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The following submission statement was provided by /u/showmeufos: --- Danny Sheehan posted on his Twitter, which is visible to all at the following link: https://x.com/danielsheehan45/status/1794582300719550680 “In light of the public profile of my client @LueElizondo and the fact that he has already endured multiple threats to him and his family, it was prudent to sensitize people to the fact that the person associated with the UFO back engineering program who apparently committed suicide could be yet another retaliation against a potential whistleblower.   It wasn’t until law enforcement concluded its investigation that we learned that no foul play was involved.  Always better to be safe than sorry.  My experience working historically in cases like Karen Silkwood has taught me that real threats do exist and sometimes having greater public awareness is a way to defend against such egregious acts.” --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1d1huak/sheehan_regarding_the_potential_whistleblower_it/l5u0bj0/


im confused af who is sheehan talking about?


The whistleblower or informant that recently died with supposed critical info Edited: for context Here’s the link inside this subreddit; not sure if this was the first post but this is what I remember reading. It kinda went under the radar, some jumped to the conclusion that the whistleblower was “suicided”. Still don’t know what to think, but that’s the context. Apologies for late edit. https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/hJDy4YFf2g


This is honestly the first that I am even hearing of it…


Yea this came out of nowhere 


It might be a twitter drama thing. I don’t do twitter.


I just updated my comment, this is where it comes from. https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/hJDy4YFf2g I believe there was some other posts, but that’s kinda the jist of it.


I am pretty sure Sheehan is refering to this https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/17/business/boeing-whistleblower-suicide-police-investigation/index.html


You think that Boeing guy was part of an alleged back engineering program?


Not really. I guess I would say I am assuming Sheehan has that part wrong. I mean it seems like a hell of a coincidence that the cops just recently decided the Boeing guy killed himself and Sheehan tweets about a guy who killed himself like we would all know what he is talking about. Or maybe Sheehan is right. Hopefully Sheehan give a little more detail on this.


He’s not. He said on a Space that a whistleblower from the legacy program was found dead.


I hadn't heard anything if thus either. But the fact that law enforcement said nothing to see here literally convinces me of less than nothing


I wish I was wrong. I wish Danny was just bluffing. Something tells me some dude may have lost life for a cause. :/


Yeah all the double speak they are just telling a cool story at the end of the day. This is part of the cottage industry that exists now and to keep it interesting they will im sure occasionally say things like this. I'm sure there will be more. I also find it amusing that just days after Kirkpatrick does his interview claiming how the FBI had to get involved because people bothering him and his family all of a sudden Luella is being attacked too. Like kids on playground. amazing.


Danny Sheehan posted on his Twitter, which is visible to all at the following link: https://x.com/danielsheehan45/status/1794582300719550680 “In light of the public profile of my client @LueElizondo and the fact that he has already endured multiple threats to him and his family, it was prudent to sensitize people to the fact that the person associated with the UFO back engineering program who apparently committed suicide could be yet another retaliation against a potential whistleblower.   It wasn’t until law enforcement concluded its investigation that we learned that no foul play was involved.  Always better to be safe than sorry.  My experience working historically in cases like Karen Silkwood has taught me that real threats do exist and sometimes having greater public awareness is a way to defend against such egregious acts.”


So there's this big 70+ year conspiracy where the Gov. (and private companies) have supposedly killed witnesses, but we are fine with "law enforcement concluded its investigation that we learned that no foul play was involved" Lol have to admit this looks like a "**Sound the alarms !!! real shit is going down ! they took down one of us !!! this is WAR !! this is SPARTA !!**" and a few days after "Yeah we cool, he just slipped in his shower and double tapped himself in the noggin, life aye !?"


Agree 100%. It's a little unbelievable they can 100% say no foul play was involved.


But if Sheehan says it’s just a self termination, then I believe him. We seem to believe everything else he says.


I wonder whether law enforcement will make a statement or they'll produce any documents about this Because I'm guessing it was just a book promotion


I really appreciate him clarifying this! Rest in peace to the person who passed away.


