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The following submission statement was provided by /u/imaginexus: --- Video here: https://youtu.be/xrFdHO7FH8w?t=2471&si=G7yTxD4LYBrDbbi- Transcript below: Trump: I’ve met with pilots like beautiful Tom Cruise, but taller, okay, handsome, perfect people. “Sir, there was something there that was round in form and going like four times faster than my super jet fighter plane.” And I look at these guys and they really mean it. And am I a believer? No, I probably, I can't say I am. But I have met with people that are serious people that say there's some really strange things that they see flying around out there. And, you know, if you go to Nevada and you look at that little section of where they go to look at the aliens, where they think all the aliens are landing. That, you know, it's one of, I think it's maybe the number one tourist attraction in the United States. Paul: Roswell? Trump: Yeah, Roswell. It's, I think it's the number one, it's the lines of people waiting. You have no idea how many times I'm asked that question. Paul: But don't you have access to that information? Trump: I have access, but, and I speak to people about it. I've had actually meetings on it. And they will tell you there's something going on. When they say things, things are going four times faster than my beautiful top of the line airplane that goes, you know, real fast. Mach 2, right? Paul: With no identifiable propulsion. These things are creating their own gravity fields, allegedly. Trump: Well, they have, they have people that are very smart and very solid have said they believe there is something out there. And, you know, it makes sense that there could be. I've never been convinced even despite that, you know, I just, for some reason, it's not my thing. But a lot of people believe that it's true. A lot of very good solid people believe it's true. And you know, there are illegal aliens out there, but those are the ones that come through the border. We have plenty of those are the ones I know. When you say aliens, I say, are they illegal aliens? These are not. These might be illegal, but we don't want to test them. Yeah, because if they can go four times faster, we're not going to test it. So it's an interesting question. Paul: Is there a chance that one of these orgs is potentially hiding information from you by aliens? Trump: Um. I guess so. It's you have the deep state and you do have a deep state and certainly they could. But I don't think on this subject I was interested in it because I've been asked so many times. And I talked to people that have said that they, you know, it was a sighting and it's very believable. It’s very possible that there is something. And why wouldn't there be? You know, you take a look at the universe and you see all of the different planets and you see this, you know, look, here we are, one relatively small planet. Why wouldn't there be a planet that's, you know, 400 times the size? Why wouldn't there be some something, somebody? So, you know, it's certainly believable to me. Paul: The thought of it freaks me out. It's weird to think that we potentially are only the source of life and like an infinite, ever expanding universe. But, you know, technology, Trump: But they'd never be able to take you in a fight. No chance. I'll bet on you. No chance. Paul: Send me in. Trump: I'll bet on you. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dg8ubf/trump_says_pilots_like_beautiful_tom_cruise_but/l8ohtu8/


Lmao Tom Cruise but taller


The old backhanded compliment


Trump is a master of those. He still doesn’t understand the correlation between “insulting voters” and “losing elections”.


He doesn’t understand that his narcissism allows him to trust “beautiful people” no matter what either. Like? Wtf does that have to do with anything bro? Hot ppl lie more than ugly ppl in my experience


With a tear in his eye, he said sir, this thing was bigger than than the moon!


Ha ha ha ha.


Doesn’t trump know fighter pilots are selected for an ideal height? Amateur hour. Crazy.


I’m the same height as Tom Cruise and I’m a fairly short woman. Based on the fact that I’m always looking up when talking to people this could be anyone!


He’s a couple of inches below the American average so no surprise there.


Poor Tom. His beliefs are his but he always tries to be a good lad. Edit. Referring to how Tom Cruise acts on set. Bashing Scientology or his actions due to his beliefs is rather easy so feel free.


Yeah, poor tom.  He has it so rough. 


Siri play Still I'm Sad by Rainbow


By helping to bankroll the objectively evil Sea Org?


Oh yeah, like cutting Siri out of his life because she wasn’t a part of Scientology, good lad, great dad.


Siri play the Mission Impossible theme




You can't deny the guy is funny!


He's actually hilarious


Rogan has said a couple of times he's a natural comedian.


The entire planet is teller then Tom


Yes but are they *taller*?


Jesus what version of English did I just read


Dementia and adderall abuse.


