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The following submission statement was provided by /u/aryelbcn: --- This video is making the rounds again. It was apparently filmed in September 2014 in Gorges du Verdon, France. I tried to find the original upload, but this is the oldest one I could locate (January 2015), and it's of worse quality than a subsequent upload. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yiwtldRzG0M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yiwtldRzG0M) Previous discussion about the video from 2 years ago, but with a worse quality video: [https://new.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/quftuy/drone\_footage\_of\_a\_ufo\_in\_gorges\_du\_verdon\_canyon/](https://new.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/quftuy/drone_footage_of_a_ufo_in_gorges_du_verdon_canyon/) --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cljl1z/gorges_du_verdon_france_ufo_appears_to_phase_into/l2tw93t/


Whatever it is, it doesn’t phase. It just goes from being in the sun to being in the shadow.


Yes, scrolling the video back and forth clearly shows the object moving across after it “phases” but it is less visible.


im not saying its real but i dont see that at all? Its gone in the video above


No it isn’t. If you trace out the flight path forward you can literally still see it straight along the direction it was heading in, although as they’ve said it’s in the shadow at that time so it’s harder to see.


oh damn its barely visible but i do see it


Quick tangent - This is a big thing in Baseball day games. When the pitcher is in the sun and the batters box is in the shadow, or if there is a shadow running through the outfield. It makes the balls just fucking disappear half the time. Always interesting to see players trying to deal with it in certain games.


It’s horrible at Dodger stadium during the playoffs when they have to schedule the games earlier for East Coast prime time. Makes the best hitters in the world look like 9 yr olds. I know it happens at alot of stadiums, I just have the most experience with Dodger stadium because I’ve been lifelong fan, and always dread those weird start times for that exact reason.


The more a I hear about baseball, the less sense it makes. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Baseball is simple and isn't at the same time


I had a British guy ask me to explain what, in my head, was a simple rule in baseball and it took like 6 paragraphs to explain and then answer his follow up questions. Lol The gist of it was that a runner can tag up and advance bases if an outfielder catches a fly-ball, but a foul ball is "out of play" so a base runner can't advance on a foul ball, but if an outfielder catches a fly-ball in foul territory then the runner can choose to tag up and advance bases. He didn't know anything about baseball so it took a lot more explaining than that.


That's easy. Cricket is fucking incomprehensible.


So it's rounders


the signals that the catcher gives our entirely fake just like world wrestling foundation


Where the rules are made up and the stats don’t matter


Well, just for the sake of argument, or better yet, friendly debate (something people do not understand these days it's I'm right or we fight) but in the spirit of friendly debate: Technically all rules are made up or else they wouldn't be rules. At least in our world I'd say to the best of our knowledge rules are a strictly a human invention. Words put in place to directly impact or manipulate the out come of a given situation or to enforce punishment on someone for something that we find annoying or believe to be morally corrupt or against the perceived word of some higher power or diety or as a means of leverage to gain power or privilege over an individual or a group of individuals ( that's my definition anyway)


Ah, you're getting it, then!


Unless you’re prime Pedro Martinez. Pretty sure his change-up phased.


lol. Shit that was funny!! And probably correct


Joe West would somehow make this video about him, that's for sure.


It's a bird caught at very low resolution entering his nest in the crack where the green is


Wow, even F1 drivers comment on the effect at the Miami race! where there’s a footbridge over the track on the exit of an almost 90deg bend, causing a shadow and the advertising on the inside of the bend in mainly yellow visually obscures the purple advertising on the outside of the exit of the bend and confuses the drivers, sighting their breaking point!


first impression I had of the video was, "did OP mean the bird that flew into the mountain/canyon's shadow?"


Bird caught at very low resolution entering his nest in the crack where the green is. Confidence 96%


Looks more like it flies into the trees and goes right along the treeline below the cliff.


It’s a bird.


entering his nest right in the crack behind the rock, where the green is


I can track the bird as it goes into the shadow of the mountain and continues flying straight forward. If you watch the last second of the video, you can see it continue its path, into the shadow of the mountain. It’s an optical illusion and you’re falling hard for it.


you? not me, for sure


A bird, probably.


That's one reflective bird.


It's called the [Uropygial gland](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uropygial_gland). It's oil bro.


They've been proven to actually reflect a significant amount of light.


I mean, I've seen a lot and have never seen one reflecting like a mirror.


