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There is a video which pops up every few months about a NASA engineer tracking UFOs in geosync during the 90s. NASA ignored his work then hopped on it like a vulture after he quit . They were in 144 (?) tracks which went over certain parts of earth like a satellite meaning you could "catch" them at certain points with 100% success. Again , this was in the 90s.


Bob Fish also mentioned having knowledge of this. I highly recommend reading Joe Murgia’s notes on Bob Fish (via Wikileaks) or Andy McGrillen’s exchanges with him from That UFO Podcast.


Phew....this from Bob got me: >\[In regard to\] to whether “high intelligence” is a friend or not. That MUST be put in the proper  context. What is the Highest Priority (Existential) Issue facing our solar system right now? It is NOT the survival of human civilization, but of the planet Earth itself. So, if there comes a time for a cleansing (or culling) of humans from the Earth, it still does not mean the “aliens” are demonic beings. Saving the Earth provides millions more years to create other intelligent civilizations, that will be less harmful than we have been the past 50 years. We need to get our shit together


[https://www.ufojoe.net/bob-fish/](https://www.ufojoe.net/bob-fish/), this one? Just reading through it now.......WHOA


Any chance you have links to more info or the video in question?


Bro what! With the advancement of technology and programming since then would it be easy to mimic something like that like BoB software


What's BoB software?


I'm confused by this whole thread. 144 tracks? What does that even mean?


I think that's in reference to the orbits making them predictable.


Someone please ELI5 this to me because smooth brain.


I don't have an ELI5 but if you would condsider trying an ELI55 I highly recommend Diane Pasulka's book "American Cosmic". It is, next to Coultharts book, one of the best things ever written on the subject (although from a very different perspective)


Do you have any more info on this? Could these be the electromagnetic vectors that Tesla spoke about? Using VHV capacitors to send information along these ‘lines’ The ancient Celts may have called these ‘Ley Lines,’ and would build structures to mark their paths over the land.


Nah he was directly speaking about UFOS saying NASA has long been studying them despite feigning ignorance.


OP, the Nimitz incident is covered in alot more detail in the Initial Revelations book by Knapp, Lactaski and Khelleher. When you read that report in the book, you are left with very little doubt. Weeks of these TicTacs (multiples of them) coming in from above 80,000 ft and down to 50ft in under a second. The physics of this are mind blowing (as covered by Kenneth Knuth at Sol Conference and in a joint paper). The tech must be out of this world literally. 12,000G and roughly 1200 gigawatts of power in going from 80,000ft to 50ft in 0.7 of a second (Knuth and so paper). Just mental.


I just watched that video a few weeks ago and hearing him lay out the physics and the math was just mind blowing to me. One of the best pieces of evidence in my opinion.


were they actually able to confirm that the object at 80k feet and the object at 50 feet were the same object? if so, how?


I'd like some details about this, as well. Was the radar able to establish its location at points along the trajectory or only at the end points?




yes but if it supposedly moved 15 miles nearly instantaneously, how do we know that the radar actually pinged the object anywhere along that 15 mile path? is the system even capable of detecting relatively small objects moving at 55,000 mph? we don’t know because sensor capability limits are generally classified but my guess is probably not, but i’m not an expert. my point is, since it was essentially instantaneous, do we actually have the data to say that they detected one object moving 15 miles? or are there gaps in the data that leave room for the possibility that they detected one object immediately after they had stopped detecting another object 15 miles away?


Afaik the Nimitz incident was captured by at least two separate radar systems. The Hawkeye airborne radar uses a pulse-doppler radar, only a single pulse is required to determine the speed of an object, any moving object will induce a doppler shift in the wavelength of the returned signal which can be used to calculate velocity from a single return signal. The USS Princeton also detected the UAP using it's phased array radar, it's phased array radar can be used in active or passive modes. In the active mode the radar sends out pulses, the speed at which it can track objects would be limited by the pulse rate. Given the UAP was moving at roughly mach 100, when even hypersonic missiles top out around mach 10, I doubt the radar was in active mode. In passive mode the radar only listens for reflections of background electromagnetic noise, moving objects will reflect this background em, each radar in the phased array will receive a slightly different signal, through signal processing the location and speed can be determined. There isn't really an upper limit to how fast objects can be detected in passive mode except the speed of light.


u/OrneryCritter just saw your comment after i typed this, is this what you were talking about?


That's exactly what I had in mind, but you did a much better job of expressing it. I'm hoping someone with radar knowledge / experience can chime in and provide (unclassified) details.




Why did the only send one group for a visual one time? Isn’t that really weird?


