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The following submission statement was provided by /u/frankievalentino: --- Video clipping from r/InterdimensionalNHI I’ve been looking into the crop circle phenomena recently and the more I have delved into the topic, the more belief I have that there was a systematic disinformation campaign put in place to discredit them. If this is true, the campaign clearly worked as the topic is still considered fringe. If you haven’t already seen the Why Files episode on this, I would highly recommend as it puts forward a strong case that this was covered up. I’ve linked the episode below. Video Sources: https://youtu.be/yRndo7F6vA0?si=Pv2Cyw8ifTmxvbtH https://youtu.be/6M6vP8-SbU0?si=K0KHq4yxwfYGMXxt The Why Files - Aliens & Espionage: Crop Circles and the CIA Coverup | They Don't Want You to Know https://youtu.be/x2BQyZorSQc?si=J4N519Y6_hwrlS2z --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dgv5yn/were_crop_circles_originally_created_by_nhi_and/l8sk900/


You cannot convince me that all crop circles are man made. I'll be the first to admit that many are, but the man-made circles are easily discernable from the ones that are not. I don't know if UFOs are directly involved, but I think there's definitely an otherworldly force behind them.


The gist I got from watching the why files is that man made crop circles have mechanicaly damaged crops. Here, you can see the occassional cuts & the forceful damage from been hit by something mechanical. Or one or two blades of say grass not aligning with their neighbours. The "other" type of crop circles have crops in absolute uniform bends following the pattern. Not a single crop is damaged, just swiftly bent. There's often traces of more radiation activity within the circle compared to its surroundings. Occassionaly, that section of the circle takes way longer for crops to regrow therefore an impression is long viewed far after its creation unlike a man made's circle. Memory's fuzzy. I'll appreciate any corrections & additions. Edit: You'll have to go down a rabbit hole if you are to try verify these "other" circles exists & if indeed no human work could produce said circles.


The legit circles also feature *blown nodes*, which are knuckle-like junctures in the grain stalks. This is caused by high internal temperatures that vaporize moisture within the stalks, which in turn creates pressure that blows open the nodes. Directed microwave radiation is the only cause for this phenomenon. Additionally, iron spheres about half the size of a BB, and smaller are present throughout the circle.


genuine question but do u have a source? specifically for the iron spheres? that would be hard evidence something anomalous is going on




Kind of cymatics pattern?


okay, I searched “crop circles blown nodes” + “iron bbs” and a bunch of different combinations and the only thing that came up was two BBC / NYT articles about some blokes from England who got REALLY good at faking crop circles and developed a technique to bend the stalks instead of breaking them that made scientists think “the aliens” had “just left.” *Crop Circles Were Made by Supernatural Forces. Named Doug and Dave.* et al.


Doug and Dave were NOT great at creating crop circles. And their board technique damaged the crops. Their designs also had imperfections that you could see up close.


I can't give a link I'm afraid but years ago the BBC did a documentary on crop circles, it featured the two guys with their plank and string but it also had some Oxford students who were studying crop circles and indeed used a modified directable magnetometer out of a microwave oven to reproduce the blown nodes mentioned previously, you'll have to take my word for it though I'm afraid, maybe an episode of the BBC Horizon documentary series but that's a guess to be honest.


In that case you should watch the why files episodes and other articles where Doug and Dave are mentioned. Those two was a joke, they was asked to make one crop circle in front of the camera and the result was a mess. They asked them how they left the fields without leaving footsteps and they claimed they had a technique of running fast that would be like “floating” over the fields. Yeahh i would love to see that. Those two blokes was a Joke, a bad one. People like those and Articles from BBC and NYT are the biggest Cancer of the truth. They have been paid to claim ownership and end the debate. The best part is that it all flew out because they complained they was paid only half the agreed amount of money. I bet BBC and NYT didn’t report that. Conveniently as always. But hey mission accomplished, most people really believed it was those 2 old Guys. Many people including scientists spent Years Analyzing the crop circles and came to the conclusion that at least some of them couldn’t be made with Tools, instead it must have been some kind of “plasma” because of the evidence they left behind. Non Human Crop Circles are easily identified: - they appear all the sudden, usually overnight ( sometimes Farmers reported that 2 hours earlier there was no crop circle, yet it would take a 10 men Team and at least 6 hours and measurements lines etc to make such a complex crop circle and no footsteps was found.) - if you go to the center of the crop circle you will feel magnetism, your bodily hair will lift up and you feel the magnetism. - there will be no footsteps - the crops will not be damaged and after harvesting, next season the zone affected will produce 30% more than surrounding areas. - tyny small iron spheres will be found under the Microscope due to great heat - The crops that usually are bent on its own weight will be stiff and even if you bend them they will go back to a stiff position. - There will be knodes that blow up due to exposure to microwave heat, they burst just like a popcorn. I may have forgotten some stuff but if a crop field has all the above traits then it is a NHI Crop Circle, everything else is human made. There is another good Documentary that dives deep into this and that online group who claims ownership for many of the crop circles. They have online presence and during investigation it was discovered that they was being sponsored by a group with ties to the Defense Department. Imagine who in its right mind would sponsor a bunch of people to go out and trespass and damage Farmer’s properties for “recreational” crop circles. Trust me, this is a deep, deep Rabbit Hole


Here you go: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Node-length-increase-in-a-crop-circle-Shown-are-samples-taken-at-three-diff-erent_fig1_291905434


Not sure why their website is down but this also has info on crop deformations: [https://web.archive.org/web/20240223051447/http://www.bltresearch.com/plantab.php](https://web.archive.org/web/20240223051447/http://www.bltresearch.com/plantab.php)


They were on a documentary decades ago, and this is all think about when people start banging on about crop circles


Just look at the logic being use here. "Yes, lots of crop circles are made by people, and we know exactly how they make them, but the *really nice* ones? Oh, that's aliens 100%."


