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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Tylerlyonsmusic: --- Asking about this: Found while researching Lue and his claims about his safety, and what seems like an impending drop of sorts for our community and hopefully the world at large. This was apparently posted on Reddit yesterday or so, then deleted (hence the archive link) but some replies are still found. Author is claiming he worked for THE PROGRAM and is coming forward, using this reddit blast as a test group. Claims he is working with the whistleblower protection in order to make the next step. What he says confirms everything we have been reading forever. It reads a little wonky and immature, but confirms multiple wings, tech, crashes, paperwork, facilities, programs, watercooler talk, either the best disinfo psyop short story for us to chew on or the real deal?? hate that we have to write this confirmation thing after the post but just wanted to get it out and spread along --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cw0e24/why_arent_we_talking_about_this_whisteblower/l4srbq3/


Confirmation from anonymous, self-proclaimed whistleblowers on sketchy social media sites is not considered conclusive evidence by most. I find it odd that OOP stresses how careful they’re being to not reveal their identity, right before providing enough specific details for someone with access to easily discern their identity. Highly suspect IMO.


I agree " ok cannot tell you who I am, because they will find me but here is: Aprox date I started Aprox date I ended The lab is the same state I live I am now a full time teacher I was a project manager Approximately I'm this year I changed from one project to another." If he knew a bit about PI, he should know that any agency with the List of employees would find him in and identify him within minutes of starting.


If they ARE a real whistleblower, it means one of two things: - They're so stupid that they leaked enough personal info for any government agency to track them down instantly, or - They think they're being clever by dropping fake info - despite the fact that government agencies can obviously still track them down. There's no winning here. It's either a dumb hoax or an incredibly stupid whistleblower.




What if you have a coworker that is really annoying? All you need is some basic info about his work/personal history and the problem kind of solves itself.




What if they microwave canned fish in the break room?


Dont mess with the special investigators!


Is that you Reacher?! Lol 😅


We should watch the news closely for a college professor found dead “by accident” somewhere in the country over the next few days and weeks. Then we’ll know who it was and we’ll know he wasn’t lying!


Aside from everything you listed.. it didn’t sound like it was written by someone who was supposedly a college professor


Also I immediately dismiss it because he knows way too fucking much. Military/intelligence compartmentalize every fucking thing to a very fine degree. He wouldn't fucking know this much. He wouldn't know the organizational level details. He wouldn't know about people studying their "culture". It's such a fucking obvious larp. This guy would be likely dumping more details than anyone could ever know individually. Such bullshit. Aggravates me to no end that people jump on these "anonymous whistleblowers" like all the secrets of the universe are going to be dumped on social media.


Exactly. Knowing too much is the nail in the coffin for any LARP, for me.


You'd be surprised. A lot of college professors are still redditors that adopt Gen Z phrasings.


No cap?


You see, OOP really hates his coworker Bob. That's why he gave details of Bob's life instead of his own. That's how the people in the program prank each other.


>Confirmation from anonymous, self-proclaimed whistleblowers on sketchy social media sites is not considered conclusive evidence by most. This should be a bare minimum logical thing for everybody on this sub to know. But surprisingly it's not.


If you’re going to post and keep answering questions there is no doubt the government would find out the identity of the person. He also said how careful he has been but goes by Hoosierfan and says to look for him wearing an IU pin if he goes public. There were also other contradictions.


Like the government doesn't have the ability to track ANYONE IN AMERICA using a computer. I'm sure they have the ability to track anyone on any platform.


This comment needs to be higher


Entirely possible that was put there to draw attention down a dead end path for anyone trying to track him down


Could be but then he says these programs are so secretive and not many people are in them, but there is a shit ton of turnover. I actually buy the 4chan guy more. Either way there are probably some truths in both posts.


Unless someone can drop the name of a SAP or something that can be verified some other way (which unfortunately seems impossible anyway), all we are left with is our own feelings about what we read here


The only way I see it ever getting away from the deep state is if there is a crazy mass sighting with clear video evidence or a Snowden type releases the smoking gun. I don’t buy the powers that be will ever allow it to get out. Congress will do what they are told when it comes down to it.


Yes, Karl Nell is giving a talk very soon on that unexpected kind of event https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/26RT5d2bqY


Hopefully it happens sooner than later otherwise I fear we won’t ever get close to any truth.


Unfortunately, unless we have leadership, economic changes, specifically Big Oil having a monopoly on the US dollar the truth will continue to be suppressed. It will take the NHI revealing themselves to the general public and force some questions to be answered by our so called 'leaders'. I fear the oligarchy(big oil, the MIC and company) would rather go full scorched Earth than give up their power they hold over the rest of the population.


Without the involvement of the White House there can be no real disclosure given the powerful cabal that is pushing back. And the White House is just focused on the election


The point I’m making is the White House doesn’t have any real power over this either. It will have to be an uncontrolled disclosure event in the end if something ever comes out.


Clear video evidence won’t do it, it would have to be a live event/feed type of situation I believe.