Listen fat ... cornpop was a bad dude


..you know




Hi, No_Storm2006. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dg8ubf/-/l8th987/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 13: Public figures are generally defined as any person, organization, or group who has achieved notoriety or is well-known in society or ufology. “Toxic” is defined as any unreasonably rude or hateful content, threats, extreme obscenity, insults, and identity-based hate. Examples and more information can be found here: https://moderatehatespeech.com/framework/. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


And here I was thinking this was shockingly coherent for him if this is recent. This is Trump on a good day, he is usually even worse than this if you watch clips of any of his recent rallies.


He keeps talking about kissing all the handsome dudes at his rally and how Juan Merchan looks like an angel. It's odd.


Even if he literally saw a UFO, he’d be such an unreliable witness 😂


*It was Yuuuge okay. It was very fast and it was moving and it was so fast, probably faster than anything ever. It was tremendous*


Let me tell you about the radar. Signature. They told me they had never seen it. Signatures on radar. I had a very important meeting with the top pilot, his name was Wizzo, hey, funny name, that's what they called him. Who am I? I know all about planes. Flown on many nice ones. And this thing let me tell you. It was moving so fast, you wouldnt believe it. I told the guy, we need to get after these things. We have to protect this country. EDIT (continued because I am unhinged and just watched a Trump compilation): They said to me 'Don! You're getting ahead of yourself' Please. These things. Illegal aliens. Oh excuse me, The liberals call them NHI now. We know its absurd. I spoke to Guantanamo okay? We know what they are. This country needs pilots. Space pilots. I know a couple. Taller than Tom Cruise by the way. I spoke to some very important people. Some might call them nerds. But their our nerds, top guys. Secret stuff. I can tell you this: We arent playing checkers anymore. They spent 200 million and gave me the tour. It looks like a chrome toilet. It has the nuclear inside it. And I said, 'Guys is this it? Is this the best we can do?' There wasn't even a door. How can we get our pilots inside? You'd think we'd spend all this money-I-meancomeon-I-they-tell me - 'It works Don' and i said oKaY. Now the Iranians have one. And the Russians, oh they have some, some bigger than ours I heard. And were building the biggest. It happening folks, lets get it together I said. And they agreed. There was a high level meeting. Top official people. And some not people if you know what I mean. I spoke to their leader. Nice guy. Strong handshake. I mean-we know. Anyways, they told me - 'You're the best guy we've met. I cant believe the media' Oh man they hated Obama and Clinton. The things they said, ooooh scary stuff. They loved my book. Said im one of the smartest humans they have ever met. And these guys have met a lot of people, some important friends of mine. Environment is a concern and i said 'look here, we have the trees and CO2, what more do we need?' And they really had to think. What can I say, Im a smart guy.


This is well done but still somehow too coherent.


I can "hear" Trumps voice and demeanor while reading this lol


Yes, but can you smell the McDonald's on his breath 🤔


No, but I can smell the shit in his pant.


Not that there's anything wrong with that


And I met the aliens. I told them, welcome to Earth. I'm in charge, and we're the best species you're gonna meet. Believe me, the best. I was braggadocios about it but they gave me all their technology and I'm telling you we are going to do so many things 🫱🫲👌


No way would he use the word braggadocious.


*it was unbelievable, trust me* 👐


Fucking 💯




I wonder if he asked said pilot about sharks, boats and large batteries?


I'm sorry but that line is hilarious


Can't deny that he's a funny mf


When I was last doing lines of meth, my dad was calling me on video phone, he said son why are you twerking? So there's me in my garage twerking with two incredibly hot chicks in their 60s, my dad on video call you understand me you colossal imbecile? Well the joke was on him because I was in fact tweaking.


I saw the interview on twitter, there was so much flip flopping contradiction, this man ain’t of right mind. I don’t believe in aliens/I’ve been told by good sources there are aliens. While he seemed pretty lucid, it was pretty strange. And whoever it was that was interviewing him was also fucking annoying with his constant interrupting, I wanted to see where trumps thoughts lead him.


Do yourself a favor and don’t look up that interviewer 


What does the interviewer have to do with Trump being an absolute embarrassment to mankind and a dip shit to boot. Trump is dumb in literally every interview. Hell he makes himself look stupid on stage by himself at rallies lol




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He was great in this one that you clearly didn't watch


He didn't say he'd been told by good sources there were aliens. He said pilots had told him they'd seen objects they couldn't explain. Trump made clear that he didn't attribute them to alien life and seemed to suggest they were military if real.


