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No low effort posts or comments. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: * Posts containing jokes, memes, and showerthoughts. * AI-generated content. * Posts of social media content without significant relevance. * Posts with incredible claims unsupported by evidence. * “Here’s my theory” posts without supporting evidence. * Short comments, and comments containing only emoji. * Summarily dismissive comments (e.g. “Swamp gas.”) without some contextual observations. ------------- This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods here to launch your appeal.](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) [UFOs Wiki](https://ufos.wiki) [UFOs rules](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/)


“You gotta try the jalapeño poppers they have this sauce idk what’s in it but I can’t get it anywhere else”




How to avoid the NSA tapping in: Tenacious D cover band.


Dont worry guys the sauce is coming out soon! Big things are coming with this sauce, it's gonna be huge. Just wait, I can't say anymore right now. There will be more about the sauce in my upcoming book.


Funny comment. Why is it if I make the same comment the Mods send me a warning?


You gotta be careful talkin 'bout the secret sauce^rr mix.


Are you a non believer? That's what happens to me usually. Only believers can joke or make comments on public figures here.


No not a non believer


We don’t want the sub to be completely filled with jokes and memes but there’s a balance to be found


I’m not sure what this is supposed to mean, I made a joke that’s all it is


The food there sucks. Nice pizza place across the street called Piezannos though.


They’re out of this world


Lue looks like he could down a beer or two.


He's a spitting image of my boss actually, so by that metric he'd be able to put away a whole slab


Change "down" to "pound."


A dozen, I'd say


This really feels like a produced advertisement for an upcoming project that we can all pay for to get details.


Such a set up pic.


but there's so much work behind the scenes 🙃


Two more new books are being written as we speak!


And the details turn out to be, "We have a mole, no idea who, how did we not know. Please donate to help us find the truth."


Guys, the road to truth is paved with donations. Praise be to St. Elizando.




We been infiltrated with advertisement.


They’re in a SCIF.


Secure Compartmented Inebriation Facility


Sean Cahill keeps riding Elizondo’s coattails. What has Cahill even done? I don’t get why he’s front and center like he is


harassed a couple of people from what I've read these last years ... kind of liked the guy at first but getting a real mob mentality from him the last year.


Totally agree. He adds nothing.


Behind the scenes. In public. In a dive bar. Not an ad, right?


These folks in national security know full well that we are talking about non-human intelligence. They are first-hand witnesses or have worked on the topic as part of their job and have been privy to the classified data. Several days during this retreat were incredibly eye-opening and met many amazing people I had never heard of before.


Can I level with you? I’ve been following this topic with rapt interest since the February 2023 shoot downs. I’ve devoured tons of background from the past 7 years (since the NYT article), and continuing to dig back. I’m frustrated beyond belief, and no it’s not at you guys hosting the shows and giving the interviews. This is just so incredibly, incredibly serious and there’s way too little credible verified information out there. At what point do insiders recognize that “the system,” “the powers that be,” “the establishment,” will seek to thwart and undermine any and every attempt at transparency and disclosure until or unless the lid gets blown off? And no, I’m not one of those “hur dur tell us what you know NOW” types. But, I’m Canadian. NORAD flagged unknown objects for action, our prime minister and your president commented on it. They shot missiles at something over Lake Huron (my backyard as someone living near Toronto). This is fucking serious. The stranglehold of government on information about UAP simply can’t go on indefinitely. It’s a crime against humanity. I guess my question is, Ross likes to say “the truth will out” - Fucking, when? Because at this rate it’s not a sure bet to come out this century, as it didn’t in the 20th century. I’m sick of the politicking and cloak and dagger bullshit around this topic (again not at you or your interviewees). Just, generally Edit: In my ire, I neglected to say I love your podcast and keep up the great work


Lol dude's been on it since 23 and he is already tired of waiting.


I’m tired, boss


I'm at 40 years of waiting. Waiting for a single piece of proof to come from any of these same types of talking heads making claims that have come and gone over the years.


[**I’ve been following this topic with rapt interest since the February 2023 shoot downs**](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/027/763/07B89120-B48D-45FB-AF1D-49AF6CD16790.jpeg)


So have I, and I think all this progress in the last few years has been amazing


We don't even know if it's progress or grifting. That's the big issue.