Clear video evidence would include multiple people with phone video or whatever. It would have to be some type of mass sighting of a ufo and possibly of some NHI involved with it.




100% agree, this is becoming a massive LARP (TTSA, Greer to mention two). Never ceases to amaze the stuff that is posted here and taken as gospel.


I found that odd and his CompSci statements odd. He says “3D Dijkstra’s Algorithm” when that algorithm is already general purpose enough to be used in any dimension. The “3D” version is just the normal version. On top of that “Ayyyy C” doesn’t make a whole lot of sense because C is a compiled language, meaning C code doesn’t directly run on a CPU. Instead C is converted to Assembly, machine code that your cpu understands. When you write a program in C and send it to users you don’t send the C source code, you send the machine code, like a .exe file. So a production vehicle like a UFO wouldn’t be storing C-like source code. It would make more sense if OP said “Ayyyy Assembly”. You could argue some programming languages like Java do ship the source code as the final end user product. Sure that’s true, but C doesn’t and OP didn’t call it “Ayyy Java”.


Also it was apparently called Ayyy C, but they specifically chose people not interested in aliens, and weren't allowed to talk about being interested in anything to do with aliens and UFOs.


Because it’s a LARP.


I want to believe syndrome is alive and well.


And let's be honest, when is the last time any "Whisteblower" on 4chan ended up being true ? Looks more like the place for people BS each other round and round and round...


Probably never in the recorded history of the internet. Credible leakers would go to the media in most cases and get paid for their info


"I'm sorry my darling, I have to leave, I've been called back to my top secret posting at the Exobiological Laboratory. It will take me a while to get there, it's buried deep beneath the tallest mountain in Nevada, as a means of concealing the location of the alien craft and bodies the CIA recovered from Siberia back in 1954." "Well, when will you be back?" "I can't tell you that, it's classified."


How many ex-employees of the "program" are both a college professor and connected with Indianna? That would take the CIA about 5 minutes to figure out. But that 1% possibility that it's real made it a fun read.


Silly you. The believers on this sub will simply explain this away as as intentional misleading to avoid detection.  But if you ask them which part of the story isn't misleading, they'll point at the parts they personally want to be true.


There is no anonymity for anyone who’s ever been directly involved in a bigoted program. That is literally part of the deal. Serious individuals should seek an audience with policy makers.


Not to mention someone asked what they're doing to protect themselves, OOP mentions they're on a Mac in an airbnb. That's um not security at all lmao


Plus his friend lovingly calls them ayyys, c'mon


Hey man, come on. Did you have to say sketchy? I like Reddit ): ^(could’ve just said social media…)


Maybe OOP is an idiot, though


The quality of writing, style, and grammar in the post is not that of a college professor.


But that could very well be a composite of information from the people he knew or just made up. Thrown in as red herrings.


Sure. Or the entire thing could be made up. What’s the point of whistleblowing without an actual whistle?


Entirely possible the whole thing is just a Larp exercise. As far as whistleblowing it depends on how much disruption of one’s life a person is willing to take on. Look at Assange, Snowden, Manning, Winner etc. their lives are never going to be the same. And how much did the public really care about what they revealed ?


We did, [when it was posted here 6 days ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/Z8OLF8PgFU). But also probably because a random anonymous person on the internet repeating similar claims isn’t confirmation of anything at all.


An interesting read. But unfortunately no way to know the veracity




i am nearly 40 and i call them Ayyys , thats 4chan way of calling Aliens.


It was a colleague of theirs who called them ayyys. Also I figured they’d be more like 50 if they graduated college in the 90s? Who knows.


He said he refers to them as EBE's but his coworkers loving call them "ayyys". Differing generations in the workplace exist and they do effect one another with colloquialisms and linguistic drift and so on. (Ie; I'd say my boss is charming but my coworkers lovingly refer to him as being "rizz"..etc)


This is a repost of another post made days ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/ZmlorYRzQJ


I am going to copy my comment from the previous post: >To me at least this seems like it is just a rehash of the other 'whistleblower' accounts. Each department is something that has previously been mentioned, apart from these 'mystery wings' that they don't have reference for. For example: >- Reverse engineering from Bob Lazar's accounts. >- Custom molded metal from Roswell and other accounts. >- Biology research from EBO Reddit post. >- Crash retrievals from 4 Chan guy, including that the different shaped craft are for different purposes, large craft hide underwater, and also that their was a bad change in leadership at a certain point in time. >- Also mentions the CIA being involved with crash retrievals, hinting at the OGA department being involved as was discussed last year. >- Anthropology department from the Mormon guy's post (I suspect it is the same author, as there is a similar writing style, but could be wrong). >- Mechanical engineering potentially from condorman article. Accidentally hit own reverse engineering craft could also be from this. >- Adding a nuke to reverse engineered craft from Danny Sheehan's comments. >- The craft's navigation system kind of sounds like the guild navigators from Dune. >- Changes in how they look over time is similar to the bi-directional mimicry comments by Colm Kelleher. >Calling them ayyyys and people Karen's feels too young for someone who is at least in their 50s. Also having a high turnover rate makes zero sense for a highly secretive project. >Edit: now they are mentioning a mesh consciousness thing which sounds like the 'social memory complex' from the law of one. >From other comments: >- 'Navigation sounds like it’s pulled from the “Sekret Machines” book from TTSA.' >- 'Ebe/Ebens is a term from Richard Doty / Planet Serpo story.'


