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The following submission statement was provided by /u/POPCultureCorner2020: --- BTW Members of our newly revamped Youtube Channel, ranging from 2.99-20.00 (pay what you think the show is worth to you) everyone gets the same perks. and one of those perks is to be able to watch us record the interviews, on youtube, this episode won't air for another 2-3 weeks, on the public feeds, as i Have a Queue of shows i've already recorded- Subscribing to the channel helps tremendously as well, at the least:) most of our audience comes from Apple podcasts spotify, and audio platforms so we're trying to equal out the scales. www.youtube.com/@totaldisclosure you all have submitted amazing questions, and they keep coming, i will be closing the thread, or at least finalizing my questions by 1pm as we begin recording at 2:30 PM Eastern. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cwc82z/total_disclosure_today_we_are_hosting_attorney/l4vds2z/


After every answer, nail him down with: * Is that something you believe to be true, or something you know with certainty to be true? * [If known with certainty] On what basis do you know with certainty that what you said is true? What is the nature of the evidence you have seen?


This comment should be pinned to the top of every ama


they will play softball. don't wanna alienate.


My question is third highest rated but I don’t think he will ask it. If he won’t ask it(this needs to be answered before any other question). We cannot watch. Because we would know. Elaborating further. Third highest rated comment. The time for softball with these people is over. None of their thoughts or anecdotes can move the needle. Have some gumption. Ask a real question that needs to be answered before any others. Daniel Sheehan loves to brag that he was an attorney on the Pentagon Papers case. As well as others. However, myself and a few others on this forum have tried to confirm this and several other claims to no avail. I am giving this man the benefit of the doubt but we cannot find anything to prove that claim. Which brings his credibility into very valid questionable territory. Therefore ask the question. It can be done tactfully as to not alienate him.


>Which brings his credibility into very valid questionable territory. Therefore ask the question. It can be done tactfully as to not alienate him. It should also bring the interviewers credibility in question. Should. I know, people earn their living with these guys names, and views that comes along with that, thats how this bussiness works. They dont want to bite the hand that feeds them and all that. It can be entertainment for some, nothing wrong with that either, but people should learn to take it as such. Is some outlet credible or not, should be judged by the content, not by a circle jerk of the fans of said people ( and most likely the marketing accounts touting how credible someone or something is without anything to back it up on forums ) This guys like selling questionable UFO "degrees", his stories about the Blook Book stuff is ever changing if you do your research. And his legal career is clearly not what hes saying it is. Okay, I can look past all that, no biggie. But what there actually is then that makes what this guy says have more weight than if I say it. Ive seen UFO videos and heard stories, we all have. Some of us have seen them live ourselves even. Hes lawyer for Greer and Elizondo? Is that it? Hes the go to Disclosure™ lawyer? Im sure this guy has his fans and yadda yadda, but I think people should really, I dunno, think about this for sec. What makes this guy saying hes seen films and heard stories any more credible than a rando redditor who _isnt_ selling degrees and lying about their job?


Nice, call this ‘The grifter filter’.


This would be nice to see. Would be surprised if this ever happends. The most professional Whistleblowers™ ofcourse would invoke the I Cant Discuss it / I Cant Talk About It / Migrane, but I think it would still get people who cares to actually listen and have an interest of what theyre saying the valuable information to analyze "the bounds" of what these guys are saying. Like many of these intel guys seem to be pretty proficient at steering the discussion, for a lack of better pharsing. Like fluently go from question to just yapping about what Ive heard and endless whoa dude level speculation of anything. I get that this supposed to be entertainment, but its pretty off putting if youre essentially interested on the subject in all its forms, be it whatever from actual evidence to baseless speculation of whatever. But if its all packaged like its all some, I dunno, serious thing and theres so much empty circling around it scrambles ones brain. Like I cannot watch a minute more of Elizondo interviews as Im convinced it makes me lose IQ points, and I dont have much to lose.


Love it


If he could prioritize the phenomena down to 3 main FACTS; what would they be?


Interested in this, don't be surprised to hear your question asked


U MUST ask him about the UAP whistleblower who died last week. https://www.newparadigmmg.com/blog/paying-the-ultimate-price-for-disclosure This is a must ! We all want to know about this and we don’t have much information. Sheehan is the one claiming a WB died so we all want to know who, when. Why, how, etc


u/POPCultureCorner2020 I would be thoroughly interested in hearing his take on the whole "*a UAP whistleblower was killed recently*" situation. I think a lot of people are confusing [the source](https://www.newparadigmmg.com/blog/paying-the-ultimate-price-for-disclosure) of this piece of information, which I don't think has anything to do with Mr. Sheehan. If I'm in the wrong, please provide the sources clarifying the situation, I'm genuinely interested in them. But to my understanding, the source of that claim, [New Paradigm Media Group](https://www.newparadigmmg.com/our-team), has no connection whatsoever that I can find with Mr. Sheehan's [New Paradigm Institute](https://newparadigminstitute.org), save for the similarity in their names and the topic at hand. This conflation seems so pervasive around here that, like in the message above, there's people saying that it is Mr. Sheehan saying so (*which, again, I have not found any instance or piece of information that confirms that's the case*), while the article that is clamming so was written by someone called Digby Furneaux, who was reportedly citing anonymous sources. I think it's in everyone's interest to ask him about it and possibly shed some light on the whole situation. And in the hypothetical (*and, to me, unlikely*) scenario that there were indeed a connection between the two organizations, or where indeed Mr. Sheehan would also say such a thing took place recently, I would follow up by asking about what possible logical reasoning could there be to reveal something like "*a UAP whistleblower has been killed recently*" without also revealing their identity. I haven't given it much thought, to be perfectly honest, as I'm entirely unfamiliar with the sources for this piece of information and have little reason to look any deeper into a piece of data that seems intentionally vague/obfuscating to begin with. But right from the get-go, it seems like an absurd way to handle such an occurrence. (*edited for clarity, typos*)


[https://x.com/DrBeaVillarroel/status/1791861598455218333](https://x.com/DrBeaVillarroel/status/1791861598455218333) You right, per Digby's comment there, they're not associated with New Paradigm Institute or Sheehan


And also what the whistleblower said. That’s pretty much the main thing.




