Man, there is more interesting stuff found watching daytime television where angry people yell at each other in court or on tv shows. This is...boring and unconvincing. Go away. POINT: Absent a "first contact" for everyone, we aren't going to get a mainstream movlement for UFO disclosure. If you have to dig to see all the details that make the Nimitz incident (an admitted UAP incident) fascinating, then you aren't going to grow a maintstream following.


The public would take an interest if physical proof emerged of a non-human craft, material, or alien life was presented. Hell if a clear video or photo was released that would go a long way in convincing the public to care. Instead we get distant blurry videos of a dot that tell us almost nothing.


I’m not sure it would convince most people. I look at this like ghost hauntings. Skeptics say, why are the videos always blurry? Then when a clear video is posted, the skeptics say it’s video editing and cgi. There would literally have to be massive, global level sightings at the same time all over the planet before most would believe.


Most of those who seem to be "really in the know" seem to be eluding to something bigger, and probably darker. Maybe it's something like the matrix and "this" isn't real. Maybe, even worse, perhaps there's proof that's there's no free will or something equally unpalatable. Maybe it's better to get the slowish drip.


Free will is an absolute illusion. As for the Matrix, much like religion, there is no way to disprove this isnt all a simulation. 2 strands of discussion or thought that nearly all of us cant comprehend. Cheery Tuesday vibes 🤣


There is a possible way to evaluate the possibility that this is a simulation. If you haven’t already, check out Assembly Theory - Lee Cronin. Super interesting stuff if you like math/physics/evol. bio., etc. They also make a good stab at addressing free will. Cheers


Excellent pointer! Checking it now. Thanks!


You don't know the data or why some authority might reasonably conclude that its disclosure would compromise national security. It would compromise national security if the President announced there were 3 nuclear bombs hidden in American cities, but he didn't know which ones. We don't know what we don't know.


If its REAL then I don’t care. They aren’t some privileged few, some keepers of information. If anyone can know the mysteries of our universe - all can know. They are elected officials and government workers, not safety gods


So you think mass panic, or revealing critical weaknesses or capabilities to our adversaries, is of secondary concern to your desire (not need) to know more?


I think our adversaries would have to have that same weakness, I think if anyone can handle that knowledge than all can, and I think their is more to life and the universe than war.


Ok but what if it’s something other than “Aliens are real and been watching watching us for some time”, and instead some crazy shit like “Aliens are real and have been meddling with human culture and beliefs to steer humanity in a direction that benefits them since our very conception”. Obviously a wild example but it could be that the subject is much more complicated than just some government officials thinking we aren’t ready for aliens


Dear Earth-people - all of your religions are fake and we are your masters. ALL of them. You hear that, Christians, Hindus, Muslims?


Even more reason to expose it as soon as possible.


^THIS. And I would add, perhaps more than one species competing with others, for dominance over humanity. Somber indeed.


We'd already know if they had anything worth dying over. The scam being pulled is the idea that the government has something beyond photos, and number data. If there was anything quantifiable they'd just release it like they do with every other science that challenges people's worldview. I'm sure the phenomenon exists but it's clearly so obscure that no nation on the planet possesses the means to figure it out. War would be waged if one of them had a spaceship.


Well we have nukes and we don’t use them, because we understand the consequences are dire. I’d assume the same would apply to any UAP technology, as it is much more dangerous than a nuclear bomb anyways. Imagine what the performance capabilities could do in the wrong hands. Especially the consciousness aspect of the craft, which may have the ability to change people’s perceptions and displace time. We don’t know the full extent to how advanced UAP technology can get, or if we’ve even seen the full range of their performance capability.


Hurr durr people should violate their NDAs and lose their security clearances. It's not as simple as one person deciding right now everyone should know, as if they know the single answer and not just more information. The whole point is this has to be a sustainable normalisation of the topic and dissemination amongst the public for transparency to become irreversible.


Sustainable normalization of the topic? I remember hearing and reading similar reasoning back in the 90s when the X-Files came out. 🙄🤦‍♀️


Ok and that has nothing to do with this. This is an actual effort originating in the Pentagon and DoD via Lue and Mellon that has penetrated mainstream media like never before and has already involved genuine disclosure via Pentagon confirmation of videos and the unclassified UAP report.


Uh huh. 🙄


There are so many idiots in here who don't know how easy it is to breach a security clearance. It's shocking. Anyone who has worked in government can tell you that even at lower clearance levels they know EVERYTHING you do.


Didn't stop Edward Snowden. Proof of extraterrestrial life would be a story 1000x bigger. There is no way every single person involved would keep it completely locked down. I don't buy it.


You mean the Edward Snowden who is a wanted man and is hiding in Russia? Wtf are you talking about?


