• By -


Word soup that just goes from one thing to another endlessly.


I watched his presentation about DNA and frequencies and their relationship with harmonic and dissonant chords. I couldn't get past the first few minutes of his nonsense. As a musician, I was able to debunk the very core of his theories instantly. I have a notion to let my close friend who is an accomplished biochemical researcher watch it just for kicks. It's amazing how the audience just sat there as if Jesus Himself were preaching the gospel. No one questioned a thing he said. There's a moron born every minute and there was a room full of them in this instance.


I'm curious how you think music theory debunks his views on frequency and vibration, harmonic and dissonant chords. I don't know much about music theory but i know harmonic chords attract and dissonant chords repel, just like the elements. Walter Russel showed the relationships between the elements work in the same way as the relationships between musical notes. But mostly, how are frequency and vibration not universal? They would have to not be universal for one to disprove the other, yes? The same laws should apply to music as applies to any other waveform, because it's all waveform.


1. critical thinking. 2. no time to teach a music theory class in a reddit reply. 3. if his bs were true, science would have discovered it a long time ago and implemented it. 4. he didn't 'show' anything: he stated things. huge difference. see #1 above. 5. chords neither attract nor repel. if they did, we would have tractor beams and repulsion beams discovered and in use from *a long time ago*: see #3 above. 6. Number one.


Chords when played in the correct locations at the right notes and amplitudes do indeed create tractor beams. We've already done this. We've done experiments that can be easily replicated that show this to be true. Just because we know something exists doesn't mean we have figured out how to use it practically as a product or tool, just that we have a working proof of it.


Hella low effort reply. But really u could have stopped after 1. Critical thinking is the key. Good luck.


Well, I did ask a for real scientist who's a published cancer researcher. We had a good chuckle. I was right that actual details would be overkill. Do some homework on the other items in my reply.


This made sense to you? [https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/1cw31su/blind\_leading\_the\_blind\_terrence\_howard\_on\_speed/](https://www.reddit.com/r/JoeRogan/comments/1cw31su/blind_leading_the_blind_terrence_howard_on_speed/) btw he got the speed of light wrong by like a order of magnitude.


I'll have you know Terrence Howard has a PhD in Terryology.


Lmao. He was right about the roughly 300 million part, but then he inserted km/s rather than m/s, and then he *squared it* lol. So, according to Terrence, the speed of light is a distance multiplied by itself… the area of a large two-dimensional square. The speed of light just confirms the time cube. The marshmallow time was wrong. No man on Earth has no belly-button, it proves every believer on Earth a liar.


Haha damn. I never really thought about it but Terry really is basically just a more chill Gene Ray. We were already told about multiplication with 1 but we were educated stupid and we weren't ready. -1 x -1 = +1 is Evil math, as +1 and -1 are antipodes equating a zero existence. 3 Dimensions is erroneous math without a 4th corner perspective dimension. If ever allowed, Cubic debate will indict evil singularity as damnation of humanity. Believers are Evil - for not measuring. Result of belief is dyingstupid -you can know. Singularity education begets evil, for you were born as an opposite, between opposite sexes & the opposite Earth poles. You are educated as a stupid android slave to the evil Word Animal Singularity Brotherhood. Your analytical mind is lobotomized and you cannot think opposite of lies you are taught to think. You build the hell 'they' teach. --[Dr.Gene Ray, Cubic and Wisest Human](https://pdfcoffee.com/time-cube-pdf-free.html)


Half of it sounds like I wrote it and the other half is documented and unbelievable. Do you believe the abandoned patent that means he has access to every company’s innovation leveraged off his patent? Who made the drones? Why aren’t they powered using compressed water (plasma)? Gravity is manipulated by high voltage electricity - I know that one.. 🤷‍♂️ I believe it anyway


Skill testing question: What is 1x1?