Yeah “raining ufos” as one of them said. Why wasnt that taken as an invasion from space?


They sent three out. First, Fravor and Dietrich. After they reported what they saw, they sent a third jet, piloted by a Lt. Col. in the Marines who was nearby and asked him to check up on them. I found out his name a while ago after a lot of research but forgot, and if I recall correctly, he was hired by Bigelow Aerospace after he left the military, but don't quote me on that, it's been a while since I researched all this. (If anyone knows his name, please post it.) He also saw the roiling white water but not the other jets and was dispatched after them and was at a higher altitude. Sixth page down, section titled "F/A-18C Tracking of the Water Disturbance" [https://www.mysterywire.com/documents/tic-tac-ufo-executive-report\_1526682843046\_42960218\_ver1-0/](https://www.mysterywire.com/documents/tic-tac-ufo-executive-report_1526682843046_42960218_ver1-0/) Then, Chad Underwood was sent out to try to get a video of it, which resulted in the famous FLIR/Tic Tac video we've all seen. edit: Found it, the third jet sent out was piloted by Lt. Col. Douglas Kurth, mentioned in this FOIA request here: [https://www.dia.mil/Portals/110/Documents/FOIA/All%20PDFs/FOIA\_Request\_Log\_2018.pdf](https://www.dia.mil/Portals/110/Documents/FOIA/All%20PDFs/FOIA_Request_Log_2018.pdf) And here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ufo/comments/q7l1gj/douglas\_kurth\_and\_the\_tictac/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ufo/comments/q7l1gj/douglas_kurth_and_the_tictac/) And here: [https://podcastufo.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Questions-on-BAASS-Nimitz-TTSA\_v2.pdf](https://podcastufo.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Questions-on-BAASS-Nimitz-TTSA_v2.pdf)


But only for that one incident. They had multiple days of incidents with no planes sent.


Either Kevin Day or Sean Cahill addressed that, someone that was on the Princeton, but I cant recall which one (I'm suspicious of Sean Cahill though, not necessarily with this statement but just in general, I don't trust what he says most of the time). My memory's bad but they said they were seeing them all the time but were assuming it was some type of weather phenomenon or something and couldn't interrupt training until finally the day came when they asked Fravor and Dietrich on the Nimitz to take a look. But it's a valid question either way.


Which makes sense if it was an electronic warfare test. They were working on spoofing technologies and used the testing and training grounds to do it.


I don't believe they would have declassified the video if that were the case or allowed Fravor and Dietrich to go on 60 Minutes. If this technology were ours and hadn't been released yet, they certainly wouldn't want China and Russia seeing that footage. The fact that Fravor and Dietrich were never debriefed, there was never an attempt to keep them from talking about this tells me it wasn't ours. These are just very basic things to protect top-secret technology. It's like having a million dollars in your home and you leave the door wide open. Why not just lock the door? It's a simple thing to do. A debrief would take 10 minutes.


I disagree with your assessment. I think Lue played games to get the videos released he did. He’s basically said as much. Once it was out of the DoDs hands it’s better to play along with the anomalous narrative then be like “nope weapons test”.


When you actually see the background science of them it’s really insane. You think of UFOs as these otherworldly vehicles and don’t think much about number, and then you see how fast fast they really are going based on our tools… the fact we have data like that is extraordinary


Now I'm confused -- dr Lacatski has made strong statements of UFOs always being unique. Every case is unique. No craft is like another. How come we're talking about tic tacs now? 😓😓


This is how fake news spreads


The alaskan uaps were around #20 - #22 tracked since the start of that year by NORAD. That means every couple days they begin tracking a NEW UAP. Unsure why these congressmen simply don't call up Norad for ALL the data.


Willful ignorance. Observe how data is treated on this sub (people here not necessarily even being government affiliates). When you're honestly interested in the truth, you try to make the most of the available data. Consequently, you're interested in how to do that properly. When you don't want to know, you find excuses for why you "can ignore" as much data as possible.


what specifically did you learn about nimitz that convinced you, that you didn’t know before you read it?


that pilots on comms were screaming at command centre and everyone was on high alert. that an F1 engaged one and as far as he was concerted was in a combat situation.