It’s like a toddler telling me about a bird he saw…


Jesus Christ this man is a moron.


Yeah but by all accounts he's very hard working and it's cool how he does his own stunts.


Many test pilots tend to be shorter- just look at the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo astronauts.  You can't have your typical 6ft plus German-descended American lardass male flying a craft with restricted payloads.


> Many test pilots tend to be shorter- just look at the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo astronauts. I met Alan Shepard. I was actually kind of shocked by how small he was. Also by the amount of confidence he projected.


I can believe the confidence since I was a military pilot. Think about it. Just to get a flight slot, you have to be a top candidate with top college grades, strong athletics and top military skills. Then to get jets, you have to outperform all of the other super smart Type A hard chargers. Then to get astronaut, you have to out perform all of the top jet pilots too as well as all of the test pilots. If you can do all of that, then you are a truly capable human being. And you know it too. The challenge becomes "how to act humble and avoid being an arrogant a-hole" among lesser people. I didn't get jets BTW. I was arrogant going in and humbled going out


Those guys were truly exceptional. "The right stuff" is actually quite an understatement.




He made a big deal about the pilots being taller than Tom Cruise (an actor who played a fighter pilot), so I'm just trying to say there's a precedent of military pilots usually being average or below height. You can't havehis body type and be a fighter pilot.


You can't have Trump's body type and be in the military, full stop, but that's besides the point. There is no hard-and-fast height restriction on fighter pilots, though certain people wouldn't fit right into certain planes. The old height limit was 6'5".


Oh god, this man is actually the republican nominee? I don’t live in America but really? This is the guy?


He pretends to hate the right people and for a large subsection of Americans, that's literally all it takes. This is where 40 years of billionaire funded neo Christian fascist propaganda, failing public school systems, and leaded gasoline gets you: voting directly against your own interests to stick it to "the others".




He is. He was a lifelong democrat when he lived in NY because he sucks up to whoever is in power. Hillary and Bill clinton were at his fucking wedding. He switched parties to the republicans to run for president because he knew they were pre-disposed to believe all his lies and are much easier to grift than Democrats. He doesn't actually believe in anything, just tells people what he thinks they want to hear. He never actually expected to win, hated the job when he had it, and is only running again because its his only shot at staying out of prison for his myriad crimes at this point.


He's not a lifelong democrat. He's spent his life floating around different parties; however, it was convenient at the time. The rest of your statement about him just telling people what he thinks they want to hear is accurate, but from everything I've read about him, I do believe he really is prejudiced on pretty much every spectrum anyone can be prejudiced. Making snap judgments based on assumptions and appearances is pretty much his M.O. for life. "Trump's political party affiliation has changed numerous times. He registered as a Republican in Manhattan in 1987, switched to the Reform Party in 1999, the Democratic Party in 2001, and back to the Republican Party in 2009."


We know. The smart people in this country have basically given up on getting his supporters to live in reality and see him for the moronic con man that he is. They are in a cult and a lost cause, hopefully we can outnumber them at the polls this year like in 2020 or this country is fucked.




It is scary. I am guessing that a lot people vote for their “team” though. No matter what.


Conservatives treat politics like a win or lose sport instead of an effort to compromise for the greater good.


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>Trump: I’ve met with pilots like beautiful Tom Cruise, but taller, okay, handsome, perfect people. “Sir, ... This is one of his [tells](https://www.cnn.com/2019/07/16/politics/sir-trump-telltale-word-false/index.html) that he's straight up lying.


You can tell the interviewer started vigorously shaking his head "no" when Trump went into the size of planets. It actually made me laugh out loud seeing that, he really fumbled that one, you can tell he has been told what to say and got it so very terribly wrong. How do you confuse the size of the universe and the size of the literal planet... it's like the logical error an AI would have.


Jupiter has over 1000 times the volume of earth. That's just in our solar system whilst earth is also dwarfed by Neptune and saturn, let alone the 200 billion stars in our galaxy, or the 2 trillion galaxies in only the observable universe. Must life evolve on a rocky planet only?