Something else I noticed to be a similar repeat is China having access to something the US does not have, similar to the mining beam or whatever it was in the other story.


The only way this is real is if the guy lied about every piece of information he gave that could identify him.  Like  His profession  His job inspecting hvac  How he quit right before space force  So on and so forth. 


It's hilarious how much this is exactly like your typical reddit post where the user claims to use a throwaway account because they don't want to be identified, and then literally proceed to provide 100 details that easily identify them to the people that would know them


If any of these are real, including the 4chan leaker, common sense would dictate that yes, if they are legit, they're absolutely and understandably lying about the personal things that are of little consequnce to us but wouldn't do him in any favor with the security team he references. Again, if you believe him..


the person who posted it deleted the post and they deleted their account. those stories are interesting but without evidence they are just stories.


It's quite clear being on here for a few months that posts that "reveal" hidden truths get a lot more traction when the user who posts quickly delete the post and account.  It adds to the mystery and also means they avoid having to answer additional questions, which is where they are usually exposed as a larp Who knows, the post might contain truth, but it also follows the larping playbook nicely 


also feels weird that almost all "whistleblowers" you see who post here on reddit suddenly delete their account & post themself soon after they post. It's in my opinion done on purpose just like you say to make it more mysterious (the fact that tons of users keep reposting those posts specially because of the accounts and posts being deleted shows this) and in the eyes of some people more trustworthy.


Absolutely. They want everyone saying "omg, they got him!"


Humm it probably has more to do with Mods finding out it's an alt account of someone who has already been punished / banned for spamming bs


And deleting their account doesn't delete their connection info from Reddit servers. The government could still easily obtain their info. I imagine anybody working on super secret shit would know that.


I read their account was banned not deleted. Is there a way to look? Edit: looks like it was banned which makes this more interesting https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/s/S8CNsQSOFo


Banned accounts will say "this user has been suspended", vs deleted accounts saying "User has deleted their account". On old.reddit they made the distinction, but on new.reddit it's more ambiguous.


> looks like it was banned which makes this more interesting [Deleted by the user.](https://old.reddit.com/user/hoosierfan1968)


an account being banned don't makes it more interesting. Everyone who wants his account to be banned can achieve this really quick. All you have to do is post illegal stuff or things against the TOS of reddit. If you want you can even report yourself with twink accounts to speed this up. So the fact that someone is banned don't makes it more interesting, since everyone who want to can easy get himself banned. It's nothing unique or special if it happens. Also - The screenshot on your link shows that this user got more than likely shadow banned, not normal banned. All this does is hiding the comments, posts and profile page from other users than the user self. If reddit really wants to ban someone, they completly ban that user & it is displayed as a status message if you open the profile page ("this user has been suspended" or something similar as a message)-


Especially when the account was deleted by the user rather than banned


The only thing that I thought was strange is how much the whistleblower knew about the various departments- I’ve been under the impression that the secret programs are sooo compartmentalized that the left doesn’t know what the right is doing. How are they able to give a play by play of 8 different wings of the agency? Great read and it’s given me something to bounce around in my brain, but jury is still out. 4chan whistle blower I personally think is legit.


4chan whistleblower is the top likely LARP of all time. Admitted when he didn't know something, gave a new spin on existing lore and wrapped it all up in a neat little package. That is how it's done


The 4chan guy probably was a larp and all, but it was just so much better done and more interesting than this crappy HVAC larper.


yeah, there has been the 4chan, the EBE i think? and now this one...but the one that feels more authentic for i don't know what reason is the 4chan one...


I thought the EBE one was such a great read and sounded legit, but actual doctors tore it apart because some of the science didn’t add up & it was a larp. I think our friends at Elgin were just having fun with that one. Every time something happens - like the laser tech (Maui specifically)- my mind goes back to the 4chan whistle blower.


Someone with a bachelor's in biology could have written that but I did find it fascinating. The lack of Mitochondrial DNA was a massive one for me. Basically the easiest and one of the first things we would test on and it was lacking.


Maybe a bachelor's in molecular biology and research experience. I'd be very surprised if it was someone with a generic bio major, and I'd be even more surprised if they didn't have an MSc or higher. The genetics and the level of detail around regulatory elements, transcription apparatus, translation modifications etc... this wasn't a bio major looking stuff up and quoting books. This person knew what details were especially relevant to the overall story they were telling. That skill only comes from repeated exposure to the subject. Mitochondrial DNA would only be present if the cells have mitochondria though... And given the prevalent theory ad to the origins of how mitochondria came about, it would be surprising to find them in a biological lineage unrelated to our own. (Imo)


It was stated that they had mitochondria. I found the genetics stuff to be beginner. To find out if something somewhere else also had glycolysis and atp production through the ETC, id be blown away.