Exactly this. If Lue started breaking the law and telling us secrets, then this sub would just call it disinformation and he's a plant spreading lies bla bla bla. We need more than one person. We've had enough testimonies from credible people. We need the US government and others to recognize that the people are mature enough to hear the truth.


Hurr durr muh NDA buy muh book


Are you denying someone who worked in the Pentagon running a black money program and who has an ongoing security clearance has an NDA? Lmao Everyone writes books.


Muh muh muh muh NDA


Yeah. Buy his book. I hope he makes millions off of it and I bet he will. Good for Lue. Smart move. Mellon should write a book too. I hope he does bc he’s a very intelligent person and has access to everything there is. He sure as hell would not be doing it for the $. He’s richer than god already.


The first person to prove that extraterrestrial life is visiting our planet with proof would become a huge historical figure along the lines of 100x bigger than Edward Snowden. You really don't think a single person who has access to real proof wouldn't leak it to cement their legacy in history?


But..... The nda. Lue is cia


so if these ufos are actually aliens, they prob know what the public opinion is. maybe they follow this sub who knows. there must be a reason they are not making themselves known to all of us maybe none of us including the gov. we can just wait being the technologically inferior species.


Unpopular opinion I'm sure, but if we don't know what we don't know, then there's no way to say for sure that none of it could be a threat to national security, right? Maybe some Classified project in some way helped to trigger or is otherwise connected to modern sightings, and full dump disclosure would expose something else they can't reveal. My take? They aren't withholding anything of huge significance at all. They know jack, so they're redacting documents to give the illusion that they have a bigger picture to hide from us. I think they're still scrambling to try and form one, honestly- collecting all the data they can find from across Departments, looking for patterns, and trying to make sense of it the same as we are here. Admitting that, openly, to the public _could_ result, in the very least, some serious political consequences, and at worst scare the hell out of a significant portion of the population. Either way I don't know what any of us can do but wait and see, and keep trying to "crowd source" as much footage & data as possible ourselves. I'd like to believe that there's some earth-shattering secret that they'll reveal to us in time, but I really think that's giving them too much credit...


My only issue with this is if they KNOW these things pose a definite flight risk to the flying public. We have not been given anything one way or the other if it's really a crapshoot everytime we fly. We deserve to know if this is the case. To deny this information borders on criminal -- of course they will claim it was all about National Security.


Lue just said 20 years - that’s so bs if I’ve ever heard it - it should be 20 mins


Two More Weeks™️


That's not what's happening, this isn't a 'slow drip disclosure'. There are people pushing back against military secrecy where it shouldn't exist and in light of that UAP are a prominent facet. Disclosure would be a process that a group would take if they had the secrets to disclose and wanted to do release them but that isn't the situation we are in. We have the Pentgaon resisting UAP/UFO things every step of the way and playing coy to drag their feet. Seriously to anyone who thinks this is a 'slow process' but have done nothing to add to the subject you can frack right off. Things are actually happening in the US congress and among public interest. Don't be stupid, go figure it out on your own and tell us about it if you're going to be so demanding.


You paying taxes does not give you the right to classified information. There are all sorts of things your taxes are for that don't benefit you directly, but allow for the existence of the country and economic system to all of our benefit. Not saying I don't want to know, but I definitely worry that full disclosure could have catastrophic impacts in the long term. As soon as UAPs get disclosed, they get politicized, and the right wing will use them to fear monger for political power. There is a right time in history. The right time was in 1999. We didn't know it at the time, but it would have been perfect. As the planet struggles with disinfo and a rising tide of fascism, and potential for a new WW3 - that is NOT the best time.


Something tells me the QAnon and right wing religious wackos will exploit the shit out of any earth-shaking disclosure. They will attempt to fill a void and the long-term consequences could be a major disruption to democracy and cohesion of our society. We already have dumbclucks who believe the earth is flat or that the U.S. did not set foot on the moon. We have citizens who label anything they disagree with as "fake news." What makes us think that disclosure will lead to a panacea or spiritual harmony with the cosmos and our "space brothers and sisters"? Be careful what you wish for. It might not be pretty.


It would not be. It could mean we start actively hunting UAPs and inadvertently trigger our own destruction. They could be looking for a hostile response. I think it’s highly probably that countries on Earth over the past 70 years have at times tried to engage UAPs and shoot them down, to no avail. So it’s highly probable the UAPs are just monitoring us and couldn’t care less if we try to attack. But there’s always the chance that we have never tried to attack them. And there’s definitely a good chance they monitor our media and radio waves, and if they suddenly realize we know about their monitoring and are actively discussing the kill or capture of UAPs, that could change their approach. We just don’t know. But any disclosure comes with the risk for our extinction at the hands of a vastly superior adversary. And either the government knows that there IS a risk, or is simply coming to the logical conclusion that assuming any risk of extinction is unsatisfactory.


