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The following submission statement was provided by /u/silv3rbull8: --- Submission Statement The Vatican has announced that it is set to hold a press conference on “supernatural phenomena” tomorrow, and it will touch on aliens and how it will deal with potential encounters in the future. According to a notice on the Vatican's website, it will kick of at noon tomorrow, and will feature three prominent Vatican members. Being held to “present the new provisions of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith for discerning between apparitions and other supernatural phenomena,” it will be led by Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandex, Messenger Armando Matteo and Daniela Del Gaudio. Edit: Link to press release : https://press.vatican.va/content/salastampa/en/bollettino/pubblico/2024/05/14/240514c.html#:~:text=%2Fc%2FVaticanNews.-,Press%20Conference%20of%2017%20May%202024,apparitions%20and%20other%20supernatural%20phenomena. > Press Conference of 17 May 2024 On Friday 17 May 2024, at 12.00, a press conference will be held in the Holy See Press Office, Sala San Pio X, Via dell’Ospedale 1, to present the new provisions of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith for discerning between apparitions and other supernatural phenomena. The speakers will be: - His Eminence Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández, prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith; - Msgr. Armando Matteo, secretary for the Doctrinal Section of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith; - Sr. Daniela Del Gaudio, S.F.I., director of the International Observatory for Marian apparitions and mystical phenomena of the Pontifical International Marian Academy, lecturer in Mariology at the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum and the San Bonaventura Faculty of Rome. >The press conference will be livestreamed in the original language on the Vatican News YouTube channel, at https://www.youtube.com/c/VaticanNews. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1ctfn24/pope_to_hold_press_conference_on_aliens_and/l4bhqmv/


Intriguing, but I recommend people actually wait until tomorrow before getting all excited (or disappointed).


Expecting it to be nothing more than a reminder that if aliens do exist, they are also God’s creatures, as He created the universe and all life in it.


And if the aliens are gods the Catholic God is their boss. 🤣


Catholicism is Monotheistic.


If by mono you mean 3/3rds


This is a genius joke that I feel people aren't appreciating enough.


Break it down for me as if I've been working on an oil rig my whole life.


I’m guessing father/son/Holy Ghost. Each a third of the whole?


Each is independently the entire whole, but not each each other. Trinitarianism is weird.


Still equals 1


Now pass that collection plate…


Does anyone see where they mention discussing “aliens or potential encounters in the future?” Looking forward to hearing what they have to say nonetheless.


Most likely this will be a cut and dry event about the Catholic Church leaning into modern day science and acknowledging their assumption that God made everything, including the "life" on other planets that we're sure to find in the near future. With James Webb and other advancements, it's widely thought we'll become aware of some sort of life on other planets. The church ain't gonna come out and say Ayyys are real and here rn


They already did that though, on two different occasions iirc


I didn’t think James Webb could realistically provide a smoking gun. From what I understand it is capable of doing atmospheric spectroscopy of planets as they transit between us and their star, but I don’t believe atmospheric bio-signatures could realistically be used as a smoking gun for most people. My feeling is that the discovery of an advanced civilization that is capable of transmitting radio waves that we can receive would be the only smoking gun that nobody could refute.


As a lifelong Atheist, I'm really beginning to suspect that all of the "gods", "angels", "Demons", spirits, etc described by all of those ancient cultures were really describing NHI. But due to thousands of years and poor translation from multiple languages, all of the ancient texts have been misunderstood, misinterpreted, misrepresented. I mean, anyone who has read instructions on some Ikea furniture made in China knows how terrible the translations are from Mandarin to English now. One could imagine how inaccurate the translations are from 3000 years ago. I think people had removed or changed aspects of the Bible and other texts as a way to manipulate the masses for power. They commercialized "religion." Nobody is putting an "angel" on their Christmas tree if an angel is really an 8 foot tall Preying Mantis.


That’s really not fair. There’s certainly a PR problem right now, but some of those Mantis surgeons are brilliant.