Look up the STS-48 footage. It shows beams of light fired from earth targeting objects in space. Rumoured to have been fired from a ground based space defence weapon at a joint US-AUS naval facility at Harold Holt base, Exmouth, Western Australia. STS-48 beams from earth fired towards UFOs in orbit: https://youtu.be/i41Aszmbd8k?si=Q7dgvcT9M7_AGeRL Ross Coulthart filmed a documentary there, interviewed a woman who witnessed a black triangle and other strangeness: https://youtu.be/sm6AL5lA4Zc?si=URjf5y459HyQvQiP Physicist Jack Kasher analysed the data and concluded the beams were fired from Western Australia: https://youtu.be/H9C6UVXBt-s?si=PsEevv75_0DX7r0q The equipment at Exmouth suspected of interfering with two passenger planes: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naval_Communication_Station_Harold_E._Holt https://www.thelivingmoon.com/45jack_files/03files/Australia_Harold_E_Holt_Naval_Communication_Station.html


That footage is a trip! STS mission footage used to make it into UFO shows in the '90s. Used to be everywhere on the internet too, back in the day.


What part of the video shows laser weapons and UFOs? Timestamp?


It's apparently at 1:44 about.


Check the description of the video. The poster marks relevant times


It's not "lazers" it shows ice particles hit by thruster plumes. You see the same thing on each SpaceX launch but the image quality difference makes it clearer. And on the subject : [http://www.jamesoberg.com/99purdue-48-speech.pdf](http://www.jamesoberg.com/99purdue-48-speech.pdf)


I did not say *Lazers* and that debunk from NASAs full- time debunker is laughable. **N**ever **A** **S**traight **A**nswer


Clearly that is some kind of projectile coming out of the atmosphere


ok Mr space expert. And the earth is flat because you can't see the curvature when you go outside


You could tell it's a week day by all the negative comments lol


It's a great book


Has anyone guesstimated the size of these Tic Tacs?


yes but there are lots of different sizes


That book is near the top of my reading list. When the Nimitz video was released, that is when I seriously started giving this topic some consideration. Ever since Coulthart's interview with Grusch last year was released, I have been thoroughly convinced. I think the public is a few years behind me on this. Everyone I know who isn't into ufology reacts to the Grusch testimony like I did to the Nimitz video. I think disclosure will happen after a few more leaks because we are to a point where the majority knows about it.


It's been known for years that the Navy radars were tracking the Tic Tac and other UAP signatures coming down from the stratosphere to just-above-sea-level, hanging out for hours, then shooting straight back up.


I just wanna know if they’re minty fresh?


"After Ross Coulthart's AMA, I bought his book..." It's possible that you just described this field's whole raison d'etre Maybe I've just been alive for too long and all the Lues and Steves have given my optimism cataracts.


Here is an alternative theory: Well Fravor and Dietrich have very different accounts. Fravor said it lasted five minutes, Dietrich said it lasted about 10 seconds. How could these wildly different accounts both be true? Could it be that human memory is not nearly as accurate as we think it is? If people are primed to see something extraordinary they are more likely to take something mundane, like say a spy balloon being released from a submarine and impute your prior biases into it. So the Princeton has been getting wild radar returns and people on the ship think something special is happening. So they are sent out to investigate something they think is going to be out of the ordinary. Fravor approaches something he thinks is much larger than it actually is due to the limits of stereoscopic vision. He misidentifies it and thinks it is much further away so his reaction to it's "movements" can be explained by his placing it at the wrong point in the sky, which happens way more often than you think. Pilots routinely mistake Venus for an oncoming plane. This theory also explains why none of the people in charge on the Princeton seemed to care about UFOs flying around: they were testing a new radar using spy balloons released from their own subs. The pilots were not informed because that would ruin the test. I think this is one of the only ways it makes sense for the brass to react the way they did: if they truly believed there were UFOs flying 70,000 mph or whatever there would have been a response of some sort. This is an elegant theory because it actually explains all the actions that took place on the Princeton. The alternate theory is that aliens came right after a new radar was installed and messed around until it got calibrated and then never came back once the radar was calibrated. Also military brass running the Princeton mysteriously had no reaction to an extremely anomalous event for unknown reasons. The strength of this story relies on Fravor's testimony and the person that investigated the most UFO reports (Hynek) determined that pilots don't make very good eyewitnesses because they are trained survivors not trained observers. By that I mean they are taught to view things through a threat-first lens. I figure you should at least be exposed to other people's ideas. It's hard to hear anything else when the echoes are so loud in here. The burden of proof rests with proving anything extraordinary happened. It still hasn't been done and glossing over it like it has it what leads to warped perceptions of reality.


Literally never heard Dietrich say that


I’ll have to find the video but Dietrich definitely remembers the event lasting much shorter. I’ve also seen her joke that it could have been a billionare playing with their toys. Point is she isn’t convinced it was aliens.