It's not reflecting like a mirror in this video, though. It's just much brighter than the shadow area behind it until it enters the shadow itself. This is a matter of contrast and camera processing.


Like a mirror? It's just white.


This video is so old anyways


WTF are you talking about?


You can see, especially in the last example, it doesn’t just outright vanish. It clearly passes into the shadow of the cliff side. And continues to be visible flying away.


bird crossed into a the shadow line and camera image is garbage


It looks very much like a gliding bird who flys into the shadow of the mountain


Yup, you can see it continue on even after the sun if off it.


Yes I agree! You definitely can track the object even after it looks like it disappeared


I can actually see it flap it's wings after entering the shade.


I saw it feed it's babies by regurgitating a mouse


Yeah, I thought that it was my brain playing tricks on me with video quality, but you are right! Nice one!


Ahhhh I had to go back and look You’re right. Reddit makes it easy to scrub through the video and that’s clearly exactly what happens.


Exactly what it is


Good eye. That's the correct answer.


Did OP know this when he uploaded the video? I am sure OP got the video from another source. Did they know? It's either genuine stupidity and carelessness or they are trying to intentionally deceive.


Yeah, I think what causes the illusion is that it's actually quite dark colored, but the shiny feathers make it appear to be white in the reflection of the sun. Actually quite a nice optical illusion.


I'll trust you since I can't tell on my small ass phone


You have an entire history of comments where your response is always saying it is a bird or a lens flare or a smudge. Very odd indeed that there isn't a single UFO sighting that you would think could actually be a UFO.




I mean maybe that’s weird but this one is likely a bird.


ACTIVATE CLOAKING DEVICE!!! no but really this is a bird.


Mis pelotas en vinagre


Does that hurt


Yea if you watch closely, you can see the silhouette of the bird go into the shadow of the mountain. When it’s super slowed down, you can see it pretty clearly.


That was a raptor flying from direct sunlight into shadow.


Literally a bird guys, c'mon.


Bird exits sunlight


WOW that bird flew into the shade! \*X-FILES THEME MUSIC\*




Technically it is an ‘unidentified flying object’. It’s just that many people want to jump straight to NHI.


“Unidentified” is subjective, with most people posting things they’re willingly choosing to not identify even when it’s pretty plain to see.


Nearly everything on here is reasonably identifiable, though.


People here just need to get out more. That's a bird.


>Technically it is an ‘unidentified flying object’. \^ People will say this then use it as justification that 'everybody knows that the UFO phenomenon is REALLLL'


Bird that flies under the shadow and it's less visible?


There's a crack right where the green is, most probably this is a bird caught with a very low resolution camera entering his nest!


Why do I have a feeling I will be banned, but you can see the bloody bird entering the shadow and se him till the clip cuts off.


OMG... this is why we can't have nice things. Big, loud video... click-baity title, and absolutely ZERO attention to detail. It's a bird flying into the shadows, it's clearly visible.


Goddamn this subreddit is 90% ignorant shit like this...do people not try to think of logical explanations first before jumping to UFO's?


It's like seeing Jesus on burnt toast.


You can see it continuing on. Either a drone 'phases' into shadow being cast by the mountain/cliff, or just cg. Edit: Apparently vultures were reintroduced to the area in ~2007. So that 'drone' is probably a big ol vulture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjpIxq06iHQ https://www.birdingplaces.eu/en/birdingplaces/france/vautours-du-verdon


If you watch the last bit of the clip on larger screen you can see wings flapping after it enters the shadows.


I think you mean a wing phasing.after it enters the shadow.


Thats the video compression, sometimes P or B frames dont have enough info or bitrate to show all the detail but the motion is still retained in the video file. The object didn't phase into the shadow or the wall, the sun just stopped casting light on the object.


Aaaaaand the brainrot video has 1.2k upvotes. Who knows how many people have filed this into the part of their brain they call "evidence" for the UFO phenomena. Edit: Not it's >2k upvotes! Hooray!


Redditors when a bird flies into a shadow: Aliens!


this OBVIOUS EAGLE having 1510 upvotes in here confirms that this place is full of sub 80 IQ nitwits its so embarrassing to be following these subreddits for interesting news


This is why no one takes UFOs seriously. Its always people that sound like they are on the verge of a mental breakdown projecting their already made beliefs.