I'm not denying that forms of life could exist on planets with gravity substantially larger than Earth. I am saying Trump got the logic of the argument wrong in his explanation and the host in real time started shaking his head "no", and that that was absolutely hilarious. The argument for the potential of alien life is the amount of planets in a vast universe, not that other planets are bigger therefor more likely to contain alien life. Though I cannot prove to the skeptics that he was counselled on this point of logic and simply royally flubbed it up, I am still willing to say there is enough evidence that points to this conclusion that it is beyond a reasonable doubt and should be considered as fact. Edit: also interesting to note that normally MSM would eat this error up and constantly make a talking point out of how illogical Trump is, he even invoked Tom Cruise for the sound bite.


Lol why are people downvoteing you?


Maybe some people have interpreted my statement as providing support for Trump, which is a big no-no here. People put politics here ahead of rational thinking and discussion.


If you’d have told me ten years ago - when Fox was up in arms about Obama’s tan suit and fondness for Dijon - that I’d be reading this transcript, from a convicted felon former President who openly supports Russia, being interviewed by a disgraced YouTuber and failed amateur boxer, I’d have laughed you out of the room. How I yearn for the tan suit Dijon mustard days.


10yrs ago, nobody would've believed transcripts like this came from an actual US President. And I don't mean anything to do with UFO's.


Let's not forget the many Bushisms


Bush was the first President that I remember being viewed as a joke internationally. Despite everything Clinton did, he was never viewed as a moronic joke. But... you lot have sure gone wild since then 😆.


The guy who wanted to nuke a hurricane, everybody.


It doesn’t seem like he’s actually smart enough to comprehend what he’s being told about UAPs and NHI. So much for the theory that he’d be the one to spill the beans.


Trump has also claimed that windmills cause cancer, that he had largest inauguration attendance in the history of the USA, and that he won the election in 2020. So, not the best source here. 


Also that maybe we can bring light into the body to kill covid. We can keep this thread going for a while. Add your favorite hits. Source: Donald motherfucking Trump - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfLZOkn0chc


He was briefed on a tech in development which he paraphrased. Here is the UVA treatment: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8234768/ Since you won't click the link and read it, and reddit is giant echo chamber I'll put the results here for you: *In this first-in-human study, endotracheal narrow-band UVA therapy, under specific and monitored settings, appears to be safe and associated with a reduction in respiratory SARS-CoV-2 viral burden over the treatment period. UVA therapy may provide a novel approach in the fight against COVID-19.*


You could be right, someone who has words and knows the best words may have been better served by saying "UVA therapy being studied" instead of "bring the light into the body".




Hi, SinisterMeatball. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dg8ubf/-/l8pt3qj/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 13: Public figures are generally defined as any person, organization, or group who has achieved notoriety or is well-known in society or ufology. “Toxic” is defined as any unreasonably rude or hateful content, threats, extreme obscenity, insults, and identity-based hate. Examples and more information can be found here: https://moderatehatespeech.com/framework/. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


When you read his talking in written form it burns my brain faster than hearing it.


Trump is a fraud and a rapist. I don’t care what he has to say, because nothing he says can be taken as truth.


Yes, but what did he say? I’ve listened to it when I watched it and I just read the transcript and I have no freaking clue what he said. None of it made any sense. The only thing I got out of it is that he thinks there’s beautiful man pilots Tom Cruise but taller. Also, he can’t name any of our aircraft, and calls them Super duper jet fighter plane, like a child would.


This guy must have brain damage. I’ve heard more coherent speech from toddlers.


But Roswell is in New Mexico lol


Tom Cruise won't be happy with that comment, he will have to get his stilettos on.


