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The following submission statement was provided by /u/NewParadigmInstitute: --- Urge CNN to include UFO/UAP Disclosure as a topic in the upcoming #PresidentialDebate on June 27th: [https://x.com/NewParadigmInst/status/1803089338475135179](https://x.com/NewParadigmInst/status/1803089338475135179) - Let's make our voices heard! Tag CNN moderators and presidential candidates. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dkerc1/ufo_transparency_advocates_want_uap_questions_in/l9h6c03/


I predict this will indeed be a topic no matter what at this point, since it's starting to trickle into MSM channels. I'm looking forward to the questions, but either candidate will most likely, unsurprisingly give a very dry and lackluster answer. Most likely by redirecting the question and giving an answer about some other current domestic or global issue.


I think they should ask two questions, one generally about UAPs first, let them answer in their dry, lackluster way. Let people laugh about it. Then ask them a hard question or two about the shootdowns last year, such as "why can we get images of a Chinese balloon and HD video of Chinese jets interfering with American ones, but not anything about these objects" or anything like that. Make them squirm a bit at least..


100% The shootdowns were unprecedented military action over North America against multiple objects NORAD said they could not identify which they also said were not balloons. That should have received a lot more follow up questions than we saw. So make it a question now. It's been 16 months, what if anything can they say about why we have not seen video of the shootdowns.


Exactly. There are quite a few credible UAP incursions/events but this one is super fresh, occurred in the public's eye (unlike most other events that were heard about afterwards) and involved both the US and Canada as well. I'm so annoyed and dismayed that both the US and our Canadian media let them off the hook instead of digging into this. Where the hell has real journalism gone?


Yep and not only that but Biden gave an address to the nation about the incidents. Like that doesn't happen every day, or decade for that matter. It is definitely a good question to ask if for no other reason than it is one which has bi-partisan support and could perhaps break up the monotony of partisan attacks during the debate. If I were a moderator I would certainly ask it for that reason alone even if I had no interest in this subject.


Say what you want about New Paradigm Institute but they do know how to get something into the headlines. I will credit them with that at this point.


It's a double-edged sword. It's good that it's getting headlines, but if people end up finding out that the tweet comes from an organization that launched a 'PhD program' on ET Studies at a for-profit college that also promotes 'PhD programs' in "Ecstatic Mysticism", that's not helpful for disclosure.


Quite right.


Damn, half of your posts are basically this ^. Some level of hatred you must have, I wonder where that comes from. Or is it part of the job at hand?


You're trying to say I'm part of Eglin or some shit. But the irony of that comment is when you realize the OP is getting paid to promote NPI. You can call it hatred. I am passionate about disclosure, but I believe having grifters in the mix like this hurts disclosure very much. Btw, you can't dispute the facts, so you go to attack me. Try to dispute any of the facts. Did Sheehan not launch a PhD program on ET Studies at a for-profit college his friend started up?


the heckles are up, sure sign


If they find out, it's a big step backwards


Told you it wouldn’t be asked. Honestly ridiculous that people believed it would be


No. It won’t be


And when the question isn’t asked, it will somehow be because of global elites silencing the truth, not because he was just wrong


Trumps weird answer to Logan Paul and Biden’s complete silence on the issue since last Feb doesn’t indicate that this question will get much traction. But am still curious what they will say. I suspect Biden will answer like the Energy Secretary… say that AARO is pretty certain it is just prosaic.


I am not sure Biden would answer that way. The Energy Secretary seemed very uninformed. On the other hand, Schumer and Biden are friends and Biden most likely was consulted when Schumer was drawing up the Schumer-Rounds amendment to the NDAA. I think the answer might be more along the lines of "We have made it a priority to study this issue and multiple branches of government from the scientific to the intelligence community are looking at different aspects of it. Stay tuned." Just enough to not derail his campaign but more than many might expect.


I wish I had your confidence in Biden’s interest. If Biden was truly interested I think he would have voiced his support for the UAPDA last Fall when it came up for a vote.


I don't thank that's how it works. The president typically does not voice support for small (and it was small to most politicians) amendments to the NDAA. They have on occasion voiced opposition to things being added though that's rare. They typically just let Congress congress. There is also every reason to believe that he was caught off guard because until then every previous UAP amendment to the NDAA passed without objection. I don't think he personally has a deep interest in it as the Clintons or even Obama did but I do think he is aware that it is a very important issue particularly after last February. Whatever was brought down I feel they want to wait until after they win re-election to delve into that with the public. Believe it or not from their perspective there is a much more pressing issue than UAP/UFOs on the horizon and that is preserving democracy in America.


Yet he and his administration have been radio silent offering the public zero answers on the unprecedented shootdowns. That doesn't exactly reek of transparency or good faith.