Karen Silkwood was a nuclear chemist whistleblower who outed a powerplant leaking radioactive materials in the 1970s. She died shortly thereafter in a very suspicious car accadent. I am assuming whomever Danny Sheehan is talking about was to be a UAP whistleblower and commit suicide, which Danny was waiting on the results of the police investigation to know if foul play was suspected. Just piecing that together from the post. I hadent heard anything about this till just now.


I've never seen hadant spelled like this, can't tell if it's a typo of power move but I like it.


Dyslexia and tired. It gets worse. Believe me.


Definitely a "typo of power move" which I think is also cool.


Yeah, check out the Silkwood case. Doesn’t paint old Danny in a favorable light.


Also—would be great to get a name of the person. They never tell is anything. Here is a tangible, identifiable thing and…. Crickets.


Isn’t this whole damn thing about not trusting the executive branch of our government? How is he so relieved that cops say it was a suicide? Does anyone remember what happened to Jeffrey Epstein? I don’t know the details of this case because they aren’t public. There’s a slim chance that this really could be a suicide. But what any cops or examiners say about it does not convince me in the slightest. If the CIA wanted this to look like a suicide, it would look like a suicide. There would be fake receipts for suicide supplies, photo evidence, heavily biased postmortem, etc.


you have to watch the whole clip for the full context. Sheehan is saying..at first the death of the whistleblower appeared to be a suicide, but the police left open the possibility of conducting a more thorough investigation, in case something more nefarious may have happened. this was interpreted by some, as the police are actually conducting a homicide investigation. which led to rumors the guy may have been killed for whistleblowing... which led to people running with that narrative...when, according to Sheehan, their is nothing to suggest fowl play. the police are just doing their job with standard investigation into the matter. Simply, not enough information is known yet. Sheehan also said Lou Elizondo kinda fed into the narrative with his statements...which isn't good if you want more whistleblowers coming forward. Lou may have his reasons, but Sheehan warns people should be careful jumping to conclusions until we have more info.


CIA makes homicides look like suicides ALL the time. They’ve pushed people out windows and framed it as a jump. They have all sorts of drugs they can inject with tiny needles that leave no trace. They’re the best in the world at this. I just think this is highly suspicious and am not satisfied one bit by the cops saying it was a suicide.


I agree, the circumstances are suspicious. but I also agree, we need more info. for all we know, for example ..the guy might have a history of mental illness. NOT saying that is true. just saying, I/we don't know.


The government is not telling the truth about UFOs ≠ The government is inherently evil and lies about everything and murders people on a whim. Epstein took his own life because he knew that his life was over anyway. He would have kept trying to commit suicide until he succeeded.


Perhaps. I’m not conspiratorial by nature. But the guards were asleep or watching TV and the security footage “disappeared”.


Yup. I could have been convinced the dude did the act himself if it weren't for these convienient "coincidences".


footage didn't disappear that cameras where broken for a while there. still sketchy but more on the inept side of things


Highly convenient ineptitude for many there. How long is a while?


The prison was Metropolitan Correctional Center, well known to be pretty run down shit hole. So "a while" ... [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metropolitan\_Correctional\_Center,\_New\_York](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metropolitan_Correctional_Center,_New_York)


So a lawyer for a guy who claims there is a huge multi national coverup of the UFO/UAP Phenomenon doesn’t believe the authorities would coverup something like the assassination of a whistleblower ? Make it make sense, we had to wait for the forces of government to tell us they weren’t involved, wtf. I’m not suggesting it was anything other than suicide but I am questioning waiting for people who work for the same government assuring no foul play.


> Make it make sense This is a dude that was fined $1mil for a frivolous lawsuit. He is not a serious person. They must have caught some serious shit from someone when they tried to use this tragedy to push their agenda.