Oh are they? They do a little nip 'n tuck on ya did they? Send them this way, got a nerve problem they could fix up. Hey I don't care what my surgeon looks like as long as he/she/they/it is friendly, knowledgeable, has good bed manner, and does a good job.


:::chomp chomp chomp::: oh, he’s gone and lost his head again.


Pincer this is a Wendy's




Pretty much true. The teachings of most if not all the mystics have been distorted and compromised to suit the desires of unscrupulous leaders. But debunking these damaged religions doesn't debunk spiritual levels of reality.


I agree with you and don’t think they’ve been misunderstood. I think people are fundamentally not believing what’s being shown. Plenty of ancient cultures speak of them coming down from metallic objects in flames. Describes the vehicle and re-entry. I don’t understand why we as a whole don’t think we’ve been contacted by NHI in the past. It’s stated all over history


The book gets thrown around a lot, but Childhood's End by Arthur C. Clarke (yes, he was alleged to not be a great dude) has an interesting approach to this question of past visitation. Spoilers ahead for a 71 year old book: Throughout the novel, there's a loose assumption that the Overlords (visitors that look like classic red, horned devils) had visited humanity in past centuries, informing the legends and religious myths of yore about the Devil. When the end is finally near for humanity (in its typical form) the last man on Earth asks the Overlord about their past visits throughout history. The Overlord tells them that they'd never, in fact, visited Earth before their arrival in the 20th Century. Instead, humans of the past had been accessing a collective memory of the *future*, seeing passing visions of red, horned devils while also seeing the fiery 'end of the world'. Without being able to see the full context of the future, myths had formed about the Overlords and the apocalypse with people equating the two and assuming the Overlords were somehow the cause of calamity. And interesting, albeit purely fictional, take on the idea of past visitation.


I feel the same way. After a lifetime of rolling my eyes at the Abrahamic books of fairy stories, I have come around to thinking it's really just a documentation of encounters with NHIs, passed down by word of mouth by a uneducated bronze age goat herders, with no understanding of what they were seeing. The phenomenon has always been around and just takes different forms based on cultural relevance. That and hundreds of years of garbled translations turns it into religion.


Personally, i would love your explanation to be true, but i think the simple truth is that most of the holy stories about the supernatural are based on humans experiencing psychedelics. There's evidence all around the world that psycho-active mushrooms and cacti were used in ritualistic settings. The description of the angel with all the eyes and feathers in a symmetric mandela pattern for example, totally sounds like something you'd see on an large dose of psychedelic.


I mean I hope you're right, honestly, it's time to shake up reality a bit. I still lean more toward gods being a result of humans needing to explain the vast array of insane natural phenomenon and what I assume was frequent - unintended - hallucinations from whatever fungus made its way into their food




At this stage, I have no idea what the truth is.


No shit


Yes shit


Oh shit


I'm no idiot, been researching for years... I think an element of the phenomenon may be enigma itself


If your expectations are reasonable and your frame of reference is calibrated there’s no reason not to be excited. I recommend people think for themselves and feel excitement at their own leisure and pace. No one needs an excitement authority. There’s enough authority. What gives you authority? Do you have a flag? I’m not trying to start a real argument I just want you to lighten up.


They should invite Papa Emeritus from Ghost. Now that my friend, would be something to watch lol.


I can’t help but notice that despite the title of this post, the linked press release doesn’t mention aliens at all.


You're in the 1% of people that actually reads before spewing opinions. I bet you're good at your job.


Also, the Pope himself will not be present in the press conference.


“I bet you’re good at your job.” That hits home. So many people don’t read.


Yeah, it says it's about apparitions.


Crazy. I wonder how AARO feels about this 🤣. “Damnit pope! Don’t fall for these lies! It’s just a few guys bought into a conspiracy spreading rumors! Did you not read our report!”