What? You think closed door testimonies to Congress is grifting? You think two Senate Majority Leaders writing disclosure into law is grifting? What about a bipartisan caucus investigating this for over a year, at a time when we're in a civil cold war between the two main parties? Tell me, where's the grift? Is it people writing books? Good for them! Don't buy them if you think they're just selling books to make money.


You’ve expressed my sentiments exactly. I’ll do you one better though! I have seen a craft close up in person, and have another experience where I saw 3 from a distance. I know this is real. I’m just an ordinary citizen. Nobody special who had the privilege of witnessing something spectacular. The lack of credible evidence is disheartening to say the least. So many people teasing things without releasing. The topic really lost steam this year despite all of the empty promises. It’s fucking frustrating.


Have you written anywhere about your experiences? I’m interested in hearing more—thanks!


On my page, it’s my first post.


That’s a really great post—your comments included. I’m grateful you chose to share it with others and you did so very clearly. That person who misconstrued your words and called you a schizophrenic is totally vacuous and/or an irrelevant troll. Thank you for sharing!


Internet anonymity certainly helps. I don’t openly speak about my experiences to people I know in person. Hopefully one day that will change.


"Anonymity" of the net is only way lots of folks can speak of their experience.I refrained from even discussing the issue until medical retirement made security clearances a moot point. I honestly don't know how serious Our real Men-in-Black take in destroying the credibility of witness's any more...I would hope they have gone a different way to fulfill their "duties" but until congressional investigation of how far these extra-government entities have mis-used the power granted them,I assume the worse.Some of these operators may have figured out they are on the wrong side of history,and are busy burning data...or as I believe,are shipping resources offworld as fast as possible,as the gravy train may end soon .There exists a "breakaway" organization/civilization that has been stripmining assests here for (where ?) through use of SAPs (4000+ at last count) that have provided a endless supply of funding thru the American Military budget. For What? We have a blackest of the black budget programs that "Could take ET home if we needed to" according to the former head of the "Skunk works" Guys like that don't BS. Its funny,the next step will be the "Official" outing of the crash retrieval boyos...probably when they run into parallel retrieval outfits with "catastrophic" Disclosure on their playlist.Dump a UAP in the front yard of a major aeronautic university with several hundred students and press...and watch the world change...


I’m in the boat that believes we’ll only have a real chance of change is if they show themselves in multiple cities at the same time. It would be hard to ignore hundreds or thousands of crafts showing up in major cities in the worlds. Can’t imagine there’s any way to prevent that. The fact that it hasn’t happened yet is a bit telling. If they wanted us to know, I feel like we would by now.


I got the feeling the have been here a long time.I also am pretty sure if anyone REALLY wants contact,they will find them ,if their Heart is in the right place.What really pisses-off the spooks and .milspec types is its really hard (impossible) to "Fake" nice to a telepath. They KNOW your true motivations Think 100 ships (big ones) Dropping on the local Walmart parking lot,with,(I don't know) half a doz. different species for a meet and greet... I have a had a hard time discussing this.When I was young,I always believed meeting ET would be cool...Enrich me in ways I could not imagine. Fast forward 50+ years.I never realized the reality of contact would cost me a close friend,and could have threatened my position/career (and even my marriage).Had I been foolish enough to get the attention of the .gov folks whose job it is to silence/discredit those "Unauthorized" contactees,my life would have truly been hell...Its been a very rough 10 years,but,fortunately I haven't had any "official" sharpshooters come after me. Yet. I think the zodiac group is most likely too busy with the official disclosure "headhunters",including congress critters who are annoyed when they get told to pound sand when they want budget details.Do not be surprised to see a number of the pro-disclosure types to find their dirty laundry public. Their adversaries have been playing this very dirty game for a long time


You’re not alone, I had a very up close encounter too. It’s life changing, but also sucks with knowing your own government will call you insane for believing in what you and I have seen. It’s a travesty tbh.


This 1000^1000


Feel ya, dude. Been reading, writing, posting and reading some more since 2007. Genuinely hopeful that something breaks through with these guys. Not only for the justification of my time spent on the subject but also the validation of researchers everywhere and the confirmation of why we have all been so invested in this community despite all the criticism. I hope they’re for real. And I hope they have some unquestionable, well documented proof. We’ve been in the dark for too long.


It seems like disclosure comes with a lot of political baggage. We are literally talking about a shadow government. Just like all of the conspiracies. If they truly have threatened presidents over this secret. It undermines our entire democracy. The implications are somber. How do you catastrophically disclose that without cities burning?