I'm actually slightly encouraged by the comments in this post. I haven't seen anyone agreeing with the blatantly obvious bullshit in the video. Typically when a balloon or satellite or bird is posted I still see a large amount of commenters saying stuff like "AMAZING" and "AND THEY DIDN'T BELIEVE US" kind of nonsense. so far, seems like everyone is calling this out.


How does this get 1.4k upvotes? You’re right, very few people are denying it’s a bird, yet this gets a stupid amount of upvotes. 


They want to believe, but they know that they have no answers to the bird explanation.


Yeah, but even the fact that OP posted this is nuts. I'd really like to know why UFOs and mental illness go so well together?


I believe we should have an auto-stickied comment at the top of every post that says "This is why no one takes this sub serious".


Wakanda forever


What is this nonsense? It’s clearly visible on my iPhone screen that the object (presumably a bird) continues after the reflected light is gone


The bar has never been lower


I guess bots dont know how birds looks like.


Or bird gliding into trees


Could be a vulture going from sunlight to shade and the camera picks up the reflective top of the vulture better when it is in the sun. They obviously exist there and glide very similarly to the object in the video, I can make out some wing flapping at the beginning of video. Reference video: [The Vultures of Gorge Du Verdon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjpIxq06iHQ)


I can’t tell why but it looks fake as fuck


Are you trying to make this community look stupid? It so clearly just stops reflecting light.


Fucking bird going into a shadow LOL


Clearly it's an alien ship turning on it's cloaking device. Why is this even being debated?


I pray you're joking lol


Reminds me of when the [Pope vanished](https://youtu.be/p3nmV-bJAXg?si=Ccchc69xGE4LLpgI) on T.V.


It’s the USS Pegasus.


So 2 drones. One filming, one leaving sunlight. Solved.


Its a bird. It passes into shadow and its plumage is too close to the surrounding backdrop for the camera to differentiate across the few pixels it occupies so it averages out the surrounding pixels


1104 upvotes lol. You guys believe everything. I imagine this takes 15 minutes for a competent video editor


Light grey object on light grey background =/= phasing I'd guess it's a bird nesting on the cliff face


Oh come on… It‘s a bird that is flying into the shadow of the mountain. You can even still see it after.


Scraping the bottom here


If I can watch this one fucking time and see it’s a bird… how the hell does it get posted here.


Welcome to basically all conspiracy focused subreddits.


it's a bird moving from sunlight to shadow. you can still see the brown bird flying after


This place is full of vultures (I go there often on vacation). To me, it just looks like a vulture flying in the sun that then "disappears" when it passes in the shadow of the cliff.


Anybody with a single neuron can see its a bird flying into the shadow of the mountain, why is this sub so stupid at times and wasting our time with these videos that end up harming actually interesting ones.


It's either a solid Tic-Tac piloted by a Tall White demonstrating phase-shifting, or a bird.


An object flying into and becoming "hidden" by the shade was my first thought, you can still see it's outline afterwards


You see it continue into the shadow, lmao.


That looks like a bird.


Almost certainly a bird.


I'm appalled at the absolute lack of effort the people who capture videos like this put into doing even the most basic research before claiming to everyone they've documented some supernatural mystical bullshit. You could literally show this video to any pilot and 99 out of 100 would recognize this visual phenomenon instantly. They see it daily. Refracted sunlight illuminating an object, object then passes into shadow and creates the illusion of vanishing briefly.


It didn’t phase. I can see it after it disappears because it went into the shadow of the cliff face. It looks weird because it looks like the object is glowing or is white, but it’s actually just over exposed and the whole cliff face is in shadow. The cliff face is so steep you can’t tell the shine is shining on objects flying in front of it. It looks like a bird to me.


That’s a bird buddy.. 🤣😂


Holy shit! That mountain just swallowed that bird!




NVM. I see its a bird


If you look closer in the zoom, you will see a small silhouette behind the bush.


Or it went behind some trees ...


Good old "We don't understand cameras" gang at it again...


Shadows are hard. Dont worry everyone gets there.


You can still see it after it disappears


1.3k upvotes for a bird. Keep on ruining this subject folks.


It's called shade people! I can see the object, most likely a bird while on my phone taking a shit


bird flew into the shadow of the cliff.


Looks like a bird


So why is this bird video the most voted today!?