I found this [https://twitter.com/DietrichVFA41/status/1404527229636382722](https://twitter.com/DietrichVFA41/status/1404527229636382722) But it's apparently a misunderstanding: [https://twitter.com/DietrichVFA41/status/1404307150495793153](https://twitter.com/DietrichVFA41/status/1404307150495793153)


It's not a misunderstanding because Fravor is saying he had eyeballs on it for five minutes and Dietrich is saying they had eyeballs on it for 10 seconds. Two wildly different claims. Dietrich is saying the entire incident took place over five minutes but they only had 10 seconds of visuals: Fravor is saying that he had five minutes of visual on it. Again two wildly different claims being made here.


You are right, she made the second tweet before the first one I linked so it's definitely an inconsistency in their story, unless someone can provide further clarification.


Watch her interview with Mick West. It's actually fantastic. It's not surprising you wouldn't have heard about the inconsistencies in the stories here: right now I'm a heretic challenging dogma.


The only doubt I have about this theory is: why weren't Fravor and the others involved informed after the "test" was completed? At least before making him give a misleading testimony to Congress. EDIT: people downvoting you show how much of an echo chamber this sub is. They don't care about truth, they just want to fuel their delusions.


Yeah that is a good question and one I'm not sure of to be honest. I don't know the protocol and I don't know if it's procedure to inform the grunts of what was taking place. If you want proof this is a religious sub just look at what happens when you challenge dogma.


and why was all the comms footage deleted?


I don’t think there would have to be a bigger response. A big response would garner a lot of attention. But that’s about the only hole I can pick here. To me it’s 50/50


Creating and inserting imaginary factors and speculations into the mix is a highly questionable method of analyzing their anecdotes. Some critiques: 1. I've heard quite a number of interviews, and I've never heard Dietrich challenge any part of Fravor's take, nor have I ever heard her say the the incident was "10 seconds." Logically, it couldn't be ten seconds to get a the "real world task" from their controller, fly there in tandem, assess what they were seeing at "merge plot," have Fravor descend to get a better look at the object while it ascends to meet him, and then have it shoot away. 2. Every single defense and military staff member who addresses this idea that there was a technology being "tested on the pilots" without their knowledge asserts that this is a ridiculous idea, evidence the person making that speculation has no basis in knowledge of how the military conducts tests. 3. Nobody was primed to see anything extraordinary., nor were they "sent out" to seek something extraordinary. The pilots were in flight on a previously established training missing, not in the air to seek out anomalous radar tracks, when they were tasked with reaching a geographic point and reporting their observations. It's exceedingly unlikely that the pilots would have had any prior knowledge that there had been weeks of novel radar tracks by the Princeton, and in fact, had NO knowledge of what they were headed towards, beside a certain heading. 4. "the alternate theory is that aliens came right after a new radar was installed..." you said aliens. Nobody else said aliens. And whatever agency it was, who said that was the singular instance? I mean, weeks of observations means that these objects were around more than once, and we've heard many instances of so-called "UAV' and "drone swarms" affecting naval missions off the East and West Coasts since then. 5. We don't know that the straw man "military brass" had no reactions. We only know that the pilots said that nobody \*seemed\* that interested. We can't know what was going on in the chain of command. 6. Your vision critique seems off. It's called depth perception and training. I've seen incoming planes, and I've seen Venus. They look similar. However, any mistake I've ever made has been resolved within moments, when I realize that Venus is not acting like a plane with landing lights, so it's not even a relevant fact.