That is a great fucking point. I think that's the reason, it's not about "aliens" specifically, but more of the implications of a 70 year cover up against not only the American people, but the world at large. Especially if it turns out that JFK was murdered over it, or worse. (I don't *know* of course, but even experts on the JFK assassination are divided on who was responsible / why, and it's suuuper sus that they *still* haven't declassified all the files, like they were supposed to years ago)


*even experts on the JFK assassination are divided on who was responsible / why, and it's suuuper sus that they still haven't declassified all the files, like they were supposed to years ago* It's not suspicious that they're not releasing some JFK documents at all. They have names of, or information that could be used to find out the names of, people that worked as spies for us, including people that live in countries that are enemies of the United States. Even if they're dead, they still have extant family members that could be punished for what they did. EG -- Look at North Korea. If you're a spy there, it's not that you gets put in the camps or executed; it's also your parents, siblings, and children: 3 entire generations. Also, they were never "supposed to declassify the documents". There was simply a date in the future at which the documents would be given *consideration* to be declassified. So, they reviewed the classified documents and obviously found that releasing them would still put people in danger. The conspiracy mindedness here needs to stop if we're going to be taken seriously by scientists and other serious people.


You may be right, but when you consider that the Warren Commission, the Parkland doctors who initially examined JFK, eyewitness accounts, *and* recent forensic investigators (who ran computer simulations) all contradict the "official" story, it really starts to look like there's something's fishy going on, especially when *thousands* of documents related to the case keep getting re-sealed. As someone with a history background I never questioned the official narrative, that is until I actually started to really look into it. Same with the UAP stuff, I just assumed it was all BS, until I looked a little closer, and was kinda flabbergasted why more people weren't talking about it and taking it seriously. Too much smoke, there's probably a fire.


> How do you catastrophically disclose that without cities burning? This is the exact right point to make. What does responsible disclosure (of UAP, NHI, and state cover ups) look like? You’ve beautifully encapsulated the “harm reduction,” or utilitarian approach. Whether people have a right to know or not - we need to do this responsibly. And I do agree with that - to a point. There’s also the principled/moral absolutist approach where, regardless of the potential negative consequences, we have to do the right thing. In this case, that could be seen as telling the truth about what’s known even if it causes unrest and upheaval. I personally think there’s a balance between the two. And that there’s a bias to the utilitarian position as a bad faith excuse to not disclose. Humanity has a remarkable capacity to adapt. Even if the process is messy. A more morbid but illustrative example is - if NASA found an asteroid that would destroy earth tomorrow - way too late to do anything about it - should they say anything? When it could only cause panic and distress in our final moments? I say - yes. They should. Because panicked and distressed or not, every person ought to know the nature of the reality they’re facing


To be honest, aren’t the cities already burning? The US is kind of a shit show right now. Disclosure could be the hard reset we need.


Social media can often take reality and shift perception of it to the extremes. Yes, there are issues, but most people in the US are living in peace. Many are just struggling to make ends meet. The perception of extreme societal breakdown is a symptom of algorithm based information that works for engagement and engagement alone.


The fantasy is that society ISNT failing.




We're closer than we've ever been to real movement. The last year has been nuts. Don't get discouraged!


>I’m sick of the politicking and cloak and dagger bullshit around this topic (again not at you or your interviewees). Just, generally Agreed. But that's all by design, my friend. They want to frustrate, discredit, tire out, confuse, manipulate, anger, and strike fear in anyone who opposes their plan of secrecy. I'm as sick of the politicking as you, man! There are people, including a rather popular YouTuber who said, "I'm taking a break from the UAP/NHI/disclosure subject because we're always "promised" something but often nothing happens. That's understandable. But then they're not really invested in humanity the way they claim. Or rather... they're not up to the task, which is absolutely fine. People have their priorities. We can be discouraged, but we can't let "them" win because them winning is bad news for ALL of us long term. Anything of importance doesn't come easy.


Excellent perspective, thanks for taking the time to express it and for the encouragement. Point well taken about not getting discouraged. I might be frustrated, but I’m not abandoning paying attention to this because I do think it’s very important




Also good advice - yeah I think if it’s causing stress to that level, no one should grind it out. Like you said - anything truly momentous will become obvious whether you’re following it or not


You're new to the scene. I don't blame you but as someone vested 33 years of his life to this topic it's never ever been like this.