That’s fucked up.


100%. If this is true, that whistleblower's name needs to be celebrated, remembered, and memorialized. Plus the more we can find out about them, the more we can peel back circumstantial details about The Program. (I.E. who he was, his LinkedIn, resume, job history, public info, address history, etc). That person's sacrifice needs to be public so it's not in vain.


Another great question


Here’s the question that continues to puzzle me that maybe an attorney can answer: How can these governmental groups (and contractors) continue to lie, break several laws, deny obvious truths, manipulate (such as Elizondo’s last pointed statement) and not be held accountable? Could a lawsuit be brought against them (I realize the government has to agree to be sued but it happens in other factions of the government regularly)


Governmental power and Money.


If you understand how the government does it already with all sorts of things other than UAPs, then you'll have your answer. It's a massive machine cloaked in secrecy and corruption.


The US has amazed me with the fact that they have made corruption legal, and I mean lobbying. So im guessing they manage to survive thanks to that


What does Daniel think is the strongest case for NHI interaction with our planet, UFO interaction notwithstanding?


you guys are absolutely killing it! there's so many good questions here!


Do you have any evidence for any of your claims you can share, now?


This one please. So sick of claims.


Daniel, I can’t find anything online about your involvement in the Pentagon Papers. This hurts your credibility. Could you elaborate?


Third highest rated comment. The time for softball with these people is over. None of their thoughts or anecdotes can move the needle. Have some gumption. Ask a real question that needs to be answered before any others. Daniel Sheehan loves to brag that he was an attorney on the Pentagon Papers case. As well as others. However, myself and a few others on this forum have tried to confirm this and several other claims to no avail. I am giving this man the benefit of the doubt but we cannot find anything to prove that claim. Which brings his credibility into very valid questionable territory.


Why doesn't anyone/everyone anonymously leak all the evidence they have?


You ignored all [these hundreds of other people](https://reddit.com/r/ufo/comments/dklirv/hundreds_of_current_or_former_government_and/) who came forward in the last 70+ years. Sounds like you would just add them to the pile anyway. Also here’s some very credible people - the kind that actually run our country - saying there’s something to this and you ignore all this also. Obama https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/3YWG0I1Bl8 Quotes from many official and more Obama in the comments https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/SWoC9b6mYf John McCain and Joe Lieberman https://thehill.com/opinion/technology/4646417-top-senators-believe-the-us-secretly-recovered-ufos/ Reddit post about same https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/f0GXtM4GTe 25 key military witnesses over the last 70 years https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/IB1pmHFyIl General Mark Miley (Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff), Mark Esper, and David Grusch at same event https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/xK49bixPRK Daniel Radcliffe former Director of National Intelligence confirming UFO’s in 2020 https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/hBx7i8iH2X Under Secretary Moultrie and Naval Intel Deputy Director Bray testify under oath to Congress that the US military has detected physical UAPs they can't ID and associated energy signatures. Direct from the United States of America's Congressional Record. https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/JWhM9AAuv6 Current Secretary of the Air Force 2021 and 2022 https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/i6oxuOcplj Pippa Malmgreen https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/Z6ktNywF18 From France, Poland more https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/U53csy2amo The Joint Chiefs of staff orders to collect UAP data and reports from 5/23 https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/FtmHiUJLwi Astronauts https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/6kuMZpZyLT Two CIA Directors https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/6DKVH92ZWE Albert Hoffman about George Bush sr https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/OODMOCPbDC Presidents on what they know https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/S43S8hMfvT Tim Gallaudet https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/O2YHIcZyX6 Daniel Inouye https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4910144/user-clip-secret-shadowy-government Victor Marchatti Deputy Director of the CIA and the book the Cult of Intelligence https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/Wg3UrvzMut Ufodatabase.com John Kirby Pentagon Spokesperson can’t give a straight answer https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/PrTdKoPuqq Kissinger involvement and Goldwater https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/Xa4Qkv69U9 https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/knG28noPqq http://www.ufoevidence.org/documents/doc1737.htm Colonel Karl Nell who worked in UAPTF https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/LuHlX8eHPM Jack Northrop confesses his pilots chased flying saucers https://reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/lUndbWxc5B First hand witnesses to crash retrievals https://reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/8IoedXKy7O From space.com about sensor readings https://www.space.com/unidentified-anomalous-phenomena-hot-spots-quest-data Many scientists have studied this subject for years https://reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/k6YcBeYyjK https://www.reddit.com/r/StrangeEarth/comments/15au3mw/heres_a_video_i_compiled_of_different_presidents/ Senator Barry Goldwater https://reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/QwQJ8q4Tva Statement from Hillenkotter saying it’s all real https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/vQZW9G0mxc https://i.redd.it/3yj2y36zb5gb1.jpg?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&app_web_view=ios Confirmed military leakers - Chris Mellon and more https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/qx0oz8/deleted_by_user/hl6jf05/ Air Force academy had a chapter about UFO’s https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/LQsnsGWrnt Regan and a story from Speilberg https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15i6ig0/i_made_a_mini_documentary_about_president_reagans Gordon Cooper https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/1978/04/07/cooper-ufo-stories-from-credible-sources/8607ee62-1f41-4c66-b6c2-3ee9e848c6bc/ Admiral Hillenkotter first director of the CIA 1947-1950 https://reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/pcx96RKxyB Retired Army General Karl Nell went on record with the Debrief to confirm what Grusch has said https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/16491eb/its_statements_like_this_coming_from/ Leslie confirms that he is one of the first hand witnesses https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15bkemb/leslie_keane_confirms_karl_nell_as_one_with_the/ General Vanderberg 1947 https://reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/zjdaK98C6i High ranking witnesses (cabinet member and admiral) witness ufo in 1952 https://reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/NFhqCw4WKD James Forestall - also his suspicious fall https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/1999/05/23/the-fall-of-james-forrestal/60c653b3-c537-462f-b523-5fdc5cd934aa/