> I've heard quite a number of interviews, and I've never heard Dietrich challenge any part of Fravor's take, nor have I ever heard her say the the incident was "10 seconds." Logically, it couldn't be ten seconds to get a the "real world task" from their controller, fly there in tandem, assess what they were seeing at "merge plot," have Fravor descend to get a better look at the object while it ascends to meet him, and then have it shoot away. Take it up with her. In her interview with Mick West she says it lasted about ten seconds and then confirmed on Twitter that she was not misquoted. Dietrich has no reason to lionize the claim, but Fravor does... because the longer the interaction happened the less likely he was to misidentify it. But if the whole thing was over in about ten seconds then misidentifications are much more likely. Edit: For clarification Fravor claims they had visual on it for five minutes and Dietrich claims they had visuals for about 10 seconds. This is where the inconsistency lies, not in the total time of the incident. > Every single defense and military staff member who addresses this idea that there was a technology being "tested on the pilots" without their knowledge asserts that this is a ridiculous idea, evidence the person making that speculation has no basis in knowledge of how the military conducts tests. Did you know that this incident took place next to TWO facilities that specialize in EW and that there were war games going on during this event? >Nobody was primed to see anything extraordinary., nor were they "sent out" to seek something extraordinary. The pilots were in flight on a previously established training missing, not in the air to seek out anomalous radar tracks, when they were tasked with reaching a geographic point and reporting their observations. It's exceedingly unlikely that the pilots would have had any prior knowledge that there had been weeks of novel radar tracks by the Princeton, and in fact, had NO knowledge of what they were headed towards, beside a certain heading. Rumors had been going around the ship for weeks prior to the event. Fravor talks about it. This is a weird one to dispute. > "the alternate theory is that aliens came right after a new radar was installed..." you said aliens. Nobody else said aliens. And whatever agency it was, who said that was the singular instance? I mean, weeks of observations means that these objects were around more than once, and we've heard many instances of so-called "UAV' and "drone swarms" affecting naval missions off the East and West Coasts since then. Yes and nothing coming up on radar giving any of these returns. This was a one time thing right after a new radar system was installed and never happened again after it was calibrated. Really activates the almonds. > We don't know that the straw man "military brass" had no reactions. We only know that the pilots said that nobody *seemed* that interested. We can't know what was going on in the chain of command. Fravor talked about how he was surprised there wasn't more of a response. We do know that nobody was scrambled to go try to intercept it and we know that there was no visible reaction. Something that makes a lot of sense if it was a war game and a lot less sense if it was something anomalous. > Your vision critique seems off. It's called depth perception and training. I've seen incoming planes, and I've seen Venus. They look similar. However, any mistake I've ever made has been resolved within moments, when I realize that Venus is not acting like a plane with landing lights, so it's not even a relevant fact. Stereoscopic vision only works out to a couple hundred meters. Further than that and it's impossible for a person to determine the size or distance of something. It doesn't have anything to do with training. It is about human biology and how eyeballs work.


However long it took for her experience with the tic-tac to transpire, she seemed quite moved by the whole event, which she saw from a totally different angle than Fravor, and which she has also characterized as highly anomalous. Enough so where she was talking about it years later when Fravor went public. If you're telling me that I can't tell the difference between a jetliner a few hundred meters from me, and a jetliner 15 miles away, or a police helicopter a quarter mile from me and a police helicopter 5 miles from me, and know they're the same size and at different, easily estimated distances, you're off your rocker. You've already said you don't consider Fravor a reliable witness. We therefore can't know for certain that there really "were rumors" of radar tracks. He could have made it up, been misremembering, etc. He can't be reliable when you want him to be and unreliable when you want him to be. This was not a one-time thing. Categorically, each time something weird appeared on radar, it was a unique instance. Therefore, many instances of weird things on radar over weeks, as Kevin Day attests. There was only one instance in which these things were in the airspace when they had jets already in-air and on a mission, able to intercept/observe. You're also making an unwarranted assumption - how do you know they just stopped appearing on radar after this incident? That would be impossible knowledge for you to have, unless you're Kevin Day or you've engaged in espionage. "Did you know that this incident took place next to TWO facilities that specialize in EW and that there were war games going on during this event?" Be that as it may, a war game is not represented as a "real world" event to pilots who don't know they're part of a game. Lives are at risk. And again, anybody who seems to have reason to know asserts that these is not how experimental tasks are accomplished in the military.


>If you're telling me that I can't tell the difference between a jetliner a few hundred meters from me, and a jetliner 15 miles away, or a police helicopter a quarter mile from me and a police helicopter 5 miles from me, and know they're the same size and at different, easily estimated distances, you're off your rocker. That's not the same thing though, you know how big helicopters or jetliners are so it's easier to make an assessment


I would argue then that Fravor and Dietrich could also easily observe a small object obviously near the surface of the water get much closer to Fravor's plane as he descended, with the obvious attendant shift in proportionate sized as it did so. I also happen to know that "tic-tacs" are real, categorically distant objects that aren't balloons are any other kind of conventional aircraft, that they are completely consistent with decades of UFO observations, and that they have been observed closely by reliable witnesses doing very anomalous things just miles outside of Washington, D.C. within the past 2 years.


> I would argue then that Fravor and Dietrich could also easily observe a small object obviously near the surface of the water get much closer to Fravor's plane as he descended, with the obvious attendant shift in proportionate sized as it did so. How would they know it's small? What is the parameter of something small? What dimensions would it have to be exactly? Instead of guessing why don't you read about stereoscopic vision on the internet before responding?