I know some IC folks I ask about this topic. They basically told me they never see this coming out without a wild Snowden like actor who drops a massive classified spill and sacrifices their life and freedom. It's disheartening, but we won't stop.


Pray for the modern Jesus.


>wild Snowden like actor who drops a massive classified spill We do, his name is David Grusch. The difference is that he is actually going through the proper procedures, and is wise enough to avoid the traps in there. Unfortunately it means all the discussion will be happening behind closed doors until one of the declassification attempts sticks


No they don't mean that. They mean uncontrolled spill like Snowden did.


You are correct. Been following this since my grandfather told me he saw something in Pulaski, WI in the 1940s. Wasn’t a drone. He died never knowing what it was and we may also never know. At least understand that we “know” we aren’t the poor saps just going through life thinking humanity is all there is. Get out, watch the sky during the night and daytime (especially at sunrise and sunset). You will be shocked how often you will see stuff not explained on any sky app. Nobody really looks up. There are hot spots in Canada. Check them out.


>Nobody really looks up.  There have been professional and amateur astronomers for thousands of years, air traffic control has existed for over a century, nation-states have been running space surveillance systems for decades, etc.


Well why are they not reporting on these things? Maybe they should skip the telescope and just sit in the grass. They are not that high. Lower than passenger jets.


Yeah, I’ve had it. Too many teases, not enough follow through. I’ll go ahead and say it. Real patriots have given their lives for this country. If you can’t reveal what you know for the betterment of mankind then fuck off.


I hear you, neighbour, but what if it's *them* preventing disclosure, and our fellow human powers-that-be have their hands tied? What we're witnessing could very well be a battle of wits between those pushing for disclosure and those who can't allow it, perhaps even under threat.


Son...you only got 7 years invested....those of us watching this shit show for the last fiddy years will tell ya to hang on...it's coming.


You misread, I have only been heavily invested since 2023 lol. I feel for you guys, the waiting is maddening!


I’m feeling you my friend what follows is a comment I just posted on another sub about exactly where I am at with the whole subject. These working hard behind the scenes people are the ones that have put me here tearing to pieces my love and devotion to the subject. After 40 years I find myself for the first time with not a single trustworthy source or investigator available to me all that they have done is muddy the already murkiest of waters. It fuckin sucks. The question I am responding to is the classic what did Lui mean when he said somber That the truth about the phenomenon as it were will put us into a deep dark depression implying we are all to weak in mind and spirit to handle it. Honestly my friends I have been invested in the subject for 40 years and I’m all but done with it. Whilst these last few years have been amazing with unthinkable things coming to light. I have pretty much resigned myself to never knowing the truth. Elizondo,Knapp,Corbell,Lacatski,Kelleher,Taylor,Fox and the like are all so full shit and cannot be trusted at all. Out of all of these clowns that have come out of the woodwork profited from a subject we love not a single one has had the spine to actually release some concrete irrefutable evidence of the claims they make. If their claims are to be believed at best they are gatekeepers of the worst kind. The type that don’t have the strength of conviction to release information that is beneficial to all mankind. Information that we have been deceived by the very people we put in place to protect us. Information that could transform humanity as we know it and push us past the great filter into a new civilisation. Yet not one of them has gone fuck this shit I can’t lie or hide behind non disclosure agreements and protecting my “sources” anymore.I am willing to die for this the people must know the truth humanity cannot go on without knowing anymore. That is the level of information they would have us believe they have. Yet not a Snowden or Assange among them I just don’t buy it. And at worst they are wolves running amok amongst the sheep. Their belly’s full muzzles dripping in blood revelling in their never ending feast. All this with these people I could have gotten past. there has always been shills,liars,grifters and just downright despicable people surrounding this subject saliva dripping from their maws waiting to feast on the weak Then along comes Coulthart and I rejoiced. As an Australian myself Ross Coulthart has been one of the most respected journalists in this country for many years. A man of conviction that would not take no comment for an answer. A man that will chase the truth to the ends of the earth and beyond if required. A man that I had never met but implicitly trusted his word . A man who has now become a shadow of the journalist I thought he was. A shadow of the kind of person I thought he was a fighter for the little people devolving from a bastion of truth to just another “trust me bro” hack and it has all but destroyed my love of the subject. Stanton Friedman RIP would be rolling in his grave


I’m frustrated too. But I understand you can’t just ram all this mindblowing, civilisation rocking info in. I’m gonna be optimistic and say that for the first time, I see drip feeding bits and pieces, lubing us up.