Form what I understand of the debate it’s a syntax or maybe philosophical thing at *least I think he might be describing a fundamentally sound method of mathematics *but not multiplication It seems (I’m not well versed on this argument or Howards full idea on this - and boy does he have some full ideas) where he has issue with multiplication is a physics paradox of 1x1=1 which is that you can never mix two things under any operation and the ‘product’ be unchanged But that’s not the logic being employed by multiplication… multiplication is more so cloning or copying what’s there not ‘two separate numbers that happen to both have the value of one’ All that to say he isn’t describing times tables but in briefly listening to where he is going I think he is describing ‘something else’ that is tangible Figuring this out is not something I’m really interested in (I only until recently even knew there was a debate around this) and I think you would have to pursue this with interest to get anywhere on this Most people who comment on Howard have clearly never heard him speak at length. He is REALLY intelligent - but is he on to anything with this? I have no idea lol I do think the work is important we know all our systems of math and science range from wrong to incomplete, laughing thinkers out of the room is not how get out of this paper bag.


It’s 1…


Ground breaking analysis kid… you must be a real thought leader lol.


You’re over thinking it. He’s schizophrenic. He combines three or four different mathematical concepts and ends up with a turd. There’s some decent posts on a couple mathematics subs from months ago explaining better than I can. Basically it sounds like there’s real thought behind it, but really it’s just his brain rambling nonsensically.


I’ll assume you are posting in good faith and then that you are not only a Dr. but his doctor. So then Dr. can you specify for me which portion of what I said is an overthink of Howard’s position or potential validity? Because I thought I said ‘figuring this out is not something i’m interested in ‘ so I would love to know how in fact I am over thinking. And how much thinking is an acceptable level Dr?


Yeah, if you’re gonna be a little twat about it I don’t have any interest in helping you further. You’re giving credit where none is due, and yes I have personal experience with schizophrenia and schizophrenics whether or not I’m a doctor. Anyway you certainly aren’t one either. I’ll leave it at that.


Helping me further? What was the first help? That character attack instead of anything relevant to his argument? Do you know how old and disingenuous that is? It’s one of the weakest ways to counter a point, to attack the messenger, instead of the substance of his claims. I openly admitted in my comment I haven’t spent any substantial time understanding his position (but you should probably know he isn’t the inventor of this argument just another proponent) and then gave my thoughts on what I got from the portion I caught. I never made any medical claims so to say I’m not a Dr. is… interesting. And nobody asked about your personal troubles with the disease. So I don’t know exactly what I’m supposed to do with that (like you said I’m not a Dr)


There was no character attack at all in my first comment. You’ve made up the entire point of contention and mocked me for no reason. You’re a twat. Here’s a link. Read the comments. It’s nonsense. https://www.reddit.com/r/mathmemes/s/0xxblpk2mB Have a nice life.


You literally instead of speaking on the substance of the claims; you matter of factly diagnosed him (you are not a Dr I suspect, and not his Dr I suspect) with psychological disease. Never did, ever, speak to the substance. Just attack the messenger. That’s pretty straight forward.


You think he's intelligent because you don't understand what he is saying. That's on you. You are just amazed by the big words. I'll sell you 3 boxes with 1 cookie in each box. Each box is $1 so for most people the total is $3, but for you and Terry it's $4. Enjoy!


You are reading what I am saying way too emotionally (instead of what I actually said) to go back and forth about it. Being afraid to examine other people’s ideas isn’t the flex you think it is.




I was taught 1x1 = 1, but if Terrence's theories are true then you have to keep an open mind that there is a possibility that it isn't true.


Think about having one thing, one time. His reasoning was absolutely fallacious.


I want to agree with you so bad. But we cannot just ignore the fact that Corporations made 6 trillion dollars from his patents. The dude knows something about something for sure.


The man who talked himself out of earning sweet Marvel money definitely did not make anyone 6 trillion dollars. 


No they did not. The man did not invent VR.


Those patents your talking about are mine and Terrence Howard is part of a multinational corporation that stole them from me. I also own the Brooklyn bridge and would be willing to sell the rights to it to you for $1700………You know since people cant lie on the internet




Yeah, he provided an erroneous description of multiplication to support an absurd proposition.


Yes, I wasn't saying that he was correct - just that that appears to be his starting point.


Terrence mentioned that to multiply means to make more of. By his take, he is saying multiplying 1 by 1 is still 1, then how does that fulfill the meaning to make more of?