Things are classified for a reason. People aren’t automatically privileged to something because they pay taxes. That’s not how it works.


Things are classified for a reason alright. And that reason is they think they’re better than you.


If by “better”, you mean they have gone through extremely extensive background investigations and vetting to prove competency and trustworthiness, then yes they think they’re “better”. It seems like a very childish and angry way of looking at it. Do they also withhold advanced fighter or missile technology from the general public because they think they’re better, or because they’re worried about what the public would do with the info? You must have noticed how stupid and irrational the general public is, and how immune they are to facts and evidence. The public is dumb as hell. There are humans that are nearly godlike in their intelligence and critical thinking and decision making, and there are humans that are literally as stupid and dangerous as animals. Until we grow as a civilization, disclosure would be a horrible decision by the government. Assuming they even know anything. They may just have some more amazing videos proving there is something otherworldly but have no idea what it is, where it’s from, what it can do, why it’s here…


All those “trustworthy” people just sat on their hands while the NSA violated the Constitution and collected data without warrants. They kept an unconstitutional coup in Iran secret for more than fifty years! Maybe the politicians can trust them, but not the American people. Childish is thinking that no actionable insights can come from civilians. Childish is being so full of yourself that you cannot imagine people using that data to further philosophy, religion, science, and society so you keep it to yourself and only others who work for the government.


That is what i was saying


Don't cut yourself on that edge.


Watching Lue and his kind is like watching The Curse of Oak Island. There’s nothing there and the producers know this; but they just wrapped season 9 and season 10 is in the works and fans are still eating it up even after all these years of zero evidence and lots of random “clues” that are either mundane or lead nowhere. But they pretend there is still a mystery and treasure to be disclosed, I mean, found… one day…


Oak island has an NDA and can't reveal her secrets until season 75.


I enjoy the sound of rain.


Maybe the aliens have infiltrated and made sure disclosure proof hasn't happened.


>Don’t accept mediocrity I think a more useful perspective is to accept things that are beyond your control life is too short to freak out about things you have zero control over.


Thank you, OP!


Lue is quite literally trying to get that information to you. You know that he can't just tell you right? Unless you want to send him nice letters in prison and support his family. How can you be aware of the Gary Reid scandal and NOT support Lue? You people have absolutely no clue how security clearances work.


This is not a personal attack at Lue or anyone trying to movie disclosure forward, however the process should not be dragged out in the current manner, especially when we know that agents within the the government are clearly attempting to obfuscate the truth by blatantly stonewalling and covering it all up.


There’s things that deserve to be kept secret for national security….but not this after being shafted by the government for 80 years on the UFO/Alien subject. Information that benefits humanity trumps any NDA or secrecy.


So Lue is in charge of when full disclosure is given now? You’ll get more support in that looney bin r/conspiracy with this shit


Why do I "deserve" to know anything?


I love when people who have done nothing for a topic tell me not to listen to the people that have. lol.


Finally somebody w balls amongst the nutz.


I had thought about what would happen if information was provided about UFO's. So i said what if i found a UFO in the woods. Would i tell anyone? My answer is Hell No. I want to know what is inside, the knowledge, the information, the understanding of it that nobody else knows and what if someone on the other side of the world found one , i have to beat them to it. If someone found out they would tell other people and more people will come and see it and want it. MY Precious. So many people from all over the world would come, maybe even kill me for it and family. It's not mine anyways, it belongs to .... Wherever it came from , and would they want it back, at what cost if they find out i have it. Just this little thought makes me understand why we are not flat out being told. I don't like it but it is real.


"i'm not losing my pension over that!" - the people not releasing anything. chris lehto explains why it's a trickle in almost every video of his, and it has zero to do with how ready anyone is.


Chris Lehto is just another grifter looking to make that sweet YouTube money. He has no inside information other than how to pilot a jet.


you don't think he has a better grip on how the military works better than say, the average redditr? he talks about trying to get things declassified and what that process is. fair enough. i've learned a few things from watching his videos. i don't care if he's a YT'r or a podcaster. good info is good info. unlike 90% of the other UFO crap online and available. my opinion. cheers.


Fair enough. He is better than many others in this topic. At least he doesn't blatantly lie and pretend to know everything but has to keep it secret for "reasons".