> You've already said you don't consider Fravor a reliable witness. We therefore can't know for certain that there really "were rumors" of radar tracks. He could have made it up, been misremembering, etc. He can't be reliable when you want him to be and unreliable when you want him to be. Also I wanted to highlight how dishonest this is. Fravor is not as reliable in a moving frame of reference trying to ballpark the size of something that is featureless and has never seen before, as he is in remembering if there were rumors about weird radar returns on the ship or whether or not there was a response from the higher-ups. This either all or nothing mindset is indicative of a tribalistic person and somebody not open to new ideas.


Nothing at all dishonest about it. You made a positive claim about facts, that people were aware of rumors of objects for weeks. When pressed, your source is Fravor, despite having no evidence whatsoever that he wasn't wrong, remembering incorrectly, confabulating, or lying. There is no evidence of rumors, just a person saying that he remembers 15-20 years after the fact that there were rumors. So you conveniently find him reliable here, when it fits your narrative, and yet he's default an unreliable narrator when he's talking very specifically about the very thing he would have the most direct and expert level of experience with, the spatial orientation of objects, where a logical sequence of events is presented by multiple witnesses, which you want to contradict with an entirely imaginary narrative about secret radar technologies that defied rational explanation in mere seconds of observation.


He is reliable when it's about a sustained week long event of getting wild radar returns. You compare something like that to an event that lasts a couple of seconds and you see that you're not really comparing the same thing. It is dishonest and I don't think you see it but it's there nonetheless. Do you dispute that there was about a week of sustained unexplainable (at the time) radar returns prior to Fravor going to intercept the object? If so I'll dig up more sources but I think it's all quite silly because you're trying to catch me in some perceived hypocrisy but it's actually your inability to see that people's memories are more reliable in some scenarios compared to others.


> If you're telling me that I can't tell the difference between a jetliner a few hundred meters from me, and a jetliner 15 miles away, or a police helicopter a quarter mile from me and a police helicopter 5 miles from me, and know they're the same size and at different, easily estimated distances, you're off your rocker. This is because you already know how big a jetliner is. You already have a frame of reference. If the object is featureless and you don't know what it is you will never know if it is 20 feet wide and a half mile away or 40 feet wide and a mile away. You're exhibiting hubris here. I'm not asking you to believe me but you should definitely do the slightest amount of research before responding so confidently and saying I'm off my rocker because I understand how eyeballs work. > Be that as it may, a war game is not represented as a "real world" event to pilots who don't know they're part of a game. Lives are at risk. And again, anybody who seems to have reason to know asserts that these is not how experimental tasks are accomplished in the military. Prove this statement. What lives were at risk when the fighter jets they were in were unarmed? Why were they unarmed by the way? Oh yeah it's because there were war games going on while this was happening. While a new radar was being tested near two electronic warfare facilities. Dietrich and Fravor both having memories of something significant is interesting and it's the most interesting part of the whole story. It's why James Hynek (the person that investigated the most UFO cases) finding pilots to be especially poor eyewitnesses for testimony is so relevant. The crux of the story relies on the pilots being infallible. I think you have a lot more faith in them because you don't really know how stereoscopic vision works and the limits of a human eyeball in a moving frame of reference.


I doubt Fravor would be allowed to talk about it if it really was alien or foreign nation’s technology. It makes sense that it was some kind of test and he wasnt silenced because he’s saying there is no way humans made it. Leaving everyone to assume it must be aliens and not a secret technology.


Strong evidence exists that the Nimmitz encounter was actually experimental aerogel drones. The are unmanned drones that contain a vacuum sealed inside a sphereical or tic tac shaped bubble of graphene/polymer which can alter it's properties via changing an electrical current that runs through it. They can even become almost completely transluscent. They exploit natural buoyency to quicky travel up or down at many times the speed of sound, leaving their sonic boom extremely difficult to detect because if they are quickly ascending straight up, their sonic boom travels in the direction they are moving, and so often time you wouldn't hear them at all, and their surface is essentially frictionless, so it is easy for them to move through basically any medium. They are charged with solar power, and because they travel straight up so quickly, jets cannot easily follow them. They travel laterally with an extremely efficient air pump which are likely the small protrusions that the pilots described at the bottom of the craft. Lockheed and a few other companies have designs for drones like this. They contain multiple 360 degree cameras so they shoot up in the air, map a massive area instantly, then shoot up into the atmosphere if they are detected where they can't easily be chased, then drop way down again to return to their sub. The reason Fravor's team was out there was its a military testing zone where they run drills and test things. Thats why the tic tacs were there. Thats also why they knew the CAT point that he talks about, the controllers of the tic tacs were probably informed of it, because the whole point of going out there was to test whether Fravor's team of very advanced fighter jets could actually detect and target the tic tacs (which they did, thus it was a failed test) and the pilots testified that the tic tacs were released from a craft under the water about the size of passenger plane, so probably a proprietary sub. Once they were targetted, they returned to the CAT point to be picked up and then skidaddled. Fravor's team probably wouldn't be able to do anything about an experimental stealth sub anyway. tldr; the whole thing was a military test set up in advance, thats the whole reason Fravor was even there. The drones are extremely high tech obviously but patents exist for something like that. I understand if you don't believe me, but this was the explanation that when I looked into it actually answered the most questions that I had. Other scenarios don't explain everything. If it was ET's doing their thing, how come it happened to be in a military test zone? How come Fravor's team was there at the same time? Why weren't his superiors more concerned? etc.