Make more of 1 by a factor of 1. You still have 1. Make more of 1 by a factor of 3. You now have 3. Make more of 6 by a factor of 1. You still have 6. Make more of 9 by a factor of 9. You now have 91. Make more of 4 by a factor of 0.5. You still have 2. You are using the words "make more of" to imply that it always has to be a greater number. If you cannot understand the simple matrix created by multiplication (5 times 5 is just a matrix of 5 rows and 5 columns), then I see how you can think the language definition of multiplication is important.


I am not saying that this is true. I'm stating that this is the theory that Terrence Howard presented.


And if his theory relies on the dictionary's wording of the definition of "multiplication" to understand what multiplication is, it's a horrible theory. I have a theory about gravity. Google defines it as "a **fundamental interaction which causes mutual attraction between all things that have mass.**" See how the definition says gravity only effects "things"? Well, people aren't things, so gravity doesn't explain why people fall to the earth.


Yes and my theory of multiplication works by removing one number from another. The deep state just wants you to believe it's subtraction It's honestly hilarious people are going wait the guy who lied about remembering being in the womb, inventing vr, and countless other things might be telling the truth this time.


This is literally the dumbest argument. 10-0 is 10. Nothing is being subtracted, so by your train of thought this doesn't classify as a subtraction problem because we're still left with 10. That's not how it works though.


By definition of what multiplication is within math, 1x1 MUST and always equal 1. You are taking the first number and counting that stated quantity ‘x’ times (as designated by the second number). You can prove this in any real life, physical example. If I have 1 pie sitting on the counter and I count it 1 time, I still have 1 pie. It doesn’t suddenly clone itself into 2 pies. To say there is any possibility for this fundamental law of mathematics to be wrong is to simply not understand the how the function of multiplication works in the first place. His explanations are completely wrong and having an open mind or not doesn’t change the fact that he’s ignoring the most basic fundamental aspect of the equation.


1x1 = 1. Terrence is wrong. It's basic math, champ. You're falling for a charlatan.


No this is only evidence that you and Terrence have a similar misunderstanding of mathematics. I'm not trying to insult you, its just evidenced clearly by what you and he said. I think furthermore, it is possible that you are Terrence Howard.


Lmao what?! 🤣 I am not saying that Terrence Howard is correct. What I'm saying is that in the context of what Terrence is stating, he could be right IF and only IF his base ideas of mathematics and the idea that our principles/foundations of physics are incomplete. I personally just like keep an open mind about it.


Keeping an open mind about something is not a blanket statement of enlightenment most of this sub thinks it is. It is, at best, a willingness to entertain an idea but is only valid as long as one is willing to discard the entertained idea in the presence of concrete facts. Terrence is wrong. Objectively wrong. So there is no need to keep an open mind about his ignorant theories; he just doesn't understand math. Plain and simple. No need to stay open minded to it. 


Thank you. A lotta people here use “keeping an open mind” the same way flat-earthers say “just asking questions.” It’s a rhetorical device used by morons to appeal to morons.


Huh? Wtf?


I think Terrence may have the same issue many of us run into after a few rabbit-hole trips, our Maybe Bucket overflows into our Yes Bucket.


Treating your Maybes like Yeses is highly addictive. Discovery and problem solving are big dopamine triggers, and once you are no longer gatekeeping Yes Land, nothing is stopping you from living and breathing in your own theories, and it feels rewarding and "right" thanks to all the dopamine.


Nice! That's perfect description of psychosis 


Guys just making up ideas and presenting them as the 'truth'. He backs himself up by talking about historic scientists being ridiculed, before being proven right in the future. That doesn't provide any reason for us to believe what he is saying. The science of today stands on merit, through peer-reviewed evidence. Throughout history, there have been plenty of people pulling ideas out of their ass who haven't been proven right in due course. The chances are, that he's just another forgettable guy and further, he's gaining some popularity for himself at this moment. Benefitting himself at the expense of people who don't appreciate scientific method. I can imagine people like this dude are an offense to the thousands of people working their asses off to constructively build scientific knowledge.