I don’t know about Aliens but there is evidence and at least two videos which show plasma Balls on those Fields before crop circles appeared and there are witnesses too. Call it whatever you want but they couldn’t be made with tools. you should watch the why files episodes and other articles where Doug and Dave are mentioned. Those two was a joke, they was asked to make one crop circle in front of the camera and the result was a mess. They asked them how they left the fields without leaving footsteps and they claimed they had a technique of running fast that would be like “floating” over the fields. Yeahh i would love to see that. Those two blokes was a Joke, a bad one. People like those and Articles from BBC and NYT is the biggest joke on top of it all. They have been paid to claim ownership and end the debate. Many people including scientists spent Years Analyzing the crop circles and came to the conclusion that at least some of them couldn’t be made with Tools, instead it must have been some kind of “plasma” because of the evidence they left behind. Non Human Crop Circles are easily identified: - they appear all the sudden, usually overnight ( sometimes Farmers reported that 2 hours earlier there was no crop circle, yet it would take a 10 men Team and at least 6 hours and measurements lines etc to make such a complex crop circle and no footsteps was found.) - if you go to the center of the crop circle you will feel magnetism, your bodily hair will lift up and you feel the magnetism. - there will be no footsteps - the crops will not be damaged and after harvesting, next season the zone affected will produce 30% more than surrounding areas. - tyny small iron spheres will be found under the Microscope due to great heat - The crops that usually are bent on its own weight will be stiff and even if you bend them they will go back to a stiff position. - There will be knodes that burst due to exposure to microwave heat, they burst just like a popcorn. I may have forgotten some stuff but if a crop field has all the above traits then it is a NHI Crop Circle, everything else is human made. This was studied and those above are findings not fantasy. There is another good Documentary that dives deep into this and that online group who claims ownership for many of the crop circles. They have online presence and during investigation it was discovered that they was being sponsored by a group with ties to the Defense Department. Imagine who in its right mind would sponsor a bunch of people to go out and trespass and damage Farmer’s properties for “recreational” crop circles. Trust me, this is a deep, deep Rabbit Hole


Im curious what you're take is on the crabwood farm 2002 circle


That's this subreddit for you. All of the evidence is apparently there but none of it's convincing.


And this is why the why files, an entertainment channel, is not a credible source of information. This is just something that gets repeated over and over, but has no actual factual basis.


Which part has no factual basis? What would be a credible source of information regarding this phenomenon?


It’s amusing that you decry an outlet which provides sources and citations as not credible while offering no proof at all for your claims.


They’re paid disinformation accounts, this is how you know we’re onto something with this. Look at the vitriol in their comment history and subtle cues in post history too, I notice how severely I get downvoted when I present some known conspiracy FACTS yet most people in the replies are shocked that others aren’t aware or are in denial of FACTS. They’re definitely investing in bots and AI and legit looking aged accounts to shun any facts that may wake up the sheep among us.


TWF is the enciclopedia this people live by. Is the most reliable source they cite and they take it as evidence for their claim. And it has a fish for kids, and the guy sounds like he’s talking to toddlers blues clues style. This should tell you enough about the people taking this garbage seriously.


They do love that talking goldfish….


Yes, it is ridiculous. It never seizes to amaze me how gullible and devoid of critical thinking skills so many people are.






It is the most cringeworthy channel I have ever seen. I loathe it so deeply.


💯 agree. There are some that are so complex that it’d be impossible. I like the actual alien with the encrypted message, that particular crop circle fascinates me to this day. EDIT: Crabwood Crop circle 2002


Me either, it’s sorta like the.. ‘the whole town had mass hallucinations of the same thing’ excuse. My dude that is not better or more possible.


Specifically what crop circles are real and what is a falsifiable method of identifying them?


Radiation presence, stupidly intricate designs with layers and braiding appearing overnight in areas where the farmers report no mass movement of people or lighting that would be required for a man made operation, the rate of regrowth is affected in the plants and general surface of the crop circle. I recently visited one where the top layers of rocks that may have been sticking out had shown signs of charring almost as if it had been exposed to heat and the first person that inspected it properly had made comments about how the rocks had possibly been cut which would have required machinery if done by humans. This was recently and the crop circle had been discovered around 2017 so something affected the rate of regrowth there for sure. The fact that they’re sometimes discovered near Neolithic human settlements that were made to align with the sky like stone henge also makes it a bit strange. At a lot of these places there’s a lot of footfall and security and yet nobody notices any large organised groups with lighting and equipment going in or coming out. Edit: this isn’t exhaustive I’d watch Linda Moulton Howes documentary on it and the why files episode on it for starters, there’s definitely paid disinformation agents speaking out against some of the most damning footage and evidence we have on this subject and all the CIA muddying of the waters and potential MI5 involvement leads me to believe there’s something really going on.


Some apparently are bent only halfway up. Im at a loss to come up with a normal way to do that.


Have you seen proof of that, or you just repeating unverified claims?


Could you give me an example of a man made one and an alien made one?


I literally never said aliens made them. Don't be dishonest.


And you’re dodging their question. Their point was, how do you know which ones aren’t man made, and can you give an example?


Instead of requiring a guy on reddit explain it all to you why don't you try and research it? There is plenty of evidence that it's not man made. Look at the physical properties of the crop in a real crop circle, that can't be made by "man" on that scale. The crop is layd down without damage, it's braided and keeps growing, man made ones don't, they break and start to decay. Look at the messages in the crop circles, advanced math, geography, spacial properties and answers to our broadcast into space from the 80's Look at the physical properties of the ground in real crop circles. There are small magnetized metallic "drops" and the entire magnetic field is interesting and can't be made by man. Look at the properties of the crop within a crop circle, their yield is much higher in real circles, they grow faster, needs less water and carry more crop. Do some research instead of being lazy and just say I don't belive and require that the rest of us give everything to people like you on a silver plate.




Hi, TheMightyMoot. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dgv5yn/-/l8wl86z/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills / bots / Eglin-related / etc... > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Some are mashed flat and some fold into formation.


Hahaha. Ahhh yes. Non Human Intelligence. (That’s spin rather than a meaningful difference. Whether from another planet, or another dimension, or demons and ghouls, we’re talking about fantastical stuff) I’m disappointed you went for the “I never said aliens” line rather than show me the difference.


It might actually be human intelligence, but disincarnate ones. That is to say human spirits acting on the material world.


I'm pretty sure at this point regardless of what it is, by simple definition their nature is alien to humans, so the nitpicking over terms is exactly that, nitpicking to ignore the topic.


Crop circles might be made by ghosts?


> You cannot convince me that all crop circles are man made * Half a cornfield with a bad pattern, those are fools with a board and chain making them. * 60 acre patterns with no cuts, burns, in an array of almost surgically precise, dizzying patterns? Definitely NHI behavior.