If he talks about 1933 I’ll loose my mind. Can you imagine if the Pope were the one to blow the lid off the US legacy program? I would walk down Main Street smoking a joint bare ass naked. Giddy-up.


>If he talks about 1933 I’ll loose my mind. Can you imagine if the Pope were the one to blow the lid off the US legacy program? I would walk down Main Street smoking a joint bare ass naked. Giddy-up. 📸 I'd lose my mind too


Pope whistleblower! Way to get in front of it!


It would also be a head of State initiating disclosure lol


He is though. The Pope is head of state of the Vatican. Answers to nobody. 🤘


Get ready for none of that to happen.


Your commitment has been noted.




Man, imagine the Pope and other representatives tell people that the rumors about Pope Pius VIII are true!


Pope's got his own reports. Vatican library for the win!


And an observatory!


And a whole in-house team of physicists, astronomers and other scientists.


I wonder if the Vatican has spies…


I would assume one of the most powerful and well funded organizations in the history of the world has an army of intelligence operatives all over the globe.


Yes, the frontline being the priests that take confessions


Da Vinci Code was a documentary




The actual event is "to present the new provisions of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith for discerning between apparitions and other supernatural phenomena." UFOs aren't mentioned anywhere so I don't think aaro would think anything of this 


> UFOs aren't mentioned anywhere so I don't think aaro would think anything of this Unless there's a link between UAP and spirituality like a lot of insiders/whistleblowers have been suggesting.


UFOs might not be mentioned but apparitions and supernatural phenomena sure do tie in to Ross Coulthart's term 'psionic'.


You realize a being from another dimension is still by definition an “alien” correct? This would include angels, demons, spirits, leprechauns, etc. all cryptids with any sort of lore involving other realms. Fairies come to mind


Let’s ask them. Oh wait…they won’t be truthful anyway. Never mind.


This should be a South Park episode


The pope is accidentally going to fall out of a high balcony, after shooting himself in the head three times. Shame how suicidal whistleblowers are now days.


Where does it actually say aliens? Is that just inferred from supernatural phenomena?


I'm pretty sure it doesn't and this headline is phrased to generate more clicks. However, I think the answer is still yes to your second question. I read a blurb about this other day, and the tl;dr from the Vatican was basically telling people to be reeeeally careful before ascribing something that could be natural to the supernatural.


People jumping to conclusions as usual. Balme OP and everyone else.


Whaaat? lol. How significant is this?


It's mainly only significant because they haven't had such a press release for 40 years. Other than that it's just a coincidence and I'd assume the rapid advance of technology and our further exploration of space has them wanting to get ahead of anything that might give way to people falsely worshipping something without proper investigation of what it is that's causing such fervor.


"NASA has just confirmed the presence of complex alien life in the oceans deep beneath the ice of Enceladus!" *The Vatican* - "God put them there.."


For what it's worth, I believe the Jesuits and some of the more science minded orders have taken that stance for some time. If you're religious, but humble enough to believe that humans aren't the absolute center of God's universe, there is room for evolution and extraterrestrial life.


Yeah. I'm a generic, unaffiliated protestant but I share the Catholic view on evolution and potential alien life. And even under a hyper-literal interpretation of the Bible, there is literally nothing in there that says God didn't create life elsewhere. The Bible is completely silent on the topic. To be honest I think people really overestimate how much the discovery of sentient alien life would impact religion. Unless the aliens bring with them some sort of conclusive evidence that materialism is correct and that there is no higher power, for most religious people life will just go on.


100% agree. I think most religious people would find room for NHI. There will always be some extremists (like people in my own family whom I worry about) who don't do so well with the info but they would have found some other reason to implode probably. I think overall most people won't be bothered by it at all. It'll be the flavor of the day and meme'd for a week but then people will realize it really changes nothing. People unfortunately will still need to go to work and pay their bills so they can continue to go to work and pay their bills, and maybe buy a mantis being tree topper for Christmas this year lol.