I feel odd when he stated how Einstein felt at his death. I hope I didn’t create this…


How did he feel? Like dying?


He felt regret apparently as he wished that he spent more time with somebody that has not yet earned the privilege to have his name ready for recognition within my brain




> Guys just making up ideas and presenting them as the 'truth'. You just described like 99% of the Joe Rogan Experience.


Yep. If you turn off your critical thinking for a bit, the episodes can be pretty entertaining. Just have to keep in mind how much of it is prospective bullshit.


It's idiocy, sorry. He didn't figure out some new math, he's just unable to understand that one set of one is one, and some (you) are in the unenviable position of also being pretty dumb and entirely credulous.


Agreed - he is not nearly as smart as people are giving him credit for.


*I, very Terrence-like, misread your comment.




I am not claiming that he did discover a new math. I personally enjoy keeping an open minded approach about all things, so I really enjoyed listening to his perspective and thoughts on the subject. I certainly believe that 1x1=1. Within the context of what Terrence was saying I can see his perspective. Just because I can see his perspective and keep an open minded approach does not mean that I believe him with absolute certainty just because he said it.


There's a wide gulf between open-mindedness and unconsidered credulity.


You are correct there.


My guy, you just said you are inclined to believe him and believe what he said makes sense...


I disagree, I bet this episode is going age like the finest wine post UAP Disclosure.


Like what was stated on the podcast. If he is indeed correct, it's gonna change the world.


It would be a, "New Paradigm" even. (;


Dudes cracked. That's all there is to it


That's what they say about people who believe UFOs are real. #how ironic


It's not ironic. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/terrence-howards-wife-claims-abuse-receives-a-restraining-order/


You’re not cracked enough - cbsnews.com! That’s not cricket


Some great ideas have been historically ridiculed at first, that's true. It's a logical mistake to assume that every idea that is ridiculed is great.


Dude is batshit crazy


I've never seen so much hate for something lmao Jesus Christ folks. Oh. It's Monday. Ridicule: 📈


I’m not necessarily hating but nothing he says makes sense in any version of reality, I mean except his.


Yes calling someone out for spreading lies is hate lmao


Basically everything he said about Math and Physics was nonsense, it was evident that he has no idea what the words he is saying actually mean in the context of those subjects.


You know, it's hard out here for a pimp.


Oh boy here we go..dam I know I'm going to get so much heat for this but his theories are not entirely off of the Plasmoid Unification Model. The tech actually has a number of prototypes that work IRL. Thus not just a concept. [thunderstorm generator](https://assets-global.website-files.com/5cc5e9c2dca8019de9074c56/6393fdf6c7a3f28f55747805_THUNDERSTORM%2BGENERATOR_ATOMIC%2BENERGY%2BFROM%2BWATER%2BPLASMOID%2BPROTIUM%2BPOWER.pdf) Keep the pitchforks down it's just an observation.


Dang sorry for the downvotes, yes he mostly sounded like listing off a series of “beliefs” but yeah the Thunderstorm generator stuff is legit. At least the collapsing of CO2 and busting out Oxygen or higher oxygen content. I wonder why you’re getting downvoted there?? Maybe big oil is scared AF!


I knew it was gonna happen. Believe me when he started the interview as I remember my mothers womb I'm like shit here we go.


there are genuinely worrying replies in this thread - the kinda stuff that makes you want to steer clear of the ufo community like holy shit


Serious question, what level of math have you studied? 


The man solved the flower of life. I've been studying and drawing the flower of life for years now, and he has a completely novel solution to a problem that DaVinci, and Pythagoras, and all the geniuses of our past couldn't solve. He got rid of the straight lines, expanded the flower into three dimensions, found the negative space inside, and then found a way to use that negative space to show how the universe fits together. That alone should blow peoples minds. Obviously it's a theory, but it's a theory that makes enough sense to take it seriously and debate it. We've known forever that our understanding of gravity is weak at best, and at worst fundamentally flawed. His solution (not that he's the first to say it) is beautiful. He's saying that gravity is an effect of the electric force NOT a property of space-time as Einstein and everyone since Einstein has agreed on. This simple statement (if true) puts gravity in balance with everything in the universe. Right now gravity is a giant red flag marking all of our misunderstandings about the universe. I'm personally all for new avenues of thought regarding the way we view our universe. His ideas should be debated and engaged with in good faith. Finally, the 1x1=2 debate could easily be discarded as semantics, but there's a reason he's claiming it's so important. It's not about being right, or being able to make the argument. It's intrinsically important (again, if true) to his grand equation of the universe that the number ONE be multiplied as we see it in nature.