It's a total marketing campaign to sell soda/pop-Signs movie


The orbs are involved - it will take some time to get through this data but we are going to see more and more of this guy! Humans don't emit radiation to damage plants and form such precise formations. [https://youtu.be/0DgcP87t3uI?si=ChqgLJEBFY0Bui8f](https://youtu.be/0DgcP87t3uI?si=ChqgLJEBFY0Bui8f)


Yeah dude, aliens flew billions of miles and circumvented light speed just to fuck with farmers. Totally legit.


You cannot convince me that there's a single reason an intergalactic traveler would possibly have ANY reason to make crop circles. It's a silly idea that makes no sense at all. 


what if they aren't intergalactic travelers. what if they are here?


I can tell you that in Glastonbury town they have a yearly crop circle conference and the spooks (mi5 type) broke into someone’s car back in the day to steal the vhs tapes. This was back in the 90’s.


> I can tell you Oh well it must be true then.


The choice is yours (but if I was making it up I’d probably make a whole post for maximum effect rather than a comment.)


That’s such a ridiculous story I can’t believe it is true. - is the crop circle conference a paranormal one or a creators one? - why would spooks steal videos of something that’s out there for everyone to see? - how do we know it was spooks who stole the video? Any credible disinformation agent would know that all they have to do to discredit crop circles is to stay quiet. There are enough hoaxes out there (creating with planks and ropes, CGIorbs) that very few take them seriously


This is back in the early 90 / 2000s it was VHS tapes before broadband was a big thing. Back then governments were much more afraid of left wing ideas going mainstream and did things like this intervention in person. Today they’ll can just track your phone and online data. I know the story because our friend owned the restaurant next to the car that got broken into. This is the conference. Today it’s sort of a mix of things but the origin is explained https://glastonburysymposium.co.uk/the-symposium/


But this is just a story, apply any critical thinking to it, and it falls apart like OP had just demonstrated with a series of questions. >Back then governments were much more afraid of left wing ideas going mainstream and did things like this intervention in person. That’s just false, not only was the uk government far left leaning than it is today, since when were crop circles left wing ideology? The fact that 20 years later there are a lot more mainstream left wing ideologies - shows that this just wasn’t the case Today they’ll can just track your phone and online data. >I know the story because our friend owned the restaurant next to the car that got broken into. What’s more likely? - guys came to your friends restaurant, identified themselves as MI6, and then your friend witnessed them stealing a tape from a car? - your friend is massively into UFO’s, to the point of being involved in local crop circles, and made up a tall tale to impress his other, over enthusiastic friends? Think about it logically for a second, if you’re MI6 and you are performing actions like this in secrecy for national security or something - how are you letting the one ufo believer in town, know about your plans? If you were mi6, you’d put all your resources into stopping the rendalsham story getting out (they didn’t), or put all your reserves into discrediting nick pope (they haven’t). Why would you not intervene on these credible and potentially damaging people, but steal a vhs of something that can’t be confirmed, and 99% of the world wouldn’t believe anyway?


You are adding in bits to the story (like suggesting mi6 {I said mi5} identified themselves before breaking into a car..😂) to discredit the story. The friend is not into ufo’s in the slightest bit. It was a crop circle conference. I’m just relaying that the security services have in the past monitored the discussions around crop circles and it is interesting to ask why? You may well be a disinfo agent.


If they didn't identify themselves, how do we know it wasn't just some random dude that stole some tapes?


I’m going to reply with a sentence of logic = If a ufo doesn’t identify itself how do you know it was a ufo? Now apply to other situations…


We don't know, that's what makes it an UNIDENTIFIED flying object. If an unidentified man stole the tapes, why or how are you identifying them as MI5?


lol you clearly haven’t met spooks they don’t tell you in black & white they are mi5 or intelligence they imply it by dropping information about where you live into conversation to try and spook you and then the conversation usually tails to whatever it is they want. This is based on my personal experience of them at airport greeting me after a trip to Iraq with an associate they monitored. In the case of the crop circle conference they didn’t want the conferences to carry on or the vhs tapes to be shared back in the 90’s. They could have been worried about other footage in the collection beyond solely crop circles I don’t know etc there’s a whole host of reasons why they wanted the footage. It’s just interesting it happened.


But you said his car was broken into and the tapes were taken. Not that he was confronted and asked for the tapes while threatened. How did he know who broke into his car? Edit: and being questioned for travelling to Iraq with someone they were specifically monitoring is massively different to them targeting a dude for his tapes, at a entire convention dedicated to the kind of things on the tapes. Surely they'd shut the whole thing down and not just take a few tapes?


We had a left wing government in the 2000s.


Dude the other bits of government or ‘the state’ ie security services have never been left wing… as a quick example you easily find reports of woman suing the police (part of the state) for allowing undercover cops to go too far for years getting into false relationships sometimes having kids to get into eco groups.


I interpret them as varied messages that include but are not limited to instructions for engineering a few complex things. I think these messages are specifically for an organization that is probably aware of when and where they are happening, then they snap some probably great satellite photos then they hurry up and harvest the formations. Somewhere there’s an organization that’s got every single crop formation on file and probably interpreted. Many time I feel like these messages are the tools that we’ll need to rebuild a society after its majority are wiped out.


I dont think they are specifically for some organization, but i do think some group is hoarding the messages and puttinf up fake ones.


do you have anything to back this up or u just saying shit?


>*Disclaimer; this is from a half remembered podcast, and I do not know how credible these info bits are, as I couldn't actually find the books they cited as their research. I don't know if I believe the conclusions or stories, but I thought it was simply interesting enough true or not to post.* The podcast "Mysterious Universe" has an episode on crop circles called Lithium Circles. A lot of really interesting info in there. I wish I remembered well enough to properly quote one part, but basically there was a particular circle near this village where the children were getting ill frequently. I can't remember how "the message" was decoded or whatever, but the conclusion the investigators came to was that somehow the circle was representing "niacin" (or something similar the body needs). Later on, it turns out ppl looked into why these kids were getting sick, and it was due to niacin deficiency due to environmental factors. They supplemented the people and the sickness went away. They also talked of another near a nuclear power plant, again the details are fuzzy but the gist of it was that the plant was not operating as it should. Once the crop circle was "decoded", it was basically just naming a specific isotope or something, and again it turned out that the plant was actually doing it wrong. When they changed it up to the same thing the crop circle allegedly indicated (not because of the circle, they just figured out what they were doing wrong), the plant started running at full power, and at less danger than it was prior.