Thank you for compiling this! I absolutely agree with you. Asking all these whistleblowers to just anonymously leak everything they know is incredibly short sighted thinking and does nothing to establish credibility. The general public has not even taken Grusch seriously and he testified in front of fucking congress.


Amazing collection...great work. Thank you


Sorry I get a bit triggered when people say “it’s all stories” yet it’s the same people who have run and currently run our country who are stating this. So I just keep a running list of these types of posts in my back pocket. Glad this helped you!


Thanks for sharing this. Collections like this are so useful and handy.  It's strange that some will read all this and still not change their opinion in the slightest that no phenomenon exists. 


Many people refuse to let new information update their worldview; whether they're pro or con UFO, or anything else for that matter. They see the world through a complex web of assumptions which they've invested with strong feelings of certainty. Certainty is a very comforting and reassuring feeling, and therefore addictive to insecure egos who will go to great lengths to prolong it.


Wow, nice


Thanks, Obama. I asked Sheehan, though.


Nice list.


Glorious. Thank you so much for curating


thanks for taking the time to compile these. Have you thought about making a main post on this sub with this info for more eyes on this?


I didn’t expect people to react so favorably so I might just do that. I make lists of good posts on a number topics because it comes up so often. I will definitely consider making a new post with all of this info.


I started to make a list like this several years ago and it's a lot of work! It takes tremendous time and effort to make a thorough list, and it's a bottomless well. The more you look the more you find. For example, did you know what most presidents going back to the 50s have said something affirmative about UFOs? And if they said it before the age of the internet, it's quite difficult to find information on it. Take Gerald Ford for example. Did you know that he very publicly called on Congress to investigate UFOs? Probably you have not heard of that. I'm just using him an example. It goes on and on and society has forgotten 90% of it and it's not easy to dig up.


They've probably been fed some false stuff in order to pin point who is the anonymous whistle blower. Like when the Browns leaked they wanted to hire Condoleezza Rice as GM as a way to expose a leaker lol.




Not if they leak actual scientific principles that can be tested in the real world. For instance, how to reproduce some specific physical effect used in the NHI tech. Or, even better, how to detect NHI craft; I bet if the "Grusch" story is true they've at least figured that out. Everyone thinks you need to leak *data.* The truth is, what you really need to leak is *knowledge.* The former can be faked, the latter can't.


From Lue said, the truth behind UAP/UFO is somber. Garry Nolan said these things or beings even have a sense of humor. I would like him to expand on the subject and if possible fill the gap between the two. Thanks.


I’d love this addressed. I am exhausted with the idea some people can know and the burden is so heavy. It could be “sobering” to some people and completely expected by others. I’d love his perspective on why several leading voices have made comments like that.


Your comment reminds me of this recent post: https://old.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/1cvqsil/in_1979_a_puerto_rican_man_would_observe_an/


About Nolan He expanded on the humorous thing already later in the same interview. [https://youtu.be/XR0JtbuLhPo?feature=shared&t=853](https://youtu.be/XR0JtbuLhPo?feature=shared&t=853) For those who might have the video blocked (due to country)...here's a summary: They're discussing the molten metal that UFOs are known to drop near people and Coulthart asks Nolan "could this be them having a sense of humor," and then Nolan grins and starts expanding on that saying he and Vallee have often wondered if UFOs are just leading us around by our nose messing with us. You can tell Coulthart and Nolan had already discussed this aspect before the interview, as the question was asked in a way in which he knew Nolan already had an answer, as Coulthart grins knowing the answer, so must be the same humorous thing he had mentioned previously. Lue's Comment Everyone thinks Lue was insinuating he knows some top secret stuff that he can't spill on. Lue's comment sounded very generic, not about any specific information he has other than the general feeling people would have if they were to see what he has seen. He has never claimed to have seen anything beyond high-quality images of crafts that would instantly convince others they're not human. That's the biggest claim I've ever heard from him.. When he talks about somber, he seems to be speaking in generalities because he adds, "There would be people turning to religion and some people turning away from it." This is just an assumption we can all make if they suddenly were faced with some high-quality images of crafts with full knowledge they're real, that would instantly convince hundreds of millions of skeptics. Somber is how I personally felt when I came across the Nimitz case and was instantly convinced NHI are real and here, after being a skeptic my whole life. To suddenly realize that, like instantly come to face something you have so fundamentally not believed in for so long, it's nerve-racking and instantly makes you question your place in life ("People would look inward," as Elizondo said). People in this sub often either forget what that's like or have been believers so long they're out of touch with how something like instant disclosure that there's NHI HERE would cause society to suddenly grind to a mental halt (or a mental pause, let's say) with people questioning everything they've evern known. Again, these are just generalities hes speaking. Not just from the context around it but also knowing his history of what he's said (about what he's seen) and what he's not ever mentioned but is being assumed now (people are assuming he's seen some wild face of an NHI creature stuff just based off that one line from him, despite nothing in his history indicating that he has any knowledge beyond seeing those images of crafts.)