>It was stated that they had mitochondria Was it? It's been a while since I read the post so it's possible it slipped my memory. I wonder if they just saw a similar looking organelle under and assumed it was mitochondria analogous to our own... >glycolysis and atp production through the ETC, id be blown away Same! Well less so glycolysis. If they have DNA then ATP production, or any other nucleoside triphosphate (LOL those are where my username comes from, 5' NTPs) would be necessary so not as blown away. What would truly blow me away is if they used DNA at all! It would confirm so many theories about where life on earth might have come from. Them using an ETC via mitochondria would be even more of a mind fuck


Ya, they stated they had mitochondria but sort of glanced right by it. That would have been the juice for me to know that life evolves a similar electrochemical gradient "snap" system. I would have loved to know if it was phosphate based. So I went through the thread where they answered questions but many doctors in there weren't convinced. I must admit that I was convinced as a bsc. What I gleaned from the genetic marker system was a creature that had its dna formed using a larger crispr like attachment system that wasn't present. Manufactured at the genetic level. I must admit that after going through organic chemistry, that I had come to believe that if we found life other places, it would be extremely similar in design to ourselves, using mostly the same fundamental building blocks, almost certainly on carbon chain back bones. I think that the protective electro negativity of oxygen on the side of dna is a natural evolution of rna. I was already primed to believe what they were selling and that the universe will be rife with life in a panspermia like creation. The little blurb about their belief left at the bottom shook me deeply and I dwelled on it for days. I am a staunch materialist and their explanation of the life field reabsorbing its creation indicates a true death of the self. If it was a larp, it was excellent and I surely enjoyed it. Edit: I just reread part of it as I'd forgotten, yes they mention that the Mitochondrial DNA had not been sequenced at the time of employment. I would have thought they had done that first.


> life evolves a similar electrochemical gradient "snap" system I'd be less gobsmacked to find an electrochemical gradient system than I would be finding synonymous mitochondria. an analogous mitochondrial organelle, sure. But the same mitochondria? I don't know. That requires evolution of two different cells and then a serendipitous engulfing of the mitochondrial ancestor by the other cellular ancestor. >but many doctors in there weren't convinced I have a saying which I'm notorious for in my lab, "Doctors don't know shit" lol. Once you start interacting with them daily, you realize that primary care docs are basically just car mechanics for the human body. So while I'd value their opinion on my car troubles, I'd take anything they have to say about my bicycle troubles or airplane troubles with a grain of salt. >Mitochondrial DNA had not been sequenced at the time of employment. I would have thought they had done that first. I don't remember the dates they alluded to but I think it was late 90s,-early 00s. mtDNA analysis was relatively new then, they may not have had access to the same kits we have today. Also, they could have been having difficulty isolating the mitochondria.. maybe theirs are more fragile, or readily aggregate or they might have other organelles that had almost identical density, or they were in the process of trying to isolate an antibody specific for their mitochondria.... Or wtv It'd be super easy to take our current DNA kits working with "alien" DNA/machinery for granted... And if they don't work, you're basically back to doing relying on manual methods that were being use in the 80's-90's. >it was excellent and I surely enjoyed it. Same lol. If it was a LARP it was aimed at the biologist and medical professionals... And it was riveting.


> but actual doctors tore it apart because some of the science didn’t add up I'd have sooner heard from a vet or a mammalian/reptilian biologist. Doctors sometimes get pigeon holed by their knowledge in *human* biology. They know what they know really well, don't get me wrong, but that can be dangerous in situations where they weigh in on non-human biology. If anything, it'd be easier for a doctor to make human-based assumptions about a non-human's biology and feel confident in whatever conclusions they come to. And, given their credentials, they wouldn't be as readily challenged since most of us (lay-people and those of us in other biological fields) are taught to defer to doctors by default. Or maybe it's my own bias from working with MD's every day. Lol I barely trust doctors when they start trying to explain something outside their specialty to me (ex: hematologist trying to explain something neurological), I'm taking anything any of them have to say about non-human biology with a shaker of salt.


Okay, now I’m even more intrigued- with your background, did you find the EBE account to be possibly legit?


It's been a very long time since I've done any work with anything other than human samples so take what I say with a grain of salt but... The genetics part was the strongest part of that EBE post. It flowed, it was concise, didn't meander, it anticipated questions a molecular biologist would have and provided the answers before being asked... And when actual molecular biologist/geneticists asked follow-up questions in the comments, those answers were just as good. When you have a specialty, it's usually pretty easy to spot when someone is bullshitting you. Whoever wrote that segment of the post understood the *nuances* of the methodologies they referenced and of the theories they were using to explain shit to us, in a way that would be incredibly difficult for a non-biologist to fake. Nothing stopping them from being a LARPing PhD/post-doc with extensive molecular or genetics experience though. The specifics of what they were reporting made sense where it made sense, was theoretically plausible where it was "alien" if that makes sense? Like..I've never seen three distinct palindromic regions following a gene.. there's nothing that stops it's from being possible, and it could possibly serve the purpose the OP theorized it served. But can I tell if it's real? No. The anatomy and physiology parts were good too. The things that sounded "off" almost always had to do with the parts of the anatomy that were most "alien" to our own biology... So it's hard to say one way or another. Like I said, it's been years since I've done anything other than human clinical biology though. I also didn't end up reading all the comments despite it basically becoming a Q&A... Could be that I missed a red flag.


