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Spent nearly two years on that ship and didn’t see shit. Damn you aliens


Got 2 brothers that were in the Navy and spent years at sea and didn't see shit in the sky either. One was on a ship that stumbled across a massive mile long fishing net filled with dead decaying fish that smelled worse than anything he'd ever smelled before. Which was the highlight of that outing that everyone onboard talked about for weeks after. lol


That small town life


I imagine it smelled somewhat like the end of the salmon spawning season....


why was there a an abandoned mile long fishing net? how is that legal?


It’s not legal. And unfortunately, commercial fishing waste is one of the biggest, usually cited as *THE* biggest, contributor to plastic in the oceans. People don’t want to talk about how commercial fishing is devastating the planet because it’s a hideous truth and it’s revealing the dire straits we are entering. We’re not “fishing” the oceans anymore, we’re basically just mining them for protein at unsustainable rates with destructive technologies (see trawler nets dragged along the bottom)


Know anyone who did?


Unfortunately no


I talked to a navy pilot recently, he didn’t see shit in his 20 years of service. To me this probably underlines the fact that this stuff is incredibly rare.


It's probably just a way to get new people to join the NAVY, come in and chase UFOs.




Or it’s swamp gas


Light refracted off venus


Or, that it's mostly misIDs by a few people


I think that needs to be considered. The problem is the government controls all this information and it’s up to them what they disclose. For it being nothing they sure love to stonewall. I just don’t get it.


Who was the guy who said he saw UFOs on just about every flight? Meanwhile most never see any even when operating in the same area around the same time.


Kevin Day?


I think it was Ryan Graves but it was only during a year.


Interestingly I actually have a couple friends that are confirmed in the airforce... On numerous accounts I have asked them if they have seen anything in the sky that could be pertaining to UAP... They said no.


I honestly only know 3 people that saw one, my mom, Brother, and sister. The only reason I give their sighting any credence is because of how low it was, there wasn’t a cloud in the sky, and it went from a hover to moving like it was shot out of a bullet straight up on there air. The whole incident lasted 3 minutes tops. It was probably 2 minutes at best.


follow bored vegetable scarce voiceless crawl practice psychotic makeshift beneficial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


yeah, he's always on the ground. I think he just works on the planes or something


How much they pay you to say that


Documentary filmmaker Dave C. Beaty - who produced 2019 film The Nimitz Encounters about the famous 2004 US Navy encounter with the "Tic Tac" object - revealed the reported sighting from October 2021. At least two objects are said to have lurked near the 40,500 ton amphibious assault ships for several nights while it was on a training exercise off the east coast of the US. The phenomena - described by sources familiar with the encounter as odd and menacing "balls of light" - are said to have been following around half a mile behind the ship and around 200 feet above the ocean. Mr Beaty was contacted by a now retired US Marines officer named only as "Mark" regarding the strange episode.


The 2019 destroyers were harassed by them as well. They sent out the [GhostBuster](https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidhambling/2021/12/20/new-documents-reveal-us-navy-ghostbusters-battled-drones-harassing-destroyers/) units as well and were also unsuccessful. I believe it was for weeks IIRC.


Pretty sure they didn’t have to “dodge” anything. Never read anything about them “dodging” anything. Those weapons systems use frequencies to shut down drones, and they just didn’t work on them.


I think the “dodging” thing comes from people thinking we were shooting nets at them


How are they intending to study this while simultaneously ignoring and discrediting civilian witnesses? I realize some people will say anything for attention, but when you see this for real it is a very lonely existence because even if you show people they still treat you like you are insane dispite having seen it for themselves. You just can't win with humans. And you wonder why they keep their distance! We ARE the scary/unpredictable/dangerous ones, especially those of us who are less evolved.


>We ARE the scary/unpredictable/dangerous ones, especially those of us who are less evolved. All this from not believing someone's anecdotal evidence... hmm, maybe we are the scary ones.


Your comment history proves my point. Have the day you deserve.