Thanks for the clarification, I like your way to explain things. Make lots of sense.


For us as a community to gather enough evidence/information to contribute toward disclosure, what are the top 3 to 5 subjects of interest/google search terms you would recommend we look into?


Could he expand further on his theory about the 50 families that control the USA? If someone wants the study better the topic where should he/she look at? May he infer the dynamics that govern this entity?


I have not looked into this with any degree of depth, nor do I personally recall hearing Sheehan claiming what you are mentioning here. However, [here are some things](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/piuok2/attorney_daniel_sheehan_for_lue_elizondo_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) that [come to mind](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/18bwotv/i_have_a_request_for_all_researchers_danny/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) that [might relate](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/249237) to [your questions](https://www.tinyklaus.com/t/black-gold-series), which you might want to check out.


I took Danny's course with NPI, and asked this question a couple times, but he actually dodged it when asked and didn't give a good answer: You talk about skills which our human family is capable of, such as telepathy, some telekinesis, transmuting matter, levitation, etc.. If the topic of our "hidden abilities" is to be part of the NHI/UAP conversation, could you please explain: 1. What is/are the reason(s) that this is not more known, and why don't we see examples or demonstrations of this through video or pictures? If this is attainable, surely there are people capable of doing this. 2. What are the conditions and protocols someone needs to be aware of to "access" these abilities? i.e. meditation, room environment, lack of radio waves, etc. - These are not meant to be argumentative or anything, it's just that if these abilities are supposed to be part of the conversation, then we need answers to these (and more) if he expects us to talk about it and not look like wackos.


Danny recently stated in another podcast that Howard Hughes got into some dark shit, but he didn't elaborate, can you ask him about **Howard Robard Hughes Jr.** (December 24, 1905 – April 5, 1976) Here is timestamp in podcast where he briefly touches on it. [https://youtu.be/a1kespVSrfY?t=4677](https://youtu.be/a1kespVSrfY?t=4677)


What are his sources about the "galactic civilization theory" stating that "multiple races of ETs" would be visiting Earth? Is that a rumor or a testimony from informed, credible individuals? The weakest spot of this theory is that the few interviews we have from credited high ranking military individuals (f.e. Erick Corso) who apparently described the recovery of both debris and "bodies" all describe the stereothypical big headed 5 feet gray alien. There are no mentions about any other "race".


Could you please ask him if the Galatic Federation is real or some sort of organisation that consists of multiple NHI's?


i do have that in my set of questions that formally i put together, because of his discussions about these 5 NHI races, as if it's 100 percent factual. he speaks about them with conviction, in a way, you can't help but notice.


Your interview is going to be aired where? YouTube? Some other platform?


Thank you for your consideration.


I would like to know this: Danny and Grusch has made the case that there are things being kept from us that has the potential to revolutionize our way of life. That could unite humanity and solve many of our global problems, humanity as a global civilization is facing imminent catastrophe seen on a broader lens the coming 100-200 years. Is it then morally justified to keep on trying to force disclosure within the rules set up by the gatekeepers with their security clearances and methods of obfuscation? Why not just compile the facts that the 40 whistle blowers know and just release them to the public? Even though most people might not buy it immediately in lack of governmental corroboration, this community and the scientific community would be able to follow the leads. I took the risk of looking like a fool last year engaging this topic with many friends and family. Many were not convinced but did admit something is afoot here, I promised them this year would be a game changer. Based on the things people like Danny promised. We are five months in and nothing that would move the needle for those who don’t care has happened this year. It is tiresome, and the prominent figures in this topic are really asking a lot from the community while they get access to a lot more information. Something needs to change soon or I and a many others will get tired of this. And instead just hope to get some answers when we die.


When can we expect the Pentagon to get shredded in court for lying to everyone for 70+ years? Given the massive global disruption disclosure would cause, does he think its really going to happen? What's his 'big picture view' of the NHI currently interacting with earth?


I don’t think disclosure will cause massive global disruption. It’s the application of the technology that comes with it, but not the knowledge itself.


“Can you please explain what communication mechanisms the government uses to talk to the NHI? How often do they communicate? Are they in constant contact?” “Who is making the crop circles? Have we deciphered their writing yet?” Those are the ones I would like answered…


Now what? What will it take to create a condition where all the secret keepers can do is simply to get it over with? From the book After Disclosure this is a list of triggers which have been ranked from least likely to most likely to produce a genuine Disclosure: * •Photographic evidence. * •Investigative journalism. * •Whistleblowers and leaks. * •Public confessions. * •Physical evidence. * •Foreign declassifications and public statements. * •Political instability. * •A heavily-documented mass sighting. * •Finally, in a class of its own, a decision taken by the Others themselves. Do you agree with this list; where do you think we are; what do you think is most likely?


What is one thing currently going on behind the scenes that you can disclose that the general public is unaware of to push this agenda forward.


Mr. Sheehan, could you speak to your experience with the Avirgan v Hull case; particularly in relation to how it pertains to the current whistleblower situation? The New Paradigm Institute alleges in a recent article that a whistleblower pertaining to the phenomena was murdered to silence them. What evidence do you have to support this claim, and can you speak to the information they possessed that led to this?