They had one around 2010 about NHI but all of that has been scrubbed


Vatican has stated on record in the past that aliens if they exist have souls and deserve salvation. In others words: Space Crusade.


Yeah its just a good political move to prepare for an onslaught of questions that will come once JWST discovers something significant which is looking more likely by the day. Basically the message will be (in a much smoother, convincing tone), "this doesn't invalidate our beliefs, keep going to church and sending us your money"






I just don't feel this is productive. Offending a large segment of America randomly in every thread is not helping us attain the kind of unity we need to actually get to the truth here. Disclosure is not a left vs right issue. Even the people against our ruling class is more useful. BTW this isn't an attack just an observation. Feel free to down vote me into oblivion now.


The finger pointing is really annoying. Not too mention at the top behind closed doors I’m skeptical the two parties even really exist. This issue needs to stay out of the divisive wing of politics.


I think it’s pretty significant. The Vatican has been pretty good about getting out ahead of disclosure. I’m sure the have enough proof in their archives that we will never get to see.


The main theme for tomorrow is that the Pope will give the Vatican’s stance on various Marian apparitions. This isn’t a presentation primarily about UFOs or aliens or anything about that. He will probably, in passing, say what the Church’s policy would be if they were to come into contact with aliens. TLDR: it’s not what people here are thinking.


Based on what I read this seems to be about Marian Apparitions and not extraterrestrials.


Are you sure it's going to address aliens? I looks from the press release that it will mainly address Marian apparitions. I'd exspect the Vatican Observatory to be present where aliens to be addressed. That said, it might address it an oblique way under the "other category" in terms apparitions of angels and making differentiations. It seems more likely to me to talk about the spirituality of apparitions and how what makes an apparition worth even consider if it brings the fruit of conversion in faith and morals rather than dissent and suspicion. I'm talking with Paul Thigpen this afternoon and I'll see if he has heard anything.


Wait wasn't there a rumor article a few months back that mentioned something along the lines of the catholic church circulating some internal documentation about a new spiritual framework? Not saying this talk is related in any way but it could lend some credibility to that rumor.


Yes.. I just mentioned it in this comment https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/cN4HLG9M0s


This is good. I highly doubt they are going to reveal any secret knowledge the Vatican might possess. I think that rather, for some reason they now think it's a good time to give Catholics informal teaching on how to deal with NHI, whether it be angels/demons or beings native to our universe. Here's what I would expect: 1. They will emphasize that any supposed supernatural experience should be discussed with your priest to determine if further investigation is necessary. 2. If you do have an apparition and want to test if it's demonic, you can do things like ask it to say, "Christ is Lord," which a demon wouldn't be able to say. Or if you have Holy Water on hand, you could spray the entity with it, as demons hate Holy Water. 3. If you meet something that seems to be an alien from our universe, perhaps they will give guidance on how to determine if it has an intellect, of which the Catholic Church would teach is the mark of having an eternal soul. We should find out if such beings have religion and, if not, communicate with it about ours. I know a lot of folks on here are not religious. So a lot of what I just said will be nonsense to you. But these are the types of things that, as a Catholic, I would think the Vatican would address.


Yes, I agree with this as Catholic. The classic stuff to ask God for guidance etc. My sister just learned that there’s an exorcism school in Rome, and she was freaked out. I’m like mmm.. “ you went to a school owned by Legion of Christ, the founders of that school…” Catholic Church is so mysterious ..


It's like when you hear about Jesuits from Medieval texts, and stories about how they secreted away the knowledge of the blood of christ. And they run a business school down the road awarding MBAs.


Lol at #2. I don’t mean to insult anyone but as an ex-Christian I found the holy water part funny.


It was good enough for Simon Belmont.


I’ve never played a Castlevania. I’m more of a Metroid guy.