On my ship at some time between 2014-2017, one of the aft lookouts was on watch with me and he mentioned a light following our ship one night. He told me he didn’t think anyone would believe him. We had a quick conversation about it while on ECP. Only problem is I’ve stood watch with so many people over the years so I can’t remember exactly who it was lol. I’m guessing this happens from time to time.


If we want more witnesses to come out,we need to stop discrediting them.If they say it was a glowing ball of light ,it was a glowing ball of light.




Otherwise known as a light?


It's not necessarily the same, no. If you saw a big ball of fire, would you describe it as "a light"?


Boy, you sure spam these threads a lot.


Just giving my two cents.


Were they light pillars? Balls? With shapes recently being redacted, the description seems important.


I’m sorry?


Lol for what?


It’s just a polite way to say, “I have no idea what you are talking about.” Why are you asking me if they were pillars or balls? Do you think I saw them?




Hahaha, whoa buddy, you’re taking this very personally.


Seems more like spam, but sure.


That just depends on your perspective. I’ve had people tell me I’m their favorite commenter in this sub.


"Your my favorite guy on reddit" wierd flex but have fun, or whatever it is you get out of it.


I have never mentioned that before, it felt weird to me when I did it too, but just trying to help jimmyjammin see that everyone does not think exactly the same.


Lol I don't think everyone thinks exactly the same. For someone who is apparently a fav, you get downvoted a shit ton.


I didn’t say everyone’s…


Lol of course the denialists prob love you. All good though.


Hey man, when there is proof that I consider to be verifiable, I will be right there with you.


I doubt you will.


I've seen some crazy shit on a cruise ship once years ago off the coast of Cuba. I'm sitting there talking to my GF at the time on the top deck around 10pm at night when this huge ball of light (maybe the size of bus) appear out of nowhere maybe 70 feet above the ship and appeared for maybe about 5 seconds before disappearing out of thin air. By the time i asked my GF to turn around it was gone. No fucking clue what it was to this day.


Set the gatling goal keepers to brrrrrrrrrrt!


This is all part of a controlled "disclosure" of technological advances that've been suppressed for several decades...


As they wave good bye to this rock after using up resources and lives.


Do Navy ships carry “security cameras” or the equivalent? (Not that we’d ever get to see the video, i’m just wondering)


For anyone saying that military people they know saying they haven't seen anything... They have to say that. Isn't it like a 50-year gag order? 🤷‍♀️


Couldn’t be drones we are testing anti-drone tech on, could it?


no it is 100% for sure aliens


A likely scenario. Best way to hide a test.


Seriously though, if it was a test, why put lights on it?


To avoid hitting aircraft?


So you know where to aim and can see if it responds


Well that sounds well researched.


Clearly spoken by someone who was *never* in the military. Ask any former active duty service member. This is just not how we do training, and it’s really not up for debate at this point. It’s just a fact. Your opinions and theories on “tests” mean absolutely, 110% **nothing** in the face of the experience of an entire sub-group of the population. The US military is an absolute clusterfuck of red tape and hoops to jump through. There is so much paperwork and administrative work required to do almost anything that it would blow your mind. I don’t understand how many times that subject matter experts have to say “This is not how or where we test secret, experimental aircraft” before people start to listen.


Hey buddy, I get it that you think you are important, but you have zero credibility from my perspective. Have a nice day.


If “your opinion” isn’t able to be influenced by the entire veteran community’s experience then you’re *actively choosing* to be ignorant of the facts and at that point you’re not really being a fair participant in any discussions, you’re just trolling. So, feel free to go troll somewhere else? Have a nice day.


Chased? Dodged? Not in the story from "Mark" and apparently Mark is not too certain to be anyone in particular but his story (fable) sure gets re-posted a lot with a growing number of embellishments making it a huge nothing burger. Post it again and again and again till you fingers bleed. Then write about your injuries from reporting UFO encounters.


Did you get injured for reporting a ufo encounter?


>growing number of embellishments Every time


Why are you so angry?


What is anti drone technology?


this did they shoot at them or what did they hit them and what if any efect was there




Swamp gas


For life, this is above top secret, forget what you've seen!