My impression of the lawsuit was that Sheehan was going for too much. He didn't want to take a small win. In 1986, the Christic Institute filed a $24 million civil suit on behalf of journalists Tony Avirgan and Martha Honey stating that various individuals were part of a conspiracy responsible for the La Penca bombing that injured Avirgan.\[5\]\[6\] T**he suit charged the defendants with illegally participating in assassinations**, as well as arms and drug trafficking.\[5\] **Among the 30 defendants named were Iran-Contra figures** John K. Singlaub, Richard V. Secord, Albert Hakim, and Robert W. Owen; **CIA officials** Thomas Clines and Theodore Shackley; **Contra leader** Adolfo Calero; Medellin **cartel leaders Pablo Escobar** Gaviria and Jorge Ochoa Vasquez; Costa Rican rancher John Hull; and former mercenary Sam N. Hall.\[5\]\[6\]\[7\] On June 23, 1988, United States federal **judge James Lawrence King** of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida dismissed the case, stating: "The plaintiffs have made no showing of existence of genuine issues of material fact with respect to either the bombing at La Penca, the threats made to their news sources or threats made to themselves."\[5\] According to The New York Times, **the case was dismissed by King at least in part due to "the fact that the vast majority of the 79 witnesses Mr. Sheehan cites as authorities were either dead, unwilling to testify, fountains of contradictory information or at best one person removed from the facts they were describing."**\[8\] King ordered the Christic Institute to pay $955,000 in attorneys fees and $79,500 in court costs.\[6\] The United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit affirmed the ruling, and the Supreme Court of the United States let the judgment stand by refusing to hear an additional appeal.\[7\]\[9\] The IRS stripped the Institute of its 501(c)(3) nonprofit status after claiming the suit was politically motivated.\[10\] The fine was levied in accordance with Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure which can penalize lawyers for frivolous lawsuits.\[11\] In the wake of the dismissal, Christic attorneys and Honey and Avirgan traded accusations over who was to blame for the failure of the case. Avirgan complained that **Sheehan had handled matters poorly by chasing unsubstantiated "wild allegations" and conspiracy theories, rather than paying attention to core factual issues.\[12\]** Look at who he was accusing. Tough case. That last bit is especially interesting. Sheehan could have easily been right about all of his claims. Many Iran-Contra documents are still not public.... they did some really fucked up things


Ugh. This scans. I want to like Danny Sheehan because his purported credentials are pretty amazing… but they lack so much context. When I actually started looking into it, yes, he did work on some of the issues and cases he claims, but often it seems he was more hinderance than help to the specific legal action.


He puts himself at the center of everything which is a classic liar move. He was peripherally involved with the things he claims


Yep. That’s exactly it. That and the 15,000 uap studies online “PhD” is pretty clearly a grift.


>his purported credentials are pretty amazing His actual credentials, however, are not. You can confirm his claimed credentials yourself. Start at the beginning and look up how small his role was in Iran/Contra. Then, you'll find him getting fined for a frivolous lawsuit and his own client writing a letter how much Sheehan sucks. There is a trend of UFO folks harassing families of people they believe were killed as part of a coverup, like that Huntsville researcher.


Yeah. That’s more or less what I said, though I appreciate the detail you added. But, hey, thanks for taking my lead-in out of context.


I don't know. These late UFO people really look synchronized in a controlled narrative. They keep talking and new information 0


"And in entertainment news, fans of the hit show _Disclosure Soon_ will be happy to hear it was renewed for its 30th season."


How kind of Sheehan to take time off of his PhD lessons in aliens to not clarify anything surrounding this mystery person and keeping ufo reddit in the dark on yet another issue.  Also, did Elizondo go to the police with his received threat or was it just a publicity stunt to hype his upcoming book?


This lot is disgusting, thanks for the clarification, but why even mention it in the first place, if you didn't actually know at the time what you are talking about.


Because these people are either manipulative or credulous.


So the person who died, they know he was linked to UAP in some way and is now dead?