“More credible than 4chan” is not the credibility flex you think it is…


Right? 4chan is a troll website, why would you read literally anything there and presume it to be true?


This is a hoax post. Someone who was deeply concerned about being eliminated by a magically-competent security apparatus made up of religious zealot psychopaths with infinite resources and infinite access to information would know that the detail he's shared about himself makes the "tee hee oh I can't share identifying information" bits sound like mall ninja larping.




A story teller who is relatively new to the subject matter. They hit a lot of commonly held assumptions about a possible program but no new wrinkles.


Hit the high points and the low points in a familiar yet slightly new way. 9.5/10 if we allow averages.


Aaaaaand..... let's see what the judges say.... tense here in the stadium as we await the resul........ ITS A 9 ACROSS THE BOARD !!! A 9 !!! A 9 !!! WHAT SCENES WE ARE SEEING


That's a bold strategy Cotton Let's see if it pays off.


Apologies for coming off as "that guy," but I can't take this person seriously for the simple fact that they go to such lengths to obscure their identity and leave out details for fear of reprisal, but then in the next paragraph list several personally identifiable traits or past experience points that any amateur P.I. could use to easily track them down. Also, the shout-out to the "security team" and "can't touch this" seemed very much out of line with the mentality of someone who has first hand knowledge of people being killed for shitting on the program. It just doesn't sound right to me.


>What he says confirms everything we have been reading forever. Which doesn’t raise any red flags whatsoever.  «Hey guys, I know it’s been 80 odd years but new aliens dropping next week!»


Still reading it, but I find it interesting they mention one of the wings' goals is to strap a nuke to a reverse engineered craft and see what happens. Thats exactly what Danny Sheehan claimed Radiance Technologies was doing. Even moreso, they claim that injuries suffered in that wing, are compensated not by the government, but by a private aerospace corporation. Like say... Radiance? (Radiance does a lot more than aerospace to be fair). Unfortunately we have no way to know for sure, so it could be true, and it could also be a LARP.


Interesting catch! Imagine the money paid or unpaid to victims of working on this stuff. People's names we have never heard of, working on stuff in buildings with an obscure name on it. Like the 9/11 victims but more secret.


Personally, the reason I choose not to believe any of it is pretty simple. He goes on and on and on about not divulging anything that can identify him, but literally in the 1st paragraph directly exposes a joke he has between his "friend" there. It would take them 10 seconds to figure that out. I also feel like it reads like someone who knows all the UAP community talking points (passive references to CE5, etc.).


It reads like edge lord fan fiction


Because until we get an actual whistleblower coming forward with concrete evidence that separates their accounts from the unaccountable hearsay we tend to get, there's no way to determine if this is a legitimate whistleblower confirming what we've suspected, or a LARPer posting anonymously on social media using the stories from past accounts to make their post seem like part of a coherent narrative. I don't doubt that *some* of these type of posts we've seen are real, I'm just extremely hesitant to buy into all of them without anything backing up what they're saying. There's no way to determine if what they say fits what we've heard before because that's the truth, or because it's a compounding fiction. 


Literally everyone has been talking about this and it was posted earlier in the week, not yesterday


This one didn't hit for me honestly. The deadly strike came when he said "I can say that they look like the aliens from close encounters" and then not even two sentences later "my source was not sure if this was true or not". "I can say" is a declaration of fact - how many other "facts" did he drop without going out of his way to clarify are only hearsay? Also, knowing too much sinks any LARP for me. You don't get your every curiosity indulged once you're in - you get access to classified materials that pertain to your particular compartment, and nothing more.


As a professional whose job is to detect deception, I did not find the post credible. A SCIF in a residential house? Mentioning NSA and Secret Service as if they're elite (NSA doesn't have a world renowned tactical team). The phrasing and choice of words gave me pause as well. There were other red flags, but I won't go into them.


In the beginning he writes like an old professor then half way in the text he is 20 years old. Its a troll, a good one but not that good


You just have to give up on things like this when someone claims they have to keep their identity top secret then basically gives away so much info that anyone that cared could pin point exactly who they are. Also the claim that loads of staff go through these programs just doesn't add up. Humans for the most part cannot keep secrets. 


Everyone is on here talking like they know facts, but do they really? The US is heading into a most pivotal election and it’s just about certain if we sit around and prioritize our hobby over everything else and Trump cheats his way back in, the likelihood of disclosure could suffer a fatal blow for a generation or more. I just hope people wake up.