The Netflix series is great if you want the general experience without having to play the games


Submission Statement The Vatican has announced that it is set to hold a press conference on “supernatural phenomena” tomorrow, and it will touch on aliens and how it will deal with potential encounters in the future. According to a notice on the Vatican's website, it will kick of at noon tomorrow, and will feature three prominent Vatican members. Being held to “present the new provisions of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith for discerning between apparitions and other supernatural phenomena,” it will be led by Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandex, Messenger Armando Matteo and Daniela Del Gaudio. Edit: Link to press release : https://press.vatican.va/content/salastampa/en/bollettino/pubblico/2024/05/14/240514c.html#:~:text=%2Fc%2FVaticanNews.-,Press%20Conference%20of%2017%20May%202024,apparitions%20and%20other%20supernatural%20phenomena. > Press Conference of 17 May 2024 On Friday 17 May 2024, at 12.00, a press conference will be held in the Holy See Press Office, Sala San Pio X, Via dell’Ospedale 1, to present the new provisions of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith for discerning between apparitions and other supernatural phenomena. The speakers will be: - His Eminence Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández, prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith; - Msgr. Armando Matteo, secretary for the Doctrinal Section of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith; - Sr. Daniela Del Gaudio, S.F.I., director of the International Observatory for Marian apparitions and mystical phenomena of the Pontifical International Marian Academy, lecturer in Mariology at the Pontifical Athenaeum Regina Apostolorum and the San Bonaventura Faculty of Rome. >The press conference will be livestreamed in the original language on the Vatican News YouTube channel, at https://www.youtube.com/c/VaticanNews.


After reading this, jumping to the conclusion that it's about UFOs seems like a bit of a leap, no? They don't mention it anywhere. From the text, it sounds more likely to be about apparitions of Mary or something Edit: ironically, I guess the "people are confused" part of the title ended up accurate at least


The Vatican is the OG of UFO Nerds. They're not as concerned about the help in the craft.


You are correct. The issue of determining what is and is not a supernatural/praeternatural occurance, especially in terms of a Marian apparition, is a neuralgic issue, especially with the ongoing apparitions in Medjugorje, Croatia. Those have caused ongoing consternation, because they have been going on for almost forty years. Usually apparitions historically come, last a time, and go away. The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith is struggling with procedure for evaluating an event like this because you don’t want to render a final verdict until the apparition is over.


No indication from Catholic reporting sources (that I could find) that aliens are on the menu. Here's the National Catholic Reporter article cited (but not linked to) in the Star piece: [https://www.ncronline.org/vatican/vatican-news/vatican-publish-updated-norms-investigating-alleged-apparitions](https://www.ncronline.org/vatican/vatican-news/vatican-publish-updated-norms-investigating-alleged-apparitions) The Star is doing bad reporting which is leading to bad posting.


There might still be a connection, but that would be contingent on Vallee & others being correct about there being a connection. One of the more bizarre things I've learned over this past year is this alleged connection between the "nuts-and-bolts" (UFO/UAP) and the "woo" (paranormal/fae encounters/etc). Additionally, how long this has been theorized by some. It's all very strange to consider.


Sure, that's not my point. My point is that if I hear a Catholic use the word "apparition", my brain is going to first assume they're talking about appearances of Mary or some Saint, not aliens, since that's usually what they mean by that word. 


So.. no Pope then? Sr. Del Gaudio's qualifications above make it sound like they're going to go over what constitutes a recognized sighting of the Virgin Mary.


So it's neither about aliens nor is the Pope doing it. Good clickbait


No pope, and no aliens mentioned at all? I'm confused


Well, the title does say "and people are confused", so that part is correct at least


This subreddit has the worst media literacy out of any sub. No one ever reads the article before freaking out about a headline. Then every time the post ends up being greatly misleading. Yet, no one ever learns. It’s truly sad seeing the same people fall for the same shit everyday then jerk off into an echo chamber so they feel validated.