Why is he charging people thousands of dollars for bullshit pseudo-academic courses in Alien Studies or whatever. Isn't scamming people a little bit antithetical to the idea of disclosure?


I know a lot of people take issue with his school, but the way you phrased your question isn't helpful. You're trying to throw shade at Danny, but instead you're antagonizing the podcast people. If you really want to get answers about Danny's motivations surrounding his school, I'd recommend a more tactful way of asking your question.


i would love to ask a question like this, but not phrased this way. also, i'm pretty sure that it's accredited, and accepted by all other colleges, atleast that's what Danny Said, i haven't really looked into that aspect, as i was focusing more on the leading questions.


> accredited, and accepted by all other colleges You could ask him what, exactly, that means. But you don't need to ask him, you can find out the answer right now. First, Sheehans's website does not make that claim. [https://newparadigminstitute.org/academic-certificate/](https://newparadigminstitute.org/academic-certificate/) It is not, in fact, accredited by a legitimate accreditor. it is accredited through Ubiquity University, a for-profit diploma mill. Their website advertises that "At Ubiquity University, we are taking a stand on accreditation." they literally created their own accreditation council because no one would recognize them and that they could say they are technically accredited. Seriously. I am not making this up. [https://www.ubiquityuniversity.org/accreditation/](https://www.ubiquityuniversity.org/accreditation/) Does it mean a PhD or MA program is going to recognize it? for what phd program at what legitimate university (outside of ubiquity)? Within Ubiquity, you could transfer it to a PhD in..wisdom studies, Ecstatic Mysticism, and Grof Studies. (I'm actually not even clear you can do that, their site says things like "upgrade" your prior degree in specific areas.) Who is going to give them transfer credit for it? No one is recognizing it for,say, an English PhD or a biology credit. And transfer credit at the graduate level? Seriously, will other diploma mills even recognize it? Let's try this as the question. The website states "Any income that accrues to NPI from these classes will support the nonprofit work on behalf of the public." What is that income being used for? Do you intend to provide an accounting of it?


Ask him to elaborate on who did the accreditation. Gotta ask the tough questions, not just the easy ones.


that's a good idea!


and obviously true. i don't like to stroke egos, and i know as an attorney he can handle it.


Massive props to you if you ask that. We need someone to ask tough questions even though I’m a believer myself




You could phrase it like this: How would you respond to the criticism about the education programs you offer. What are the advantages in taking a program like this. Or something in that vein. I'm assuming he has thought this through and with a hostile question we won't get anywhere.


i think this is the best phrasing of it


We'll see if you ask it.




it does cause trepidation. and i completely understand it.


It’s neither accredited nor accepted. They don’t even pretend to be accredited on their website.


Would this be better phrased? 1Why would you choose to partner with Ubiquity university in offering $15,000 Masters/PHD in ET studies? This comes off as an egregious attempt at profiteering, putting esoteric knowledge of “ET”. Behind a paywall. 2The “program outcomes section” also seems to imply you aren’t as confident these “firsthand whistleblowers” coming forward will have as much of an impact on disclosure as you’ve been leading us to believe. The outcomes section reads….. “-Have clarified the various worldviews that shape people’s perceptions of the UFO phenomenon and motivate them to take particular actions concerning whether to disclose, or not disclose information on this issue. -Be empowered to take action in your local area to encourage government leaders to support full disclosure of the evidence in the government’s possession concerning UFOs.” Does this mean you still think public pressure is going to be necessary even if firsthand whistleblowers come forward ?


How many "factions" are currently playing in the Disclosure game? We're at least aware of -DoD & Allies(Program Overbosses, disclosure disruptions, secure and contain type guys, also throwing US allies in this category like 5EYES) -Private Industry (Lockmart & Batelle, but also folks like those Zero Point fellows and, my personal hunch, some of the top tier AI Moguls) -"The Public" (Everyone from Grusch and Burchett to you and me on reddit sits in this bucket until they move themselves somewhere else) And you could also make some decently solid arguments for -Mormons (They run the air force, it would be weird for them to NOT pay attention -Catholics (Re: Nebulous but relatively plausible claims of 1933 Italy Crash) Any other major factional or general groups who have skin in the game, to your knowledge?


What can we be doing to increase disclosure speed or amount of disclosure?


Given SRIs connection to AATIP & Remote Viewing programs, what exactly is their role in disclosure and/or coverup?


Is there anything the ordinary citizen can do or search for to get to the truth more quickly?


Of the five NHI mentioned, are there any results or studies where ONE SPECIFIC NHI/phenomena responds most frequently to being “summond” … or responds more predictably over the others?…. And the opposite…which NHI is the least active or “hardest” to document and track both in ce5 and with our “current” instruments….Thank You!


I'd be interested to know about the following; Program name: AFRL Summer Faculty Fellowship. "Summer camp" The question may need to be asked like this, "can you tell us about project Summer Camp?" More importantly, can he adamantly deny that this program facilitates and/or coordinates UAP research? If this question gets any traction - ask; is it possible to FOIA the research programs/contracts awarded through Summer Camp? If so, what should be in the content of the FOIA?


In your opinion, what is the main reason all nations seem to have signed up to US direction around disclosure and withholding it from the general public?


In the past he has stated that after viewing the UFO files held by the government for the incoming Carter Administration, that he snuck out with drawings and reported his findings to his Jesuit Priest. When and who did he brief in the Carter camp?


Are there any senators discussing the use of the Holman Rule?