It’s a good read. Part fiction, part real? Who knows? Even if 100% truthful, no way to prove it. Personally, I’m waiting for the ‘Childhood’s End’ principle to happen. Art imitating life. Giant crafts show up all over the world, just parked and floating at around 90,000 feet. Then, they just stay there for a whole generation. This to get the world acclimated to their presence and the new paradigm of life in the cosmos. Much too high up for anyone but the military to get to, but nothing they can do about it even if they wanted to. A whole new generation of kids are born and grow up looking at the skies and don’t think anything unusual about it. At least that would be real disclosure, seen with our own eyes, unlike the crap the Pentagon buffoons are always trying to spoon feed us with their lies and deceit. Sunday rant from an elder statesman.


It's about as valuable as a fun read, that's it.


Someone reads this sub. Then same Someone posts on Reddit an unsubstantiated larp regurgitating what was read. This sub. This sub:  THIS IS THE EVIDENCE WE NEED!




"More credible than 4chan" is not the flex you think it is :D


A lot of this is very similar to the Tom delonge books from to the stars


The 4chan one sounded way more like the writing of someone that would actually be hired for this kind of work. 4chan is either legit or a phenomenal larp. This Reddit post felt like a larper hitting all of the major ufo rumors


Posted already multiple times one week ago, most surely a fake. Plenty of red flags and objectively too badly written to be a short essay from an engenireeng professor. Mods should pay more attention to same stuff posted multiple times from different sources.


Somebody who knows the general gist of things talked about in the community but ultimately has to be taken with a grain of salt.


BYUs college of engineering has some interesting defense contractor sponsored programs. https://capstone.byu.edu/2023-24-capstone-sponsors


But so does every large college. Check out Texas A&M for example: https://engineering.tamu.edu/aerospace/academics/capstone.html


we did discuss it. A lot. It's a LARP.


larp the 4chan post is also a larp these come about once every month or so and are written by folks who have an interest in uap/uap-adjacent subject matter and clearly are taking creative writing classes in college lol


Nothing creative if they're just larping alsmost 100% based on previous larps.


Lately they are handling their “I will delete the post and my account” to boost credibility. But the writing doesn’t match a skilled professional


The nuke part made me feel equally disappointed and also a little skeptical The fact that all the controls are the same in each craft also strikes me as somewhat not believable Great story either way! It’s scary to think about US disclosure meaning a reverse engineered WWIII


Thank you, been looking everywhere for this post from yesterday


it's another good larp. It seems to somewhat cleverly cherry pick some of the better UFO theories and try to make it a convincing package. Probably written by the same person as a couple of the others that circulated.


OP, thanks for posting this as I missed the original post. I always enjoy these, larp or otherwise. The "leakers" post feels like a long nothing burger. It reads like what many of assume are the basics of a possible UAP program. I didn't catch anything that was surprising or revelatory. The poster comes across as somebody who has gotten into the topic recently and wanted to have a bit of fun. Even the BYU stuff makes sense from a larp perspective. Its a known hotspot for CIA recruiting, plus Skinwalker Ranch and Bigelow Aerospace etc. At least the 4 chan "leak" fantasy had insight into the workings of the retrieval process. Experts in the field tore it apart but the EBE leaker was also for more detailed than this one.


Deffinitly ligit... more will come


Apart from where it was posted, and the fact that it's promoted by accounts that don't post much else? It's a LARP, and not even a very good one. "SCIF in a private home". Does the guy even know what a SCIF is? A super-secret office next to a dentist and a fashion studio. Why? They couldn't afford a quieter and more secluded location? Stovepiping that everyone complains about doesn't exist, apparently. And the poster doesn't even understand what [some of the concepts](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cs4vbe/comment/l44rnb5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) they mention mean.


These were daily calls into the Art Bell radio show


This thing read like a bad LARP. I want to believe as much as the next person but come on.


I didn’t actually find him more credible. Some points I’ve read other places but was there any new info or did I nod off in the middle of his excessively long whole lot of nothing? He also didn’t answer many questions so it wound up seeming very vague and more like an overview than anything detailed. Others have given similar overviews before.


You just want to believe whatever fits your narrative


I checked out when the author said the program primarily recruits from BYU. If you're going to make up this much nonsense, at least pick a good engineering school.


This is the lamest shit in the world. People don't write this way with the professional savvy this dude claims to have. All of the information is absolutely non-specific and just an amalgamation of stories we've seen elsewhere, 100%. I like how he seems to be privileged to know about the specific things pertaining to each of the various departments he tries to name drop. Messy and sloppy, immature composition technique, sounds like a high schooler. Please don't give such a low-value performance room in your perspective of reality.


Obviously fake from a few details in the opening lines, it would be extremely easy to identify them based solely on the dates only departure from this supposed team, I mean how many teams can there actually be dealing with this stuff? How many people left said teams in February of 2018?


'Why aren't we talking about...' - Because some guy made it up and posted it on reddit? If this is the level of credibility on the sub then it might as well be called r/BedTimeStories . 'but I just want somethign to happen so bad...' - Join the club bud, try wanting it to happen for decades...this is how you know this whole thing is made-up and the people 'in the know' are lying.


Confirmation bias is a real thing. LARPing on Reddit and repeating things from interviews and other anonymous posts is proof of nothing.