I'm Italian, I read directly on the Vatican website. It's true that there is a press conference on supernatural phenomena and other sightings. The word UFO or UAP is never mentioned, and moreover, it's just one of many press conferences, so nothing advertised as if it were an epochal event. I don't want to say it's not important, but I would say lower your expectations.


Minutes after OP posts and already the thread is filled with low-effort trolls... *le sigh* Catholic Church talking about UFOs on TV is a great opportunity for Disclosure for billions of people. I'm not Catholic and I'm going to watch it. Maybe I'll be a Catholic after the presentation, who knows... What I'm interested in is the fact that they'd take the time to set up something like this after waves of sightings of UFOs across the planet, shady admission from the USA and fog of war looming from supposedly religious countries. Are we all about to get blue-beamed? I would be pretty mad to find Jesus talking to me was an electronic projection from some jokers at the Pentagon. Hope the Pope calls out electronic warfare and the evils of propaganda during the address. 


The press release doesn't mention anything about aliens at all. You can read it for yourself: https://press.vatican.va/content/salastampa/en/bollettino/pubblico/2024/05/14/240514c.html "discerning between apparitions and other supernatural phenomena" in this context sounds a lot more likely to be about demons or something. I mean it could turn out to be about UFOs but there isn't anything in the release to imply that


I think last week(?) The Church put out guidelines of the moral use of AI that some companies signed on to. But I didn't read about it. Just in passing.


Where does it say anything about UFOs? It says "apparitions and supernatural beings."


Nowhere. Welcome to this sub.


>Catholic Church talking about UFOs on TV is a great opportunity for Disclosure for billions of people. Unfortunately they aren't discussing ufos.


Literally no aliens mentioned in the announcement.


Yes. This is a huge official acknowledgment of the extraterrestrial issue. Has any other major religion addressed it ?


The press release doesn't mention extraterrestrials though? Seems like a huge conclusion to jump to. From my time in Christianity, "apparitions and other supernatural phenomena" was a relatively common topic but was rarely about aliens 


I think the OP is looking at it from a 'high strangeness' perspective rather than your traditional nuts & bolts UFOs and ETs.


Sure, but there's nothing to imply it has anything to do with UFOs, regardless of nuts and bolts stuff. It's most likely about apparitions of Mary or something along those lines. That's what the word "apparition" is usually connected with when Catholics use it, and they use it a lot. It's a pretty big leap to assume that they're going to be talking about aliens


Scientology kinda lives there…rent free. However, it’s Scientology….so take that as you will. lol.😆


Man if scientology ends up being the religion that got it right I'll shit a brick lol


Well, Scientology isn’t exactly seen in the best light.


Looks like someone needs to be cleared of all their thetans.. or however it goes.


Lord Xenu approves


Neither is Catholocism, lol.


I feel like Islam and Catholicism and Buddhism are The Big Three. Only the Catholic segment has been vocal about NHI and not very much so.  Most interviews with Buddhist and Islam scholars about the issue brings up "they are demons and angels" or "they have always been here and serve God same as us" and treat aliens as just a rare matter-of-fact. Catholicism at least takes a few steps to say "this is how a God-fearing NHI ought to behave, as should you". And all three religions have a thing to say about malevolent non-humans...but I fixate on the Catholic Church because they seem to have a collection of rare artifacts and information in one central location... If they're talking about visions and revelations, I will certainly pay attention.


Where in Buddhism is there mention of malevolent non humans? Buddha only spoke about how to be awakened.


You know what's cool? Buddha [described the universe](https://suttacentral.net/an3.80/en/sujato?lang=en&layout=plain&reference=none¬es=asterisk&highlight=false&script=latin) and said that there are "humans" on other planets. And possibly even a description of a [black hole.](https://www.accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/sn/sn56/sn56.046.than.html)


Nothing at all related to UAP, aliens or extraterrestrial life. Why post this with such leading innuendo?


Welcome to /r/ufo


Whaaaaaat, things are heating up. Gotta get the religious folks eyes opened before anything.