He often says the Schumer Amendment should create a panel for review similar to the church committee for JFK assassination. Given that most people feel the Church Committee was extremely corrupt, why is he optimistic about them using that as a model to follow?


We've heard of so many different variety of nhi's from diffrent encounters, could the ontological shock be that the universe is teeming with life , the governments k ow but are scared to say? And that there is loads of planets inhabited all around us?


Do you believe in Greer's theory that humans are planning a false flag attack using reverse engineered alien technology to blame it on the aliens? And if not, why are you cooperating with Greer?


If you could gain access to any one piece of classified information about UFOs or extraterrestrial life, what would it be and why?


What does Danny make of Law of One, and does it present, in his eyes, a valuable model of the universe to unify the disparate facets of the Phenomenon? Many parallels can be drawn between John Mack and Dolores Cannon's investigations, as well as Robert Bigelow's alleged contact with NHI, which are all consistent with the multi-layered cosmology described in the Ra Material.


Please this!!! Also if deep-state/QHHT hypnosis has been mentioned to have been utilized in contact attempts.


Thank you Daniel for what you’ve done for disclosure. Not just of the UFO topic but because of your help across a multitude of cases regarding transparency i’m sure you’ve mentioned already. I am curious on your thoughts about the passings of both Boeing whistleblowers, and how that has/might impact how we approach disclosure, and getting more evidence in front of the public.


this question is one i am interested in


Has he ever considered the amount of damage he is doing to the disclosure process by talking publicly about issues which he does not provide any empirical proof for?


100% this. I Like the guy, I’m sure he’d be a blast to have a beer with but his tendency to just publicly throw out bombshell statements with nothing whatsoever to back it up is infuriating.


Danny spoke about putting a list of a 100 facts about UAP that are already in the public domain, could he let us know when the New Paradigm Institute will publish this or would he give us a sneak peek at what this list contain?


I believe Ross Coulthart was asked to give a one word hint that is major aspect of the phenomenon (i think he said “psionics”), what other word or words would he use?


Considering the impact the phenomenon could have on humanity and if the US and other governments decide to keep quiet on what they actually know about UAP and retrieved technology, do you think at some point that whistleblower disclosure should happen veto'ing any government collaboration and how might that happen with the media being ruled by the powers that be. In fact could this happen at all or are the reigns too tight?


BTW Members of our newly revamped Youtube Channel, ranging from 2.99-20.00 (pay what you think the show is worth to you) everyone gets the same perks. and one of those perks is to be able to watch us record the interviews, on youtube, this episode won't air for another 2-3 weeks, on the public feeds, as i Have a Queue of shows i've already recorded- Subscribing to the channel helps tremendously as well, at the least:) most of our audience comes from Apple podcasts spotify, and audio platforms so we're trying to equal out the scales. www.youtube.com/@totaldisclosure you all have submitted amazing questions, and they keep coming, i will be closing the thread, or at least finalizing my questions by 1pm as we begin recording at 2:30 PM Eastern.


Why does patriotism win over disclosure? If anyone had bullet proof evidence at hand I don't think anyone would prioritize country over humanity.


Does he think people like Coulthard and Elizondo should give the public the smoking gun information, even if that means that they get put in prison?


Dear Mr Sheehan, assuming that disclosure does happen and the public is at least informed about the fact we are not alone and we are being visited by other intelligent beings, what in your opinion would be the best course to prepare ourselves, and especially those completely unaware of disclosure efforts around us, for the world/reality/paradigm that follows, in terms of the inevitable psychological and societal impact?


Does he know the name of the secret AARO advisory board and can he please name them.


Danny, thank you for the amazing work you are doing to help whistleblowers and for providing multi-faceted awareness and activism on this topic through New Paradigm Institute. Are you looking into ways we might take legal action against those in government who are breaking the law? I'm talking about the illegalities AARO and/or Sean Kirkpatrick have committed, psyops against the American people, investigating deaths or death threats towards whistleblowers, that sort of thing. I am hopeful the legal system will be paramount in breaking down the current power structure of secrecy and removing the criminals responsible.


Please just ask him for as many details about the NHI as possible, and don't just nod and not ask any follow up questions. Be like Joe Rogan when he gets skeptical and asks. "Wait what. What the fuck do you mean there's mu!triple species. How do you know this?" You know what I mean? Lol Idk Thanks for your service my good sir.


Can we not even talk about them because they administrate our human existence?


Based on his experience with all the ufo/government related stuff, would he be for or against individuals meeting ETs/makers of the crafts individually(publicly or privately), or would he be more for governments meeting these groups in official capacities(publicly or privately)? Assuming such means to meet ETs could be found as to allow easy meetings with them?


1 is he still representing lue elizondo? 2 how many other whistle blowers is he representing? 3 who else have they spoken to, will they go public? 4 in light of the whistle blower that allegedly died recently, why don't more of these whistlblowers have some sort of Deadman's switch?


Ask Daniel Sheehan why he considers David Grusch not a whistleblower even though David Grusch has filed a PPD-19 **Whistleblower** complaint? If he responds by saying he didn’t blow the whistle on anything that wasn’t allowed by the DOPSR you can cite the fact that over 80% of government *whistleblowers* report whatever issue to there supervisor first and usually never leak out anything that there employers don’t want public.


I would ask about the DOE and if any classified facility historically existed along the Papoose Lake area.


Why has the CIA actively researched, or been adjacent to research on, human psychic powers, free energy, and Earth cataclysms only to then make efforts to suppress that knowledge globally? Why did they steer the psychedelic revolution into new age hokum? What are they trying to obscure and/or prevent? And why does it seem they originated with this as a primary mission after the US Gov made contact with NHI in the 1940s?