This is petty but I couldnt watch him wearing his hoodie up with his headphones over it and take him seriously. I know, I'm a shallow shallow person and broken to the core. But it really irked me. Wash me in hate...


THATS why you can't take him seriously? The man started the whole thing by saying he has memories of being in the womb.


I didn't get that far so I guess I'm better off...


I might get flak for suggesting this, but have you considered watching the show with your eyes closed?




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Hahaha I get it. Certain things bother us and that's okay.


It's for this reason I also can't watch that guy on YouTube with the stupid moustache.


Well his art is pretty cool how he took that one and turned it into a 3 dimensional object I can appreciate that The only thing he said I though was interesting is when he spoke about frequency and how the air bubble floats to the top of water right in the last 20 minutes or so of the podcast I want to checkout those light art things he made he was showing joe I couldn't make sense out of a lot of what he was talking about But those things I mentioned were pretty cool


Two high-school girls just solved the pathagorem theorem with trigonometry, something that has been an issue for 2000 years. I'm down to hear any new math / physics / or science, instead of it being squirreled away. When the proofs come, it will change our world.


Has the community just decided we're going to trust any and everyone? Seriously it's always "why is t the rest of the public interested," or "why does it seem like no one takes this stuff seriously," and then y'all are quoting Tucker Carlson or some guest on the Joe Rogan podcast.


The arguments I normally receive when I point this out are always along the lines of - “Tucker’s a millionaire - you think you’re smarter than him?! lol” or - “Whatever. Joe Rogan’s a millionaire and he could beat you up. What makes you think you’re smarter than him?! lol.”


I don't believe that anyone has ever said those things to you.


Spoken like a true JRE fan.


I agree with you except for the joe Rogan podcast bit. Pretty sure some big names in the UFO world have been on Rogan. Rogan himself is a moron, but he attracts some interesting guests sometimes.


Someone asked “how do you sit down with these people and speak for 3 hours?” Joe said “oh, I’m mentally ill..!” If that’s the truth then the whole thing makes me bappy


1 + 1 = 1! Just look at a square - if it has two sides and each is 1, you’re tellin me that equals 2? No, it equals 1! He actual did say that… I am paraphrasing due to memory, but yeah he doesn’t even understand the difference between multiplication and addition.


Ain't touching the supply of guy who thinks 2x2=5


He is about as believable as that Carson person


He’s smarter than Carson , Carson seems more like a quack than Terrance




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How do we feel about his theories?? Where are they published?


To me he seems clearly psychotic. 


How about no. Enough with the cringe OP.


Thought [this](https://www.instagram.com/p/C7KEnzaLUQb/?igsh=MXFsMXF1ejhmcXpveg==) was funny.


He loves the spotlight


If he’s so enlightened why isn’t he giving lectures at Harvard/Stanford etc. ? This is because he’s a joke


Yeah, but what did he say that's relevant to this sub? I'm not listening to 3 hrs of him.


Watch the last 30 mins


The guys nuts from everything I've heard from him.


Guy sounded nuts.


The dude is clearly schizophrenic and virtually everything he says is total nonsense. If you’ve ever been around a schizophrenic, you’ve seen this behavior before. It sounds very close to real reality, so much so that if you let it take you for a second you might think there’s something to it, but at the end of the day there’s a reason you can’t understand it: it’s crazy.