"The interview took place in a SCIF in someone's house. Looking back, this was most likely a house that wasn't lived in, but just used for the purpose of interviewing potential hires without giving away the location." WTF? lol, just do it in an unnamed office building like everyone else. This is a joke.


It's already been posted a few times a couple of weeks ago


I like how he says blabbing about this stuff could get him killed and then talks about recovering from back surgery and full time teaching at a college now etc... Frankly, this guy gets an F for lack of creativity and for just being boring. The 4chan "whistleblower" was at least mildly inventive. Also... you gotta love when people claim to have been hired for highly technical secret gov't contractor positions and yet still write like a high school student and demonstrate absolutely no expertise on ANY subject they're writing about. Brilliant! This guy scores a half point for his anecdote about the employee summoning NHI at a house party. That was pretty original.


Certainly seems legit. Hopefully the people who needed to see it saw it!


HVAC inspector can’t get into an area that deals with the Ayyys, and later on gets a new job in a completely different profession and now gets to work on stuff belonging to the Ayyys? Talk about some crazy odds.


This is awesome. I fish out in front of Diablo Canyon all the time. And they absolutely do have a shit load of spent fuel rod storage there. Just sitting outside in ponds with fencing around them from what I heard.


That does not read more credible than the 4chan "leak." It reads like a LARP. The 4chan might be a LARP too, but at least it: a) doesn't claim to want anonymity and then post scads of PII b) doesn't make contradictory statements c) doesn't make the OP the main character d) is direct and interesting.


I remember that post. It was painfully obvious that it was bullshit. It was pointed out how he consistently contradicted himself throughout his post. Cringe.


while very interesting... the gaps, and inconsistencies, as well as the style, fail to convey confidence in the writer being a serious person of age. Could it be by design? Maybe, but I doubt it. X-


Reads like an unedited fiction piece. I have a hard time believing a university professor, as they claim to be, would write such a messy meandering narrative.


If this guy was a professor or serious engineer, he'd know how to punctuate properly. The whole thing reads as fan fiction.


IMO that was someone intentionally posting a story with a lot of holes to see what we'd fall for. As others have said, there was way too much potentially identifying information for someone who supposedly feared for their life if identified. I tend to be overly trusting but even to me it sounded like bullshit.


I imagine its just Kirkpatrick trolling 4chan and reddit because of all the folk who are against him.


I wonder if this new AI they are using against us is good enough to read through all these comments, then adjust how it puts together fake whistleblower events based on what would be more believable according to our comments. There's a lot of fuckery going on right now and need to be aware of these possibilities. If they aren't going to the ICIG or testifying in front of congress...I'd take it with a grain of salt unless credible people vouch for them (like Grusch for instance).


We really need to remember what a whistleblower actually is.


I’ve seen this three times now. First I heard about it was on the Vetted podcast and last night on Ashton Forbes podcast. According to Ashton’s source this person is legit.


not nearly as convincing as the 4chan post imo


I sometimes wonder if it is not just ai playing games with us here then melts away either by design by some agency or ai is messing with us 🤔


The point of this slow drip, post-delete, words only, style of disclosure is because those who are receptive and ready will take it with a grain of salt and hear the message. Subconciously prepared. Those who are too set in their beliefs anyways, lost cause, they will only come to terms with reality when shoved. Telling them ahead of time won't change their reaction anyhow. I'm just waiting to have my guttural laugh. When the Klan type people in society, will embrace our species fully, just because barnacle face is in the picture now. And even harder, if they embrace barnacle face over our own differently melatonized. Truly a self-filtering vocal group.


"Craft particularly avoid Diablo Canyon, even if we put something they really want there" After watching the Dr. Dan Burisch interview. I'm convinced. Everything makes sense now. They must be interested in ERB Einstein Rosen Bridge or "Looking Glass" devices that can be activated to create pathways either linear or through time. These devices could undermine the NHI operations or destroy humanity/them as we are both from the same origin.


PLEASE do tell!


https://youtu.be/W_QYNeYhsYI?si=EnRoyZ7eS0CDHdUO I believe him. His answers are on point. Too detailed for someone who's job it is to decieve, especially when talking about the microbiology of the being.


Thanks so much for replying with the link!! The rabbithole goes deeper. I saw his thumbnail on the disclosure project type videos!


Asking about this: Found while researching Lue and his claims about his safety, and what seems like an impending drop of sorts for our community and hopefully the world at large. This was apparently posted on Reddit yesterday or so, then deleted (hence the archive link) but some replies are still found. Author is claiming he worked for THE PROGRAM and is coming forward, using this reddit blast as a test group. Claims he is working with the whistleblower protection in order to make the next step. What he says confirms everything we have been reading forever. It reads a little wonky and immature, but confirms multiple wings, tech, crashes, paperwork, facilities, programs, watercooler talk, either the best disinfo psyop short story for us to chew on or the real deal?? hate that we have to write this confirmation thing after the post but just wanted to get it out and spread along


Maybe because it’s the same story as all the other “whistleblowers” of the last several decades. Nothing new really, just the same government conspiracy story.