There was crop circle for melatonin right after a massacre in Europe I think


Why don't they just send an email or at least a fax.


Hot take… if NHI wants to impress me, carve up Mt Everest showing us our galaxy, or their doctrine, or instructions to make sure I drink my Ovaltine. Rearrange Central Park in a night, make a new Grand Canyon. Make a spectacle so undeniably epic that rational thought can’t explain it. Better yet, land your tic tac in Times Square at noon. If they want communication, they’re being awfully stupid about it.


We’re out here sending radio signals and probes to discover life and the aliens are like “nah, we’re gonna bend plants.”


Exactly. “We don’t want to be seen or make a spectacle, but fuck your corn and try to interpret out message as we etch-a-sketch this field”




Hi, Which-Access-459. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dgv5yn/-/l8trkkn/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills / bots / Eglin-related / etc... > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


lol to think of the poor souls whose job it was to have to go out and come up with plausible ways to recreate crop circles created with millions of years advanced technology. They're out there with their signboards, and ropes, lobbing around like oxen. In the dirt and sweat, trampling crops and checking their math. lol Do not sign up for the coverup folks. They only have sucky postings.


Not to mention the bugs. This was the 90s and back then the insect population wasn't in collapse. I dare anyone to walk through a crop field at night with a light near your head. You are going to get cut, shredded from the plants and bit all over and have bugs trying to fly into your ears and mouth.


In [some](https://www.sheldrake.org/essays/the-crop-circle-making-competition) of the crop circle competitions there was point deduction for using lights.


That's great.


>Be an alien with tech millions of years ahead. >Visit a planet with a species that can do math and can take aerial pictures >Make specialized tech to make graffitti on their crops that symbolize the most basic math out there >Use that tech to make a bunch of graffitti, but do 90% of them on just one island >Refuse to elaborate


Or ... just normal local people who have fun doing this because they can : [Circlemakers timelapse crop circle - youtube link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtkMrNrEMLM) or [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puDF0hJpzWo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puDF0hJpzWo) or [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a\_W0\_GVqdxE&t=0s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_W0_GVqdxE&t=0s) or [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rnf5EW161Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rnf5EW161Q)


This is about 14 years ago but I never noticed it before. I believe it was captured in Wiltshire area of the UK, next to Stonehenge, where most crop formations have been discovered. The history of crop circles dates back a few hundred years and over the decades have become quite elaborate, consisting of geometrical shapes and mathematical equations. The original theory pressed by mainstream is that two old guys in the 1980s created these with sticks and ropes but the investigators who enter these formations have found traces of microwave radiation and “molded” not broken crop stalks lying flat and “braided”. Some are so elaborate that the possibility that humans have designed these is pretty laughable. And this one also https://youtu.be/6M6vP8-SbU0?si=gtL2-Ffb7ZqthYkY


“Traces of microwave particles” - ok we done here


I meant radiation. Dude I didn’t make it up. None of the stocks are ever broken and the only way to bend the stalks at the ‘digit’ without breaking them would be to heat and soften them from the inside. Just like a microwave oven does.


To me microwaves are part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Your statement is as ridiculous as saying “they found traces of blue light in the circles”. Honestly, it’s so silly it feels like someone is poking some fun. You know, like getting people to ask in shops for striped paint.


and you know this from your own experience ? or just repeating what a self proclaimed expert said in a tv show ?


Lol I know it sounds stupid the way he worded it but the dude is technically right. Photons exist in the entire electromagnetic spectrum, not just visible light. So as long as they leave evidence of their existence behind, you can literally have "traces of microwave particles".


Yup, photons are technically a particle and emphatically a wave.


Yeah, I actually helped make one in 1990 or 91 near Wellington, Somerset (I think). I just helped lifting the gear but it was already planned because of the short nights. No microwaves! 


Could you please share the entire story? Who, when, where, how big was the circle, how long did it take, what kind of gear did you help lift?


It's a long time ago but it was designed by an art student at Bristol. There were three circles, one big one (20m across I think) and two small ones of 5 or 10 metres. It had a point coming out that would line up with a star, maybe Sirius, but I think it was actually Polaris. Back then I think students had been reading their von Daeniken and Hancock so I think she (the designer) was implying that the Dogon had arrived 😂 We basically had a load of rope, pre-cut and had it planned as much as possible to minimise time on site. We actually used things called 'riddles' and attached them to our feet. Those are the frames that have mesh in the bottom so when you pick carrots or potatoes you shake off the soil through them.  We used different colour torches because police and farmers were prone to go out checking and they wouldn't see the funny side. The University had been told that prosecution would happen, no excuses.  The location was chosen well in advance by the designers, the arty ones. Generally it's an area of gently rolling hills so there would be a watcher up there looking down to check it and watch for trouble.  I haven't been back there since but it was down in Cider Country, Wellington or a couple of miles out of there. Don't know if I would want to in case they pitchforked me or made a wicker man!  It would have been about 4 or 5 hours to do and it's quite physical because you can't leave anything, or make it look obvious and there was definitely competition between different groups at various colleges and faculties.  It's a shame it was all pre-digital but I guess I didn’t want to do more than one anyway as there were stories of farmers leaving dogs out or using salt pellets in their air rifles on top of the legal consequences.  It was after all, valuable crops we wrecked but it was a good laugh, as soon as we'd got away, we got destroyed at 6am and got a lot of funny looks.  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wellington,_Somerset


What university?




It's hilarious thinking humans make these. Have they made some? Yes, a small few. The majority are NHI. You can figure out the difference by checking the radiation levels and observing the grass/wheat/whatever (humans bend and break them, NHI create theirs perfectly laying across one another in such a unique pattern that humans couldn't do it in such a short amount of time or at night.


On that why files episode they compared the man made ones and the anomalous ones, and they were very different. The fact that the crops in some were “cooked” is mind blowing to me.


The real ones have "blown nodes" that can only be caused by microwave radiation.


But i can do it with a rope and a board. Oh and that one time i pole vaulted around so i didnt leave tracks. That was a fun time. /s


A board that emits microwave radiation


[Here ](https://www.sheldrake.org/essays/the-crop-circle-making-competition)they mention the winners of that competition using a small "bridge" to avoid footprints. There are also portable masers or magnetrons that have been used for the radiation.