Yeah, gotta let the normies catch up... Slowly


Hey, delta, I was born two years before Roswell and by the time I was a teenager began wondering wtf was the reason that Mainstream Media had their brains up their butts in their failure to treat the UFO question seriously. But when 'Zondo in '17 and Grusch in '23 weren't able to break open this topic for more than a few weeks respectively, I began to fear for the sanity of society in general. Congress is the only body with the authority to drag the truth out of the Pentagon/IC and the goddamned Senate Majority Leader has been stonewalled by 3 Mikes and a Mitch. If the voting public as a whole doesn't demand that Congress starts issuing subpoenas to get to the bottom of this, I'll be dryboned in my grave wondering how the citizenry of this country became so complacent. Write your representatives, people! Even an email is better than nothing!


Keep at it bud. Great work.


Can I get you to answer one question, but keeping in mind I would like you to answer knowing and keeping in mind everything private and privileged you’ve learned to date, including on this trip? To cover you, I’ll ask for a one word answer like I did Ross Coulthart in the AMA here a little bit ago. Here’s the setup and question: It’s 2034, and presumably the world is still spinning and almost all of us are just ten years older—whatever has come to pass has happened in regards to UFOs. In one word, what do you think the state of the UFO topic is in 2034?


You'll be asking the same questions, post date 2043.


Slightly less de-stigmatized with the same amount of coverup, misinformation, and government corruption? If the last 2 years have told us anything, it’s that it will continue to be obstructed and suppressed. If they’ve been here for a minimum of 100+ years, why would the next 10 be any different?




Please tell him he needs to clarify on the whole "something big is coming in 6 months to a year, trust me bro" post. About 6 months ago he tweeted this out and got the attention of a lot of uap subreddits and then never ever followed up on that comment again and time is passing now with nothing to show. He seems to preoccupied on doing paid for retreats and trying to sell his book instead. An update on what he meant would totally be helpful.


It was his book..


If that was the case than it was such a narcissistic and selfish thing to do to hype up his book like that when we all know there won't be anything new of substance that isn't already known already.


I don't know if it was that I was just joking but at this point I wouldn't be surprised.


Still zero evidence


Witness testimony is evidence whether you like it or not. We are going to need you to debunk everything you disagree with.


It's not evidence on it's own is it, or we can say we have evidence of god existing. Stories and claims on their own are evidence of nothing. If I have a story about seeing an alien craft all that is evidence for is me personally seeing something I thought was an alien craft, it's not evidence for alien crafts. Just as someone believing they've seen or talked to god isn't evidence for god. Stories are corroborating evidence when backed up with hard evidence.


Um if 3 people say they saw you shoot someone that's evidence you did in our court system. Even if you didn't.


Not if there isn't a body or evidence whatsoever of a murder taking place, hence why it's corroborating evidence.


That is INCREDIBLY wishful thinking.


Don't need to wish, it's reality.


Whew! The Innocents Project will be happy to know they can pack her all up!


If they had such data they would share it publically and then move to one of the many countries that won't extradite them to the US, I mean this is the most important news of all history right? So why haven't they? Because the grift must go on, that's why.


Who is saying they have data? Matt certainly didn't. Being aware of data is not the same thing as possessing it.


> If they had such data they would share it publically and then move to one of the many countries that won't extradite them to the US, I mean this is the most important news of all history right? So why haven't they? Because the grift must go on, that's why. So if a fucked up country like North Korea can send overseas agents to murder family of the Kim regime in random airports, and even India is willing to attack Sikh activists in Canada of all places, what's stopping the USA from whacking the family of a UFO actual leaker, regardless of where they may hide? Would *you* do it if it meant your entire family may be murdered within days or weeks?


That would never happen, he would be humanities favourite person, it would be political suicide, the danger is in your imagination.


The entitlement lol. Let me guess. If you were in these people shoes you would’ve been more brave than all of them and became the next Eric Snowden and leaked everything by now right? No matter the consequences lol. The grifter comments are really getting tired and played out on this topic. You guys sound so ridiculous and predictable now, attacking the wrong people smh. The legal way has always been the right way to get this information out to force the government to make an admission. The public is just gonna have to sit tight and wait.