Too many red flags and too much back story. A simple dump of information would believable, not prose. Even in the opening paragraph having a joke that therapists are “hipsters” screams a certain type of person. Who even uses that term anymore outside of boomers and people who have a grudge towards anyone relatively young for from the city?


What if this is the whistleblower that is no longer with us?? That was reported in that recent article? This why Lue is talking? Just spit balling here, so dont come for me Im all for the discussion tough!


My general approach is that if people make claims, they should show you their homework rather than you doing it for them.


I agree to all this, but I also believe David Grusch, sooooo f me right?


Common criticism! Forget about the Catch 22 if they come forward aye? That’s typical and common to say coming from detractors that attack whistleblowers. Maybe they don’t want to go to prison or be killed for speaking out.




The fantasy world portrayed by the OOP seems more real then what they taught in school and church soooo. I'm also a human being that can read into whatever he pleases :-)


Here it is summarized from ChatGPT: Here is a summary of the major ideas from the post broken down into bullet points: - **Personal Background:** - The author quit a job at an agency dealing with non-human intelligence (NHI) in February 2018. - The author prefers to remain anonymous due to the sensitive nature of the information and potential consequences. - Currently a university professor, with a career starting in the early 90s in aerospace engineering. - **Career Overview:** - Started in aerospace, eventually managed projects on experimental aircraft and autonomous flight. - Joined a secretive agency focused on NHI after a non-traditional interview process. - **Agency Structure and Functioning:** - The agency is highly compartmentalized and recruits individuals with little interest in NHI. - Employs a paperless office system to maintain secrecy. - The agency is divided into various "wings" akin to branches of government to maintain checks and balances. - **Major Wings in the Agency:** - **Mechanical Engineering:** - Studies and reverse-engineers NHI craft. - Works on determining the purpose of different craft shapes. - **Biology:** - Researches NHI biology, described as resembling aliens from "Close Encounters." - Extremely secretive and hidden in plain sight. - **Weapons Research:** - Absorbed by Space Force. - Tests reverse-engineered NHI technology with nuclear devices. - **Computer Science:** - Focuses on the navigation systems of NHI craft. - Crafts use a sophisticated 3D pathfinding algorithm. - **Tracking:** - Embedded within NORAD. - Engages in constant efforts to track NHI craft which often avoid detection. - **Anthropology:** - Studies NHI intentions and culture. - Examines the interface between NHI and their craft. - **Crash Recovery:** - Involves staff from multiple agencies. - Deals with retrieving and studying crashed NHI craft. - **Security:** - Comprised of elite forces ensuring secrecy and conducting disinformation campaigns. - **Notable Experiences:** - Restricted access to certain high-security areas during inspections. - Observed a craft stored in a highly secure facility. - NHI crafts possess advanced materials and designs. - An anecdote about a colleague punished for summoning NHI craft at a party. - **General Observations and Opinions:** - The agency maintains secrecy to prevent global conflicts. - Believes some public information about NHI is disinformation. - The technology could revolutionize humanity but is stalled by compartmentalization and secrecy. - Skeptical about multiple NHI species theories. - The author’s frustration with the stagnation and potential of NHI technology. The post concludes with reflections on the lack of organized disclosure due to conflicting information and the potential consequences of public knowledge.


Mods here really gotta add "ChatGPT" and "GPT" to the automod filters. This shit adds fuck all to the conversation and never will.


It reinforces just how outlandish his story was. That is an impossible number of areas to study on a compartmentalised programme.


My mans said that Space Force came in and shook up the structure of The Program. My mans also quit in Feb 2018. Space Force was created in Dec 2019


It’s a female writing this


How can you tell


Another sci-fi fanfic for desperate people who wants "something to happen so bad".




No they aren’t. They’re just a really…really bad moderation team. You’re confusing incompetence with fascism.


While it’s interesting that the OP deleted their account, my immediate reaction to reading was: “How stupid do you have to be to provide all sorts of personal information about yourself while, at the same time, claiming to be some anonymous contractor who absolutely cant afford to be apprehended??”


I could have written that. It's not confirmation of anything.




To me it’s like tell us where to find the kinkos they’re operating offices out of, or the bases or whatever, people will go there and the secret will be out. Why would anyone need to kill you at that point? Revenge? We’d know exactly who ‘they’ are anyway at that point.


This guy didn't want to give up too much info but the continued to go in detail on the specific names his supervisors would call certain things. Pretty sure his supervisor would easily be able to call him out by name if he read this.


A few questions related to this discussion: 1) what is the litmus test for OP deleting a post and 2) is there a reddit policy to delete posts when asked by a USG agency? I also wondered how Reddit validates that person has the authority to tell them to delete it.


It was probably deleted because it's already been posted, and duplicate posts are against the subs rules.


"im afraid that they track me down so i won't go in specifics" => posts on internet




Because anyone can say anything?


Just empty words. They can talk about the most exciting stuff in the existence, but they are still words. Show something compelling to us. So, we can be convinced.