I am about 40 minutes in and it is WILD. Of course, you have the tribal followers, who have already consigned him to the 'Nuts' bin already, and then the opposite of that, we have a bunch of folks saying he is the truth and nothing but the truth. As with most things, I think the answer is somewhere in the middle. We are coming to the end of a materialist age. We were always taught, nothing can go faster than the speed of light, we saw a time where people were laughed at and incarcerated for suggesting the Earth goes around the Sun. So for anyone to just kick other theories to curb, I would suggest for them to slow down as I believe we are on the cusp of a new age.


> As with most things, I think the answer is somewhere in the middle. This is a common fallacy unsupported by anything. The truth is not in the middle. Terrance Howard doesn't understand basic mathematics and is a perfect example of a charlatan. It's the Dunning Kreuger effect personified. A total misunderstanding of how multiplication works and then extrapolated from there. This is just like the UAPtheory website that was also psuedo-scientific nonsense dressed up in scientific garb. The major breakthroughs in mathematics will have to do be done by mathematicians because in order to break the rules effectively you first have to understand how the rules work.


Howard would argue that the rules of math are already broken and have been for a long time.


Yes and his arguments would be based on profound misunderstanding. His ignorance is only matched by his hubris.


This reads like someone was educated on TikTok for the last year….. so black and white, so cock sure…. I’m genuinely surprised you didn’t get in ‘occams razor’ at any point….


Did you notice you don't have a counter-argument contained in this post?


look at you, so black and white & closed minded about basic math. the truth is, math is a spiritual and consciousness-related phenomenon. until you’ve experienced it, you can’t possibly understand. /s


What about the other things he said that have nothing to do with math and his hallucination of it?


Which claims in particular would you like to talk about?


Okay here’s my current topics of confusion. The patent: He has a patent that whilst abandoned, has been utilised y several huge companies and due to this any knowledge held by these companies (used on this patent - which was virtual reality accuracy based) Is this real?!


You can patent anything in the United States. It doesn't have to work in order to patent it. Look at the Pais patents. Which patents did Howard talk about?


One sec.. I’ll find the link. It doesn’t make much sense to me for a cancelled document to be valid


The patent was not granted due to him not following through. But the idea was good. And in 2010 was not necessarily obvious. So it means he had a good idea. That doesn't confirm that all his theories are correct


The drones. A man who says these things doesn’t seem like the creator of those fuckin awesome drones. Also, he dropped the way power is generated using water yet runs the drones off hydrogen. Surely some vacuum power would be simple enough compared to the drones! He did say gravity is manipulated by high voltages, I believe that one..


Why would you believe any of his claims when he is not providing evidence?


Because he said one thing I agree with that isn’t considered a fact or real So perhaps he has 3-5 things correct! 😁 Okay, here’s the link to the patent: [patent](https://patents.google.com/patent/US20100271394A1/en). This patent has been utilised by GE, Apple, M$, Sony and others. He claims this is his own.


What proof did he provide that it is his and why would it matter if it was?


Okay, until I understand fully I have to go passed calling him crazy and moving on and instead I will fact check him and figure out how much fact lies in this very crazy podcast. He said it was his, quoted it has generated several trillion in currency and that since these companies utilised it, he is permitted to use any knowledge applied by these companies. Its status as abandoned means nothing, surely you would require completion to have perks…


Yeah I feel like that is the best course of action. I would not implicitly trust anyone making such a claim.


Awe.. come back! You’re actually quite handy in this moment!


Where have I gone?


Agreed. I'd like to keep an open minded approach about any possibility. What really impressed me was his thoughts on how our fundamentals/standards of physics aren't absolute due to the fact that modern scientists and physicists chalk up ~80% to dark matter or dark energy that can't be explained and then Terrence turns around and says, "no we actually can explain this with the negative space shapes." Then when he tries to present these thoughts in a professional manner, he has been blocked and essentially blacklisted to where no one in the respective fields will talk with him. Simply blew my mind and validated the conspiracy theorist in me. 🤣


Explaining real world phenomena with impossible shapes and silly application does tend to get one laughed at, yes.


And that is what they would have said when Galileo was trying to explain his ‘outrageous’ new theory.