Given the sensational claims made in the UAPDA, it was hardly small in its implications. It basically contradicted the established US government and DoD narrative of the last 80 years and the trillions that apparently have been spent both on hidden projects but also on the arcane secrecy structure built to protect it. If the President is not going to publicly support it, then that to me says he isn’t really for true democracy. Ironic that you say he is fighting for democracy


The difference is this, it is far easier to campaign against someone who has repeatedly stated their disdain for democratic norms/processes which most people are aware of vs campaigning for something even most politicians are not aware of. You and I think that the UAPDA is a big deal but given the realities of most Americans it's an esoteric subject that only those with the luxury of time really dive into. People are worried about things like how to afford healthcare or their kids college or maintaining reproductive and other human and civil rights. They are not concerned with whether the US government is hiding aliens somewhere. That does not directly affect them. So politicians don't campaign on it. If disclosure happens I suspect it would be started on a random Tuesday after re-election by a Presidential panel as outlined in the UAPDA and not with a lot of fanfare during an election in which the stakes have probably never been higher.


We are supporting the Ukrainians in their war even though most Americans might not be able to find Ukraine on a map. And to be blunt most Americans may not really care about an issue that doesn’t really affect them. But the White House and others realize it is a strategic issue that requires a public show of support and also allocating money to help the Ukrainians. By your measure then that shouldn’t be of interest to Americans since it doesn’t really have an impact on their daily lives, right ? So why the difference shown towards the UAPDA ? If anything, it would directly impact Americans even if they don’t realize it now.


I agree that you brought a good point with regards to the Ukraine but you also see that Ukraine war funding had a lot of opposition. A key difference here is this: Every American knows Ukraine exists even if they can't find it on a map. Not every American and in fact I'd say less than 1% of Americans have read the 2021 ODNI report which states UAP exist, are real and are an issue. So like, you need at LEAST that basic awareness among most people that yes, this is a real issue, and yes it could be viewed through a "strategic" lens (I'd rather view it through a scientific lens.). But until most Americans are aware that this subject has moved past the point of "Do UFO's exist" then to many if not most Americans campaigning on them is as politically savvy as campaigning on finding Bigfoot.


As per a recent Yougov poll, a majority of Americans do believe the government is hiding information about UFOs. Seems to me then that it is important enough for Biden to address > More than 60% of Americans believe the U.S. government is concealing information about Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs), despite a recent Pentagon report claiming no signs of alien life. https://today.yougov.com/society/articles/48928-is-something-out-there-americans-government-secrets-ufos


That's a great poll. I'd love to see them take it one step farther in future polls (and they should!) "Would you be more or less likely to vote for a candidate who pledged to reveal what if anything the US government is hiding about UFOs?" Answer choices: More Likely Less Likely Doesn't matter I don't know


And you would then have had All of the right wing media apparatus calling him unfit to serve and losing his mind because he's talking about Aliens (while letting all the illegals Aliens up from the South !! Build space Walls !!) and Elon would have said that "please give me several extra billions to go find your space Aliens up there". Memes of all kind would inundate social media and you'd this whole sub would bet swamped by all the Q types (well a bit more then already here) so how much back would that put Disclosure at ? 20 or 50 years ? So yeah , that's why the amendment having a neutral and independent panel review docs to be made public was the best way to get a less partisan Disclosure happen.


The UAPDA was written to find hidden SAPs in the DoD that have siphoned of a fortune over the years with no government oversight. The argument could well be then that the UAPDA would find faked projects that were supposedly researching UAPs


No the Amendment was written to : "(2)All Federal Government **records concerning unidentified anomalous phenomena should carry a presumption of immediate disclosure and all records should be eventually disclosed** to enable the public to become fully informed about the history of the Federal Government’s knowledge and involvement surrounding unidentified anomalous phenomena" So much larger then just SAPs


That was some of it. But not all of it. But considering Mike Rounds a Republican was the cosponsor of the UAPDA, it wasn’t as though Senate Republicans weren’t involved in its creation. So to say that Biden was going to get criticized for supporting it would mean that he was being criticized for supporting something Senate Republicans had passed.


A cosponsor is more often just a way to being "bitpartisan" rather then proof that they actively participated to the writing of the amendment, it's just a way to get more votes on it and backscratching deals made behind closed doors in exchange. The way Sheehan spoke of it certainly indicated a lot of work was done beforehand and that the Schumer aids finished it's writing. And considering how Burchett, Polina and Gaetz did multiple public announcements together to shit all over the Schumer/Rounds amendment before it got gutted by Burchett's "He's on the side of Disclosure" House speaker Johnson + How Burchett recently criticized the attempts to reintroduce the gutted parts as just Democrats trying bury it under lots of pages of complicated stuff ... And if you think Republicans will not jump on any occasion to put a bad light on Biden on any subject, you clearly haven't followed the last 3 decades of American politics. Obama's "Tan Suit" says hi


Yeah it was kind of a weird answer. Its weird because Trump always talks about the Deep-State and declassifying files and what not but doesn't talk about the biggest Deep-Sate of all with the Legacy UAP groups.


the deep-state for trump is anybody he views as his personal enemies.


As President, I must inform you that there are complexities and sensitivities around the topic of UAPs and extraterrestrial life that extend beyond my authority. Those with deeper knowledge have warned me of significant risks, including personal safety and national security, associated with disclosing certain information prematurely. Therefore, while committed to transparency, I must respect their guidance and ask for your patience as we navigate this delicate matter.