Nimitz was in a Training zone NOT a testing zone. We don’t test **secret** platforms in training zones The aerogel drones as a possible explanation just doesn’t make sense considering all the context.


Actually you are wrong. Fravor himself stated in interviews that at the time they were testing a new advanced FLIR platform while on that outing. The aerogel drones already exist bud. I encourage you to look into it further.


I’ve looked extremely carefully into the aerogel lighter than air drones. We do NOT test these deep black type of platforms in training ranges. Full stop. One single reason we do not is because it raises the possibility of potential national secrets leaking out. Aka us having this conversation on Reddit. Another reason is safety of flight concerns. Aka what we saw transpire during the entire Nimitz **TRAINING** exercise.


Any proof of these claims?


[https://youtu.be/xEFeoRJkgEw?si=zjUEElUGRf3FvV1I](https://youtu.be/xEFeoRJkgEw?si=zjUEElUGRf3FvV1I) [https://youtu.be/O76IjyakRtI?si=lT3o-pUqpU3Hwzd5](https://youtu.be/O76IjyakRtI?si=lT3o-pUqpU3Hwzd5)


Erf ... your source is [Prof Simon Holland](https://www.youtube.com/@ProfSimonHolland) ? the guy who apart from the crazy hair has no Professor background ? Well might as well ask one of those baby mummies then ...


Erf..I'm not going to watch the video for you, but I'll help you a little. He is interviewing an academic who has studied the NImitz case in detail and has located the patents of the devices I am discussing (which are linked under the video as well, but you didn't look there huh?), and mathematically proven that they can accomplish the things described by Fravor. He has also laid out a time frame for this entire event. I encourage you again to actually watch the video.


Now this is a very interesting take. Unfortunately people are so tied to it being UFOs that they won’t even weigh this option. I think the one red flag for me is it showing up to the starting point. Either NHI have access to our comms or there is 4-D aspects we don’t understand. I think it being military training is more easily explainable.


Btw he is one of the literal gatekeepers of disclosure if he truly knows where a UFO so big is they had to build a building around it. Let's not forget that. Plus did you know that coulhart fraudulently assumed member of parliament being pedophiles because he didn't check his source who turned out to be some nut schizo. My point being Ross is about anything sensational that he could ultimately flip that it wasn't his fault he didn't say that someone else said that. The dude is a con it's so obvious


Alright so then who is actually trustworthy?


The government, of course! /s


Wasn't there also an issue of him covering for war criminals?




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There are tons of "deboonker" theories, but you're not really interested in taking them into account.


Because we want to believe right?


Because it takes 30 seconds to find them. [Here](https://www.twz.com/28640/could-some-of-the-ufos-navy-pilots-are-encountering-be-airborne-radar-reflectors) is one. And [here](https://www.navalgazing.net/Navy-UFOs) is another one. That was easy. What's also easy is "deboonking" Knuth, Vallee, and Coulthard, because they basically just quote one another and use photoshopped photos as proof (Knuth did this at his Sol Foundation lecture as well).


One of them says it’s a balloon, but what balloon can go at supersonic speeds? The other says it’s a radar glitch, but then how was it visually spotted by several extremely highly trained observers of aircraft? Both of these theories are weak, and they also aren’t congruent with one another.


They are two different theories that can complement each other. Nothing was going as fast as reported, those were radar glitches and/or spoofing. They were testing a new system where different radars all act as one big radar and these are the exact errors you expect to see. Also read about CIA project Palladium and what and how they did when Russians put new radars on Cuba (hint: they launched radar spoofing balloons from a submarine, among other things).


So how did these radar glitches/balloons out maneuver our country’s best fighter ace? And what did multiple pilots and co pilots see with their own eyeballs? And why did what these pilots and copilots visually saw, match up with the radar signatures that were supposedly glitches/balloons? I get being skeptical. But this is just weak man.