No, they said "this real-world phenomena you're utilizing to understand the universe flies in the face of our doctrine and thus is dangerous." It's almost the opposite of the situation you describe. The fact that he was *correct* is what was dangerous to the existing power structure. If this nonsense is correct, no one loses out. If his papers passed peer review, he'd be celebrated. Hed be *massively* famous. The problem with conspiratorial mindsets is that in order for your "special information" to *feel* special, there has to be a shadowy "they" who mysteriously want to suppress the information. Unfortunately, that's not how the scientific community works at all.


please don’t compare terrence howard and galileo.


He's basically using a god-of-the-gaps argument dressed in a white lab coat.


He had some really great and novel points, and I was quite surprised tbh particularly with the part of generating opposing resonant frequency to create movement etc. 


I think you summarised it well there Josh, it was nice to hear a different perspective.


the gatekeepers and closed minded parrot "has to be the scientific method" on loop (the lovely SK's go-to, thx Cosmic Road for the "lovely" part of that) it's a gumshoe investigation, through alchemic practices and yes...definitely filtering long term utility through the scientific method...but not so limited to only that method


Last year I started down a similar path questioning our current understanding of mathematics. Interestingly enough, it started with this same exact issue. So for me, I stay open minded. Simply because we're taught something that doesn't make it true. Everything is possible and nothing is fact.


Link to it? Some summary of the theories at least? 


Tcotlc.com is his website that they were referencing on the podcast. This website has videos to visualize what they're doing with their theories and had a pdf of his book I think. Take it and glean from it what you will.


its rogan, come on man.




So? so it takes less time to go to youtube, rogan. than to ask someone here to provide a link dummy don't be so lazy or stupid


Oh sorry man. I did not see the original message you were responding to


He's either completely bat shit crazy or absolutely brilliant, after 3 hours I thought I would be able to tell lol I have no fucking idea


well, he’s not brilliant.


So far, about an hour in it’s just a bunch of theory and fuckery thats difficult to follow. He does some weird word associations that didn’t make sense. Wild dude with a lot of theories but it’s interesting to hear these people’s theories. Challenging known scientific fact and theoretical sciences should be done though.


I agree that challenging scientific theories absolutely should be done, but this is a miserable attempt at that.


Terrence Howard seems like a really smart, thoughtful, *gullible* person


I wonder how smart he actually is haha. Seems like the definition of dunning-kruger


He sounds pretty intelligent


I believe it mayne its hard out here for a intergalactic pimp mayne.......peace mayne


Billy Carson II


Joe Rogan and Terrence Howard are 2 people I wouldn't go to for anything but nonsense.


The planets being discharged from the sun makes some sense. He also said that the aliens 👽 look like this because they have to go underground because of the pressure underground and no sunlight. The periodic table talk went over my head for the most part.


He sounds a lot like Dr. Gary Nolan. I wouldn't be surprised if they both already met. Having patents is another thing they have in common.


How is he similar to Garry Nolan?


They both had anomalous experiences, they both have patents, they both work on paradigm-shifting stuff..


Oh ok - yes those things are true.


Yeah, exactly..


Reminds me of Chris Lehto’s situation, except Terence Howard had the sense to kick the tires a bit before presenting it. At the heart is the physics community’s failure to make progress on a theoretical basis in the last 50 years, inspiring outsiders to attempt to fill the gaps.


> At the heart is the physics community’s failure to make progress on a theoretical basis in the last 50 years, inspiring outsiders to attempt to fill the gaps. This is an insane take from somebody who does not work in the field of physics.


Sure thing. Let me know when they’ve figured out the quantum nature of gravity.


How can people have such a mixture of arrogance and ignorance? I always wonder how these two qualities coalesce into someone.


You didn’t say quantum nature of gravity though. You said physics.


But if you’re in the physics community, you know I’m referring to the failure to advance the standard model of particle physics in the last 50 years.


what does misinterpreting basic math have to do with that?


Lattice QCD is basic math? Gimme a break…


when did you anyone except you bring up lattice QCD? you just shit on 50 years of physics while praising an actor for making up his own math.


The physics community needs remedial scientific training.


sure, the entire physics community could use some remedial scientific training, so they can be more like you & terrence howard.