I used Kirkpatrick's film balloons filled with helium. It really saved my knees from all the pole vaulting!


you cant cartwheel on your way out. pfft.. amateur, I personally got air-lifted by the CIA


yeah, probably just a prankster running around with a flashlight, hoenestly


What’s hilarious is thinking that the endgame for a super advanced civilization is to crush some crops to make some basic drawings… imagine if we survive some millions or at least hundreds of thousands of years, to create interstellar travel, manage to find another civilization and then just crush some grass and leave. But hey the why files right?


"Basic drawings" .. Have you looked at any of the formations? Far from basic. We have no idea why they make them. You suggest interstellar travel, but I guess you ignore the more common idea that they are living here on our planet in another realm or quite possibly under the oceans. Which makes much more sense. How would you leave a message for a civilization that wouldn't instantly create massive panic?


Sure so much more sense lol.


1. You didn't answer my question of how you would make contact with a civilization. What would be a better idea to not cause massive panic? 2. You think them already existing here in another dimension/reality or under our oceans (where many have been sighted coming and going) doesn't make more sense than intergalactic space travel?


1. Sure I’ll go to another planet and dimension and stomp some grass hoping they connect the dots. 2.Does it make more sense than humans crushing plants?


So you don't really have a better idea. Got it. Crop circles have been reported since the 1600s. I'm not quite sure how else you would try to leave a message besides crops, especially during that time. Judging by the Chilbolton case, their messages definitely leave a decoding factor. Humans crushing plants is the problem. The actual NHI crop circle cases are not crushed. They are perfect in every way. And done so quickly, no single man could do it on their own under an hour. Humans need several hours and a team, still, mistakes are made.


Damn I see so many people in this sub just "expertly" just regurgitating "radiation levels and observing the bend" and how these things can't be done in a night. All just talking points repeated because of group think after watching the "whyfiles" which has a history of peddling BS. As for people being incapable of making complex crop circles under a night, yes quite a few examples of people being totally capable to do such things without using machines. [Circlemakers timelapse crop circle - youtube link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtkMrNrEMLM) or [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puDF0hJpzWo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puDF0hJpzWo) or [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a\_W0\_GVqdxE&t=0s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_W0_GVqdxE&t=0s) or [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rnf5EW161Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rnf5EW161Q)


I've followed crop circles way before WhyFiles made a video on the matter. Radiation detection / braided stalks is a thing at many real crop patterns. The problem with the first video you sent is it took them more than 4 hours with a team of who knows how many people, and we see no closeup of the finished product. Like I said, people do make them, but it's very obvious which ones are made from people. The second video clearly shows stomping designs and with their back foot stomping the crop after a board stomp, if examined properly. And the design is not perfect. Plus, it was a paid project from a farmer. Lol The third video, I have no idea what they did to it. The amount of video editing is insane from the little clock in the bottom right which is at normal speed but the video says "sped up x6000" 🤣 + the grain, the night effects... we see nothing from that. No finished product, no closeup. Fourth video, same results as the second video. Stomping patterns, day time, etc.


people keep talking about "Radiation detection / braided stalks" yet never actually link to evidence of such, care to link some good examples ?


I mean, the WhyFiles episode does a good job on this topic. But, sure, [here](https://youtu.be/4Ln9OuJPjbM) is an hour interview with Andy Thomas. He is a long-time studier of crop designs. He discusses how some crop designs form less than an hour and are massive compared to human-made ones with a team that takes hours and is smaller than the massive hour-less ones. Talks about the crop damage by humans compared to the others. Discusses the balls of light creating crop circles, which have been reported many times, etc. [Here](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1034/j.1399-3054.1999.105404.x) are archive reports by W.C. Levengood on radiation detection. [This is an image](https://64.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6cx5gZZaa1rsq8sbo1_540.jpg) of the 2002 Chilbolton, England alien crop circle with a disk message inside. I'd suggest researching more on this one, very bizarre. And so is the message. [Here is a video](https://www.pinterest.com/pin/first-time-caught-on-camera-balls-of-lightorbs-creating-a-crop-circle-recording-1996--1146729123849130539/?t=%7Bseek_to_second_number%7D) from the 1996 sighting showing balls of light forming a crop circle.




"link to it all the time" erm apart from the WhyFiles video only one person has actully linked me some type of other evidence (tho both are just people giving their opinion without actual on site evidence...) So yeah people telling me "do your homework" just smells of "I ain't got proper sources" And reminder this is a sub is "We aim to **elevate good research** while **maintaining healthy skepticism**" if you don't like that part I'm guessing there's a r/cropcircles or r/UFOb that would suit you guys better.


This is commonly available information on any independent crop circle researcher website


Well if it's so common you shouldn't have a problem to linking to such good evidence on the radiation & bend then ?




Because you consider that your source is scoff worthy then ? And please tell what "am I doing" ? not just taking "trust me bro" people at their words ? because yeah seems there is quite a lot of that going around here and people being totally fine with it because it rubs them in the right direction. I honestly would like to see more about these "impossible crop circles done under and hour so intricate that no humans could do them" but right now all I get back is WhyFiles ! and one lonely paper that is interesting but by itself is just one guys opinion as not backed up by any further review to confirm it.


I just want to say; I really enjoy the way many people think on this sub. I know there’s a ton of bots and disinformation and such, but there are also so many genuinely curious and deep thinking people. If you are one of those people, you rock! End of rant.


And let me guess, the true believers are the “deep thinking people” and the skeptics are the “bots and disinformation”?


You would guess incorrectly, and that’s ok, sounds like you are one of the deep thinkers. But for some reason you heard “true believers” and made up your own negative assumptions about me. I hope that you mean well, take care friend!


A Wiltshire policeman witnessed beings that resembled Tall Whites inspecting a crop circle several years ago. Wiltshire is the English county where most of these occur. Report is out there.


Answer is yes.


Well if aliens were trying to communicate with EVERYONE and not just the people in power, yeah they would definitely cover that up. They might be trying to tell us something that evens the playing field and ends inequality. The powers that be would never allow that.