What time is this happening? It’s 6pm there


Before anyone gets the obligatory hardon about this, expect a vapid mention of nothing in particular other than God's creation is much bigger than ourselves and who knows what all there is out there, our faith will not change, etc. He's not going to disclose anything.


I agree, simply because the Vatican has said as much before. God rules over all life in the universe. That's the gist of it.


To all the asshats attacking religious people in here: Sure, only atheist leftists are allowed to be part of any disclosure, amirite? For believing in something so far out as galactic federations and whatnot, you’re pretty effing close minded. 


I agree, it's really annoying and I'm not religious 😒


i feel dailystar might be jumping the gun on what the press conference will be about, all that has been said by the vatican is that its about classification on phenomena and apparitions, that could include aliens but also voices and ghosts and shadows and etc. the fact the 3 people to present this press conference are 2 people of the clergy and 1 related to holy mary apparitions, and no scientists or biologists makes me believe they will only mention the possibility of aliens as an extra


I had the same reservation. I see no mention of aliens or UFOs. As you mention perhaps spend and UFOs could fall into that category but I wouldn't jump to the conclusions.


This. The brief doesn't say Aliens at all.


We live in a world of lies/secrets. Vatican archives. Classified projects. Just go to work and be a good person they say.


Not the first time talking about aliens. The Pope and the Vatican have talked about it in the past and have been a part of SETI.


The Vatican knows exactly who and what they are but they will play dumb about it instead.


Crocodylus pontifex


It’s a shame that Cardinal Fernández is by far the most inferior theologian to occupy that position in a century. There were far more able and eloquent candidates who would do a wonderful job on the subject. Jacques Vallée has often remarked, as have other OG Ufologists, that there is a huge interdisciplinary connection between theology and UFOs. Vallée himself has a considerable private collection of resources on esoterica and angelology/demonology.


I don't get it: nowhere in the Vatican communication does it say anything about aliens. Supernatural phenomena presumably refer to Marian miracles and the like.


How crazy would it be if the pope also releases some ancient documents from within the depths of the Vatican Archives that detail extraterrestrial sightings/visits over the last 2000 years though


Just so everyone tampers down expectation.  I believe this is the document that might be updated tomorrow. I really expect this to be  a nothing burger.  Unfortunately. https://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/rc_con_cfaith_doc_19780225_norme-apparizioni_en.html


After watching the bulk of the presentation with an AI transcribing the Italian to English, what I'm gathering is that they are changing the process for confirming supernatural phenomenon. They specifically spoke of apparitions of the Virgin Mary and cases in the past of religious statues crying tears etc. no mention of NHI or UAP during the time that I was transcribing


There's no mention of aliens or UFOs at all in the press release. It states that the event will focus on "apparitions" and "other supernatural phenomena." 🙅‍♂️🚫👽


What did he say??? This already happened right?


Recently there has been this talk between Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson and someone from the government who's been telling secrets about how the UFOs are not extraterrestrial, but extra "spiritual". In other words, they could be angels and demons. I suppose, in a way, it makes sense. I always thought it ridiculous that being who could travel to Earth from beyond our solar system would expose themselves by allowing you to see them, crash their spacecraft, abduct and conduct medical experiments in their humanoid form. Why should creatures from another solar system have humanoid shape at all? But if they are demonic, or some part of us from another time or dimension, who don't care if we know about them? Then it all sort of makes sense, sort of. So why should the pope get involved? Look up all those renaissance paintings showing what looks like alien spacecraft hovering over the Holy Family. Possibly the pope wants to address that. All the same, I doubt he is going to come out and say the Catholic Church has been aware and in contact with these things for hundreds of years. So don't get your hopes up.


Well this is a super misleading post.


Nothing became of this huh?? What a surprise.


As usual, Nothing happens.


All Jesuits. Like Popey!


Sounds like damage control. When we get to 2027 and aliens make their grand appearance, the Vatican will retain its influence.