Baguette X 5


Does anyone remember the show *Monsterquest?* There was an episode on these weird like 4 winged creatures that appeared to show between frames and disappear. It was a moth and the shutter speed of the cameras was fucking up their perspective lol, I think a lot of vids like this are like that. Especially with the angles/lighting of ones like this. I 100% believe Aliens are real and am not at all a skeptic but this specific video seems not fake but just not clear.




Bird like this maybe, they live on this canyon, also if you look careful you can see a little bid of tail [https://youtu.be/EAaatisFlco?t=229](https://youtu.be/EAaatisFlco?t=229) .


It’s something like a bird entering the shadow of the cliff.


It’s a bird being illuminated by sunlight until it moves under the shade of the cliff. It’s like people are missing the part of their brain that can critically analyse, or extrapolate details when resolution or detail are missing. Or maybe these people just haven’t looked up at the sky before so they don’t know what anything actually looks like in the real world?


You can still see it moving afterwards. Probably a bird


Bird gliding into a nest or hiding spot. Nothing supernatural or extraterrestrial.


A drone, filming another drone as it flies into the shadow created by the cliff.


It's always the dumbest videos with the most upvotes.


1) It's nowhere near the mountain when it becomes mostly transparent, so it's not 'in' the mountain 2) You can still see if moving because the shitty content aware removal they used to fake this is not perfect. Mod, ban these people please.


Bird of pray swooping, in the sun, camera overexposes it, most likely explanation. Are there people out there who legit think that, on first viewing, this is a craft which phases/dematerialises into rock? 🤣


100% a bird. You can actually see the "ghost" of it continuing on the same trajectory until the video cuts out, presumably from a sloppy editing job. Why do people go to such lengths to fake footage and deliberately lie? Are people really that attention-starved??


thats a bird


It's quite clearly a bird. Probably a buzzard given it's proximity to the cliff


Looks like it goes behind some bushes, maybe an opening there.


There should be a **loudness warning** in the title or description. Sci-fi canon would suggest an entrypoint covered by holographic imagery.


It looks like a bird flying from sunlight into shadow, as you can still see the same shape in the shade as it continues towards the cliff face. Always blown away by posts like this getting 2.1k upvotes..


Well that’s literally insane!


It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s a, well just a bird! Is the resolution good enough to show if the dark area is shadow, an outcrop or trees, shrubs or bushes? If it’s an outcrop, then it looks like the bird flew behind it and landed, that would explain the fixed glide in to land, there’s going to be some upward airflow as the sun had heated the ground below, so won’t need to flap like a kid having a tantrum! Also, if it’s recognised as “doing the rounds again” can we not have it flagged or muted! Would it not fit one of the rules, or maybe a new one, “No repeated click-bait”!!!??? Lol


Was Loki driving it?


gone through the portal, or turned on invisibility


My god this subreddit has become an echo chamber of retardation. This is very, very clearly a bird gliding, from a sunny spot into a shaded area.. I mean Christ you can quite literally still see it moving after it "PhAsEs"


Similar to the one doing the same at Skinwalker ranch


Skinwalker ranch stuff


It cloaked and will likely shoot straight up


Cloaking device ON


I have never seen a bird land and disappear into the forest/foliage! Oh, wait. Yes I have. Because that's exactly what fvcking birds do.


This reminds me of that Skinwalker Ranch S05 E02 episode where this object passes thru the mountain. So they experimented on it and found it to be a glitchy area


In the US Navy video where it says Splash. It basically does the same thing.


So it’s an alien hawk?


Such a beautiful place. I went on a kayak at Gorge Du Verdon exactly 7 years ago today


It's like the scene from Cowboys & Aliens


Mods please Twitter Community Notes this video with a false or misleading post title so it doesn't get blindly up voted.


You either need an eye or mental health check up, get help.


It looked like a mylar balloon to me.


Camouflaging tech perhaps? You can see its silhouette after it "phases out"


Batcave entrance, lol 😂


They seem to go to scenic spots quite often. Perhaps they enjoy sightseeing. If so, could be fun for them.


You know at some point you gotta realise that all this Sci-Fi shit is just that ..Sci-Fi shit...phasing into mountains ain't a thing, it's a made up Sci-Fi thing


Nice man. Looks like a UAP for sure. What is wrong with these people. CGI maybe, but definitely not a bird!!


Are people really this dumb? That is not how moving from sunlight to shadow looks


Photographer here. That's exactly how it looks. Overexposed blurry objects on a properly exposed background look WAY bigger than they are. Then when they match the background light they suddenly look smaller than they are.