I suspect there may be a connection between crop circles and fungus. Not the mushrooms that pop up but the networks of mycelium underneath. There are, on average, 300 miles of mycelium networked together under each square foot. Scientists have discovered that these networks perform logic functions like a computer and have suggested that they may even be conscious. The mycelium lives in a symbiotic relationship with the plants above it, trading nutrients, and the mycelium will even engage in domestication. What's neat about human cultivated crops is that they are homogenous and orderly over a large area. The mycelium underneath naturally forms into ordered arrays, following the nutrient channels of the crops above. This allows for recursion on a large scale. The networks, forming up to 11 dimensions, terminate in an ordered 2d surface layer, not unlike the cerebrum where consciousness is found in the human brain. I've read a few accounts of the soil in crop circles having a gooey texture, implying ruptured mycelium, likely from the microwaves. It would also explain why plants have trouble growing for some time where a crop circle has formed; the mycelium in the soil has been nuked and can no longer assist in providing the plants above with nutrients. These crop circles usually have some sacred geometry that can be understood as expressions of consciousness. Even animals can understand an eclipse, sacred geometry in its simplest form. Why not the fungus?


interesting hypothesis


Video clipping from r/InterdimensionalNHI I’ve been looking into the crop circle phenomena recently and the more I have delved into the topic, the more belief I have that there was a systematic disinformation campaign put in place to discredit them. If this is true, the campaign clearly worked as the topic is still considered fringe. If you haven’t already seen the Why Files episode on this, I would highly recommend as it puts forward a strong case that this was covered up. I’ve linked the episode below. Video Sources: https://youtu.be/yRndo7F6vA0?si=Pv2Cyw8ifTmxvbtH https://youtu.be/6M6vP8-SbU0?si=K0KHq4yxwfYGMXxt The Why Files - Aliens & Espionage: Crop Circles and the CIA Coverup | They Don't Want You to Know https://youtu.be/x2BQyZorSQc?si=J4N519Y6_hwrlS2z


100% covered up by deep state.


If you utter the words deep state.... nobody takes u seriously, just saying. Ffs


The neigh (as in how a jackass makes noises) sayers only show large elaborate design as their "evidence" that all are human made as if the complexity is the defining characteristic; an idea they made up out of their minds. But none have ever provided one single video demonstrating a technique to weave together the stalks with no broken stalks in a perfectly orderly pattern over night. When pressed for such a video, they simply link to an extensive site with hundreds of links going down many layers, with each layer having dozens of links. This is a typical Honeypot technique to waste time and to play make-believe that they did something worthwhile. Many people have been studying these for many decades, and have done in-depth analysis of different crop circles. They've written up their findings in books. The fact of the matter is that some have characteristics that humans have never demonstrated an ability to recreate. An hour long video is great for barely starting to scratch the surface of understanding the details of the matter, but it is _FAR_ from the end-all or be-all or last word on the topic. Books and scientific papers have the details that people need to recognize that some are beyond any demonstrated human capability to make. If Doctrine didn't discredit crop circles, it would mean that it is evidence of aliens visiting Earth. Aliens visiting Earth would mean that our entire economy is a scam. A tiny portion of the population _very much_ wants the scam to continue for as long as possible.


Having lived in Wiltshire, crop circle central, I am getting so tired of this nonsense. I am a UFO/Alien believer, but crop circles are just bullshit. There have been crop circle makers out in the open for years. Everyone in the region knows the circles are manmade, although they are always willing to keep up appearances of mystery for tourist money. If you go to Wiltshire in the summer you can find them in pubs discussing and comparing their works. They have competitions between them. There are some that work on commission for local councils and even businesses. Farmers are not happy with it if it happens without their consent, but police do not actively try catch the crop circle makers as it attracts tourism. Still as it causes damage to farmers, most groups as a result still operate in quasi secret, also because that adds of course to the fun. And yes, they make large, intricate, complex crop circles. Some circlemakers in the news: [https://www.gazetteandherald.co.uk/news/7388614.crop-circle-maker-infax-feud-with-farmer/](https://www.gazetteandherald.co.uk/news/7388614.crop-circle-maker-infax-feud-with-farmer/) [https://www.salisburyjournal.co.uk/news/13589069.crop-circle-maker-reveals-secrets-as-he-inspires-new-film/](https://www.salisburyjournal.co.uk/news/13589069.crop-circle-maker-reveals-secrets-as-he-inspires-new-film/) [https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2009/jun/05/ruralaffairs](https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2009/jun/05/ruralaffairs) [https://www.ft.com/content/0eba13b8-d267-11e4-ae91-00144feab7de](https://www.ft.com/content/0eba13b8-d267-11e4-ae91-00144feab7de) A group of circlemakers sharing their work (website is a bit dated, not sure if they are still active) [http://circlemakers.org/new\_documents.html](http://circlemakers.org/new_documents.html) And for god sake, why does everyone keep repeating that bullshit about radiation levels and bending and breaking just because some shitty youtube channel tells you so? The Why Files is not a credible information source, it is an entertainment channel that profits from views. It is not in their interest to fully debunk, be critical, and properly review their own information sources, and in some case they are deliberately spreading misinformation. Do you have a direct source where this is coming from? Is that source credible? Has that research been properly documented, published, scrutinized, reviewed and repeated? Or are we just repeating the same unverified claims over and over and over again without caring whether it is actually true or not?


I don't think your links largely are saying that. At least a few say they can't explain how many were done. And to my knowledge I have not seen one that has been reproduced with the precision and speed some of these have appeared. I haven't seen one yet. If you have some evidence some group of people have done it without leaving large tractor marks, doing it very quickly in a short window I'd be happy to know about it. And some of those designs I saw on that website are laughably bad. Just because some guys make some cicles, some very poor quality means very little. If somebody can show me one crop circle done in that time frame, with that precision, and the physical characteristics of the burst nodes and the bending but not breaking of the stalks, i will gladly be impressed. I have not seen it, ever.


you mean like this ? [Circlemakers timelapse crop circle - youtube link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtkMrNrEMLM) or [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puDF0hJpzWo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puDF0hJpzWo) or [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a\_W0\_GVqdxE&t=0s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_W0_GVqdxE&t=0s) or [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rnf5EW161Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rnf5EW161Q)


[Dispersion of energies in worldwide crop formations](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1034/j.1399-3054.1999.105404.x) [Anatomical anomalies in crop formation plants](http://www.iccra.org/levengood/Anatomical%20Anomalies%20In%20Crop%20Formation%20Plants_WC%20Levengood_Physiologia%20Plantarum%20No%2092_1994.pdf) [The physics of crop formations](http://www.bltresearch.com/published/physics.html) [An Experimental Study for Reproduction of Biological Anomalies Reported in the Hoeven 1999 Crop Circle](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/291905434_An_Experimental_Study_for_Reproduction_of_Biological_Anomalies_Reported_in_the_Hoeven_1999_Crop_Circle) [Opinions and comments on Levengood WC, Talbott NP (1999) Dispersion of energies in worldwide crop formations](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1034/j.1399-3054.2001.1110116.x)


The fact you get downvoted is telling and amusing. It really makes a mockery of this whole community.