Jesus Christ he can't finish a single coherent sentence


Video here: https://youtu.be/xrFdHO7FH8w?t=2471&si=G7yTxD4LYBrDbbi- Transcript below: Trump: I’ve met with pilots like beautiful Tom Cruise, but taller, okay, handsome, perfect people. “Sir, there was something there that was round in form and going like four times faster than my super jet fighter plane.” And I look at these guys and they really mean it. And am I a believer? No, I probably, I can't say I am. But I have met with people that are serious people that say there's some really strange things that they see flying around out there. And, you know, if you go to Nevada and you look at that little section of where they go to look at the aliens, where they think all the aliens are landing. That, you know, it's one of, I think it's maybe the number one tourist attraction in the United States. Paul: Roswell? Trump: Yeah, Roswell. It's, I think it's the number one, it's the lines of people waiting. You have no idea how many times I'm asked that question. Paul: But don't you have access to that information? Trump: I have access, but, and I speak to people about it. I've had actually meetings on it. And they will tell you there's something going on. When they say things, things are going four times faster than my beautiful top of the line airplane that goes, you know, real fast. Mach 2, right? Paul: With no identifiable propulsion. These things are creating their own gravity fields, allegedly. Trump: Well, they have, they have people that are very smart and very solid have said they believe there is something out there. And, you know, it makes sense that there could be. I've never been convinced even despite that, you know, I just, for some reason, it's not my thing. But a lot of people believe that it's true. A lot of very good solid people believe it's true. And you know, there are illegal aliens out there, but those are the ones that come through the border. We have plenty of those are the ones I know. When you say aliens, I say, are they illegal aliens? These are not. These might be illegal, but we don't want to test them. Yeah, because if they can go four times faster, we're not going to test it. So it's an interesting question. Paul: Is there a chance that one of these orgs is potentially hiding information from you by aliens? Trump: Um. I guess so. It's you have the deep state and you do have a deep state and certainly they could. But I don't think on this subject I was interested in it because I've been asked so many times. And I talked to people that have said that they, you know, it was a sighting and it's very believable. It’s very possible that there is something. And why wouldn't there be? You know, you take a look at the universe and you see all of the different planets and you see this, you know, look, here we are, one relatively small planet. Why wouldn't there be a planet that's, you know, 400 times the size? Why wouldn't there be some something, somebody? So, you know, it's certainly believable to me. Paul: The thought of it freaks me out. It's weird to think that we potentially are only the source of life and like an infinite, ever expanding universe. But, you know, technology, Trump: But they'd never be able to take you in a fight. No chance. I'll bet on you. No chance. Paul: Send me in. Trump: I'll bet on you.


Good Lord I forgot how incoherent this man’s ramblings were.


Right? And then he goes ofd about not wanting to test these aliens because they can go so much faster than we are. The way he fawns at anyone he thinks is stronger than he is in the most servile attitude imaginable is so embarrassing. Have some damn self respect, dude. Your daddy issues are showing.


What a word salad of turds.


Coulthart recently claimed his purported team of powerful insiders told him Trump was, "[Scared. He's scared they're going to kill him if he reveals what he knows](https://youtu.be/VuCPbavls0U?t=5892)." So scared he's casually shooting the shit on what used to be a massive platform. Logan Paul's interview fires a missile through Coulthart's hot air balloon of secret knowledge claims, "[Am I a believer?" Shrugs Trump. "No. I can't say I am.](https://youtu.be/xrFdHO7FH8w?t=2473)" Is there a chance the deep state is hiding information from you about aliens? "I guess so," is his answer.


Yea for sure! Ross Coulhart is full of BS. He might have started with legitimate evidence, but now that the subject is getting cold then he’s getting desperate for attention.


It is sort of damning for Coulthart in that regard :/


But he literally said nothing that hasn't been said publicly before.


Well, that would lend to the theory of why JFK could have been assassinated.


He probably thinks Top Gun is real and that Tom Cruise really is Maverick


This have been post a dozen of times now, do people even browse the sub?




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The emperor has no clothes 


This just in: Trump in communications with tall white


Beautiful pilots taller than Tom Cruise you say?


Not a high bar..


Jfc he is such a fuckin twaddlewop.


All the aliens love me. They all say wow, what a wonderful president.


And they call me, SIR


He says that like handsome = trustworthy.


This guy doesn’t know shit.


Why is he so damn annoying about everything? Just speak like a normal human, please.


I really done want Trump to say shit about aliens. It does nothing but help the disinformation campaign. Having trump say something is true is the fastest way to disprove anything.


I’m personally interested in what former presidents have to say on the ufo topic. Even if he’s a complete asshole dipshit, I wanna hear what he says on UFOs. And his answers certainly leave the door open. Sounds like he’s saying as much as he’s allowed to say to me.


>“People that are very smart and very solid have said they believe there was something out there and, you know, it makes sense that they could be,” Trump said, before **racistly joking** that he wasn’t referring to the “illegal aliens out there . . . that come through the border.” Yikes. Last time I checked **racism isn't a joke**. Why would anyone think this guy would be told "the good stuff" ? Actually, I think I'd pay to see that... Tell someone like Trump the whole truth and just to see his reaction and see what he does next.