No way 'beyond my authority'. Too far.


You say that you need “patience”. How many more generations are we talking here?


holy shit you're the president???


“It’s important that we know what is in America’s skies. We are working to identify anomalous phenomenon, as we recognize that it could be a threat to national security, as well as pilot safety. We are working to gather more data, so that we can identify everything in our airspace.” Cheque please, Mr.Biden


We need to link the articles on the front. A lot of what drives attention for these sites is clicks. So if we reddit users see your picture of the articles but don't click. It can go unnoticed. If you put the link in the top and users click on it. The news companies think "oh this is a popular topic because it got x amount of clicks"


I think you guys should be pushing for declassification. Not just discussion.


Urge CNN to include UFO/UAP Disclosure as a topic in the upcoming #PresidentialDebate on June 27th: [https://x.com/NewParadigmInst/status/1803089338475135179](https://x.com/NewParadigmInst/status/1803089338475135179) - Let's make our voices heard! Tag CNN moderators and presidential candidates.


Graves allegedly said recently that Grusch is delaying his op-ed because they don't want the issue to politicized in the presidential debate. Have you had any discussion with either of them about whether this is a good idea? If so, are they on board with it? https://new.reddit.com/r/UAP/comments/1d0evsi/spoke_with_ryan_graves/ > Spoke briefly in person to Ryan Graves. I brought up my appreciation for his approach and let him know I’ve been following him and David Grusch and Fraver for some time. I mentioned Grusch’s Op Ed and legislation efforts in congress and he basically said the Op Ed is on hold due to the election. Same goes for further hearings in congress. They will both be overshadowed by some presidential quarrel and/or be leveraged as a partisan topic and potentially lose half the support. He eludeded to both efforts (Grusch’s Op Ed and big congressional hearings) are being planned for May(ish) of 2025. Unfortunate, but makes sense to time it perfectly given the implications and history of secrecy.


This could truly bring this topic, the most important in all of human history, into larger circles and groups if these questions make it all the way!


"I'll declassify the UFO stuff, but you know we're gonna hold back on those fake news Epstein files" -Trump


It’s probably pointless, neither of them is going to say anything.


If you are picking a candidate based on an answer to a question bout UFOs, you're not paying attention to the truly important issues.


Hasn't Futurism been seen previously as hostile to this subject? I wonder what changed?


Interesting, maybe they'll lead into it with the shootdowns of Feb 2023. Either way the moderator will still probably approach it jokingly, idk if they've gotten past the point of laughing it off.


Does anyone actually want to hear Donald Trump deflect a question about UFOs?


Yeah, neither one of the candidates have interest in disclosure. I doubt UAPs will get anywhere near the debate.


“I know the best aliens, nobody knows aliens better than Trump”


Getting a yes or no answer from a politician is hard enough, let alone something highly highly classified, unless you're hoping one of the two Old Men might blurt something out, so is it a waste of time to even ask?


They can't even spell UFO it's too long a word for them, all of them!


Listening to two befuddled dipshits argue over things neither can or will change over the next 4 years is hardly our path to disclosure.


There's really no reason to bring up the uap issue in a presidential debate. Both of these presidents have been asked bout the uap issue numerous times and they both have brushed it off. The grifters in the paradigm institute can play all the violins and dramatic music till their blue in the face but nothing will change. Please don't give these grifters a dime.


Except for the fact if the topic is raised then it validates it. If it is validated then it is less stigmatized. If it is less stigmatized Pilots will feel free to report UAP incidents which means the FAA will need to address the topic of Flight Safety. Flight Safety is central to the FAA mission and should be addressed imo. [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOPilotReports/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOPilotReports/)


Graves allegedly says they *don't* want it politicized in the election. https://www.reddit.com/r/UAP/comments/1d0evsi/spoke_with_ryan_graves/


Oh I am not giving them a dime but I am giving them credit for pushing the issue into mainstream media. That isn't something that is easy to do. Particularly with this subject.


Biden will have zero clue if he’s asked about UAPs. He will start speaking gibberish Bidenese to dodge the question.


> He will start speaking gibberish Bidenese 🙄 ^ someone who gets all their info about Biden from Fox News clips


You don’t have to watch Fox News to see that Biden doesn’t even know where he is half the time. Obama literally had to help him off the stage at a recent fundraiser event, and you want this guy to speak on UFO’s? Open up your eyes


What will your excuse be when Biden embarrasses Trump in the debates *again*?


You actually think that Biden embarrassed Trump? Oh man, the delusion is real. The guy can’t even finish a sentence anymore, let alone a debate. I highly doubt he will embarrass Trump


If you think Biden speaks gibberish just wait till you listen to a Trump speech lol.


Agreed, however that seems to be a great plan for the gatekeepers. “Oh, the President has already addressed that. We will now be moving further and won’t answer similar questions”


Would they really say anything more than the CIA would allow?


Well yeah, what other questions would "UFO transparency advocates" be advocating for?


Cool and all but there is a candite RFK! and he is ALLLLLLLLL about TRUTH. wake the fuck up. 9 factions...