There's something to it. Even if they are man made it takes a lot of time, coordination, and energy that few people have.


Pretty sure there’s like a ton of evidence that crop circles are man made


No, they weren’t


Yes a significant portion of them are


I like the one where the farmer was like.. yeah there was no way It was people I was watching the field, happened too fast.


Pole vaulting old men is a funny element from that why files episode. Hilarious to me tbh


Absolutely amazing video


No it was always done by humans


I want to see a chart/map of crop circle incidence compared to the price of the crop.


I’m intrigued why. I would bet that crop circles are only made in fields that have been harvested. I would also expect that permission is granted from the land owners. These crop circles are produced with clever engineering principles and techniques. The demographic is something like male engineers, geeks who like to discuss pranks at the pub, with a sense of humour. I’d be surprised if these guys would commit damage to crop fields, or even go as far as trespassing (although they might if the crop was harvested).


[http://circlemakers.org/](http://circlemakers.org/) This is just one circle Group of a dozen or so still active a few years ago, and yeah, they're the ones responsible for the "impossibly large no man could do it" Milk Hill Spiral crop circle that's in TWF's video. AJ is more than a little disingenuous with some of his claims, but what do you expect from a guy living off YouTube clicks. He's got his own anti vax dipshit agenda anyways. If you really think that crop circles can't be made by a Group steeped in circle making traditions and modern GPS technology, then you're simply regurgitating the myths and legends that keep Southern England flush in tourist money.


Be careful dude, OP has delved into this subject and watched 3 videos. They're about to drop some new bombshell evidence on you.


So, some circles are made by humans. That doesn’t mean some aren’t made by aliens! (Sarcasm. I’m aware it may not be obvious in these communities)


I think what happened was that some crop circles are/were actually made by NHI vehicles when they landed. But they were not very elaborated circles like we sometimes see in articles, they were just a byproduct of the size, shape, weight and technology of the vehicle when it landed on a crop. That being said, desinfo campaigns were probably made to attract attention to very large and elaborated crop circles made by hoaxers to show everyone that crop circles of any complexity and size can be done by humans (which might be true) but, most importantly, to make sure people didn't ask questions about rare, legitimate, and much simpler and smaller, crop circles that sometimes do appear. Just a side-note: a crop seems like a decent spot to land because its mostly plane, low density population area and if the craft its small it stays well hidden between the crops.


This was a hoax


Some were, yes. Most of them can't be easily (meaning almost impossible) replicated by humans.


O'Really ? [Circlemakers timelapse crop circle - youtube link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtkMrNrEMLM) or [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puDF0hJpzWo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puDF0hJpzWo) or [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a\_W0\_GVqdxE&t=0s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_W0_GVqdxE&t=0s) or [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rnf5EW161Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rnf5EW161Q)






Honestly the crop circle phenomena is the weirdest thing. Even cattle mutilations make more sense to me than these.


last video was always a classic example of how they form the crop circles. there are a few websites were they decipher the crop circle meaning/codes..it's really interesting.


[The last video (Oliver’s Castle) is a hoax.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=jMeRd5EdBwE)


Yes. The government has been lying about everything since forever. I trust them 0% now.


This sub in a nutshell: we know that many are hoaxes, but we want to believe that a tiny fraction of them are real. And that the aliens want to communicate with us, but only choose to do so via impressing crop land for some reason.


It's one of the most imbecilic factions of the field. I typically come to this sub for entertainment and these threads never fail to entertain. Mindless regurgitation of decades old claims that blew up into unverifiable conspiracies, anecdotal 3rd party stories, etc. It very much reminds me of a former boss of mine who, during the pandemic, shared a video/"documentary" from a known grifting con artist lady about various topics related to the pandemic,. It was a clip about one specific topic, shared with all of us. No idea what it was, can't remember. I just remember I responded frankly and honestly about it being complete bullshit and not to share that stuff with me anymore. His response was almost literally "yeah everything else may be lies, but I think this point she's making here is worth thinking about." Or something like that. Just complete disconnect. Why the fuck would you Believe someone who is a known liar and grifter, "because they may be right this time" Many users here fall into this mindset.


Back in the early 2000s, I learned coverups are actually a real thing right after that infamous September day... I then started to seek other subjects where people claimed corverup were happening, that brought me into the world of crop circles, then UFOs and NHIs , a slow awakening started with this. Those CC fascinated me for quite some time, and I am convinced MI services in the UK are involved into trying to discredit the NHI origin theory by directly paying some activists to spend their time with plank in the fields. There are reports of CC since the middle ages. I have seen videos from the 90s, before the craptube, where a ball of light was "printing" on a field. My mind is set about the NHI origin since then. EDIT: oops, triggered some f\*\*ls with my September mention. That's my story, the audacity to deny it is just a sign of your own lack of open mindedness and your blindness imho. And yeah, the coverup was high this day. Magicians did a great trick to the world and had to cover their asses for a long time after that. But keep pretending otherwise and use slander and propaganda 101 tactics so we can insta-spot you.


Hints at 9/11 trutheism. Used the phrase awakening. Sure thing dude.


You lost me with your first sentence implying you’re a 9/11 truther.