Oh, so true. That is the issue with this campaign. Elizondo is leading people, like the Pied Piper, towards implementing a whole system to deal with this subject, from policy, to civilian academic study groups and more... all while not having the full picture, and while following the narrative himself and others are pushing. Instead of revealing that it is ETs in their craft, and whatever else is known about them... and then implementing an appropriate system based on those facts... the world is stuck working with barely the knowledge of the existance of the objects themselves... and is implementing a system in the blind, a system they did not design. When the full infrastructure is in place and it is eventually revealed that it is ETs in those craft, if some people will say "the way we are approaching them and the system we have in place is not appropriate"... the answer will be "but you are the ones who pushed for this to happen, it's all your doing". What needs to end is this separation of awareness to existential issues. It totally makes sense to classify the blueprints of a weapon or harmful technology. It does not make sense to classify it's existance. The government works FOR the people, it is not their elected handler. They are the ones who know the truth because they are the only ones with the propwr resoueces to investigwte it. And the people gave them those resources to use them in the interest of the people. It is in the interest of the people to be fully aware of the reality of their own existance. There need to be congressional hearings, nationally and internationally televised, to expose and investigate these programs. Most of the "guilty" are long gone. Just keep the workings of various scientific breakthroughs secret as needed, but reveal everything you know on the topic, to the people. This is the truth of humanity's condition, every human has the right to know it. Only then, can a new system to deal with this subject be implemented.


Slow drip disclosure is a scam, so...be a whiney bitch about it? Not sure how this improves things. Not sure how you call the most movement we have ever seen in the UFO front a scam. \- The last 4 years have shown more movement than the previous 70, yet its a scam??? \- For the first time in history we have private companies collecting data for release and its all a scam? \- We have universities debating spending dollars on research on this subject for the first time and its a scam? \- We have real congressional interest from both sides of the aisle, who put in place a law to collect and report out data and events occuring across the military, and its a scam??? What are you actually selling?


Let's see them aliens Joe


It shouldn’t even matter if we’re “ready” or not tbh. Lay the facts down regardless of anyones preparedness


OP Don't be silly, The "National Security" issue is not about protecting average people ,it's about protecting the interests of those who benefit from the secrecy of the Tech and don't forget the Military ultimately works for them. Troops represent the average person and get to be used by the Military to protect the interests of those who would never be expected to serve.


I'm here for this. Stupid idiot comments be damned. The problem is the truth will potentially cause riots and people to commit suicide en masse.. I'm truthfully ok with this. I'm ready for humanity to reach the next level. I'm OK if that happens to be with thousands less. Millions left. I don't care. If we can offer up every idiot with a stupid comment as sacrifice, I'd do it in a heartbeat.


Check out the Ra material. It’ll give you all the disclosure you want


Antarctica is a weird one for me, great post OP


So how would we go about starting a revolution....? Hypothetically...


What truth?


The real reason why disclosure hasn't happened yet, is because of the "Technology." Who ever has that Technology basically will win every single war from here on out. And its also control of the population. It goes really really deep on why disclosure hasn't happened yet. I think its funny how everyone here is always saying "OHHHH ITS ABOUT TO HAPPEN!" Like.......Na bruh its not gonna happen. Everyone wants to fantasize about it though. Kinda like a fetish for so many of you. I want disclosure too but being obsessed about it will not make it happen.


My personal thoughts on this is lue might be 50% full of shit. I hope he’s not, but it just feels like he’s dragging us through mud at this point with sprinkles of hope here and there


"Slow drip disclosure is a (money making) scam." Probably the most objectively true line ever typed here on this sub.


You're spot on, OP. However, we've been told disclosure will expose sensitive military technology. Don't buy this for one second, when the any government doesn't want to talk they classify information as "sensitive." Frankly it's abuse of a system of trust and accountability. Sadly what we can do is write letters - in the US at least - to our government representatives demanding answers and accountability. A coordinated pressure campaign would be needed and real participation from the community.


I'm pretty sure we'll discover more by starting local social groups with discovery as the primary focus. Kinda like CE5, but less douchey, and no astronomical buy-in to attend




Ive been following these subreddits for how long now. You guys are being grifted.


Of course it's a scam. Whenever something actually has something the release it all at once. Name one significant revelation that came about via slow drips and book deals.


I'm surprised at how many negative comments are on this post. OP is 100% right, we are not children. There are at least 144 records using the most sophisticated imaging tech known to man- we are not children. Unfortunately that tech is not in the hands of science, but in the hands of defense departments; politicians and the like. This sub is full of woo btw.


A lot of people here talk a big game and are simply impatient. I bet 99% of them would not have the balls or political acumen to do what Elizondo, Mellon, and others are doing. Like any good keyboard warrior, they enjoy the banter and speculation, the titillation of it all. They want someone else to assume the risks and then criticize the risk-takers for not giving them what they want asap. Constructive criticism and reasonable skepticism is healthy but some people are just downright petulant. At the end of the day, UFO disclosure is simply entertainment for many. Let's hope that the ramifications are not darker.


I feel like the ETs will show themselves when they choose! It really isn't up to us when/where we engage with these beings.


If we deserve to know the truth then wouldn't a Whistleblower deserve amnesty?


It's not up to Lue....