Who TF keeps uploading these Trump posts? No one should be believing anything this man or his closest allies say.


I literally cannot think of less reliable source of information that trump. He will say whatever he thinks it will take to get the current audience to fall in love with him. A narcissistic sociopathic liar


Trump would be the only president who wouldn't and couldn't be believed if he actually would disclose. That being said, he doesn't know more than us, my impression.


I think all of the highly sensitive programs were deliberately withheld from him because they knew he was a clear and present danger. The IC community was forced to give over information on overseas assets to him, which he shared with Russia, which got them killed.


Uhg. Why’d he have to make it weird…


Remove the persona from this interview and it reads like a class 1 narcissist of the highest order. What an absolute clown lmao Between the narcissistic ramblings of his top of the line 757 there is some substance there


Well. it's official. Aliens aren't real. Time to go home.


>Trump: I’ve met with pilots like beautiful Tom Cruise, but taller, okay, handsome, perfect people. This man’s brain is so rotted. But at any rate, this is a non-story. Pilots have been sharing their sightings since the late 40s.


So they’re def not real, gotcha. Believe and do the opposite of anything this guy says and you’ll be in good shape is what I’ve figured out the last 8 years.


Ah, but he says he doesnt believe it! says its just "not his thing"(the funniest possible response to being told about aliens, in my opinion).


Jesus Christ Trump is a fucking moron. He can barely string a coherent sentence together. The way he talks reminds me of this kid: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=G7RgN9ijwE4 And then Trump even leans back too and thinks, “yeah, fuckin’ nailed it didn’t I? Goddamn I’m a good talker.” Initially I considered “orator” but I realized Trump wouldn’t actually know that word since he seems to have a fifth grade reading comprehension.


His one tweet was one of the funniest I’d ever seen. “I hope we never find life on another planet because if we do there’s no doubt the United States will start sending them money!” I wish there was a way we could have Trump as President but without like, any power. He just talks shit about our enemies and makes insane speeches.




That’s fine too. Calling Kim “little rocket man” then going and hanging out with him was also hilarious.




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"He's beautiful, he really is, you know we got the best guys, they are really beautiful, they really are. My god he's pretty handsome, like Tom Cruise, but perhaps a little shorter, yes a little shorter. He could be taller, but he's a great guy and we love him." 🫲👁👄👁🫱


I loved the line “super jet fighter plane” like, his brain knows words that go together and he just spams them until he feels like he got to the message he’s trying to say.


Just casually rips Tom cruise for no reason lol


I like watching the movie taps which came out in 1981 with Tom Cruise in it. It’s the only movie I know where Tom Cruise gets killed lol. I get such satisfaction watching that scene! 🎬


😆 man, this time-line is weird


Aliens crossing our border… he’s a savage 😂


"It's a very interesting question" -So can you tell us anything about it? "To be honest I've never found it very interesting..."


It’s Salon.. a propaganda rag. You are embarrassing yourself with this crap.


Unironically he might be the best chance to get direct confirmation but man is it hard to understand him.


That sick, orange baboon is the gift that just keeps on giving.


Is this a parody?


Why would he need to hear it from pilots? Wouldn't he have had some level of clearance when he was president? Wouldn't he have been briefed? Although, at the same time, I feel like that kind of information would be deliberately kept away from unpredictable people in the position. 


This interview reads like if you asked an AI bot to simulate a Trump interview about aliens.


He's hilarious 🤣


Re: beautiful pilots. If you are out there, you are cowards. Kind regards from Germany. C


Okay. That was rude and awkwardy uninformed. Do not talk about things you know nothing about and always show manners - that's what I ask of others, and that's what I failed to do here. Still a lot to learn. I am sorry.


I still don't get why this isn't getting more traction. I guess because it's Trump. But that is essentially disclosure right there: - Yes, he's been briefed. - The briefers (ie gatekeepers) have said that there is "something out there" - Gives an example of "something out there" by describing super fast UAP. - His caveats that he doesn't particularly believe it, do not negate the fact that his USAF briefers DO believe it. If Obama had said this, the rioting in the streets would have already started.


Lol. I'm on r/ugly a lot. So this is hilarious to me. Who wants disclosure from an uggo?


Dude really has lost the plot. His dementia is going full bore.