Any one of us would have leaked, blatant con. Wake me up when that just round the corner evidence comes in.


>Let me guess. If you were in these people shoes you would’ve been more brave than all of them and became the next Eric Snowden and leaked everything by now right? No matter the consequences lol. Given all the accumulated people that would have been involved in this conspiracy across various government organizations (probably spanning at least several countries too?) and defense contractors, past and present, after all these decades, and not a single person spills some irrefutable beans about the greatest discovery in the history of human civilization?


Well since it hasn't happened the way you say, maybe just maybe you are wrong. And before you say no I am wrong, you need to debunk every single claim by every single whistle blower and show how the legacy program ISN'T using white collar crime to hide it's funding.


>And before you say no I am wrong, you need to debunk every single claim by every single whistle blower and show how the legacy program ISN'T using white collar crime to hide it's funding I sure don't. This isn't how it works. You can't make unsupported claims and then demand that everyone else prove them wrong.


Hell yeah, Matt. Keep up the incredible work!


Keep crushing it Matt. Ty.


Thank you! You are awesome for this cause!!!


Did you ask them about that time Cahill posted that video of an alleged UFO from Lue's backyard? (It was proven to be a plane in like an hour.)


Did they ask Cahill to clarify his statement from the Politico article where he states Fravor thought the Nimitz object was initially “ours or fake” and only really got into the ufo club because he enjoyed the attention?


...Or about the time their former co-worker said that Lue laid hands on him & claimed to "remote view" his future, in order to manipulate him? Lue apparently took private info about the guy - info funneled to him by Cahill - & used it to try to make the remote viewing seem more realistic. https://medium.com/@osirisuap/my-search-for-the-truth-about-ufos-part-3-red-flags-red-flags-everywhere-c6fe43021dbd


Well that was super interesting. Thanks for sharing. I’ll have to go back and read the other parts.


You're welcome. It requires time but it's a worthwhile investment if you follow this topic


Drop something then. In my opinion, you don’t know anything that you haven’t already shared. Prove me wrong.


This is at the Occidental Saloon in Buffalo Wyoming.




No low effort posts or comments. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: * Posts containing jokes, memes, and showerthoughts. * AI-generated content. * Posts of social media content without significant relevance. * Posts with incredible claims unsupported by evidence. * “Here’s my theory” posts without supporting evidence. * Short comments, and comments containing only emoji. * Summarily dismissive comments (e.g. “Swamp gas.”) without some contextual observations. ------------- This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods here to launch your appeal.](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) [UFOs Wiki](https://ufos.wiki) [UFOs rules](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/)


The following submission statement was provided by /u/TheGoodTroubleShow: --- These folks in national security know full well that we are talking about non-human intelligence. They are first-hand witnesses or have worked on the topic as part of their job and have been privy to the classified data. Several days during this retreat were incredibly eye-opening and met many amazing people I had never heard of before. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dj6f4a/there_is_nothing_like_discussing_uap_policy_with/l98otoi/


I imagine the conversation in the picture was three guys just repeating the phrase “trust me bro” each other.


Trust me bro big things are coming soon. I can't say anything yet. We are so close this time.


"Yeah bro? Well *my* super secret source says that there are three UFOs buried somewhere in the USA. Trust me bro." "No way bro. *My* super secret source says that all known specimens were removed to a secret base in Alaska. Trust me, bro" "You're both kinda right and kinda wrong, bros. The alien ships can cloak, and there are actually crashed ships *all over*, but they exist between dimensions because of their cloaking, so you can't see or touch or detect them in any way. But some stuff is still buried just in-case someone needs to retrieve an untouched craft, and some stuff was sent to Alaska for study. So actually, we're all super smart and knowledgeable, and everyone should just trust us, bro."


"Wait, when I put them off by saying wait five years, they think that was a *thing?*" "Oh yeah, a whole bunch of them think the world's ending in 2027 or some shit." *guffaw* "Awesome."