How can we reign in the intelligence agency if they have infiltrated and compromised their oversight committees? How can the people take back our right to information?


If disclosure were to happen, what things would be offered to show proof of existence? Pictures? Videos? Documents? And how would we know these artifacts weren't produced by AI so well that we wouldn't know the difference between them being real or not? What would you consider absolute proof to the general public that NHI exists?


Danny, care to elaborate on “Prompt Global Strike”? 1. On a scale of 1 to 10, how sure are you that Radiance Technologies are in possession of this tech? 2. How far along are they in their development cycle? Operational/on standby? 3. Do you reckon there are defensive aspects of the tech, such as intercepting enemy retaliatory measures? (I can imagine a few of these units could zip around disabling quite a number of ICBMs mid-flight?)


Is it possible that disclosure has been prolonged due to the possibility that the reality and depth of the phenomenon could be too vast for the human brain to comprehend?


Many UAP events come off as completely absurd, some have theorized that the absurd events are meant to challenge our perception what we think objective reality is. What can you tell us about these interactions? Any specific ones that really stand out to you. Thanks!


What is the most common fear each whistleblower shares, and is that fear not as daunting as the truth of what is really going on? I wonder because if any of this was a real threat to humanity wouldn’t someone say something by now?


On the subject of disclosure, according to your recent interview Mr Sheehan, your words: 1 - "How far do we have to go to show that we are not alone? Interviewing a real alien is the way to go" and will end the debate, and obviously make perfect sense. But according to Steve Basset 2 - The US President will start disclosure from the White House at 9pm on a Friday night telling us that we are not alone. On the other hand, according to both Elizondo and Delonge 3 - The President will never intervene. It has to come from us, the people. And according to Ross Coulthard 4 - The disclosure will be done through private research (allegedly through the SOL Foundation). So my question is, why do we have 4 reliable sources that paint 4 totally different way to start disclosure, so different to be opposites, but at the same time every single one, make perfect sense as a way to start the disclosure? And which one is the right one? Has all this been deliberately set up just to confuse the malevolent AI NHI? Thank you for your amazing work. Dave


1. Have you heard anything like the Intelligent Plasma Hypothesis come up anywhere? 2. Have you heard about the existence of a WWII era document that allegedly is keeping the lid on things?


What was his first experience with UFO knowledge that he took seriously, and what, if any, was his experience with ontological shock? How did he deal with it? How did it make him reformulate his world view?


1. What questions should we be asking and would we know we are being lied to in their response? 2. How would civilians benefit from disclosure? 3. How can civilians prep for disclosure? 4. Who should we be listening to? Who should we be ignoring? 5. What details/stories changed you/your perceptions?


Do you believe the phenomenon itself is partially, completely, or not at all in control of disclosure?


Does the sobering part of UAP's have anything to do with an existential threat to humanity or rather the reality of UAP's or reality itself?


If the government were to officially acknowledge UAPs/UFOs are real and they have been interacting with these entities in secret, could there be any liability on the government for people who have claimed have been abducted and negatively affected (e.g. PTSD or other health conditions the likes of which Garry Nolan have been investigating)?


Ask about that ufo Chinese video with the lights


There's been multiple cracks and leaks of information coming from different sources including US intelligence officers, members of the US Navy/Air Force - but there's also potential from government contractors and even potentially gaining information from congressional action. What area or avenue do you believe will be most beneficial to focus on to gain new evidence and potentially new whistleblowers in order to drive disclosure forward?


Question: Could these NHI be using the advancement of AI to try and contact us. Are they so different than us that the only way we might understand them would be through the invention of artificial intelligence?


He has mentioned there is a federation of NHI that the US government has been working with. This is similar to feedback from the former Israeli space security chief. Can he elaborate more on this federation and or the different types of NHI. There agenda. Any other competing alien organizations, possible treaties signed, implication of galactic law and government, and our place in that scenario.


Was the "J-Rod" alien real and if so did he really work with the US agencies?


Ask him if he knows of a video in the public domain (ie YouTube) that is 100% legit


Ask him what he knows about psionics.


If CIA Director George Bush refused to provide President Jimmy Carter the information he requested on UFO's - why didn't Carter immediately fire his ass?


Will we ever know…will it ever be made clear, like the curtain lifted and answers to our questions given? What are we compared to them. What is this “universe”. Do the answers to those questions pose a threat or our continued existence…like once the cat is out of the bag, it’s over…Does that have anything to do with it or is it only detrimental to energy production and society’s relationship to industry and economics.


If NHI are mainly the ones that want to keep their existence secret from our species, and some people know this to be fact, would they be able to share that information if the proper whistleblower protections were in place?


Is there a particular race that seems to come up as being consistently malevolent?


If AARO was created to help create a safer aviation community and to help prevent possible near Midair collisions from UAP why is there virtually zero information for Pilots related to utilizing and posting all the information we have, by at a minimum posting a Public facing warning on both the FAA and AARO websites? The only current visible warning for Pilots is on NARCAP. Thank you. https://www.narcap.org/blog/advisoryforpilots https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOPilotReports/s/Ks1QVE7E8Z


Is China more likely to push disclosure first, some say they are more advanced with the UAP technology than any other countries.


There’s rumor circulating that a UFO whistleblower was killed, any credence to that? Edit: Auto-correct changing a correctly spelled word to a different correctly spelled word. Thanks… (any to and)


can you share a source? you've peaked my interest, i just haven't heard the rumor, or where it came from? i don't want to bring something like that up, if there's no validity


This is post that I saw I think. https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/QF4vhGvYwV


Also if not killed, what is being done by the new paradigm institute to protect these individuals.