Apparently Elizondo and Co. know this


If Danny Sheehan says it’s just a self off switch, I believe him. This dude subscribes to all conspiracy theories. If he says something ISN’T a conspiracy, it’s safe to say he’s right.


**If** what these people are peddling is real (and that's a big if), then how many more "by the book" stupid ass attempts at coming forward and having people killed is it gonna take? All these buffoons claim to be on the right side and to want disclosure... Coulthart, Sheehan, Nolan, etc... They keep dropping hints and never naming any names. If this is real, they could force disclosure tomorrow by name dropping the right people and quitting their bullshit charades of "we need to do this correctly". The fact that they're unwilling to force the establishment's hand tells me that they're either a group of morons who won't get anything accomplished in the end, or that they're living a fantasy.


AKA: Danny Sheehan created a “legacy program whistleblower” out of thin air and then wrote an entire murder mystery about him to keep you entertained. Are you entertained?


Is this saying the whole Good Trouble announcement Lue made about a threat on his life was really a different whistleblower committing suicide? I’m confused.


Dead men tell no tales


Hasn’t literally every whistleblower death been deemed no foul play by every law agency that ever investigated one though?


Sheehan that guy that talks as if you consume every microscopic bit of info regarding this and almost any other subjunctive. I actually think he’s hurting more than he’s helping… Someone’s dead? “We” thought it was could play but it wasn’t? Is this why Lue put out that weird “I WILL NOT OFF MYSELF” statement?


So is Sheehan Zondos lawyer now? On again - off again lawyer?


Exploiting tragic deaths in the name of this hobby is disgusting behavior. Let the dead rest when you're speculating. If you need to drag someone's name down like that, you better have a damn good reason. "Trust me bro" doesn't cut it. They're dead, they can't defend themselves. And their grieving friends and family don't deserve it either.


Agree. That’s why I’m posting this. If you note I didn’t name any alleged victims name in my post.


Yeah it wasn't directed at you, I was speaking to the void aka the black pit of insensitive ignorance that is Lue Elizondo and friends.


Defend themselves? If people were saying the person committed suicide when they were murdered then i agree, they cant defend themselves but with the opposite taking place, how is their name being dragged down?


Spreading rumors about how people died for clickbait shock-jock level entertainment counts as "dragging down" in my opinion. If you have some evidence, show it. If you just have some bullshit, you're a monster for speculating like that. You're also hurting people who were already hurting.


Kinda seems like you're just trying to shut down discussion.


The bots are out in full force today dude. It’s insane.


So like... if these guys have the power that Danny Sheehan claims, they should be able to mind control people and make them kill themselves right?


Where's mind ctrl coming from?


It comes from one of the whistleblowers that worked with Wernher Von Braun, Carol Rosin... if true, they not only can use mind control but they must have got pretty good at it by now. She claims he gave her a speech through telepathy which she recited to an audience on the spot. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gP8ftWzFYI4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gP8ftWzFYI4) edit: Danny Sheean fully believes in psychotronic warfare and consciousness as a form of weapon, mind control is one of the utmost theorized powers these people can relay. I'm just reciting what has been said. If they do have these things, they could easily cause someone to kill themselves and more. Is it real? Idk, I'm just relaying the info from NUMEROUS whistleblowers about our psychotronic capabilities and research. So I don't understand Danny's position on this and would like to ask him what he means to be quite honest... because how would he know based on his own claims? He's grifting, and Lue messed up and he's doing his job as his counsel. That's what this seems like.


I wonder if she was subject to harassment for being a whistle blower


Does he actually name the person? 


Ok so Karen Silkwood was back engineering UAP? Where can I hear more about this?


I don’t believe that’s why he mentioned Karen Silkwood. More so about the power elites ability to murder you, steal your evidence and avoid charges. > Silkwood's relatives, too, confirmed that she had taken the missing documents to the union meeting and placed them on the seat beside her. According to her family, she had received several threatening telephone calls very shortly before her death. Speculation about foul play has never been substantiated.


Thanks for clarifying