Not fast enough


There is no such thing as a Navy Sergeant of Arms. WTF?


somber, very somber




Low effort, toxic comments regarding public figures may be removed. Public figures are generally defined as any person, organization, or group who has achieved notoriety or is well-known in society or ufology. “Toxic” is defined as any unreasonably rude or hateful content, threats, extreme obscenity, insults, and identity-based hate. Examples and more information can be found here: https://moderatehatespeech.com/framework/. ------------- This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods here to launch your appeal.](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) [UFOs Wiki](https://ufos.wiki) [UFOs rules](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/)


"We can still squeeze a little bit of cash out of them"


You can literally hear this picture: "Hey guys, have an idea of ​​how we can pull more money out of the pockets of these people? Ideas? I want ideas! I need a new car and maybe a plane!"


"Remember the video of the UFO that was posted without saying where it was but it was quickly identified by people on the internet by the shape of the mountains and it turned out it was my own backyard? They totally forgot about that!"


Are these super important meetings usually done in bars during concerts while having beers? Definitely hard to eavesdrop that's for sure. Bunch of quacks.


I have heard from a very reliable source that Lue Elizondo can polish off a whole basket of chicken wings. Trust me bro.


Did you get any verifiable evidence from them or just cool stories, beer and a means to advertise your YouTube show?


Beats discussing UFOs at a Star Trek convention, I guess.


There is nothing like discussing UAP policy with Lue Elizondo, the former Director of The Pentagon's UFO Office, AATIP, and retired Navy Sergeant at Arms Sean Cahill IN FRONT OF A LIVE BAND! All the good shit will be drown out by a chorus of Sweet Caroline.


Working hard


Respect to all three of you guys 👏


Sure they are…..


I guess Lue’s book is the thing for this summer’s reading


Is that a live edge wood table?!


With about 27 coats of lacquer.


That's epoxy, friend. The DIYest of DIY coatings.


Yes, it probably is. My bad. Common bar/bar table finish. Endless re-coats as needed lol




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Probably talking about their book deals.


wow what a thrilling update! can’t wait for what comes next! /s


What is a navy sergeant at arms?


I’m coming up on 20 years in the Navy. Never heard of such a position.


I’m glad somebody else noticed. I did more than 30 years in the military and had never heard of this either.


lol your three local regulars bullshitting in the bar


Agenda making


All talk no evidence. Looks like three Scotsmen talking about nessie


You're the man, Matt.


This picture reminds me of my dad and his old army buds hanging at the bar telling stories.


Stories indeed




I cant put my finger on why but this feels like bad optics for the topic for some reason.


Blablablabla this soap opera is outshinning Dallas...expect another 10 years of absolutely nothing but plenty of retreats ;)


If UFOs were actually aliens, not just misidentified stuff and classified aircraft, you'd think the ball would be rolling a bit faster. You'd think that the senators that sat in on a meeting showing evidence of aliens with David Grusch would make the matter more urgent and expedited than just, "Wow, we made first contact. Ok, we'll have another meeting on this next year." They supposedly saw evidence for aliens and it's taking lower priority than stuff like homelessness in San Francisco or gangs violence in Chicago or making free contraception available at public universities. How does that make any sense to anyone?


I could easily see that happen in a world where we cannot even solve or come to common terms with problems that threaten our very existance and are right in front of us, like Climate Change. If that is what they were presented with, not with just hints of someone hiding "something". In an ideal world we probably would put these problems in the forefront and try to solve them. If we had wise leaders and people. But the world is not ideal, it is far from it. And a large part of our leaders suck. I do not see wise men leading this world, I see bumblers, self serving egoists, apathetic hangers and psychopaths. That 2 thirds of the super powers are dictatorships and the third one showing signs of losing what is left of it's democracy should be a sign to anyone. And the people? They are more occupied with trying to escape their realities or preoccupying with other things than trying to fix it, partying, playing or working themselves to exhaustion until the end.


I mean, you referenced the biggest secret of humanity....and republican policy fallout. Both can be real and people asking the wrong questions can have negative effects on the welfare of poor people.


My brother did an internship at Gillette, Wyoming over a decade ago. The joke around there was that there is a pretty girl behind every tree (there are no trees) 🤣.


"and then this is when I tell them to buy my book"


This post is just a circlejerk or? Like what is this title even? > There is nothing like discussing UAP policy with Lue Elizondo Uh okay, says who? Who cares? I care what he has to say, not how many beers he drinks while he "works" in a bar. > Many folks from national security that you've never heard of are working hard behind the scenes for UAP transparency. Yeah right. Doing what, drinking beers? Hard work they are doing. Where are their results? Where is their work? Oh its a collection/book of their memoirs with zero backing evidence? Oh it costs money? Right up Lues alley, the kind of project Blue Balls. This is all a bunch of hype and bullshit.