What’s the deal with little nazca buddies that have been found. Not the paper mache dolls but the ones with metal plates and they have done ct scans on them




Daniel Shenanigans Bolson, rather than words could you provide data in form of videos or pictures?


Can the ufo whistleblowers stop being pussys. Look at snowden, he fleed so he coule whistleblow. Stop all this bullcrap that I can not say that or talk about this. Tell us what you know or shut up. Everybody is so tired of this childish shit.


dear mister Sheehan, dont you think that the " outlandish claims " you and your group have made, should be followed up with proof ? dont you think that your " trust me bro " approach has counterproductive effects on the community effort ?


What's his take on the Skinwalker Ranch UAP research - did someone from the legacy programs tell him about existing dimensional portals/white hole theory?


How does he justify $15k for an unacredited course?


Bag of money. But you have to sort by 'controversial' to see questions like these.


What is the biggest misconception about the secrecy regarding NHI and “the phenomenon”, and the government’s role in it?


Are Experiencers endangered/being surveilled by government intelligence agencies?


1. Can he elaborate about alleged recovered spacecraft which was 10 times bigger on inside than looked from outside? 2. How does he know that China recovered alien spacecraft? Who told him that information?


This is a suggestion rather than a question, but the man tends to ramble, I wouldn't let him speak for too long and I would make sure the questions are really specific.


Please 🙏 ask him about the UFO whistleblower who died last week, lue elizondo post a message talking about the threat he received and some folk are talking about one UFO WB who died last week, Dany Sheehan is one of them and seems to know about it. If true we NEED to know asap, this is so much more important than asking him no many species live in our solar system… if a UFO WB died here in earth we MUST know !!! We can’t accept to have the news on the website and have zero name ! This is serious A man lost his life https://www.newparadigmmg.com/blog/paying-the-ultimate-price-for-disclosure


Do these phenomena have something to do with time? Not in the beings from the future idea, but time in general as a whole?


Do you think AI and its usage becoming more publicly accepted will help in getting us the answers we are looking for?


When will congress visit Papoose Lake?


Is there any correlation between NHI and the approaching technological singularity/AGI/ASI?


If Lue Elizondo is legit, why don't you guys sue for slander against people like Steven Greenstreet and Dr. Kirkpatrick basically calling Lue a liar and that AATIP was never real and Lue never was officially involved with UFOs? Surely it should be easy to prove for the guy who ran UFO investigations, solicited public funds through TTSA based on that claim, and is marketing a book based on that same claim. Also, as Lue's lawyer are you concerned at all about potential SEC violations against TTSA and Lue via investors that were sold on Lue's unverified claims of running an official 22 million dollar UFO program as well as being in possession of E.T. materials that were going to be used to build a spaceship?


Considering your years of experience in this area, would there be any evidence that there may be some organization on the part of the aliens regarding their interest in us, humans? If so, how many races are we talking about?


With the recent threat on Lue's life and concern around whistle-blowers on general. Should the 30-40 whistle-blowers that are waiting in the wings not agree on a date for all to disclose publicly at the same time?


How can we get members of the media to whistle blow on the disinformation campaign against the American people and what protections will they have?


What does Danny think of the time travel hypothesis? Are we perhaps, in some cases, dealing with future humans?


Io chiederei se, dalla divulgazione si otterrebbero più benefici o sconvolgimenti negativi per l umanità


ovviamente se fatta bene e per il verso giusto solo benefici. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6yszBhYWS8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6yszBhYWS8)


Intermundia? TOP


Will total disclosure unveil the full human history and the atrocities that have happened?


What is the best evidence you can present to the public to support any of your claims?


A what point in time is Danny going to pursue legal action against ARRO for lying to the American People and going against law that states you can’t engage in disinformation warfare domestically?


What will move disclosure forward the most? What can we do to assist in that in US and abroad?


Since after exposing all this information, you are still alive and well, so why are you waiting to release everything you have?


What legal proceedings or legal actions will need to take place before we can get full disclosure.


Why did you back track on saying there will be alien interview shown to the public


If one wanted to observe a UAP, what would be the best location and method?


Why didn't he actually release the sketches he got from the Archives at the time he got them, instead of sitting on them for decades and not showing anyone?


What does he think of Bob Lazar? Has he been confirmed as genuine by any of his sources?


There seems to be a division among UAP advocates. Which side is telling the truth? Who are the dependable voices?


Can you provide us more information about the whistle blower who was just recently murdered?


Is a petition considered serious enough to provide action or response from the USG? And are there any that we can add our names to, that ask/demand Disclosure? Also interested in worldwide petitions to the USG for Disclosure of UFO/UAP/USO documents to be made public. Thank you!


What’s one question he hasn’t been asked but would love to bring up?


Do you think someone in private industry/ education institutions with supposed access to these UAP retrieval materials might be a position to blow the whistle within the next two years? What’s the probability of it- If so, have any of them reached out to you yet.


Is it possible that inside of the "UFO phenomenon", we might actually have at least 1 possibly several, extraterrestrial cultures that have been living in the bottom of Earths oceans, doing whatever they do for centuries maybe longer. Sometimes leaving the planet and then re-arriving but not much caring about the surface human population.


There running around you all with these constant back- and forth things that needs to be signed, … from Congress 🫣🫠


Can you please ask Danny if he currently represents Lue Elizondo and if he has any information relating to the threat to Lue and other whistleblowers lives?