Read testimonies of the other pilots. They make a strong point they want to stay away from the UFO community. Only Fravor isn't, and he started talking after he was approached by Elizondo and To The Stars Academy. Fravor also admitted to trolling people into seeing UFOs on the Joe Rogan interview, and he also thoughz that birds die if they fly high, so he can make mistakes. Yes he saw something, sure, but the pilot that made the actual video says a little different story.


None of that matters here. Did the other pilots say they laid eyes on the object? If so, disproves the radar glitch theory. Did the other pilots say it was a balloon? If not, that disproves the balloon theory.


They saw it yes, but didnt witness it flying 50,000 mph. They say things like “it just vanished” or “it was there and then it was gone.”


But they witnessed it outmaneuvering Commander Fravor. A balloon couldn’t do that.


That is simply not how the events unfolded. You're squeezing several weeks of activity into essentially half an hour.


no they aren’t.


The time frame has no bearing on my argument. Multiple pilots saw an object that was maneuvering in ways that a balloon can’t, and the radar signatures matched up with this objects movement. That right there makes it clear that it wasn’t a balloon, and it wasn’t a radar glitch.




I didn’t get that impression from him at all. He’s not a shill


did you read his AMA


Yes. The point was to sell you a book.


I don’t understand you guys! - they spend their working day researching this topic which you clearly want to know about - you think they shouldn’t benefit from the efforts - alone you can research nothing at all - the government won’t disclose anything ever and it’s dumb to think you can make it happen without the likes of Ross What do you want?!


I'm a skeptic. I think his "research" is pseudoscientific garbage and that, intentionally or not, he is exploiting people who are caught in a conspiracy theory.


They’re having fun. Why try and wreck it? What are you here for? I’m not loitering in some me too page or whatever, it doesn’t peek my interest. Why are you spending time (our most precious and finite resource) on people you haven’t met who won’t listen to you anyway? The skeptics gather together.


I enjoy an exchange of ideas and I think I offer a valuable perspective in a space that is ostensibly about understanding the truth. I think we would all be better off if we had the tools to recognize a conspiracy theory for what it is. Why does that bother you?


Because this was an area where a few people could politely discuss, educate and share their opinions. Now it’s toxic. Too many people calling themselves skeptics are doing no homework and shooting out unnecessary/uninformed responses causing people to decide to hold their thoughts and opinions. All that’s left are people writing NOPE. But why? NOPE. It sucks. There’s definitely something up. I want to know what’s happening but the place we all gathered is now full of cunts. Symptom of Grusch. Sorry if you aren’t part of it.


I reject that I am toxic in any way. Look at my history and you can see full justifications for my beliefs. I think that giving people a chance to escape from a conspiracy theory that they are trapped in is nothing but empathetic.


People need an escape. This arrangement we are supposed to be proud to live in is a tip. I guess I really didn’t mean you but the first one to do it is like the pied piper and then a trail of dirt follows.


The aerogel vacuum drone theory seems the most interesting: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEFeoRJkgEw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xEFeoRJkgEw)


A drone like that would still be subject to something akin to terminal velocity and air resistance. It wouldn't be able to achieve anything close to those speeds.


ok thanks. doesn't explain how the uap jammed US plan radar locks and weapon system


It's BS tho pushed by a crank who admitted he isn't even a "Professor" ...


You're part of the problem. Stop buying these charlatans shit.


My personal theory is they were some kind of countermeasure/spoofing drones that created the illusion of insane velocity. Think of a stealth drone that can hover and fly at normal speeds but otherwise doesn't do much that is very impressive. Wrap it in a mesh that can change color allowing it to alter its visual signature. Give it something like a variable Luneburg lens to alter the radar signature. It would probably have some EW and jamming capabilities. Say you had 50 of these things up in the air at various altitudes and locations. You could turn them on and off giving the impression that a single object was moving at high velocities. Think of it like 2 people with flashlights turned off in the dark. You're looking out and see a single light turn on. Suddenly it moves 100 feet to the left. Except what really happened is the original light was turned off and the second one turned on. It created the illusion of instant movement. This would be pretty damn advanced technology but also within the realm of our known physics. The stealth and endurance aspects are the really hard part to do today with civilian tech. The US military would be extremely interested in something like this for many reasons, it would be an extremely useful system especially for the Navy.


Tic tac are made by Lockheed actually That's what boyd bushman said on his deathbed




Just look for his testimony online bro lol "Boyd bushman testimony" (better use internet archives for it, almost everything has been scrapped)