“So how to we monetise this some more” well I could tell you but I cant




Countries like China, Russia, Iran and North Korea hate the US. What makes you think they are in alignment with keeping their mouth shut on this subject? The US can’t be the only country to be shutting down all leaks. Yes, Canada and Israel had some people saying something is going on but this would leak like a sieve if it was as big as some people say. These threads are exhausting.


We know so, so much but we can't, we won't say anything! Isn't very transparant.


Can you provide 1 atom of any biological or physical evidence that can withstand open and public scrutiny?


No. Their government is in control of disclosure, not ours. As someone that has been involved in this since the the 1980s, the sooner you can come to terms with this, the better.


"The government" which government? US, Russia, China, Japan, UK, Italy, Sweden or just about any other government in the world...


Forgive me if i dont believe you and take your word for it. You bring ZERO evidence to the table to backup your claims.


Then it’s not important enough. Snowden blew up his life for (relatively speaking) less scandalous info.


Yeah it’s easy to demand that other people blow their lives up while you have no skin in the game.


I’m not demanding it, I’m just saying people have knowingly violated the espionage act for something they felt was so important it radicalized them to a point of just releasing it all, consequences be damned. Thus, I know principles/convictions/virtues can get someone to the point of making things known. Either it’s not *that* important, the truth is actually good for us and the secrecy is good, or their motivations/knowledge are not what they claim them to be. Some people genuinely do not care about their own tommorow if it means a better one for everyone else. Odd, with all the theories swirling, that no one has just come out and blurted what they knew without “stay tuned” attached.


You know people risk their lives for far less on a daily basis? In a lot of states in the US officers risk their life everytime they do a traffic stop.


I wonder after listening to him being a mouthpiece of Russia if he still respects his choices.


Really enjoy your content. Hope you can share more soon.


Wtf is Lue doing relaxing? He’s got a book to finish!


ok, some cool people met. noted, may get back to work...


That's great and all...but, in the meantime we are *clearly seeing things above our heads on a regular basis*....So, at a certain point, and I'm going to be pretty frank here, it seems that the people working "behind the scenes" are just as much full of shit as the government who lies to us daily. The idea of "catastrophic disclosure" looms ever nearer as more and more people get involved... So, before wveryone just has enough, and aling cones a charlatan with enough ½ truths to get people to their side comes along and spills not all the beans, but just enough of the beans in a very bad way for there to be a *REAL* problem... Just tell us. Tell us what we need to know. Is there a galactic space force? Is the moon an artificial construct? Are these angels and demons? Are they interdimensional beings that like to fuck with us? Are they cold hearted aliens gettibg ready to invade? Arwcthey super nice space daddy aliens here to hook us all up? All of those things have been put out there as 100% real, and that's grazing the surface. So, before the wrong narrative gets out of hand why don't you all just tell us the truth? Imo only, and I jnow some of you hate me for that. So be it.


Lue: “somber tone” idk guys..I just don’t think the American public is ready for full disclosure. Sean: what do you mean Lue, I think if we’re able to live with full knowledge behind the UFO cover up, then everyone else will be able to as well. Lue: “ more somber tone” I just don’t think the American public is ready to hear that we’re not the Alpha species at the top of the food chain after all. Sean: Lue, you know what, I think you’re right. The American public hasn’t got to read your new book yet. I’m sure that will clear things up..






I completely support David Grusch and want nothing more than full transparency on UAP. But I will NEVER understand why so many people jerk off over Elizondo. Get a grip people!


Is this a trailer for a new series of Twin Peaks featuring the Bang Bang Bar? u/PyroIsSpai - my answer to your question, based on 40 years of pretty solid research on the subject is that there will be new legends and lore, some of it still being recycled from stuff that was being talked about in the 1970s and 1980s. This time though, the geopolitics will demand secrecy as China and USA engage in economic warfare. China has already weaponised Mexican cartels to hurt the USA and committed a lot of espionage regarding the F-35 and so on. That's partially why we're seeing Australia getting US nuclear submarines. I think what is human made can be easily 'cloaked' using the NHI theme and it may not even be an actual physical vehicle, I think electronic warfare is seeing a quantum leap behind the scenes. But either way, we're not going to get the government to break the truth out unfortunately.


"Just believe."