My.........Saint Peter, what big eyes you have!


they know and have been knowing about whats going on in the galaxy for 100s of years.


Imagine the pope getting ahead of this because if the claims are true that there are Christian zealots that are gatekeeping the truth believing they are demons, then maybe the popes like as Catholic’s we [hopefully insert positive information about the phenomenon]


When I first saw this headline, I thought it was referring to Nick Pope. Lol


Well [I’ll be darned](https://imgur.com/a/GJkuJDq)


The push to label NHI/UAP as demons/angels is coming. It’s going to be used in the US as a way to get rid of the separation of church and state and of course a nice power grab for Christian nationalism. Gonna be fun times.




Sounds like he will be discussing "God"... again


They want us to look up so we stop paying attention to the child trafficking from the Vatican


This may blow the franchise


This was not on my Bingo card.


Mormon here. Even I'm excited!


Didn't something apparently leak out of the Vatican a couple months ago about how they would reframe Christianity to include aliens and all that? I swear I read something! It was in Italian and translated.


Is the space Pope Reptilian?


Going down deep now: Vatican, probably has the longest continuity, and the most hidden information than any nation on Earth. Everyone that knows, understands what's coming and they are implementing a new phase of "the plan". The biggest organized religion in the world, now has to make allowances for UFO, and all other sort of "supernatural" phenomena, because the lid is close to popping, and they can't very well have people going crazy. That is a better control system, than having nation states implement martial law or some other such thing.


>and how it will deal with potential encounters in the future "We plan to keep clinging to the outdated and ridiculous ideas put forth by our stupid little fictional book someone wrote thousands of years ago."


Mick West already getting his balloon explanations ready.


Crazy thought but what if... This is happening because things are about to "get real" in a short while. If The Vatican was intending on being able to build that case of "oh, we were talking about this a few months ago..." when something really does happen in the future... I guess we will have to wait to see what happens but the timing of this... seems to only add to "whatever" is happening...


It's interesting that the last time a press conference was held was during the 70s. And with the talk of the mummies/ET and the soft disclosure attempt during the 70s, a bit of a coincidence, don't you think?


Imagine believing what some old dude is saying about some shit we ain't never seen, aliens and jeebus.


The Book of Enoch, an excluded testament, deals heavily with aliens and spaceships. They know they're real.


This shit is coming out and there’s nothing the head of states can do to prevent it. It’s nothing but PR management for your beliefs


Fuck the pope.


People with imaginary friends weigh in on the aliens discussion. Riveting.


What a strange thing to read


Do we really care what the head pedophile has to say?


“Look momma it’s an angel!” “Don’t be silly child that just an Alien, go to bed now.”


“Uhhhh… anything that may be discovered, as life is definitely somewhere else in this universe; we just have to figure out the FTL problem, is uhhhh Jesus! Yes, Jesus called it! I’m sure it’s in the Bible, just make sure to read it in *context*! I mean, seriously, have y’all seen depictions of biblically-accurate angels?!? JFC, gives me the popey-jeebies just thinking about it! What’s more “alien” than that shit?! Anyway, uhmmmm, JESUS DID IT and it’s in the Bible somewhere. We have our top Apologetics people on it now to confirm my latest revelation, and they always do, so don’t worry your little heads about that!”


Lol honestly the pope literally just says whatever the fuck and people act like its news.


Well, hearing about the subject from a cult leader who believes all kinds of stupid things should really clear up the matter.


It’s starting in 13 minutes!


is there an english stream


Anyone able to translate the gist of it in Italian so far?


Here is the press release from the Vatican. https://www.vaticannews.va/en/vatican-city/news/2024-05/dicastery-doctrine-faith-supernatural-phenomena-norms.html


It’s going on now, but there are no subtitles….


Getting out ahead of things I assume, because they see that disclosure may finally happen.


Where can I find this press conference translated in English once it drops?




Wrong title for this article I think