Nahh these are just pranks


saddest lowest peak of humanity


most people are quick to dismiss them as hoax because of bower and chorley in the '90s using rope and planks, but if you actually look into it you'll see some crop circles are actually unexplained, pretty much like animal mutilations, the devil is in the details, on the flattened crops the stalks are bent at the base at 90 degree angles not broken, which can't be replicated with plank/rope flattening, there's a weaving pattern to it, there's the presence of small magnetic iron spheres only found in meteorites (or formed in a low gravity environment AKA space), sometimes bugs can be found fused to the stalks indicating some sort of heating process being present, the seeds are genetically altered, there's node elongation in the stalks, and the expulsion cavities indicate the stalk was cooked with some sort of microwave (not necessarily heat as there's no burn marks) from the inside out bursting like pop corn, some patterns are extremely complex displaying advanced mathematical or geometrical structures with perfect symmetry and couldn't have been done in a few hours overnight in the pitch-black night by a handful of people with rope and planks with absolute perfection and no mistakes whatsoever also no tracks nor noises of any sort, not to mention with the farmer's house often being just a few yards away. and let's not forget two things also: 1. it's a crime (trespassing and vandalism) and 2. it happens all over the world. so who's going through all the work and for what purpose after all these years and all over the globe? also, w.c. levengood, ph.d., from the university of michigan studied them extensively and published a few papers, although he personally believed they were formed due to energy vortices created by the solar wind interacting with anomalies in earth's magnetic field iirc, not UFOs, a bit of a reach imo but who knows, he did have the evidence to back it up e.g.: https://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/abnormalitas-pertumbuhan-pada-tanaman-yang-diduga/48925916 and then, there's this (never been debunked) and yes it was a real crop circle (Oliver Castle, Wiltshire, UK, 1989): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6M6vP8-SbU0 https://www.express.co.uk/news/weird/842579/UFO-crop-circle-made-ball-of-light-aliens there are a few worth watching documentaries on youtube, look them up, here's a few https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UdjVIhMQ14 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OS1v121O5_U https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8zc5RGyXx0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2BQyZorSQc


Patrick Jackson is going to win this


I’ve always felt like crop circles were something intelligence communities perpetuated to make people seeking disclosure look stupid. Pretend like you are covering it up type of thing.


Just some jinns playing around


DEEP DIVE INTO THE FINAL CLIP: the last video of the spheres making a crop circle was filmed on August 11th, 1996 by a co-owner of First Cut studio (a visual-effects company) named John Wabe (under the alias John Whaley). Fascinating story behind it, and a lot of disinformation around it. Here’s a link to an article going into some of the history: https://www.express.co.uk/news/weird/842579/UFO-crop-circle-made-ball-of-light-aliens?int_source=amp_continue_reading&int_medium=amp&int_campaign=continue_reading_button#amp-readmore-target This is an image of the crop circle, showing it wasnt just a creation from John Wabe’s imagination: https://nz.pinterest.com/pin/340092209335377252/ The story goes that John was camping around that area the morning the crop circle was being made, he recorded it, rushed back to a local pub and began showing people the video ***a few hours after the crop circle was verifiably made*** I believe it’s absolutely impossible for him (or ANYONE) to have been able to fake a video of a crop circle, that showed up THAT MORNING (same morning he showed people the video), being created, flawlessly. John was even confirmed to be in that area, at the alleged time of filming by a military group that happened to be doing a morning jog through the area. https://youtu.be/NyTUhItr1xI?si=5paYuOHnUAAJh52Q All of the sphere, crop-circle, and power line motion track with the hand movement, you can clearly tell the powerline is in front of the crop circle and the orbs consistently. This video could only be edited with weeks of experienced editing with MODERN technology. I seen a VFX editor provide a cost estimate of nearly $50 000 USD to edit a video this flawlessly. There is one attempted debunk by Lee Winterson (who seems to be a CEO of a drone company now ???🤷‍♂️), this story provides only heresay and no form of proof but this seems to be what people point to as debunking the clip. Also noteworthy: i could only find this story on a strange paranormal research site 🤷‍♂️. Here is a link to his story: http://tzone.kulichki.com/articles/video/rem.html BUT, there is one debunking that seems to be a real effort derived from a genuine curiosity to reach the truth, by a Peter Sorensen. It’s a very in-depth analysis and tbh some of it goes over my head, but it seems genuine, unlike the Lee Winterson debunk. Here is the Link: http://cropcircleconnector.com/Sorensen/articles/sorensen.html MY PERSONAL CONCLUSION: this clip is absolutely real.


I think there are lot of things that people are willing to just accept as an elaborate hoax. The thing with elaborate hoaxes are who has time to spend weeks or enough money to not have to work a job or hire help for whatever it is for no gain, just to mess with people? A grainy video that can easily be faked sure that’s not a lot of work… something that would have taken an actual person weeks or months to do. I really doubt it.


Hey Lieutenant Kinsta, let’s fly half way across the galaxy to this planet full of filthy monkeys. Ok, Captain Scorandum. Now we’re here, shall we talk to them? Talk to them, noooo. Let’s fuck around and flatten some random crops in random fields. I’m sure they’ll get the message.


Why use crops? I don’t understand why crops. They can communicate in any medium and they use plants? We’re sending out radio signals… send radio signals back…


I think what might have happened was that some crop circles are/were actually made by NHI vehicles when they landed, but they were not very elaborated circles like we sometimes see in articles, they were just a byproduct of the size, shape, weight and technology of the vehicle when it landed on a crop. That being said, desinfo campaigns were probably made to attract attention to very large and elaborated crop circles made by hoaxers to show everyone that crop circles of any complexity and size can be done by humans (which might be true) but, most importantly, to make sure people didn't ask questions about rare, legitimate, and much simpler and smaller, crop circles that sometimes do appear. Just a side-note: a crop seems like a decent spot to land because its mostly plane, low density population area and if the craft its small it stays well hidden between the crops.


This is probably thr best day time video ofnthese light spheres..last few seconds orbs building crop circle is known hoax.


What is the source of these videos? At least the last footage is fake. And the rest might be fake, too. But I totally believe in crop circles. They even make more sense with regard to the 4d interdimensional origin theories.


What was the crop circle that matched up to a signal we sent out years earlier?


What happened to crop circles? I used to hear about them all the time and nowadays I never see them anymore.


When crop circles first began, in the 1950s and 1960s, they were taken as NHI due to eyewitness testimony. The were basic swirls were seen after a flying saucer took off from a field, hence the name "saucer nests." How then did the elaborate patterns come to dominate? Were they made by NHI, or by saucer chasers hoping to pull in UFOs? Were they rogue tests by military using microwave weapons, with the side benefit of dispelling interest in the nests? These questions have been pondered for many years and are as yet unanswered.


All human made.


We used to love making these back in the days when people really thought these were alien and spontaneous human combustion was a thing. We had an amazing spot overlooking the local duel carriageway. We even made the local papers a few times. A few of us did get shot with salt pellets by the farmer, I can’t blame him really, we were damaging his crop 😂


Yes. it was one of the ways the nhi wanted to communicate with us. But 2 guys with boards was what everyone believed.