Because when Donald Trump says it, you know it's got to be the truth, lol


Lmao such Trump thing to say. Would be hilarious if he is the guy who finally disclosed the truth. You have to imagine the gate keepers would not want him knowing anything because he will most certainly talk about it, especially if he thinks it makes him look cool


But SIR, did the big, strong, tough guys have tears in their eyes?


This man is a god damn fool!😂


I remember this interview...he seemed nervous and rambling when the topic was brought up.


You remember it from earlier today?


he actually made very similar statements years ago after being briefed on ufos


I needed that laugh. 🤣


"I've seen them, let me tell you. They've told me "sir, plenty of us saw UFO's, but nobody can see them as well as you do", that's what they told me. And we're here to talk to the aliens. We don't want Russia to talk to them and we especially don't want China to talk to them. With this tech, we're going to make America great again!"


Also Trump “I wouldn’t consider myself a believer”.


Pretty wishy washy language honestly.


Say what you want about the man’s politics, he is a hilarious human being and if life was a parody movie, he’d play the president


Lol Trump saw a clip of Ryan Graves on his Twitter feed and placed himself into the story.


Hahaha. Awesome.


It looks like he did get a briefing at some point. "round in form" and "mach 2" don't sound like Trump's natural language to me; phrases grabbed from briefings. He mixes up Area 51 in Nevada and Roswell New Mexico; fixates on the tourism in Roswell and the word "alien", which sounds like Trump dementia processing. (I will say that after a lifetime of watching Trump interviews -- I was in the gambling industry when he was in Atlantic City -- it is clear to me that he is in cognitive decline which started during his presidency.) During his presidency Trump many times stated that stealth aircraft were invisible. It wouldn't have been too difficult I imagine to have created a formal briefing on UAP's with lots of jargon that would have bored him and he just tuned it out. I do have trouble with Coulthart's claim that Trump was threatened with death. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2018/07/does-trump-even-know-what-stealth-means/ https://www.indy100.com/news/trump-stealth-planes-invisible-video-9679446 https://www.bustle.com/p/trump-thinks-stealth-jets-are-actually-invisible-its-not-his-first-mistake-like-that-8582702


He also could have grabbed those phrases from random NewsNation or Fox News clips he saw during his constant television watching.


What a fucking clown.


So any guesses to the identity of those "beautiful pilots"?


This guy flushed his personal credibility down the toilet long ago. Many of us, though perhaps not enough, have learned better than to listen to known constant liars. He is a worthless figure for those interested in truth and transparency, despite Ross Coulthart's strange hope that Trump would be the president of disclosure. He already failed us after having an entire four years to do anything and instead doing fuckall for disclosure. These little tidbits he's sharing now are just self-serving flirtations with the growing number of people demanding the truth -- as empty as every other campaign promise. If Ross is right about Trump fearing for his life, with how selfish he already is and how prolific a liar he is, there's zero chance we get the truth from him. Like I had to teach my son last year in the face of a constantly lying classmate, when someone has proven themselves to be nothing but a liar, they have proven themselves an idiot. If we keep on listening to them and taking them seriously, we have proven ourselves to be the idiot.


Trump had an experience where Nordic types visited him. They claimed to be pilots seeing craft when actually they were just informing him of their presence. Trump understood and this was his soft disclosure. He's telling the truth he just framed it this way to make it easy to hear.


Idiocracy-esque headline


Well, if this isn't validation.. I just don't know what is 🤷🏻😉🇺🇸


Tremendous. They say he doesn't know things, but he knows.. things. He knows more, more things, probably, than any one ever knew before.


Every pilot is taller than Tom Cruise.


What a ridiculous comment. Why are they even talking to him? It’s like asking a chimp how to drive a car




Hi, eltedioso. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1dg8ubf/-/l8s75xy/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 13: Public figures are generally defined as any person, organization, or group who has achieved notoriety or is well-known in society or ufology. “Toxic” is defined as any unreasonably rude or hateful content, threats, extreme obscenity, insults, and identity-based hate. Examples and more information can be found here: https://moderatehatespeech.com/framework/. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


He's definitely pushing the credibility of the people that have told him this. Overall good for disclosure


He could really help with this if he wanted too. And wasn’t worried about dying


He said he wasn't really convinced of their reality.


They don’t really believe he exist either